Jump to: 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1979
Number of items: 153.


Van den Berg, J. A., Zalm, P. C., Bailey, Paul, Rossall, A. K. and Reading, M.A. (2016) Quantitative considerations in medium energy ion scattering depth profiling analysis of nanolayers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 387. pp. 77-85. ISSN 0168-583X


Popovici, M., Redolfi, A., Aoulaiche, M., van den Berg, Jakob, Douhard, B., Swerts, J., Bailey, Paul, Kaczer, B., Groven, B., Meersschaut, J., Conard, T., Moussa, A., Adelmann, C., Delabie, A., Fazan, P., Van Elshocht, S. and Jurczak, M. (2015) Understanding the EOT–Jg degradation in Ru/SrTiOx/Ru metal–insulator–metal capacitors formed with Ru atomic layer deposition. Microelectronic Engineering, 147. pp. 108-112. ISSN 0167-9317


Van den Berg, Jaap, Bailey, Paul, Barlow, Roger, Noakes, T.C.Q., Kilcoyne, Susan H. and Cywinski, Robert (2014) The UK MEIS facility: a new future at the IIAA, Huddersfield. In: 23rd Conference on Accelerators in Research and Industry,, 25-30 May 2014, San Antonio, Texas, USA. (Unpublished)

Noakes, T.C.Q., Parle, J., Nugent, P., Sharma, H.R., Smerdon, J.A., Bailey, Paul and McGrath, R. (2014) Depth dependent order/disorder transitions in iron-rich thin films grown on i-Al–Pd–Mn studied by medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 620. pp. 59-64. ISSN 0039-6028


Murdoch, A., Trant, A.G., Gustafson, J., Jones, T.E., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, C.J. (2013) Alloy formation in the Co/Pd{111} system — A study with medium energy ion scattering and scanning tunnelling microscopy. Surface Science, 608. pp. 212-219. ISSN 00396028


Window, A.J., Hentz, A., Sheppard, D.C., Parkinson, G.S., Woodruff, D.P., Unterberger, W., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul, Ganduglia-Pirovano, M.V. and Sauer, J. (2012) The structure of epitaxial V2O3 films and their surfaces: a medium energy ion scattering study. Surface Science, 606 (21-22). pp. 1716-1727. ISSN 0039-6028

Mitrovic, I. Z., Hall, S., Sedghi, N., Simutis, G., Dhanak, V. R., Bailey, P., Noakes, T. C. Q., Alexandrou, I., Engstrom, O., Lopes, J. M. J. and Schubert, J. (2012) On the nature of the interfacial layer in ultra-thin TiN/LaLuO3 gate stacks. Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (4). 044102. ISSN 0021-8979


Walker, M., Brown, M.G., Draxler, M., Dowsett, M.G., McConville, C.F., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2011) Structural analysis of the Cu(100)–p(3)R45°–Sn surface using low and medium energy ion scattering spectroscopies. Surface Science, 605 (23-24). pp. 1934-1940. ISSN 0039-6028

Fleming, T.P., Cropper, M.D., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2011) The structure formed by the deposition of a sub-monolayer quantity of platinum onto Cu(110) investigated using medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 605 (15-16). pp. 1483-1488. ISSN 0039-6028

Window, A., Hentz, A., Sheppard, D., Parkinson, G., Niehus, H., Ahlbehrendt, D., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul and Woodruff, D. (2011) V_{2}O_{3}(0001) Surface Termination: Phase Equilibrium. Physical Review Letters, 107 (1). 016105. ISSN 0031-9007

Walker, M., Brown, M., Draxler, M., Dowsett, M., McConville, C., Noakes, T. and Bailey, Paul (2011) Structural analysis of the Cu(100)-p(2×2)-Sn surface using low and medium energy ion scattering spectroscopies. Physical Review B, 83 (8). 085424. ISSN 1098-0121

Haire, Andrew R., Gustafson, Johan, Trant, Aoife G., Jones, Timothy E., Noakes, Timothy C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, Christopher J. (2011) Influence of preparation conditions on the depth-dependent composition of AuPd nanoparticles grown on planar oxide surfaces. Surface Science, 605 (1-2). pp. 214-219. ISSN 0039-6028

Sheppard, D.C., Parkinson, G.S., Hentz, A., Window, A.J., Quinn, P.D., Woodruff, D.P., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2011) Medium energy ion scattering investigation of methylthiolate-induced modification of the Au(111) surface. Surface Science, 605 (1-2). pp. 138-145. ISSN 0039-6028


Díaz, M., Martínez, L., Román, E., Redondo-Cubero, A., Muñoz-Márquez, M.A., van der Laan, G., Telling, N.D., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q. and Huttel, Y. (2010) Compositional and structural medium energy ion scattering study of the temperature mediated diffusion determination at the Co/V interface in Co/V/MgO(100). Surface Science, 604 (23-24). pp. 2177-2183. ISSN 0039-6028

Nettikaden, V.C., Baron-Wiecheć, A., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q., Skeldon, P. and Thompson, G.E. (2010) Formation of barrier-type anodic films on sputtering-deposited Al–Ti alloys. Corrosion Science, 52 (11). pp. 3717-3724. ISSN 0010-938X

Eames, C., Reakes, M., Tear, S., Noakes, T. and Bailey, Paul (2010) Phase selection in the rare earth silicides. Physical Review B, 82 (17). p. 174112. ISSN 1098-0121

Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul, McConville, C., Draxler, M., Walker, M., Brown, M., Hentz, A., Woodruff, D., Lograsso, T., Ross, A., Smerdon, J., Leung, L. and McGrath, R. (2010) Two- and three-dimensional growth of Bi on i-Al-Pd-Mn studied using medium-energy ion scattering. Physical Review B, 82 (19). p. 195418. ISSN 1098-0121

Window, A.J., Hentz, A., Sheppard, D.C., Parkinson, G.S., Woodruff, D.P., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2010) Silver sulphide growth on Ag(111): A medium energy ion scattering study. Surface Science, 604 (15-16). pp. 1254-1260. ISSN 0039-6028

Sheppard, D.C., Walker, M., McConville, C.F., Woodruff, D.P., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2010) Thiolate-induced lateral distortion of the Cu(100) surface. Surface Science, 604 (19-20). pp. 1727-1732. ISSN 0039-6028

Howe, C.J., Cropper, M.D., Wardle, R.M., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2010) Stacking faults in ultra-thin films of silver on Al(111) investigated by medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 604 (19-20). pp. 1658-1665. ISSN 0039-6028

Sheppard, D.C., Parkinson, G.S., Hentz, A., Quinn, P.D., Muñoz-Márquez, M.A., Woodruff, D.P., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2010) Surface relaxation in Cu(410)–O: A medium energy ion scattering study. Surface Science, 604 (9-10). pp. 788-796. ISSN 0039-6028

Gentile, M., Koroleva, E. V., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G. E., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2010) Influence of grain orientation on zinc enrichment and surface morphology of an AlZn alloy. Surface and Interface Analysis, 42 (4). pp. 287-292. ISSN 0142-2421

Gentile, M., Koroleva, E.V., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2010) Influence of pre-treatment on the surface composition of Al–Zn alloys. Corrosion Science, 52 (3). pp. 688-694. ISSN 0010-938X

Howe, C.J., Cropper, M.D., Fleming, T.P., Wardle, R.M., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2010) Ultra-thin films and surface alloying of Pd on Cu(111) investigated by medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 604 (2). pp. 201-209. ISSN 0039-6028

Reading, M. A., Van den Berg, Jakob, Zalm, P. C., Armour, D. G., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T. C. Q., Parisini, A., Conard, T. and De Gendt, S. (2010) High resolution medium energy ion scattering analysis for the quantitative depth profiling of ultrathin high-k layers. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 28 (1). C1C65-70. ISSN 1071-1023


Parisini, Andrea, Morandi, Vittorio, Van den Berg, Jakob, Reading, Michael A., Giubertoni, Damiano, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2009) A Combined Approach to the Determination of As Depth Profiling in Si Ultra Shallow Junctions. In: MRS 2009 Fall Meeting, 30th November - 4th December 2011, Boston. (Unpublished)

Van den Berg, Jakob, Reading, Michael A., Parisini, Andrea, Kolbe, Michael, Beckhoff, Burkhard, Ladas, Spyros, Fried, Miklos, Petrik, Peter, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, Tim, Conard, Thierry and De Gendt, Stefan (2009) High Depth Resolution Depth Profile Analysis of Ultra Thin High-κ Hf Based Films using MEIS Compared with XTEM, XRF, SE and XPS. ECS Transactions, 25 (3). pp. 349-361. ISSN 1938-5862

Al-Busaidi, M.S., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q. and Cropper, M.D. (2009) Influence of ion assisted deposition on interface broadening in Fe/Al multilayers investigated by medium energy ion scattering. Vacuum, 83 (12). pp. 1454-1458. ISSN 0042-207X

Van den Berg, Jakob, Reading, M. A., Armour, D. G., Carter, G., Zalm, P. C., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C.Q. (2009) Medium energy ion scattering analysis of the evolution and annealing of damage and associated dopant redistribution of ultra shallow implants in Si. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 164 (7-8). pp. 481-491. ISSN 1042-0150

Hentz, A., Parkinson, G., Quinn, P., Muñoz-Márquez, M., Woodruff, D., Grande, P., Schiwietz, G., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. (2009) Direct Observation and Theory of Trajectory-Dependent Electronic Energy Losses in Medium-Energy Ion Scattering. Physical Review Letters, 102 (9). 096103. ISSN 0031-9007

Trant, A.G., Jones, T.E., Gustafson, J., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, C.J. (2009) Alloy formation in the Au{111}/Ni system – An investigation with scanning tunnelling microscopy and medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 603 (3). pp. 571-579. ISSN 0039-6028


Bennett, N.S., Cowern, N.E.B., Smith, A.J., Kah, M., Gwilliam, R.M., Sealy, B.J., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul, Giubertoni, D. and Bersani, M. (2008) Differential Hall characterisation of ultrashallow doping in advanced Si-based materials. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 154-15. pp. 229-233. ISSN 0921-5107

Díaz, M., Román, E., Laan, G. van der, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q., Martin, A. Muñoz and Huttel, Y. (2008) Layer-resolved elemental-composition determination at the Co/V interface in Co/V/MgO(100). Surface Science, 602 (24). L139-L144. ISSN 0039-6028

Bernardini, S., MacKenzie, M., Buiu, O., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q., Davey, W.M., Hamilton, B. and Hall, S. (2008) Chemical and optical profiling of ultra thin high-k dielectrics on silicon. Thin Solid Films, 517 (1). pp. 459-461. ISSN 0040-6090

Cherkaoui, K., Monaghan, S., Negara, M. A., Modreanu, M., Hurley, P. K., O’Connell, D., McDonnell, S., Hughes, G., Wright, S., Barklie, R. C., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2008) Electrical, structural, and chemical properties of HfO[sub 2] films formed by electron beam evaporation. Journal of Applied Physics, 104 (6). 064113. ISSN 0021-8979

Wood, T., Eames, C., Bonet, C., Reakes, M., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul and Tear, S. (2008) Medium-energy ion-scattering study of strained holmium silicide nanoislands grown on silicon (100). Physical Review B, 78 (3). 035423. ISSN 1098-0121

O’Reilly, L., Horan, K., McNally, P. J., Bennett, N. S., Cowern, N. E. B., Lankinen, A., Sealy, B. J., Gwilliam, R. M., Noakes, T. C. Q. and Bailey, Paul (2008) Constraints on micro-Raman strain metrology for highly doped strained Si materials. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (23). p. 233506. ISSN 0003-6951

Suleiman, A., Hashimoto, T., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Echeverria, F., Graham, M.J., Sproule, G.I., Moisa, S., Habazaki, H., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2008) Barrier and porous anodic oxides on InSb. Corrosion Science, 50 (5). pp. 1353-1359. ISSN 0010-938X

Liu, Y., Arenas, M.A., Garcia-Vergara, S.J., Hashimoto, T., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Habazaki, H., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2008) Behaviour of copper during alkaline corrosion of Al–Cu alloys. Corrosion Science, 50 (5). pp. 1475-1480. ISSN 0010-938X

Liu, Y, Arenas, M, De Frutos, A, De Damborenea, J, Conde, A, Skeldon, P, Thompson, G, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2008) Influence of nitric acid pre-treatment on Al–Cu alloys. Electrochimica Acta, 53 (13). pp. 4454-4460. ISSN 0013-4686


Founta, S., Coraux, J., Jalabert, D., Bougerol, C., Rol, F., Mariette, H., Renevier, H., Daudin, B., Oliver, R. A., Humphreys, C. J., Noakes, T. C. Q. and Bailey, Paul (2007) Anisotropic strain relaxation in a-plane GaN quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (6). 063541. ISSN 0021-8979

Maunoury, C., Dabertrand, K., Martinez, E., Saadoune, M., Lafond, D., Pierre, F., Renault, O., Lhostis, S., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T. C. Q. and Jalabert, D. (2007) Chemical interface analysis of as grown HfO[sub 2] ultrathin films on SiO[sub 2]. Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (3). 034112. ISSN 0021-8979

Parkinson, G.S., Hentz, A., Quinn, P.D., Window, A.J., Woodruff, D.P., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2007) Methylthiolate-induced reconstruction of Ag(111): A medium energy ion scattering study. Surface Science, 601 (1). pp. 50-57. ISSN 0039-6028


Owens, T. G., Jones, T. E., Noakes, T. C. Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, C. J. (2006) The Effects of Gold and Co-adsorbed Carbon on the Adsorption and Thermal Decomposition of Acetic Acid on Pd{111}. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (42). pp. 21152-21160. ISSN 1520-6106

Hentz, A., Parkinson, G., Window, A. J., Quinn, P. D., Woodruff, D., Grande, P., Schiwietz, G., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. (2006) Inelastic energy loss in 100-keV H+ scattering from single atoms: Theory and experiment for K, Rb, and Cs. Physical Review B, 74 (12). p. 125408. ISSN 1098-0121

Liu, Y., Arenas, M.A., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Habazaki, H., Shimizu, K., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2006) Generation of copper nanoparticles during alkaline etching of an Al–30at.%Cu alloy. Corrosion Science, 48 (8). pp. 1874-1884. ISSN 0010-938X

Smerdon, J., Ledieu, J., McGrath, R., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul, Draxler, M., McConville, C., Lograsso, T. and Ross, A. (2006) Characterization of aperiodic and periodic thin Cu films formed on the five-fold surface of i-Al70Pd21Mn9 using medium-energy ion scattering spectroscopy. Physical Review B, 74 (3). 035429. ISSN 1098-0121

Wood, T., Bonet, C., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul and Tear, S. (2006) Medium-energy ion scattering investigation of the surface and subsurface structure of three-dimensional HoSi2−x grown on Si(111). Physical Review B, 73 (23). p. 235405. ISSN 1098-0121

Parkinson, G., Muñoz-Márquez, M., Quinn, P., Gladys, M., Tanner, R., Woodruff, D., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. (2006) Medium-energy ion-scattering study of the structure of clean TiO2(110)-(1×1). Physical Review B, 73 (24). p. 245409. ISSN 1098-0121

Liu, Y., Arenas, M.A., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q., Habazaki, H. and Shimizu, K. (2006) Anodic behaviour of a model second phase: Al–20at.%Mg–20at.%Cu. Corrosion Science, 48 (5). pp. 1225-1248. ISSN 0010-938X

Noakes, T C Q, Bailey, Paul, Draxler, M, McConville, C F, Ross, A R, Lograsso, T A, Leung, L, Smerdon, J A and McGrath, R (2006) Film growth arising from the deposition of Au onto an i-Al–Pd–Mn quasicrystal: a medium energy ion scattering study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18 (22). pp. 5017-5027. ISSN 0953-8984

Jones, T.E., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, C.J. (2006) The growth of ultrathin Au films on Ni{111}: A study with medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 600 (10). pp. 2129-2137. ISSN 0039-6028

Bonilla, F.A., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Piekoszewski, J., Chmielewski, A.G., Sartowska, B., Stanislawski, J., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2006) Corrosion resistant Ti-Pd surface alloys produced by high intensity pulsed plasma beams. Surface and Coatings Technology, 200 (16-17). pp. 4674-4683. ISSN 0257-8972

Suleiman, A., Liu, Y., Hashimoto, T., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Graham, M.J., Quance, T., Habazaki, H., Shimizu, K., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2006) Anodic oxidation of InAlAs. Corrosion Science, 48 (1). pp. 126-136. ISSN 0010-938X


Cropper, M.D., Noakes, T.C.Q., Butterfield, M.T. and Bailey, Paul (2005) Investigation of the structure of ultra-thin films of Fe on Cu(111) using medium-energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 594 (1-3). pp. 212-220. ISSN 0039-6028

Wood, T.J., Bonet, C., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Tear, S.P. (2005) A medium-energy ion scattering investigation of the structure and surface vibrations of two-dimensional YSi2 grown on Si(111). Surface Science, 598 (1-3). pp. 120-127. ISSN 0039-6028

Parkinson, G.S., Muñoz-Márquez, M.A., Quinn, P.D., Gladys, M.J., Woodruff, D.P., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2005) The methanethiolate-induced pseudo-(100) reconstruction of Cu(111): A medium energy ion scattering structure study. Surface Science, 598 (1-3). pp. 209-217. ISSN 0039-6028

Quinn, P. D., Wilson, N. R., Hatfield, S. A., McConville, C. F., Bell, G. R., Noakes, T. C. Q., Bailey, Paul, Al-Harthi, S. and Gard, F. (2005) Composition profiles of InAs–GaAs quantum dots determined by medium-energy ion scattering. Applied Physics Letters, 87 (15). p. 153110. ISSN 0003-6951

Bonet, C., Scott, I., Spence, D., Wood, T., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul and Tear, S. (2005) Trends and strain in the structures of two-dimensional rare-earth silicides studied using medium-energy ion scattering. Physical Review B, 72 (16). p. 165407. ISSN 1098-0121

Potter, Richard, Awad, Ahmed, Chalker, Paul R., Wang, Peng, Jones, Anthony C., Noakes, Timothy C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2005) A superlattice approach to the synthesis of ferroelectric Strontium Bismuth Tantalate thin films using liquid-injection-MOCVD. MRS Proceedings, 902 (T). ISSN 1946-4274

Arenas, M.A., Iglesias-Rubianes, L., Liu, Y., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Habazaki, H., Shimizu, K., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2005) Behaviour of zinc in electropolished and etched Al–Zn alloys and effect on corrosion potential. Corrosion Science, 47 (9). pp. 2321-2331. ISSN 0010-938X

Muñoz-Márquez, M., Parkinson, G., Woodruff, D., Hentz, A., Grande, P., Schiwietz, G., Wood, T., Bonet, C., Tear, S., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. (2005) Energy loss in medium-energy ion scattering: A combined theoretical and experimental study of the model system Y on Si(111). Physical Review B, 72 (7). 075415. ISSN 1098-0121

Jenkins, T.E., Hayton, D., Ellis, D.I., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q. and Clark, G.F. (2005) Multi-technique study of silicon dioxide films on 4H-SiC. In: Recent research developments in physical chemistry. Transworld Research Network, pp. 1-20. ISBN 8178951703

Dastoor, P.C., O’Connor, D.J., MacLaren, D.A., Allison, W., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2005) Step mediated surface alloy formation of Pt/Cu(111). Surface Science, 588 (1-3). pp. 101-107. ISSN 0039-6028

Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul, McConville, C.F., Parkinson, C.R., Draxler, M., Smerdon, J., Ledieu, J., McGrath, R., Ross, A.R. and Lograsso, T.A. (2005) Compositional and structural changes in i-AlPdMn quasicrystals induced by sputtering and annealing: A medium energy ion scattering study. Surface Science, 583 (2-3). pp. 139-150. ISSN 0039-6028

Muñoz-Márquez, M.A., Parkinson, G.S., Quinn, P.D., Gladys, M.J., Tanner, R.E., Woodruff, D.P., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2005) N-induced pseudo-(100) reconstruction of Cu(111): One layer or more? Surface Science, 582 (1-3). pp. 97-109. ISSN 0039-6028

Werner, M., Van den Berg, Jakob, Armour, D. G., Carter, G., Feudel, T., Herden, M., Bersani, M., Giubertoni, D., Ottaviano, L., Bongiorno, C., Mannino, G., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2005) Shallow BF[sub 2] implants in Xe-bombardment-preamorphized Si: The interaction between Xe and F. Applied Physics Letters, 86 (15). p. 151904. ISSN 0003-6951

Chalker, Paul R., Marshall, Paul A., Potter, Richard J., Joyce, Timothy B., Jones, Anthony C., Taylor, Stephen, Noakes, Timothy C. Q. and Bailey, Paul (2005) Thermal stability of hafnium silicate dielectric films deposited by a dual source liquid injection MOCVD. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 15 (11). pp. 711-714. ISSN 0957-4522


Werner, M., Van den Berg, Jakob, Armour, D.G., Carter, G., Feudel, T., Herden, M., Bersani, M., Giubertoni, D., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2004) The interaction between Xe and F in Si (100) pre-amorphised with 20keV Xe and implanted with low energy BF2. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 114-11. pp. 198-202. ISSN 0921-5107

Jones, T.E., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, C.J. (2004) The influence of Au on the adsorption of methylacetoacetate on Ni—a study with medium energy ion scattering and reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy. Surface Science, 569 (1-3). pp. 63-75. ISSN 0039-6028

Seah, M. P., Spencer, S. J., Bensebaa, F., Vickridge, I., Danzebrink, H., Krumrey, M., Gross, T., Oesterle, W., Wendler, E., Rheinländer, B., Azuma, Y., Kojima, I., Suzuki, N., Suzuki, M., Tanuma, S., Moon, D. W., Lee, H. J., Cho, Hyun Mo, Chen, H. Y., Wee, A. T. S., Osipowicz, T., Pan, J. S., Jordaan, W. A., Hauert, R., Klotz, U., van der Marel, C., Verheijen, M., Tamminga, Y., Jeynes, C., Bailey, Paul, Biswas, S., Falke, U., Nguyen, N. V., Chandler-Horowitz, D., Ehrstein, J. R., Muller, D. and Dura, J. A. (2004) Critical review of the current status of thickness measurements for ultrathin SiO2 on Si Part V: Results of a CCQM pilot study. Surface and Interface Analysis, 36 (9). pp. 1269-1303. ISSN 0142-2421

Berg, J. A. van den, Carter, G., Armour, D. G., Werner, M., Goldberg, R. D., Collart, E. J. H., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2004) Damage profiles of ultrashallow B implants in Si and the Kinchin-Pease relationship. Applied Physics Letters, 85 (15). p. 3074. ISSN 0003-6951

MacLaren, D., Bacon, R., Allison, W., O’Connor, D., Dastoor, P., Noakes, T. and Bailey, Paul (2004) Submonolayer alloying of copper on vicinal platinum: A combined atom and ion scattering study. Physical Review B, 70 (12). p. 125403. ISSN 1098-0121

Potter, R. J., Marshall, P. A., Chalker, P. R., Taylor, S., Jones, A. C., Noakes, T. C. Q. and Bailey, Paul (2004) Characterization of hafnium aluminate gate dielectrics deposited by liquid injection metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Applied Physics Letters, 84 (20). p. 4119. ISSN 0003-6951

Liu, Yanwen, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, Timothy C. Q., Thompson, George E., Skeldon, Peter and Alexander, Morgan R. (2004) Chemical environment of copper at the surface of a CuAl2 model alloy: XPS, MEIS and TEM analyses. Surface and Interface Analysis, 36 (4). pp. 339-346. ISSN 0142-2421

Jones, Timothy E., Noakes, Timothy C. Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, Christopher J. (2004) Adsorbate-Induced Segregation in the Ni{111}/Au/(R,R)-Tartaric Acid System. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (15). pp. 4759-4766. ISSN 1520-6106

Abulsain, M, Berkani, A, Bonilla, F.A, Liu, Y, Arenas, M.A, Skeldon, P, Thompson, G.E, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q, Shimizu, K and Habazaki, H (2004) Anodic oxidation of Mg–Cu and Mg–Zn alloys. Electrochimica Acta, 49 (6). pp. 899-904. ISSN 0013-4686

O’Connor, D.J., MacLaren, D.A., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul, Allison, W. and Dastoor, P.C. (2004) Growth and alloying of submonolayer Cu on Pt(121211). Vacuum, 73 (1). pp. 115-121. ISSN 0042-207X

Werner, M, Van den Berg, Jakob, Armour, D, Van Der Vorst, W, Collart, E, Goldberg, R, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T (2004) Damage accumulation and dopant migration during shallow As and Sb implantation into Si. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 216. pp. 67-74. ISSN 0168-583X

Garcia-Vergara, S., Colin, F., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G. E., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T. C. Q., Habazaki, H. and Shimizu, K. (2004) Effect of Copper Enrichment on the Electrochemical Potential of Binary Al-Cu Alloys. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 151 (1). B16-B21. ISSN 0013-4651


Iglesias-Rubianes, L, Skeldon, P, Thompson, G.E, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q, Habazaki, H and Shimizu, K (2003) Influence of oxidation rate and alloy composition on alloy enrichments of anodized Al–W alloys. Corrosion Science, 45 (12). pp. 2915-2923. ISSN 0010-938X

Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul, Dekadjevi, D. and Howson, M. (2003) Surfactant-mediated growth of Cu on Co(0001) investigated using medium-energy ion scattering. Physical Review B, 68 (15). p. 155425. ISSN 0163-1829

Alcalá, G, Mato, S, Skeldon, P, Thompson, G.E, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q, Habazaki, H and Shimizu, K (2003) Anodic film growth in the Al–Ta alloy system. Corrosion Science, 45 (8). pp. 1803-1813. ISSN 0010-938X

Alexander, M. R., Beamson, G., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T. C. Q., Skeldon, P. and Thompson, G. E. (2003) The distribution of hydroxyl ions at the surface of anodic alumina. Surface and Interface Analysis, 35 (8). pp. 649-657. ISSN 0142-2421

Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul and van der Laan, G. (2003) Site exchange in ultrathin layers of Ni on Cu(100) studied with element-specific layer-by-layer resolution. Physical Review B, 67 (15). p. 153401. ISSN 0163-1829

White, S.L., Thomas, S., Joyce, T.B., Bullough, T.J., Chalker, P.R., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul, Mazzucato, S. and Balkan, N. (2003) Medium energy ion scattering studies of as-grown and annealed GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well. Solid-State Electronics, 47 (3). pp. 425-429. ISSN 0038-1101

Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q., Baddeley, C.J., van der Laan, G., Brown, D., Quinn, P.D. and Woodruff, D.P. (2003) Aspects of layer-by-layer composition analysis using MEIS. Current Applied Physics, 3 (1). pp. 89-92. ISSN 15671739

Dowsett, M.G., Ormsby, T.J., Gard, F.S., Al-Harthi, S.H., Guzmán, B., McConville, C.F., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2003) Determination of the variation in sputter yield in the SIMS transient region using MEIS. Applied Surface Science, 203-20. pp. 363-366. ISSN 0169-4332

Garcia-Vergara, S, Skeldon, P, Thompson, G.E, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q, Habazaki, H and Shimizu, K (2003) Morphology of enriched alloy layers in an anodized Al–Cu alloy. Applied Surface Science, 205 (1-4). pp. 121-127. ISSN 0169-4332

Jones, T.E., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Baddeley, C.J. (2003) Structural and compositional analysis of two ordered near-surface alloys produced by adsorption and thermal decomposition of Mo(CO)6 on Ni{111}. Surface Science, 523 (1-2). pp. 12-20. ISSN 0039-6028


Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q., Liu, Y., Alexander, M.R., Koroleva, E.V., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E., Habazaki, H. and Shimizu, K. (2002) Damage of alumina films by medium energy hydrogen and helium ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 197 (3-4). pp. 265-270. ISSN 0168-583X

Hayton, D J, Jenkins, T E, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T C Q (2002) Optical and ion-scattering study of SiO2 layers thermally grown on 4H-SiC. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 17 (7). L29-L32. ISSN 0268-1242

Spence, D.J., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Tear, S.P. (2002) Structural studies of two- and three-dimensional dysprosium silicides using medium-energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 512 (1-2). pp. 61-66. ISSN 0039-6028

Quinn, P.D, Brown, D, Woodruff, D.P, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q (2002) Structural study of the adsorption of Sb on Ag(111) using medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 511 (1-3). pp. 43-56. ISSN 0039-6028

Caicedo-Martinez, C. E., Koroleva, E., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G. E., Hoellrigl, G., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T. C. Q., Habazaki, H. and Shimizu, K. (2002) Behavior of Impurity and Minor Alloying Elements during Surface Treatments of Aluminum. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 149 (4). B139-B145. ISSN 0013-4651

Van den Berg, Jakob, Armour, D.G., Zhang, S., Whelan, S., Werner, M., Collart, E. H. J., Goldberg, R.D., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q. (2002) Damage and Dopant Profiles Produced by Ultra-Shallow Boron And Arsenic Ion Implants into Silicon at Different Temperatures Characterised by Medium Energy Ion Scattering. MRS Proceedings, 717. ISSN 1946-4274

Liu, Y., Alexander, M., Koroleva, E., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G. E., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T. C. Q., Shimizu, K. and Habazaki, H. (2002) Detachment of alumina films from aluminium by 100 keV H+ ions. Surface and Interface Analysis, 33 (4). pp. 318-321. ISSN 0142-2421

McConville, C. F., Al-Harthi, S. H., Dowsett, M. G., Gard, F. S., Ormsby, T. J., Guzman, B., Noakes, T. C. Q. and Bailey, Paul (2002) Determination of the erosion rate in the transient region of an ultralow energy secondary ion mass spectrometry profile using medium energy ion scattering. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 20 (4). p. 1690. ISSN 0734-211X

Quinn, P D, Bittencourt, C, Brown, D, Woodruff, D P, Noakes, T C Q and Bailey, Paul (2002) Tensor low energy electron diffraction and medium energy ion scattering determination of the Ni(110)c(2×2)-Sn surface structure. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14 (4). pp. 665-673. ISSN 0953-8984

Van den Berg, Jakob, Armour, D. G., Zhang, S., Whelan, S., Ohno, H., Wang, T.-S., Cullis, A. G., Collart, E. H. J., Goldberg, R. D., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2002) Characterization by medium energy ion scattering of damage and dopant profiles produced by ultrashallow B and As implants into Si at different temperatures. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 20 (3). p. 974. ISSN 0734-211X

Dowsett, M., Al-Harthi, S., Ormsby, T., Guzmán, B., Gard, F., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul and McConville, C. (2002) Establishing an accurate depth-scale calibration in the top few nanometers of an ultrashallow implant profile. Physical Review B, 65 (11). p. 113412. ISSN 0163-1829

Woodhead, A.P, Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q, Norman, D and Thornton, G (2002) Second layer rumpling in Ni()c(2×2)–S. Surface Science, 496 (3). pp. 299-306. ISSN 0039-6028

Brown, D, Quinn, P.D, Woodruff, D.P, Noakes, T.C.Q and Bailey, Paul (2002) Surface and sub-surface segregation at the Pt25Rh75(111) surface: a medium energy ion scattering study. Surface Science, 497 (1-3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0039-6028


Quinn, P, Brown, D, Woodruff, D.P, Noakes, T.C.Q and Bailey, Paul (2001) Structural analysis of the Ru(0001)(1×1)-O and Ru(0001)(2×1)-O structures by medium energy in scattering. Surface Science, 491 (1-2). pp. 208-218. ISSN 0039-6028

Noakes, T and Bailey, Paul (2001) A medium energy ion scattering study of metal-on-metal epitaxy and surfactant-mediated growth for the Au on Cu(111) system. Thin Solid Films, 394 (1-2). pp. 15-22. ISSN 0040-6090

Van den Berg, Jakob, Zhang, S, Whelan, S, Armour, D.G, Goldberg, R.D, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q (2001) Medium energy ion scattering for the characterisation of damage profiles of ultra shallow B implants in Si. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 183 (1-2). pp. 154-165. ISSN 0168-583X

Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q, Baddeley, C.J, Tear, S.P and Woodruff, D.P (2001) Monolayer resolution in medium energy ion scattering. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 183 (1-2). pp. 62-72. ISSN 0168-583X

Woodruff, D.P, Brown, D, Quinn, P.D, Noakes, T.C.Q and Bailey, Paul (2001) Structure determination of surface adsorption and surface alloy phases using medium energy ion scattering. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 183 (1-2). pp. 128-139. ISSN 0168-583X

Bailey, Paul, Skeldon, P., Noakes, T. C. Q., Thompson, G. E., Sakairi, M., Habazaki, H. and Shimizu, K. (2001) Composition and structure of enriched alloy layers in filmed Al alloys studied by medium-energy ion scattering. Surface and Interface Analysis, 31 (6). pp. 480-483. ISSN 0142-2421

Brown, D., Woodruff, D.P., Noakes, T.C.Q. and Bailey, Paul (2001) CN-induced surface layer expansion of Ni(110): a MEIS study. Surface Science, 476 (3). L241-L246. ISSN 0039-6028

Baddeley, Christopher J, Bloxham, Lucy H, Laroze, Sylvie C, Raval, Rasmita, Noakes, Timothy CQ and Bailey, Paul (2001) Quantitative Analysis of Adsorbate Induced Segregation at Bimetallic Surfaces: Improving the Accuracy of Medium Energy Ion Scattering Results. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105 (14). pp. 2766-2772. ISSN 1520-6106


Butterfield, M., Crapper, M., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul, Jackson, G. and Woodruff, D. (2000) Structure of ultrathin films of Co on Cu(111) from normal-incidence x-ray standing wave and medium-energy ion scattering measurements. Physical Review B, 62 (24). pp. 16984-16994. ISSN 0163-1829

Whelan, S, Armour, D.G, Van den Berg, Jakob, Goldberg, R.D, Zhang, S, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T.C.Q (2000) Implant temperature dependence of transient-enhanced diffusion in silicon (100) implanted with low-energy arsenic ions. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 3 (4). pp. 285-290. ISSN 1369-8001

Spence, D., Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul and Tear, S. (2000) Investigation of a two-dimensional dysprosium germanide on Ge(111): A medium-energy ion-scattering study including direct observation of a reversal of top-layer buckling upon adsorption of hydrogen. Physical Review B, 62 (8). pp. 5016-5020. ISSN 0163-1829

Noakes, T. C. Q., Bailey, Paul, Laroze, S., Bloxham, L. H., Raval, R. and Baddeley, C. J. (2000) Pd/Cu alloys as hydrodechlorination catalysts: a medium-energy ion scattering study of surface composition under exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons. Surface and Interface Analysis, 30 (1). pp. 81-84. ISSN 0142-2421

Spence, D J, Tear, S P, Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T C Q (2000) A medium-energy ion scattering study of the Si(111)(√3×√3)R30°- Pb (β-phase) surface. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12 (22). pp. 4699-4711. ISSN 0953-8984

Chalker, P.R., Morrice, D., Joyce, T.B., Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Considine, L. (2000) Indium segregation in MOCVD InGaN layers studied by medium energy ion scattering. Diamond and Related Materials, 9 (3-6). pp. 520-523. ISSN 0925-9635

Zalm, P. C., Van den Berg, Jakob, van Berkum, J. G. M., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. C. Q. (2000) Low-energy grazing-angle argon-ion irradiation of silicon: A viable option for cleaning? Applied Physics Letters, 76 (14). pp. 1887-1889. ISSN 0003-6951

Brown, D., Quinn, P., Woodruff, D., Bailey, Paul and Noakes, T. (2000) Medium-energy ion scattering structural study of the Ni(111)(√3×√3)R30°-Pb surface phase. Physical Review B, 61 (11). pp. 7706-7715. ISSN 0163-1829

Spence, D., Tear, S., Noakes, T. and Bailey, Paul (2000) Medium-energy ion scattering studies of two-dimensional rare-earth silicides. Physical Review B, 61 (8). pp. 5707-5713. ISSN 0163-1829


Baddeley, C.J, Bloxham, L.H, Laroze, S.C, Raval, R, Noakes, T.C.Q and Bailey, Paul (1999) The dynamic catalytic surface: probing bimetallic active sites with medium energy ion scattering. Surface Science, 433-43. pp. 827-832. ISSN 0039-6028

Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C.Q and Woodruff, D.P (1999) A medium energy ion scattering study of the structure of Sb overlayers on Cu(111). Surface Science, 426 (3). pp. 358-372. ISSN 0039-6028

D'Addato, S, Bailey, Paul, Thornton, J M C and Evans, D A (1999) Charge transfer and redistribution in the formation of the K/GaP(110) interface: a photoelectron spectroscopy study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 10 (13). pp. 2861-2871. ISSN 0953-8984

Brown, D, Noakes, T C Q, Woodruff, D P, Bailey, Paul and Goaziou, Y Le (1999) Structure determination of the Cu(100)c(2x2)-Mn and Cu(100)c(2x2)-Au surface alloy phases by medium-energy ion scattering. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11 (8). pp. 1889-1901. ISSN 0953-8984


Noakes, T., Bailey, Paul, Hucknall, P., Donovan, K. and Howson, M. (1998) Au/Fe thin-film magnetic multilayer materials: A layer-specific structural analysis using medium-energy ion scattering. Physical Review B, 58 (8). pp. 4934-4941. ISSN 0163-1829

Bailey, Paul, Cowie, B.C.C. and Norman, D. (1998) Operation and oxidation of thermionic dispenser cathodes studied by high resolution photoemission. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 16 (4). p. 2309. ISSN 0734-2101

Wincott, P.L, Prime, A.F, Hardman, P.J, Muryn, C.A, Thornton, G and Bailey, Paul (1998) Core level studies of sodium tungsten bronze, Na0.64WO3(110) 3×1. Surface Science, 402-40. pp. 705-709. ISSN 0039-6028

Quinn, F. M., Teehan, D., MacDonald, M., Downes, S. and Bailey, Paul (1998) Higher-order suppression in diffraction-grating monochromators using thin films. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 5 (3). pp. 783-785. ISSN 0909-0495

Noakes, T.C.Q., Bailey, Paul and Woodruff, D.P. (1998) MEIS surface structure determination methodology: Application to Ni (100)c(2 × 2)-O. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 136-13. pp. 1125-1130. ISSN 0168-583X


Hatzopoulos, N., Suder, S., Van den Berg, Jakob, Panknin, D., Fukarek, W., Donnelly, S. E., Cook, C.E.A., Armour, D.G., Lucassen, M., Frey, I., Foad, M.A., England, J.G., Moffatt, S., Bailey, Paul, Noakes, T.C. and Ohno, H. (1997) Range and damage distributions in ultra-low energy boron implantation into silicon. In: Ion implantation technology--96: proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 527-530. ISBN 9780780332898

D'Addato, S., Bailey, Paul, Thornton, J.M.C. and Evans, D.A. (1997) Core level analysis of the interface. Surface Science, 377-37. pp. 233-237. ISSN 0039-6028


Thornton, J.M.C., Weightman, P., Bailey, Paul, Woolf, D.A., Laine, A.D. and Evans, D.A. (1996) Development of the interface at room and low temperature. Applied Surface Science, 104-10. pp. 234-239. ISSN 0169-4332

Wolfframm, D., Bailey, Paul, Evans, D.A., Neuhold, G. and Horn, K. (1996) Zinc sulfide on GaP(110): Characterization of epitaxial growth and electronic structure. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 14 (3). pp. 844-848. ISSN 0734-2101


Moriarty, P., Murphy, B., Roberts, L., Cafolla, A. A., Hughes, G., Koenders, L., Bailey, Paul and Woolf, D. A. (1995) Chemical bonding and structure of the sulfur treated GaAs(111)B surface. Applied Physics Letters, 67 (3). p. 383. ISSN 0003-6951


Evans, D.A., Bailey, Paul, Thornton, J.M.C and D'addato, S. (1994) Temperature-dependent growth of the Na/GaP(110) interface. Surface Review and Letters, 01 (04). pp. 597-600. ISSN 0218-625X

Moriarty, P., Murphy, B., Roberts, L., Cafolla, A., Hughes, G., Koenders, L. and Bailey, Paul (1994) Photoelectron core-level spectroscopy and scanning-tunneling-microscopy study of the sulfur-treated GaAs(100) surface. Physical Review B, 50 (19). pp. 14237-14245. ISSN 0163-1829

Murphy, B., Moriarty, P., Roberts, L., Cafolla, T., Hughes, G., Koenders, L. and Bailey, Paul (1994) Chemical and structural studies of the interactions of molecular sulfur with the GaAs(111)A and GaAs(111)B surfaces. Surface Science, 317 (1-2). pp. 73-83. ISSN 0039-6028

Fraser, George W., Lees, John E, Pearson, James F, Nichols, Anthony P and Bailey, Paul (1994) Near-edge structure in the soft x-ray quantum efficiency of microchannel plate (MCP) detectors. Proceedings of SPIE, 2280. pp. 101-108. ISSN 0277-786X

Flavell, W.R., Hoad, D.R.C., Mian, M., Morris, B.C., Roberts, A.J., Sarker, M.M., Wincott, P.L., Teehan, D. and Bailey, Paul (1994) Surface electronic structure of complex B-metal perovskites. Surface Science, 307-30 (2). pp. 1166-1171. ISSN 0039-6028


Mikheeva, M.N., Nazin, V.G., Svishchev, A.V., Law, D.S.-L., Turner, Tracy, Bailey, Paul, Teehan, D., Barilo, S.N. and Gritskov, P.V. (1993) Low temperature photoemission study of La2CuO4+x single crystals. Surface Science, 287-28 (2). pp. 662-666. ISSN 0039-6028


Bailey, Paul, Donnelly, S. E., Armour, D.G. and Matzke, Hj. (1988) Gas release from pressurized closed pores in nuclear fuels. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 158 (1). pp. 19-24. ISSN 0022-3115


Bailey, Paul, Armour, D.G. and Sharples, G. (1987) Vacuum considerations in the design of low energy accelerators. Vacuum, 37 (3-4). p. 377. ISSN 0042-207X


Armour, DG, Bailey, Paul and Sharples, G (1986) The use of ion beams in thin film deposition. Vacuum, 36 (11-12). pp. 769-775. ISSN 0042-207X


Armour, D.G., Bailey, Paul, Judge, P.A., Sharples, G., Byers, P. and Whitehead, D. (1985) The design and operation of an ultra-high vacuum ion implantation and ion beam deposition system. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Ion Sources and Ion-Assisted Technology. Research Group.

Carter, G, Armour, DG, Bailey, Paul and Kiriakidis, G (1985) The use of the exponential tempering function in multiple order desorption analysis. Vacuum, 35 (1). pp. 39-43. ISSN 0042-207X


Carter, G, Bailey, Paul and Armour, DG (1984) The precise deduction of desorption activation energy distributions from thermal evolution spectra. Vacuum, 34 (8-9). pp. 797-800. ISSN 0042-207X

Carter, G, Armour, DG and Bailey, Paul (1984) The precise deduction of initial depth distributions of diffusants from thermal evolution spectrometry. Vacuum, 34 (8-9). pp. 801-803. ISSN 0042-207X

Bailey, Paul, Donnelly, S. E., Ingram, DC and Armour, DG (1984) A low energy ion beam system for thermal evolution measurements of damage in ion bombarded single crystals. Vacuum, 34 (1-2). pp. 239-244. ISSN 0042-207X


Bailey, Paul, Armour, D.G., England, J.B.A., Tait, N.R.S. and Tolfree, D.W.L. (1983) Hydrogen in carbon foils made by DC glow discharge in ethylene. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 213 (2-3). pp. 517-523. ISSN 0167-5087

Carter, G, Armour, DG and Bailey, Paul (1983) The application of tempering to the study of serial desorption processes. Vacuum, 33 (6). pp. 317-320. ISSN 0042-207X

Bailey, Paul, Armour, D. G., Karpuzov, D. S. and Carter, G. (1983) Helium trapping in nickel and the use of the helium probe as a technique for defect and gas agglomeration studies. Radiation Effects, 78 (1-4). pp. 133-146. ISSN 0033-7579


Carter, G, Bailey, Paul, Armour, DG and Collins, R (1982) The deduction of continuously distributed activation energy site populations from tempering schedules. Vacuum, 32 (5). pp. 233-241. ISSN 0042-207X


Cullis, A G, Webber, H C and Bailey, Paul (1979) A device for laser beam diffusion and homogenisation. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 12 (8). pp. 688-689. ISSN 0022-3735

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