Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 | 1992 | 1989
Number of items at this level: 280.


Omoyeni, Ireoluwakitan (2022) Ethnic Discrimination in The United Kingdom Via Corporate Appearance Standards. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Camilleri, Manuel Salvinu (2021) The Investigation of Suicide in Malta. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Lazer, Susan (2021) The Principle of Orality: An Analysis of the Principles Governing the Prevalence of Direct Oral Testimony in the English Adversarial Trial System and the Impact of Reforms to Reduce its Status. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Lilley, Caroline Jo (2021) Juror Decision-making within Intimate Partner Rape: Examining the relationship between Modern Rape Myth Beliefs, Legal Attitudes and Personality Traits upon Verdict Decisions. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Raikes, Benjamin K. (2021) MAKING SENSE OF THE IMPACT OF IMPRISONMENT ON CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Stokes, Mark (2021) An Investigation of the Sustainability of Crime Prevention in the Built Environment: Impact and Implementation Factors. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Drake, Philip James (2020) Beyond the Bounds of Formalism: Social Justice and Legal Education. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Farquharson, Renee (2020) Self-selection policing and animal cruelty: Investigating animal cruelty as an indicator of more serious and active criminality. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Kasnazany, Taib (2020) The Adaptation of International Law to New Generations of International Conflicts and Changes in International Policy in Response and Fight Against the International Terrorism. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Le Tran, Thuy (2020) Cross-Border Marriages in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam: Current Legal Problems and Proposed Solutions. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Michalakopoulou, Kalliopi (2020) Innovation Adoption as a Vehicle for Operational Efficiency Enhancement in the Legal Service Management. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Christmann, Kris (2019) 'Leave Them No Space': Checkmating Political Dissent in the Policing of Two UK International Summits. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Latif, Azka Jabeen (2019) Who blames the rape victim? An investigation of attributions of blame in hypothetical rape scenarios outside the male rapist and female victim dyad. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.



Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.

Drake, Philip, Taylor, Natasha and Toddington, Stuart (2018) Ethical Engagement, Embedded Reflection, and Mutual Empowerment in the Clinical Process. In: Social Justice and Legal Education. Cambridge Scholars, Cambridege, UK, pp. 65-83. ISBN 9781527506466


Goldy, Benjamin (2018) Criminal Activity Spaces and Crime Linkage Analysis: Towards a Suspect Prioritization System. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Habirovs, Arturs (2018) Factors that shape cybercrime victimisation and use of prevention measures in England and Wales. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Kelly, Rebecca J. (2018) Beyond Sovereignty and Nationhood: An Analysis of the Principles Governing the Founding of the European Court of Human Rights and the Legitimacy of its Autonomy and Intervention. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

McDermott, Chloe (2018) An Examination of the Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme in One Police Service Area. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Mendelsohn, James (2018) Closing the loophole: time to clip Hizballah’s ‘wings’. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Sayer, Laura (2018) Police patrols and feelings of safety: addressing the influencing factors. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Selby, Helen (2018) Embedding Evidence Based Policing (EBP): A Case Study Exploring Challenges and Opportunities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Willmott, Dominic (2018) An Examination of the Relationship between Juror Attitudes, Psychological Constructs, and Verdict Decisions within Rape Trials. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Wray, Lauren (2018) THE ROLE OF NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING IN PREVENTING EXTREMISM. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Zeyrek-Rios, Emek (2018) Experiential Aspects of Crime: A Narrative Approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2018) The Directive on the Credit Agreements for Consumers relating to Residential Immovable Property (Directive 2014/17): a Regulatory Explanation and a Private Law Analysis. European Business Law Review, 29 (1). pp. 33-57. ISSN 0959-6941

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2018) Securitization and structured finance : from shadow banking to legal harmonization. In: Securitization and Structured Finance: from Shadow Banking to Legal Harmonization? Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 117-160. ISBN 9781785362620


Alajaty, Mahmoud (2017) Institutional reform and FDI decision in transition economies: a qualitative study of Syria. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 18 (3). pp. 164-174. ISSN 1465-7503

Booth, Nigel, Willmott, Dominic and Boduszek, Daniel (2017) Juries in Rape Trials: Balanced or Biased? Criminal Law & Justice Weekly, 181 (37). pp. 662-663. ISSN 1759-7943

Cash, Andrew (2017) Freehold Covenants and the Potential Flaws in the Law Commission's 2011 Reform Proposals. The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 2017 (3). pp. 212-222. ISSN 0010-8200

Cook, Carol (2017) Zero-hours contracts - not always what they seem. CILEX Journal. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2050-0580

Drake, Philip (2017) Beyond the bounds of formalism – social justice and legal education. In: Huddersfield University, Business School Research Conference 2017, 11-13 January 2017, Huddersfield, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip (2017) 'It's been emotional' - an ethnographic pilot study of students working in a university law clinic. In: SLSA Conference 2017, 5-7 April 2017, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip (2017) ‘Law outside the vacuum’ – An ethnographic study of knowledge & epistemic practice within a university law clinic. In: 12th JVET Conference 2017, 7-9th July 2017, Worcester College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Fellowes, Melanie G. (2017) Commercial surrogacy in India: The presumption of adaptive preference formation, the possibility of autonomy and the persistence of exploitation. Medical Law International. pp. 1-24. ISSN 2047-9441

Ferris, Katy (2017) Refugee Family Reunion and the Development of a University Law Clinic. In: Huddersfield Business School Research Conference, 11th January 2017, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Ferris, Katy, Marson, James and Nicholson, Alex (2017) Brexit means Brexit: What does it mean for the Protection of Third Party Victims and the Road Traffic Act? Statute Law Review. ISSN 1464-3863

Flynn, Melanie (2017) Sentencing Wildlife Trade Offences in England and Wales: Consistency, Appropriateness and the Role of Sentencing Guidelines. Research Report. World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Gibson, Natalie and Kelly, Rebecca (2017) Family law update: current issues in proprietary estoppel - Part 2. CILEX Journal. pp. 24-25. ISSN 2050-0580

Grunert, Angela (2017) Book Review: Smith, Malcolm K., 'Saviour Siblings and the Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology', (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015). Medical Law Review. ISSN 1464-3790

Hambly, Olivia (2017) Investigating Domestic Burglary: Offences, offenders and co-offending. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Hviid, Morten, Izquierdo Sanchez, Sofia and Jacques, Sabine (2017) Digitalisation and intermediaries in the music industry. Working Paper. CREATe.

Hviid, Morten, Izquierdo Sanchez, Sofia and Jacques, Sabine (2017) From publishers to self-publishing: The disruptive effects of digitalisation on the book industry. Working Paper. CREATe.

Kelly, Rebecca and Swaby, Gerald (2017) Consumer Protection Rights and "Free" Digital Content. Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, 23 (7). pp. 165-170. ISSN 1357-3128

Lane, Jacqueline Ann (2017) A Watershed Decade in British Industrial Relations, 1965 to 1974? The Donovan Commission Report, In Place of Strife and the Industrial Relations Act of 1971. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2017) The Uninsured Drivers’ Agreement 2015 as a Legitimate Source of Authority. Statute Law Review, 38 (2). pp. 133-146. ISSN 1464-3863

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2017) The Uninsured Drivers’ Agreement 2015 as a Legitimate Source of Authority. Statute Law Review, 38 (2). pp. 133-146. ISSN 0144-3593

Marson, James, Ferris, Katy and Nicholson, Alex (2017) Irreconcilable Differences? The Road Traffic Act and the European Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives. Journal of Business Law. ISSN 0021-9460

Marson, James, Ferris, Katy and Tudor, Clare (2017) Family reunion in a university law clinic: a model for law schools? European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 23 (2). ISSN 2059-0881

Newman, Helen (2017) The increasing importance of nuptial agreements in light of recent cases and statutory developments. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Rahnavard, Daniel (2017) The Expectations and Experiences of Working-Class Law Students at a 'New' University. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Swaby, Gerald and Lazer, Susan (2017) Civil litigation update: 'fundamental dishonesty' reviewed by appeal court. CILEX Journal. ISSN 2050-0580

Wang, Jing (2017) Fostering or Suppression? Reluctance of Chinese Privately-Owned Fixed Broadband Operators to Enter the Market from the Perspective of the Anti-Monopoly Law of China 2007. Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2017). ISSN 2251-3809

Wang, Jing (2017) The Public Interest Test: How Fairness in the Chinese Market Can be Promoted through the Anti-Monopoly Law of China 2007. In: SLSA Conference 2017, 5-7 April 2017, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)

Wang, Jing (2017) Threats to privately-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China from the state-owned enterprise policy and the state's interest: towards developing an effective legal framework for the protection of Chinese privately-owned SMEs. Doctoral thesis, Bangor University.

Wang, Jing (2017) Why the anti-monopoly law of China 2007 fails to protect privately-owned SMEs: struggling against collusion between administrative agencies and state-owned enterprises. In: International Meeting on Law and Society, 20th-23rd June 2017, Mexico City, Mexico. (Unpublished)

Wang, Jing/J (2017) A maze of contradictions: Chinese law and policy in the development process of privately owned small and medium-sized enterprises in China. Michigan State International Law Review, 25 (3). pp. 491-554. ISSN 2328-3068

Willmott, Dominic, Boduszek, Daniel and Booth, Nigel (2017) The English Jury on Trial. Custodial Review, 82. pp. 12-14.


Amali, Mohammed O. (2016) Curbing money laundering: global reception and implementation of international anti money laundering standards- a case study on Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bhangal, Avinder (2016) Maritime piracy: an auto-limitation approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Curley, Sean (2016) Advocacy - A Beginners Guide. CIPA Journal (7). p. 32. ISSN 0306-0314

Curley, Sean (2016) Lord Denning: Towards a theory of adjudication. An examination of the judicial decision making process of Lord Denning and his creation and use of the interstitial spaces within the law and legal process to assist in the exercise of his discretion and an examination of those factors which influenced that discretion. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Fellowes, Melanie (2016) Medical law update: disclosure of risks to patients (Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board). CILEX Journal. ISSN 2050-0580

Ferris, Katy (2016) Strategies to Consider Adopting in your studies - Strategy Two. CILEX Journal, 9. pp. 44-45. ISSN 2050-0580

Ferris, Katy (2016) Which is the Applicable Law in Recovery of Losses from an Uninsured Driver? Moreno v The Motor Insurers' Bureau [2016] UKSC 52. European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 22 (3). ISSN 2059-0881

Gavin, Helen and Porter, Theresa (2016) Infanticide and neonaticide. In: Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior. Sage, Thousand Oaks California USA, pp. 159-170. ISBN 9781483376219

Gibson, Natalie and Kelly, Rebecca (2016) Family Law Update - Current Issues In Proprietory Estoppel - Part 1. CILEX Journal. pp. 26-27. ISSN 2050-0580

Kelly, Rebecca and Gibson, Natalie (2016) Employment Law Update: the impact of the Trade Union Act 2016 considered - Part 2. CILEX Journal. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2050-0580

Kelly, Rebecca and Gibson, Natalie (2016) Employment law update: the impact of the Trade Union Act 2016 considered – Part 1. CILEX Journal (August). pp. 28-29. ISSN 2050-0580

Lane, Jackie (2016) Immigration Law Update : Immigration status discrimination is not race discrimination. Jacqueline Lane comments on Taiwo v Olaigbe; Onu v Akwiwu (2016) UKSC 31. CILEX Journal. ISSN 2050-0580

Lane, Jackie (2016) Teaching and Assessment can be inclusive too. In: The Legal Academic's Handbook. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK. ISBN 9781137434289

Manning, Gemma (2016) Fair Hearings in Immigration Tribunals. Student Law Review, 78. pp. 30-34. ISSN 0961-0391

Manning, Gemma (2016) MS Pakistan: Human Rights and State Obligations in Trafficking Cases. Student Law Review, 79. pp. 41-45. ISSN 0961-0391

Manning, Gemma (2016) A New Landscape of Appeals: Visit Visas and Family Life. Student Law Review, 77. pp. 37-41. ISSN 0961-0391

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2016) Business Law. Concentrate Series 3E . Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0198794431

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2016) Business Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198794431

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2016) Collective Redress: Broadening EU Enforcement Through State Liability? European Business Law Review, 27 (3). pp. 325-351. ISSN 0959-6941

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2016) Delaney and the Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives: Lessons for the Teaching of EU Law. The Law Teacher. ISSN 0306-9400

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2016) Splitting hairs? Is it discrimination? James Marson & Katy Ferris examine the different approaches of the court to mistreatment on grounds of nationality & immigration status. New Law Journal, 166 (7710). p. 10. ISSN 0306-6479

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2016) The misinformation effect: how multiple eye witnesses can make the same mistake. Proof Magazine.

Ndi, George and Amadi, Precious (2016) The Use of Urban and Regional Planning Act LFN 2004 and Relevant Cases in Evaluating City Zoning and Development in Nigeria. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 48. pp. 18-23. ISSN 2224-3240

Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (2016) In search of a science of law. Retfaerd, 39 (4). pp. 22-37. ISSN 0105-1121

Pescod, Vince and Clowrey, Amy (2016) Six Good Reasons Why Judges Should Meet with Children in Appropriate Cases. Family Law Journal, 46 (9). pp. 1152-1156. ISSN 0014-7281

Swaby, Gerald (2016) Insurance Fraud Taskforce Report. CILEX Journal. pp. 8-12. ISSN 2050-0580

Swaby, Gerald (2016) Personal injury law update : proposed reforms. CILEX Journal. ISSN 2050-0580

Wang, Jing (2016) Factors Affecting the Functions of the Anti-Monopoly Law of China 2007 in the Chinese Refined Oil Retail Market. In: International Postgraduate Legal Conference 2016, 11th January 2016, University of Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

Wang, Jing (2016) Struggling against Administrative Powers: Practical Applications of the Anti-Monopoly Law of China 2007 towards Privately-Owned SMEs. In: 10th Annual International Graduate Legal Research Conference (IGLRC 2016), April 4th-5th 2016, King's College London, UK. (Unpublished)

Wang, Jing (2016) Threats to Privately-Owned SMEs in China from the State-Owned Enterprise Policy and the State’s Interest: Towards Developing an Effective Legal Framework for the Protection of Chinese Privately-Owned SMEs. In: The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2016, 6th-9th September 2016, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

Wang, Jing (2016) When Chinese Economic Law Faces Administrative Powers: How Fairness Between Economic Actors Can Be Promoted Through Law in China. In: 2016 UK IVR Annual Conference, 29th-30th October 2016, University of Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Wong, Kevin and Christmann, Kris (2016) Justice Reinvestment: “Motherhood and Apple Pie?”—Matching Ambition to Capacity and Capability. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 29 (1). pp. 58-67. ISSN 1053-9867

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2016) EU Principles of Workers' Participation in the Management of Businesses and the Employee Shareholder in Britain: Rules, Interpretation and Lacunae of a New Subcategory of the Contract of Employment. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 5 (1). ISSN 2280-4056

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre and Chessa, Corrado (2016) The So Called Pan-European Depositors' Protection Scheme: a Further Euro Own-Goal? A Critical Analysis of Directive 2014/49. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 23 (2). pp. 241-260. ISSN 1023-263X

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre and Myhill, Katriona (2016) Age Discrimination: a "too Young' Protected Characteristic in Europe? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity, 2 (2). ISSN 2396-8532


Alawneh, Tariq (2015) A critical analysis of the implied obligation against unjustified deviation: Is the rule still relevant to the modern law on carriage of goods by sea? Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Blyth, Eric (2015) Reform of UK surrogacy laws: the need for evidence. BioNews (813).

Haentjens, Matthias and de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2015) European Banking and Financial Law. Routledge. ISBN 9781138897960; 9781138897977

Hatfield, Emma (2015) The e-conveyancing re-revolution. The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (2). pp. 148-151. ISSN 0010-8200

Jones, Adele and Hirschfield, Alex (2015) Child- Sensitive Justice for Children of Imprisoned Parents. In: Child-friendly Justice: A Quarter of a Century of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Stockholm Studies in Child Law and Children’s Rights . Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. ISBN 9789004297425

Lane, Jackie (2015) Legislation as an appropriate medium for controlling industrial relations – a view from history. In: Labour Law Network Research Conference, 25th-27th June 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Lane, Jackie and Videbaek Munkholm, Natalie (2015) Danish and British Protection from Disability Discrimination at Work - Past, Present and Future. The International Journal of Comparative Labour law and Industrial Relations, 31 (1). pp. 91-112. ISSN 0952-617X

Manning, Gemma (2015) The Battle to be Believed: Credibility in Asylum Cases. Student Law Review, 75. pp. 31-34. ISSN 0961-0391

Manning, Gemma (2015) Sexual Orientation and Asylum Claims: A European Legal Framework. Student Law Review, 76. pp. 32-35. ISSN 0961-0391

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2015) Business Law (4th Edition). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-872734-7

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2015) The Transposition and Efficacy of EU Rights. Indirect Effect and a Coming of Age of State Liability? Business Law Review, 36 (4). pp. 158-168. ISSN 0143-6295

Suarez, Jorge Ramiro Perez (2015) We are Cyborgs: Developing a Theoretical Model for Understanding Criminal Behaviour on the Internet. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Swaby, Gerald (2015) Cheek by jowl: Fraudulent insurance claims and the counter measures enacted in personal injury cases. Insurance Law Journal, 27 (1). ISSN 1030-2379

Swaby, Gerald (2015) The Consumer Rights Act 2015: to exclude or not to exclude? CILEX Journal. pp. 38-39. ISSN 2050-0580

Swaby, Gerald (2015) Personal injury practice update: Gerald Swaby comments on the dichotomy raised by the decision in Hayward v Zurich Insurance Company plc [2015] EWCA Civ 327. Personal injury practice update. CILEX Journal. pp. 22-23. ISSN 2050-0580

Tomey-Alleyne, Meeka (2015) A critical assessment of how effective the criminal courts are when examining the child. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 1 (1). e7. ISSN 2057-0163

Whewell, Emma, Heenan, Susan, Owen, Robert, Chudry, Farooq and Percy-Smith, Barry (2015) Children's Social Care: A Preliminary Evaluation of Two Judge-led pre-Proceedings Protocols. Family Law, 45 (7). pp. 751-760. ISSN 0014-7281


Drake, Philip, Carlin, J., King, Laura, Moore, J. and Turner, R. (2014) The University of Huddersfield’s Legal Advice Clinic. In: Legal Advice Clinic and Inaugural Social Justice Lecture, 16th January 2014, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip, King, Laura, Moore, Jake and Turner, Rosie (2014) An integrated and embedded approach to learning ethics in the Law. In: Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2014, 13th -15th April 2014, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip and Toddington, Stuart (2014) The Depths of Dialogue: Ethics, Interests and the Behavioural Economics of ‘Collaborative’ Lawyering. In: Teaching Legal Ethics workshop: Responding to the LETR, 22nd March 2014, The City Law School, 2-10 Princeton Street, London. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip and Toddington, Stuart (2014) The Depths of dialogue: Ethics, Interests and the Behavioural Economics of Collaborative. In: International Legal Ethics Conference VI, 10th - 12th July 2014, City University London, UK. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip and Toddington, Stuart (2014) Ethically, autonomous lawyering for the future. In: Taking Social Justice Seriously: The Future of Clinical Education, 3rd November 2014, Sheffield, UK. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip and Toddington, Stuart (2014) Refashioning our ideas about lawyer and client collaboration. In: International Conference on Access to Justice and Legal Services, 19th-20th June 2014, UCL, London. (Unpublished)

Drake, Philip and Toddington, Stuart (2014) Structuring ethical values through clinical legal education. In: CLEO Clinical Legal Education Organisation Conference, 27th November 2014, Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished)

Ferris, Katy (2014) Privacy, Expression and the World Wide Web. Shall we Forget? Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 20 (2). ISSN 1360-1326

Ferris, Katy and Marson, James (2014) Does Disability Begin at 40? Karsten Kaltoft v Kommunernes Landsforening (KL), acting on behalf of the Municipality of Billund (Advocate General's Opinion) [2014]. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (WEB JCLI), 20 (3). ISSN 1360-1326

Hatfield, Emma (2014) Faith and understanding: the principle of indemnity. Solicitor's Journal, 158 (20). p. 15. ISSN 0038-1047

Manning, Gemma (2014) Female Genital Mutilation and the Assessment of Risk. Student Law Review, 72. pp. 39-42. ISSN 0961-0391

Manning, Gemma (2014) The Immigration Act 2014: Restricting Rights and Increasing Powers. Student Law Review, 73. pp. 33-37. ISSN 0961-0391

Mendelsohn, James (2014) Directors’ thefts: case closed? CILEX Journal. pp. 38-39. ISSN 2050-0580

Newton, Andrew D. (2014) Crime on Public Transport. In: Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer, London, pp. 709-720. ISBN 978-1-4614-5689-6

Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (2014) The End of an Era: Static and Dynamic Interpretation in International Courts. International Criminal Law Review, 14 (4-5). pp. 1571-8123. ISSN 1571-8123

Phipps-Bertram, Miriam Sian (2014) The importance of court reporting: an analysis into how and why court reporting is surviving in British newspapers, particularly concerning the local sector. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Taylor, Mark J. and Taylor, Natasha (2014) Health Research Access to Personal Confidential Data in England and Wales: Assessing any gap in public attitude between preferable and acceptable models of consent. Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 10 (15). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2195-7819

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre and Chessa, Corrado (2014) Il passaggio del rischio nella vendita della proprietà e la massima (oscura) res perit domino fra tradizione scozzese e tradizione continentale. Contratto e impresa/Europa (1). pp. 296-318. ISSN 1127-2872


Collins, Ellen, Milloy, Caren and Stone, Graham (2013) Guide to Creative Commons for Humanities and Social Science monograph authors. Working Paper. Jisc Collections, London.

Drake, Philip and Toddington, Stuart (2013) Clinical Pathways to Ethically Substantive Autonomy. International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 19. pp. 311-320. ISSN 1467-1069

Drake, Philip and Toddington, Stuart (2013) Reflections on moral courage and the necessity of practical wisdom. In: Teaching Legal Ethics UK Workshop: Understanding and Learning Moral Courage, Friday 12 July 2013, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Farrell, Anne Maree and Kazarian, Melinee (2013) The role of the criminal law in healthcare malpractice in France: examining the HIV blood contamination scandal. In: Bioethics, Medicine and the Criminal Law: Medicine, Crime and Society. Cambridge Bioethics and Law, 2 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 265-279. ISBN 9781107021532

Hart, Tina, Clark, Simon and Fazzani, Linda (2013) Intellectual Property Law 6th edition. Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780230366534

Hatfield, Emma (2013) Concealing development - Did we really need section 124? Journal of Planning and Environment Law (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0307-4870

Hatfield, Emma (2013) “A sledge hammer to crack a small nut.” An analysis of Section 124 of the Localism Act 2011. The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (1). pp. 48-60. ISSN 0010-8200

Jabbar, Abdul (2013) Technology and Implementation for distance learning students. In: Higher Education Academy HEA Seminar on Improving the learning experience of overseas students on postgraduate academic law programmes, 25th June 2013, Huddersfield University Business School. (Unpublished)

Kelly, Rebecca (2013) Calculating the cost of cohabitation: a consideration ofGow v Grant(Scotland) [2012] UKSC 29. The Law Teacher, 47 (1). pp. 102-109. ISSN 0306-9400

Kelly, Rebecca (2013) Case Note: Petroleo Brasileiro SA v ENE Kos 1 Ltd. Business Law International, 14 (1). p. 91. ISSN 1467 632X

Lane, Jackie (2013) Woodcock v Cumbria Primary Care Trust: The Objective Justification Test for Age Discrimination. The Modern Law Review, 76 (1). pp. 146-157. ISSN 00267961

Reeves, Carla (2013) The role of Probation Approved Premises in supporting the formation of pro-offending social networks amongst sex offenders. In: One Day Symposium on Incarceration, 1st February 2013, Sheffield, UK. (Unpublished)

Simon, Jonathan, Temple, Nicholas and Tobe, Renée (2013) Architecture and Justice: Judicial Meanings in the Public Realm. Ashgate Studies in Architecture . Ashgate. ISBN 9781409431732

Sommerlad, Hilary and Sanderson, Peter (2013) Social justice on the margins: the future of the not for profit sector as providers of legal advice in England and Wales. Journal of social welfare and family law, 35 (3). pp. 305-327. ISSN 0964-9069

Swaby, Gerald (2013) Blurring Distinctions: should innocent insureds be tarred with the same brush as their fraudulent agents? Insurance Law Journal, 24 (60). ISSN 1030-2379

Swaby, Gerald (2013) The Price of a Lie. Journal of Business Law (1). pp. 77-102. ISSN 0021-9460

Toddington, Stuart (2013) Agency, Authority and the Logic of Mutual Recognition. Ratio Juris, 28 (1). pp. 89-109. ISSN 0952-1917

Youngs, Donna E., Ioannou, Maria and Straszewicz, Adam (2013) Distinguishing stalking modus operandi: An exploration of the Mullen et al (1999) typology in a law-enforcement sample. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 24 (3). pp. 319-336. ISSN 1478-9949

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2013) The dismissal by way of redundancy in the United Kingdom as a possible legal concept to be transplanted in Italy?: A meditation on the 'Odyssey' of an impossible dismissal (the economic dismissal in Italy) and a possible inspirational muse (the British legislation in the matter of redundancy). European Business Law Review, 24. pp. 849-871. ISSN 0959-6941

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre and Cecchetto, Nicola (2013) The Anatomy (or Post Mortem) of a Peculiar Legal Concept in the Italian Company Law: the Separate Fund. European Company Law, 10 (2). pp. 45-50. ISSN 1572-4999

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre and Shuttleworth, Mark J. (2013) Unfair dismissal of agency workers or unfair legislation in the UK for businesses using agency workers? European Business Law Review, 24 (5). pp. 635-660. ISSN 0959-6941


Drake, Philip, Croft, J., Moore, J., Turner, R. and Wood, E. (2012) Law Clinic - Learning Law in the Community. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival 2012, 11th-13th September 2012, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Fellowes, Melanie (2012) Book review: Choosing tomorrow’s children: The ethics of selective reproduction, by Stephen Wilkinson, Clarendon Press, Oxford 2010. Medical Law International, 12 (1). pp. 70-73. ISSN 0968-5332

Hart, Tina, Fellowes, Melanie and Jabbar, Abdul (2012) Digital Literacies – The challenges for a modern Law School. In: Pelecon 2012 (Plymouth e-learning conference), 18 April - 20th April 2012, Plymouth, UK. (Submitted)

Hatfield, Emma (2012) Is specific performance an option for landlords? Solicitor's Journal, 156 (42). pp. 12-13. ISSN 0038-1047

Hatfield, Emma (2012) A critical look at landlord's remedies for tenant's breach of repairing covenant: Part 1. Landlord and Tenant Review, 16 (4). pp. 138-142. ISSN 1365-8018

Hatfield, Emma (2012) A critical look at landlord's remedies for tenant's breach of repairing covenant: Part 2. Landlord and Tenant Review, 16 (5). pp. 183-186. ISSN 1365-8018

Kelly, Rebecca (2012) Civil 'Relitigation' of a Criminal Conviction. Journal of criminal law, 76 (5). pp. 369-372. ISSN 0022-0183

Kelly, Rebecca (2012) Trespassers and the limits on the application of article 8: Birmingham City Council v Lloyd. Landlord and Tenant Review, 16 (6). pp. 232-235. ISSN 1365-8018

Kelly, Rebecca (2012) The child support scheme. Family Law Journal, 42. pp. 1269-1270. ISSN 0014-7281

Lane, Jackie (2012) 'Cost Controls': What are the limits to the defence of objective justification in age discrimination? CILEX Journal. pp. 38-39. ISSN 2050-0580

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Mendelsohn, James (2012) Shifting the goalposts? CILEX Journal. p. 37. ISSN 2050-0580

Mendelsohn, James (2012) Still "the unyielding rock"? A critical assessment of the ongoing importance of Salomon V Salomon & Co LTD[1897] AC 22 in the light of selected English company law cases. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Reid, James (2012) Challenges and Dilemmas Regarding Non-Resident Fathers in Public Law. In: The Sovereignty of Children in Law. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 157-177. ISBN 9781443836357

Reid, James (2012) Lost identities: denying children their family identity. In: Vulnerable Children and the Law: International Evidence for Improving Child Welfare, Child Protection and Children's Rights. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. ISBN 9781849058681

Swaby, Gerald (2012) The Price of a Lie. In: Withers/Law Commission/, 26 June 2012, Wills Building, London.

Swaby, Gerald (2012) The Price of a Lie. In: Insurance Law Reform Association Meeting, April 2012, Norton Raod Solicitors, London.

Toddington, Stuart (2012) Law, self and society. Ashgate Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9780754679547

Toddington, Stuart (2012) The Scandinavian Roots to a New Approach to Legal Knowledge. Retfaerd, 35 (139). pp. 57-78. ISSN 0105-1121

Toddington, Stuart, Drake, Philip and Tobbell, Jane (2012) The ethical dynamics of learning: empowerment and responsibility in clinical legal education. In: IJCLE The International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference, 10th-13th July 2012, Durham, UK. (Unpublished)

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Lane, Jackie (2011) The continuing saga of the agency worker's plight …. The Law Teacher, 45 (3). pp. 365-378. ISSN 0306-9400

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Swaby, Gerald (2011) Insurance law reform: deterring fraud in the twenty-first century. International Journal of Law and Management, 53 (6). pp. 413-434. ISSN 1754-243X

Swaby, Gerald and Richards, Paul (2011) Insurance reforms: Re-balancing the Kilter. Journal of Business Law (6). pp. 535-555. ISSN 0021-9460

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de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2011) The concepts of the Scottish (and Italian) Unilateral Promise and the English Unilateral Contract: Comparative law reflections on 'call options' and 'put options' in the light of the jurisdictions of England, Scotland and Italy. European Business Law Review, 22 (3). pp. 381-398. ISSN 0959-6941


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Lane, Jackie (2010) Do we deliver on Law student expectations? If not, how can we work to achieve this? In: 45th Annual Conference of the Association of Law Teachers, Legal Education: Making a Difference, 29th - 31st March 2010, Clare College, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Mendelsohn, James (2010) Majority Rule. Legal Executive Journal. p. 34. ISSN 0024-0362

Mendelsohn, James (2010) Wisdom of Salomon. Legal Executive Journal. p. 37. ISSN 0024-0362

Reid, James (2010) Children, Non resident Fathers and the Public Law: Dilemmas and Challenges. In: International Conference on Children In Law, September 16-17th 2010, Örebro University, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Stafford, Anne, Parton, Nigel and Vincent, Sharon (2010) Safeguarding and protecting children across the UK. In: Child Protection Reform across the UK. Protecting Children and Young People . Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 77-81. ISBN 9781903765975

Swaby, Gerald (2010) Insurance law: fit for purpose in the twenty-first century? International Journal of Law and Management, 52 (1). pp. 21-39. ISSN 1754-243X

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Williams, Catherine and Ferris, Katy (2010) Complaints panels in social care. Russell House Publishing, Dorset, UK. ISBN 9781905541652

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2010) Gli "agency workers" nel Regno Unito fra common law e disciplina comunitaria. Il Lavoro nella Giurisprudenza, N.A. (1). pp. 143-158. ISSN 1591-4178


Curley, Sean (2009) Hard Cases Make Good Law in The Privy Council. New Law Journal, 159 (7382). pp. 1155-1156. ISSN 0306-6479

Higgins, Edwina, Tatham, Laura and Lane, Jackie (2009) Recent Legal Developments. The Law Teacher, 43 (3). pp. 310-315. ISSN 03039400

Lane, Jackie (2009) Battle of the sexes. Legal Executive Journal. pp. 32-33. ISSN 0024-0362

Lane, Jackie (2009) An examination of positive action and harassment as forms of discrimination and the proposed changes in the Equality Bill 2009. In: Employment Law Update:the new Equality Bill, 3rd November 2009, Liverpool. (Unpublished)

Pescod, Vince and Seagreaves, Emma (2009) E-Learning for legal professionals in the ‘virtual’ workplace: the use of authentic activities. In: 44th Annual Conference of the Association of Law Teachers, Legal Education: Extending the Boundaries, 5th - 7th April 2009, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Reid, James and Murphy, T. (2009) Lost identities and the need for a framework for intervention. In: Children and the Law: International approaches to children and their vulnerabilities, 7-10 September 2009, Prato, Tuscany, Italy. (Unpublished)

Thornton, Tim (2009) Jersey's Royal Charters of Liberties. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review, 13 (2). pp. 186-197. ISSN 1366-9354

Toddington, Stuart (2009) Bourdieu and method. In: Graduate Seminar Programme, October 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Unpublished)


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Curley, Sean (2008) Would the adoption into English law of articles 3:101 to 3:106 of the principles of European tort law affect the current position of causation in tort in this jurisdiction. Masters thesis, The University of Huddersfield.

Jones, Benjamin and Kenyon, A.J. (2008) Retention of data in heat-damaged SIM cards and potential recovery methods. Forensic Science International, 177. pp. 42-46. ISSN 03790738

Marson, James and Ferris, Katy (2008) Advisors v Legal Services Commission: Which is the Appropriate Measure of Quality Advice? Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (WEB JCLI) (4). ISSN 1360-1326

Pescod, Vince and Seagreaves, Emma (2008) E Learning for legal professionals in the ‘virtual’ workplace: adapting the Penfield system. In: University of Huddersfield Teaching & Learning Conference, Enhancing Learning: Technology by Design, 15th September 2008, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Roach, Jason and Pease, Ken (2008) Necropsies and the Cold Case. In: Criminal Investigative Failures. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 327-348. ISBN 9781420047516

Sanderson, Pete and Sommerlad, Hilary (2008) Training and Regulating those providing Publicly Funded Legal Advice Services A Case Study of Civil Provision. Project Report. Ministry of Justice, London.

Sommerlad, Hilary and Sanderson, Pete (2008) Lawyers and Lemon Markets: the State, contractual regulation and information asymmetry in the reform of legal aid in England and Wales. In: Legal Ethics Conference 2008, 13th - 16th July 2008, Gold Coast, Australia. (Unpublished)

Toddington, Stuart (2008) Law, Social Theory, and the Return of the Ethical Subject? In: SLS Annual Conference 2008 The Impact of Legal Scholarship, September 2008, London, UK.


Cooper, Richard, Bissell, Paul and Wingfield, Joy (2007) Dilemmas in dispensing, problems in practice? Ethical issues and law in UK community pharmacy. Clinical Ethics, 2 (2). pp. 103-108. ISSN 1477-7509

Gibbs, Graham R. and Hall, Christopher (2007) The research potential of testimony from public inquiry websites. Children and Society, 21 (1). pp. 69-79. ISSN 0951-0605

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Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (2007) Architectures of justice: legal theory and the idea of institutional design. Applied Legal Philosophy . Ashgate Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9780754672340

Sanderson, Pete and Sommerlad, Hilary (2007) Legal Workers and paralegals - new avenues for services? Access to Justice and the introduction of the NFP Sector. In: International Legal Aid Group (ILAG) Conference, 6-8 June 2007, Antwerpen. (Unpublished)


Hart, Tina, Fazzani, L. and Clark, S. (2006) Intellectual property law. 4th edition . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 0230006337

Sagar, David and Mead, L. (2006) CIMA learning system fundamentals of ethics, corporate governance and business law. CIMA Publishing. ISBN 9780750680325

Sagar, David and Mead, L. (2006) CIMA revision cards - Fundamentals of ethics, corporate governance & business law. CIMA Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7506-8103-2

Sanderson, Pete, Osborn, Guy and Greenfield, Steve (2006) Gender, power and law in screwball comedy. In: Readings in law and popular culture. Routledge. ISBN 9780415376471

Toddington, Stuart (2006) The moral truth about discourse theory. Ratio Juris, 19 (2). pp. 217-230. ISSN 0952-1917


Richards, Paul (2005) Law of Contract (7th edition). Foundation Studies in Law Series . Pearson Longman. ISBN 978-1405812214

Sagar, David and Mead, Larry (2005) Business law. Elsevier, London, UK. ISBN 978-0-7506-6406-6

Toddington, Stuart (2005) The idea of public law. Kings Law Journal, 16 (1). pp. 209-228. ISSN 0961-5768

Watson, Michael (2005) Environmental offences: the reality of environmental crime. Environmental law review, 7 (3). pp. 190-200. ISSN 1740-5564

Watson, Michael (2005) The enforcement of environmental law: civil or criminal penalties? Environmental Law and Management, 17 (1). pp. 3-6. ISSN 1067-6058

Williams, Catherine and Ferris, Katy (2005) Proposals to Transfer Complaints Panels to the Commission for Social Care Inspection – Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 27 (2). pp. 199-212. ISSN 0964-9069


Sanderson, Pete (2004) Knowledge, culture and ethos in the construction of professionalism: contrasts in training and development in the new Community Legal Services sector. In: First International Conference on Lawyers' Ethics: New Perspectives on Professionalism: Educating and Regulating Lawyers for the 21st Century, 6-7 July 2004, University of Exeter. (Unpublished)

Sommerlad, Hilary and Sanderson, Pete (2004) Cultures of professional knowledge and competence : issues in the training and regulation of legal advice providers in the U.K. In: Association Internationale de Sociologie, 4ème Conférence Intermédiaire: Savoirs, Travail et Organisation, 22-24 September 2004, Université de Versailles. (Unpublished)

Watson, Michael (2004) Offences against the environment: the economics of crime and punishment. Environmental Law and Management, 16 (4). pp. 200-204. ISSN 1067--6058

Watson, Michael and Emery, A.R.T. (2004) Organizations and environmental crime: legal and economic perspectives. Managerial auditing journal, 19 (6). pp. 741-759. ISSN 0268-6902


Fairhurst, John (2003) LEAP 7: Postgraduate distance learning conversion programme in Law. Other. Learning and Teaching Support Network.

Fairhurst, John and Vincenzi, Christopher (2003) Law of the European community (4th edition). Foundation studies in Law series . Longman. ISBN 9780582473461

Lewis, Katherine J. (2003) Female life-writing and the testamentary discourse: women and their wills in later medieval England. In: Medieval women and the Law. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 57-75. ISBN 9780851159324

Richards, Paul (2003) Law of contract (6th edition). The foundation studies in law series . Longman. ISBN 9780582473423

Sagar, David and Mead, Larry (2003) CIMA study systems: Business law. CIMA study systems . CIMA Publishing. ISBN 9780750661072


Monro, Surya (2002) Transgender Trouble: Legislation Beyond Binaries? Res Publica, 8 (3). pp. 275-283. ISSN 1356-4765

Whitaker, Simon and Porter, Joanne (2002) Letter to the editor: Valuing people: a new strategy for learning disability for the 21st century. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30 (3). p. 133. ISSN 1354-4187


Fairhurst, John (2001) SIMAP-Interpreting the Working Time Directive. Industrial Law Journal, 30 (2). pp. 236-243. ISSN 0305-9332

Nicholson, Steve (2001) Britain: The Lord Chamberlain. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 327-330. ISBN 1579581358

Nicholson, Steve (2001) Harley Granville Barker. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 183-184. ISBN 1579581358

Nicholson, Steve (2001) Jeremy Collier. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 544-545. ISBN 1579581358

Nicholson, Steve (2001) John Drydon: Amphitiryon. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 698-699. ISBN 1579581358

Nicholson, Steve (2001) Mikhail Bulgakov. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 370-371. ISBN 1579581358

Steinitz, Richard (2001) Andrzej Panufnik. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 1808-1811. ISBN 1579581358

Steinitz, Richard (2001) Gyorgy Ligeti. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 1432-1433. ISBN 1579581358

Steinitz, Richard (2001) Sofia Gubaidulina. In: Censorship : a world encyclopedia. Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 1002-1003. ISBN 1579581358


Fairhurst, John (2000) Huddersfield's electronically-delivered PgDL (CPE) course. Journal of information, law and technology (3). ISSN 1361-4169

Fellowes, Melanie (2000) Australia's Recommendations for the Sterilisation of the Mentally Incapacitated Minor - A More Rigorous Approach?'. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (2).

Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (2000) Law in its own right. Legal Theory Today (1). Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781841130347

Pitt, Gwyneth (2000) Employment law (4th edition). Sweet and Maxwell. ISBN 9780421690103

Sanderson, Pete and Sommerlad, Hilary (2000) Professionalism, discrimination, difference and choice in women's experience of Law jobs. In: Discriminating lawyers. Cavendish, London, pp. 155-182. ISBN 9781859416037

Toddington, Stuart (2000) The legal profession as a ruling elite. In: ISSEI 2000 The Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas. the HIT Centre at the University of Bergen for ISSEI 2000., Bergen, Norway.


Gallagher, Bernard (1999) Understanding the attrition of cases of child sexual abuse and neglect in the criminal justice system. Technical Report. ESRC.

Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (1999) Legal Idealism and the Autonomy of Law. Ratio Juris, 12 (3). pp. 286-310. ISSN 0952-1917


Hala, Albert and Unver, Ertu (1998) Animated Reconstruction of Forensic Animation. Solicitors Journal: Expert Witness Supplement, 142 SJ. p. 24. ISSN 0038 1047

Toddington, Stuart (1998) Generic consistency in the reproductive enterprise: the case of Huntington's Disease. Medical Law International, 3 (1). pp. 120-148. ISSN 0968-5332


Sommerlad, Hilary and Sanderson, Pete (1997) The legal labour market and the training needs of women returners in the UnitedKingdom. Journal of vocational education and training, 49 (1). pp. 45-64. ISSN 1363-6820


Toddington, Stuart (1996) The Emperor’s New Skills: The Academy, The Profession and The Idea of Legal Education. In: What are Law Schools For? Pressing problems in the law, 2 . Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 69-91. ISBN 978-0-19-826293-0

Toddington, Stuart (1996) Method, Morality and the Impossibility of Legal Positivism. Ratio Juris, 9 (3). pp. 283-299. ISSN 0952-1917


Toddington, Stuart (1995) How to read Hobbes? The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, III. pp. 357-361. ISSN 0841-8209


Hart, Tina (1993) The first year of skills on Derby's LLB. In: Annual Conference of the Association of Law Teachers, 1993. (Unpublished)

Toddington, Stuart (1993) Aristotle, Weber and Finnis on natural law. Obiter Dicta, 8. pp. 9-19. ISSN 0029-7585


Toddington, Stuart (1992) Interests and obligations in social science and legal theory. Obiter Dicta, 6. pp. 24-33. ISSN 0029-7585


Parton, Nigel and Martin, Norma (1989) Public inquiries, legalism and child care in England and Wales. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 3 (1). pp. 21-39. ISSN 1360-9939

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