Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1988 | 1986 | 1976
Number of items at this level: 696.


Chapman, Grace (2022) ‘Handicapped’: Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, and the Provision of Youth Movement Activities for Disabled Children in the North of England, 1907-1970. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Agazue, Chima Damian (2021) Children as the ‘New’ African Witches: Abused by their Mothers and Female Guardians. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Aju, Oluseyi Oluwabukunmi (2020) Employees’ Social Expectations: The Reciprocity of Fulfilment and Neglect in the Nigerian Workplace. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Clancy, Shannon Jane (2020) The Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE): Exploring the Correlates of the CNE within Sexual and Acquisitive Offending. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Farquharson, Renee (2020) Self-selection policing and animal cruelty: Investigating animal cruelty as an indicator of more serious and active criminality. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Nolan, MIchael (2020) An Egalitarian Gaze: Photographic Representations of Working People in Britain, 1919- 1939. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Rogers-Smith, Georgia (2020) Ambiguous or Ambisextrous? Exploring dress, gender and the fashioning of masculine femininity in the ‘long nineteenth century’. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Catterall, Stephen and Gildart, Keith (2019) Did Wigan have a Northern Soul? In: Sounds and the City. Leisure Studies in a Global Era, 2 . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 369-387. ISBN 9783319940809

Holroyde, Andrew (2019) Sheltered Employment and Disability in the Classic Welfare State: Remploy c.1944-1979. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Reynolds, Justin (2019) Understanding attitudes relating to regional drinking practices: An analysis of post mining communities in Doncaster. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Reynolds, Tracey (2019) Restorative Justice: What are Restorative Justice Strategies for Community Interventions? Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Sari, Delfia (2019) Education Management in Tackling Social Exclusion and Child Poverty. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Brady, Louca-Mai, Templeton, Lorna, Toner, Paul, Watson, Judith, Evans, David, Percy-Smith, Barry and Coppello, Alex (2018) Involving young people in drug and alcohol research. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 18 (1). pp. 28-38. ISSN 1745-9265

Litherland, Benjamin (2018) Wrestling in Britain: Sporting Entertainments, Celebrity and Audiences. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0815385714

Pente, Elizabeth and Ward, Paul (2018) How can historical knowledge help us to make sense of communities like Rotherham? In: Re-imagining contested communities Connecting Rotherham through research. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 29-32. ISBN 978-1-4473-3029-5

Pente, Elizabeth and Ward, Paul (2018) Who are we now? Local history, industrial decline and ethnic diversity. In: Re-imagining contested communities. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 41-52. ISBN 978-1447333326


Aboim, Sofia, Hearn, Jeff and Howson, Richard (2017) Hegemonic masculinity. In: Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology,. Wiley, London, UK. ISBN 9781405165518

Boduszek, Daniel, Debowska, Agata, Jemmott, Ena Trotman, Da Breo, Hazel, Willmott, Dominic, Sherretts, Nicole and Jones, Adele (2017) Victimisation, violence perpetration, and attitudes towards violence among boys and girls from Barbados and Grenada. Research Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield.

Burton, Steven and Reid, James (2017) Safeguarding and Protecting Children in the Early Years, 2nd edition. Routledge, Abingdon, UK. ISBN 9781138677401

Busher, Joel, Choudhury, Tufyal, Thomas, Paul and Harris, Gareth (2017) What the Prevent duty means for schools and colleges in England: An analysis of educationalists’ experiences. Research Report. Aziz Foundation.

Ding, Qing Shan, Niros, Meletios, Pollalis, Yannis, Zhou, Yanfeng and Niros, Angelica (2017) Antecedents of purchase intentions in growing and declining markets: empirical evidence from China and Greece. In: 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 21-23 June 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Unpublished)

Downs, Yvonne (2017) Neoliberalism and the value of higher education. In: Negotiating Neoliberalism: Developing Alternative Educational Visions. Sense, Rotterdam. ISBN 978-94-6300-852-5

Elntib, Stanatis, Nass, Zainab Sani, Ioannou, Maria, Ryan, Saskia and Christiansen, Paul (2017) Is the Public willing to help the Nigerian Police during the Boko Haram crisis? A look at moderating factors. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. ISSN 0882-0783

Fink, Janet and Tinkler, Penny (2017) Teetering on the edge: portraits of innocence, risk and young female sexualities in 1950s’ and 1960s’ British cinema. Women's history review, 26 (1). pp. 9-25. ISSN 0961-2025

Gallagher, Bernard (2017) Child sexual exploitation – A national threat? NOTA News (82). pp. 22-26.

Gee, Geri (2017) How does shift work on placement affect healthcare students’ lives? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Hayat, Ezri and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2017) The role of local government in post disaster road reconstruction: Assessment of factors affecting local government road maintenance capacity. In: Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia: Progress, Challenges, and Issues. Disaster Risk Reduction . Springer International Publishing, pp. 255-280. ISBN 978-3-319-54465-6

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

Koburtay, Tamer, Syed, Jawad and Haloub, Radi (2017) Societal and contextual implications on female leadership in the Jordanian hotels sector. In: European Academy of Management (Euram), June 21-24, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

McInnes, Louise (2017) ‘England, hope for light after the confusion of darkness’: English Political Identity in the Late Medieval Carol. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-6205

Melissen, Frans, Mzembe, Andrew, Idemudia, Uwafiokun and Novakovic, Yvonne (2017) Institutional Antecedents of the Corporate Social Responsibility Narrative in the Developing World Context: Implications for Sustainable Development. Business strategy and the environment. ISSN 0964-4733

Sharratt, Kathryn, Boduszek, Daniel, Gallagher, Bernard and Jones, Adele (2017) Factor structure and factorial invariance of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire among children of prisoners and their parents. Child Indicators Research. ISSN 1874-897X

Sharratt, Kathryn, Christmann, Kris, Perry, Suzanne and Sutherland, Lindsay (2017) The role of online knowledge hubs in developing practice and policy: Lessons from i-HOP for professionals working with children and families affected by parental offending. Journal of Development Policy and Practice, 2 (2). pp. 214-224. ISSN 2455-1333

Smith, David, Ma, Eunice, Jones, Adele and Unver, Ertu (2017) None in Three: The Design and Development of a Low-cost Violence Prevention Game for the Caribbean Region. In: Serious Games: Third Joint International Conference (JCSG 2017), 23-24 November 2017, Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain.

Smith, Kate (2017) Despite repeated failings, private firms continue to run asylum housing. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Smith, Kate (2017) Narratives of Vulnerability and the Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Programme. In: Engage Research Festival, 25-28 April 2017, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Smith, Kate (2017) ‘Vulnerability’: Rethinking stories about ‘the refugee’. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, Tuesday 4 - Thursday 6 April, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Thomas, Paul (2017) Changing experiences of responsibilisation and contestation within Counter-Terrorism policies: The British Prevent experience. Policy and Politics, 45 (3). pp. 305-321. ISSN 0305-5736

Thomas, Paul, Busher, Joel, Macklin, Graham, Rogerson, Michelle and Christmann, Kris (2017) Hopes and Fears: Community cohesion and the ‘White working class’ in one of the ‘failed spaces’ of multiculturalism. Sociology: The journal of the British Sociological Association. ISSN 0038-0385

Thomas, Paul, Grossman, Michele, Miah, Shamim and Christmann, Kris (2017) Community reporting thresholds : Sharing information with authorities concerning violent extremist activity and involvement in foreign conflict: A UK replication study. Research Report. CREST (Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats).

Wong, Kevin and Christmann, Kris (2017) Hate Crime Victimisation. In: Handbook on Victims Issues in Criminal Justice. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 102-117. ISBN 978-1138184718


Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Haigh, Richard and Hettige, Siri (2016) The role of accountability within disaster risk governance. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Building Resilience. Massey University / The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 688-698. ISBN 978-0-473-37268-2

Armitage, Rachel (2016) Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. In: Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis. Crime Science Series . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 259-285. ISBN 978-1138891135

Blake, Vic, Hearn, Jeff, Barber, Randy, Jackson, David, Johnson, Richard and Luczynski, Zbyszek (2016) Doing memory work with older men: the practicalities, the process, the potential. Working with Older People, 20 (4). pp. 209-213. ISSN 1366-3666

Cartwright, Ashley, Roach, Jason, Wood, Harry and Wood, Peter J. (2016) Mental Health Malingering and the Fraudulent Motor Insurance Claimant. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 8. ISSN 1948-5115

Christmann, Kris and Wong, Kevin (2016) The Impact of Enhanced Resettlement Provision on Short-Term Prisoners - An Analysis and Recidivism Study. British Journal of Community Justice, 14 (3). pp. 63-79. ISSN 1475-0279

Christmann, Kris and Wong, Kevin (2016) Increasing hate crime reporting: narrowing the gap between policy aspiration, victim inclination and agency capability. British Journal of Community Justice, 14 (3). pp. 5-23. ISSN 1475-0279

Ding, Qing Shan (2016) Ours are always the best? A study of consumer ethnocentrism amongst urban adult Chinese consumers. In: 4th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 22nd - 24th June 2016, Heraklion, Greece. (Unpublished)

Dodd, Lindsey (2016) French Children under the Allied Bombs, 1940-45: An Oral History. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-0719097041

Doolittle, Megan, Fink, Janet and Holden, Katherine (2016) Blood, Contract and Intimacy: History and Practice with Leonore Davidoff. Gender and History, 28 (2). pp. 288-298. ISSN 0953-5233

Downs, Yvonne (2016) Testing the potential of auto/biographical life history. Qualitative Research Journal, 16 (4). pp. 362-373. ISSN 1443-9883

Gibbs, Stephen P. (2016) Our future city. Carlisle Living. pp. 42-45. ISSN 9771758 207119

Haloub, Radi, Samawi, Jamil Nazih, Refai, Deema and Beddewela, Eshani (2016) Attitudes Toward Business Ethics in Different Contexts: a Cross-Cultural Comparison between professionals in Jordan and UK. In: 19th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, 4th - 5th July 2016, Barcelona, Spain.

Hearn, Jeff, Biese, Ingrid, Choroszewicz,, Marta and Husu, Liisa (2016) Gender, diversity and intersectionality in professions and potential professions: analytical, historical and contemporary perspectives. In: The Routledge Companion to the Professions and Professionalism. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 57-70. ISBN 9781138018891

Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2016) Local governments and disaster risk reduction: a conceptual framework. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Building Resilience. Massey University / The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-37268-2

Monchuk, Leanne (2016) Assessing the application and delivery of CPTED across England and Wales. In: Korean Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Association – 2nd International Conference on CPTED, April 2016, Seoul, Korea. (Unpublished)

Monchuk, Leanne (2016) Is it just a guessing game? Assessing the application of CPTED. In: Crime Prevention and Communities: Innovative responses to traditional challenges, 3rd-4th November 2016, Brisbane, Australia. (Unpublished)

Monchuk, Leanne and Armitage, Rachel (2016) What is CPTED? Reconnecting theory with application in the words of users and abusers. In: AIC Australian Institute of Criminology Occasional Seminar, 28th October 2016, National Circuit, Barton, ACT, Canberra, Australia.

Newton, Andrew D. (2016) Crime, Transport and Technology. In: The Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 281-294. ISBN 9781138820135

Niemistö, Charlotta, Hearn, Jeff and Jyrkinen, Marjut (2016) Age and generations in everyday organisational life: neglected intersections in studying organisations. International Journal of Work Innovation, 1 (4). pp. 353-374. ISSN 2043-9032

Panda, Abhilash and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2016) Making cities resilient to disasters : “new” ten essentials. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Building Resilience. Massey University / The University of Auckland, pp. 109-129. ISBN 9780473372682

Peat, George (2016) Deconstructing the Hooligan Identity: A Critical Narrative Analysis of Experiences Involving Football Violence. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Reeves, Carla (2016) Experiencing Imprisonment: Research on the experience of living and working in carceral institutions. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice . Routledge. ISBN 9781138790469

Roach, Jason and Pease, Ken (2016) Self-Selection Policing: Theory, Research and Practice. Springer, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-137-46851-2

Sakalasuriya, Maheshika, Haigh, Richard and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2016) Analysing the consequences of post conflict reconstruction. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Building Resilience. Massey University / The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1012-1021. ISBN 978-0-473-37268-2

Simmons, Robin and Thompson, Ron (2016) 100% Employment Opportunities for Northern Ireland Care Leavers. Project Report. Business in the Community, Belfast.

Smith, Kate (2016) Degrading living conditions for asylum seekers are fuelled by privatisation. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Smith, Kate (2016) ‘Women Speak Out’: Stories from women who have been affected by Female Genital Mutilation. In: Safeguarding – An introduction to Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence, Friday 9 December, 2016, Halifax, Calderdale. (Unpublished)

Synnott, John and Coyne, Angela (2016) Conducting Research in Irish Prisons: A Review. Assessment and Development Matters, 8 (1). ISSN 2040-4069

Thomas, Paul (2016) Youth, terrorism and education: Britain’s Prevent programme. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35 (2). pp. 171-187. ISSN 0260-1370

Wager, Nadia, Guthrie, Elena and Bertrand-Shelton, Sidonie (2016) Sexual consent and sexual assault victim's experiences of the criminal justice system. [Audio]

Williams, Sasha (2016) Everybody’s business: the challenge of constructing a definition of child neglect in late modernity. In: 6th International Conference on Sociology and Social Work: Ties that Bind for Social Work: Late Modernity, Social Capital and Community, 25 & 26 August 2016, Windesheim University of Applied Science in Zwolle, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)


Ali, Gulnar, Wattis, John and Snowden, Michael (2015) Why are Spiritual Aspects of Care so hard to Address in Nursing Education?’ A Literature Review (1993-2015). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 2 (1). pp. 7-31. ISSN 2059-4976

Armitage, Rachel (2015) Planning for crime prevention in the UK: Does it work and can it be improved? In: Korean Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Association – International Conference on CPTED, November 2015, Seoul, Korea. (Unpublished)

Armitage, Rachel (2015) Why my house? Exploring offender perspectives on risk and protective factors in residential housing design. In: 2015 ICA Conference: Inclusive places. Safe places. Favourite places, 19-20 October 2015, Calgary, Canada. (Unpublished)

Armitage, Rachel and Joyce, Chris (2015) Why my house? Exploring offender perspectives on risk and protective factors in residential housing design. In: National Architectural Liaison Officer’s Conference, February 2015, Stratford Upon Avon. (Unpublished)

Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda (2015) Architectural Nous: How York Wrote its Identity Through Architecture During the 1951 Festival of Britain. In: Reading Architecture Across the Arts and Humanities, 5th - 6th December 2015, University Stirling. (Unpublished)

Canter, David V. and Youngs, Donna E. (2015) Reviewing crime psychology: introducing a new review journal. Crime Psychology Review, 1 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2374-4006

Ceccato, Vania and Newton, Andrew D. (2015) Aim, Scope, Conceptual Framework and Definitions. In: Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Crime Prevention and Security Management . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9781137457646

Ceccato, Vania and Newton, Andrew D. (2015) Practical Challenges and New Research Frontiers for Safety and Security in Transit Environments. In: Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Crime Prevention and Security Management . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 362-384. ISBN 9781137457646

Ceccato, Vania and Newton, Andrew D. (2015) Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Crime Prevention and Security Management . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK. ISBN 9781137457646

Cheetham, Fiona (2015) One Good Turn: Tackling Poverty through the Circulation of Goods in Kirklees. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2015, The Magic in Marketing, 7th - 9th July 2015, Limerick, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Davey, Michelle, McElwee, Gerard and Smith, Robert (2015) Conversations with a ‘Small-Town’ Criminal Entrepreneur: A Case Study. In: Exploring Criminal and Illegal Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 5 . Emerald, pp. 227-251. ISBN 978-1-78441-552-5

Dhingra, Katie, Debowska, Agata, Sharratt, Kathryn, Hyland, Philip and Kola-Palmer, Susanna (2015) Psychopathy, Gang Membership, and Moral Disengagement among Juvenile Offenders. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 5 (1). pp. 13-24. ISSN 2009-3829

Ding, Qing Shan (2015) Historic Problem or Ongoing Crisis? An Exploratory Study of Causes and Consequences of Consumer Animosity in China. In: 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 30th June - 2nd July 2015, Kingston Business School, Kingston University, London. (Unpublished)

Ellis, Robert (2015) 'Without decontextualisation': the Stanley Royd Museum and the progressive history of mental health care. History of Psychiatry, 26 (3). pp. 332-347. ISSN 0957-154X

Flynn, Jonathan (2015) Explainer: can you cure bad posture? The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Flynn, Jonathan (2015) Health Expert Joins in Debate on Skinny Jeans. Huddersfield Examiner.

Hearn, Jeff (2015) Organizations and sexualities. In: Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley, London, UK. ISBN 9781405124331

Hearn, Jeff, Lämsä,, Anna-Maija, Biese, Ingrid, Heikkinen, Suvi, Louvrier, Jonna, Niemistö,, Charlotta, Kangas, Emilia, Koskinen, Paula, Jyrkinen, Marjut and Gustavsson ja Petri Hirvonen, Malin (2015) TASA-arvon mahdollisuuksia avaamassa: NaisUrat-hankkeen loppuraportti. Research Report. Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.

Heyman, Bob, Lavender, Elizabeth, Islam, Shahid, Adey, Alvin, Ramsay, Trevor and Taffs, Neil (2015) The journey effect: how travel affects the experiences of mental health in-patient service-users and their families. Disability & Society, 30 (6). pp. 880-895. ISSN 0968-7599

Ince, Lindsay (2015) University Challenge: Uncovering Family History in the University of Huddersfield Collection. In: Huddersfield & District Family History Society Family and Local History Fair, 14/11/2015, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Jones, Helen M.F. (2015) Is Youth Work an Endangered Profession in England? In: Third ISA Forum of Sociology, 10th-14th July 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Lawton Smith, Helen and Meschitti, Viviana (2015) Transforming Institutions by Gendering Contents and Gaining Equality in Research (TRIGGER). International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 7 (3). ISSN 1756-6266

Laybourn, Keith (2015) Book Review: Stephanie Ward: Unemployment and the State in Britain: The Means Test and Protest in 1930s South Wales and North-East England: Manchester University Press, 2013. The Welsh History Review, 27 (3). pp. 592-594. ISSN 0043-2431

Lewis, M. and McDaid, Shaun (2015) Bosnia on the border? Republican Violence in Northern Ireland during the 1920s and 1970s. Terrorism and Political Violence, 29 (4). pp. 635-655. ISSN 0954-6553

Litherland, Benjamin (2015) Sporting Entertainments, Discarded Possibilities and the Case of Football as a Variety Sport, 1905 – 1906. Sport in History, 35 (3). pp. 391-418. ISSN 1746-0263

Lockwood, Kelly and Raikes, Ben (2015) A difficult disclosure : the dilemmas faced by families affected by parental imprisonment regarding what information to share. In: Experiencing imprisonment:: Research on the experience of living and working in carceral institutions. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781138790469

Low, Katharine E. and Calvert, Dave (2015) Conference Review: Heroism and the Heroic in Applied and Social Theatre. Journal of Arts and Communities, 20 (2). pp. 173-176. ISSN 1757-1936

Ma, Minhua, Coward, Sarah and Walker, Chris (2015) Interact: A Mixed Reality Virtual Survivor for Holocaust Testimonies. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 250-254. ISBN 978-1-4503-3673-4

Marsh, Francesca and Wager, Nadia (2015) Restorative justice in cases of sexual violence: Exploring the views of the public and survivors. Probation Journal, 62 (4). pp. 336-356. ISSN 0264-5505

McDaid, Shaun (2015) From shared schools to shared space: integrated education initiatives in Northern Ireland in comparative perspective. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 1 (1). pp. 3-14. ISSN 2058-6205

McElwee, Gerard and Smith, R. (2015) Exploring Criminal and Illegal Enterprise. Emerald, London, UK. ISBN 9781784415525

McElwee, Gerard and Smith, Robert (2015) Exploring Criminal and Illegal Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 5 . Emerald. ISBN 978-1-78441-552-5

Miah, Shamim (2015) The Groomers and the Question of Race. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 1 (1). pp. 54-66. ISSN 2058-6205

Nassem, Elizabeth and Harris, Ann (2015) Why do children bully? School Leadership Today, 6 (5). pp. 68-73. ISSN 2040-1310

Newton, Andrew D. and Ceccato, Vania (2015) Theoretical Perspectives of Safety and Security in Transit Environments. In: Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Crime Prevention and Security Management . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 23-39. ISBN 9781137457646

Newton, Andrew D. and Felson, Marcus (2015) Editorial: crime patterns in time and space: the dynamics of crime opportunities in urban areas. Crime Science, 4. p. 11. ISSN 2193-7680

Newton, Andrew D., Partridge, H. and Gill, A. (2015) In and Around. Identifying In and around: Identifying predictors of theft within and near to major mass underground transit systems. In: Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Crime Prevention and Security Management . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 76-98. ISBN 9781137457646

Parmak, Merle (2015) National Resilience in Multinational Societies. In: Resiliency: Enhancing coping with crisis and terrorism. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics (119). IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-1-61499-489-3

Russell, Lisa (2015) Young, unemployed and poor; the realities of young people and marginalization in Post-Industrial Britain. In: Ethnography and Education Conference 2015, 21st - 23rd September 2015, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

Smith, Kate (2015) Open Letter to members of the House of Lords regarding the Immigration Bill 2015 - Second Reading 22nd December, 2015. Centre for Applied Childhood, Youth and Family Research. (Unpublished)

Smith, Kate (2015) Social workers welcome refugees to the UK – joint statement and call for action by the Association of Professors of Social Work (APSW), British Association of Social Workers (BASW), Joint University Council Social Work Education Committee (JUC SWEC) and Social Work Action Network (SWAN). APSW, BASW, JUC SWEC and SWAN.

Smith, Robert and McElwee, Gerard (2015) Stolen to Order! Tractor Theft as an Emerging International Criminal Enterprise. In: Exploring Criminal and Illegal Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice. ontemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 5 . Emerald, pp. 121-154. ISBN 978-1-78441-552-5

Somerville, Peter, Smith, Robert and McElwee, Gerard (2015) The dark side of the rural idyll: Stories of illegal/illicit economic activity in the UK countryside. Journal of Rural Studies, 39. pp. 219-228. ISSN 0743-0167

Swaby, Gerald (2015) Personal injury practice update: Gerald Swaby comments on the dichotomy raised by the decision in Hayward v Zurich Insurance Company plc [2015] EWCA Civ 327. Personal injury practice update. CILEX Journal. pp. 22-23. ISSN 2050-0580

Thomas, Paul (2015) Book Review of Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion: Immigration, Ethnic Fractionalisation and Potentials for Civic Action by Merlin Schaeffer, Farnham: Ashgate, xi +pp.180, £60 (hardback) ISBN 978-1409469384. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38 (8). pp. 1466-1468. ISSN 0141-9870

Thomas, Paul (2015) Deepening divides? Implementing Britain’s Prevent counter-terrorism programme. In: Second Australasian Conference on Islam: Radicalisation and Islamophobia, 30th November - 1st December 2015, Sydney, Australia. (Unpublished)

Thomas, Paul (2015) Opening remarks to Leeds Salon debate: Multiculturalism and its Discontents. In: Leeds Salon Debate: Multiculturalism and its discontents, 5th October 2015, The Carriageworks, Leeds.

Thomas, Paul (2015) What should schools do about Radicalisation? In: Westminster Faith Debate:What should schools do about Radicalisation?, 1st July 2015, 61 Whitehall, London SW1A 2ET. (Unpublished)

Thomas, Paul (2015) A 'tainted brand'? Britain's Prevent programme. In: Islamic Extremism: Prevention and Deradicalisation Between Expextations and Realities, 3rd July 2015, Frankfurt, Germany. (Unpublished)

Wager, Nadia (2015) Understanding children’s non-disclosure of child sexual assault: implications for assisting parents and teachers to become effective guardians. Safer Communities: a journal of practice, opinion, policy and research, 14 (1). pp. 16-26. ISSN 1757-8043

Williams, Sasha (2015) Drawing the Line: An Exploration of How Lay People Construct Child Neglect. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Armitage, Rachel (2014) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. In: Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer, London. ISBN 9781461456919

Armitage, Rachel (2014) The Devil is in the Detail: Exploring the Relationship between Housing Design and Crime. In: American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, 19-22 November 2014, San Francisco. (Unpublished)

Armitage, Rachel, Monchuk, Leanne, Bishop, Gillian, Dhingra, Katie and Swailes, Stephen (2014) Promoting Positive Behaviours in Social Housing. Research Report. University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Batley, Richard, Newton, Andrew D., McCullough, Andy, Horton, Charles, Hewitson, Mike and Ellman, Louise (2014) Oral evidence: Security on the railway, HC 1166. House of Commons, London. (Unpublished)

Jones, Helen M.F. (2014) ‘The voluntary organisation forms … a unique feature of the British way of life’: One voluntary organisation’s response to the birth of the Youth Service. Youth and Policy (113). ISSN 0262-9798

Laybourn, Keith (2014) In search of phantom fortunes: working-class gambling in Britain c.1906-61. In: The Historical Association Conference 2014, 16th-17th May 2014, Stratford upon Avon, UK.

Malay, Jessica L. (2014) The Case of Mistress Mary Hampson: Her Story of Marital Abuse and Defiance in Seventeenth-Century England. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA. ISBN 9780804786287

McGlynn, Jade Elizabeth (2014) Encouraging desistance through resettlement: an exploration of voluntary sector practice. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Mzembe, Andrew and Downs, Yvonne (2014) Managerial and stakeholder perceptions of an Africa-based multinational mining company's corporate social responsibility(CSR). The Extractive Industries and Society, 1 (2). pp. 225-236. ISSN 2214-790X

Newton, Andrew D. (2014) How to stop pick-pocketing on the London Underground. The Guardian Newspaper. ISSN 0261-3077

Newton, Andrew D. (2014) Security on the railway. Applied Criminology Centre, University of Huddersfield: written evidence. House of Commons, London. (Unpublished)

Parton, Nigel (2014) Social Work, Child Protection and Politics: Some Critical and Constructive Reflections. British Journal of Social Work, 44 (7). pp. 2042-2056. ISSN 0045-3102

Parton, Nigel (2014) Social Work, Child Protection and the Media: Narratives of Blame and Failure. In: Troubling Narratives: Identity Matters, 19th-20th June 2014, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)

Phillips, Stephen and Phillips, Anne (2014) Safeguarding adults with diabetes: identifying triggers of abuse. Practice Nursing, 25 (3). pp. 143-146. ISSN 0964-9271

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Hirschfield, Alex (2004) The health impact assessment of crime prevention. In: Health impact assessment: concepts, theory, techniques, and applications. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 341-349. ISBN 9780198526292

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Canter, David V. (2002) The violated body. In: The Body. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 57-75. ISBN 9780521782920

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Gallagher, Bernard (2001) Assessment and intervention in cases of suspected ritual child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review, 10 (4). pp. 227-242. ISSN 0952-9136

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Hearn, Jeff, Muller, Ursula, Oleksy, Elzbieta H., Pringle, Keith, Chernova, Janna, Ferguson, Harry, Holter, Oystein Gullvag, Kolga, Voldemar, Novikova, Irina, Pitch, Tamar, Ventimiglia, Carmine, Lattu, Emmi, Tallberg, Teemu, Millett, Jackie and Olsvik, Elvind (2001) “The social problem of men”: Deliverable 3: Interim Report on National Reports on Law and Policy Addressing Men’s Practices from Workpackage 3. Project Report. CROME: Critical Research on Men in Europe, Helsinki, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Hirschfield, Alex, Boardman, Sally, Douglass, John and Strobl, Judith (2001) The Health Impact Assessment of the Home Office Reducing Burglary Initiative. Project Report. UPERRL, Liverpool. (Unpublished)

Hirschfield, Alex, Yarwood, David and Bowers, Kate J. (2001) Crime pattern analysis, spatial targeting and GIS: The development of new approaches for use in evaluating community safety initiatives. In: Regional science in business. Advances in spatial science . Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp. 323-342. ISBN 9783540417804

Johnson, Shane D., Bowers, Kate J., Young, Chris and Hirschfield, Alex (2001) Uncovering the True Picture: Evaluating Crime Reduction Initiatives Using Disaggregate Crime Data. Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, 3 (4). pp. 7-24. ISSN 1460-3780

Jones, Adele (2001) Child asylum seekers and refugees: rights and responsibilities. Journal of Social Work, 1 (3). pp. 253-271. ISSN 1468-0173

Jordan, Bill (2001) Tough love: social work, social exclusion and the third way. British Journal of Social Work, 31 (4). pp. 527-546. ISSN 0045-3102

Lundrigan, Samantha and Canter, David V. (2001) A multivariate analysis of serial murderers' disposal site location choice. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21 (4). pp. 423-432. ISSN 02724944

Parton, Nigel (2001) Risk and professional judgement. In: The Law and Social Work. Palgrave, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 137-147. ISBN 9780333961261

Parton, Nigel, Chenery, Sylvia, Henshaw, Chris and Pease, Ken (2001) Does CCTV evidence increase sentence severity? Scottish Journal of Criminal Justice Studies, 7 (1). pp. 3-18. ISSN 1360-4449

Parton, Nigel and Mathews, R. (2001) New directions in child protection and family support in Western Australia: A policy initiative to refocus child welfare practice. Child and Family Social Work, 6 (2). pp. 97-113. ISSN 1356-7500

Peckover, Sue (2001) Domestic violence and protecting babies; the role of health care professionals. In: Fragile: Handle With Care: A Reader. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, pp. 125-134. ISBN 1842280252

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Dalton, Raymond David (2000) Labour and the municipality : Labour politics in Leeds 1900-1914. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Fink, Janet (2000) Natural Mothers, Putative Fathers, and Innocent Children: The Definition and Regulation of Parental Relationships Outside Marriage, in England, 1945-1959. Journal of Family History, 25 (2). pp. 178-195. ISSN 0363-1990

Gallagher, Bernard (2000) Ritual, and child sexual abuse, but not ritual child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review, 9 (5). pp. 321-327. ISSN 09529136

Gallagher, Bernard (2000) The extent and nature of known cases of institutional child sexual abuse. British Journal of Social Work, 30 (6). pp. 795-817. ISSN 00453102

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Laybourn, Keith (2000) Book review: Ruskin and the Dawn of the Modern, Dinah Birch (ed.). English historical review, 115 (460). pp. 229-230. ISSN 0013-8266

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Bagguley, Paul and Hearn, Jeff (1999) Transforming politics: power and resistance. In: Transforming Politics: Power and Resistance. Explorations in Sociology. British Sociological Association Conference Volume Series . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9780333746776

Cullum, Pat (1999) Clergy, masculinity and trangression in late Medieval England. In: Masculinity in Medieval Europe. Women and men in history . Pearson, Harlow. ISBN 9780582316454

Dockray, Keith and Laybourn, Keith (1999) Introduction: D.G. Wright (1937 - 95). In: The representation and reality of war, the British experience: essays in honour of David Wright. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 1-15. ISBN 0750918616

Gallagher, Bernard (1999) Institutional Abuse. In: Child Sexual Abuse: Responding to the Experiences of Children. NSPCC/Wiley Series in Protecting Children . Wiley, pp. 197-210. ISBN 9780471983347

Gallagher, Bernard (1999) Understanding the attrition of cases of child sexual abuse and neglect in the criminal justice system. Technical Report. ESRC.

Gallagher, Bernard (1999) The abuse of children in public care. Child abuse review, 8 (6). pp. 357-365. ISSN 0952-9136

Jowitt, Tony and Laybourn, Keith (1999) The Bradford Independent Labour Party and the First World War. In: The representation and reality of war, the British experience: essays in honour of David Wright. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 152-169. ISBN 0750918616

Laybourn, Keith (1999) 'About turn': the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Second World War, 1939 - 41. In: The representation and reality of war, the British experience: essays in honour of David Wright. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 218-234. ISBN 0750918616

Laybourn, Keith (1999) Book review: Nelson. Politics, Economy, Community by Jeffrey Hill. English historical review, 114 (456). pp. 522-523. ISSN 0013-8266

Terry, James Gordan (1999) The causes and effects of the divisions within Methodism in Bradford, 1796-1857. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Gallagher, Bernard (1998) The nature and extent of known cases of organised child abuse in England and Wales. In: Organised abuse - the current debate. Ashgate, pp. 215-230. ISBN 9781857422849

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Johnson, Sally Elaine (1997) Continuity and change : a study of how women cope with the transition to professional programmes of higher education. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Laybourn, Keith (1997) The Guild of Help and the community response to poverty 1904 - c.1914. In: Social conditions, staus and community 1860 - c.1920. Sutton Studies in Modern British History . Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 9-28. ISBN 0750915013

Laybourn, Keith (1997) Social conditions, status and community, c.1860-1920. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780750910705


Hearn, Jeff (1996) Foreword. In: Why Do Men Commit Most Crime? Focusing on Masculinity in a Prison Group. West Yorkshire Probation Service, West Yorkshire, UK, pp. 3-4. ISBN 9781901283006

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Laybourn, Keith (1996) The General Strike day by day. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780750910583

Toddington, Stuart (1996) Method, Morality and the Impossibility of Legal Positivism. Ratio Juris, 9 (3). pp. 283-299. ISSN 0952-1917


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Hanmer, Jaina and Hearn, Jeff (1993) Violence, abuse and the stress-coping project 2. ESRC, London , UK.

Laybourn, Keith (1993) The General Strike of 1926. New frontiers in history . Manchester University Press/St. Martin's Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719038648

Laybourn, Keith (1993) The Guild of Help and the changing face of Edwardian philanthropy. Urban history, 20 (1). ISSN 0963-9268

Toddington, Stuart (1993) Rationality, social action and moral judgement. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748604326


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