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Ababou, Abdessamad (2001) Solvation energetics and conformational change in EF-hand proteins. Protein Science, 10 (2). pp. 301-312. ISSN 0961-8368

Ababou, Abdessamad and Bombarda, Elisa (2001) On the involvement of electron transfer reactions in the fluorescence decay kinetics heterogeneity of proteins. Protein Science, 10 (10). pp. 2102-2113. ISSN 0961-8368

Ababou, Abdessamad, Shenvi, Ryan A. and Desjarlais, John R. (2001) Long-Range Effects on Calcium Binding and Conformational Change in the N-Domain of Calmodulin†. Biochemistry, 40 (42). pp. 12719-12726. ISSN 0006-2960

Adamou, Marios (2001) Relationship of the lunar cycle and the presentation of individuals with psychiatric problems to an accident and emergency department: a case control study. Primary Care Psychiatry, 7 (3). pp. 115-116. ISSN 1355-2570

Adams, Catherine, Coke, Roseanne, Crutchley, Alison, Hesketh, Anne and Reeves, David (2001) Assessment of Comprehension and Expression 6 - 11. NFER-Nelson, London. ISBN 9780708705612

Adlington, Robert C. (2001) Counting Time, Countering Time: Louis Andriessen’s De Tijd. Indiana Theory Review, 22. pp. 1-35. ISSN 0271-8022

Adlington, Robert C. (2001) Taking Soundings: Music, Non-Music and Slave Pianos. In: Slave Pianos: A Diagnosis, 1998-2001. Revolver, Frankfurt, pp. 7-15. ISBN 978-3934823174

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Airley, Rachel, Loncaster, Juliette, Davidson, Susan, Bromley, Mike, Roberts, Stephen, Patterson, Adam V., Hunter, Robin, Stratford, Ian and West, Catharine M.L. (2001) Glucose transporter Glut-1 expression correlates with tumor hypoxia and predicts metastasis-free survival in advanced carcinoma of the cervix. Clinical cancer research, 7 (4). pp. 928-934. ISSN 1078-0432

Al-Mohannadi, Hassan I. (2001) Water resources in the State of Qatar : toward holistic management. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Allan, R.J. et al. (2001) The Science Case for 4GLS. Research Report. Daresbury Laboratory.

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Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2001) Taking a critical perspective to the European business excellence model using the "SPICE FM" approach. Technical Report. EPSRC.

Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Baldry, David (2001) Case study methodology as a means of theory building: performance measurement in facilities management organisations. Work Study, 50 (3). pp. 95-105. ISSN 0043-8022

Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Baldry, David and Sarshar, Marjan (2001) Process improvement through performance measurement: the balanced scorecard methodology. Work Study, 50 (5). pp. 179-189. ISSN 0043-8022

Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Sarshar, Marjan (2001) How to develop a balanced scorecard - NHS estates and facilities - guide to a balanced scorecard performance management and methodology. Technical Report. NHE Report, NHS Estates.

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Anchor, J.R (2001) Other mining. Industry and the British Economy : Cambridge Econometrics. pp. 60-63.

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Anchor, J.R (2001) Research and development. In: Reader's guide to the social sciences. Routledge, pp. 1414-1415. ISBN 9781579580919

Aouad, Ghassan, Bakis, Nick, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Osbaldiston, S, Sun, M., Kishk, M, Al-Hajj, A and Pollock, R (2001) An integrated life cycle costing database: a conceptual framework. In: 17th Annual ARCOM Conference,, 5-7 September 2001, University of Salford.

Arevalo, Mavis (2001) Influences on health. In: Health Needs of People with Learning Disability. Balliere Tindall, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 41-62. ISBN 978-0-7020-2532-7

Arozarena, Imanol, Matallanas, D. and Crespo, P. (2001) Maintenance of CDC42 GDP-bound state by Rho-GDI inhibits MAP kinase activation by the exchange factor Ras-GRF. evidence for Ras-GRF function being inhibited by Cdc42-GDP but unaffected by CDC42-GTP. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276 (34). pp. 21878-21884. ISSN 0021-9258

Ashby, Justine (2001) The Angry Young Man is Tired: Albert Finney and 1960s British Cinema. In: British Stars and Stardom: From Alma Taylor to Sean Connery. Manchester University press, Manchester, pp. 179-192. ISBN 9780719058417

Atkinson, Paul (2001) The Culture of Design: Guy Julier. Design journal, 4 (3). pp. 58-62. ISSN 1460-6925

Atkinson, Stacey (2001) Learning to Love. [Show/Exhibition]

Atkinson, Stacey (2001) The ethical dilemma of people with learning disabilities having sexual rights. [Show/Exhibition]

Atkinson, Stacey (2001) The role of the learning disability nurse. [Show/Exhibition]

Aubert, B. et al. (2001) Search for the Decay B0 →γγ. Physical Review Letters, 87 (24). p. 241803. ISSN 0031-9007

Avis, James (2001) Educational research, the teacher researcher and social justice. Education and Social Justice, 3 (3). pp. 34-42. ISSN 1464-2689

Avis, James, Bathmaker, Ann-Marie and Parsons, J (2001) Construction of learners in post-compulsory education and training - fragmentation and contradiction. In: British educational research association annual conference, September 2001, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

Avis, James, Bathmaker, Ann-Marie and Parsons, J (2001) "Now we look through the glass darkly" : a comparative study of the perceptions of those working in further education with trainee teachers. In: The journal of vocational education and training 4th international conference, July 2001, University of Wolverhampton.

Avis, James, Bathmaker, Ann-Marie and Parsons, John (2001) Reflecting on method: the use of a time-log diary to examine the labour process of further education lecturers. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 6 (1). pp. 5-18. ISSN 1359-6748

Avis, James, Bathmaker, Ann-Marie and Parsons, John (2001) Reflections from a time log diary: towards an analysis of the labour process within further education. Journal of vocational education and training, 53 (1). pp. 61-80. ISSN 1363-6820

Avis, James, Brine, Jackie, Deem, Rosemary and Rikowski, Glenn (2001) Review symposium. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22 (3). pp. 423-433. ISSN 0142-5692


Baddeley, Christopher J, Bloxham, Lucy H, Laroze, Sylvie C, Raval, Rasmita, Noakes, Timothy CQ and Bailey, Paul (2001) Quantitative Analysis of Adsorbate Induced Segregation at Bimetallic Surfaces: Improving the Accuracy of Medium Energy Ion Scattering Results. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105 (14). pp. 2766-2772. ISSN 1520-6106

Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q, Baddeley, C.J, Tear, S.P and Woodruff, D.P (2001) Monolayer resolution in medium energy ion scattering. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 183 (1-2). pp. 62-72. ISSN 0168-583X

Bailey, Paul, Skeldon, P., Noakes, T. C. Q., Thompson, G. E., Sakairi, M., Habazaki, H. and Shimizu, K. (2001) Composition and structure of enriched alloy layers in filmed Al alloys studied by medium-energy ion scattering. Surface and Interface Analysis, 31 (6). pp. 480-483. ISSN 0142-2421

Baines, D.L., Ramminger, S.J., Collett, Andrew, Haddad, J. J. E., Best, O.G., Land, S.C., Olver, R.E. and Wilson, S.M. (2001) Oxygen-evoked Na+ transport in rat fetal distal lung epithelial cells. The Journal of Physiology, 532 (1). pp. 105-113. ISSN 0022-3751

Baker, David and Morris, Richard K. (2001) Last orders? Antiquity, 75 (289). pp. 608-611. ISSN 0003-598X

Bandelt, Hans-Jurgen, Lahermo, P., Richards, Martin and Macaulay, Vincent (2001) Detecting errors in mtDNA data by phylogenetic analysis. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 115 (2). pp. 64-69. ISSN 0937-9827

Bandelt, Hans-Jürgen, Lahermo, P., Richards, Martin B. and Macaulay, Vincent (2001) Detecting errors in mtDNA data by phylogenetic analysis. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 115 (2). pp. 64-69. ISSN 0937-9827

Bani Khalaf, Mahmoud Hassan Mustafa (2001) An Analysis of the Delivery of Health Education by Upper Basic Stage Science Teachers in Jordan. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bareham, Gerard (2001) New Architects 2: A guide to Britain's best young architectural practices. In: New Architects 2: A guide to Britain's best young architectural practices. Merrell Publishers Limited, London, pp. 46-47. ISBN 1858941385

Barkham, Michael, Margison, Frank, Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Mellor-Clark, John, Evans, Chris, Benson, Liz, Connell, Janice, Audin, Kerry and McGrath, Graeme (2001) Service profiling and outcomes benchmarking using the CORE-OM: Toward practice-based evidence in the psychological therapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69 (2). pp. 184-196. ISSN 0022006X

Barnes, Philip A., Fesenko, E.A., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Brown, D.R. and Naderi, M. (2001) A new approach to the study of the reactivity of solid-acid catalysts: the application of constant rate thermal analysis to the desorption and surface reaction of isopropylamine from NaY and HY zeolites. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105. pp. 6178-6185. ISSN 1089-5647

Barnett, David (2001) Documentation and its Discontents: The Case of Heinar Kipphardt. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 37 (3). pp. 272-285. ISSN 00158518

Barnett, David (2001) Howard Barker: Polemic Theory and Dramatic Practice. Nietzsche, Metatheatre and the Play The Europeans. Modern Drama, 44 (4). pp. 458-475. ISSN 0026-7694

Barnett, David (2001) Joseph Goebbels: Expressionist Dramatist as Nazi Minister of Culture. New Theatre Quarterly, 17 (2). pp. 161-169. ISSN 0266-464X

Bartys, Serena, Tillotson, Malcolm, Burton, A. Kim, Main, Chris J., Watson, Paul, Wright, Ian and Mackay, Colin (2001) Are occupational psychological factors related to back pain and sickness absence? In: Contemporary Ergonomics. Contemporary Ergonomics . CRC Press, London, UK, pp. 25-28. ISBN 9780415250733

Bastow, Sarah L. (2001) The Catholic Gentry and the Catholic Community of the City of York, 1536-1642: The focus of a Catholic county? York Historian (18). pp. 13-22. ISSN 0309-3743

Bastow, Sarah L. (2001) "Worth nothing but very wilful": Catholic Recusant women of Yorkshire, 1536-1642. Recusant history, 25. p. 591. ISSN 0034-1932

Battersby, S. and Deery, Ruth (2001) Midwifery and research: comparable skills in listening and the use of language. Practising Midwife, 4 (9). pp. 24-25. ISSN 1461-3123

Baydar, N and Ball, Andrew (2001) Detection of incipient tooth defect in helical gears using multivariate statistics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15 (2). pp. 303-321. ISSN 0888-3270

Baydar, N and Ball, Andrew (2001) A comparative study of acoustic and vibration signals in detection of gear failures using Wigner-Ville distribution. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15 (6). pp. 1091-1107. ISSN 0888-3270

Beadle, Ian R., Humphreys, Paul, Pettit, C. and Small, J. (2001) Integrating microbiology into the Drigg Post-closure radiological safety assessment. Materials Research Society Proceedings (665). ISSN 0272-9172

Beardsell, Mark, Hinchliffe, Paul S., Wood, J. Matthew, Wilmouth, Rupert C., Schofield, Christopher J. and Page, Michael I. (2001) β-sultams - a novel class of serine protease inhibitors. Chemical Communications. pp. 497-498. ISSN 1364-548X

Becker, D., Braet, C., Brumer, H., Claeyssens, Marc, Divine, Christina, Fagerstroms, B.R., Harris, Mark, Jones, T.A., Kleywegt, G.J., Koivula, Anu, Mahdi, Sabah, Piens, K., Sinnott, Michael L., Stahlberg, J., Teeri, T.T., Underwood, M. and Wohlfahrt, G. (2001) Engineering of a glycosidase family 7 cellobiohydrolase to more alkaline pH optimum: the pH behaviour of Trichoderma reeseis Ce17A and its E223S/A224/L225V/T226A/D262G mutant. Biochemical Journal, 356. pp. 19-30. ISSN 0264-6021

Beezer, A.E., Hills, Andrew K., O’Neill, Michael A. A., Morris, Andrew C., Kierstan, Katharine T. E., Deal, Rebecca M, Waters, Laura J., Hadgraft, Jonathan, Mitchell, John C., Connor, Joseph A., Orchard, John E., Willson, Richard J., Hofelich, Thomas C., Beaudin, Jennifer, Wolf, Gert, Baitalow, Felix, Gaisford, Simon, Lane, Roy A, Buckton, Graham, Phipps, Mark A, Winneke, Richard A., Schmitt, Eric A., Hansen, Lee D., O’Sullivan, David and Parmar, Madhu K. (2001) The imidazole catalysed hydrolysis of triacetin: an inter- and intra-laboratory development of a test reaction for isothermal heat conduction microcalorimeters used for determination of both thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. Thermochimica Acta, 380 (1). pp. 13-17. ISSN 0040-6031

Bell, Dennise and Hughes, Deborah (2001) Midwife-led care in Calderdale: Report on transfers of care for 2000. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Bellamy, Mary (2001) Earth and Sky Reflect Each Other. [Composition] (Submitted)

Bey, Christoph (2001) Changing economies of scale - synergies between implementation of an ecological tax reform and development of industrial ecosystems. Business strategy and the environment, 10 (6). pp. 383-393. ISSN 0964-4733

Bey, Christoph (2001) Quo vadis industrial ecology? Realigning the discipline with it roots. Greener management international (34). pp. 35-42. ISSN 0966-9671

Bezin, Yann, Iwnicki, S. and Guerguil, N. (2001) Modelling leafspring suspensions for virtual acceptance test. In: 2nd international workshop on freight vehicle design, April 2001, Manchester UK. (Unpublished)

Bezin, Yann, Iwnicki, S., Stow, J., Blair, S. and Kay, T. (2001) Development of a method to predict stresses in rails using ADAMS/Rail and ABAQUS. In: 16th European ADAMS User Conference, November 14-15, 2001, Berchtesgaden, Germany. (Unpublished)

Billington, Peter E., Barnes, Christopher M. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (2001) Methods and systems of monitoring traffic flow. US 6177886.

Birtcher, R.C, Donnelly, S. E., Rehn, L.E and Thomé, L (2001) Nanocluster formation during ion irradiation of SiO2/Ag/SiO2 multilayers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 175-17. pp. 40-45. ISSN 0168-583X

Bissell, Paul, Anderson, Claire, Bacon, Lesley, Taylor, Beth and O'Brien, Karen (2001) Community pharmacy supply of emergency contraception. BMJ, 323 (7315). p. 751. ISSN 0959-8138

Bissell, Paul, Traulsen, Janine Morgall and Haugbølle, Lotte Stig (2001) Sociological Theory and Pharmacy Practice Research: (1) An introduction to sociology - and what it can do for pharmacy practice research. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 9 (4). pp. 289-296. ISSN 0961-7671

Bissell, Paul, Ward, Paul R. and Noyce, Peter R. (2001) The dependent consumer: reflections on accounts of the risks of non-prescription medicines. Health : An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 5 (1). pp. 5-30. ISSN 1363-4593

Blakeley, Georgina (2001) Clientism in the building of state and civil society in Spain. In: Clientelism, interests, and democratic representation: The European experience in historical and comparative perspective. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 77-100. ISBN 9780521804776

Blakeley, Georgina (2001) Creating spaces of deliberation in Barcelona: it's good to talk? In: Challenges to democracy : ideas, involvement and institutions. PSA yearbook . Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 153-168. ISBN 0333789822

Bland, Andrew (2001) The role of the lecturer practitioner in emergency nursing. In: Emergency nurses section 10th anniversary conference, 2001, Hamilton New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Blunt, Liam and Rosen, B-G (2001) Topography instrumentation. In: Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces. Springer, London, UK, pp. 83-112. ISBN 978-0-412-80640-7

Blunt, Liam and Stout, K.J. (2001) 8th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces26–29 April 2000, University of Huddersfield, UK. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 41 (13-14). p. 1845. ISSN 0890-6955

Blyth, Eric (2001) Guidance for egg sharing arrangements: redefining the limits of information-giving in donor assisted conception. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 3 (1). pp. 45-47. ISSN 1472-6483

Blyth, Eric (2001) The Impact of the First Term of the New Labour Government on Social Work in Britain: The Interface between Education Policy and Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 31 (4). pp. 563-577. ISSN 00453102

Blyth, Eric (2001) Maintaining looked after young people in mainstream education. In: Nobody Ever Told Us School Mattered: Raising the educational attainments of children in care. British Association for Adoption & Fostering, London, UK, pp. 206-219. ISBN 978-1-873868-98-0 (Submitted)

Blyth, Eric, Crawshaw, Marilyn, Haase, Jean M. and Speirs, Jennifer (2001) The implications of adoption for donor offspring following donor-assisted conception. Child and Family Social Work, 6 (4). pp. 295-304. ISSN 1356-7500

Blyth, Eric and Moore, R. (2001) Involuntary childlessness and stigma. In: Stigma and Social Exclusion in Healthcare. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 217-225. ISBN 978-0-415-22200-6

Bolam, Fiona Louise (2001) Working class life in Bradford 1900-1914 : the philanthropic, political and personal responses to poverty with particular reference to women and children. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bolis, C, Piccolella, M, Dalla Valle, A.Z. and Rankin, J. Cliff (2001) Fish as model in pharmacological and biological research. Pharmacological Research, 44 (4). pp. 265-280. ISSN 1043-6618

Booth, K., Kirshbaum, Marilyn, Eastwood, L. and Luker, K. (2001) Guidance on commissioning cancer services: an investigation of the implications for nursing. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 5 (2). pp. 73-80. ISSN 13619004

Bounaga, Sakina, Galleni, Moreno, Laws, Andrew P. and Page, Michael I. (2001) Cysteinyl peptide Inhibitors of Bacillus cereus Zinc β-Lactamase. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 9 (2). pp. 503-507. ISSN 0960-894X

Bradshaw, Peter L. (2001) Developing scholarship in nursing in Britain - towards a strategy. Journal of Nursing Management, 9 (3). pp. 125-128. ISSN 09660429

Bradshaw, Peter L. (2001) Politics, power and control in the British National Health Service - will anything really change? Journal of Nursing Management, 9 (6). pp. 311-313. ISSN 09660429

Brierley, John A., Cowton, Christopher J. and Drury, Colin (2001) How product costs are calculated and used in decision making: a pilot study. Managerial auditing journal, 16 (4). pp. 202-206. ISSN 0268-6902

Brierley, John A., Cowton, Christopher J. and Drury, Colin (2001) Research into product costing practice: a European perspective. European Accounting Review, 10 (2). pp. 215-256. ISSN 0963-8180

Brown, D., Woodruff, D.P., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2001) CN-induced surface layer expansion of Ni(110): a MEIS study. Surface Science, 476 (3). L241-L246. ISSN 0039-6028

Burn, Wendy and Wattis, John (2001) Detection, assessment and diagnosis of depression in older people. In: Practical Management of Depression in Older People. Arnold, London, UK, pp. 15-26. ISBN 9780340763865

Burns, Shamus P., Murphy, Helena C., Iles, Richard A. and Cohen, Robert D. (2001) Lactate supply as a determinant of the distribution of intracellular pH within the hepatic lobule. Biochemical Journal, 3. pp. 569-571. ISSN 0264-6021

Burr, Vivien (2001) The Case for the Person in Social Psychology. In: Subjectiviisen Kokemuksen Sociaalipsykologiasta:Annual Social Psycholgy Conference, November 2001, Tampere, Finland. (Unpublished)

Burrows, J., Griffiths, B. and Scott, Paul J. (2001) The use of vectors for defining the three-dimensional texture and asymmetric directionality of turned specimens. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 215 (2). pp. 125-134. ISSN 0954-4054

Burton, A. Kim, Tillotson, Malcolm and Cleary, John (2001) Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of Chemonucleolysis and Manipulation in the Treatment of Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation. In: Lumbar Disk Herniation. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pp. 142-150. ISBN 9780781736008

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Butroyd, Robert (2001) Secondary subject teaching and the development of pupil values. In: The national curriculum and its effects. Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 9780754612780

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Cameron, Derek (2001) Chefs and occupational culture in a hotel chain:A grid-group analysis. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3 (2). pp. 103-115. ISSN 1467-35

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Capelli, Cristian, Wilson, James F., Richards, Martin, Stumpf, Michael P. H., Gratrix, Fiona, Oppenheimer, Stephen, Underhill, Peter, Pascali, Vincenzo L., Ko, Tsang-Ming and Goldstein, David B. (2001) A Predominantly Indigenous Paternal Heritage for the Austronesian-Speaking Peoples of Insular Southeast Asia and Oceania. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 68 (2). pp. 432-443. ISSN 00029297

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