This book is a guide to the process and experience of complaints panels in social care, in
work both with adults and with children and young people. Whilst underpinned by the
legal requirements for setting up a panel, it:
� offers further information on how panels should be run
� suggests how to avoid potential problems
� gives advice on achieving ‘best practice’.
The book aims to enhance the development of panels.
The book covers all aspects of the panel procedure, from the setting up of a panel
through to the panel recommendations being referred to the director for his decision. The
chapters include a summary of key issues, which will be of assistance in overcoming
problems which may be encountered in the panel process.
During the empirical research which formed the basis of this book, it became evident
that many local authority complaints managers were not aware of how other authorities
were conducting panels and that, beyond the legislation and Department of Health
guidance, there was no up-to-date guide to assist them in reviewing their procedure. This
book offers an opportunity for all readers to learn from the experiences of other local
authorities. It identifies potential pitfalls and demonstrates good practice in complaints