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A-Yarubi, Qahtan and Lucas, Gary (2009) Measurement of the Film Thickness, Film Velocity and Entrainment Fraction in a Liquid-Air Annular Flow Using a Conductance Flowmeter. In: Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 23-26 February 2009, Malta.

AL-Majali, Faris (2013) An investigation of the integration of business intelligence tools with the roles of performance management of wholesale SMEs in the UK: to enhance decision making that maintains/improves operational performance. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

AL-Majali, Faris and Prigmore, Martyn (2010) Consumers channel choice behavior in multi-channel environments: what are the influences on consumers to choose the online distribution channels over other alternative offline channels. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 98-104. ISBN 9781862180932

Aagela, Hamza (2019) CCRP: A Novel Clone-Based Cloud Robotic Platform for Multi-Robots. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Aagela, Hamza, Holmes, Violeta, Dhimish, Mahmoud and Wilson, David (2017) Impact of Video Streaming Quality on Bandwidth in Humanoid Robot NAO Connected to the Cloud. In: ICC '17 International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing. ICPS: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . ACM. ISBN 978-1450347747

Ababneh, Ahmad (2019) The Enhancement of Arabic Information Retrieval Using Arabic Text Summarization. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ababneh, Ahmad, Joan, Lu and Qiang, Xu (2019) An Efficient Framework of Utilizing the Latent Semantic Analysis in Text Extraction. An Efficient Framework of Utilizing the Latent Semantic Analysis in Text Extraction, 22 (3). pp. 785-815. ISSN 1381-2416

Ababneh, Ahmad, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Arabic Information Retrieval: A Relevancy Assessment Survey. In: ISD2016 Proceedings. ISD, pp. 345-357. ISBN 9788378753070

Abdalla, Gaballa, Ball, Andrew and Gu, Fengshou (2013) Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Ball Bearing Using Advanced Vibration Analysis Techniques. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, p. 224. ISBN 9781862181212

Abdalla, Gaballa, Tian, Xiange, Zhen, Dong, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2014) Misalignment diagnosis of a planetary gearbox based on vibration analysis. In: 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 13th - 17th July, 2014, Beijing, China.

Abdalla, Gaballa M. A. (2017) Planetary gearbox condition monitoring based on modulation analysis. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S., Arevalillo-Herráez, Miguel, Gdeisat, Munther, Burton, David, Lalor, Michael, Lilley, Francis, Moore, Christopher, Sheltraw, Daniel and Qudeisat, Mohammed (2009) Robust three-dimensional best-path phase-unwrapping algorithm that avoids singularity loops. Applied Optics, 48 (23). pp. 4582-4596. ISSN 0003-6935

Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S., Gdeisat, Munther A., Burton, David R., Lalor, Michael J., Lilley, Francis and Abid, Abdulbasit (2008) Three-dimensional Fourier Fringe Analysis. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 46 (6). pp. 446-455. ISSN 01438166

Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S., Gdeisat, Munther A., Burton, David R., Lalor, Michael J., Lilley, Francis and Moore, Christopher J. (2007) Fast and robust three-dimensional best path phase unwrapping algorithm. Applied Optics, 46 (26). pp. 6623-6635. ISSN 0003-6935

Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S., Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2012) Freeform surface filtering using the lifting wavelet transform. Precision Engineering, 37 (1). pp. 187-202. ISSN 01416359

Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S., Lou, Shan, Zeng, Wenhan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2016) Freeform texture representation and characterisation based on triangular mesh projection techniques. Measurement, 92. pp. 172-182. ISSN 0263-2241

Abdullah, Fazil and Ward, Rupert (2016) Developing a General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-Learning (GETAMEL) by analysing commonly used external factors. Computers in Human Behavior, 56. pp. 238-256. ISSN 0747-5632

Abdullah, Fazil, Ward, Rupert and Ahmed, Ejaz (2016) Investigating the influence of the most commonly used external variables of TAM on students' Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) of e-portfolios. Computers in Human Behavior, 63. pp. 75-90. ISSN 0747-5632

Abdullah, Fazil, Ward, Rupert, Catterall, Stephen, Hill, Pat and Wilson, David (2013) An investigation of the factors that influence engagement with CPD within e-portfolios used for accredited Higher Education course. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 80-86. ISBN 9781862181212

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi and Mishra, Rakesh (2006) Computer Assisted Laboratory Instructions: Learning Outcomes Analysis. In: Proceedings of IV international conference on multimedia and information and communication technologies in communication. m-ICTE, Seville, Spain, pp. 330-341. ISBN 8469024698

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi and Mishra, Rakesh (2010) Learning and Teaching Mechanical Engineering Courses with Blended Learning Environment - Higher Order Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 84-91. ISBN 9781862180932

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi and Mishra, Rakesh (2009) Teacher Attitudes toward and Perceptions of Mechanical Engineering Student Performance on CAD/CAM/CNC. In: Learning: the sixteenth international conference on Learning, 1-4 July 2009, University of Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi and Mishra, Rakesh (2010) Teachers’ Attitude towards Integration of Computer Assisted Instructions in Teaching and Learning Process in CAD/CAM/CNC Module. International Journal of Learning, 16 (12). pp. 137-147. ISSN 1447-9494

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi and Mishra, Rakesh (2009) Using Computer Technology Tools to Improve the Teaching-Learning Process in Technical and Vocational Education: Mechanical Engineering Subject Area. International Journal of Learning, 15 (12). pp. 155-168. ISSN 1447-9494

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi, Mishra, Rakesh, Fieldhouse, John D. and Ward, Steve (2006) Effectiveness of Parallel and Serial Integration of Teaching Resources in Laboratory Teaching in Engineering Education. International Journal of Learning, 13 (6). pp. 55-62. ISSN 1447-9494

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi, Mishra, Rakesh, Fieldhouse, John D., Ward, Steve and McComish, John (2006) Effect of integration of computer simulations in traditional teaching methodology. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 1-8.

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi, Mishra, Rakesh, Fieldhouse, John D., Ward, Steve and McComish, John (2007) Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Laboratory Instructions:Learning Outcomes Analysis. International Journal of Learning, 14 (8). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1447-9494

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi, Mishra, Rakesh and Khalaf, Haifa (2010) Teachers’ and Students' Attitudes Towards Traditional and Computer Assisted Blended Teaching and Learning Processes in Mechanical Engineering Subjects Area. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS), pp. 1436-1441. ISBN 9780769541082

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi, Mishra, Rakesh, Khalaf, Haifa and Al Seddiqi, Mohamed (2010) The Effect of Using Computer Technology Tools to Enhance the Teaching-Learning Process in CAD-CAM-CNC Module in Mechanical Engineering Subject Area. In: Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010: Global Conference on Learning and Technology. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Vancouver, Canada, p. 9. ISBN 1-880094-79-7

Abdulrasool, Salah Mahdi, Mishra, Rakesh, Khalaf, Haifa and Alseddiqi, Mohamed (2011) Blended Learning Tools for Teaching and Training in Higher Order of Thinking Skills (HOTS) within Mechanical Engineering Education. In: COMADEM2011, the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, 30th May -1st June 2011, Stavanger, Norway. (Unpublished)

Abdulshahed, Ali (2015) The Application of ANN and ANFIS Prediction Models for Thermal Error Compensation on CNC Machine Tools. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abdulshahed, Ali, Longstaff, Andrew P and Fletcher, Simon (2014) A novel approach for ANFIS modelling based on Grey system theory for thermal error compensation. In: 14th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence. UKCI (2014). IEEE, Bradford, :UK. ISBN 978-1-4799-5538-1

Abdulshahed, Ali, Longstaff, Andrew P. and Fletcher, Simon (2015) The application of ANFIS prediction models for thermal error compensation on CNC machine tools. Applied Soft Computing, 27. pp. 158-168. ISSN 1568-4946

Abdulshahed, Ali, Longstaff, Andrew P. and Fletcher, Simon (2017) A cuckoo search optimisation-based Grey prediction model for thermal error compensation on CNC machine tools. Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 7 (2). pp. 146-155. ISSN 2043-9377

Abdulshahed, Ali, Longstaff, Andrew P. and Fletcher, Simon (2015) A particle swarm optimisation-based Grey prediction model for thermal error compensation on CNC machine tools. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. Euspen, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 369-378. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5

Abdulshahed, Ali, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon and Myers, Alan (2013) Application of GNNMCI(1, N) to environmental thermal error modelling of CNC machine tools. In: The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Technologies. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 253-262. ISBN 9789175018928

Abdulshahed, Ali, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon and Myers, Alan (2013) Comparative study of ANN and ANFIS prediction models for thermal error compensation on CNC machine tools. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance X. LAMDAMAP 2013 . EUSPEN, Buckinghamshire, UK, pp. 79-89. ISBN 978-0-9566790-1-7

Abdulshahed, Ali, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon and Myers, Alan (2015) Thermal error modelling of machine tools based on ANFIS with fuzzy c-means clustering using a thermal imaging camera. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (7). pp. 1837-1852. ISSN 0307-904X

Abdulshahed, Ali M., Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon and Potdar, Akshay (2016) Thermal error modelling of a gantry-type 5-axis machine tool using a Grey Neural Network Model. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 41. pp. 130-142. ISSN 02786125

Abdulwahab, Abubaker (2018) Investigations on the Roll Stability of a Semitrailer Vehicle Subjected to Gusty Crosswind Aerodynamic Forces. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abdulwahab, Abubaker and Mishra, Rakesh (2017) Condition Monitoring of High-Sided Tractor-Trailer Units under Gusty Crosswind Conditions. In: COMADEM 2017, 10-13 July 2017, University of Central Lancaster, UK. (Unpublished)

Abdulwahab, Abubaker and Mishra, Rakesh (2017) Estimation of LTR rollover index for a high-sided tractor semitrailer vehicle under extreme crosswind conditions through dynamic simulation. In: 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC 2017). IEEE. ISBN 978-0-7017-0260-1

Abdusamad, Ayad (2013) Mapping Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) Documents into Rational DataBase Management System (RDBMS) for Condition Monitoring (CM). In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, p. 225. ISBN 9781862181212

Abdusslam, S.A., Ahmed, Mahmud, Raharjo, Parno, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2011) Time Encoded Signal Processing and Recognition of Incipient Bearing Faults. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation & Computing. Chinese Automation and Computing Society, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-098-7

Abdusslam, S.A., Ball, Andrew and Gu, Fengshou (2008) Diagnosis and Prognosis of Machinery Health based on Advanced Intelligent Computations. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival 2008, 25 Feb-13 March 2008, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Abdusslam, S.A., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2009) Bearing fault diagnosis based on vibration signals. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 93-98. ISBN 9781862180857

Abdusslam, S.A., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2010) Bearing fault diagnosis using time encoded signal processing and recognition. In: CM 2010 and MFPT 2010 : The Seventh International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, 22-24 June 2010, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. (Unpublished)

Abdusslam, S.A., Raharjo, Parno, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2012) Bearing defect detection and diagnosis using a time encoded signal processing and pattern recognition method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 364. 012036. ISSN 1742-6596

Abdusslam, Shukri Ali (2012) Detection and Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearing Faults Using Time Encoded Signal Processing and Recognition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abid, Abdulbasit Z., Gdeisat, Munther A., Burton, David R., Lalor, Michael J., Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S. and Lilley, Francis (2008) Fringe pattern analysis using a one-dimensional modified Morlet continuous wavelet transform. In: Proceedings of SPIE: Optical and Digital Image Processing. SPIE. ISBN 9780819471987

Aboaisha, Hosain (2015) The Optimisation of Elementary and Integrative Content-Based Image Retrieval Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Aboaisha, Hosain, Xu, Zhijie and El-Feghi, Idris (2010) Fuzzy Fusion of Colour and Shape Features for Efficient Image Retrieval. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9781862180932

Aboaisha, Hosain, Xu, Zhijie and El-Feghi, Idris (2012) An investigation on efficient feature extraction approaches for Arabic letter recognition. In: Proceedings of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers’ Conference 2012: CEARC’12. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 80-85. ISBN 978-1-86218-106-9

Aboalgasm, Aber and Ward, Rupert (2015) Assessing Creativity: A Test for Drawing Production using Digital Art Tools The concept, application and assessment of digital art teaching as a means of enhancing creative proficiency. In: INFOCOMP 2015 The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation. IARIA, 2015, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 123-129. ISBN 978-1-61208-416-9

Aboalgasm, Aber and Ward, Rupert (2014) Can Digital Drawing Tools Significantly Develop Children’s Artistic Ability and Creative Activity? International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), 4 (9). pp. 45-50. ISSN 2250–3005

Aboalgasm, Aber and Ward, Rupert (2014) Evaluating the Use of Digital Art Tools for Drawing to Enhance Artistic Ability and Improve Digital Skill among Junior School Students. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 8 (10). pp. 3323-3327.

Aboalgasm, Aber and Ward, Rupert (2014) The Potential of Digital Tools in Art Lessons at Junior School Level to Improve Artistic Ability Using Tamazight Fonts. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering, 8 (3). ISSN 2010-376X

Aboalgasm, Aber and Ward, Rupert (2014) The Strategies for Teaching Digital Art in the Classroom as a Way of Enhancing Pupils’ Artistic Creativity. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 8 (11). pp. 3588-3592.

Aboalgasm, Aber, Ward, Rupert and Glazzard, Jonathan (2014) Applying a Modified Technology Acceptance Model to the Use and Assessment of Digital Art Tools. International Journal of Image, 4 (4). pp. 71-83. ISSN 2154-8560

Abobghala, Abdelmenem (2018) ASSESSING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF RAILWAY VEHICLES WITH WHEELSET ACTIVE CONTROL. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abobghala, Abdelmenem, Pislaru, Crinela and Iwnicki, S. (2013) Optimising the energy efficiency of rail vehicles by a novel application of integrated active control method for vehicle traction and steering systems. In: Next Generation Rail 2013, 15 - 16 July 2013, The Crystal, London.

Abouelatta, O.B., El-Bediwi, A., Sakrana, A., Jiang, Xiang and Blunt, Liam (2006) Surface integrity of provisional resin materials. Measurement Science and Technology, 17 (3). pp. 584-591. ISSN 0957-0233

Aboufares, Ghada, Zala, Karina, Mishra, Rakesh and Asim, Taimoor (2016) Effects of Sand Particle Size on the Performance Characteristics of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. In: 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, December 15-17, 2016, MNNITA, Allahabad, U.P., India. (Unpublished)

Abrams, K. J., Hinks, J. A., Pawley, C. J., Greaves, Graeme, Van den Berg, Jakob, Eyidi, D., Ward, M. B. and Donnelly, S. E. (2012) Helium irradiation effects in polycrystalline Si, silica, and single crystal Si. Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (8). 083527-083533. ISSN 0021-8979

Abu Mansour, Hussein Y (2012) Rule pruning and prediction methods for associative classification approach in data mining. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abu Saad, Samieh (2015) The Untilisation of Information Available in a Sensorless Control System of an AC Induction Motor for Condition Monitoring. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abu-Mansour, Hussein, Hadi, Wa’el, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2010) Associative text categorisation rules pruning method. In: Linguistic And Cognitive Approaches To Dialog Agents Symposium, AISB 2010 Convention, 29 March – 1 April 2010, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. (Unpublished)

Abuaniza, Ayman (2015) Thermal parameter optimisation for accurate finite element based on simulation of machine tools. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abuaniza, Ayman, Fletcher, Simon and Longstaff, Andrew P. (2013) Thermal error modelling of a three axes vertical milling machine using Finite element analysis (FEA). In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 87-92. ISBN 9781862181212

Abuaniza, Ayman, Fletcher, Simon, Mian, Naeem S. and Longstaff, Andrew P. (2015) Machine structure simulation using FEA and optimised thermal parameters. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance (LAMDAMAP) 2015, 17-18 March 2015, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Abuaniza, Ayman, Fletcher, Simon, Mian, Naeem S. and Longstaff, Andrew P. (2016) Thermal Error Modelling of a CNC Machine Tool Feed Drive System using FEA Method. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 5 (3). pp. 118-126. ISSN 2278-0181

Abubaker, Azza (2013) Factors Influence Reading From Screen of Arabic Textbook for Learning by Children Aged 9 to 13. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abubaker, Azza and Joan, Lu (2011) E-reading strategy model to read E-school book in Libya. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing. ICOMP.

Abubaker, Azza and Lu, Joan (2012) Investigation effective factors into reading online arabic textbook for learning by children age 9 to 12. In: Proceedings of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers’ Conference 2012: CEARC’12. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-106-9

Abubaker, Azza and Lu, Joan (2011) Model of e-reading process for e-school book in Libya. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research, 1 (3). pp. 35-53. ISSN 2155-6377

Abubaker, Azza and Lu, Joan (2013) Optimal line length for reading schoolbook on screen. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. EDULEARN'13 . International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 3355-3368. ISBN 978-84-616-3822-2

Abubaker, Azza and Lu, Joan (2012) The Optimum Font Size and Type for Students Aged 9-12 Reading Arabic Characters on Screen: A Case Study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 364. ISSN 1742-6596

Abubaker, Azza, Lu, Joan and Wilkinson, Julie (2011) Measuring typographical variables in Arabic script in Reading. In: International Conference on Education and Learning in Mobile Age 2011, 1-2 June 2011, Lake District, UK. (Unpublished)

Abubaker, Azza, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Framework to design new model of E-journals. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2008: CEARC’08. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 93-99. ISBN 978-1-86218-067-3

Abuhabaya, Abdullah (2012) Investigation of engine performance and exhaust gas emissions by using bio-diesel in compression ignition engine and optimisation of bio-diesel production from feedstock by using response surface methodology. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abuhabaya, Abdullah and Fieldhouse, John D. (2010) Variation of Engine Performance and Emissions using Ethanol Blends. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Machine Design and Production. The 14th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Volume . Publisher UMTIK, The 14th International Conference on Machine Design and Production. Güzelyurt, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. ISBN ISBN 978-975-429-282-4

Abuhabaya, Abdullah and Fieldhouse, John D. (2010) Variation of Engine Performance and Emissions using Ethanol Blends. In: Proceedings of the 36th MATADOR International Conference. Springer, London Dordrecht Heidelberg, New York., Manchester University, pp. 413-416. ISBN 978-1-84996-431-9

Abuhabaya, Abdullah and Fieldhouse, John D. (2010) Variation of Engine Performance and Emissions using Ethanol Blends. In: 36th International MATADOR Conference 2010, 14th - 16th July 2010, Manchester, UK. (Submitted)

Abuhabaya, Abdullah, Fieldhouse, John D. and Brown, D.R. (2011) The Effects of Using Bio-diesel as Fuel on Compression Ignition (CI) Engine and Its Production from Vegetable Oils. In: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Environmental, Biomedical and Biotechnology (IPCBEE). International Association of Computer Science and Information Technoloyg (IACSIT), Singapore, pp. 41-46. ISBN 978-981-08-9168-8

Abuhabaya, Abdullah, Fieldhouse, John D. and Brown, D.R. (2010) Evaluation of Properties and use of waste vegetable oil (WVO), pure vegetable oils and standard diesel as used in a compression ignition engine. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference (CEARC'10). The University of Huddersfield, University of Huddersfield, Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers’ Conference 2010, pp. 71-76. ISBN 9781862180932

Abuhabaya, Abdullah, Fieldhouse, John D. and Brown, D.R. (2010) Variation of Engineering Performance and Emissions using Biodiesel Fuels. In: 2nd International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources, 4th-7th July 2010, Ankara, Turkey.

Abuhabaya, Abdullah, Fieldhouse, John D. and Brown, David .R. (2013) The optimization of biodiesel production by using response surface methodology and its effect on compression ignition engine. Fuel Processing Technology, 113. pp. 57-62. ISSN 0378-3820

Abuhabaya, Abdullah, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2014) Combustion heat release models of biodiesels. In: 2nd World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering, 27th - 29th October 2014, Las Vegas, USA.

Aburass, Ali (2016) Diagnostics of fuel injection systems in a CI engine fuelled with biodiesel based on vibration responses. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Aburass, Ali, Yangchun, Guo, Tie, Wang, Fengshou, Gu, Ball, Andrew and Brown, D.R. (2014) Investigation of the Effect of Biodiesel Blends on Fuel Injection Pumps based on Vibration and Pressure Measurements. In: VETOMAC-X 2014, 9-11th September 2014, Manchester Conference Centre (Days Hotel), University of Manchester, UK. (Submitted)

Aburass, Ali, Zhen, Dong, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2013) Combustion Diagnostics of a Diesel Engine with Biodiesel Fuels based on Vibro-acoustics and In-Cylinder Pressure Measurements. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 13-18. ISBN 9781862181212

Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2013) Utilizing Data from a Sensorless AC Variable Speed Drive for Detecting Mechanical Misalignments. In: Damage Assessment of Structures. DAMAS 2013, X . Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Dublin, Ireland, pp. 465-472. ISBN 978-3-03785-796-0

Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Shao, Yimin, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2013) Utilizing Data from a Sensorless AC Variable Speed Drive for Detecting Mechanical Misalignments. Key Engineering Materials, 569. pp. 465-472. ISSN 1013-9826

Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Brethee, Khaldoon F., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2014) Investigating the Effect of Water Contamination on Gearbox Lubrication based upon Motor Control Data from a Sensorless Drive. In: 3rd International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance, 17th - 18th June 2014, Lulea, Sweden.

Abusaad, Samieh, Brethee, Khaldoon F., Assaeh, M., Zhang, Ruiliang, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2015) The detection of lubricating oil viscosity changes in gearbox transmission systems driven by sensorless variable speed drives using electrical supply parameters. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 628. 012078. ISSN 1742-6588

Abusaad, Samieh, Gu, Fengshou, Zhang, R. and Ball, Andrew (2015) Observer-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Mechanical Transmission Systems with Sensorless Variable Speed Drives. In: 28th International Congress of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2015), 1st - 4th December 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Abushaala, Sufyan (2018) Hydrodynamic Analysis and Optimal Design of Pipelines Transporting Spherical Capsules. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Abuzaid, Abdulrahman, Ahmed, Qasim Z. and Alouini, Mohamed-Slim (2015) Joint preprocesser-based detector for cooperative networks with limited hardware processing capability. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22 (2). pp. 216-219. ISSN 1070-9908

Addinall, Katie Anne (2017) The application of advanced metrology techniques to ballistics and toolmark identification. Post-Doctoral thesis, The University of Huddersfield.

Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2002) A reference model for extended enterprise. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2002) A reference model for extended extended enterprise. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas, Kelly, P.F. and Little, David (2004) A reference model for extended enterprise. In: 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT 2004), 11 - 13 May 2004, Pan Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Afzal, Mohammad Suhail (2020) The Influence of Salt Formation on Physicochemical and Electrostatic Properties of Carboxylic Acid Drugs. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Agarwal, V.C. and Mishra, Rakesh (1998) Optimal design of a multi-stage capsule handling multi-phase pipeline. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 75 (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 0308-0161

Agocs, E, Zolnai, Z., Rossall, A. K., Van den Berg, Jakob, Fodor, B., Lehninger, D., Khomenkova, L., Ponomaryov, S., Gudymenko, O., Yukhymchuk, V., Kalas, B., Heitmann, J. and Petrik, P. (2017) Optical and structural characterization of Ge clusters embedded in ZrO2. Applied Surface Science, 421 (Part B). pp. 283-288. ISSN 0169-4332

Agurto Goya, Alan (2009) New Proposal for the Detection of Concealed Weapons: Electromagnetic Weapon Detection for Open Areas. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Agurto Goya, Alan and Sibley, Martin J.N. (2007) New proposal for the detection of concealed weapons. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-8.

Ahfayd, Mostafa H. (2019) Visible Light Communication Based on High-Power LED. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.

Ahmad, Nauman (2021) Effects of Electronic Communication on the Elicitation of Tacit Knowledge in Interview Techniques for Small Software Developments. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ahmad, Nauman, Lu, Joan and Dweib, Ibrhaim (2014) Effects of the Podcast as a Communication Tool on the Elicitation of Tacit Knowledge on Interview Techniques for Small Software Developments. In: "The 2nd International Conference on Applied Information and Communications Technology" - ICAICT 2014, 28th-29th April 2014, Muscat, Oman.

Ahmad, Zibrij (2019) An Empirical Investigation into Innovation in the UK Rail Industry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Ahmed, M., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2012) Fault Detection of Reciprocating Compressors using a Model from Principles Component Analysis of Vibrations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 364. 012133. ISSN 1742-6596

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Ahmed, Mahmud, Abdusslam, S.A., Baqqar, Mabrouka, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2011) Fault Classification of Reciprocating Compressor Based on Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation & Computing. Chinese Automation and Computing Society, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-098-7

Ahmed, Mahmud and Gu, Fengshou (2010) Fault classification using an Artificial Neural Network based on Vibrations from a Reciprocating Compressor. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 92-97. ISBN 9781862180932

Ahmed, Mahmud, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2011) Feature Selection and Fault Classification of Reciprocating Compressors using a Genetic Algorithm and a Probabilistic Neural Network. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 305 (1). 012112. ISSN 1742-6596

Ahmed, Noukhez (2018) Performance Evaluation and Optimisation of Vaneless Diffuser Of Various Shapes for a Centrifugal Compressor. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Akowua, Kwame D.B (2018) Integration of On-Machine Surface Metrology and Machining Process Prediction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Al Thobiani, Faisal (2011) The Non-intrusive Detection of Incipient Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Al-Ani, Mahir and Jupp, Martyn (2016) Switched flux permanent magnet machine with segmanted magnets. In: 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016). UNSPECIFIED, 5 -5. ISBN 978-1-78561-188-9

Al-Ani, Mahir, Lee, Samuel Peter and Allport, John (2017) Integrated electrical machine-turbo machinery. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. ASME. ISBN 9780791850831

Al-Arbi, Salem (2012) Condition Monitoring of Gear Systems using Vibration Analysis. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Al-Arbi, Salem, Gu, Fengshou, Guan, Luyang, Ball, Andrew and Naid, A. (2009) Gearbox Fault Diagnosis based on Vibration Signals Measured Remotely. Key Engineering Materials, 413-41. pp. 175-180. ISSN 1013-9826

Al-Arbi, Salem, Talbot, Chris J., Wang, Tie, Fengshou, Gu and Ball, Andrew (2010) Characterization of vibration transmission paths for gearbox condition monitoring. In: Inter noise 2010 39th International congress on Noise Control Engineering, 13-16 June 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.

Al-Braik, Abdulrahman, Hamomd, Osama, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2014) Diagnosis of Impeller Faults in a Centrifugal Pump Using Vibration Signals. In: Eleventh International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, 10th - 12th June 2014, Manchester, UK.

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Al-Hamad, Salah Madhi Ahmad (2013) Blended Learning System for Further and Higher Education Mechanical Engineering Courses in Bahrain. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Al-Hinai, Sulaiyam and Lucas, Gary (2009) An Impedance Cross Correlation (ICC) device for measuring solids velocity and volume fraction profiles in solids-water flows. In: What, Where, When: Multi-dimensional Advances for Industrial Process Monitoring International Symposium, Tuesday 23 - Wednesday 24 June 2009, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

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Al-Hinai, Sulaiyam and Lucas, Gary (2008) A flowmeter for measuring the dispersed phase velocity in multiphase flow with non-uniform velocity profiles. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2008: CEARC’08. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 55-62. ISBN 978-1-86218-067-3

Al-Jody, Taha (2021) Bearicade: A Novel High-Performance Computing User and Security Management System Augmented with Machine Learning Technology. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Al-Nedawe, Basman, Buhafa, Adel M, Sibley, Martin J.N. and Mather, Peter (2013) Optimum reed solomon code using with dicode pulse position modulation system. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 25-30. ISBN 9781862181212

Al-Nedawe, Basman, Sibley, Martin J.N. and Mather, Peter (2010) Microelectronic implementation of error correcting codes for dicode pulse position modulation. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, p. 184. ISBN 9781862180932

Al-Nedawe, Basman M., Buhafa, Adel M., Sibley, Martin J.N. and Mather, Peter (2013) Improving error performance of dicode pulse position modulation system using forward error correction codes. In: 2013 21st Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR 2013), 26th - 28th November 2013, Belgrade, Serbia.

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Al-Yarubi, Qahtan and Lucas, Gary (2009) Modelling and Measurements of Film Characteristics and Gas Core of Annular Flows. In: What, Where, When: Multi-dimensional Advances for Industrial Process Monitoring International Symposium, Tuesday 23 - Wednesday 24 June 2009, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

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Alabed, Asmaa and Chen, Xun (2008) Grinding knowledge sharing through a knowledge warehouse development. In: 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2008), 9th - 11th September 2008, Brunel University, London, UK. (Unpublished)

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Alaiwi, Ayman Ahmed (2013) The Design and Investigation of an Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Transmission Data Link. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Albarzenji, Dlir (2018) Design, Development and Application of a Novel Seven-Sensor Probe System for the Measurement of Dispersed Phase Flow Properties in Multiphase Flows. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Aldawi, Fouad, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon, Mather, Peter and Myers, Alan (2008) A Low Cost Ultrasonic 3D Measurement Device for Calibration for Cartesian and Non-Cartesian Machines. In: Third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics ISEM 2008, 7th - 10th December 2008, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. (Unpublished)

Aldawi, Fouad, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon, Mather, Peter and Myers, Alan (2007) A high accuracy ultrasound distance measurement system using binary frequency shift-keyed signal and phase detection. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.

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Aldawi, Fouad Juma (2009) A low-cost ultrasonic 3D measurement device for calibration of Cartesian and non-Cartesian machines. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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Ale, Ben, Hanea, Daniela, Van Gulijk, Coen, Lin, Pei-Hui and Hudson, Patrick (2011) Towards an integrated risk model for hydrocarbon industry operation. In: Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management. CRC Press, pp. 1636-1643. ISBN 9780203135105

Ale, Ben, Van Gulijk, Coen, Hanea, Anca, Hanea, Daniela, Hudson, Patrick, Lin, Pei-Hui and Sillem, Simone (2014) Towards BBN based risk modelling of process plants. Safety Science, 69. pp. 48-56. ISSN 0925-7535

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Alegeh, Nurudeen E., Shagluf, Abubaker, Longstaff, Andrew P. and Fletcher, Simon (2019) Accuracy in Detecting Failure in Ballscrew Assessment Towards Machine Tool Servitization. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 8 (5). pp. 667-673. ISSN 2278-0149

Alegeh, Nurudeen Eshiemoghie (2021) Condition Monitoring of Machine Tool Ball Screw Feed Drives Through Signal Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Algadi, Abdualmagid (2017) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Based Investigations on the Flow of Capsules in Vertical Hydraulic Pipelines. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Algasim, Hamad and Fieldhouse, John D. (2010) Performance and emissions of compression ignition engines using waste cooked oil as fuel. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference (CEARC'10). The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 65-70. ISBN 9781862180932

Alghadhi, Mostafa, Ball, Andrew, Kollar, László E., Mishra, Rakesh and Asim, Taimoor (2014) Fuel Consumption Tabulation in Laboratory Conditions. International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology, 2 (4). pp. 29-38. ISSN 2347-6435

Alghadhi, Mosttafa, Ball, Andrew, Gu, Fengshou and Cattley, Robert (2013) Standard drive cycle recreation from general driving behaviour. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 100-105. ISBN 9781862181212

Alghadi, Mostafa, Ball, Andrew, Mishra, Rakesh and Asim, Taimoor (2015) Drive Cycle Optimisation for Pollution Reduction. In: 2nd International Conference on Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering, 10-11 January 2015, Dubai (UAE). (Unpublished)

Ali, Maythem and Lucas, Gary (2013) Optimisation of an Analogue Signal Conditioning Circuit for a Novel Imaging Electromagnetic Flow meter. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, p. 227. ISBN 9781862181212

Ali, Abduladim (2017) Investigate Multilingual Mobile Learning Applications. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ali, Abduladim and Lu, Joan (2014) Internationalisation and Localisation of a Wireless Response System for the Arabic Language. In: Proceedings of the INFOCOMP 2014, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation. IARIA, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-61208-365-0

Ali, Abduladim and Lu, Joan (2016) Internationalization Testing for a Multilingual Based Wireless Response System: A Case Study. In: MOBILITY 2016 : The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources and Users. IARIA, pp. 7-12. ISBN 978-1-61208-479-4

Ali, Ahmed (2021) Axial Clamping Behaviour of V-band clamps at Ambient and High temperature. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ali, Ahmed and Barrans, Simon (2017) Empirical Method for Determining Axial Load Distribution in Joints Formed by V-Band Clamps. In: 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - ICMAE 2017. IEEE, pp. 11-15. ISBN 978-1-5386-3306-9

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Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2014) Applications of Morphological Operations in Surface Metrology and Dimensional Metrology. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 483. 012020. ISSN 1742-6596

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2013) An Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Morphological Filters. Procedia CIRP, 10. pp. 142-147. ISSN 2212-8271

Lou, Shan (2013) Discrete algorithms for morphological filters in geometrical metrology. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Lou, Shan, Abdou, Hussein, Zeng, Wenhan, Jiang, Xiang and Paul, Scott (2017) A Preliminary Investigation on Surface Roughness Assessment of Complex Additive Manufactured Parts Scanned by X-ray Computed Tomography. In: 7th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT 2017), February 7 - 9, 2017, Leuven, Belgium. (Unpublished)

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2010) A Fast Algorithm for Morphological Filters. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, p. 190. ISBN 9781862180932

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2013) Geometric computation theory for morphological filtering on freeform surfaces. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 469 (2159). p. 20130150. ISSN 1364-5021

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2013) Identifying and Characterizing Micro-machining Signatures on Freeform Surfaces Using Morphological Methods. In: Manufacturing the future conference 2013, 17-18 September 2013, Cranfield University, UK. (Unpublished)

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2012) An Introduction to Morphological Filters in Surface Metrology. In: Proceedings of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers’ Conference 2012: CEARC’12. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 7-13. ISBN 978-1-86218-106-9

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2011) Morphological Filters Based on Motif Combination for Functional Surface Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation & Computing, 10 September 2011, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield.

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang, Zeng, Wenhan, Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S. and Paul, Scott (2015) From planar surfaces based on lattices to freeform surfaces based on triangular meshes: an advanced extension of the areal motif method. In: 15th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces, 2-5 March 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. (Unpublished)

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang, Zeng, Wenhan, Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S. and Scott, Paul J. (2016) The use of morphological methods for the extraction of topographical features from complex additive manufactured surfaces. In: MATHMET 2016 - International Workshop on Mathematics and Statistics for Metrology, 7-9 Nov 2016, PTB-Berlin, Abbestr. 2-12, 10587 Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang, Zeng, Wenhan and Paul, Scott (2015) A theoretical insight into morphological operations in surface measurement by introducing the slope transform. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 16 (5). pp. 395-403. ISSN 1673-565X

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiang, Zeng, Wenhan and Scott, Paul J. (2014) Slope transform: a theoretical insight into morphological operations in surface measurement. In: 13th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, 11-14 May 2014, Hangzhou, China.

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian, Bills, Paul J. and Scott, Paul J. (2013) Defining True Tribological Contact Through Application of the Morphological Method to Surface Topography. Tribology Letters, 50 (2). pp. 185-193. ISSN 1023-8883

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2012) Algorithms for morphological profile filters and their comparison. Precision Engineering, 36 (3). pp. 414-423. ISSN 01416359

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2013) Application of the morphological alpha shape method to the extraction of topographical features from engineering surfaces. Measurement, 46 (2). pp. 1002-1008. ISSN 0263-2241

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2013) Correlating motif analysis and morphological filters for surface texture analysis. Measurement, 46 (2). pp. 993-1001. ISSN 0263-2241

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2013) An Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Morphological Filters. Procedia Engineering: 12th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, 10. pp. 142-147. ISSN 1877-7058

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2011) Fast Algorithm for Morphological Filters. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 311. p. 284. ISSN 1742-6596

Lou, Shan, Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2014) Morphological filters for functional assessment of roundness profiles. Measurement Science and Technology, 25 (6). 065005. ISSN 0957-0233

Lou, Shan, Sun, Wenjuan, Zeng, Wenhan, Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S., Jiang, Xiangqian and Paul, Scott (2016) Extraction of Process Signature Features from Additive Manufactured Metal Surfaces. In: 16th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces, 27th-29th June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Lou, Shan, Zeng, Wenhan, Abdul-Rahman, Hussein S., Jiang, Xiangqian and Scott, Paul J. (2017) A Novel Surface Characterisation Strategy for the X-ray Computed Tomography Measurement of Complex Additively Manufactured Parts. In: Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography Conference, 13 July 2017, University of Warwick, UK. (Unpublished)

Lou, Shan, Zeng, Wenhan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2012) Comparison of Robust Filtration Techniques in Geometrical Metrology. In: 18th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC) 2012. IEEE, Leicestershire, UK, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4673-1722-1

Lou, Shan, Zeng, Wenhan, Jiang, Xiang and Scott, Paul J. (2013) Robust Filtration Techniques in Geometrical Metrology and Their Comparison. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 10 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1476-8186

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Lu, Gehao, Lu, Joan, Yao, Shaowen and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Investigation on FIPA Agent Communication Mechanism Based on Web Service. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2008. CSREA Press, pp. 316-320. ISBN 1601320736

Lu, Gehao, Lu, Joan, Yao, Shaowen and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Investigation on FIPA agent communication mechanism based on web service. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2008. CSREA Press, pp. 316-320. ISBN 1601320736

Lu, Gehao, Lu, Joan, Yao, Shaowen and Yip, Yau Jim (2009) A Review on Computational Trust Models for Multi-agent Systems. The Open Information Science Journal, 2. pp. 18-25. ISSN 1874-947X

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Lu, Gehao, Lu, Joan, Yao, Shaowen and Yip, Yau Jim (2007) A review on computational trust models for multi-agent systems. In: Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2007. CSREA Press, pp. 325-331. ISBN 1601320442

Lu, Gehao, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Mobile agent based data fusion for wireless sensor networks with a XML framework. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2008. CSREA Press, pp. 298-303. ISBN 1601320736

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Lu, Joan (2002) Building XML applications in science and technology: XML schema for scientific databases. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002, ICWI 2002, Lisbon, Portugal, November 13-15, 2002. IADIS, pp. 395-402. ISBN 9729027536

Lu, Joan (2003) Building XML applications in science and technology: XML in scientific graphic databases. In: International Conference on Internet Computing. CSREA Press, pp. 237-242. ISBN 1-932415-00-9

Lu, Joan (2014) Classifying product reviews from balanced datasets for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. In: 6th International Conference on Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting. MulGrab 2014 . IEEE, Hainan China, pp. 29-34. ISBN 978-1-4799-7763-5

Lu, Joan (2012) Design, Performance, and Analysis of Innovative Information Retrieval. IGI Global, Hershey, PA , USA. ISBN 9781466619753

Lu, Joan (2009) Editorial: Message From Guest Editor. The Open Information Science Journal, 2. p. 1. ISSN 1874-947X

Lu, Joan (2009) Editorial: XML technologies and Data Mining. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (2). p. 68. ISSN 1874-1339

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Lu, Joan (2013) Information Retrieval Methods for Multidisciplinary Applications. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781466638983

Lu, Joan (2012) Learning with Mobile Technologies, Handheld Devices, and Smart Phones: Innovative Methods. IGI Global, Hershey, PA , USA. ISBN 9781466609365

Lu, Joan (2011) Mobile Assessment System – MES. [Artefact]

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Lu, Joan (2014) The State of Mobile Learning Research in the EU. In: InSITE 2014: Informing Science + IT Education, June 30-July 4, 2014, Wollongong, NSW Australia.

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Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940

Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940

Lu, Joan and Cripps, Nathan (2004) Building XML applications in science and technology: an XML approach to authentication in scientific documents. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, IC '04. CSREA Press, pp. 201-207. ISBN 1-932415-44-0

Lu, Joan and Cripps, Nathan (2008) Understanding XML security with a case study. In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2008. CSREA Press, pp. 291-297. ISBN 1601320736

Lu, Joan and Cripps, Nathan (2009) XML Security in Certificate Management - XML Certificator. The Open Information Science Journal, 2. pp. 10-17. ISSN 1874-947X

Lu, Joan, Cripps, Nathan and Hua, Chen (2006) XML security in certificate management. In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Internet Computing & Conference on Computer Games Development, ICOMP 2006. CSREA Press, pp. 340-346. ISBN 1-60132-005-1

Lu, Joan, Cripps, Nathan, Hua, Chen and Yan, Cao (2005) An approach to XML key management specification in X-certification. In: Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2005. CSREA Press, pp. 488-493. ISBN 1-932415-69-6

Lu, Joan and Fox, Rob (2007) Effectively storing and querying XML. In: Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2007. CSREA Press, USA, pp. 311-317. ISBN 1-60132-044-2

Lu, Joan, Helliwell, Nathan and Jackson, Adrian R. (2003) Investigation into online assessment with XML technologies. In: International Conference on Internet Computing. CSREA Press, pp. 111-117. ISBN 1-932415-00-9

Lu, Joan, Long, Hua, Xu, Qiang and Lei, Qian (2013) A New RSSI-based Centroid Localization Algorithm by Use of Virtual Reference Tags. In: The Third International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation. INFOCOMP 2013 . IARIA, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 122-128. ISBN 978-1-61208-310-0

Lu, Joan, Meng, Zhaozong, Lu, Gehao and Stav, John B. (2010) A New Approach in Improving Operational Efficiency of Wireless Response System. In: IEEE 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2010. IEEE, pp. 2676-2683. ISBN 9781424475476

Lu, Joan, Naeem, Tahir and Stav, John B. (2006) A distributed informaton system for healthcare web services. International Workshop on Web-Based Internet Computing for Science and Engineering (ICSE 2006), 3842. pp. 783-790. ISSN 0302-9743

Lu, Joan and Rahman, Umair (2004) Intelligent search technology for extracting scientific data/documents on web. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, IC '04. CSREA Press, pp. 220-226. ISBN 1-932415-44-0

Lu, Joan and Rahman, Umair (2007) Semantic search technology for information retrieval on the web. International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 225-243. ISSN 1746-1383

Lu, Joan, Rahman, Umair and Chen, Hua (2005) An agent related intelligent search technology on the Web information retrieval system. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005. IEEE, pp. 458-463. ISBN 1-84600-002-5

Lu, Joan, Rahman, Umair and Yao, Shaowen (2005) An agent related implementation on the web information retrieval system. In: Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA 05). IEEE, pp. 215-220. ISBN 0-7695-2316-1

Lu, Joan and Riaz, M. (2004) Building a web-based coupling quotation system in mechanical engineering. In: Advances in E-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on E-Engineering and Digital Enterprise. Wiley, pp. 103-112. ISBN 978-1-86058-467-1

Lu, Joan, Riaz, Mumtaz, Wang, Xujing, Hua, Chen and Yan, Cao (2005) Building XML applications in science and technology: implementing XML-based methodology to viewing analysed medical data. In: Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2005. CSREA Press, pp. 494-499. ISBN 1-932415-69-6

Lu, Joan and Scaramuzza, M. (2003) Building XML application in rich detailed genealogical information. Information and Software Technology, 45 (2). pp. 95-108. ISSN 0950-5849

Lu, Joan, Sundaram, Aswin, Zhaozong, Meng, Arumugam, Vidyapriyadarshini and Lu, Gehao (2011) Mobile Exam System – MES: Architecture for Database Management. In: The International Conference on Education & Learning in Mobile Age - CELMA, 1st - 2nd June 2011, Lake District, United Kingdom. (Submitted)

Lu, Joan and Wang, Lizhen (2009) Efficient Spatial Patterns Mining and Inside Stories. Elliott & Fitzpatrick, Inc., Athens, Georgia, USA. ISBN 978-0-9798786-7-1

Lu, Joan and Weeks, Rob (2009) An Investigation in XML Based Scientific Data Visualization. In: ICOMP'09 International Conference of Internet Computing, 13th - 16th July 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. (Unpublished)

Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2017) Examining Information Retrieval and Image Processing Paradigms in Multidisciplinary Contexts. IGI Global, Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA. ISBN 9781522518846

Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2017) Ontologies and Big Data Considerations for Effective Intelligence. IGI Global, Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA. ISBN 9781522520580

Lu, Kaibo, Lian, Zisheng, Gu, Fengshou and Liu, Hunju (2018) Model-based Chatter Stability Prediction and Detection for the Turning of a Flexible Workpiece. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 814-826. ISSN 0888-3270

Lu, R.S. and Tian, Gui Yun (2006) On-line measurement of surface roughness by laser light scattering. Measurement Science and Technology, 17. pp. 1496-1502. ISSN 0957-0233

Lu, Rong-Sheng, Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Ward, Steve (2006) Grinding surface roughness measurement based on the co-occurrence matrix of speckle pattern texture. Applied Optics, 45 (35). pp. 8839-8847. ISSN 0003-6935

Lu, Wenlong (2011) Modelling the Integration between the Design and Inspection Process of Geometrical Specifications for Digital Manufacturing. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Lu, Wenlong, Jiang, Xiang, Liu, X.J. and Xu, Zhijie (2008) Compliance uncertainty of diameter characteristic in the next-generation geometrical product specifications and verification. Measurement Science and Technology, 19 (10). pp. 105103-1. ISSN 0957-0233

Lu, Wenlong, Jiang, Xiang, Qi, Qufen and Scott, Paul J. (2010) Modeling the integration between specifications and verification for cylindricity based on category theory. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (11). ISSN 0957-0233

Lu, Wenlong, Jiang, Xiang, Scott, Paul J. and Lan, Xiangqi (2009) A Host System for Form Tolerance Specification in the Next-generation GPS based on AutoCAD. In: The 11th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing “Geometric Variations within Product Life-Cycle Management”, 26-27 March 2009, Annecy, France.

Lu, Wenlong, Liu, Xiaojun, Jiang, Xiangqian, Qi, Qunfen and Scott, Paul J. (2010) Categorical data modelling for Cylindricity Consistent with Geometrical Product Specifications Standard System. Proceedings of SPIE: Sixth International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation, 75446S. ISSN 1996-756X

Lu, Wenlong, Qin, Yuchu, Qi, Qunfen, Zeng, Wenhan, Zhong, Yanru, Liu, Xiaojun and Jiang, Xiang (2016) Selecting a semantic similarity measure for concepts in two different CAD model data ontologies. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 30 (3). pp. 449-466. ISSN 1474-0346

Lu, Wenlong, Yu, Nengguo, Zou, Xianglong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhou, Liping and Li, Tukun (2015) Evaluation of MEMS Structures with Directional Characteristics Based on FRAT and Lifting Wavelet. Procedia CIRP, 27. pp. 298-302. ISSN 2212-8271

Lu, Wenlong, Zhang, Po, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhai, Wenzheng, Zhou, Mingzhuo, Luo, Jian, Zeng, Wenhan and Jiang, Xiang (2017) Influence of surface topography on torsional fretting wear under flat-on-flat contact. Tribology International, 109. pp. 367-372. ISSN 0301-679X

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Lu, Zhongyu (2009) An Introduction to Contemporary Computing with XML in Science and Technology, Natural Language Engineering & Machine Learning and Self Adaptive Systems Pervasive Computing. Elliott & Fitzpatrick, Inc., Athens, USA. ISBN 978-0-9798786-3-3

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Lucas, Gary and Mishra, Rakesh (2005) Measurement of bubble velocity components in a swirling gas–liquid pipe flow using a local four-sensor conductance probe. Measurement Science and Technology, 16 (3). pp. 749-758. ISSN 0957-0233

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Lucas, Gary, Wang, M., Dai, Y., Panayotopoulos, Nikolaos and Williams, R.A. (2006) Visualisation of bubbly velocity distribution in a swirling flow using electrical resistance tomography. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 23 (3-4). pp. 321-329. ISSN 0934-0866

Lucas, Gary, Wang, M. and Mishra, Rakesh (2005) Comparison of bubble velocity components in a swirling gas-liquid pipe flow using dual-plane EIT and a novel 4-sensor local probe. In: 4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 5 - 8 September 2005, Aizu, Japan. (Unpublished)

Lucas, Gary, Wang, M., Mishra, Rakesh, Dai, Y. and Panatyapolous, N. (2004) Comparison Of gas velocity And volume fraction profiles from a dual-plane ERT system with profiles from a local conductance probe. In: 3rd international symposium on process tomography, 9 - 10 September 2004, Poland. (Unpublished)

Lucas, Gary and Zhao, X. (2013) Large probe arrays for measuring mean and time dependent local oil volume fraction and local oil velocity component distributions in inclined oil-in-water flows. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 32. pp. 76-83. ISSN 0955-5986

Lucas, Gary, Zhao, Xin and Pradhan, Suman (2011) Optimisation of four-sensor probes for measuring bubble velocity components in bubbly air–water and oil–water flows. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 22 (1). pp. 50-63. ISSN 0955-5986

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Luo, Xichun, Goel, Saurav and Reuben, Robert L. (2012) A quantitative assessment of nanometric machinability of major polytypes of single crystal silicon carbide. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (12). pp. 3423-3434. ISSN 09552219

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Radhi, H.E. and Barrans, Simon (2013) Diversity metric assessment for multi-objective optimization. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 171-175. ISBN 9781862181212

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