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Number of items at this level: 664.


Dow, Todd (2021) The Migration of Mod: Analysing the Mod Subculture in the North of England. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Hargreaves, Lydia (2021) Heroes, Victims and Villains: How film and television affect our view of history. Focusing on the Tudor period. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina (2020) Identities of Place: The 1951 Festival of Britain in York and Liverpool. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Cook, Andrew J. (2020) Britain’s Other D-Day: The Politics of Decimalisation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Billam, Gregory (2019) For Country, For Class: Nationalism, Empire and Identity in the Communist Party of Great Britain: 1935-1945. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bullett, Maggie (2019) Collective lay support for late-Reformation preaching in the South Pennines. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History. ISSN 1469-7637

Dulias, Katharina (2019) ARCHAEOGENETICS AND PALAEOGENETICS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

McAdam, Katie (2019) Rubbish, Rubble and Rodents: Post-War Slum Clearance and the Resident Experience of Demolition in Salford. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Parkman, Colin J. (2019) EXPERIMENTAL FIRING, AND ANALYSIS OF IMPACTED 17TH–18TH CENTURY LEAD BULLETS. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Taylor, Sarah (2019) War, death and burial? A historical investigation into the disposal of the dead at English battles fought in Britain, 1401-1685. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Borlik, Todd Andrew and Egan, Clare (2018) Angling for the "Powte": a Jacobean Environmental Protest Poem. English Literary Renaissance, 48 (2). pp. 256-289. ISSN 0013-8312

Colton, Lisa (2018) Song in space and space in song: physical and conceptual boundaries in English devotional music, 1250–1500. In: Devotional Interaction in Medieval England and its Afterlives. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 208-238. ISBN 9789004365834

Csengei, Ildiko (2018) Book Review: NEIL RAMSEY, The Military Memoir and Romantic Literary Culture, 1780-1835 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011). Romanticism, 23 (1). pp. 110-112. ISSN 1354-991X

Doyle, Barry M. (2018) English First Aid Organisations and the Provisional IRA Mainland Bombing Campaign of 1974. The historian (136). ISSN 0265-1076

Gaunt, Sarah K. (2018) English Political Propaganda, 1377–1485. Doctoral thesis, The University of Huddersfield.

Ledgard, Gail (2018) The Invisible Workforce of the First World War: An Examination of Female Woollen Workers and Their Community in Huddersfield and the Colne Valley. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Litherland, Benjamin (2018) Wrestling in Britain: Sporting Entertainments, Celebrity and Audiences. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0815385714

Pente, Elizabeth and Ward, Paul (2018) How can historical knowledge help us to make sense of communities like Rotherham? In: Re-imagining contested communities Connecting Rotherham through research. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 29-32. ISBN 978-1-4473-3029-5

Pente, Elizabeth and Ward, Paul (2018) Who are we now? Local history, industrial decline and ethnic diversity. In: Re-imagining contested communities. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 41-52. ISBN 978-1447333326

Radley, Christian (2018) British Fascism: A Regional Perspective. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ransom, Angela, Bastow, Sarah L. and Gazal, Andre (2018) Defending the Faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church. Pennsylvania State University Press, Pennsylvania. ISBN 9780271082080

Walker, Bethany E. (2018) THE RISE OF ANTI-CATHOLICISM IN ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND 1558-1603. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Colton, Lisa (2017) Music, text and structure in fourteenth-century English polyphony: the case of Ave miles celestis curie. Early Music. ISSN 0306-1078

Csengei, Ildiko (2017) Book review : Matthew Green, Aftershock: The Untold Story of Surviving Peace. Portobello Books, 2015. British Journal for Military History, 3 (3). pp. 153-154. ISSN 2057-0422

Diggle, Nicole (2017) To What Extent Does the Debate Over Vestments Represent the Wider Tensions in the Elizabethan Era Regarding the Nature of Reformed Religion? Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Hargreaves, John A., Laybourn, Keith and Toye, Richard (2017) Introduction. In: Liberal Reform and Industrial Relations: J.H. Whitley (1866-1935), Halifax Radical and Speaker of the House of Commons. Routledge, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781138293984

Hargreaves, John A., Laybourn, Keith and Toye, Richard (2017) Liberal Reform and Industrial Relations: J.H. Whitley (1866-1935), Halifax Radical and Speaker of the House of Commons. Routledge. ISBN 9781138293984

Hewitt, Martin (2017) The Law and the Press. In: Journalism and the Periodical Press in Nineteenth Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 978-1107085732

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

Lane, Jacqueline Ann (2017) A Watershed Decade in British Industrial Relations, 1965 to 1974? The Donovan Commission Report, In Place of Strife and the Industrial Relations Act of 1971. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Lawford, Tori (2017) Differing Experiences of Iconoclasm, 1532-1603: A Comparison of the Cathedrals of Canterbury, Durham, Ely and York Minster. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Laybourn, Keith (2017) Book review - Peter Ackers and Alastair J. Reid (eds), Alternatives to State-Socialism in Britain: Other Worlds of Labour in the Twentieth Century. Labour History Review, 82 (2). pp. 173-176. ISSN 0961-5652

Laybourn, Keith (2017) Book review: The Battle of Grangemouth: A Workers' Story by Mark Lyon. Cerles: Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone. ISSN 1292-8968

Laybourn, Keith (2017) J.H. Whitley and Halifax Politics between 1890 and 1906: The Politics of Social Reform. In: Liberal Reform and Industrial Relations: J.H. Whitley (1866-1935), Halifax Radical and Speaker of the House of Commons. Routledge, pp. 67-85. ISBN 9781138293984

Laybourn, Keith (2017) The disaffiliation crisis of 1932: the Labour Party, the Independent Labour Party (ILP) and the opinion of ILP members. In: Labour and Working-Class Lives: Essays to Celebrate the Life and Work of Chris Wrigley. Manchester University Press, pp. 110-132. ISBN 978-1784995270

Laybourn, Keith and Shepherd, John (2017) Introduction. In: Labour and Working-Class Lives: Essays to Celebrate the Life and Work of Chris Wrigley. Manchester University Press, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-1784995270

Laybourn, Keith and Shepherd, John (2017) Labour and Working-Class Lives: Essays to Celebrate the Life and Work of Chris Wrigley. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-1784995270

Matthews, Jodie (2017) Editorial for Issue 3. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-6205

McAdam, Katie (2017) The fall of Edward II: Failures in kingship and masculinity, the letter of Manuel Fieschi and the cult of resurrected celebrities. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

McInnes, Louise (2017) ‘England, hope for light after the confusion of darkness’: English Political Identity in the Late Medieval Carol. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-6205

Morrell, Vanessa (2017) Ice, Sea, Coal - Uncommon Subjects, Common Themes: Interpreting the Cultural Representations of Scott, Dunkirk and Durham Coal Miners in the Context of Decline. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Pahl, Kate and Ward, Paul (2017) Re-visioning exclusion in local communities. In: Building Better Societies: Promoting Social Justice in a World Falling Apart. Policy Press, Bristol, UK, pp. 95-110. ISBN 978-1447332032

Panesar, Amerdeep, Stoddart, Amy, Turner, James, Ward, Paul and Wells, Sarah (2017) J.H. Whitley and the Royal Commission on Labour in India 1929–31. In: Liberal Reform and Industrial Relations : J.H. Whitley (1866–1935), Halifax Radical and Speaker of the House of Commons. Routledge Studies in Modern British History . Routledge, London, pp. 129-142. ISBN 9781138293984

Thornton, Tim (2017) The Channel Islands and the Courts of Westminster from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries. Société Jersiaise, St Helier, Jersey. ISBN 978-0902897022

Thornton, Tim (2017) Wales in Late Medieval and Early Modern English Histories: Neglect, Rediscovery, and their Implications. Historical Research, 90 (250). pp. 683-703. ISSN 1468-2281

Toth, Hayley G. (2017) ‘No Longer Young and Not Yet Old’ London: Spatio-Temporal Ambivalence in Hanif Kureishi’s Something to Tell You. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-6205

Underwood, James (2017) Out of Place, Out of Time: Peter Didsbury's Hull. In: Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 18-20. ISBN 9781781384190

Underwood, James and Weston, Daniel (2017) 'A Poetic Place': The Hull of Philip Larkin. In: Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 259-261. ISBN 9781781384190

Ward, Paul (2017) The Beefeaters at the Tower of London, 1826-1914: Icons of Englishness or Britishness? In: Four Nations Approaches to Modern 'British' History: A (Dis)United Kingdom? Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 161-188. ISBN 978-1137601414

Ward, Paul and Pente, Elizabeth (2017) Let’s change history! Community histories and the co-production of historical knowledge. In: History Making a Difference: New Approaches from Aotearoa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 94-112. ISBN 978-1443851992

morawska, Lucia (2017) Outlandish names on the provincial doors: German Jews in Victorian Bradford and their expression of identities. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-6205


Doyle, Barry M. (2016) Healthcare before Welfare States: Hospitals in Early Twentieth Century England and France. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 33 (1). pp. 174-204. ISSN 0823-2105

Doyle, Barry M. (2016) ‘La prise en charge médicale des victimes d’accidents industriels, sa gestion et son financement en Angleterre, 1860-1914’ [‘Managing, funding and caring for industrial accidents in late nineteenth century England’]. In: Risques et accidents industriels (fin XVIIe -­ fin XIXe siècle). Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, France, pp. 207-226. ISBN 978-2-75354999-9

Fleming, Michael and Bryan, John (2016) Early English Viols: Instruments, Makers and Music. Routledge. ISBN 978-1472468543

Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2016) Artefacts of Lost Love. In: Materiality of Mourning, 19th - 20th May 2016, The University of Warwick. (Unpublished)

Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2016) Creating artefacts from memories of lost love. In: Love Letters - Inter-disciplinary.net, 2nd - 4th July 2016, Mansfield College, Oxford University. (Unpublished)

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

Kassimeris, George and Jackson, Leonie (2016) Negotiating race and religion in the West Midlands: narratives of inclusion and exclusion during the 1967–69 Wolverhampton bus workers’ turban dispute. Contemporary British History. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1361-9462

Laybourn, Keith (2016) Book review : Citizen Clem: A Biography of Attlee by John Bew. History today, 66 (11). ISSN 0018-2753

Laybourn, Keith (2016) Book review : Seth Koven, The Match Girl and the Heiress, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press 9780691158501. Labour history review, 81 (1). pp. 91-92. ISSN 0961-5652

Laybourn, Keith (2016) The History of the Labour Party. History today, 66 (1). pp. 56-57. ISSN 0018-2753

Laybourn, Keith (2016) A Movement Divided: the Labour Movement and the Great War - a Divided Bradford and a United Huddersfield. In: Stop the First World War!: Movements Opposed to the 1914 War in Britain, France and Germany. Socialist History Occasional Publication (37). Socialist History Society, pp. 4-27. ISBN 9780993010422

Levitt, Emma (2016) The construction of high status masculinity through the tournament and martial activity in the later Middle Ages. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

McAuley, James W. (2016) Memory and Belonging in Ulster Loyalist Identity. Irish Political Studies, 31 (1). pp. 122-138. ISSN 0790-7184

McGlynn, Catherine and McDaid, Shaun (2016) Northern Ireland. In: Harold Wilson The Unprincipled Prime Minister? Reappraising Harold Wilson. Biteback Publishing, pp. 245-260. ISBN 9781785900310

Merrick, Burrow (2016) ‘The future of our delicate network of empire’: The Riddle of the Sands and the Birth of the British Spy Thriller. In: New Directions in Popular Fiction: Genre, Distribution, Reproduction. Merrick Burrow . Palgrave, London, pp. 111-133. ISBN 978-1-137-52346-4

Rebecca, Gill (2016) Belgian refugees in World War 1: local archives & histories. Local History News (119). pp. 6-7. ISSN 0969-3521

Rebecca, Gill (2016) Brave little Belgium arrives in Huddersfield ... voluntary action, local politics, and the history of international relief work. Immigrants and Minorities, 34 (2). pp. 132-150. ISSN 0261-9288

Sceats, Amelia G. (2016) Rationality and reality: perspectives of mental illness in Tudor England, 1485- 1603. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Taylor, David (2016) Beerhouses, Brothels and Bobbies - policing by consent in Huddersfield and the Huddersfield district in the mid-nineteenth century. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-140-3

Walker, Rebecca (2016) "The Possessions of the Kingdome of Heauen Remaineth to Those That Harbor Strangers": Protestant Approaches to Hospitality in Elizabethan England. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ward, Paul and Travers, Daniel (2016) Narrating Britain's War: A 'Four Nations and More' Approach to the People's War. In: The Long Aftermath: Cultural Legacies of Europe at War 1936-2016. Studies in Contemporary European History . Berghahn, Oxford, pp. 77-95. ISBN 9781782381532


Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda (2015) Architectural Nous: How York Wrote its Identity Through Architecture During the 1951 Festival of Britain. In: Reading Architecture Across the Arts and Humanities, 5th - 6th December 2015, University Stirling. (Unpublished)

Byroms, Richard (2015) William Fairbairn - experimental engineer and mill-builder. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Clegg, Robert (2015) Bloody Shirts and Muddy Boots: Tackling the Rugby League Archive at Heritage Quay. In: British Records Association Annual Conference 2015 "In a league of their own’: archives of the history of British sport and physical recreation", 11 November 2015, Swedenborg House, London. (Unpublished)

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Laybourn, Keith (2015) Book Review: The English Isles: Cultural transmission and political conflict in Britain and Ireland, 1100–1500. Edited by Seán Duffy and Susan Foran. Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2013. Pp. 186. £50.00. The Welsh History Review, 27 (3). p. 574. ISSN 0043-2431

Laybourn, Keith (2015) Marxism in Britain: Dissent, Decline and Re-emergence 1945-c.2000. Routledge Studies in Modern British History . Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-75867-3

Laybourn, Keith (2015) The New Philanthropy of the Edwardian Age: the Guild of Help and the Halifax Citizens’ Guild, 1905-1918. The Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, 23. pp. 73-94.

Laybourn, Keith and Taylor, David (2015) The Battle for the Roads of Britain: Police. Motorists and the Law, c. 1890s to 1970s. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230359321

Litherland, Benjamin (2015) Sporting Entertainments, Discarded Possibilities and the Case of Football as a Variety Sport, 1905 – 1906. Sport in History, 35 (3). pp. 391-418. ISSN 1746-0263

MacDonald, Juliet (2015) Displaying the Head of Victory. In: Thought Positions in Sculpture. Public Symposium, 12 November 2015, Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Matthews, Jodie (2015) Editorial. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 1 (1). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2058-6205

McAuley, James W. (2015) Very British Rebels?: The Culture and Politics of Ulster Loyalism. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781441109033

McDaid, Shaun (2015) Book Review: Modern Dublin: Urban Change and the Irish Past, 1957–1973. By Erika Hanna. Oxford University Press. 2013. History, 100 (339). pp. 153-155. ISSN 1468-229X

Morton, Liam (2015) Rumour as Information: British Forces, Control, and Communication on the Indian North-West Frontier. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 1 (2). pp. 25-36. ISSN 2058-6205

Pente, Elizabeth, Ward, Paul, Brown, Milton and Sahota, Hardeep (2015) The co-production of historical knowledge: implications for the history of identities. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 1 (1). pp. 32-53. ISSN 2058-6205

Thornton, Tim (2015) Conclusion – Man: the Medieval Legacy. In: A New History of the Isle of Man: The Medieval Period, 1000-1406. Liverpool University Press, pp. 546-553. ISBN 978-0-853236-177

Thornton, Tim (2015) Wales and the Crisis of the Lancastrian Monarchy. The Welsh History Review, 27 (3). pp. 459-478. ISSN 0043-2431

Ward, Paul (2015) Icons of Englishness: The Beefeaters at the Tower of London, 1826-1901. In: De la crise à la critique : tension, évolution, révolution en Europe aux 19ème et 20ème siècles. Cahiers de Centre de Recherche sur les Identités Culturelles Comparées des Sociétes Europénnes et Occidentales (25). L’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 19-44.

Webster, Wendy (2015) Britain’s love/hate relationship with ‘foreigners’ during the Second World War. History Extra.

Webster, Wendy (2015) Transnational Communities of Allies. In: Fighting for Britain? Negotiating Identities in Britain during the Second World War. Peter Lang, pp. 209-234. ISBN 978-3034318242

Webster, Wendy, Light, Rob and Martin, Janette (2015) Mixing it: Diversity in Second World War Britain. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Wilcock, Paul (2015) Birmingham swords on the battlefields. In: Fortunes of War: The West Midlands at the time of Waterloo. West Midlands History, pp. 29-31. ISBN 978-1-905036-21-9

Williams, David and Wilcock, Paul (2015) Early 18th-Century Military or Militia Pistols in the Armoury of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry at Boughton House: An Important Example of the Products of the London—Low Countries Supply Chain. Arms & Armour, 12 (1). pp. 30-44. ISSN 1741-6124


Calvert, Sophie, Ryall, Helen, Power, Jess and Bills, Paul J. (2014) Digital 3D reconstruction of historical textile fragment. In: Proceedings of The 89th Textile Institute World Conference. TIWC 2014 . The Textile Institute, Wuhan, China, pp. 846-850. ISBN 9781510840782

Doyle, Barry M. (2014) The Politics of Hospital Provision in Early Twentieth Century Britain. Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine . Pickering and Chatto, London. ISBN 9781848934337

Etheridge, Stephen (2014) 'Slate-Grey Rain and Polished Euphoniums': Southern Pennine Brass Bands, the Working Class and the North, c. 1840-1914. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Flint, Joshua (2014) A new reassessment of the importance of gunpowde weapons on the battlefields of the Wars of the Roses. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Gill, Rebecca (2014) The origins of the British Red Cross Society and the politics and practices of relief in war, 1870-1906. Asclepio, 66 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0210-4466

Hargreaves, John A. (2014) The Minster Church of John the Baptist, Halifax, West Yorkshire : The Medieval Foundations. In: A Fresh Approach: Essays Presented to Colin Platt in Celebration of His Eightieth Birthday 11 November 2014. Trouser Press.

Hargreaves, John A. (2014) Towards the provinces? Metropolitan press coverage of the first British royal visit to Halifax 1863. In: Towards the Metropolis?: Approaches to the modern city. Leeds Working Papers in Victorian Studies (14). Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies.

Hargreaves, John A. (2014) Wakefield Court Roll 1812-13. Wakefield Court Rolls Series, 16 . Yorkshire Archaeological Society. ISBN 9781903564172

Hewitt, Martin (2014) ‘“A little bit of a Victorian?”: Asa Briggs and Victorian Studies’. In: The Age of Asa. Lord Briggs, Public Life and History in Britain since 1945 . Palgrave, pp. 46-78. ISBN 9781137392572

Jones, Helen M.F. (2014) ‘Hours of Distraction and Cheerful Companionship’: Leeds Association of Girls’ Clubs and the Girls’ Clubs Era (1904–1944). In: The Thoresby Society’s Miscellany. The Thoresby Society, Leeds, pp. 87-110. ISBN 978-0-900741-74-6

Laybourn, Keith (2014) In search of phantom fortunes: working-class gambling in Britain c.1906-61. In: The Historical Association Conference 2014, 16th-17th May 2014, Stratford upon Avon, UK.

Leeworthy, Daryl (2014) Lions in Winter: the Summit Series, Professionalism, and the Renewal of Hockey in 1970s Britain. In: Coming Down the Mountain: Investigating the Summit Series. Wolsak and Wynn, Hamilton, Ontario. ISBN 978-1894987868

Leeworthy, Daryl (2014) Struggle, Strikes and Strife: Social Change in Interwar Britain. Case Study. Pen and Sword Press, Barnsley. (Submitted)

Lloyd, Christian and Bristow, Lisa (2014) Scratching the surface of local history: Encountering the republished works of Ken Cooper. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 7 (3). pp. 471-479. ISSN 17535190

Malay, Jessica L. (2014) The Case of Mistress Mary Hampson: Her Story of Marital Abuse and Defiance in Seventeenth-Century England. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA. ISBN 9780804786287

McDaid, Shaun (2014) Book Review: Richard Lawrence Jordan, The Second Coming of Paisley: Militant Fundamentalism and Ulster Politics (Syracuse University Press, 2013). Irish Journal of Anthropology, 17 (1). ISSN 1393-8592

McDaid, Shaun, Mycock, Andrew, McGlynn, Catherine, McAuley, James W. and Gormley-Heenan, Cathy (2014) The Northern Ireland ‘Culture Wars’ Symposium Report: November 2013. Research Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield.

Mycock, Andrew (2014) The First World War Centenary in the UK: ‘A Truly National Commemoration’? The Round Table, 103 (2). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0035-8533

Mycock, Andrew (2014) The politics of the great war centenary in the United Kingdom. In: Nation, Memory and Great War Commemoration: Mobilizing the Past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand (Cultural Memories). Peter Lang, pp. 99-118. ISBN 9783034309370

Mycock, Andrew, Sumartojo, Shanti and Wellings, Ben (2014) The centenary to end all centenaries. In: Nation, Memory and Great War Commemoration: Mobilizing the Past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand (Cultural Memories). Peter Lang, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9783034309370

Owen, Robert (2014) Considered policy or haphazard evolution? No. 617 Squadron RAF 1943 - 45. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Posner, Jane (2014) The Establishment and Development of the New Police in Halifax, 1848-1914. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Reid, Sean (2014) Cricket in Victorian Ireland 1848 - 1878: a social history. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Sahota, Hardeep Singh (2014) Bhangra: Mystics, music and migration. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-123-6

Stansfield, J. Margaret (2014) Huddersfield's roll of honour: 1914-1922. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-126-7

Temple, Nicholas (2014) Introduction: Lincoln Cathedral and its Bishop. In: Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: Tracing Relationships between Medieval Concepts of Order and Built Form. Ashgate, Surrey, UK, p. 1. ISBN 978-1-4724-1275-1

Temple, Nicholas, Hendrix, John and Frost, Christian (2014) Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: Tracing Relationships between Medieval Concepts of Order and Built Form. Ashgate. ISBN 978-1-4724-1275-1


Atkinson, Paul (2013) Review of: Victoria Kelley, Soap and Water: Cleanliness, Dirt and the Working Classes in Victorian and Edwardian Britain (London: I. B. Tauris, 2010). Labour history review, 78 (2). pp. 237-238. ISSN 0961-5652

Bastow, Sarah L. (2013) Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York 1577-88, ‘Stiff-Necked, Wilful And Obstinate’. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 50 (2). pp. 239-256. ISSN 0078-172X

Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda (2013) We are not dealing with someone else’s “left overs”! Northern English Cities’ response to the 1951 Festival of Britain. In: Formations and Representations of British National Identity, 19-20 September 2013, Warwick University. (Unpublished)

Burrow, Merrick (2013) The Filth and the Purity: Policing Dirt in Late-Victorian Detective Fiction. Journal of Victorian Culture, 18 (4). pp. 562-564. ISSN 1355-5502

Burrow, Merrick (2013) The Imperial Souvenir: Things and Masculinities in H. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines and Allan Quatermain. Journal of Victorian Culture, 18 (1). pp. 72-92. ISSN 1355-5502

Calvert, Dave (2013) From Pedrolino to a Pierrot: The Origin, Ancestry and Ambivalence of the British Pierrot Troupe. Popular Entertainment Studies, 4 (1). pp. 6-23. ISSN 1837-9303

Calvert, Dave (2013) ‘Royal Pierrots’ and ‘White Coons’: the British Pierrot Troupe in the Racial and National Imaginary. New Theatre Quarterly, 29 (2). pp. 107-120. ISSN 0266-464X

Cullum, Patricia (2013) ‘Feasting not fasting: men’s devotion to the Eucharist in the Middle Ages. In: Religious Men and Masculine Identities in the Middle Ages. Gender in the Middle Ages . Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge. ISBN 9781843838630

Cullum, Patricia (2013) ‘Give me chastity’: Masculinity and attitudes to chastity and celibacy in the Middle Ages. Gender and History, 25 (3). pp. 621-636. ISSN 0953-5233

Cullum, Patricia (2013) My Lord Bishop: Chronicles and the Construction of Episcopal Identity in late medieval England. International journal of regional and local History, 8 (1). pp. 40-53. ISSN 2051-4530

Dodd, Lindsey (2013) La ville éventrée; or, how bombing turned the city inside out. In: The Blitz and its Legacy: Wartime Destruction to Post-war Reconstruction. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 17-30. ISBN 9781409436980

Doyle, Barry M. and Hayes, Nick (2013) Eggs, rags and whist drives: popular munificence and the development of provincial medical voluntarism between the wars. Historical Research, 86 (234). pp. 712-740. ISSN 1468-2281

Ellis, Robert (2013) Asylums and Sport: Participation, Isolation and the Role of Cricket in the Treatment of the Insane. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 30 (1). pp. 83-101. ISSN 0952-3367

Foard, Glenn and Curry, Anne (2013) Bosworth 1485: A Battlefield Rediscovered. Oxbow Books, Oxford. ISBN 9781782971733

Hargreaves, John A. (2013) Methodists at the Parish Pump: Methodism and Parochial, Township and Municipal Politics in Halifax, c.1825−c.1850. In: Yorkshire Methodism Essays to Commemorate the Jubilee Year of the Wesley Historical Society (Yorkshire). Wesley Historical Society. ISBN 9780957493308

Hargreaves, John A. (2013) Out and About in Halifax 1863-2013. The historian. pp. 31-35. ISSN 0265-1076

Laybourn, Keith (2013) Book review : Conservatism and British Foreign Policy, 1820–1920: The Derbys and their World ed. by Geoffrey Hicks, and: On the Fringes of Diplomacy: Influences on British Foreign Policy, 1800–1945 ed. by John Fisher and Antony Best. Victorian Studies, 56 (1). pp. 141-143. ISSN 0042-5222

Leeworthy, Daryl (2013) The Dragons of the North: Working-Class Culture, the Miners' Lockout, and the Development of Rugby League in South Wales, 1926–31. Sport in History, 33 (1). pp. 49-71. ISSN 1746-0263

Leeworthy, Daryl (2013) From Shamrock to Pitprop: Revolution, War, and the Irish in South Wales, 1913-1923. In: The Cause of Labour: 1913 and Beyond. Mercier Press, Cork. (Submitted)

Lewis, Katherine J. (2013) Kingship and Masculinity in Late Medieval England. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415316125

Light, Rob (2013) Ordinary working men...transformed into giants on the rugby field': Individual and Collective Memory in Oral Histories of Rugby League. International Journal of the History of Sport, 30 (1). pp. 65-82. ISSN 0952-3367

Martin, Janette (2013) Archive Reports: The Diary of Joseph William Corfield. Labour History Review, 78 (1). pp. 130-132. ISSN 0961-5652

Martin, Janette (2013) The Luddite Link Partnership: Communities, Commemoration, and Controversy. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 6 (2). pp. 131-139. ISSN 1835-2014

Martin, Janette (2013) Reinventing the Tower Beefeater in the nineteenth century. History, 98 (333). pp. 730-749. ISSN 0018-2648

McDaid, Shaun (2013) Template for Peace: Northern Ireland, 1972-75. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-0-7190-8696-0

McDaid, Shaun (2013) The party politics of devolution and the failure of power-sharing in NI during the 1970s. In: Political Studies Association of Ireland conference 2013, 18-20 October 2013, Trinity College Dublin. (Unpublished)

Partida, Tracey, Hall, David and Foard, Glenn (2013) An Atlas of Northamptonshire: The Medieval and Early-Modern Landscape. Oxbow Books. ISBN 9781842175118

Shepherd, John and Laybourn, Keith (2013) Britain's First Labour Government. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781403915726

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2013) Canterbury’s martyred archbishop: the ‘cult’ of Simon Sudbury and relations between city and cathedral. In: Monuments and Monumentality in Later Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Paul Watkins Publishing, Donington, Lincolnshire, UK. ISBN 9781907730283

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2013) Negotiating the Political in Northern European Urban Society c.1400-1600. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 434 . ACMRS and Brepols, Tempe, Arizona, USA. ISBN 978-0-86698-482-9

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2013) Pilgrimage in ‘an Age of Plague’: seeking Canterbury’s ‘hooly blisful martir’ in 1420 and 1470. In: The Fifteenth Century, XII: Society in an Age of Plague. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK. ISBN 9781843838753

Taylor, David (2013) Memory, narrative and The Great War: Rifleman Patrick MacGill and the Construction of Wartime Experience. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK. ISBN 9781846318719

Temple, Nicholas (2013) The Watchman in the Vineyard: Historical Traces of Judicial and Punitive Practices in Lincoln. In: Architecture and Justice: Judicial Matters in the Public Realm. Ashgate, London, pp. 51-70. ISBN 9781409431732

Webb, Christopher (2013) Greenhead Stories: People, Place and Sharing Authority Across Cultural Lines. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Webster, Wendy (2013) "Fit to fight, fight to mix" Sexual patriotism in second world war Britain. Women's history review, 22 (4). pp. 607-624. ISSN 0961-2025

Wilcock, Paul (2013) Le York Army Museum. Soldats Napoleoniens (11). pp. 80-83. ISSN 1770-085X


Atkinson, Paul (2012) “Isn’t it time you were finishing?”: Women’s Labor Force Participation and Childbearing in England, 1860–1920. Feminist Economics, 18 (4). pp. 145-164. ISSN 1354-5701

Bastow, Sarah L. (2012) An Abortive Attempt to Defend an Episcopal Reputation: The Case of Archbishop Edwin Sandys and the Innkeeper's Wife. History, 97 (327). pp. 380-401. ISSN 0018-2648

Bastow, Sarah L. (2012) A Manner of Apology: Sir Robert Stapleton and Archbishop Edwin Sandys in an Elizabethan Cause Célèbre. Textile History, 43 (2). pp. 147-160. ISSN 0040-4969

Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda (2012) BBC Stoke Breakfast with Pete Morgan - Caterina Benincasa-Sharman talking about Staffordshire's contribution to the 1951 Festival of Britain in the London based and Travelling Exhibitions. [Audio]

Burrow, Merrick (2012) Oscar Wilde and the Plaistow Matricide: Competing Critiques of Influence in the Formation of Late-Victorian Masculinities. Culture, Society and Masculinities, 4 (2). pp. 133-147. ISSN 1941-5583

Doyle, Barry M. (2012) A Crisis of Urban Conservatism? Politics and Organisation in Edwardian Norwich. Parliamentary History, 31 (3). pp. 396-418. ISSN 0264-2824

Doyle, Barry M. (2012) The economics, culture and politics of hospital contributory schemes: The case of inter war Leeds. Labour History Review, 77 (3). pp. 289-315. ISSN 0961-5652

Etheridge, Stephen (2012) Brass Bands in the Southern Pennines, 1857-1914: The Ethos of Rational Recreation and Perceptions of Working-Class Respectability. In: Class, Culture and Community: New Perspectives in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Labour History. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 37-54. ISBN 978-1-4438-4064-4

Fleming, Michael (2012) Early English viol makers' tools and resources. In: CordeFactum Festival 2012, 18th - 20th May 2012, Hingene, Belgium. (Unpublished)

Fleming, Michael (2012) Woodwork Tools in Early Modern Oxford. Oxoniensia, 77. pp. 107-116. ISSN 0308–5562

Foard, Glenn (2012) Battlefield Archaeology of the English Civil War. Archaeopress, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781407310442

Foard, Glenn and Morris, Richard K. (2012) The archaeology of English battlefields. CBA Research Report (168). Council for British Archaeology, York, UK. ISBN 9781902771885

Gledhill, Jonathan (2012) Locality and Allegiance: English Lothian, 1296-1318. In: England and Scotland at War, c.1296-c.1513. Brill, Leiden, pp. 157-182. ISBN 9789004229822

Hargreaves, John A. (2012) Yorkshire Luddism : image and reality 1812-2012. The Local Historian, 42 (3). ISSN 0024-5585

Hargreaves, John A. and Haigh, E. A. Hilary (2012) Slavery in Yorkshire: Richard Oastler and the campaign against child labour in the Industrial Revolution. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-107-6

Hewitt, Martin (2012) Beyond scientific spectacle: image and word in nineteenth century popular lecturing. In: Popular Exhibitions, Science and Showmanship, 1840-1910. Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century (15). Pickering & Chatto, London, UK, pp. 79-95. ISBN 9781848933064

Hewitt, Martin (2012) Introduction: Victorian milestones. In: The Victorian World. Routledge Worlds . Taylor and Francis, London, UK, pp. 1-53. ISBN 978-0-415-49187-7

Hewitt, Martin (2012) Preaching from the platform: popular religious lecturing and the challenge of churching the masses. In: Oxford Handbook of the British Sermon, 1689-1901. Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology . Oxford University Press, London, UK, pp. 79-96. ISBN 978-0-19-958359-1

Hewitt, Martin (2012) The Victorian world. Routledge Worlds . Taylor and Francis, London, UK. ISBN 9780415491877

Laybourn, Keith (2012) Book review : Emma Griffin, A Short History of the British Industrial Revolution, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2010. Labour History Review, 77 (2). pp. 257-258. ISSN 0961-5652

Laybourn, Keith (2012) Book review : Sue Bruley, The Women and Men of 1926: A Gender and Social History of the General Strike and Miners’ Lockout in South Wales, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2011. Labour History Review, 77 (2). pp. 251-252. ISSN 0961-5652

Laybourn, Keith (2012) Introduction. In: Class, Culture and Community: New Perspectives in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Labour History. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 1-13. ISBN 978-1-4438-4064-4

Laybourn, Keith (2012) Sixty Years in Sixty Minutes: Changing Britain c. 1952 to 2012. In: Diamond Jubilee Lecture, University of Huddersfield, 1st May 2012, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Leeworthy, Daryl (2012) A Diversion from the New Leisure: Greyhound Racing, Working-Class Culture, and the Politics of Unemployment in Inter-war South Wales. Sport in History, 31 (1). pp. 53-73. ISSN 1746-0263

Leeworthy, Daryl (2012) Fields of Play: The Sporting Heritage of Wales. Case Study. Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales.

Leeworthy, Daryl (2012) The Forgotten Hurlers of South Wales: Sport, Society and the Irish, 1910-1925. Llafur: Journal of Welsh People's History, 11 (2). ISSN 0306-0837

Leeworthy, Daryl (2012) Workers’ Fields: Sport, Politics, and Landscape in Inter-War South Wales. In: The Role of Sports in the Formation of Personal Identities: Studies in Community Loyalties. Edwin Mellen Press, New York. ISBN 9780773426665

Leeworthy, Daryl (2012) The secret life of us: 1984, the miners' strike and the place of biography in writing history ‘from below’. European Review of History, 19 (5). pp. 825-846. ISSN 1350-7486

Malay, Jessica L. (2012) Review: Grossly Material Things: Women and Book Production in Early Modern England, by Helen Smith. Women's History Review. ISSN 0961-2025

Martin, Janette (2012) 'Oastler is Welcome': Richard Oastler's triumphal return to Huddersfield in 1844. In: Slavery in Yorkshire: Richard Oastler and the campaign against child labour in the Industrial Revolution. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield. ISBN 97818621810776

Martin, Janette (2012) Oratory, itinerant lecturing and Victorian popular politics: a case study of James Acland (1799-1876). Historical Research, 86 (231). pp. 30-52. ISSN 0950-3471

Matthews, Jodie (2012) Gypsies, Roma and Irish Travellers: Histories, Perceptions and Representations. [Audio] (Unpublished)

Matthews, Jodie (2012) Gypsies, Roma, and Irish Travellers: Histories, Perceptions, and Representations, A Review. Project Workshop Summary. In: Gypsies, Roma, and Irish Travellers: Histories, Perceptions, and Representations. Workshop, 3 September 2012, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Matthews, Jodie (2012) Romanies/Gypsies, Roma & Irish and Scottish Travellers: Histories, Perceptions and Representations, A Research Review Discussion Paper. Jodie Matthews, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Matthews, Jodie (2012) "'Thousands of these floating hovels': Picturing Bargees in Image and Text". In: Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies, March 22-25 2012, University of Kentucky, USA. (Unpublished)

Matthews, Jodie and Travers, Daniel (2012) Introduction. In: Islands and Britishness: A Global Perspective. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle on Tyne, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781443835169

McDaid, Shaun (2012) The Irish government and the Sunningdale Council of Ireland: a vehicle for unity? Irish Historical Studies, 38 (150). pp. 283-303. ISSN 0021-1214

Morris, Richard K. (2012) Time's Anvil: England, Archaeology and the Imagination. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London. ISBN 978-0297867838

Norris Nicholson, Heather (2012) Manchester’s Moving Memories: Tales from Moss Side and Hulme: archive film and community history-making. In: Tourists and Nomads. Amateur Images of Migration. Jonas-Verlag. ISBN 9783894454647

Travers, Daniel (2012) ‘The Churchillian Paradigm and the “Other British Isles”: An Examination of Second World War Remembrance in Man, Orkney, and Jersey’. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Webster, Wendy (2012) The Empire comes home : commonwealth migration to Britain. In: Britain's expereince of empire in the twentieth century. Oxford University Press, pp. 122-160. ISBN 9780199236589

Webster, Wendy (2012) 'The Whim of Foreigners': Language, Speech, and Sound in Second World War British Film and Radio. Twentieth Century British History, 23 (3). pp. 359-382. ISSN 0955-2359

Wilcock, Paul (2012) The Armoury of His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. Arms & Armour, 9 (2). pp. 181-205. ISSN 17416124

Wilcock, Paul (2012) King Joseph's chocolate pot. Yorkshire Regiment Journal, 12. pp. 95-97.


Atkinson, Paul David (2011) Family size and expectations about housing in the later nineteenth century: three Yorkshire towns. Local Population Studies (87). pp. 13-28. ISSN 0143-2974

Bastow, Sarah L. (2011) Book Review: Chris Evans, Slave Wales: The Welsh and Atlantic Slavery 1660-1850 (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2010). North American Journal of Welsh Studies, 6 (1). pp. 62-63. ISSN 1554-8112

Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda (2011) Signposts: The Festival of Britain 1951. History Today. pp. 54-55. ISSN 0018-2753

Carlton, Katharine and Thornton, Tim (2011) Illegitimacy and Authority in the North of England, c. 1450-1640. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 48 (1). pp. 23-40. ISSN 0078-172X

Dew, Niall (2011) Lessons for all: Economics, and the health and social care of people with intellectual disabilities. In: International Conference on Allied Health Sciences, 22-24 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Hargreaves, Janet (2011) Alice: woman and nurse, nurse and woman. In: 16th History of Nursing Research Colloquium: Gender and Nurses: Nursing and Gender, 1st April 2011, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Heppell, Timothy and Crines, Andrew (2011) How Michael Foot Won the Labour Party Leadership. The Political Quarterly, 82 (1). pp. 81-94. ISSN 0032-3179

Jones, Helen M.F. (2011) Darning, Doylies and Dancing: the work of the Leeds Association of Girls' Clubs (1904-1913). Women's history review, 20 (3). pp. 369-388. ISSN 0961-2025

Laybourn, Keith (2011) Book Review: B.L. Coombes, These Poor Hands: The Autobiography of a Miner Working in South Wales. With an Introduction by Bill Jones and Chris Williams. Pp. xxxix + 207. First published by Victor Gollancz in 1939, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2002 edition, 2011 reprint. ISBN 978 0-7083-1563-7, e-ISBN 978-0-7083-2317-5. North American Journal of Welsh Studies, 6 (1). pp. 65-67. ISSN 1554-8112

Laybourn, Keith (2011) The Independent Labour Party and the second Labour government 1929-1931: the move towards revolutionary change. In: Britain's second Labour government 1929-31: A reappraisal. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK, pp. 100-116. ISBN 9780719086144

Laybourn, Keith (2011) The Oratory of Nye Bevan. In: Labour Orators from Aneurin Bevan to Gordon Brown, 9 November 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Laybourn, Keith (2011) Popular Culture and Working-Class Taste in Britain, 1930-1939: A Round of Cheap Diversions? Robert James, Manchester University Press, 2010. History, 96 (322). pp. 223-224. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2011) The collapse of the first Labour Government, 1924: ‘Who killed Cock Robin? In: How Labour Governments Fall: From Ramsay MacDonald to Gordon Brown, 1 December 2011, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

Laybourn, Keith and Hughes, R. Gerald (2011) VII Twentieth Century (i) British History. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 95 (1). pp. 87-114. ISSN 00663832

Laybourn, Keith and Taylor, David (2011) Policing in England and Wales, 1918-39: The Fed, Flying Squads and Forensics. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230232457

Macklin, Graham (2011) 'A plague on both their houses': fascism, anti-fascism and the police in the 1940s. In: Police and Policing in the Twentieth Century. The History of Policing: 3 . Ashgate, pp. 445-466. ISBN 9780754629542

Malay, Jessica L. (2011) Performing the Apocalypse: Sibylline Prophecy and Elizabeth I. In: Representations of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-192. ISBN 9780230278172

Malay, Jessica L. (2011) Review: Lady Anne Clifford: culture, patronage and gender in 17th century Britain, eds. Karen Hearn and Lynn Hulse. Yorkshire archaeological journal, 82. pp. 391-392. ISSN 0084-4276

Martin, Janette (2011) Book review: Mike Sanders, The Poetry of Chartism: Aesthetics, Politics, History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 1650 - 1850: Ideas, Aesthetics and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, 18. pp. 379-382. ISSN 1065-3112

Matthews, Jodie (2011) Borrowing Welshness: wild Wales, affiliation and identity. North American Journal of Welsh Studies, 6 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 1554-8112

McAuley, James W., Ward, Paul, Thomas, Paul, Mycock, Andrew, Matthews, Jodie, McGlynn, Catherine, Hayton, Richard and Webster, Wendy (2011) Academy for British and Irish Studies, 2011. In: Academy for British and Irish Studies (relaunch), December 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

McDaid, Shaun and Greer, James (2011) The impact of violence on the politics of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland 1969-74. In: European Security, Terrorism and Intelligence Seminar Series, 23 March 2011, University of Salford. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew (2011) Teaching the post-empire state: a study of the British history wars. In: Rethinking the Modern: Colonialism, Empire and Slavery Conference 2011, 11-12th July 2011, Warwick, UK. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew (2011) These post-colonial Englands. In: Understanding the Social World Conference 2011, 13th - 15th July 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew (2011) Understanding Britishness in Hong Kong 1990-97. In: Empire State of Mind: Articulations of British Culture in the Empire, 1707-1997, May 25th 2011, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew and Ward, Paul (2011) Education, identity and empire: history teaching in multi-national post-imperial Britain. In: Teaching The Nation-State After Empire In Europe: National Historiography And History, 10-12th June 2011, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Parton, Nigel (2011) The increasing length and complexity of central government guidance about child abuse in England: 1974-2010. Discussion Paper. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Pye, Neil (2011) The Home Office and the Suppression of Chartism in the West Riding, c.1838-1848. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2011) Anglo-Saxon saints and a Norman archbishop: ‘imaginative memory’ and institutional identity at St Gregory’s Priory, Canterbury. In: The Regular Canons in the British Isles in the Middle Ages. Medieval Church Studies (19). Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 19-40. ISBN 978-2-503-53248-6

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2011) Caught in the cross-fire: patronage and institutional politics in late twelfth-century Canterbury. In: Cathedrals, Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World. Studies in the History of Medieval Religion . Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK. ISBN 9781843836209

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2011) Hythe’s butcher-graziers: townsmen in the late medieval English countryside. In: Local History: New Directions since Hoskins. University of Hertfordshire Press, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK. ISBN 978-1-907396-12-0

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2011) The social structure of New Romney as revealed in the 1381 Poll Tax returns. Archaeologia Cantiana, 131. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0066-5894

Walker, Colin (2011) Fates, dates and ages: an investigation of the language of war memorials in three regions of Britain. In: Lest we forget: How we remember the dead. The History Press. ISBN 9780752459653

Walker, Martyn (2011) A solid and practical education within the reach of the humblest means: The growth and development of the Mechanics’ Institutes Movement with particular reference to the Huddersfield Mechanics’ Institution 1825–1891. In: The 9th JVETJournal of Vocational Education and Training International Conference, 8th - 10th July 2011, Worcester College Oxford.

Ward, Paul (2011) Editorial: North American Journal of Welsh Studies Vol. 6, 1 (Winter 2011). North American Journal of Welsh Studies, 6 (1). p. 1. ISSN 1554-8112

Webster, Wendy (2011) Book review - Chocolate, women and empire: a social and cultural history - By Emma Robertson. The Economic History Review, 64 (3). pp. 1040-1041. ISSN 0013-0117

Webster, Wendy (2011) From Nazi legacy to cold war : British perceptions of European identity 1945-64. In: European identity and the second world war 1939 - 1970. Palgrave macmillan, pp. 92-110. ISBN 9780230273238

Webster, Wendy (2011) Mumbo-Jumbo, Magic and Modernity: Africa in British Cinema, 1946-1965. In: Film and the End of Empire. Palgrave macmillan, pp. 237-250. ISBN 9781844574230

Webster, Wendy (2011) The silent village : the GPO film unit goes to war. In: The projection of Britain : A history of the GPO film unit. Palgrave macmillan, pp. 263-271. ISBN 9781844573752


Ali, Nafhesa (2010) Asian voices: first generation migrants. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 9781862180895

Atkinson, Paul David (2010) Cultural Causes of the Nineteenth-Century Fertility Decline: A Study of Three Yorkshire Towns. Doctoral thesis, University of Leeds.

Benincasa, Caterina (2010) Pigeons not Doves: Liverpool’s Contribution to the Festival of Britain, 1951. In: Modern British History Conference, 22nd - 23rd JUne 2010, St Andrews University, Scotland. (Unpublished)

Catterall, Stephen (2010) Edwin 'Teddy' Hall (1895-1961), Lancashire Miners' Leader. In: Dictionary of Labour Biography. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 146-152. ISBN 9780230004566

Doyle, Barry M. (2010) Labour and hospitals in three Yorkshire towns: Middlesbrough, Leeds, Sheffield, 1919-1938. Social History of Medicine, 23 (2). pp. 374-392. ISSN 0951-631X

Doyle, Barry M. (2010) Managing and contesting industrial pollution in Middlesbrough, 1880-1940. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 47 (1). pp. 135-154. ISSN 0078-172X

Foard, Glenn (2010) Bosworth uncovered. BBC History Magazine, 11 (3). pp. 23-30. ISSN 1469-8552

Foard, Glenn (2010) Discovering Bosworth. British Archaeology, 112. pp. 26-31. ISSN 1357-4442

Hargreaves, John A. (2010) Book review : POINTERS TO THE PAST The historical landscape of Hebden Township, Upper Wharfedale edited Heather Beaumont Yorkshire Archaeological Society Occasional Papers 5 2006 vii+57pp ISBN 1903564557. The Local Historian, 40 (1). ISSN 0024-5585

Hargreaves, John A. (2010) ‘“Hat’s Off”: Methodism and Popular Protest in the West Riding of Yorkshire in the Chartist era: a case study of Benjamin Rushton (1785-1853) of Halifax’. Wesley Historical Society. Proceedings, 57 (5). ISSN 0043-2873

Laybourn, Keith and Hughes, R. Gerald (2010) Twentieth century. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 94 (1). pp. 136-165. ISSN 0066-3832

Light, Rob (2010) A ‘strange...absurd...and somewhat injurious influence’? Cricket, professional Coaching in the Public Schools and the “Gentleman Amateur” Ethos. Sport in History, 30 (1). pp. 8-31. ISSN 1746-0263

Macklin, Graham (2010) The British Far Right's South African Connection: A.K. Chesterton, Hendrik van den Bergh, and the South African Intelligence Services. Intelligence and National Security, 25 (6). pp. 823-842. ISSN 0268-4527

Matthews, Jodie (2010) Back where they belong: Gypsies, kidnapping and assimilation in Victorian children’s literature'. Romani Studies 5, 20 (2). pp. 137-159. ISSN 1757–2274

McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and Shirlow, Peter (2010) Conflict, Transformation, and Former Loyalist Paramilitary Prisoners in Northern Ireland. Terrorism and Political Violence, 22 (1). pp. 22-40. ISSN 0954-6553

McDaid, Shaun (2010) Book Review: The Long March: The Political Strategy of Sinn Féin, 1981-2007, M. Frampton, 2008. Irish Historical Studies, 145. ISSN 0021-1214

Mycock, Andrew (2010) British Citizenship and the Legacy of Empires. Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (2). pp. 339-355. ISSN 1460-2482

Mycock, Andrew (2010) The British history wars. In: 60th Political Studies Association Annual Conference Sixty Years of Political Studies: Achievements and Futures, 29 March - 1 April 2010, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew and Loskoutova, M. (2010) The Empire strikes back? The historiography of 'high imperialism' and its impact on history teaching in Britain and the Russian Federation. In: Nationalizing the Past : Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe. Writing the Nation . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 233-258. ISBN 9780230237926

Shepherd, John (2010) Book Review: Speak for Britain. History today, 60 (6). p. 59. ISSN 0018-2753

Shepherd, John (2010) Book Review: Squires in the Slums: Settlements and Missions in Late Victorian London. Journal of Victorian Culture, 15 (3). pp. 415-418. ISSN 1355-5502

Shepherd, John and Shepherd, Janet (2010) 1920s Britain. Shire Publications, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780747807926

Swailes, Stephen (2010) Medieval Northamptonshire: the 1301 Assessment for a Fifteenth. Northamptonshire past and present (63). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0140-9131

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2010) Later Medieval Kent, 1220-1540. Kent History series . Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge. ISBN 9780851155845

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2010) Overcoming disaster? Farming practices on Christ Church Priory’s marshland manors in the early 14th century. In: Romney Marsh: Persistence and Change in a Coastal Lowland. Romney Marsh Research Trust, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK.

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2010) Remembering the dead at dinner-time. In: Everyday Objects: Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture and its Meanings. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 978-0-7546-6637-0

Sweetinburgh, Sheila and Austin, Rupert (2010) My painted chamber and other rooms: Stephen Hulkes and the history of Calico House, Newnham. Archaeologia Cantiana, 130. pp. 105-146. ISSN 0066-5894

Taylor, David (2010) Hooligans, Harlots, and Hangmen: Crime and Punishment in Victorian Britain. A Criminal History of Britain . Praeger Publishers, Santa Barbara, California, USA. ISBN 9780313383557

Tonge, Jonathan and Mycock, Andrew (2010) Citizenship and Political Engagement Among Young People: The Workings and Findings of the Youth Citizenship Commission. Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (1). pp. 182-200. ISSN 1460-2482

Warwick, Tosh (2010) Middlesbrough’s Steel Magnates 1880-1934: A Philanthropic Elite? In: Voluntary Action History Conference 2010, 14 July - 16 July 2010, University of Kent. (Unpublished)

Warwick, Tosh (2010) Middlesbrough’s Steel Magnates and the Guild of Help. Cleveland History (98). pp. 24-35. ISSN 0966-0704

Webster, Wendy (2010) Home, Colonial and Foreign: Europe, Empire and the History of Migration in 20th-century Britain. History Compass, 8 (1). pp. 32-50. ISSN 1478-0542

Wilcock, Paul (2010) Colonel JAC Gibbs and the Mons Drum. Yorkshire Regiment Journal, 8. pp. 94-96.

Wilcock, Paul (2010) The Search for Major Harvey. In: Wellington 2010: 4th International Congress, 8th - 11th July 2010, Southampton, UK. (Unpublished)


Doggett, C.M. and Thornton, Tim, eds. (2009) Changing Barnsley: from mining town to university town. Wharncliffe Books, Barnsley. ISBN 9781845631222

Andrews, Rhys, McGlynn, Catherine and Mycock, Andrew (2009) Students' attitudes towards history: does self-identity matter? Educational Research, 51 (3). pp. 365-377. ISSN 0013-1881

Bastow, Sarah L. (2009) The life of Edwin Sandys. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Benincasa, Caterina (2009) “Its 1951 not 951” How did Leeds and York Represent their Identity of Place in the Festival of Britain Celebrations? In: Conference on Modern British History, 23-24 June 2009, Department of History, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Bridger, Alexander J. (2009) Drifting around Manchester after the IRA bomb attack of 1996. The Mule.

Fisher, Pamela and Fisher, Roy (2009) Tomorrow we live: fascist visions of education in 1930s Britain. British journal of sociology of education, 30 (1). pp. 71-82. ISSN 0142-5692

Foard, Glenn (2009) English battlefields 991-1685: A review of problems and potentials. In: Fields of Conflict: Battlefield Archaeology from the Roman Empire to the Korean War. Potomac Books, pp. 133-159. ISBN 9781597972765

Foard, Glenn, Hall, David and Partida, Tracey (2009) Rockingham Forest: An Atlas of the medieval and early- modern landscape. Northamtonshire Record Society, Northamtonshire, UK. ISBN 0901275670

Gill, Rebecca (2009) “The Rational Administration of Compassion”: The Origins of British Relief in War. Le Mouvement Social, 227 (2). pp. 9-26. ISSN 0027-2671

Howell, Colin D. and Leeworthy, Daryl (2009) Borderlands. In: Routledge Companion to Sports history. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 71-84. ISBN 978-0-415-77339-3

Laybourn, Keith (2009) 'A Decade in Decline' a review of When the Lights Went out in Britain in the seventies by Andy Roberts (Faber & Faber, £20). BBC History Magazine, 10 (5). pp. 66-67. ISSN 1469-8552

Laybourn, Keith (2009) Down the rabbit hole' a review of Marching to the Fault Line: The 1984 Miners' Strike and the Death of Industrial Britain by Francis Beckett and David Hencke (Constable, 480 pp, £20). BBC History Magazine, 10 (3). pp. 66-67. ISSN 1469-8552

Laybourn, Keith (2009) In Search of Phantom Fortunes: Working-Class Gambling in Britain c. 1906-1960s. In: Changing Barnsley: from mining town to university town. Wharncliffe Books, Barnsley, pp. 101-138. ISBN 9781845631222

Laybourn, Keith (2009) Parties at War: Political Organization in Second World War Britain - By Andrew Thorpe. History, 94 (316). pp. 547-548. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2009) Trade Unionism in Britain since 1945. In: Trade Unionism since 1945: Towards a Global History. Trade Unions Past, Present and Future, Volume (1). Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 199-230. ISBN 978-3-03911-410-8

Laybourn, Keith (2009) Twentieth century. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 93 (1). pp. 131-140. ISSN 0066-3832

Leeworthy, Daryl (2009) Miners on the Margins: Characterising South Wales and Cape Breton as an Industrial Frontier, 1880-1939. Llafur: Journal of Welsh People's History, 10 (2). ISSN 0306-0837

Marshall, William (2009) The Invention Of Yorkshire. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Matthews, Jodie (2009) The legacies of 'divide and rule'. Cyprus Weekly.

McDaid, Shaun (2009) British-Irish security co-operation, 1972-74. In: Political Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2009, 9-11 October 2009, Liverpool Hope University. (Unpublished)

McDaid, Shaun (2009) 'Divided Loyalties': Faulkner Unionists and the Ulster Workers' Council, 1974. In: Political Ideology in Ireland: From the Enlightenment to the Present. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 258-273. ISBN 9781443805285

McDaid, Shaun (2009) Dublin’s Doomsday: Irish fears of a British withdrawal from Northern Ireland, 1974-5. In: Between the Strikes: Northern Ireland 1974-1981, 6-7 November 2009, Queen's University Belfast. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew (2009) The enduring legacy of empire: post-imperial citizenship and national identity(ies) in the UK. In: Multiculturalism and Moral Conflict. Routledge Innovations in Political Theory, 35 . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 170-191. ISBN 9780415466158

Norris Nicholson, Heather (2009) Framing the view: holiday recording and Britain’s amateur film movement c.1925-1950. In: Movies on Home Ground: Explorations in Amateur Cinema. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 93-127. ISBN 9781443813440

O'Keefe, Dennis (2009) What was the Significance of Church Cricket in Calderdale, 1860 – c.1920. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Platt, David (2009) The sealed knot. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Rollin, Lynn (2009) The Voices in the Stone. In: Changing Barnsley: from Mining Town to University Town. Wharncliffe Books, Barnsley, pp. 54-62. ISBN 9781845631222

Taylor, David (2009) From fighting the war to writing the war: from glory to guilt? Contemporary British History, 23 (3). pp. 293-313. ISSN 13619462

Walker, Martyn (2009) Mechanics and miners: the growth and development of adult education in Barnsley 1831 - 1964. In: Changing Barnsley: from mining town to university town. Wharncliffe Books, Barnsley. ISBN 9781845631222

Ward, Paul (2009) The End of the British Empire and the Break-Up of Britain: Cause and Effect? History Teaching Review: The Yearbook of the Scottish Association of History Teachers, 23. pp. 48-53.

Ward, Paul (2009) The end of Britishness? A historical perspective. British Politics Review, 4 (3). p. 3. ISSN 1890-4505

Warwick, Tosh (2009) Middlesbrough's Steel Magnates. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Webster, Wendy (2009) Shorn women, rubble women and military heroes : gender, national identities and collective memories. In: The essence and the margin. Studia imagologica, 15 . Rodopi, pp. 51-70. ISBN 9789042025714

Wilcock, Paul (2009) General Amherst’s Flag. Yorkshire Regiment Journal, 7. pp. 83-84.


Berger, Stefan, Eriksonas, Linas and Mycock, Andrew, eds. (2008) Narrating the nation: representations in history, media and the arts. Making Sense of History Berghahn Series, 11 . Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781845454241

Deegan, Alison and Foard, Glenn (2008) Mapping Ancient Landscapes in Northamptonshire. English Heritage, London, UK. ISBN 1905624425

Dodd, Lindsey and Knapp, Andrew (2008) 'How many Frenchmen did you kill?' British bombing policy towards France (1940-1945). French History, 22 (4). pp. 469-492. ISSN 0269-1191

Doyle, Barry M. (2008) The rank and file and the Liberal government 'crisis' of 1912: a note. Journal of Liberal History (59).

Fairclough, Mary (2008) The Sympathy of Popular Opinion: Representations of the Crowd in Britain 1770-1849. Doctoral thesis, University of York.

Hewitt, Martin (2008) Max O’Rell and the performance of Frenchness on the late nineteenth-century Anglo-American lecture platform. In: Regards des Anglo-Saxons sur La France au cours du long Dix-Neuvième Siècle. Cahiers du CICC (22). L’Harmattan, Paris, France, pp. 147-180. ISBN 978-2-296-06628-1

Kirk, Neville (2008) Traditionalists and Progressives: Labor, Race, and Immigration in Post-World War II Australia and Britain. Australian Historical Studies, 39 (1). pp. 53-71. ISSN 1031-461X

Laybourn, Keith (2008) Book review of A Fair Day's Wage for a Fair Day's Work? Sweated Labour and the Origins of Minimum Wage Legislation in Britain By Sheila Blackburn. History, 93 (312). pp. 571-572. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2008) Book review of A South-Asian History of Britain: Four Centuries of Peoples from the Indian Sub-continent By Michael H. Fisher, Shompa Lahiri and Shinder Thandi. History, 93 (311). pp. 444-445. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2008) Book review of: Labour's Lost Leader: The Life and Politics of Will Crooks By Paul Tyler. History, 93 (310). pp. 298-299. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2008) Book review of: The Failure of a Dream: The Independent Labour Party from Disaffiliation to World War II By Gidon Cohen. History, 93 (310). pp. 299-230. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2008) Book review: The Oxford Companion to Black British History - Edited by David Dabydeen, John Gilmore and Cecily Jones. History, 93 (309). p. 112. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2008) Pacifists, Patriots and the Vote: The Erosion of Democratic Suffragism in Britain during the First World War By Jo Vellacott. History, 93 (312). pp. 575-576. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2008) There Ought not to be One Law for the Rich and Another for the Poor which Is the Case To-day: The Labour Party, Lotteries, Gaming, Gambling and Bingo, c. 1900-1960s. History, 93 (310). pp. 201-223. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith and Hughes, R. Gerald (2008) Twentieth century. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 92 (1). pp. 134-161. ISSN 0066-3832

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2008) The Social and Political Bases of the Orange Order in Northern Ireland: Full Research Report ESRC End of Award Report, RES-000-23-1614. Other. ESRC, Swindon. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew (2008) Education, identity and empire: history teaching in multi-national post-imperial Britain. In: European Social Science History Conference 2008, Tuesday 26 February - 1 March 2008., Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Stone, Duncan (2008) Cricket’s Regional Identities: the Development of Cricket and Identity in Yorkshire and Surrey. In: Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians Conference, 25 October 2008, University of Huddersfield.

Stone, Duncan (2008) Cricket’s Regional Identities: the Development of Cricket and Identity in Yorkshire and Surrey. In: The British Society of Sports History Annual Conference 2008, 5-7 September 2008, Chelsea School, University of Brighton, in Eastbourne.

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2008) The Austin Friars in late medieval Canterbury: negotiating spaces. In: Monasteries and Society in the later Middle Ages. Studies in the History of Medieval Religion . Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK. ISBN 9781843833864

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2008) Eternal town servants: civic elections and the Stuppeny tombs of New Romney and Lydd. In: Negotiating Heritage: Memories of the Middle Ages. Ritus et Artes (4). Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 149-172.

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (2008) The documentary sources. In: Medieval Adaptation, Settlement and Economy of a Coastal Wetland: the evidence from around Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent. Oxbow, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781842172407

Thurgood, Graham (2008) The role of nurses and nursing in Halifax and Huddersfield during the First and Second World Wars. Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, 16. pp. 137-179.

Walker, Martyn (2008) Examinations for the 'underprivileged' in Victorian times: the Huddersfield Mechanics' Institution and the Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Other. William Shipley Group.

Ward, Paul (2008) Call Yourself British? National Identity in the United Kingdom in the twentieth century. Cycnos, 25 (2). pp. 159-178. ISSN 0992-1893

Webster, Wendy and Ryan, Louise (2008) Gendering migration : masculinity, femininity and ethnicity in postwar Britain. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 9780754671787

Wilcock, Paul (2008) The Culloden Papers. Yorkshire Regiment Journal (5). p. 91.

Wilcock, Paul (2008) Marshal Ney’s Snuff Box. Yorkshire Regiment Journal (4). pp. 113-115.


Doyle, Barry M., ed. (2007) Urban Politics and Space in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Regional Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle. ISBN 9781847182920

Dorril, Stephen (2007) Sir Oswald Mosley and the New Movement. In: Oswald Mosley's New Party Conference, 18th September 2007, Reading University. (Unpublished)

Doyle, Barry M. (2007) Competition and Cooperation in Hospital Provision in Middlesbrough, 1918-48. Medical History, 51 (3). pp. 337-356. ISSN 0025-7273

Doyle, Barry M. (2007) Corus – Men of Steel. In: Middlesbrough and Teesside Memories. True North Books Ltd, Halifax. ISBN 9781903204979

Doyle, Barry M. (2007) Introduction: Urban Politics and Space in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Regional Perspectives. In: Urban Politics and Space in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Regional Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 1-29. ISBN 9781847182920

Doyle, Barry M. (2007) Power and Accountability in the Voluntary Hospitals of Middlesbrough, 1900-1948. In: Medicine, Charity and Mutual Aid: The Consumption of Health and Welfare, c.1550-1950. Historical Urban Studies Series . Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 207-224. ISBN 9780754651482

Doyle, Barry M. (2007) Rehabilitating the retailer: Shopkeepers in urban government 1900-1950. In: In Control of the City: Local Elites and the Dynamics of Urban Politics, 1800-1960. Groningen Studies in Cultural Change (28). Peeters Publishers, Leuven, pp. 41-52. ISBN 9789042919419

Evans, Brendan, Laybourn, Keith, Lancaster, John and Haigh, Brian (2007) Sons and daughters of labour: a history and recollection of the Labour Party within the historic boundaries of the West Riding of Yorkshire. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 186218058X

Gill, Rebecca (2007) Fertility and Female Sexuality: Revisiting the ‘Sexual Revolution’: Book review: ‘The Long Sexual Revolution: English Women, Sex and Contraception, 1800-1975’ by Hera Cook, 2004. Metascience, 16 (1). pp. 101-105. ISSN 0815-0796

Hayton, Richard (2007) Book Review: "The Blair Effect: 2001-2005", edited by Anthony Seldon and Dennis Kavanagh, Cambridge University Press. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 36 (1). pp. 176-177. ISSN 0305-8298

Laybourn, Keith (2007) Ernest Bevin. In: Microsoft Encarta 2007. Microsoft.

Laybourn, Keith (2007) 'Labour Heartland': the textile district of the West Riding (West Yorkshire) during the inter-war years, 1918-1939. In: Sons and daughters of labour: a history and recollection of the Labour Party within the historic boundaries of the West Riding of Yorkshire. University of Huddersfiled Press, Huddersfield, pp. 29-52. ISBN 186218058X

Laybourn, Keith (2007) Liberal Britain. In: Microsoft Encarta 2007. Microsoft.

Laybourn, Keith (2007) The Rising Sun of Socialism: The growth of the early Labour Movement in the textile district of the West Riding of Yorkshire. In: Radical Riding Conference, 14 April 2007, University of Bradford. (Submitted)

Laybourn, Keith (2007) Working-Class Gambling in Britain c. 1906-1960s: The Stages of the Political Debate. Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y.. ISBN 978-0-7734-5374-6

Lewis, Katherine J. (2007) "Accident my codlings" : sitcom, cinema and the re-writing of history in The Blackadder. In: Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture. McFarland, Jefferson, NC, pp. 113-125. ISBN 978-0-7864-2922-6

Light, Rob (2007) The 'Up and Under' rugby league oral history project website. [Web page]

Macklin, Graham (2007) Very Deeply Dyed in Black: Sir Oswald Mosley and the Postwar Reconstruction of British Fascism. International Library of Political Studies . IB Tauris. ISBN 9781845112844

Matthews, Jodie (2007) Deborah Epstein Nord. Gypsies and the British Imagination, 1807-1930. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. ISBN 978-023113704. Price: US$41.50. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (RaVoN) (47). ISSN 1916-1441

Mycock, Andrew (2007) Nation, state and empire: the historiography of 'High Imperialism' in the British and Russian empires. In: European Science Foundation Workshop, 19th October 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)

Ward, Paul (2007) Devolution and Britishness, 1966-1999. Revue française de civilisation britannique, 14 (1). ISSN 0248-9015

Ward, Paul (2007) Union is not Amalgamation Scotland is a Nation: Unionism and Scottishness in the Twentieth Century. Angles on the English-Speaking World, 7. pp. 49-65. ISSN 0903-1723

Ward, Paul (2007) 'We have come a long way': the Labour Party and ethnicity in West Yorkshire. In: Sons and daughters of labour: a history and recollection of the Labour Party within the historic boundaries of the West Riding of Yorkshire. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield, pp. 157-170. ISBN 186218058X

Webster, Wendy (2007) Rose tinted Blighty : gender and genre in land girls. In: Repicturing the Second World War: Representations in Film and Television. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 12-25. ISBN 9780230002579

Wilcock, Paul (2007) A Trophy of War. Yorkshire Regiment Journal (3). pp. 88-89.


Catterall, Stephen (2006) Book review: Class against Class: The Communist Party in Britain between the Wars, Matthew Worley, I. B. Tauris, 2002. Manchester Region History Review, 17 (2). pp. 127-129. ISSN 0952-4320

Davies, Peter J. and Light, Rob (2006) 180 not out: a pictorial history of cricket in Halifax, Huddersfield, Dewsbury and district - Calderdale. Sigma, Newbury. ISBN 1-905291-04-3

Davies, Peter J. and Light, Rob (2006) 180 not out: a pictorial history of cricket in Halifax, Huddersfield, Dewsbury and district - North Kirklees. Sigma, Newbury. ISBN 1-905291-05-1

Davies, Peter J. and Light, Rob (2006) 180 not out: a pictorial history of cricket in Halifax, Huddersfield, Dewsbury and district - South Kirklees. Sigma, Newbury. ISBN 1-905291-06-X

Laybourn, Keith (2006) Book review: Industrial Reorganization and Government Policy in Interwar Britain By Julian Greaves. History, 91 (303). pp. 474-475. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2006) Revisiting the General Strike. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations (21). pp. 109-120. ISSN 1362-1572

Laybourn, Keith (2006) The West Yorkshire Labour Movement c. 1880's - 1914. In: Student Conference on One Hundred Years of the Parliamentary Labour Party, 15 November, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Laybourn, Keith and Hughes, R. Gerald (2006) Twentieth Century. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 90 (1). pp. 133-157. ISSN 0066-3832

Macklin, Graham (2006) Fascist Briton. BBC History Magazine, 7 (7). ISSN 1469-8552

Macklin, Graham (2006) ‘Hail Mosley and F’ Em All’: Martyrdom, Transcendence and the ‘Myth’ of Internment. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 7 (1). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1469-0764

Macklin, Graham (2006) High Class Blackshirts. BBC History Magazine, 7 (4). ISSN 1469-8552

Macklin, Graham (2006) Major Hugh Pollard, MI6 and the Spanish Civil War. The Historical Journal, 49 (1). pp. 277-280. ISSN 0018-246X

Macklin, Graham (2006) Neville Chamberlain. The 20 Prime Ministers of the 20th Century . Haus Publishing. ISBN 9781904950622

Macklin, Graham (2006) Secret Service snooped with census. BBC History Magazine, 7 (3). ISSN 1469-8552

Malay, Jessica L. (2006) Elizabeth Russell's textual performances of self. Comitatus, 37. pp. 146-168. ISSN 1557-0290

Mycock, Andrew (2006) The Empire strikes back? The historiography of high Imperialism and its impact on history teaching in Britain and the Russian Federation. In: European Science Foundation Workshop, 18th October 2007, University of Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Mycock, Andrew (2006) Where the sun never sets? History teaching in Britain and the enduring legacy of Empire. In: Border Politics of Whiteness Conference, 13th December 2006, MacQuarie University, Sydney, Australia. (Unpublished)

Norris Nicholson, Heather (2006) Sites of Meaning: picturing Mediterranean and other landscapes in British home movies, c. 1928-1965. In: Landscape and Film. AFI Film Readers . Routledge, pp. 167-188. ISBN 9780415975551

Taylor, David (2006) Melbourne, Middlesbrough and morality: policing Victorian ‘new towns’ in the old world and the new. Social History, 31 (1). pp. 15-38. ISSN 0307-1022

Thornton, Tim (2006) Prophecy, Politics and the People in Early Modern England. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge. ISBN 9781843832591

Ward, Paul (2006) Empire and Everyday: Britishness and Imperialism in Women's Lives in the Great War. In: Rediscovering the British World. University of Calgary Press, pp. 267-283. ISBN 1-55238-179X

Ward, Paul (2006) Welsh and Working Class (and British too): The Case of Huw T. Edwards. North American Journal of Welsh Studies, 6 (2). pp. 15-26. ISSN 1554-8112

Ward, Paul, Hellawell, Graham and Lloyd, Sally (2006) WITNESS SEMINAR: Anti-Fascism in 1970s Huddersfield. Contemporary British History, 20 (1). p. 119. ISSN 1361-9462

Webster, Wendy (2006) There'll always be a England, representations of colonial wars and immigration, 1948–68. In: Visual Culture and Decolonisation in Britain. British art and visual culture since 1750 new readings . Ashgate, pp. 189-214. ISBN 9780754640028

Webster, Wendy (2006) Transnational Journeys and Domestic Histories. Journal of Social History, 39 (3). pp. 651-666. ISSN 0022-4529

Woodfine, Philip (2006) The Power and Influence of Gaolers: Life and Death in York Castle Gaol, 1705-1745. Yorkshire archaeological journal, 78. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0084-4276


Bridger, Alexander J. (2005) Manchester after the IRA bomb of 1996: Political community strategies and situated urban knowledges. In: First International Conference Community, Work and Family: Change and Transformation, 16th-18th March 2005, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Brotherton, Paul (2005) Celtic Place-Names and Archaeology in Derbyshire. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 125. pp. 100-137.

Catterall, Stephen (2005) 'Otherness' Plus the Three Cs Minus Orwell: 'The Wigan Pier Experience'. Labour History Review, 70 (1). pp. 103-112. ISSN 0961-5652

Catterall, Stephen and Gildart, Keith (2005) Outsiders: Trade Union Responses to Polish and Italian Coal Miners in Two British Coalfields, 1945–54. In: Towards a Comparative History of Coalfield Societies. Studies in Labour History . Ashgate Publishing, pp. 164-176. ISBN 9780754637776

Davies, Peter J. and Light, Rob (2005) The development of cricket in Kirklees c.1700-2000: an overview. Cricket Heritage Publications, Huddersfield.

Doyle, Barry M. (2005) Book Review: Ideology, Discourse, and Locality: New Histories of Urban Public Health. Journal of Urban History, 31 (2). pp. 241-248. ISSN 0096-1442

Doyle, Barry M. (2005) More than a dance hall, more a way of life: Northern Soul, masculinity and working Class culture in 1970s Britain. In: Between Marx and Coca-Cola. Youth Cultures in Changing European Societies, 1960-1980. Berghahn Books, Oxford, pp. 313-327. ISBN 9781845453336

Foard, Glenn (2005) History from the field : the Edgehill battlefield survey. Battlefields annual review.

Foard, Glenn (2005) Rockingham : the destruction of a forest. Landscape archaeology and ecology, 5. pp. 23-40.

Foard, Glenn, Hall, David and Partida, Tracey (2005) Rockingham forest : the evolution of a landscape. Lansdcapes, 6 (2). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1466-2035

Foard, Glenn and Partida, Tracey (2005) A legacy of kings : the story of Rockingham forest. Rockingham forest trust.

Hargreaves, Janet (2005) The Good Nurse: Discourse and power in nursing and nurse education 1945 -1955. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Kelly, Stephen (2005) The Kop: Liverpool's twelfth man. Virgin, London, UK. ISBN 0753510197

Laybourn, Keith (2005) Book reviews. History, 90 (299). pp. 468-469. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2005) England Arise! The General Election of 1945. The historian (86). pp. 8-10. ISSN 0265-1076

Laybourn, Keith (2005) R A Butler. In: Encarta 2005. Microsoft.

Laybourn, Keith (2005) The miners strike. In: Encarta 2005. Microsoft.

Laybourn, Keith and Hughes, R. Gerald (2005) Twentieth Century. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 89 (1). pp. 141-159. ISSN 0066-3832

Macklin, Graham (2005) An Emperor in exile: Haile Selassie and the Foreign Office, 1936-1939. Black and Asian Studies Association Newsletter (43).

Macklin, Graham (2005) MI5 hid spy data from US. BBC History Magazine, 6 (1). ISSN 1469-8552

Macklin, Graham (2005) Pressmen, Politics and the Police: Policing British Fascism, 1945-51. In: British Fascism, the Labour Movement and the State. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403939166

Mycock, Andrew (2005) The politics of history in Britain. In: European Studies Research Institute Postgraduate Seminar Series, 3rd October 2005, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Poppleton, Jodie (2005) “Tsigane on the brain”: Romantics, Victorians, and the effects of the Long View. In: British Association of Victorian Studies Conference. Victorians in the long view: Contrasts and continuities, 5-7 September 2005, University of Gloucestershire. (Unpublished)

Taylor, David (2005) Beyond the Bounds of Respectable Society: The “Dangerous Classes” in Victorian and Edwardian England. In: Criminal Conversations: Victorian Crimes, Social Panic, and Moral Outrage. Ohio State University Press, Ohio, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9780814209738

Thornton, Tim (2005) The Battle of Sandeford: Henry Tudor's understanding of the meaning of Bosworth Field. Historical Research, 78 (201). pp. 436-442. ISSN 0951-3471

Thornton, Tim (2005) British/English attitudes to the Norman Law of the Channel Islands in the Early Modern Period. In: Commise 1204: studies in the History and Law of Continental and insular Normandy. Guernsey Bar/Barreau de Guernsey, Guernsey, pp. 123-132. ISBN 9780955039508

Ward, Paul (2005) Unionism in the United Kingdom, 1918-1974. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4039-3827-5

Webster, Wendy (2005) The Empire answers : imperial identity on radio and film. In: Rediscovering the British World. University of Calgary Press, pp. 321-339. ISBN 9781552381793

Webster, Wendy (2005) Englishness and Empire 1939-1965. OUP Oxford. ISBN 9780199258604


Arnold, John H. and Lewis, Katherine J., eds. (2004) A Companion to the Book of Margery Kempe. Boydell & Brewer, New York, USA, pp. 195-216. ISBN 9781843840305

Catterall, Stephen (2004) Book review: Lancashire Cotton Operatives and Work, 1900-1950: A Social History of Lancashire Cotton Operatives in the Twentieth Century, Alan Fowler,Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003. Labour History Review, 69 (2). pp. 256-257. ISSN 0961-5652

Catterall, Stephen (2004) Joseph Tinker MP (1875-1957), Labour MP and Miners' Agent. In: Dictionary of Labour Biography. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 269-275. ISBN 9780333968734

Catterall, Stephen (2004) Lancashire. In: Industrial Politics and the 1926 Mining Lock-out: The Struggle for Dignity. University of Wales Press, pp. 190-207. ISBN 9780708321867

Catterall, Stephen (2004) Peter Pemberton (1876-1955), Lancashire Miners' Leader. In: Dictionary of Labour Biography. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 222-226. ISBN 9780333968734

Catterall, Stephen (2004) Police. In: Industrial Politics and the 1926 Mining Lock-out: The Struggle for Dignity. University of Wales Press, pp. 249-268. ISBN 9780708321867

Davies, Peter J. (2004) From Magdalen to Merger: a short history of Oxford University Cricket Club. Church in the Market Place Publications, Buxton. ISBN 1899147403

Davies, Peter J. (2004) From Queen’s to Kings: the extraordinary story of an asian cricket club from Halifax. Cricket Heritage Publications, Huddersfield.

Davies, Peter J. (2004) Pennine pitch: a cricketing journey through Huddersfield and South Kirklees. Cricket Heritage Publications, Huddersfield.

Davies, Peter J. (2004) www.ckcricketheritage.org.uk. [Web page]

Doyle, Barry M. (2004) Politics, 1830-1945. In: Norwich since 1550. Hambledon & London, London, pp. 343-360. ISBN 9781852854508

Doyle, Barry M. (2004) Sir George White M.P., 1840-1912. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Foard, Glenn (2004) Anglo-Saxon Northamptonshire. In: The archaeology of Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Archaeological Society. ISBN 9780950715124

Foard, Glenn (2004) Field offensive. British Archaeology, 79. pp. 10-15. ISSN 1357-4442

Foard, Glenn (2004) Medieval Northamptonshire. In: The archaeology of Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Archaeological Society. ISBN 9780950715124

Gill, Rebecca (2004) Book review: ‘Pulling the Devils Kingdom Down: The Salvation Army in Modern Britain’, by Pamela J. Walker, 2001. European Review of History, 11 (3). pp. 450-452. ISSN 1350-7486

Hall, D, Foard, Glenn and Britnell, T (2004) The historic landscape of Rockingham forest. Northamptonshire past and present, 57. ISSN 0140-9131

Laybourn, Keith (2004) Book review: The British Isles since 1945 edited by Kathleen Burk. History, 89 (293). pp. 167-168. ISSN 0018-2648

Lewis, Katherine J. (2004) Anglo-Saxon saints' lives, history and national identity. In: History, Nationhood and the Question of Britain. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, USA, pp. 160-170. ISBN 1403912963

Lewis, Katherine J. (2004) Margery Kempe and saint making in late Medieval England. In: A Companion to the Book of Margery Kempe. Boydell & Brewer, New York, USA, pp. 195-216. ISBN 9781843840305

Macklin, Graham (2004) Police Failed Harold Pinter. BBC History Magazine, 5 (9). ISSN 1469-8552

Macklin, Graham (2004) Rather Reserved Stop and Search. BBC History Magazine, 5 (9). ISSN 1469-8552

Macklin, Graham (2004) US Paid UK to Deport Chagos Islanders. BBC History Magazine, 5 (11). ISSN 1469-8552

McEvoy, Brian, Richards, Martin B., Forster, Peter and Bradley, Daniel G. (2004) The Longue Durée of Genetic Ancestry: Multiple Genetic Marker Systems and Celtic Origins on the Atlantic Facade of Europe. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 75 (4). pp. 693-702. ISSN 0002-9297

Mycock, Andrew (2004) Restricted access: a history of national political education in Britain. In: Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2004, 7th April 2004, Lincoln, UK.

Mycock, Andrew, McGlynn, Catherine and Grand, Phillipa (2004) Understanding Britain. Working Paper. ESRI, Salford, UK.

Norris Nicholson, Heather (2004) At home and abroad with cine enthusiasts: Regional amateur filmmaking and visualizing the Mediterranean, ca. 1928–1962. GeoJournal, 59 (4). pp. 323-333. ISSN 0343-2521

Taylor, David (2004) Conquering the British Ballarat: The Policing of Victorian Middlesbrough. Journal of Social History, 37 (3). pp. 755-771. ISSN 1527-1897

Thornton, Tim (2004) The Charters of Guernsey. Woodfield, Bognor Regis, UK. ISBN 9781903953655

Ward, Paul (2004) The Permissive Society and the Break-up of Britain. In: About Culture. University of A Coruna, A Coruna, pp. 287-300. ISBN 8497491254


Bastow, Sarah L. (2003) Yorkshire nunneries on the eve of the Dissolution. In: From History to Her Story Colloquium, 5 April 2003, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Capelli, Cristian, Redhead, Nicola, Abernethy, Julia K., Gratrix, Fiona, Wilson, James F., Moen, Torolf, Hervig, Tor, Richards, Martin B., Stumpf, Michael P.H., Underhill, Peter A., Bradshaw, Paul, Shaha, Alom, Thomas, Mark G., Bradman, Neal and Goldstein, David B. (2003) A Y Chromosome Census of the British Isles. Current Biology, 13 (11). pp. 979-984. ISSN 09609822

Catterall, Stephen (2003) Book review: The Lancashire Working Classes c. 1880-1930, Trevor Griffiths, Oxford, Oxford Historical Monographs, Oxford University' Press, 2001. Labour History Review, 68 (2). pp. 269-271. ISSN 0961-5652

Catterall, Stephen and Cohen, G. (2003) Elijah Sandham MP (1875-1944), Labour MP, Independent Labour Party Activist, Independent Socialist Party President. In: Dictionary of Labour Biography. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 222-231. ISBN 9780333968727

Collette, Christine F. and Laybourn, Keith (2003) Modern Britain since 1979: a reader. I. B. Tauris, London, UK. ISBN 9781860645976

Cullum, Pat (2003) Learning to be a Man, Learning to be a Priest, in late Medieval England. In: Learning and literacy in medieval England and abroad. Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 135-153. ISBN 2503510760

Cullum, Pat (2003) Life-Cycle and Life-Course in a Clerical and Celibate Milieu: Northern England in the Later Middle Ages. In: Time and Eternity: The Medieval Discourse, International Medieval Research. Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 271-282.

Davies, Peter J. (2003) Home soil: exploring and celebrating the cricket grounds of Halifax and Calderdale. Cricket Heritage Publications, Huddersfield.

Doyle, Barry M. (2003) Broadcasting. In: Reader's Guide to British History. Routledge, New York. ISBN 1579582427

Doyle, Barry M. (2003) The Geography of Cinema Going in Great Britain, 1934-94: A Comment. Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television, 23 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 0143-9685

Foard, Glenn (2003) Sedgemoor 1685 : historic terrain, the archaeology of battles and the revision of military history. Lansdcapes, 4 (2). pp. 5-15. ISSN 1466-2035

Haigh, E.A.H. (2003) Storthes Hall, the de Storths and the Horsfalls. In: Storthes Hall Remembered. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 12-14. ISBN 978-1862180468

Hargreaves, John A. (2003) Halifax. Carnegie Publishing. ISBN 9781859361092

Laybourn, Keith (2003) Book review: Working Class Credit and Community since 1918 by Avram Taylor. American historical review, 108 (5). pp. 1527-1528. ISSN 0002-8762

Laybourn, Keith (2003) Book reviews: Party People, Communist Lives: Explorations in Biography by John McIlroy; Kevin Morgan; Alan Campbell and Class against Class: The Communist Party in Britain between the Wars by Matthew Worley. Albion: a quarterly journal concerned with British studies, 35 (2). pp. 355-358. ISSN 0095-1390

Laybourn, Keith (2003) Social Welfare: Public and Private. In: A companion to early twentieth-century Britain. Blackwell companions to British history (3). Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 9780631217909

Laybourn, Keith (2003) 'Waking up to the Fact that there are any Unemployed': women, unemployment and the domestic solution in Britain, 1918-1939. History, 88 (292). pp. 606-623. ISSN 0018-2648

Lewis, Katherine J. (2003) Female life-writing and the testamentary discourse: women and their wills in later medieval England. In: Medieval women and the Law. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 57-75. ISBN 9780851159324

Macklin, Graham (2003) NF head was BOSS spy. BBC History Magazine, 4 (9). ISSN 1469-8552

Macklin, Graham (2003) ‘A quite natural and moderate defensive feeling’? The 1945 Hampstead ‘anti-alien’ petition. Patterns of Prejudice, 37 (3). pp. 277-300. ISSN 0031-322X

Thurgood, Graham (2003) Dawn of a new era in Halifax, West Yorkshire: a historical perspective of healthcare changes. International history of nursing journal, 7 (3). pp. 16-22. ISSN 1360-1105

Webster, Wendy (2003) Domesticating the Frontier: Gender, Empire and Adventure Landscapes in British Cinema, 1945-59. Gender and History, 15 (1). pp. 85-107. ISSN 0953-5233

Webster, Wendy (2003) Reconstructing Boundaries: Gender, war and empire in British cinema, 1945-1950. Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television, 23 (1). pp. 43-57. ISSN 0143-9685


Bastow, Sarah L. (2002) Aspects of the history of the Catholic gentry of Yorkshire from the Pilgrimage of Grace to the First Civil War. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bastow, Sarah L. (2002) Gentlemen behaving badly: disputes and disagreements amongst the Yorkshire gentry. In: International Medieval Congress 2002: Special Thematic Strand: Exile, 8th - 11th July 2002, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

Doyle, Barry M. (2002) A history of hospitals in Middlesbrough. South Tees NHS Hospitals Trust, Middlesbrough. ISBN 0952881489

Foard, Glenn and Britnell, Tracey (2002) Fotheringhay : a new perspective from the 1640's. Northamptonshire Archaeology, 30. pp. 140-143.

Laybourn, Keith (2002) Unemployment and employment policies concerning women in Britain 1900-1951. Women's Studies, 35 . Edwin Mellen, Lampeter. ISBN 0773470859

Laybourn, Keith and Davis, Simon (2002) Twentieth Century. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 86 (1). pp. 137-166. ISSN 00663832

Lewis, Katherine J. (2002) Becoming a Virgin King: Richard II and Edward the Confessor. In: Gender and holiness: men, women and saints in late medieval Europe. Routledge studies in medieval religion and culture . Routledge, London, pp. 86-100. ISBN 0415258219

Lewis, Katherine J. (2002) The cult of St Katherine of Alexandria in late medieval England. Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk. ISBN 0851157734

Stafford, William (2002) English feminists and their opponents in the 1790s : unsex'd and proper females. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 0719060826

Taylor, David (2002) Policing the Victorian town : the development of the police in Middlesbrough, c.1840-1914. Palgrove Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 0333652398

Thornton, Tim (2002) The English king’s French islands: Jersey and Guernsey in English politics and administration, 1485–1642. In: Authority and Consent in Tudor England: essays presented to C.S.L. Davies. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 978-0-7546-0665-9

Thurgood, Graham (2002) Nurses and nursing in Huddersfield: 1870-1960. In: Aspects of Huddersfield: discovering local history (2). Wharncliffe Books, Barnsley, pp. 111-126. ISBN 9781903425237

Ward, Paul (2002) All that is solid melts into air?: Britishness in the twentieth century. In: Aspects of Culture. University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain. ISBN 8497490177

Webster, Wendy (2002) Book Review - , Austerity in Britain: Rationing, Controls, and Consumption, 1939-1955 by Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska. Social History, 27 (2). pp. 223-269. ISSN 0307-1022


Bastow, Sarah L. (2001) "Worth nothing but very wilful": Catholic Recusant women of Yorkshire, 1536-1642. Recusant history, 25. p. 591. ISSN 0034-1932

Bolam, Fiona Louise (2001) Working class life in Bradford 1900-1914 : the philanthropic, political and personal responses to poverty with particular reference to women and children. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Coote, Lesley and Thornton, Tim (2001) Merlin, Erceldoune, Nixon : a tradition of popular political prophecy. In: New Medieval Literatures. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 117-137. ISBN 0-19-818738-6

Doyle, Barry M. (2001) Mapping slums in an historic city: representing working class communities in Edwardian Norwich. Planning Perspectives, 16 (1). pp. 47-65. ISSN 0266-5433

Doyle, Barry M. (2001) Voluntary hospital finance in North-east England: the case of North Ormesby Hospital, Middlesbrough, 1900-1947. Cleveland History (80). pp. 5-19. ISSN 0966-0704

Doyle, Barry M. (2001) Voluntary hospitals in Edwardian Middlesbrough: A preliminary report. North East History, 34. pp. 5-34. ISSN 1474-3248

Doyle, Barry M. (2001) The changing functions of urban government: Councillors, officials and pressure groups, 1835-1950. In: The Cambridge Urban History of Britain. The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, 3 (184 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 287-313. ISBN 9780521417075

Ellis, Robert (2001) A field of practise or a mere house of detention? : the asylum and its integration, with special reference to the county asylums of Yorkshire, c.1844-1888. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ervine, David and McAuley, James W. (2001) Redefining loyalism: a political perspective, an academic perspective. Working Papers in British-Irish Studies (4). pp. 1-31. ISSN 1649-0304

Foard, Glenn (2001) Medieval Woodland, Agriculture and Industry in Rockingham Forest, Northamptonshire. Medieval archaeology, 45. pp. 41-95. ISSN 0076-6097

Foard, Glenn (2001) The archaeology of attack : battles and sieges of the English civil war. In: Fields of conflict. Archaeopress. ISBN 9781841712499

Laybourn, Keith (2001) Book review: The British Communist Party and Moscow 1920–43 by Andrew Thorpe. History, 86 (284). p. 605. ISSN 0018-2648

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2001) The role of extra-constitutional parties in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Project Report. ESRC, Swindon, UK. (Unpublished)

Norris Nicholson, Heather (2001) Two tales of a city: Salford in regional filmmaking, 1957-1973. Manchester Region History Review, 15. pp. 41-53. ISSN 0952-4320

Thornton, Tim (2001) British postgraduate research into Fifteenth-Century history. In: Social attitudes and political structures: in the fifteenth century. The fifteenth century series (7). Sutton, Stroud, pp. 1-12. ISBN 0750927054

Thornton, Tim (2001) The Palatinate of Durham and the Maryland Charter. The American Journal of Legal History, 45 (3). pp. 235-255. ISSN 00029319

Ward, Paul (2001) Women of Britain say go: women's patriotism in the First World War. Twentieth Century British History, 12 (1). pp. 23-45. ISSN 09552359

Webster, Wendy (2001) There'll always be an England : representations of colonial wars and immigration 1948-1968. Journal of British Studies, 40 (4). pp. 557-584. ISSN 0021-9371

Wilson, James F., Weiss, Deborah A., Richards, Martin B., Thomas, Mark G., Bradman, Neil and Goldstein, David B. (2001) Genetic evidence for different male and female roles during cultural transitions in the British Isles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98 (9). pp. 5078-5083. ISSN 00278424


Bastow, Sarah L. (2000) Prophecy and rebellion in the North of England. In: International Medieval Congress, 10 - 13 July 2000, Leeds. (Unpublished)

Catterall, Stephen (2000) The Lancashire Coalfield 1945-1972: NUM-Labour Party Hegemony and Industrial Change. Manchester Region History Review, 14. pp. 102-116. ISSN 0952-4320

Coote, Lesley and Thornton, Tim (2000) Richard, Son of Richard: Richard III and Political Prophecy. Historical Research, 73 (182). pp. 321-330. ISSN 09503471

Laybourn, Keith (2000) Book review: A History of the Modern British Isles, 1914–1999 by Arthur Marwick. History, 86 (281). pp. 124-125. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (2000) Book review: Early Trade Unionism: Fraternity, Skill and the Politics of Labour by Malcolm Chase. English historical review, 115 (463). pp. 1001-1002. ISSN 0013-8266

Laybourn, Keith (2000) Book review: Ruskin and the Dawn of the Modern, Dinah Birch (ed.). English historical review, 115 (460). pp. 229-230. ISSN 0013-8266

Laybourn, Keith (2000) Book review: The Lancashire Giant: David Shackleton, Labour Leader and Civil Servant by Ross M. Martin. English historical review, 115 (464). pp. 1354-1355. ISSN 0013-8266

Laybourn, Keith (2000) Book review: Working out gender: Perspectives from labour history, Margeret Walsh (ed.). Labor History, 41 (4). pp. 521-522. ISSN 0023-656X

Laybourn, Keith (2000) Book reviews: The Twentieth-Century Welfare State by David Gladstone; Welfare Policy in Britain: The Road from 1945 by Helen Fawcett; Rodney Lowe and British Social Welfare in the Twentieth Century by Robert M. Page; Richard Silburn. Albion: a quarterly journal concerned with British studies, 32 (3). pp. 553-556. ISSN 0095-1390

Lewis, Katherine J. (2000) "Lete me suffre": reading the torture of Margaret of Antioch in later medieval England. In: Medieval women - texts and contexts in late medieval Britain, essays in honour of Felicity Riddy. Brepols, pp. 69-82. ISBN 9782503509792

Stafford, William (2000) Shall we take the linguistic turn? British radicalism in the era of the French revolution. The Historical journal, 43 (2). pp. 583-594. ISSN 0018-246X

Thornton, Tim (2000) Cheshire and the Tudor State, 1480-1560. Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk. ISBN 978-0-86193-248-1

Thornton, Tim (2000) Cheshire: the inner citedel of Richard II's kingdom? In: The Reign of Richard II. Tempus Publishing, Stroud. ISBN 0752417975

Thornton, Tim (2000) Dynasty and territory in the early modern period: The Princes of Wales and their Western British inheritance. Welsh history review, 20 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0043-2431

Thurgood, Graham (2000) Dorothy Wood. In: Huddersfield. Ottakars Local History Series . Tempus Publishing, Stroud, pp. 27-33. ISBN 9780752422831


Dockray, Keith and Laybourn, Keith (1999) Introduction: D.G. Wright (1937 - 95). In: The representation and reality of war, the British experience: essays in honour of David Wright. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 1-15. ISBN 0750918616

Doyle, Barry M. (1999) McKenna, Reginald. In: The Dictionary of Liberal Biography. Methuen, London. ISBN 9781902301099

Foard, Glenn and Rippon, S (1999) Book review : The register of landscapes of outstanding historic interest in Wales. Landscape history, 21. ISSN 0143-3768

Hargreaves, John A. (1999) Evangelical piety and Gallic flippancy : Religion and popular protest in Halifax parish in the age of revolution. In: The Representation and Reality of War: The British Experience. Sutton Publishing. ISBN 978-0750918619

Hargreaves, John A. (1999) Methodism and Electoral Politics in Halifax, 1832–1848. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 35 (1). pp. 139-160. ISSN 0078-172X

Jowitt, Tony and Laybourn, Keith (1999) The Bradford Independent Labour Party and the First World War. In: The representation and reality of war, the British experience: essays in honour of David Wright. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 152-169. ISBN 0750918616

Laybourn, Keith (1999) 'About turn': the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Second World War, 1939 - 41. In: The representation and reality of war, the British experience: essays in honour of David Wright. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 218-234. ISBN 0750918616

Laybourn, Keith (1999) Book review: Half a Century of British Politics, Lynton Robins & Bill Jones (eds.). English historical review, 114 (455). p. 270. ISSN 0013-8266

Laybourn, Keith (1999) Book review: Nelson. Politics, Economy, Community by Jeffrey Hill. English historical review, 114 (456). pp. 522-523. ISSN 0013-8266

Laybourn, Keith (1999) Book review: Organised Capital. Employers' Associations and Industrial Relations in Northern England, 1880-1939 by Arthur J. Mclvor. English historical review, 113 (450). pp. 228-229. ISSN 0013-8266

Laybourn, Keith (1999) Book review: Red Flag and Union Jack: English Patriotism and the British Left, 1881-1924 by Paul Wood. English historical review, 114 (458). pp. 1017-1018. ISSN 0013-8266

Laybourn, Keith (1999) Modern Britain since 1906: a reader. Tauris History Readers . Tauris, London. ISBN 9781860642982

Laybourn, Keith (1999) Under the red flag: the history of Communism in Britain, c.1849-1991. Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780750914857

Laybourn, Keith and Dockray, Keith (1999) The representation and reality of war: the British experience: essays in honour of David Wright. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780750918619

Lewis, Katherine J. (1999) Model girls? virgin martyrs and the training of young women in later medieval England. In: Young medieval women. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25-46. ISBN 9780312221300

Lewis, Katherine J. (1999) Pilgrimage and the Cult of St Katherine of Alexandria in Late Medieval England. In: Pilgrimage explored. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 145-160. ISBN 9780952973430

Miller, Stephen David (1999) 'The fools have stumbled on their best man by accident' : an analysis of the 1957 and 1963 Conservative Party leadership selections. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Morris, Richard K. (1999) Victory at Tewkesbury’s battlefield. British Archaeology (43). ISSN 1357-4442

Terry, James Gordan (1999) The causes and effects of the divisions within Methodism in Bradford, 1796-1857. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Thornton, Tim (1999) Opposition drama and the resolution of disputes in Early Tudor England: Cardinal Wolsey and the Abbot of Chester. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 81 (1). pp. 25-48. ISSN 0301-102X

Thornton, Tim (1999) Propaganda, political communication and the problem of English responses to the introduction of printing. In: Propaganda: political rhetoric and identity 1300 - 2000. Themes in History . Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 41-60. ISBN 9780750920285

Thornton, Tim (1999) Taxing the King's dominions: the subject territories of the English Crown in the Late Middle Ages. In: Crises, revolutions and self-sustained growth: essays in European fiscal history 1130 - 1830. Shaun Tyas, Stamford, pp. 97-109. ISBN 9781871615937

Thornton, Tim (1999) The alleged French raid in the Isle of Man, 1377. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 35. pp. 208-213. ISSN 0078-172X

Ward, Paul (1999) Socialists and "true" patriotism in Britain in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. National identities, 1. pp. 179-194. ISSN 1460-8944

Webster, Wendy (1999) Elspeth Huxley: gender, empire and narratives of nation, 1935-64. Women's history review, 8 (3). pp. 527-545. ISSN 0961-2025


Doyle, Barry M. (1998) H.G. Wells’ Time Machine then and now. London Magazine. ISSN 0024-6085

Doyle, Barry M. (1998) Modernity or morality? George White, Liberalism and the Nonconformist Conscience in Edwardian England. Historical Research, 71 (176). pp. 324-340. ISSN 0951-3471

Doyle, Barry M. (1998) Return of the Super-Cinema. History today, 48 (2). pp. 2-5. ISSN 0018-2753

Doyle, Barry M. (1998) A conflict of interests? The local and national dimensions of middle class Liberalism, 1900-1935. Parliamentary History, 17 (1). pp. 131-140. ISSN 0264-2824

Doyle, Barry M. (1998) “The only fair policy to adopt”: Responses to manpower problems and conscription within the Norwich business community, 1914-15. Journal of regional and local studies, 18 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0265-7325

Foard, Glenn and Brown, Anthony E (1998) The Saxon landscape : a regional perspective. In: The Archaeology of landscape. Manchester University Press, pp. 67-94. ISBN 9780719047671

Laybourn, Keith (1998) Attlee by Robert Pearce. History, 83 (272). pp. 761-762. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1998) Book reviews. History, 83 (270). pp. 348-390. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1998) British Trade Unionism between the Wars, 1919 - 39. New perspective, 4 (1).

Lewis, Katherine J. (1998) The life of St Margaret of Antioch in late medieval England: a gendered reading. Studies in church history, 34. pp. 129-142. ISSN 0424-2084

Morris, Richard K. (1998) Journey through history to Penda’s Fen. British Archaeology (39). ISSN 1357-4442

Taylor, David (1998) Crime, Policing and Punishment in England, 1750-1914. Social History in Perspective . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780333641989

Thornton, Tim (1998) Scotland and the Isle of Man, c.1400-1625 : noble power and royal presumption in the Northern Irish Sea province. Scottish Historical Review, 77 (1). pp. 1-30. ISSN 0036-9241

Ward, Paul (1998) Red Flag and Union Jack: Englishness, Patriotism and the British Left, 1881-1924. Royal Historical Society Studies in History New Series . Boydell & Brewer Ltd, Woodbridge. ISBN 9780861932399

Woodfine, Philip (1998) Britannia's glories: the Walpole Ministry and the 1739 war with Spain. Studies in History . Royal Historical Society, London. ISBN 0861932307


Doyle, Barry M. (1997) Religion, politics and remembrance: A free church community and its Great War dead. In: War and Memory in the Twentieth Century. Berg Publishers, Oxford, pp. 223-238. ISBN 9781859731994

Doyle, Barry M. (1997) The development of the Norwich Chamber of Commerce, 1896-1930. Norfolk Archaeology, 42 (4). pp. 468-480. ISSN 0142-7962

Doyle, Barry M. (1997) The structure of elite power in the early twentieth century city: Norwich 1900-1935. Urban history, 24 (2). pp. 179-199. ISSN 0963-9268

Laybourn, Keith (1997) Book review: Working-Class Self-Help in Nineteenth-Century England: Responses to Industrialisation by Eric Hopkins. History, 82 (266). pp. 338-339. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1997) The Guild of Help and the community response to poverty 1904 - c.1914. In: Social conditions, staus and community 1860 - c.1920. Sutton Studies in Modern British History . Sutton Publishing, Stroud, pp. 9-28. ISBN 0750915013

Laybourn, Keith (1997) Social conditions, status and community, c.1860-1920. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780750910705

Laybourn, Keith (1997) The rise of Socialism in Britain. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780750913409

Taylor, David (1997) The new police in nineteenth-century England: crime, conflict and control. New Frontiers in History . Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719047299


Cullum, Pat (1996) Vowesses and veiled widows: Medieval female piety in the province of York. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 32. pp. 21-41. ISSN 0078-172X

Doyle, Barry M. (1996) Education and the Liberal rank and file in Edwardian England: The case of Sir George White. Liberal Democrat History Group Newsletter (12). pp. 7-9. ISSN 1479-9642

Doyle, Barry M. (1996) New Labour, old “New Liberalism”? History today, 46 (7). pp. 5-8. ISSN 0018-2753

Doyle, Barry M. (1996) Temperance and modernity: The impact of local experience on rank and file Liberal attitudes to alcohol. The Journal of Regional and Local Studies, 16 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0265-7325

Doyle, Barry M. (1996) "Through the windows of a Baptist Meeting House": Religion, politics and the Nonconformist Conscience in the life of Sir George White, M.P. Baptist Quarterly, XXXVI (6). ISSN 0005-576X

Laybourn, Keith (1996) Book review: The British Communist Party and the Trade Unions 1933-1945 by Nina Fishman. Labor History, 37 (1). pp. 140-142. ISSN 0023-656X

Laybourn, Keith (1996) Book review: The Voluntary Sector, the State and Social Work in Britain: The Charity Organisation Society/Family Welfare Association since 1869 by Jane Lewis. Albion: a quarterly journal concerned with British studies, 28 (2). pp. 344-346. ISSN 0095-1390

Laybourn, Keith (1996) Book review: War and Reform: British Politics during the Second World War. by Kevin Jefferys. History, 81 (262). pp. 310-311. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1996) The General Strike day by day. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780750910583

Thornton, Tim (1996) Local equity jurisdictions in the territories of the English crown : the Palatinate of Chester, 1450-1540. In: Courts, counties and the capital in the latter middle ages. The Fifteenth Century series (4). St. Martin's Press, New York, pp. 27-52. ISBN 0-312-16289-8


Doyle, Barry M. (1995) Class, Gender and Congregational Culture in Early Twentieth Century Norwich. Journal of the United Reformed Church Historical Society, 5 (6). pp. 317-335. ISSN 0049-5433

Doyle, Barry M. (1995) 'Urban Liberalism and the "Lost Generation": Politics and middle-class culture in Norwich, 1900-1935'. Historical Journal, 38 (3). pp. 617-634. ISSN 0018-246X

Foard, Glenn (1995) The Early Topography of Northampton and its Suburbs. Northamptonshire archaeology, 26. pp. 109-122.

Foard, Glenn (1995) Flights into the past: education resource pack on aerial archaeology. Northamtonshire County Council, Northamtonshire, UK.

Foard, Glenn (1995) Naseby: The Decisive Campaign. Pryor Publications, Kent, UK. ISBN 9780946014415

Laybourn, Keith (1995) Book reviews. History, 80 (258). pp. 141-183. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1995) The Manningham mills strike. Yorkshire history magazine, 1 (1). pp. 5-8. ISSN 1359-2823

Laybourn, Keith (1995) The evolution of British social policy and the Welfare State: c.1800-1993. Keele University Press. ISBN 185331076X

Laybourn, Keith (1995) The rise of Labour and the decline of Liberalism: the state of the debate. History, 80 (259). pp. 207-226. ISSN 0018-2648

Thornton, Tim (1995) Cardinal Wolsey and the Abbot of Chester: How a complex legal case in the Country Palatine casts light on the limitations of royal power in Tudor England. History today, 45 (8). pp. 12-17. ISSN 0018-2753

Thornton, Tim (1995) A Defence of the Liberties Cheshire, 1451–2. Historical Research, 68 (167). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0951-3471

Woodfine, Philip (1995) Sir Robert Walpole's black box. The historian (47). pp. 16-18. ISSN 0265-1076


Brown, Tony and Foard, Glenn (1994) The making of a county history: John Bridges' Northamptonshire. Wildflower Series, 5 . Leicester University, Leicester, UK. ISBN 9780947590208

Cliff, David (1994) Lincoln c. 850-1100 : a study in economic and urban growth. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Doyle, Barry M. (1994) 'Business, Liberalism and dissent in Norwich, 1900-1930'. Baptist Quarterly, XXXV (5). ISSN 0005- 576X

Doyle, Barry M. (1994) 'Who paid the price of patriotism? The funding of Charles Stanton during the Merthyr Boroughs by-election of 1915'. English Historical Review, CIX (434). pp. 1215-1222. ISSN 0013-8266

Foard, Glenn (1994) Colonel John Pickering's Regiment of Foot 1644-1645. Pryor Publications, Kent, UK. ISBN 9780946014256

Foard, Glenn (1994) The civil war defences of Northampton. Northamptonshire past and present, 9 (1). pp. 1-44. ISSN 0140-9131

Foard, Glenn and Jackson, Dennis (1994) Anglo-Saxon Occupation at Yardley Hastings, Northants. Northamptonshire Archaeology, 25. pp. 93-98.

Laybourn, Keith (1994) Book review: The Popular Front and the Progressive Tradition: Socialists, Liberals, and the Quest for Unity 1884–1939 by David Blaazer. History, 79 (255). pp. 167-168. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1994) The Guild of Help and the changing face of Edwardian Philanthropy: The Guild of Help, voluntary work and the state, 1904-1919. Edwin Mellen. ISBN 9780773491441

Laybourn, Keith (1994) The failure of Socialist unity in Britain, c.1893-1914. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6th Series (4). pp. 153-175. ISSN 1474-0648

Norris Nicholson, Heather (1994) "At Ilkley they sell lovely": regional memory and experience in amateur movies. In: You Can't See What You Don't Know: Amateur Film as Evidence. Association Européenne Inédits Colloquium.

Woodfine, Philip (1994) The Duke of Newcastle's war : Walpole's ministry and the war against Spain, 1737-1742. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Woodfine, Philip (1994) Horace Walpole and British relations with Spain, 1738. Camden miscellany/Camden 5th Series, 3 (32). pp. 289-328. ISSN 0960-1163


Cullum, Pat and Goldberg, P.J.P. (1993) Charitable provision in late Medieval York: 'To the Praise of God and the use of the Poor'. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 29. pp. 24-39. ISSN 0078-172X

Foard, Glenn (1993) Ecton, its lost village and landscape park. Northamptonshire past and present, 8 (5). pp. 335-353. ISSN 0140-9131

Kelly, Stephen, Frow, Edmund, Frow, Ruth and Saville, John (1993) Leo Joseph McGree. In: Dictionary of Labour biography. Macmillan, pp. 195-202. ISBN 033338783X

Laybourn, Keith (1993) Book review: The Rise of the Labour Party,1893–1931 by Gordon Phillips. History, 78 (253). pp. 332-333. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1993) The General Strike of 1926. New frontiers in history . Manchester University Press/St. Martin's Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719038648

Laybourn, Keith (1993) The Guild of Help and the changing face of Edwardian philanthropy. Urban history, 20 (1). ISSN 0963-9268

Thornton, Tim (1993) The integration of Cheshire into the Tudor nation state in the early sixteenth century. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 23 (1). pp. 40-63. ISSN 0078-172X


Cullum, Pat (1992) 'And hir name was Charite': charitable giving by and for women in late Medieval Yorkshire. In: Woman is a worthy wight: women in English society c. 1200-1500. Alan Sutton, Stroud, pp. 182-211. ISBN 9780862998646

Foard, Glenn (1992) The great re-planning? In: The origins of the Midland village. Economic History Society.

Hargreaves, John A. (1992) A metropolis of discontent. In: Huddersfield : A most handsome town. Kirklees Metropolitan Council Cultural Services. ISBN 9780900746529

Jowitt, Tony and Laybourn, Keith (1992) War and Socialism: the experience of the Bradford ILP 1914-18. In: The centennial history of the Independent Labour Party. Ryburn Publishing, Halifax, pp. 137-162. ISBN 1853310379

Laybourn, Keith (1992) Book reviews. History, 77 (249). pp. 128-179. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1992) The Bradford ILP and Trade Unionism c. 1890-1914. In: The centennial history of the Independent Labour Party. Ryburn Publishing, Halifax, pp. 137-162. ISBN 1853310379

Laybourn, Keith (1992) The Manningham Mills Strike, December 1890 to April 1891. In: The centennial history of the Independent Labour Party. Ryburn Publishing, Halifax, pp. 117-136. ISBN 1853310379

Laybourn, Keith (1992) 'The Peter Pan of Socialism': Book review of Tom Mann, 1856-1941: The Challenge of Labour by Chushichi Tsuzuki. Labour History Review, 57 (3). pp. 95-97. ISSN 0961-5652

Laybourn, Keith (1992) Recent writing on the history of the ILP, 1893-1932. In: The centennial history of the Independent Labour Party. Ryburn Publishing, Halifax, pp. 317-336. ISBN 1853310379

Laybourn, Keith (1992) A history of British trade unionism c. 1770-1990. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780862997854

Laybourn, Keith, James, David and Jowitt, Tony (1992) The Centennial history of the Independent Labour Party: a collection of essays. Ryburn Publishing, Halifax. ISBN 9781853310379


Foard, Glenn (1991) The Medieval Pottery Industry of Rockingham Forest. Medieval ceramics, 15. pp. 13-20. (Unpublished)

Foard, Glenn (1991) The Saxon bounds of oundle. Northamptonshire past and present, 8 (3). pp. 179-186. ISSN 0140-9131

Hargreaves, John A. (1991) Religion and society in the parish of Halifax, c. 1740-1914. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.

Kelly, Stephen (1991) Victorian Lakeland photographers. Swan Hill Press. ISBN 1853102334

Laybourn, Keith (1991) Book review: Arthur Henderson by Chris Wrigley. History, 76 (248). pp. 528-529. ISSN 0018-2648

Laybourn, Keith (1991) Book review: James Ramsay MacDonald: Low Born among the High Brows by Stephen R. Ward. Albion: a quarterly journal concerned with British studies, 23 (3). pp. 585-586. ISSN 0095-1390

Laybourn, Keith (1991) British Trade Unionism 1777 - 1990: a reader in history. Alan Sutton, Stroud. ISBN 9780862997847

Laybourn, Keith (1991) 'Suicide During a Fit of Insanity' or the Defence of Socialism? The secession of the Independent Labour Party from the Labour Party at the special conference at Bradford, July 1932. Bradford antiquary, 5. pp. 41-53.

Laybourn, Keith and James, David (1991) "The Rising Sun of Socialism": The Independent Labour Party in the Textile District of the West Riding of Yorkshire between 1890 and 1914: a Collection of Essays. West Yorkshire Archive Service, Wakefield. ISBN 9781870453127


Doyle, Barry M. (1990) Parks and gardens in the nineteenth century. In: Gardens in Norfolk, 1550-1900. University of East Anglia Centre of East Anglian Studies, Norwich, pp. 40-50. ISBN 9780906219287

Doyle, Barry M. (1990) The kitchen garden in Norfolk. In: Gardens in Norfolk, 1550-1900. University of East Anglia Centre of East Anglian Studies, Norwich, pp. 51-61. ISBN 9780906219287

Hargreaves, John A. (1990) Methodism and Luddism in Yorkshire, 1812–1813. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 26 (1). pp. 160-185. ISSN 0078-172X

Laybourn, Keith (1990) Britain on the breadline: a social and political history of Britain between the wars. Alan Sutton, Gloucester. ISBN 9780862994907

Laybourn, Keith (1990) The General Strike, 1926. Huddersfield pamphlets in history and politics . University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 0905434242

Laybourn, Keith (1990) Ramsay MacDonald and the collapse of the Labour Government, 1931. History sixth (8). pp. 36-40. ISSN 0951-4775

Laybourn, Keith (1990) The rise of Labour: emergence of the British Labour Party, c. 1890-1918. Huddersfield pamphlets in history and politics . University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 0905434234


Laybourn, Keith (1989) Labour movements. In: Atlas of British social and economic history since 1700. Routledge, pp. 183-197. ISBN 9780203201039


Black, Jeremy and Woodfine, Philip (1988) The British Navy and the use of Naval power in the Eighteenth century. Leicester University Press, Leicester. ISBN 0718513088

Foard, Glenn (1988) A framework for Saxon evidence from Northamptonshire. In: First MIllennium papers. BAR international series, 401 . B.A.R., pp. 259-271. ISBN 9780860545163

Laybourn, Keith (1988) The Labour Party, 1881-1951: a reader in history. Alan Sutton, Gloucester. ISBN 9780862994785

Laybourn, Keith (1988) Philip Snowden: a biography. Temple Smith, Aldershot. ISBN 9780566070174

Laybourn, Keith (1988) The Rise of Labour: The British Labour Party, 1890-1979. Reading history . Edward Arnold, London. ISBN 9780713165241

Woodfine, Philip (1988) Ideas of Naval power and the conflict with Spain, 1737 - 1742. In: The British navy and the use of naval power in the eighteenth century. Leicester University Press, Leicester. ISBN 9780718513085


Kelly, Stephen (1987) Joseph Rawlings. In: Dictionary of Labour biography. Macmillan, pp. 211-215. ISBN 0333387821

Laybourn, Keith and James, David (1987) Philip Snowden: the first Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer. Bradford Libraries and Information Service, Bradford. ISBN 9780907734109

Laybourn, Keith and Reynolds, Jack (1987) Labour heartland: the history of the Labour Party in West Yorkshire during the inter-war years, 1918-1939. University of Bradford Press, Bradford. ISBN 9781851430277

Laybourn, Keith and Stoakes, G. (1987) The Twentieth Century. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 71 (1). pp. 157-174. ISSN 0066-3832

Woodfine, Philip (1987) The Anglo-Spanish War of 1739. In: The Origins of war in early modern Europe. John Donald, Edinburgh, pp. 185-209. ISBN 0859761681


Foard, Glenn (1985) The administrative organisation of Northamptonshire in the Saxon period. Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History, 4. pp. 185-222. ISSN 0264-5254


Foard, Glenn (1984) Raunds: manorial and village origins. In: Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon Settlement. Oxford University Department for External Studies, Oxford, UK, pp. 81-100. ISBN 9780903736176


Firth, Gary, Laybourn, Keith and Hagerty, James (1982) Yorkshire at play: a guide to historical sources and their uses. University of Leeds School of Education, Leeds.

Laybourn, Keith (1982) The Wool Textile Dispute of 1925. Journal of local studies, 2 (1). pp. 10-27. ISSN 0144-4077

Laybourn, Keith (1982) 'The defence of the bottom dog': the Independent Labour Party in local politics. In: Victorian Bradford: essays in honour of Jack Reynolds. Bradford Metropolitan Council, Bradford, pp. 223-244. ISBN 0907734014

Laybourn, Keith (1982) The issue of school feeding in Bradford, 1904-1907. Journal of educational administration and history, 14 (2). pp. 30-38. ISSN 0022-0620


Firth, Gary, Laybourn, Keith and O'Connell, J. (1980) Yorkshire Labour movements c.1780 - 1926: a guide to historical sources and their uses. University of Leeds School of Education, Leeds.

Laybourn, Keith (1980) The George Henry Wood Collection. Bulletin - Society for the Study of Labour History (40). pp. 47-49. ISSN 0049-1179


Laybourn, Keith (1979) The Bradford Labour movement and the Keir Hardie by-election in East Bradford, November 1896. In: Nineteenth century Bradford elections. Bradford Centre Occasional Papers (1). University of Leeds, Leeds, pp. 74-87.


Foard, Glenn (1978) Systematic fieldwalking and the investigation of Saxon settlement in Northamptonshire. World Archaeology, 9 (3). pp. 357-374. ISSN 1470-1375


Laybourn, Keith (1977) John Henry Palin. In: Dictionary of Labour biography. Macmillan, London, pp. 134-136. ISBN 0333197046

Laybourn, Keith and Saville, John (1977) William Henry Drew. In: Dictionary of Labour biography. Macmillan, London, pp. 75-77. ISBN 0333197046


Laybourn, Keith (1976) The Manningham Mills strike: it's importance in Bradford history. Bradford Antiquary, 9.

Laybourn, Keith (1976) Yorkshire schools and schooldays: a guide to historical and their uses. University of Leeds, Leeds. ISBN 0900960310


Reynolds, Jack and Laybourn, Keith (1975) The Emergence of the Independent Labour Party in Bradford. International review of social history, 20 (3). pp. 313-346. ISSN 0020-8590

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