Group by: Date | Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
Number of items at this level: 521.

Cowton, Christopher J. and Crisp, Roger, eds. (1999) Business ethics: perspectives on the practice of theory. Oxford University Press, London. ISBN 9780198290315

Paliwoda, S., Wright, Len Tiu, Abbott, Julie and Stone, M., eds. (2002) E-business: proceedings of the e-business conference. De Montfort University. ISBN 9781857213492

O'Brien, Mark, Hands, D. and Williams, A.J., eds. (2006) Proceedings: D2B - the 1st International Design Management symposium, Shanghai 2006. Adelphi Research Institute for Creative Arts and Sciences, University of Salford, Salford. ISBN 9780955233814

Cowton, Christopher J. and Haase, Michaela, eds. (2008) Trends in Business and Economic Ethics. Springer. ISBN 9783540794714

Abdelkader, Ahmed, Jackson, Howard and Cook, John (2010) Determinants and Antecedents of Relationship Marketing Orientation. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 1 (4). pp. 22-43. ISSN 1947-9247

Abele, J., Wright, Len Tiu and Pickton, D. (2004) A 'model' comparison in brand valuation. In: Academy of Marketing Conference : Virtue in Marketing, 8th July 2004, University of Gloucestershire. (Unpublished)

Abele, J., Wright, Len Tiu and Starkey, M. (2004) The context of customer value management. In: Academy of Marketing Conference : Virtue in Marketing, 8th July 2004, University of Gloucestershire. (Unpublished)

Ahmed, Al-Abdin, Roy, Taposh and Nicholson, John (2017) Researching corporate social responsibility in the Middle East: the current state and future directions. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. ISSN 1535-3958

Ahmed, Musbah (2010) The Role of Individual Variables, Organizational Variables, and Moral Intensity Dimensions in Accountants’ Ethical Decision Making: A Study of Management Accounting in Libya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ahmed, Pervaiz K., Hardaker, Glenn and Carpenter, Martin (1996) Integrated flexibility—Key to competition in a turbulent environment. Long Range Planning, 29 (4). pp. 562-571. ISSN 00246301

Ahmouda, Ibrahim (2015) An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in Libya: Locational Determinants and Local Backward Linkages. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Akroush, Mamoun Nadim Awwad (2003) An integrated approach to marketing strategy formulation and implementation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Akume, Benson (2016) Determinants of family business sustainability: evidence from Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Al Khattab, Adel, Anchor, J.R and Davies, Eleanor M.M. (2006) Institutionalisation of Political Risk Assessment in International Business. In: 5th International Conference on Money, Investment and Risk, 2nd - 3rd November 2006, Nottingham Trent University, UK. (Unpublished)

Al Khattab, Adel, Anchor, J.R and Davies, Eleanor M.M. (2008) Managerial Practices of Political Risk Assessment in Jordanian International Business. Risk Management, 10 (2). pp. 135-152. ISSN 14603799

Al Khattab, Adel, Anchor, J.R and Davies, Eleanor M.M. (2007) Managerial perceptions of political risk in international projects. International Journal of Project Management, 25 (7). pp. 734-743. ISSN 02637863

Al Khattab, Adel, Anchor, J.R and Davies, Eleanor M.M. (2006) Techniques of Political Risk Assessment: Analysis of the Experience of International Firms. In: 5th International Conference on Money, Investment and Risk, 2nd - 3rd November 2006, Nottingham Trent University, UK. (Unpublished)

Al Khattab, Adel, Anchor, J.R and Davies, Eleanor M.M. (2008) The institutionalisation of political risk assessment (IPRA) in Jordanian international firms. International Business Review, 17 (6). pp. 688-702. ISSN 09695931

Al Khattab, Adel, Anchor, J.R and Davies, Eleanor M.M. (2009) The use of political risk assessment techniques in Jordanian international firms. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Al Sharji, Yahya, Elbeltagi, Ibrahim, Hardaker, Glenn and Elsetouhi, Ahmed (2013) The Role of Owner-Manager in SMEs for the Adoption of Information and Communication Technology in United Arab Emirates. Journal of Global Information Management, 21 (2). pp. 23-50. ISSN 1062-7375

Al-Abdin, Ahmed, Dean, Diane and Nicholson, John (2016) The transition of the self through the Arab Spring in Egypt and Libya. Journal of Business Research, 69 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 0148-2963

Al-Amri, Ayed T. (1998) Development of business process reengineering methodology for a commercial airline. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Al-Juhiam, Osama M. (2008) An Empirical Investigation of the Cultural Impact on Consumer Perception and Attitude Towards Advertising. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Al-Nahdi, Yahya Rabia Nasser (2016) Barriers to Omanisation: Analysis and Policy Recommendations. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Al-Shaghroud, Maha and Ng, Wilson (2015) Collective sensing as a micro-foundation of dynamic managerial capability:A situated cognition approach to identifying strategic opportunities. In: BAM2015 Conference Proceedings. BAM.

AlHares, Aws Mousa (2017) A Cross-Country Study of the Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Risk-Taking, Credit Rating and Cost of Capital. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Alajoutsijärvi, Kimmo, Davies, Julie and Kettunen, Kerttu (2017) Institutional logics and regulatory changes: A case study of new entrants in the UK’s management education field. In: BAM 2017, 5th-7th September 2017, University of Warwick, UK. (Unpublished)

Aldehayyat, Jehad S. and Anchor, J.R (2009) Strategic Planning Implementation in Jordanian Publicly Quoted Companies. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Aldehayyat, Jehad S. and Anchor, J.R (2009) Strategic planning tools and techniques in Jordan: awareness and use. Strategic Change, 17 (7-8). pp. 281-293. ISSN 1086-1718

Aldehayyat, Jehad S. and Anchor, J.R (2009) Strategy Implementation Problems in Jordanian Publicly Quoted Industrial Firms. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Alfakhi, Usamah A. D. (2016) The influence of Cross Cultural Training on European expatriate assignment at the National Oil Corporation in Libya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ali, Akeel Ellafi (2017) Examination of Effects of Expanding Cities on Peri-Urban Agricultural Areas: Implications on Farmers' Livelihoods in Qarabulli District in the Eastern Part of Tripoli, Libya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Allcock, Deborah, Filatotchev, Igor and Chahine, Salim (2010) Executive share ownership, experience and basic salaries: the influence on IPO share option schemes and performance. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Alnabsha, Abdairhman (2016) An Evaluation of Comprehensiveness of Corporate Reporting Practices in a Developing Country: Empirical Evidence From Listed and Non-Listed Libyan Companies. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Alqaoud, Faisal (2015) The Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Through Social Media on Small to Medium Size Enterprises (SMES) in Kuwait. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Alsharif, Ali Abdusalam (2016) Cash Flow Forecasting Process and its Impact on Capital Budgeting: Evidence from Libya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Altarawneh, Ikhlas Ibrahim (2005) Training and development effectiveness : practices, roles and impacts on performance in Jordanian banking organisations. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Aluko, Olu (2013) Business advisors and family firms in Nigeria: The role of goodwill trust. Working Paper. The University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Amhalhal, Abdallah Mohammed A, Anchor, J.R and Dastgir, Shabbir (2015) The effectiveness of the use of multiple performance measures : the influence of organisational contingencies. In: EURAM 15th Annual Conference, 17-20th June 2015, Warsaw Poland. (Unpublished)

Anchor, J.R, Amhalhal, Abdallah Mohammed A and Dastgir, Shabbir (2015) The use of multiple performance measures and organisation performance in an emerging market. In: Liberec Economic Forum – LEF 2015, 16th to 17th September 2015, Liberec - Technical University, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)

Anchor, J.R and Benešová, Martina (2017) Is there Still a Graduate Premium?: The Earnings Expectations of English Business School Students. In: Business School Research Conference 2017, 11-13 January, Huddersfield Business School, UK. (Unpublished)

Anchor, J.R and Kouřilová, Terezie (2008) Consumer Perceptions of Tesco Own Brands: the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. E & M Ekonomie a Management, 11 (4). pp. 119-131. ISSN 1212-3609

Anchor, J.R and Kouřilová, Terezie (2009) Consumer perceptions of own brands: international differences. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26 (6). pp. 439-451. ISSN 0736-3761

Annibal, Ivan, Liddle, Joyce and McElwee, Gerard (2013) Animating “bottom-up” sustainable strategies in village settings. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 33 (11/12). pp. 742-761. ISSN 0144-333X

Armstrong, Harvey, Johnes, Geraint, Johnes, Jill and McBean, Alasdair (1991) Consumer goods and energy prices on the Isle of Man. Management Research News, 14 (7/8/9). pp. 31-35. ISSN 0140-9174

Arokiam, Ivan C., Ismail, Hossam, Reid, Iain and Poolton, Jenny (2005) The Application of Agile Techniques for Manufacturing Flexibility. International Journal for Agile Manufacturing, 8 (2). pp. 71-83.

Ayetuoma, Oghale (2016) The identification of talent: case studies from UK public & private sectors. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bak, Ozlem (2016) An application of the BPCM model in an e-business driven transformation agenda – Assessing resource implications for a European automotive Multinational Corporation (MNC). Information Technology & People, 29 (2). pp. 334-353. ISSN 0959-3845

Bamford, David (2016) Lessons from London: how hosting the Paralympics can make cities more accessible. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Bamford, David (2016) The Paradox of Lean Leadership? [Web page]

Beddewela, Eshani, Warin, Charlotte E. and Anchor, J.R (2015) Institutionalising responsible management education : a change process model. In: 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11th August 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Unpublished)

Benesova, Hana (2020) Trust and Corruption in the Czech Republic: A Study with Business Managers. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Benesova, Hana and Anchor, J.R (2015) Corruption, Social Trust and Transition: the Case of the Czech Republic. In: 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, 2-4th September 2015, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway). (Unpublished)

Bhamra, Ran, Dani, Samir and Bhamra, Tracy (2011) Competence understanding and use in SMEs: a UK manufacturing perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 49 (10). pp. 2729-2743. ISSN 0020-7543

Bhamra, Ran, Dani, Samir and Burnard, Kevin (2011) Resilience: the concept, a literature review and future directions. International Journal of Production Research, 49 (18). pp. 5375-5393. ISSN 0020-7543

Boateng, Agyenim, Du, Min, Wang, Yan, Wang, Chengqi and Mohammad, Ahammad (2017) Explaining the Surge in M&A as an Entry Mode: Home Country and Cultural Influences. International Marketing Review, 34 (1). pp. 87-108. ISSN 0265-1335

Bolat, Elvira, Kooli, Kaouther and Wright, Len Tiu (2016) Businesses and mobile social media capability. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 31 (8). pp. 971-981. ISSN 0885-8624

Bolton, Bill and Thompson, John L. (2002) The entrepreneur in focus: achieve your potential. Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781861529183

Bordogna, Claudia (2014) Investigating Sino-British Partnership Development through the Practices of Faculty. In: HEA Annual Conference 2014, 2nd - 3rd July 2014, Aston University, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)

Bordogna, Claudia (2014) Investigating how Sino-British TNE Partnership Activities affects the Development of Social Capital. In: Kaleidoscope Conference 2014, 29th - 30th May 2014, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Bosworth, Gary R.F. and McElwee, Gerard (2014) Agri-tourism in Recession: Evidence from North East England. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 9 (3). pp. 62-77. ISSN 1712-8277

Bouri, Elie, Gupta, Rangan, Hosseini, Seyedmehdi and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2017) Does global fear predict fear in BRICS stock markets? Evidence from a Bayesian Graphical Structural VAR model. Emerging Markets Review. ISSN 1566-0141

Brierley, J.A., Cowton, Christopher J. and Drury, Colin (2007) The identification and type of costs used in cost reduction decisions. Cost Management (Sept). pp. 34-39. ISSN 1092-8057

Brierley, John A., Cowton, Christopher J. and Drury, Colin (2008) The application of product costs in pricing in British manufacturing industry. Sasin Journal of Management, 14 (1). pp. 4-14.

Brierley, John A., Cowton, Christopher J. and Drury, Colin (2006) A comparison of product costing practices in discrete-part and assembly manufacturing and continuous production process manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics, 100 (2). pp. 314-321. ISSN 0925-5273

Bunei, Emmanuel K., McElwee, Gerard and Smith, Robert (2016) From bush to butchery: cattle rustling as an entrepreneurial process in Kenya. Society and Business Review, 11 (1). pp. 46-61. ISSN 1746-5680

Burhan, Muhammad (2018) THE DETERMINANTS OF HRM FORMALITY AND ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN SMEs IN PAKISTAN. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Burnes, Bernard, Graham, Gary and Hardaker, Glenn (2002) The Peer-to-Peer Revolution: how the internet is transforming the supply chain for music. International Journal of New Product Development and Innovation Management, 4 (2). pp. 115-130. ISSN 1464-6684

Cai, Huifen (2010) European Union Foreign Direct Investment in China: Evidence from a Panel Study of EU Manufacturing Firms, 1998-2007. In: 15th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, 23rd-24th September 2010, Cambridge, UK.

Cai, Huifen (2012) Firm capabilities, Joint Ventures and Host Institutions: Evidence of MNC’s Innovation in China. In: 2nd IRC Early Career Researcher Workshop 2012, 24th-25th September 2012, University of Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Cai, Huifen (2010) Foreign Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Panel Study of EU Firms in China. In: British Academy of Management BAM 2010, 14th-16th September 2010, Sheffield, UK. (Unpublished)

Cai, Huifen (2012) Innovation Capability in MNC Subsidiaries: Evidence from a Panel Study. In: BAM 2012, 11th-13th September 2012, Cardiff, Wales. (Unpublished)

Cai, Huifen (2012) Innovative Capability in MNC Subsidiaries: Evidence from a Panel Study in Transition Economies. In: CEA UK/Europe 2012 Conference, 2-3 April 2012., School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University, London UK.

Cai, Huifen and Guney, Y. (2010) Enhancing Synergistic Multinational Innovation Capability in China: Evidence from EU Firm Panel Study, 1998-2007. In: 15th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, 23rd-24th September 2010, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Cai, Huifen and Tang, Xiao Yun (2012) Empirical research on the policies of SMEs in 1997-2008 year in China. In: CEA UK/Europe 2012 Conference, 2-3 April 2012., School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University, London UK.

Cai, Huifen and Wright, Len Tiu (2014) International product innovation marketing strategy in China: an analysis of EU subsidiary's firm capabilities and host institutions. In: 2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore, 15th-18th July 2014, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Campbell, David and Cowton, Christopher J. (2015) Method issues in business ethics research: finding credible answers to questions that matter. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24 (S1). S3-S10. ISSN 1467-8608

Cheetham, Fiona and McEachern, Morven G. (2009) The Dynamic Relationship between Pet Owners, the Pet Marketplace and Cultural Meanings: continuing the dialogue between consumer behaviour and other disciplines. In: 38th EMAC Annual Conference 2009, 26th - 29th May 2009, Nantes, France. (Unpublished)

Cheetham, Fiona and McEachern, Morven G. (2011) Uncovering Covert Consumer Resistance in the UK Pet Marketplace. In: 40th EMAC Annual Conference 2011, 24th - 27th May 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Chen, Nan, Hsu, Cathy H.C. and Li, Xiang (Robert) (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists. Tourism Management, 66. pp. 94-107. ISSN 0261-5177

Chilmon, Barbara (2018) Modelling an End-to-End Supply Chain System Using Simulation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Clayton, Richard J., Backhouse, C.J. and Dani, Samir (2012) Evaluating existing approaches to product-service system design: A comparison with industrial practice. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 23 (3). pp. 272-298. ISSN 1741-038X

Cloughton, Carol (2014) Trend methodology and its application in a marketing context: horticulture as an emerging trend and its long-term potential in the retail industry. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Cockerill, Alan and Mendelsohn, James (2008) Directors and the missing ‘articles’. Solicitor's Journal, 152 (2). ISSN 0038-1047

Conlon, Jo and Narayanaswamy, Srilakshmi (2017) A vision for the future using Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) as a platform for operational excellence and business transformation. In: The Circular Economy from a Fashion and Textiles Perspective, 15th June 2017, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Conlon, Joanne (2019) A Learning Architecture: How Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Drives Innovation in The Curriculum and Pedagogy of Fashion Business. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Cork, Judith and Summers, Eric (2010) Risk in recovery: views of non executive directors of UK building societies. In: Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis Conference, 24th - 25th September 2010, Philadelphia PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Cowton, Christopher J. (1996) The Alms Trade: A Note on Identifying The Beautiful Gate of Acts 3.2. New Testament Studies, 42 (03). pp. 475-476. ISSN 0028-6885

Cowton, Christopher J. (2010) Banking. In: Finance Ethics: Critical Issues in Theory and Practice. Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance . John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 325-337. ISBN 978-0-470-49916-0

Cowton, Christopher J. (2009) Banking on the banks. International Accountant (47). pp. 13-15. ISSN 1465-5144

Cowton, Christopher J. (2008) Coming (again) to SRI: a personal note. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Cowton, Christopher J. (2016) Do we research the right things? EBEN España Newsletter.

Cowton, Christopher J. (1998) Economical with the truth: The Bible through the eyes of business. Faith in Business Quarterly, 2 (2). pp. 28-29. ISSN 1369-653X

Cowton, Christopher J. (2008) On Setting the Agenda for Business Ethics Research. In: Trends in Business and Economic Ethics. Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy . Springer, London, pp. 11-30. ISBN 978-3-540-79471-4

Cowton, Christopher J. (1993) Peace dividends: the exclusion of military contractors from investment portfolios. Journal of Peace Research, 30 (1). pp. 21-28. ISSN 0022-3433

Cowton, Christopher J. (1999) Playing by the rules: ethical criteria at an ethical investment fund. Business Ethics: A European Review, 8 (1). pp. 60-69. ISSN 0962-8770

Cowton, Christopher J. (1999) Research in real world: The empirical contribution to business ethics. In: Business Ethics: Perspectives on the Practice of Theory. Oxford University Press, London, pp. 97-116. ISBN 9780198290315

Cowton, Christopher J. (2011) Socially responsible investment. [Video] (Unpublished)

Cowton, Christopher J. (2014) United Kingdom, Business Ethics in the. In: The Wiley Encylopedia of Management, Third Edition. Wiley. ISBN 978-1-119-97251-8

Cowton, Christopher J. (2011) The moral status of the corporation, collective responsibility and the distribution of blame. In: Business Ethics And Corporate Sustainability. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 18-28. ISBN 978 1 84980 371 7

Cowton, Christopher J. and Avison, Lynn (2012) UK audit committees and the Revised Code. Corporate Governance, 12 (1). pp. 42-53. ISSN 1472-0701

Cowton, Christopher J. and Bampton, Roberta (2013) Taking stock of accounting ethics scholarship: a review of the journal literature. Journal of business ethics, 114 (3). pp. 549-563. ISSN 1573-0697

Cowton, Christopher J. and Crisp, Roger (1999) Introduction: Practising Theory. In: Business Ethics: Perspectives on the Practice of Theory. Oxford University Press, London, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9780198290315

Cowton, Christopher J. and Dopson, S. E. (2002) Foucault’s prison? Management control in an automotive distributor. Management accounting research, 13 (2). pp. 191-214. ISSN 1044-5005

Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Use of focus groups in business ethics research: potential, problems and paths to progress. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24 (S1). S54-S66. ISSN 1467-8608

Cowton, Christopher J. and Drake, Julie E. (1999) Went Fundholding, Going Commissioning? Some Evidence-Based Reflections on the Prospects for Primary Care Groups. Public Money and Management, 19 (2). pp. 33-37. ISSN 1467-9302

Cowton, Christopher J. and Dunfee, Thomas W. (1993) Bringing a Global Perspective to Teaching Business Ethics. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Cowton, Christopher J. and Dunfee, Thomas W. (1995) Internationalizing the business ethics curriculum: A survey. Journal of Business Ethics, 14 (5). pp. 331-338. ISSN 0167-4544

Cowton, Christopher J. and Garrod, N. (1981) Clearing the fog around the efficient capital market hypothesis. Accountancy. pp. 107-108. ISSN 0001-4664

Cowton, Christopher J. and Gunn, Christine J. (2000) The affinity credit card as a fundraising tool for charities. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 5 (1). pp. 11-18. ISSN 1465-4520

Cowton, Christopher J. and Haase, Michaela (2008) Introduction. In: Trends in Business and Economic Ethics. Springer, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9783540794714

Cowton, Christopher J. and Macfarlane, Bruce (2002) Editorial. Teaching Business Ethics, 6 (3). pp. 275-277. ISSN 1382-6891

Cowton, Christopher J. and Piercy, N. (1984) Retailer Charitable Donations - Can Giving Money Away be Made to Pay? Retail and Distribution Management, 12 (1). pp. 47-50. ISSN 0307-2363

Cowton, Christopher J. and Pilz, Gloria (1995) The investment appraisal practice of UK retailers. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 5 (4). pp. 457-471. ISSN 0959-3969

Cowton, Christopher J. and San-Jose, Leire (2010) Giving credit where it’s due – but no more: an ethical analysis of trade credit. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Cowton, Christopher J. and San-José, Leire (2017) On the Ethics of Trade Credit: Understanding Good Payment Practice in the Supply Chain. Journal of business ethics, 140 (4). pp. 673-685. ISSN 1573-0697

Cowton, Christopher J. and Thompson, Paul (2000) Do codes make a difference? The case of bank lending and the environment. Journal of Business Ethics, 24 (2). pp. 165-178. ISSN 0167-4544

Cowton, Christopher J. and Thompson, Paul (1999) Ethical banking: progress and prospects. Financial Times. ISBN 9781902581200

Craig, John (2000) Evaluating privatisation in Zambia: a tale of two processes. Review of African Political Economy, 27 (85). pp. 357-366. ISSN 03056244

Crompton, R. (2010) Inventory Optimisation software - to what extent can the potential savings be exploited in different industries?,. In: Logistics Research Network (LRN) Annual Conference, 9th-11th September 2009, Cardiff Business School, Wales. (Unpublished)

Culling, B. and Wright, Len Tiu (2003) Strategy rules OK! Playing the console game. In: Academy of Marketing Conference : History of the Next Decade, 7-8th July 2003, Aston Business School. (Unpublished)

Dani, Samir, Burns, N.D. and Backhouse, C.J. (2005) Buyer-supplier behaviour in electronic reverse auctions: a relationships perspective. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 1 (1). pp. 22-34. ISSN 1744-2370

Dani, Samir, Burns, N.D. and Backhouse, C.J. Decision making for Innovation under uncertainty. In: Manufacturing Fundamentals: Necessity and Sufficiency Proceedings of the 3 rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management. Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association, pp. 1379-1389. ISBN 978-4-88361-646-6 C3834

Davey, Michelle, McElwee, Gerard and Smith, Robert (2015) Conversations with a ‘Small-Town’ Criminal Entrepreneur: A Case Study. In: Exploring Criminal and Illegal Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 5 . Emerald, pp. 227-251. ISBN 978-1-78441-552-5

Davies, Eleanor M.M. and Kenny, Brian (2000) Managerial Motivations for UK-Czech Joint Ventures. Journal for East European Management Studies, 5 (2). pp. 173-192. ISSN 0949-6181

Davies, Julie, Alajoutsijärvi, Kimmo and Kettunen, Kerttu (2017) London’s Business Schools: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly? In: The 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4th-8th August, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Unpublished)

Davies, Julie and Fahey, David (2017) How early career women help to open up the gender pay gap. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Davies, Julie, Kevill, Alex and Herath, Dinuka (2017) Delineating successful HRM models in high-pressure SMEs: Hospice employee-volunteer synergies. In: ISBE Conference 2017, 8th-9th November 2017, Belfast. (Unpublished)

Davies, Julie, Syed, Jawad and Yarrow, Emily (2017) The research impact agenda and gender. In: The 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4th-8th August, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Unpublished)

Davies, Mark A.P. and Wright, Len Tiu (1994) The Importance of Labelling Examined in Food Marketing. European journal of marketing, 28 (2). pp. 57-67. ISSN 0309-0566

Day, John (2000) Commentary: the value and importance of the small firm to the world economy. European journal of marketing, 34 (9/10). pp. 1033-1037. ISSN 0309-0566

Day, John (2015) The Marketing-Entrepreneurship Interface: A Contextual and Practical Critique of the Role of Entrepreneurship. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Day, John, Reynolds, Paul Lewis and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2006) Entrepreneurship and the small to medium sized enterprise: a divergent / convergent paradox in thinking patterns between advisers and SME owner managers. Management decision, 44 (5). pp. 581-597. ISSN 0025-1747

De Luca, Damian, Taylor, Ruth and Prigmore, Martyn (2014) Rules of engagement: understanding the dynamics of social enterprise and business requirements on academic collaboration. In: University industry interaction conference, 24 - 25 April 2014, Barcelona.

De Mattos, Claudio and Salciuviene, L. (2019) The negative influence of the entrepreneur’s level of higher education on the attractiveness of European SMEs as alliance partners in Brazil: the role of practical experience and international entrepreneurial orientation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192

Dean, Aftab Ahmed (2002) The development of a relationship marketing framework that captures the delivery of value in entrepreneurial SMEs. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Deep, Aman, Guttridge, Peter, Dani, Samir and Burns, N.D. (2007) Critical factors for selecting a "lean-ERP” system in a manufacturing SME. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing (ICRM2007). Nottingham Trent University. ISBN 9780853582397

Deep, Aman, Guttridge, Peter, Dani, Samir and Burns, N.D. (2008) Investigating factors affecting ERP selection in made-to-order SME sector. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19 (4). pp. 430-446. ISSN 1741-038X

Denby, Neil (2001) E-commerce : teach yourself series. Teach yourself . Teach yourself books. ISBN 9780340803196

Denby, Neil (2007) GCSE AQA/A business studies revision guide. Philip Allan Updates, Deddington. ISBN 9781844894369

Denby, Neil (2007) GCSE AQA/B business studies revision guide. Philip Allan Updates, Deddington. ISBN 978 1 84489 437 6

Denby, Neil (2007) GCSE Edexcel business studies revision guide. Philip Allan Updates, Deddington. ISBN 978 1 84489 439 0

Denby, Neil (2007) GCSE OCR/A business studies revision guide. Philip Allan Updates, Deddington. ISBN 978 1 84489 438 3

Denby, Neil (2001) Teach yourself 101 key ideas : business. Teach yourself books, London. ISBN 9780340804353

Denby, Neil and Thomas, Peter (2002) Case studies for business. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 9780340803813

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