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Number of items: 76.

Walsh, Andrew (2020) Playful Learning for Information Literacy Development. IFLA Journal, 46 (2). pp. 143-150.

Walsh, Andrew (2018) Giving Permission to Play in Higher Education. In: 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 329-336. ISBN 9788490486900

Walsh, Andrew (2017) Letting sparks fly, using play to set your learners alight! In: 2017 Business Librarians Association Conference: Find your spark! Inspiration for challenging times, 5th-7th July, Southampton Solent University, UK. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2017) Play in a converged service. In: University of Brighton Staff Conference, 28th June 2017, University of Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2017) Playing is for grown ups. In: LILAC 2017, 10th - 12th April 2017, Swansea. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2017) The Mini Book of Teaching Tips for Librarians. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield. ISBN 9781911500001

Walsh, Andrew and Clementson, Jonny (2017) Reasons to play in Higher Education. In: The Power of Play - Voices from the Play Community. CounterPlay, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 181-187. ISBN 9788799975204

Walsh, Andrew (2016) Think play is for nurseries, not universities? Think again. Guardian Higher Education Network.

Walsh, Andrew and Haigh, Jess (2016) Transform-IT: On the magic roundabout of skills. In: LILAC 2016, 21st - 23rd March, 2016, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Playful Information Literacy: Play and information Literacy in Higher Education. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 7 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 1890-5900

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Innovative pedagogies series: Game based learning and IT literacy. Case Study. Higher Education Academy, York.

Walsh, Andrew and Clement, Ellie (2015) Inspiring, Innovative and Creative Library Interventions: An i2c2 Compendium. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield, UK. ISBN 978-0-9576652-3-1

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Create a library game in 90 minutes. In: Next Library, 12th - 15th September 2015, Aarhus, Denmark. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Infolit teaching in HE. In: Information Literacy at the interface: Learning from practice in the classroom and employment, 22nd May 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew and Johnson, Zoe (2014) Information Literacy and Drama Academics. In: European Conference on Information Literacy, 20-23 October 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2014) Gaming in the library. In: ARLIS/UK & Ireland Annual Conference 2014: Reaching New Peaks, 16-18 July 2014, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2014) The potential for using gamification in academic libraries in order to increase student engagement and achievement. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 6 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 1890-5900

Walsh, Andrew (2014) Playing with Information Literacy. In: LILAC 2014, 23 - 25 April 2014, Sheffield Hallam University. (Submitted)

Walsh, Andrew (2014) Innovation, Inspiration and Creativity Conference (i2c2): Abstract and programme book. In: i2c2 conference, 6-7 March 2014, Manchester.

Walsh, Andrew (2014) SEEK!: creating and crowdfunding a game-based open educational resource to improve information literacy. Insights, 27 (1). pp. 63-66. ISSN 2048-7754

Walsh, Andrew (2014) APA 6th Referencing sequence game. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Green, Gary, Walsh, Andrew and Filhol, Josh (2014) The Library A to Z. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield, UK. ISBN 9780957665293

Walsh, Andrew (2013) Game Based Learning for Information Literacy Instruction. In: European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), 22 to 25 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew and Coonan, Emma (2013) Only Connect … Discovery pathways, library explorations, and the information adventure. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-0-9576652-0-0

Johnson, Zoe and Walsh, Andrew (2013) Finding paths through the information forest. In: Storyville: Exploring narratives of learning and teaching, the 2nd annual HEA Arts and Humanities conference, 2013, 29th-30th May 2013, Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew, Edwards, Adam and Hill, Vanessa (2013) Games and Gamification for information literacy. In: LILAC 2013, 25th March to 27th March 2013, Manchester, UK.

Howorth, Nicola and Walsh, Andrew (2013) The Informed Researcher at Huddersfield. In: LILAC 2013, 25 - 27 March 2013, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Mobile Information Literacy: a preliminary outline of information behaviour in a mobile environment. Journal of information literacy, 6 (2). pp. 56-69. ISSN 1750-5968

Walsh, Andrew and Williamson, Tanya (2012) SOURCES - the game. [Teaching Resource]

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Lemons, badges, fun and games: Gamification and libraries. In: Symposium on Mobile Technologies in Library Services, 22 November 2012, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Sharman, Alison and Walsh, Andrew (2012) Roving librarian at a mid-sized, UK based University. Library Technology Reports, 48 (8). pp. 28-34. ISSN 0024-2586

Walsh, Andrew and Williamson, Tanya (2012) SEEK! The search skills game. [Teaching Resource]

Walsh, Andrew and Howorth, Nicola (2012) Creating the informed researcher: adapting the information literacy lens of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework for local needs. In: Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2012: Realising the Potential of Researchers, 3-4 September 2012, Midland Hotel, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Using Mobile Technology to Deliver Library Services: A Handbook. Facet, London. ISBN 9781856048095

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Lemontree and @librarygame: Turning Using the library into a game. In: Children in performative spaces, 11-12 June 2012, Copenhagen. (Submitted)

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Mobiles for information skills. In: Shhhh? The Reality of New Technologies and their Place in Libraries, 8 May 2012, Darlington. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Roving Librarians @hudlib. In: Reflecting through a digital lens: how can Libraries support learning?, 11 May 2012, Leeds Trinity University College. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Playing games and growing trees … not sucking lemons. In: LILAC 2012, 11th - 13th April 2012, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Tweets, Texts & Trees. In: Information Literacy Beyond Library 2.0. Facet, London, pp. 111-118. ISBN 9781856047623

Walsh, Andrew (2012) Innovating for Information Literacy. In: Going it alone: innovations in information literacy, 13th January 2012, University of East London (UEL). (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew and Godwin, Peter (2012) It’s just not the same: mobile information literacy. In: M-libraries 3: Transforming libraries with mobile technology. Facet, London, pp. 109-118. ISBN 9781856047760

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Gamifying the University Library. In: Online Information Conference 2011, 29th November - 1st December 2011, London. (Submitted)

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Phones, Slates, Netbooks & Desktop computers: Information use across devices. In: Empowering the digital natives, 20th October, National Railway Museum, York. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Blurring the boundaries between our physical and electronic libraries: Location aware technologies; QR codes and RFID tags. The Electronic Library, 29 (4). pp. 429-437. ISSN 0264-0473

Walsh, Andrew and Godwin, Peter (2011) It’s just not the same : mobile information literacy. In: The Third International m-libraries Conference, 11th - 13th May 2011, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Martini Information Literacy: How does “anytime, anyplace, anywhere” access to information change what Information Literacy means? In: LILAC 2011, 18-20 April 2011, British Library, London. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Using active learning techniques in information literacy instruction. In: LILAC 2011, 18-20 April 2011, British Library, London. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Librarians learning from librarians: Networking and learning intersect at the Huddersfield Librarian TeachMeet. Information Today (Europe).

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Mobile Information Literacy: Mobilising existing models? In: Handheld Librarian 4, 23rd - 24th Feb 2011, Online. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2011) Setting Reference Free: Reference Services for the Mobile Age. In: Leading the Reference Renaissance: Today's Ideas for Tomorrow's Cutting Edge Services. Neal-Schuman, New York. ISBN 9781555707712

Walsh, Andrew (2010) What's stopping us? An early adopter considers how to get more from the technology. In: RFID in Libraries Conference 2010, 9th November 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2010) What's stopping us? Library and Information Gazette. p. 6. ISSN 1741220X

Walsh, Andrew (2010) It's all on the go: what mobile technologies do we need to be taking advantage of? In: Getting your hands digitally dirty in the library, 14 October 2010, The Source, Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Mobile Technologies in Libraries. FUMSI (34).

Walsh, Andrew and Inala, Padma (2010) Active Learning Techniques for Librarians: Practical Examples. Chandos, Cambridge. ISBN 9781843345923

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Setting Reference Free: Reference services for the mobile age. In: A Reference Renaissance 2010: Inventing the Future, 9th - 10th August 2010, Denver, Colorado. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2010) University of Huddersfield library or @hudlib? Moving the library into Facebook, Twitter and more... In: Social networking in libraries, MmIT event, 9th July 2010, Liverpool. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries (emtacl10). Ariadne (64). ISSN 1361-3200

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Mobile phones in the library at the University of Huddersfield. In: SCONUL Conference 2010, 16-18 June 2010, The Queens, City Square, Leeds. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2010) QR Codes – using mobile phones to deliver library instruction and help at the point of need. Journal of information literacy, 3 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 1750-5968

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Blurring the boundaries between our physical and electronic libraries. In: Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries (emtacl) conference 2010, 26th April - 28th April 2010, Trondheim, Norway. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Summon quick tutorial. [Video] (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Supplementing inductions with text messages, an SMS “tips and tricks” service. ALISS Quarterly, 5 (3). pp. 23-25. ISSN 1747-9258

Walsh, Andrew (2010) QR Codes: using mobile phones to deliver library instruction and help at the point of need. In: LILAC 2010, 29-31st March 2010, Limerick.

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Mobile phone services and UK Higher Education students, what do they want from the library? Library and Information Research, 34 (106). pp. 22-36. ISSN 1756-1086

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Blurring the boundaries between our physical and electronic libraries. In: Handheld Librarian Conference 2010, 17th-18th February 2010, Online.

Walsh, Andrew (2009) They all have them - why not use them? Introducing mobile learning at the University of Huddersfield Library. Sconul Focus, 47 (Winter). pp. 27-28. ISSN 1745-5782

Walsh, Andrew (2009) QR Codes, text a librarian and more - conference presentation at "Extreme Makeover: Transforming the face of your Library Service.". In: Extreme Makeover: Transforming the face of your Library Service, 25th October 2009, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew and Barrett, Lynn (2009) Text a Librarian @ Huddersfield. CILIP Update. pp. 44-45. ISSN 1476-7171

Walsh, Andrew (2009) Text messaging (SMS) and libraries. Library Hi Tech News, 26 (8). pp. 9-11. ISSN 0741-9058

Walsh, Andrew (2009) Quick response codes and libraries. Library Hi Tech News, 26 (5/6). pp. 7-9. ISSN 0741-9058

Walsh, Andrew (2009) If they won’t turn them off, we might as well use them: Using mobile 'phones in information skills sessions. In: LILAC 2009, 30th March - 1st April 2009, Cardiff. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2009) Information Literacy Assessment: Where do we start? Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 41 (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0961-0006

Walsh, Andrew and Munks, Sarah (2008) Crosswords, Library Bingo and Quizzes: getting more active learning into our teaching. In: LILAC 2008, 17th - 19th March 2008, Liverpool John Moores. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2008) Inspire and improving access to libraries. In: Shall we dance? Universities Working in Partnership with their Wider Communities, 6th February 2008, Meadowhall, Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew (2006) Assessing the Potential for, and needs of, Cross-Sectoral, Local Collaborative Access Schemes in the Yorkshire and Humber Region. Discussion Paper. Yorkshire Museum Libraries and Archives Council (YMLAC), Leeds.

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