Book review : Conservatism and British Foreign Policy, 1820–1920: The Derbys and their World ed. by Geoffrey Hicks, and: On the Fringes of Diplomacy: Influences on British Foreign Policy, 1800–1945 ed. by John Fisher and Antony Best
Laybourn, Keith
Book review : Conservatism and British Foreign Policy, 1820–1920: The Derbys and their World ed. by Geoffrey Hicks, and: On the Fringes of Diplomacy: Influences on British Foreign Policy, 1800–1945 ed. by John Fisher and Antony Best.
Victorian Studies, 56 (1).
pp. 141-143.
ISSN 0042-5222
Book review : Conservatism and British Foreign Policy, 1820–1920: The Derbys and their World ed. by Geoffrey Hicks, and: On the Fringes of Diplomacy: Influences on British Foreign Policy, 1800–1945 ed. by John Fisher and Antony Best