Wallis, Rory and Lee, Hyunkook (2015) Directional bands revisited. In: 138th Annual AES Convention, 7th-10th May 2015, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

Listening tests were undertaken as part of a comprehensive analysis of directional bands. The effects of frequency,
loudspeaker position, signal duration and bandwidth were all considered. The results confirmed the existence of
directional bands for 1, 4 and 8 kHz 1/3-octave band bursts. A relationship between pitch and height was also
observed. Bandwidth was found to have a variable effect on localisation, depending on frequency, indicating that the
spectral cues used in vertical localisation are not of equal bandwidth. Loudspeaker position and signal duration also
had some influence on localisation judgments although this was found to be somewhat erratic.

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