Group by: Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
4D Abnormalities Academic development Academic performance access acorns Acoustic waves Acrylic Resins/*chemistry Actor Training adaptation Addiction Adult Adult Education Advanced Life Support After-effects Agglomeration externalities AIS Alginate Alicona Alliance learning Alpha-Globulins/*genetics/metabolism Alzheimer's disease and Security Animals animation annual reports Anticoagulants Antimicrobial Anxiety Applied Archard Model architectural conservation architecture Archival engagements archives art history Article 8 Artists in Conversation asphere Assessment ASTM Model Atomic Physics attitude theory audience Audio Score Australia automation B2B relationships Baroque performance Baroque violin Bass viol BDRA bed bugs Beethoven behind the scenes Big data Biggs and Büchler BIM biodivesrity Biofilm biopolymer bird boxes birds bizarre magick blades blue on blue Body Fluid Identification Bottleneck Boxes branding Brass Art Britain British radio broadcasting Broadwood building building conservation Building Information Modelling buildings Built environment skills needs Bully Bullying Workplace bullying business business simulation business start-up Caesarean rates Capillary Electrophoresis Capra aegagrus Carded web caregivers carpentry carpentry traditions case study catalysis Catch-up Cellulose acetate CeReNeM CETL Chamber Music change Childhood obesity children Christian radio Cikada Ensemble CD cities Classical Style clay matrices Climate policy uncertainty close call Co-Authorship Co-production cognition Cognitive psychology CollabHub Collaboration Collaborative Learning collaborative working comfort Compaction behaviour comparison Competence composition Compression/Recovery Computer Safety computer-mediated music Conceptual Blending Condition Monitoring Conflict environment conservation Consumer Behaviour contemporary art contemporary music contemporary opera Content analysis contingencies conversion corporate governance Corporate social reporting Corruption counter-tour guiding craft pedagogies Creative Practice creative practice research creative process creativity Critical realism cruck frame cruck frames Current Signature Curriculum Design Curvature radius Cutoff values Czech Republic D-glucosamine HCl Data envelopment analysis Data mining decay decision support systems Delezue Demand Driven Access dereliction design process efficiency destination image DIFFRACTION Digital Literacies Digital literacy Digital microscope Directional characteristic Disaster management education Disaster risk reduction domestic abuse Domestic homicide Domestication double standard double-Fourier Doublethink Drawing WWI Archive Dressings Drug administration DSC hydration dSPACE DVD dystopias E-books E-learning E-portfolio early modern early recordings ecology Economics education Edward Elgar Effort Electrical & Electronic Electricity prices electroacoustic Electrospinning Electrostatics emergent cognition emerging market Emerging markets employee shareholder end of life care Engineering Ensemble Contrechamps Ensemble MusikFabrik enterprise enterprise education Enterprise Surface Design Innovation entrepreneurial orientation entrepreneurship education Ethel Hobday EU legislation EUV laser Evaluation Event study Exploitative alliances Explorative alliances Factor analysis family carers far-infrared (far-IR) fashion Fatigue Felix Mendelssohn feminism feminist ethics Ferdinand David Ensemble Fibre diameter Fibres fillers Film Film Sound Mixing Financial crisis finite element analysis Finite Radon Transform First World War FISICA five-axis machine tool Flexibility Flipped learning Fluorescence microscopy Foreign direct investment foreign ownership Forensic forestry Four's Company Fractal Franz Schubert fratricide Freud Friction Friendly fire functional magnetic resonance imaging Funding Game Based Learning Gellan gum Gender Ghost Ghosts Global gold markets globalisation Goat mitochondrial genome Government ownership GPU CUDA GPU cluster Parallelisation great tits grolish habitats Harp Harriet Cohen Haunting Haydn heatwaves Helicobacter pylori - absorption - replacement therap Hellerau European Centre for Contemporary Art Heritage High-energy-density matter Higher Education historic buildings Historical Performance Historically Informed Performance history of science Holistic care home Hornsey College of Art human resources Hybrid Hydrodynamic modelling hypervalent iodine i2c2 ICT image decay Image of Thought impact implants imprint Individual-investor sentiment Indomethacin Indonesian economy and policy evolutions industrial mills inflammatory skin diseases Informal sector Information Literacy Innovation Installation Institutional ownership interferometry Internet Bandwidth Constraints interthinking Intraosseous Ion implantation Issue 4. Art. No.: CD006037 Jordan Jurg Frey Kinect Kirkpatrick four levels Knowledge transfer Landscape Geotextiles Design Practice-led Weave Leaderful Leadership Learning Development Academic Skills Collaboration Curriculum Design learning technology Leather Leeds University Leno Libraries Library Libya Lifelong learning Lifting wavelet Listening local history sheffield logistics skills shortages longitudinal study low-income housing LUCHIP Machine Learning machine tool model machine tool modeling machine tool performance Macroeconomic variables magician magnesium aluminium silicate Magnetic fields malaria management manager’s experiences Market efficiency Markov processes masonry repair material loss volume Mathematical programming Measurement Mechanical properties Mechanically integrating mechatronics media medieval Meiningen Ensemble Memory MEMS structure mental health Mental toughness metadata metal-on-metal Methylglyoxal microRNA military psychology Misalignment mixed methods Modification indices Money demand Money velocity Moral behavior Morality Morphology mosquitoes Motor control Motor decoupling motor response moving image mtDNA haplogroups multibody model Multiple/genetics/*pathology music Music and Consciousness Music Technology Mutual funds mystery performer Nanofibres National Childhood Measurement Scheme Neagu nesting blue tits Neural Networks Neuroeconomics neurokinin 1 receptor new rules Niels Gade nineteenth-century performance Non-medical prescribing normal birth Nursing Nursing Education nursing shifts oak Oper Koeln operational efficiency Optics Optimal control theory organisational change Organization–public relationships (OPR) Origin of Capra hircus Ostension overheating oxazoline palliative care Paranormal Paranormal entertainment part classification Part library participatory visual methods Partnership Patron Driven Access Pattern cutting PDA Pedagogy Performance performance magic performance practice Performativity Period instruments Personality pest control Pharmaceutics philosophy Phishing Dataset phishing websites photography Phronesis Physical Sciences Physics Physiological response physiology Piano Quintet piano trio Pin-on-disc Test pixar Planktonic Plausibility Play PLM polish Politics of Resonances Polymorphism Polyvinyl alcohol Positive psychological climate Posner test Practice-led Prefrontal cortex primary science Probabilistic risk model Problem behaviour Process innovation provocation PSB PSM psychoacoustics Psychoanalysis psychogeography psychological facets Psychometrics Public relations public service broadcasting public service media Publication Publishing Purcell quercus radio genres radio history radio programming formats railway risk analysis Random walks and martingales randomised control trial randomised controlled trials Ranks and signs re-rostering reception Recycling Reflexive related and unrelated varieties Reliability religious radio renovation repeated measures Representation rescheduling research methodology Resource Discovery Response inhibition restoration Resuscitation retrofit review rip saw rip saws Risk Risk analysis Ritual rivelin valley robot Roger Malbert rostering Roughness Sarah Lucas SART sash saw saw technology saws Scheduling Scheduling and timetabling Science & Technology sculptural sculpture segment Selection self portraiture Self-reflection Sensorless VSD service improvement programme Shadow economy sheffield heritage sheffield rivers Ship traffic Silicone simulation SimVenture Small- and medium-sized enterprises Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) Smectite SMEs smooth social enterprise social housing Social Media social media monitoring socio-political context sociocultural theory software-in-the-loop Solid dispersions Sonic Objects southern Africa Spacer fabric speed-accuracy trade-off Spencer Dyke Quartet spiders Spiritual needs Spiritualism sport tourism Sports economics Sportsmanship spring standardisation Start Scheme stem taper Stochastic frontier analysis Stratton Quartet String Quartet Strongly coupled plasma Stroop test Structural breaks Structural equation modeling Student engagement Students as Partners studio Subject Librarian Subjective state Summon Supply chain sustainability Surface Brillouin scattering surface metrology sustainability sustainable forests Sustained attention SWOT analysis Synovial Fluid Séance Talysurf taper measurement Task load Task motivation Task-related thought Task-unrelated thought Technology technology of buildings Technology transfer teenage girls TELESCOPE temporal terminal care The Uncanny Theatre theoretical application timber timber conversion timber frame timber frames timber mills timber-frames Tits torsional load capacity touch Traditional traditional building construction traditional buildings traditional carpentry skills Traffic simulation Transdisciplinary Transducing Transformative transition economy trees Tribo electrification tribology Twitter uncanny Uncanny Exhibition Unconscious Freud unconscious user interface design V-band clamp Variance-ratios Vascular Access Veegum Vibration Video Viola d'amore violin concerto visual analytics Visual Bias visual history visual learners visualisations visualization VKORC1 volume loss walking Waste water mills water power watermills Weak-form efficiency Wear models wear prediction wear scar wear test weave Wellbeing Wine Consumption Wittgenstein women in the visual arts woodland management woodworm Wound Wound dressing Writing retreat Writing skills WW1 Drawing Archive Monuments WWI young adult fiction µ-opioid receptor ‘thought-images’
Number of items: 766.


Chaves, Fernanda, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia, Formoso, Carlos and Shigaki, Jeferson Shin-Iti (2015) Using 4D BIM in the Retrofit Process of Social Housing. In: ZEMCH conference (Zero Energy Mass Custom Home), 22nd - 25th September 2015, Lecce, Italy. (Unpublished)


Gruber, R., Sugarman, J.L., Crumrine, D., Hupe, M., Mauro, T.M., Mauldin, E.A., Thyssen, J.P., Brandner, J.M., Hennies, Hans C., Schmuth, M. and Elias, P.M. (2015) Sebaceous gland, hair shaft, and epidermal barrier abnormalities in keratosis pilaris with and without filaggrin deficiency. The American Journal of Pathology, 185 (4). pp. 1012-1021. ISSN 0002-9440

Academic development

Jensen, Kathrine and Bagnall, Dawn (2015) Student Teaching and Learning Consultants: developing conversations about teaching and learning. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 1 (1). ISSN 2055-4990

Academic performance

St Clair-Thompson, Helen, Bugler, Myfanwy, Robinson, Jamey, Clough, Peter J., McGeown, Sarah P. and Perry, John (2015) Mental toughness in education: exploring relationships with attainment, attendance, behaviour and peer relationships. Educational Psychology, 35 (7). pp. 886-907. ISSN 0144-3410


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Acoustic waves

Naidoo, Mervin, Motochi, Isaac, Mathe, Mbekimusa, Erasmus, Rudolph, Aradi, Emily and Derry, Trevor Edward (2015) Surface Brillouin scattering on annealed ion-implanted CVD diamond. Diamond and Related Materials, 56. pp. 6-12. ISSN 0925-9635

Acrylic Resins/*chemistry

Witting, M., Molina, M., Obst, K., Plank, R., Eckl, K.M., Hennies, Hans C., Calderon, M., Friess, W. and Hedtrich, S. (2015) Thermosensitive dendritic polyglycerol-based nanogels for cutaneous delivery of biomacromolecules. Nanomedicine, 11 (5). pp. 1179-1187. ISSN 1549-9634

Actor Training

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)


Taylor, Nik and Nolan, Stuart (2015) Performing Fabulous Monsters: Re-inventing the Gothic Personae in Bizarre Magic. In: Monstrous media/spectral subjects: Imaging Gothic from the nineteenth century to the present. Manchester University Press, pp. 128-142. ISBN 978-0-7190-8977-0


Paterson, Louise M., Flechais, Remy S. A., Murphy, Anna, Reed, Laurence J., Abbott, Sanja, Boyapati, Venkataramana, Elliott, Rebecca, Erritzoe, David, Ersche, Karen D., Faluyi, Yetunde, Faravelli, Luca, Fernandez-Egea, Emilio, Kalk, Nicola J., Kuchibatla, Shankar S., McGonigle, John, Metastasio, Antonio, Mick, Inge, Nestor, Liam, Orban, Csaba, Passetti, Filippo, Rabiner, Eugenii A., Smith, Dana G., Suckling, John, Tait, Roger, Taylor, Eleanor M., Waldman, Adam D., Robbins, Trevor W., Deakin, J. F. William, Nutt, David J. and Lingford-Hughes, Anne R. (2015) The Imperial College Cambridge Manchester (ICCAM) platform study: An experimental medicine platform for evaluating new drugs relapse prevention in addiction. Part A: Study description. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29 (9). pp. 943-960. ISSN 0269-8811


Becker, K., Tinschert, S., Lienert, A., Bleuler, P.E., Staub, F., Meinel, A., Rössler, J., Wach, W., Hoffmann, R., Kühnel, F., Damert, H.G., Nick, H.E., Spicher, R., Lenze, W., Langer, M., Nürnberg, P. and Hennies, Hans C. (2015) The importance of genetic susceptibility in Dupuytren's disease. Clinical Genetics, 87 (5). pp. 483-487. ISSN 0009-9163

Gruber, R., Börnchen, C., Rose, K., Daubmann, A., Volksdorf, T., Wladykowski, E., Vidal, Y.Sy S., Peters, E.M., Danso, M., Bouwstra, J.A., Hennies, Hans C., Moll, I., Schmuth, M. and Brandner, J.M. (2015) Diverse regulation of claudin-1 and claudin-4 in atopic dermatitis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 185 (10). pp. 2777-2789. ISSN 0002-9483

Moosbrugger-Martinz, V., Jalili, A., Schossig, A.S., Jahn-Bassler, K., Zschocke, J., Schmuth, M., Stingl, G., Eckl, K.M., Hennies, Hans C. and Gruber, R. (2015) Epidermal barrier abnormalities in exfoliative ichthyosis with a novel homozygous loss-of-function mutation in CSTA. British Journal of Dermatology, 172 (6). pp. 1628-1632. ISSN 0007-0963

Adult Education

Jarvis, Christine (2015) Developing HE Professionals: The Importance of Adult Education Theory and Practice. In: Standing Conference of University Teachers and Researchers in the Education of Adults, 7-9 July 2015, Leeds, UK.

Advanced Life Support

Garside, Joanne, Prescott, Stephen and Shaw, Susan Angela (2015) Intraosseous vascular access in critically ill adults-a review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care. ISSN 13621017


Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Agglomeration externalities

Ercole, Roberto (2015) The Impact of Agglomeration Externalities on Manufacturing Growth within Indonesian Locations. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Xiao, Fangliang, ligteringen, Han, Van Gulijk, Coen and Ale, Ben (2015) Comparison study on AIS data of ship traffic behavior. Ocean Engineering, 95. pp. 84-93. ISSN 0029-8018 (Submitted)


Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

Alliance learning

Leung, Vincent K. K., Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Zhang, Zhe and Gu, Flora F. (2015) Explorative versus Exploitative Alliances: Evidence from the Glass Industry in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13 (2). pp. 127-146. ISSN 1476-5284


Hennies, Hans C. (2015) All is balanced: inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitors as unseen extracellular matrix proteins in epidermal morphology and differentiation. Experimental dermatology, 24 (9). pp. 661-662. ISSN 1600-0625

Alzheimer's disease

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244

and Security

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015 Delft, The Netherlands, September 23–25, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9337 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24254-5

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security SAFECOMP 2015 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS. ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22, 2015,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9338 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24248-4


Seifert, W., Kühnisch, J., Maritzen, T., Lommatzsch, S., Hennies, Hans C., Bachmann, S., Horn, D. and Haucke, V. (2015) Cohen syndrome-associated protein COH1 physically and functionally interacts with the small GTPase RAB6 at the Golgi complex and directs neurite outgrowth. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290 (6). pp. 3349-3358. ISSN 0021-9258


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

annual reports

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117


Haniza, Mohd Z.H., Adams, Sally, Jones, Eleanor P., MacNicoll, Alan, Mallon, Eamonn B., Smith, Robert H. and Lambert, Mark S. (2015) Large-scale structure of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) populations in England: effects on rodenticide resistance. PeerJ, 3. e1458. ISSN 2167-8359


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282

Shoukat, Kamran, Pilling, Sally, Rout, Simon, Bradbury, Jane and Humphreys, Paul (2015) A Systematic Comparison of Antimicrobial Wound Dressings using a Planktonic Cell and an Immobilised Cell Model. Kamran. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119 (6). pp. 1552-1560. ISSN 1364-5072


Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Archard Model

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

architectural conservation

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X


Orr, Kevin and Gao, Yun (2015) The enduring influence of the studio: how architects and architectural organizations in England are learning. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 7 to 11 September 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Archival engagements

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]

art history

von Lunen, Alexander (2015) Book Review: "Tanja Klemm, Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance, 2013". British Journal for the History of Science, 48 (3). pp. 507-508. ISSN 0007-0874

Article 8

Manning, Gemma (2015) ECHR: The Right to Respect for Private and Family Life. In: Westlaw UK Insight: An Innovative Online Encyclopedia of UK Law. Westlaw, London, UK.

Artists in Conversation

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.


Ely, Val, Kaye, Vicky and Osborne, Antony (2015) Implementing an e-portfolio for non-medical prescribing modules. Nurse Prescribing, 13 (5). pp. 250-254. ISSN 1479-9189

ASTM Model

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

Atomic Physics

Rossall, A. K. and Tallents, G. J. (2015) Generation of Warm Dense Matter using an Argon based Capillary Discharge Laser. High Energy Density Physics, 15. pp. 67-70. ISSN 1574-1818

attitude theory

King, Ceridwyn, Chen, Nan and Funk, Daniel C. (2015) Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists' Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 3-31. ISSN 1096-3480


Taylor, Nik and Nolan, Stuart (2015) Performing Fabulous Monsters: Re-inventing the Gothic Personae in Bizarre Magic. In: Monstrous media/spectral subjects: Imaging Gothic from the nineteenth century to the present. Manchester University Press, pp. 128-142. ISBN 978-0-7190-8977-0

Audio Score

Palme, Pia (2015) The Politics of Resonance. Divergence Press (4). ISSN 20523467


Apergis, Nicholas and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2015) Structural Breaks and Electricity Prices: Further Evidence on the Role of Climate Policy Uncertainties in the Australian Electricity Market. Energy Economics, 52 (A). pp. 176-182. ISSN 1873-6181


Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.

B2B relationships

Khan, Zaheer and Nicholson, John (2015) Technological catch-up by component suppliers in the Pakistani automotive industry: a four-dimensional analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 50. pp. 40-50. ISSN 0019-8501

Baroque performance

Milsom, David (2015) Four’s Company: Sonatas and Trios including sonatas by Henry Purcell (David Milsom and Amanda Babington, baroque violins; John Bryan, bass viol; Graham Cummings, organ/harpsichord). In: Four's Company, 15 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Baroque violin

Milsom, David (2015) Four’s Company: Sonatas and Trios including sonatas by Henry Purcell (David Milsom and Amanda Babington, baroque violins; John Bryan, bass viol; Graham Cummings, organ/harpsichord). In: Four's Company, 15 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Bass viol

Milsom, David (2015) Four’s Company: Sonatas and Trios including sonatas by Henry Purcell (David Milsom and Amanda Babington, baroque violins; John Bryan, bass viol; Graham Cummings, organ/harpsichord). In: Four's Company, 15 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Van Gulijk, Coen, Figueres-Esteban, Miguel and Hughes, Peter (2015) Big Data Risk Assessment the 21st Century approach to safety science. In: International Railway Safety Council 2014, 4th - 9th October 2015, Johannesburg. (Unpublished)

bed bugs

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Milsom, David (2015) Classical trios and string quartets, including Beethoven Quartet op. 18/4 (David Milsom and Lara James, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; Tom Collingwood, cello). Pre-concert talk by David Milsom. In: 'Laus Deo': an Evening of Haydn and Beethoven, 30 Oct 2015, Christ Church, Litton, Derbyshire. (Unpublished)

behind the scenes

McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

Big data

Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Visualising Close Call in railways: a step towards Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Fifth International Rail Human Factors Conference, 14-17th September 2015, London. (Unpublished)

Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) The role of data visualization in Railway Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015. CRC Press / Balkema, pp. 2877-2882. ISBN 9781138028791

Biggs and Büchler

Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Chaves, Fernanda, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia, Formoso, Carlos and Shigaki, Jeferson Shin-Iti (2015) Using 4D BIM in the Retrofit Process of Social Housing. In: ZEMCH conference (Zero Energy Mass Custom Home), 22nd - 25th September 2015, Lecce, Italy. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870


Shoukat, Kamran, Pilling, Sally, Rout, Simon, Bradbury, Jane and Humphreys, Paul (2015) A Systematic Comparison of Antimicrobial Wound Dressings using a Planktonic Cell and an Immobilised Cell Model. Kamran. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119 (6). pp. 1552-1560. ISSN 1364-5072


Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442

bird boxes

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

bizarre magick

Taylor, Nik and Nolan, Stuart (2015) Performing Fabulous Monsters: Re-inventing the Gothic Personae in Bizarre Magic. In: Monstrous media/spectral subjects: Imaging Gothic from the nineteenth century to the present. Manchester University Press, pp. 128-142. ISBN 978-0-7190-8977-0

Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

blue on blue

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Body Fluid Identification

van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.


Haniza, Mohd Z.H., Adams, Sally, Jones, Eleanor P., MacNicoll, Alan, Mallon, Eamonn B., Smith, Robert H. and Lambert, Mark S. (2015) Large-scale structure of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) populations in England: effects on rodenticide resistance. PeerJ, 3. e1458. ISSN 2167-8359


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

Brass Art

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2015) The employee shareholder: the unbearable lightness of being ... an employee in Britain. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 22 (1). pp. 81-95. ISSN 1023-263X

British radio

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504


Klontzas, Michael (2015) Public service objectives: Contestability and Renegotiation. International Journal of Digital Television, 6 (2). pp. 97-101. ISSN 2040-4182


Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

building conservation

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Building Information Modelling

Comlay, Julie and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2015) Building Information Modelling [BIM] for energy efficiency in housing refurbishments. In: EURO-ELECS 2015 - Latin American and European Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Communities, 21st - 23rd July 2015, Guimaraes, Portugal.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Built environment skills needs

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

Bully Bullying Workplace bullying

McGregor, Frances-Louise (2015) Bullying - The Perspective of the Accused. In: The Handbook of Dealing with Workplace Bullying. Gower Publishing Limited, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 177-195. ISBN 9781472455178


Conlon, Jo (2015) Embedding Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) in Higher Education: A Case Study in Fashion Business. In: The future of professions, professionalism and professional learning – a conversation, 13th - 14th July 2015, University of Huddersfield, School of Education and Professional Development. (Unpublished)

Willis, Paul (2015) Being social: creating a critical commons with public relations practice. In: The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 405-414. ISBN 9780415727334

business simulation

Smith, Kelly and Jensen, Kathrine (2015) Evaluating use of the SimVenture computer-based business simulation. In: ISBE Conference 2015, 10th - 12th November 2015, Glasgow.

business start-up

Smith, Kelly (2015) Measuring the impact of enterprise education and entrepreneurship support in higher education: Can routinely collected data be of use? Industry and Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 493-503. ISSN 0950-4222

Caesarean rates

Marshall, Joyce, Spiby, Helen and McCormick, Felicia (2015) Evaluating the ‘Focus on Normal Birth and Reducing Caesarean section Rates Rapid Improvement Programme’: A mixed method study in England. Midwifery, 31 (2). pp. 332-340. ISSN 02666138

Capillary Electrophoresis

van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.

Capra aegagrus

Colli, Licia, Lancioni, Hovirag, Cardinali, Irene, Olivieri, Anna, Capodiferro, Marco Rosario, Pellecchia, Marco, Rzepus, Marcin, Zamani, Wahid, Naderi, Saeid, Gandini, Francesca, Vahidi, Seyed Mohammad Farhad, Agha, Saif, Randi, Ettore, Battaglia, Vincenza, Sardina, Maria Teresa, Portolano, Baldassare, Rezaei, Hamid Reza, Lymberakis, Petros, Boyer, Frédéric, Coissac, Eric, Pompanon, François, Taberlet, Pierre, Ajmone Marsan, Paolo and Achilli, Alessandro (2015) Whole mitochondrial genomes unveil the impact of domestication on goat matrilineal variability. BMC Genomics, 16. p. 1115. ISSN 1471-2164

Carded web

Maktabi, Mohamad, Carnie, Bruce, Mao, N. and Goswami, Parikshit (2015) Enhancement of the Aesthetics Appearance and Softness of Knitted Spacer Fabric. In: 5th Smartex - 2015 Egypt (World Textiles Conference), 23-25 November 2015, Karf El-Shaikh, Egypt.


Morris, Sara M., King, Claire, Turner, Mary and Payne, Sheila (2015) Family carers providing support to a person dying in the home setting: a narrative literature review. Palliative Medicine, 29 (6). pp. 487-495. ISSN 1477-030X


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

carpentry traditions

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

case study

Conlon, Jo (2015) Embedding Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) in Higher Education: A Case Study in Fashion Business. In: The future of professions, professionalism and professional learning – a conversation, 13th - 14th July 2015, University of Huddersfield, School of Education and Professional Development. (Unpublished)


Alhalib, Ali, Kamouka, Somaia and Moran, Wesley J. (2015) Iodoarene-Catalyzed Cyclizations of Unsaturated Amides. Organic Letters, 17 (6). pp. 1453-1456. ISSN 1523-7060


Khan, Zaheer and Nicholson, John (2015) Technological catch-up by component suppliers in the Pakistani automotive industry: a four-dimensional analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 50. pp. 40-50. ISSN 0019-8501

Cellulose acetate

Ghorani, B., Goswami, Parikshit and Russell, Stephen J. (2015) Parametric Study of Electrospun Cellulose Acetate in Relation to Fibre Diameter. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 19 (4). pp. 24-40. ISSN 1560-6074


Lim, Liza (2015) Speak, be Silent (18') violin concerto, Ricordi Berlin Sy4433/01. [Composition]


Millard, Luke and Hargreaves, Janet (2015) Creatively employing funding to support innovation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3). pp. 335-344. ISSN 1470-3297

Chamber Music

Milsom, David (2015) Classical trios and string quartets, including Beethoven Quartet op. 18/4 (David Milsom and Lara James, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; Tom Collingwood, cello). Pre-concert talk by David Milsom. In: 'Laus Deo': an Evening of Haydn and Beethoven, 30 Oct 2015, Christ Church, Litton, Derbyshire. (Unpublished)


King, Ceridwyn, Chen, Nan and Funk, Daniel C. (2015) Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists' Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 3-31. ISSN 1096-3480

Childhood obesity

Lewis, Kiara and MacKenzie, Abi (2015) Should strategies to tackle childhood obesity also focus on mental health? British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (9). pp. 434-438. ISSN 1752-2803


Lomax, Helen (2015) Seen and heard? Ethics and agency in participatory visual research with children, young people and families. Families, Relationships and Societies, 4 (3). pp. 493-502. ISSN 2046-7435

Christian radio

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504

Cikada Ensemble CD

Lim, Liza and Ness, Jon Øivind (2015) Cikada Live at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. [Audio]


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Classical Style

Milsom, David (2015) Classical trios and string quartets, including Beethoven Quartet op. 18/4 (David Milsom and Lara James, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; Tom Collingwood, cello). Pre-concert talk by David Milsom. In: 'Laus Deo': an Evening of Haydn and Beethoven, 30 Oct 2015, Christ Church, Litton, Derbyshire. (Unpublished)

clay matrices

Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711

Climate policy uncertainty

Apergis, Nicholas and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2015) Structural Breaks and Electricity Prices: Further Evidence on the Role of Climate Policy Uncertainties in the Australian Electricity Market. Energy Economics, 52 (A). pp. 176-182. ISSN 1873-6181

close call

Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Visualising Close Call in railways: a step towards Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Fifth International Rail Human Factors Conference, 14-17th September 2015, London. (Unpublished)


Garside, Joanne, Bailey, Rowan, Tyas, Moira, Topping, Annie, Stone, Graham, Ormrod, Graham and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2015) Developing a Culture of Publication: a joint enterprise writing retreat. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 429-442. ISSN 2050-7003


Garside, Joanne, Bailey, Rowan, Tyas, Moira, Topping, Annie, Stone, Graham, Ormrod, Graham and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2015) Developing a Culture of Publication: a joint enterprise writing retreat. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 429-442. ISSN 2050-7003


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Cognitive psychology

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Dobson, Elizabeth (2015) Permission to Play: Fostering Enterprise Creativities in Music Technology through Extracurricular Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9781472589132


Millard, Luke and Hargreaves, Janet (2015) Creatively employing funding to support innovation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3). pp. 335-344. ISSN 1470-3297

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Collaborative Learning

Kenan, Thuraya, Elzawi, Abdussalam, Pislaru, Crinela and Restoum, Maysoun (2015) A Study on the Impact of ICT on Collaborative Learning Processes in Libyan Higher Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10 (1). pp. 172-190. ISSN 1694-2116

collaborative working

Comlay, Julie and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2015) Building Information Modelling [BIM] for energy efficiency in housing refurbishments. In: EURO-ELECS 2015 - Latin American and European Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Communities, 21st - 23rd July 2015, Guimaraes, Portugal.


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Compaction behaviour

Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317


de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2015) The employee shareholder: the unbearable lightness of being ... an employee in Britain. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 22 (1). pp. 81-95. ISSN 1023-263X


Ely, Val, Kaye, Vicky and Osborne, Antony (2015) Implementing an e-portfolio for non-medical prescribing modules. Nurse Prescribing, 13 (5). pp. 250-254. ISSN 1479-9189


Dobson, E.D. and Littleton, K.S. (2015) Digital technologies and the mediation of undergraduate students’ collaborative music compositional practices. Learning, Media and Technology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1743-9884

Lim, Liza (2015) Creative isomorphism between object, idea and states of consciousness. In: 2nd International Conference on Music and Consciousness, 14-17 April 2015, Oxford University, UK. (Unpublished)


Maktabi, Mohamad, Carnie, Bruce, Mao, N. and Goswami, Parikshit (2015) Enhancement of the Aesthetics Appearance and Softness of Knitted Spacer Fabric. In: 5th Smartex - 2015 Egypt (World Textiles Conference), 23-25 November 2015, Karf El-Shaikh, Egypt.

Computer Safety

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015 Delft, The Netherlands, September 23–25, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9337 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24254-5

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security SAFECOMP 2015 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS. ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22, 2015,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9338 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24248-4

computer-mediated music

Dobson, E.D. and Littleton, K.S. (2015) Digital technologies and the mediation of undergraduate students’ collaborative music compositional practices. Learning, Media and Technology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1743-9884

Conceptual Blending

Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225

Condition Monitoring

Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Smith, Ann, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2015) The Detection of Shaft Misalignments using Motor Current Signals from a Sensorless Variable Speed Drive. In: Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery. Mechanisms and Machine Science (23). Springer, London, pp. 173-183. ISBN 978-3-319-09918-7

Conflict environment

Muhammad, Noor, Day, John, Ali, Ijaz and Sabir, Muhammad (2015) Entrepreneurial orientation in a conflict environment: An analysis of high and low entrepreneurial SMEs. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and sustainability, XI (3). pp. 54-96. ISSN 1176-8592


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Consumer Behaviour

Anchor, J.R and Lacinová, Tereza (2015) Czech wine consumers: maturing with age? E+M Ekonomie a Management, 18 (1). pp. 169-182. ISSN 12123609

contemporary art

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

contemporary music

Lim, Liza (2015) Speak, be Silent (18') violin concerto, Ricordi Berlin Sy4433/01. [Composition]

contemporary opera

Lim, Liza (2015) Tree of Codes, opera (90') for 3 singers and ensemble, libretto by Lim after Jonathan Safran Foer, Bruno Schulz, Goethe & Foucault. Ricordi Berlin Sy.4264/01. [Composition]

Content analysis

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117


Amhalhal, Abdallah Mohammed A, Anchor, J.R and Dastgir, Shabbir (2015) The effectiveness of the use of multiple performance measures : the influence of organisational contingencies. In: EURAM 15th Annual Conference, 17-20th June 2015, Warsaw Poland. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

corporate governance

Mswaka, Walter and Aluko, Olu (2015) Corporate governance practices and outcomes in social enterprises in the UK: a case study of South Yorkshire. International journal of public sector management, 28 (1). pp. 57-71. ISSN 0951-3558

Corporate social reporting

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117


Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Yang, Fu Steve, Zhang, Zhe and Leung, Vincent K. K. (2015) Determinants of Innovative Activities: Evidence from Europe and Central Asia Region. The Singapore Economic Review, 60 (1). ISSN 1793-6837

counter-tour guiding

Bridger, Alexander J. (2015) Psychogeographical counter-tour guiding: Theory and practice. In: IRFGT 2015. Abstracts & Selected Papers eBook. 4th International Research Forum on Guided Tours Estoril, Portugal 18th-21st March, 2015. Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, pp. 48-54. ISBN 978-989-20-6070-5

craft pedagogies

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

Creative Practice

Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225

creative practice research

Lim, Liza (2015) Creative isomorphism between object, idea and states of consciousness. In: 2nd International Conference on Music and Consciousness, 14-17 April 2015, Oxford University, UK. (Unpublished)

creative process

Dobson, E.D. and Littleton, K.S. (2015) Digital technologies and the mediation of undergraduate students’ collaborative music compositional practices. Learning, Media and Technology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1743-9884


Dobson, Elizabeth (2015) Permission to Play: Fostering Enterprise Creativities in Music Technology through Extracurricular Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9781472589132

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Andrew and Clement, Ellie (2015) Inspiring, Innovative and Creative Library Interventions: An i2c2 Compendium. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield, UK. ISBN 978-0-9576652-3-1

Critical realism

Khan, Zaheer and Nicholson, John (2015) Technological catch-up by component suppliers in the Pakistani automotive industry: a four-dimensional analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 50. pp. 40-50. ISSN 0019-8501

cruck frame

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

cruck frames

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Current Signature

Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Smith, Ann, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2015) The Detection of Shaft Misalignments using Motor Current Signals from a Sensorless Variable Speed Drive. In: Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery. Mechanisms and Machine Science (23). Springer, London, pp. 173-183. ISBN 978-3-319-09918-7

Curriculum Design

Bennett, Elizabeth (2015) The case for a curriculum development approach to developing students’ digital literacies. In: Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, national and international Perspectives. SRHE Annual Research Conference, 9 - 11 December 2015, Celtic Manor, Newport. (Unpublished)

Curvature radius

Hubert, C., Kubiak, Krzysztof, Bigerelle, M., Dubois, A. and Dubar, L. (2015) Identification of lubrication regime on textured surfaces by multi-scale decomposition. Tribology International, 82 (B). pp. 375-386. ISSN 0301-679X

Cutoff values

Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X

Czech Republic

Anchor, J.R and Lacinová, Tereza (2015) Czech wine consumers: maturing with age? E+M Ekonomie a Management, 18 (1). pp. 169-182. ISSN 12123609

D-glucosamine HCl

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

Data envelopment analysis

Johnes, Jill (2015) Operational Research in Education. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3). pp. 683-696. ISSN 0377-2217

Data mining

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2015) Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods. Computer Science Review, 17. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1574-0137


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

decision support systems

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6


Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.

Demand Driven Access

Stone, Graham and Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony (2015) The customer is always right? Assessing the value of Patron Driven Acquisition at the University of Huddersfield. Insights, 28 (1). pp. 22-31. ISSN 2048-7754


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

design process efficiency

Barrans, Simon, Eyre, Gareth and Goddard, Michael (2015) Bespoke Part Library for an SME for Enhanced Design Efficiency. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 500-504. ISSN 1662-7482

destination image

King, Ceridwyn, Chen, Nan and Funk, Daniel C. (2015) Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists' Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 3-31. ISSN 1096-3480


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Digital Literacies

Bennett, Elizabeth (2015) The case for a curriculum development approach to developing students’ digital literacies. In: Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, national and international Perspectives. SRHE Annual Research Conference, 9 - 11 December 2015, Celtic Manor, Newport. (Unpublished)

Bennett, Elizabeth (2015) A critical focus on digital literacies. In: Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, national and international Perspectives. SRHE Annual Research Conference, 9 - 11 December 2015, Celtic Manor, Newport.

Digital literacy

Ely, Val, Kaye, Vicky and Osborne, Antony (2015) Implementing an e-portfolio for non-medical prescribing modules. Nurse Prescribing, 13 (5). pp. 250-254. ISSN 1479-9189

Digital microscope

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

Directional characteristic

Lu, Wenlong, Yu, Nengguo, Zou, Xianglong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhou, Liping and Li, Tukun (2015) Evaluation of MEMS Structures with Directional Characteristics Based on FRAT and Lifting Wavelet. Procedia CIRP, 27. pp. 298-302. ISSN 2212-8271

Disaster management education

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

Disaster risk reduction

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

domestic abuse

Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4

Domestic homicide

Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4


Colli, Licia, Lancioni, Hovirag, Cardinali, Irene, Olivieri, Anna, Capodiferro, Marco Rosario, Pellecchia, Marco, Rzepus, Marcin, Zamani, Wahid, Naderi, Saeid, Gandini, Francesca, Vahidi, Seyed Mohammad Farhad, Agha, Saif, Randi, Ettore, Battaglia, Vincenza, Sardina, Maria Teresa, Portolano, Baldassare, Rezaei, Hamid Reza, Lymberakis, Petros, Boyer, Frédéric, Coissac, Eric, Pompanon, François, Taberlet, Pierre, Ajmone Marsan, Paolo and Achilli, Alessandro (2015) Whole mitochondrial genomes unveil the impact of domestication on goat matrilineal variability. BMC Genomics, 16. p. 1115. ISSN 1471-2164

double standard

Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Willis, Paul (2015) Preach wine and serve vinegar: Public relations, relationships and doublethink. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 681-688. ISSN 0363-8111

Drawing WWI Archive

MacDonald, Juliet (2015) Inhalation. [Show/Exhibition]


Shoukat, Kamran, Pilling, Sally, Rout, Simon, Bradbury, Jane and Humphreys, Paul (2015) A Systematic Comparison of Antimicrobial Wound Dressings using a Planktonic Cell and an Immobilised Cell Model. Kamran. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119 (6). pp. 1552-1560. ISSN 1364-5072

Drug administration

Garside, Joanne, Prescott, Stephen and Shaw, Susan Angela (2015) Intraosseous vascular access in critically ill adults-a review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care. ISSN 13621017

DSC hydration

Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711


Sztendel, S., Papananias, M. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Improving the Dynamic Performance of Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool by using the Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) Platform. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 170-180. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7


Jarvis, Christine (2015) How to be a woman. Models of masochism and sacrifice in young adult fiction. In: Popular Culture as Pedagogy: Research in the Field of Adult Education. Transgressions: cultural studies and education (112). Sense, Rotterdam, Boston, Tapei, pp. 135-150. ISBN 978-94-6300-272-1


Stone, Graham and Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony (2015) The customer is always right? Assessing the value of Patron Driven Acquisition at the University of Huddersfield. Insights, 28 (1). pp. 22-31. ISSN 2048-7754


Kenan, Thuraya, Elzawi, Abdussalam, Pislaru, Crinela and Restoum, Maysoun (2015) A Study on the Impact of ICT on Collaborative Learning Processes in Libyan Higher Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10 (1). pp. 172-190. ISSN 1694-2116


Ely, Val, Kaye, Vicky and Osborne, Antony (2015) Implementing an e-portfolio for non-medical prescribing modules. Nurse Prescribing, 13 (5). pp. 250-254. ISSN 1479-9189

early modern

von Lunen, Alexander (2015) Book Review: "Tanja Klemm, Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance, 2013". British Journal for the History of Science, 48 (3). pp. 507-508. ISSN 0007-0874

early recordings

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Willis, Paul (2015) Being social: creating a critical commons with public relations practice. In: The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 405-414. ISBN 9780415727334


Dobson, Elizabeth (2015) Permission to Play: Fostering Enterprise Creativities in Music Technology through Extracurricular Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9781472589132

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Orr, Kevin and Gao, Yun (2015) The enduring influence of the studio: how architects and architectural organizations in England are learning. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 7 to 11 September 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Edward Elgar

Milsom, David (2015) Ferdinand David Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet (Clive Brown and Ilias Devetzoglou, violins, David Milsom, viola, Tom Collingwood, cello, Miaoyin Qu, piano). In: Leeds University, LUCHIP, Historical Performance, 03/05/2016, Leeds University. (Unpublished)

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Electrical & Electronic

Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Electricity prices

Apergis, Nicholas and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2015) Structural Breaks and Electricity Prices: Further Evidence on the Role of Climate Policy Uncertainties in the Australian Electricity Market. Energy Economics, 52 (A). pp. 176-182. ISSN 1873-6181


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Ghorani, B., Goswami, Parikshit and Russell, Stephen J. (2015) Parametric Study of Electrospun Cellulose Acetate in Relation to Fibre Diameter. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 19 (4). pp. 24-40. ISSN 1560-6074


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

emergent cognition

Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225

emerging market

Amhalhal, Abdallah Mohammed A, Anchor, J.R and Dastgir, Shabbir (2015) The effectiveness of the use of multiple performance measures : the influence of organisational contingencies. In: EURAM 15th Annual Conference, 17-20th June 2015, Warsaw Poland. (Unpublished)

Emerging markets

Khan, Zaheer and Nicholson, John (2015) Technological catch-up by component suppliers in the Pakistani automotive industry: a four-dimensional analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 50. pp. 40-50. ISSN 0019-8501

employee shareholder

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2015) The employee shareholder: the unbearable lightness of being ... an employee in Britain. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 22 (1). pp. 81-95. ISSN 1023-263X

end of life care

Morris, Sara M., King, Claire, Turner, Mary and Payne, Sheila (2015) Family carers providing support to a person dying in the home setting: a narrative literature review. Palliative Medicine, 29 (6). pp. 487-495. ISSN 1477-030X


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ensemble Contrechamps

Lim, Liza (2015) Speak, be Silent (18') violin concerto, Ricordi Berlin Sy4433/01. [Composition]

Ensemble MusikFabrik

Lim, Liza (2015) Tree of Codes, opera (90') for 3 singers and ensemble, libretto by Lim after Jonathan Safran Foer, Bruno Schulz, Goethe & Foucault. Ricordi Berlin Sy.4264/01. [Composition]


Dobson, Elizabeth (2015) Permission to Play: Fostering Enterprise Creativities in Music Technology through Extracurricular Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9781472589132

enterprise education

Smith, Kelly (2015) Measuring the impact of enterprise education and entrepreneurship support in higher education: Can routinely collected data be of use? Industry and Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 493-503. ISSN 0950-4222

Smith, Kelly and Jensen, Kathrine (2015) Evaluating use of the SimVenture computer-based business simulation. In: ISBE Conference 2015, 10th - 12th November 2015, Glasgow.

Enterprise Surface Design Innovation

Harris, Joanne.M. (2015) Making it Real: Enterprise and Innnovation. In: The Surface Design Show 2015, 10th-12th February 2015, Business Design Centre London. (Submitted)

entrepreneurial orientation

Muhammad, Noor, Day, John, Ali, Ijaz and Sabir, Muhammad (2015) Entrepreneurial orientation in a conflict environment: An analysis of high and low entrepreneurial SMEs. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and sustainability, XI (3). pp. 54-96. ISSN 1176-8592

entrepreneurship education

Smith, Kelly (2015) Measuring the impact of enterprise education and entrepreneurship support in higher education: Can routinely collected data be of use? Industry and Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 493-503. ISSN 0950-4222

Smith, Kelly and Jensen, Kathrine (2015) Evaluating use of the SimVenture computer-based business simulation. In: ISBE Conference 2015, 10th - 12th November 2015, Glasgow.

Ethel Hobday

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

EU legislation

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2015) The employee shareholder: the unbearable lightness of being ... an employee in Britain. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 22 (1). pp. 81-95. ISSN 1023-263X

EUV laser

Rossall, A. K. and Tallents, G. J. (2015) Generation of Warm Dense Matter using an Argon based Capillary Discharge Laser. High Energy Density Physics, 15. pp. 67-70. ISSN 1574-1818


Garside, Joanne, Bailey, Rowan, Tyas, Moira, Topping, Annie, Stone, Graham, Ormrod, Graham and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2015) Developing a Culture of Publication: a joint enterprise writing retreat. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 429-442. ISSN 2050-7003

Hanley, Pam and Blower, Sarah (2015) Trials: minimising failure,maximising success. Better: Evidence-based education, 7 (2). pp. 10-11. ISSN 2041-9236

Event study

Fung, Ka Wai Terence, Demir, Ender, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chan, Kwok Ho (2015) Reexamining Sports-Sentiment Hypothesis: Microeconomic Evidences from Borsa Istanbul. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 34. pp. 337-355. ISSN 1042-4431

Exploitative alliances

Leung, Vincent K. K., Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Zhang, Zhe and Gu, Flora F. (2015) Explorative versus Exploitative Alliances: Evidence from the Glass Industry in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13 (2). pp. 127-146. ISSN 1476-5284

Explorative alliances

Leung, Vincent K. K., Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Zhang, Zhe and Gu, Flora F. (2015) Explorative versus Exploitative Alliances: Evidence from the Glass Industry in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13 (2). pp. 127-146. ISSN 1476-5284

Factor analysis

Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367

family carers

Morris, Sara M., King, Claire, Turner, Mary and Payne, Sheila (2015) Family carers providing support to a person dying in the home setting: a narrative literature review. Palliative Medicine, 29 (6). pp. 487-495. ISSN 1477-030X

far-infrared (far-IR)

Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Conlon, Jo (2015) Embedding Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) in Higher Education: A Case Study in Fashion Business. In: The future of professions, professionalism and professional learning – a conversation, 13th - 14th July 2015, University of Huddersfield, School of Education and Professional Development. (Unpublished)


Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Felix Mendelssohn

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio' at the 'HIP Happening in Huddersfield' festival, 2015. In: The Romantic Piano Trio, 24 April 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield.

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

feminist ethics

Lomax, Helen (2015) Seen and heard? Ethics and agency in participatory visual research with children, young people and families. Families, Relationships and Societies, 4 (3). pp. 493-502. ISSN 2046-7435

Ferdinand David Ensemble

Milsom, David (2015) Ferdinand David Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet (Clive Brown and Ilias Devetzoglou, violins, David Milsom, viola, Tom Collingwood, cello, Miaoyin Qu, piano). In: Leeds University, LUCHIP, Historical Performance, 03/05/2016, Leeds University. (Unpublished)

Fibre diameter

Ghorani, B., Goswami, Parikshit and Russell, Stephen J. (2015) Parametric Study of Electrospun Cellulose Acetate in Relation to Fibre Diameter. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 19 (4). pp. 24-40. ISSN 1560-6074


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282


Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Film Sound Mixing

Hughes, Braham C. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (2015) An Investigation Into Plausibility In the Mixing of Foley Sounds In Film And Television. In: 138th International Audio Engineering Society Convention 2015, 7th - 10th May 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

Financial crisis

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

finite element analysis

Sahboun, Salahaddin and Barrans, Simon (2015) Simulating Torsional Slip in V-band Clamp Joints. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 53-58. ISSN 1662-7482

Finite Radon Transform

Lu, Wenlong, Yu, Nengguo, Zou, Xianglong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhou, Liping and Li, Tukun (2015) Evaluation of MEMS Structures with Directional Characteristics Based on FRAT and Lifting Wavelet. Procedia CIRP, 27. pp. 298-302. ISSN 2212-8271

First World War

MacDonald, Juliet (2015) Displaying the Head of Victory. In: Thought Positions in Sculpture. Public Symposium, 12 November 2015, Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

five-axis machine tool

Papananias, M., Sztendel, S. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Development of a Novel MultiBody Mechatronic Model for Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 379-389. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5


Millard, Luke and Hargreaves, Janet (2015) Creatively employing funding to support innovation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3). pp. 335-344. ISSN 1470-3297

Flipped learning

Mavromihales, Mike (2015) A methodology for delivering manufacturing technology and workshop appreciation to undergraduate engineers & technologists. In: Inspire Conference, 14 January 2015, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Submitted)

Fluorescence microscopy

Dodson, C. A., Wedge, Christopher J., Murakami, M., Maeda, K., Wallace, M. I. and Hore, P. J. (2015) Fluorescence-detected magnetic field effects on radical pair reactions from femtolitre volumes. Chemical Communications, 51 (38). pp. 8023-8026. ISSN 1359-7345

Foreign direct investment

Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Yang, Fu Steve, Zhang, Zhe and Leung, Vincent K. K. (2015) Determinants of Innovative Activities: Evidence from Europe and Central Asia Region. The Singapore Economic Review, 60 (1). ISSN 1793-6837

foreign ownership

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177


van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Four's Company

Milsom, David (2015) Four’s Company: Sonatas and Trios including sonatas by Henry Purcell (David Milsom and Amanda Babington, baroque violins; John Bryan, bass viol; Graham Cummings, organ/harpsichord). In: Four's Company, 15 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Hubert, C., Kubiak, Krzysztof, Bigerelle, M., Dubois, A. and Dubar, L. (2015) Identification of lubrication regime on textured surfaces by multi-scale decomposition. Tribology International, 82 (B). pp. 375-386. ISSN 0301-679X

Franz Schubert

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio' at the 'HIP Happening in Huddersfield' festival, 2015. In: The Romantic Piano Trio, 24 April 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield.

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Hubert, C., Kubiak, Krzysztof, Bigerelle, M., Dubois, A. and Dubar, L. (2015) Identification of lubrication regime on textured surfaces by multi-scale decomposition. Tribology International, 82 (B). pp. 375-386. ISSN 0301-679X

Sahboun, Salahaddin and Barrans, Simon (2015) Simulating Torsional Slip in V-band Clamp Joints. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 53-58. ISSN 1662-7482

Friendly fire

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

functional magnetic resonance imaging

Paterson, Louise M., Flechais, Remy S. A., Murphy, Anna, Reed, Laurence J., Abbott, Sanja, Boyapati, Venkataramana, Elliott, Rebecca, Erritzoe, David, Ersche, Karen D., Faluyi, Yetunde, Faravelli, Luca, Fernandez-Egea, Emilio, Kalk, Nicola J., Kuchibatla, Shankar S., McGonigle, John, Metastasio, Antonio, Mick, Inge, Nestor, Liam, Orban, Csaba, Passetti, Filippo, Rabiner, Eugenii A., Smith, Dana G., Suckling, John, Tait, Roger, Taylor, Eleanor M., Waldman, Adam D., Robbins, Trevor W., Deakin, J. F. William, Nutt, David J. and Lingford-Hughes, Anne R. (2015) The Imperial College Cambridge Manchester (ICCAM) platform study: An experimental medicine platform for evaluating new drugs relapse prevention in addiction. Part A: Study description. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29 (9). pp. 943-960. ISSN 0269-8811


Millard, Luke and Hargreaves, Janet (2015) Creatively employing funding to support innovation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3). pp. 335-344. ISSN 1470-3297

Game Based Learning

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Innovative pedagogies series: Game based learning and IT literacy. Case Study. Higher Education Academy, York.

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Playful Information Literacy: Play and information Literacy in Higher Education. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 7 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 1890-5900

Gellan gum

Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Palme, Pia (2015) The Politics of Resonance. Divergence Press (4). ISSN 20523467


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.


Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614

Global gold markets

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219


Mswaka, Walter and Aluko, Olu (2015) Corporate governance practices and outcomes in social enterprises in the UK: a case study of South Yorkshire. International journal of public sector management, 28 (1). pp. 57-71. ISSN 0951-3558

Goat mitochondrial genome

Colli, Licia, Lancioni, Hovirag, Cardinali, Irene, Olivieri, Anna, Capodiferro, Marco Rosario, Pellecchia, Marco, Rzepus, Marcin, Zamani, Wahid, Naderi, Saeid, Gandini, Francesca, Vahidi, Seyed Mohammad Farhad, Agha, Saif, Randi, Ettore, Battaglia, Vincenza, Sardina, Maria Teresa, Portolano, Baldassare, Rezaei, Hamid Reza, Lymberakis, Petros, Boyer, Frédéric, Coissac, Eric, Pompanon, François, Taberlet, Pierre, Ajmone Marsan, Paolo and Achilli, Alessandro (2015) Whole mitochondrial genomes unveil the impact of domestication on goat matrilineal variability. BMC Genomics, 16. p. 1115. ISSN 1471-2164

Government ownership

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

GPU CUDA GPU cluster Parallelisation

Newall, Matthew, Holmes, Violeta, Venters, Colin and Lunn, Paul (2015) Delivering Faster Results Through Parallelisation and GPU Acceleration. In: Intelligent Systems in Science and Information 2014. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 519 . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 309-320. ISBN 978-3-319-14654-6

great tits

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Palme, Pia (2015) The Politics of Resonance. Divergence Press (4). ISSN 20523467

Harriet Cohen

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614


Milsom, David (2015) Classical trios and string quartets, including Beethoven Quartet op. 18/4 (David Milsom and Lara James, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; Tom Collingwood, cello). Pre-concert talk by David Milsom. In: 'Laus Deo': an Evening of Haydn and Beethoven, 30 Oct 2015, Christ Church, Litton, Derbyshire. (Unpublished)


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Helicobacter pylori - absorption - replacement therap

Fiorini, Giulia, Bland, John Martin, Hughes, Elizabeth, Castelli, Valentina and Vaira, Dino (2015) A systematic review on drugs absorption modifications after eradication in Helicobacter pylori positive patients undergoing replacement therapy. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, 24 (1). pp. 95-100. ISSN 18418724

Hellerau European Centre for Contemporary Art

Lim, Liza (2015) Tree of Codes, opera (90') for 3 singers and ensemble, libretto by Lim after Jonathan Safran Foer, Bruno Schulz, Goethe & Foucault. Ricordi Berlin Sy.4264/01. [Composition]


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

High-energy-density matter

Rossall, A. K. and Tallents, G. J. (2015) Generation of Warm Dense Matter using an Argon based Capillary Discharge Laser. High Energy Density Physics, 15. pp. 67-70. ISSN 1574-1818

Higher Education

Bennett, Elizabeth (2015) A critical focus on digital literacies. In: Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, national and international Perspectives. SRHE Annual Research Conference, 9 - 11 December 2015, Celtic Manor, Newport.

Conlon, Jo (2015) Embedding Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) in Higher Education: A Case Study in Fashion Business. In: The future of professions, professionalism and professional learning – a conversation, 13th - 14th July 2015, University of Huddersfield, School of Education and Professional Development. (Unpublished)

Jarvis, Christine (2015) Developing HE Professionals: The Importance of Adult Education Theory and Practice. In: Standing Conference of University Teachers and Researchers in the Education of Adults, 7-9 July 2015, Leeds, UK.

Kenan, Thuraya, Elzawi, Abdussalam, Pislaru, Crinela and Restoum, Maysoun (2015) A Study on the Impact of ICT on Collaborative Learning Processes in Libyan Higher Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10 (1). pp. 172-190. ISSN 1694-2116

Smith, Kelly (2015) Measuring the impact of enterprise education and entrepreneurship support in higher education: Can routinely collected data be of use? Industry and Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 493-503. ISSN 0950-4222

Stamp, Elizabeth, Crust, Lee, Swann, Christian, Perry, John, Clough, Peter J. and Marchant, David (2015) Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 75. pp. 170-174. ISSN 0191-8869

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Playful Information Literacy: Play and information Literacy in Higher Education. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 7 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 1890-5900

historic buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Historical Performance

Milsom, David (2015) Classical trios and string quartets, including Beethoven Quartet op. 18/4 (David Milsom and Lara James, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; Tom Collingwood, cello). Pre-concert talk by David Milsom. In: 'Laus Deo': an Evening of Haydn and Beethoven, 30 Oct 2015, Christ Church, Litton, Derbyshire. (Unpublished)

Milsom, David (2015) Ferdinand David Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet (Clive Brown and Ilias Devetzoglou, violins, David Milsom, viola, Tom Collingwood, cello, Miaoyin Qu, piano). In: Leeds University, LUCHIP, Historical Performance, 03/05/2016, Leeds University. (Unpublished)

Milsom, David (2015) Four’s Company: Sonatas and Trios including sonatas by Henry Purcell (David Milsom and Amanda Babington, baroque violins; John Bryan, bass viol; Graham Cummings, organ/harpsichord). In: Four's Company, 15 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio' at the 'HIP Happening in Huddersfield' festival, 2015. In: The Romantic Piano Trio, 24 April 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield.

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Historically Informed Performance

Milsom, David (2015) Classical trios and string quartets, including Beethoven Quartet op. 18/4 (David Milsom and Lara James, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; Tom Collingwood, cello). Pre-concert talk by David Milsom. In: 'Laus Deo': an Evening of Haydn and Beethoven, 30 Oct 2015, Christ Church, Litton, Derbyshire. (Unpublished)

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio' at the 'HIP Happening in Huddersfield' festival, 2015. In: The Romantic Piano Trio, 24 April 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield.

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

history of science

von Lunen, Alexander (2015) Book Review: "Tanja Klemm, Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance, 2013". British Journal for the History of Science, 48 (3). pp. 507-508. ISSN 0007-0874

Holistic care

Ali, Gulnar, Wattis, John and Snowden, Michael (2015) Why are Spiritual Aspects of Care so hard to Address in Nursing Education?’ A Literature Review (1993-2015). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 2 (1). pp. 7-31. ISSN 2059-4976


Morris, Sara M., King, Claire, Turner, Mary and Payne, Sheila (2015) Family carers providing support to a person dying in the home setting: a narrative literature review. Palliative Medicine, 29 (6). pp. 487-495. ISSN 1477-030X

Hornsey College of Art

Rowley, Alison (2015) Paul Neagu and Touch. In: Paul Neagu: Palpable Sculpture exhibition, 21 October 2015, The Henry Moore Institute. (Unpublished)

human resources

Savage, Christopher J., Jenkins, Andrew Kevin and Fransman, Logan (2015) Understanding the effect of skilled labour resource shortages on supply chain sustainability: a review of the logistics skills gap in southern Africa. In: The 20th LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop 2015, 9th to 11th September 2015, University of Derby (UK. (Unpublished)


Taylor, Andrew (2015) HYBRID: TRANSDISCIPLINARY: TRANSFORMATIVE: An instance of travelling in practice-led research: Talk in 5 minutes. In: PhD By Design Satellite Session Leeds - PhD by Design - ‘Making knowledge travel: exploring modes of dissemination for practice-based design research’, Thursday the 14th May 2015, Leeds College of Art , Leeds, UK.

Hydrodynamic modelling

Rossall, A. K. and Tallents, G. J. (2015) Generation of Warm Dense Matter using an Argon based Capillary Discharge Laser. High Energy Density Physics, 15. pp. 67-70. ISSN 1574-1818

hypervalent iodine

Alhalib, Ali, Kamouka, Somaia and Moran, Wesley J. (2015) Iodoarene-Catalyzed Cyclizations of Unsaturated Amides. Organic Letters, 17 (6). pp. 1453-1456. ISSN 1523-7060


Walsh, Andrew and Clement, Ellie (2015) Inspiring, Innovative and Creative Library Interventions: An i2c2 Compendium. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield, UK. ISBN 978-0-9576652-3-1


Kenan, Thuraya, Elzawi, Abdussalam, Pislaru, Crinela and Restoum, Maysoun (2015) A Study on the Impact of ICT on Collaborative Learning Processes in Libyan Higher Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10 (1). pp. 172-190. ISSN 1694-2116

image decay

King, Ceridwyn, Chen, Nan and Funk, Daniel C. (2015) Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists' Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 3-31. ISSN 1096-3480

Image of Thought

Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Smith, Kelly (2015) Measuring the impact of enterprise education and entrepreneurship support in higher education: Can routinely collected data be of use? Industry and Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 493-503. ISSN 0950-4222


Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

Individual-investor sentiment

Fung, Ka Wai Terence, Demir, Ender, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chan, Kwok Ho (2015) Reexamining Sports-Sentiment Hypothesis: Microeconomic Evidences from Borsa Istanbul. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 34. pp. 337-355. ISSN 1042-4431


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

Indonesian economy and policy evolutions

Ercole, Roberto (2015) The Impact of Agglomeration Externalities on Manufacturing Growth within Indonesian Locations. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

industrial mills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

inflammatory skin diseases

Hennies, Hans C. (2015) All is balanced: inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitors as unseen extracellular matrix proteins in epidermal morphology and differentiation. Experimental dermatology, 24 (9). pp. 661-662. ISSN 1600-0625

Informal sector

Onnis, Luisanna and Tirelli, Patrizio (2015) Shadow Economy: Does it Matter for Money Velocity? Empirical Economics, 49 (3). pp. 839-858. ISSN 0377-7332

Information Literacy

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Innovative pedagogies series: Game based learning and IT literacy. Case Study. Higher Education Academy, York.

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Playful Information Literacy: Play and information Literacy in Higher Education. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 7 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 1890-5900


Millard, Luke and Hargreaves, Janet (2015) Creatively employing funding to support innovation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3). pp. 335-344. ISSN 1470-3297

Mswaka, Walter and Aluko, Olu (2015) Corporate governance practices and outcomes in social enterprises in the UK: a case study of South Yorkshire. International journal of public sector management, 28 (1). pp. 57-71. ISSN 0951-3558

Walsh, Andrew and Clement, Ellie (2015) Inspiring, Innovative and Creative Library Interventions: An i2c2 Compendium. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield, UK. ISBN 978-0-9576652-3-1


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Institutional ownership

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Internet Bandwidth Constraints

Kenan, Thuraya, Elzawi, Abdussalam, Pislaru, Crinela and Restoum, Maysoun (2015) A Study on the Impact of ICT on Collaborative Learning Processes in Libyan Higher Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10 (1). pp. 172-190. ISSN 1694-2116


Dobson, E.D. and Littleton, K.S. (2015) Digital technologies and the mediation of undergraduate students’ collaborative music compositional practices. Learning, Media and Technology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1743-9884


Garside, Joanne, Prescott, Stephen and Shaw, Susan Angela (2015) Intraosseous vascular access in critically ill adults-a review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care. ISSN 13621017

Ion implantation

Naidoo, Mervin, Motochi, Isaac, Mathe, Mbekimusa, Erasmus, Rudolph, Aradi, Emily and Derry, Trevor Edward (2015) Surface Brillouin scattering on annealed ion-implanted CVD diamond. Diamond and Related Materials, 56. pp. 6-12. ISSN 0925-9635

Issue 4. Art. No.: CD006037

Terplan, Mishka, Ramanadhan, Shaalini, Locke, Abigail, Longinaker, Nyaradzo and Lui, Steve (2015) Psychosocial interventions for pregnant women in outpatient illicit drug treatment programs compared to other interventions. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. ISSN 1464-780X


Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

Jurg Frey

Thomas, Philip (2015) Grizzana. [Audio]

Thomas, Philip (2015) Jürg Frey - Circles and Landscapes. [Audio]


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Kirkpatrick four levels

Garside, Joanne, Bailey, Rowan, Tyas, Moira, Topping, Annie, Stone, Graham, Ormrod, Graham and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2015) Developing a Culture of Publication: a joint enterprise writing retreat. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 429-442. ISSN 2050-7003

Knowledge transfer

Khan, Zaheer and Nicholson, John (2015) Technological catch-up by component suppliers in the Pakistani automotive industry: a four-dimensional analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 50. pp. 40-50. ISSN 0019-8501

Landscape Geotextiles Design Practice-led Weave

Redmore, Nicola (2015) Open to change: slowing down to explore and innovate. In: FTC Futurescan 3: Intersecting Identities, 11-12 November 2015, The Glasgow School of Art.


McKie, David and Willis, Paul (2015) Advancing tendencies? PR leadership, general leadership, and leadership pedagogy. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 628-635. ISSN 0363-8111


McKie, David and Willis, Paul (2015) Advancing tendencies? PR leadership, general leadership, and leadership pedagogy. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 628-635. ISSN 0363-8111

Learning Development Academic Skills Collaboration Curriculum Design

Tinker, Amanda and Hill, Pat (2015) Curriculum Collaboration: Combining Strengths to Develop Student Learning. In: ALDinHE 2015: The Learning Development Conference, 30th March – 1st April 2015, Southampton Solent University.

learning technology

Smith, Kelly and Jensen, Kathrine (2015) Evaluating use of the SimVenture computer-based business simulation. In: ISBE Conference 2015, 10th - 12th November 2015, Glasgow.


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

Leeds University

Milsom, David (2015) Ferdinand David Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet (Clive Brown and Ilias Devetzoglou, violins, David Milsom, viola, Tom Collingwood, cello, Miaoyin Qu, piano). In: Leeds University, LUCHIP, Historical Performance, 03/05/2016, Leeds University. (Unpublished)


Redmore, Nicola (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]


Walsh, Andrew (2015) Innovative pedagogies series: Game based learning and IT literacy. Case Study. Higher Education Academy, York.

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Playful Information Literacy: Play and information Literacy in Higher Education. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 7 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 1890-5900


Walsh, Andrew and Clement, Ellie (2015) Inspiring, Innovative and Creative Library Interventions: An i2c2 Compendium. Innovative Libraries, Huddersfield, UK. ISBN 978-0-9576652-3-1


Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117

Lifelong learning

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

Lifting wavelet

Lu, Wenlong, Yu, Nengguo, Zou, Xianglong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhou, Liping and Li, Tukun (2015) Evaluation of MEMS Structures with Directional Characteristics Based on FRAT and Lifting Wavelet. Procedia CIRP, 27. pp. 298-302. ISSN 2212-8271


Willis, Paul (2015) Preach wine and serve vinegar: Public relations, relationships and doublethink. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 681-688. ISSN 0363-8111

local history sheffield

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

logistics skills shortages

Savage, Christopher J., Jenkins, Andrew Kevin and Fransman, Logan (2015) Understanding the effect of skilled labour resource shortages on supply chain sustainability: a review of the logistics skills gap in southern Africa. In: The 20th LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop 2015, 9th to 11th September 2015, University of Derby (UK. (Unpublished)

longitudinal study

King, Ceridwyn, Chen, Nan and Funk, Daniel C. (2015) Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists' Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 3-31. ISSN 1096-3480

low-income housing

Comlay, Julie and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2015) Building Information Modelling [BIM] for energy efficiency in housing refurbishments. In: EURO-ELECS 2015 - Latin American and European Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Communities, 21st - 23rd July 2015, Guimaraes, Portugal.


Milsom, David (2015) Ferdinand David Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet (Clive Brown and Ilias Devetzoglou, violins, David Milsom, viola, Tom Collingwood, cello, Miaoyin Qu, piano). In: Leeds University, LUCHIP, Historical Performance, 03/05/2016, Leeds University. (Unpublished)

Machine Learning

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2015) Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods. Computer Science Review, 17. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1574-0137

machine tool model

Papananias, M., Sztendel, S. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Development of a Novel MultiBody Mechatronic Model for Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 379-389. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5

machine tool modeling

Sztendel, S., Papananias, M. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Improving the Dynamic Performance of Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool by using the Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) Platform. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 170-180. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5

machine tool performance

Sztendel, S., Papananias, M. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Improving the Dynamic Performance of Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool by using the Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) Platform. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 170-180. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5

Macroeconomic variables

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219


Taylor, Nik and Nolan, Stuart (2015) Performing Fabulous Monsters: Re-inventing the Gothic Personae in Bizarre Magic. In: Monstrous media/spectral subjects: Imaging Gothic from the nineteenth century to the present. Manchester University Press, pp. 128-142. ISBN 978-0-7190-8977-0

magnesium aluminium silicate

Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711

Magnetic fields

Dodson, C. A., Wedge, Christopher J., Murakami, M., Maeda, K., Wallace, M. I. and Hore, P. J. (2015) Fluorescence-detected magnetic field effects on radical pair reactions from femtolitre volumes. Chemical Communications, 51 (38). pp. 8023-8026. ISSN 1359-7345


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Conlon, Jo (2015) Embedding Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) in Higher Education: A Case Study in Fashion Business. In: The future of professions, professionalism and professional learning – a conversation, 13th - 14th July 2015, University of Huddersfield, School of Education and Professional Development. (Unpublished)

manager’s experiences

Yeadon-Lee, Annie (2015) Psychological climates in action learning sets: A manager’s perspective. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 12 (3). pp. 261-275. ISSN 1476-7333

Market efficiency

Fung, Ka Wai Terence, Demir, Ender, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chan, Kwok Ho (2015) Reexamining Sports-Sentiment Hypothesis: Microeconomic Evidences from Borsa Istanbul. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 34. pp. 337-355. ISSN 1042-4431

Markov processes

Johnes, Jill (2015) Operational Research in Education. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3). pp. 683-696. ISSN 0377-2217

masonry repair

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

material loss volume

Racasan, Radu, Bills, Paul J., Blunt, Liam, Hart, Alister and Skinner, John (2015) Method for Characterization of Material Loss from Modular Head-Stem Taper Surfaces of Hip Replacement Devices. In: Modularity and Tapers in Total Joint Replacement Devices. Selected technical papers (STP159). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, pp. 132-146. ISBN 978-0-8031-7627-0

Mathematical programming

Johnes, Jill (2015) Operational Research in Education. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3). pp. 683-696. ISSN 0377-2217


Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X

Smith, Kelly (2015) Measuring the impact of enterprise education and entrepreneurship support in higher education: Can routinely collected data be of use? Industry and Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 493-503. ISSN 0950-4222

Mechanical properties

Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317

Mechanically integrating

Maktabi, Mohamad, Carnie, Bruce, Mao, N. and Goswami, Parikshit (2015) Enhancement of the Aesthetics Appearance and Softness of Knitted Spacer Fabric. In: 5th Smartex - 2015 Egypt (World Textiles Conference), 23-25 November 2015, Karf El-Shaikh, Egypt.


Papananias, M., Sztendel, S. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Development of a Novel MultiBody Mechatronic Model for Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 379-389. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5


Klontzas, Michael (2015) Public service objectives: Contestability and Renegotiation. International Journal of Digital Television, 6 (2). pp. 97-101. ISSN 2040-4182


von Lunen, Alexander (2015) Book Review: "Tanja Klemm, Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance, 2013". British Journal for the History of Science, 48 (3). pp. 507-508. ISSN 0007-0874

Meiningen Ensemble

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

MEMS structure

Lu, Wenlong, Yu, Nengguo, Zou, Xianglong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhou, Liping and Li, Tukun (2015) Evaluation of MEMS Structures with Directional Characteristics Based on FRAT and Lifting Wavelet. Procedia CIRP, 27. pp. 298-302. ISSN 2212-8271

mental health

Lewis, Kiara and MacKenzie, Abi (2015) Should strategies to tackle childhood obesity also focus on mental health? British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (9). pp. 434-438. ISSN 1752-2803

Mental toughness

Stamp, Elizabeth, Crust, Lee, Swann, Christian, Perry, John, Clough, Peter J. and Marchant, David (2015) Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 75. pp. 170-174. ISSN 0191-8869


Stone, Graham (2015) The benefits of resource discovery for publishers: a librarian’s view. Learned Publishing, 28 (2). pp. 106-113. ISSN 0260-9428


Racasan, Radu, Bills, Paul J., Blunt, Liam, Hart, Alister and Skinner, John (2015) Method for Characterization of Material Loss from Modular Head-Stem Taper Surfaces of Hip Replacement Devices. In: Modularity and Tapers in Total Joint Replacement Devices. Selected technical papers (STP159). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, pp. 132-146. ISBN 978-0-8031-7627-0


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282


van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.

military psychology

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181


Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Smith, Ann, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2015) The Detection of Shaft Misalignments using Motor Current Signals from a Sensorless Variable Speed Drive. In: Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery. Mechanisms and Machine Science (23). Springer, London, pp. 173-183. ISBN 978-3-319-09918-7

mixed methods

Marshall, Joyce, Spiby, Helen and McCormick, Felicia (2015) Evaluating the ‘Focus on Normal Birth and Reducing Caesarean section Rates Rapid Improvement Programme’: A mixed method study in England. Midwifery, 31 (2). pp. 332-340. ISSN 02666138

Modification indices

Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X

Money demand

Onnis, Luisanna and Tirelli, Patrizio (2015) Shadow Economy: Does it Matter for Money Velocity? Empirical Economics, 49 (3). pp. 839-858. ISSN 0377-7332

Money velocity

Onnis, Luisanna and Tirelli, Patrizio (2015) Shadow Economy: Does it Matter for Money Velocity? Empirical Economics, 49 (3). pp. 839-858. ISSN 0377-7332

Moral behavior

Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367


Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367


Ghorani, B., Goswami, Parikshit and Russell, Stephen J. (2015) Parametric Study of Electrospun Cellulose Acetate in Relation to Fibre Diameter. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 19 (4). pp. 24-40. ISSN 1560-6074


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Motor control

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Motor decoupling

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

motor response

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

moving image

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

mtDNA haplogroups

Colli, Licia, Lancioni, Hovirag, Cardinali, Irene, Olivieri, Anna, Capodiferro, Marco Rosario, Pellecchia, Marco, Rzepus, Marcin, Zamani, Wahid, Naderi, Saeid, Gandini, Francesca, Vahidi, Seyed Mohammad Farhad, Agha, Saif, Randi, Ettore, Battaglia, Vincenza, Sardina, Maria Teresa, Portolano, Baldassare, Rezaei, Hamid Reza, Lymberakis, Petros, Boyer, Frédéric, Coissac, Eric, Pompanon, François, Taberlet, Pierre, Ajmone Marsan, Paolo and Achilli, Alessandro (2015) Whole mitochondrial genomes unveil the impact of domestication on goat matrilineal variability. BMC Genomics, 16. p. 1115. ISSN 1471-2164

multibody model

Papananias, M., Sztendel, S. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Development of a Novel MultiBody Mechatronic Model for Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 379-389. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5


Gruber, R., Sugarman, J.L., Crumrine, D., Hupe, M., Mauro, T.M., Mauldin, E.A., Thyssen, J.P., Brandner, J.M., Hennies, Hans C., Schmuth, M. and Elias, P.M. (2015) Sebaceous gland, hair shaft, and epidermal barrier abnormalities in keratosis pilaris with and without filaggrin deficiency. The American Journal of Pathology, 185 (4). pp. 1012-1021. ISSN 0002-9440


Dobson, E.D. and Littleton, K.S. (2015) Digital technologies and the mediation of undergraduate students’ collaborative music compositional practices. Learning, Media and Technology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1743-9884

Dobson, Elizabeth (2015) Permission to Play: Fostering Enterprise Creativities in Music Technology through Extracurricular Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9781472589132

Music and Consciousness

Lim, Liza (2015) Creative isomorphism between object, idea and states of consciousness. In: 2nd International Conference on Music and Consciousness, 14-17 April 2015, Oxford University, UK. (Unpublished)

Music Technology

Dobson, Elizabeth (2015) Permission to Play: Fostering Enterprise Creativities in Music Technology through Extracurricular Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9781472589132

Hughes, Braham C. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (2015) An Investigation Into Plausibility In the Mixing of Foley Sounds In Film And Television. In: 138th International Audio Engineering Society Convention 2015, 7th - 10th May 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

Mutual funds

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

mystery performer

Taylor, Nik and Nolan, Stuart (2015) Performing Fabulous Monsters: Re-inventing the Gothic Personae in Bizarre Magic. In: Monstrous media/spectral subjects: Imaging Gothic from the nineteenth century to the present. Manchester University Press, pp. 128-142. ISBN 978-0-7190-8977-0


Ghorani, B., Goswami, Parikshit and Russell, Stephen J. (2015) Parametric Study of Electrospun Cellulose Acetate in Relation to Fibre Diameter. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 19 (4). pp. 24-40. ISSN 1560-6074

National Childhood Measurement Scheme

Lewis, Kiara and MacKenzie, Abi (2015) Should strategies to tackle childhood obesity also focus on mental health? British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (9). pp. 434-438. ISSN 1752-2803


Rowley, Alison (2015) Paul Neagu and Touch. In: Paul Neagu: Palpable Sculpture exhibition, 21 October 2015, The Henry Moore Institute. (Unpublished)

nesting blue tits

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Neural Networks

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.


Fung, Ka Wai Terence, Demir, Ender, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chan, Kwok Ho (2015) Reexamining Sports-Sentiment Hypothesis: Microeconomic Evidences from Borsa Istanbul. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 34. pp. 337-355. ISSN 1042-4431

neurokinin 1 receptor

Paterson, Louise M., Flechais, Remy S. A., Murphy, Anna, Reed, Laurence J., Abbott, Sanja, Boyapati, Venkataramana, Elliott, Rebecca, Erritzoe, David, Ersche, Karen D., Faluyi, Yetunde, Faravelli, Luca, Fernandez-Egea, Emilio, Kalk, Nicola J., Kuchibatla, Shankar S., McGonigle, John, Metastasio, Antonio, Mick, Inge, Nestor, Liam, Orban, Csaba, Passetti, Filippo, Rabiner, Eugenii A., Smith, Dana G., Suckling, John, Tait, Roger, Taylor, Eleanor M., Waldman, Adam D., Robbins, Trevor W., Deakin, J. F. William, Nutt, David J. and Lingford-Hughes, Anne R. (2015) The Imperial College Cambridge Manchester (ICCAM) platform study: An experimental medicine platform for evaluating new drugs relapse prevention in addiction. Part A: Study description. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29 (9). pp. 943-960. ISSN 0269-8811

new rules

de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre (2015) The employee shareholder: the unbearable lightness of being ... an employee in Britain. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 22 (1). pp. 81-95. ISSN 1023-263X

Niels Gade

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio' at the 'HIP Happening in Huddersfield' festival, 2015. In: The Romantic Piano Trio, 24 April 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield.

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

nineteenth-century performance

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Non-medical prescribing

Ely, Val, Kaye, Vicky and Osborne, Antony (2015) Implementing an e-portfolio for non-medical prescribing modules. Nurse Prescribing, 13 (5). pp. 250-254. ISSN 1479-9189

normal birth

Marshall, Joyce, Spiby, Helen and McCormick, Felicia (2015) Evaluating the ‘Focus on Normal Birth and Reducing Caesarean section Rates Rapid Improvement Programme’: A mixed method study in England. Midwifery, 31 (2). pp. 332-340. ISSN 02666138


Garside, Joanne, Prescott, Stephen and Shaw, Susan Angela (2015) Intraosseous vascular access in critically ill adults-a review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care. ISSN 13621017

Nursing Education

Ali, Gulnar, Wattis, John and Snowden, Michael (2015) Why are Spiritual Aspects of Care so hard to Address in Nursing Education?’ A Literature Review (1993-2015). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 2 (1). pp. 7-31. ISSN 2059-4976

nursing shifts

Clark, Alistair, Moule, Pam, Topping, Annie and Serpell, Martin (2015) Re-scheduling nursing shifts: scoping the challenge and examining the potential of mathematical model based tools. Journal of Nursing Management, 23 (4). pp. 411-420. ISSN 0966-0429


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Oper Koeln

Lim, Liza (2015) Tree of Codes, opera (90') for 3 singers and ensemble, libretto by Lim after Jonathan Safran Foer, Bruno Schulz, Goethe & Foucault. Ricordi Berlin Sy.4264/01. [Composition]

operational efficiency

Mswaka, Walter and Aluko, Olu (2015) Corporate governance practices and outcomes in social enterprises in the UK: a case study of South Yorkshire. International journal of public sector management, 28 (1). pp. 57-71. ISSN 0951-3558


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.

Optimal control theory

Johnes, Jill (2015) Operational Research in Education. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3). pp. 683-696. ISSN 0377-2217

organisational change

Bennett, Elizabeth (2015) The case for a curriculum development approach to developing students’ digital literacies. In: Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, national and international Perspectives. SRHE Annual Research Conference, 9 - 11 December 2015, Celtic Manor, Newport. (Unpublished)

Organization–public relationships (OPR)

Willis, Paul (2015) Preach wine and serve vinegar: Public relations, relationships and doublethink. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 681-688. ISSN 0363-8111

Origin of Capra hircus

Colli, Licia, Lancioni, Hovirag, Cardinali, Irene, Olivieri, Anna, Capodiferro, Marco Rosario, Pellecchia, Marco, Rzepus, Marcin, Zamani, Wahid, Naderi, Saeid, Gandini, Francesca, Vahidi, Seyed Mohammad Farhad, Agha, Saif, Randi, Ettore, Battaglia, Vincenza, Sardina, Maria Teresa, Portolano, Baldassare, Rezaei, Hamid Reza, Lymberakis, Petros, Boyer, Frédéric, Coissac, Eric, Pompanon, François, Taberlet, Pierre, Ajmone Marsan, Paolo and Achilli, Alessandro (2015) Whole mitochondrial genomes unveil the impact of domestication on goat matrilineal variability. BMC Genomics, 16. p. 1115. ISSN 1471-2164


Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032


Alhalib, Ali, Kamouka, Somaia and Moran, Wesley J. (2015) Iodoarene-Catalyzed Cyclizations of Unsaturated Amides. Organic Letters, 17 (6). pp. 1453-1456. ISSN 1523-7060

palliative care

Morris, Sara M., King, Claire, Turner, Mary and Payne, Sheila (2015) Family carers providing support to a person dying in the home setting: a narrative literature review. Palliative Medicine, 29 (6). pp. 487-495. ISSN 1477-030X


Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614

Paranormal entertainment

Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614

part classification

Barrans, Simon, Eyre, Gareth and Goddard, Michael (2015) Bespoke Part Library for an SME for Enhanced Design Efficiency. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 500-504. ISSN 1662-7482

Part library

Barrans, Simon, Eyre, Gareth and Goddard, Michael (2015) Bespoke Part Library for an SME for Enhanced Design Efficiency. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 500-504. ISSN 1662-7482

participatory visual methods

Lomax, Helen (2015) Seen and heard? Ethics and agency in participatory visual research with children, young people and families. Families, Relationships and Societies, 4 (3). pp. 493-502. ISSN 2046-7435


Jensen, Kathrine and Bagnall, Dawn (2015) Student Teaching and Learning Consultants: developing conversations about teaching and learning. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 1 (1). ISSN 2055-4990

Patron Driven Access

Stone, Graham and Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony (2015) The customer is always right? Assessing the value of Patron Driven Acquisition at the University of Huddersfield. Insights, 28 (1). pp. 22-31. ISSN 2048-7754

Pattern cutting

Shah, Karen (2015) From Skip to Catwalk: An Investigation into Viable Pattern Cutting Techniques for Recycled Clothing. In: The Second International Conference for Creative Pattern Cutting, 24th - 25th February 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Stone, Graham and Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony (2015) The customer is always right? Assessing the value of Patron Driven Acquisition at the University of Huddersfield. Insights, 28 (1). pp. 22-31. ISSN 2048-7754


McKie, David and Willis, Paul (2015) Advancing tendencies? PR leadership, general leadership, and leadership pedagogy. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 628-635. ISSN 0363-8111


Amhalhal, Abdallah Mohammed A, Anchor, J.R and Dastgir, Shabbir (2015) The effectiveness of the use of multiple performance measures : the influence of organisational contingencies. In: EURAM 15th Annual Conference, 17-20th June 2015, Warsaw Poland. (Unpublished)

performance magic

Taylor, Nik and Nolan, Stuart (2015) Performing Fabulous Monsters: Re-inventing the Gothic Personae in Bizarre Magic. In: Monstrous media/spectral subjects: Imaging Gothic from the nineteenth century to the present. Manchester University Press, pp. 128-142. ISBN 978-0-7190-8977-0

Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614

performance practice

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio' at the 'HIP Happening in Huddersfield' festival, 2015. In: The Romantic Piano Trio, 24 April 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield.

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.

Period instruments

Milsom, David (2015) Four’s Company: Sonatas and Trios including sonatas by Henry Purcell (David Milsom and Amanda Babington, baroque violins; John Bryan, bass viol; Graham Cummings, organ/harpsichord). In: Four's Company, 15 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


St Clair-Thompson, Helen, Bugler, Myfanwy, Robinson, Jamey, Clough, Peter J., McGeown, Sarah P. and Perry, John (2015) Mental toughness in education: exploring relationships with attainment, attendance, behaviour and peer relationships. Educational Psychology, 35 (7). pp. 886-907. ISSN 0144-3410

pest control

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

Phishing Dataset

Mohammad, Rami, Thabtah, Fadi and McCluskey, T.L. (2015) Phishing Websites Dataset. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

phishing websites

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2015) Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods. Computer Science Review, 17. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1574-0137


Rowley, Alison (2015) Four Portraits of Sarah Lucas as an Artist. In: Shifting Subjects: Contemporary Women and Self Portraiture, 20th October 2015, Leeds City Art Gallery. (Unpublished)


Willis, Paul (2015) Preach wine and serve vinegar: Public relations, relationships and doublethink. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 681-688. ISSN 0363-8111

Physical Sciences

Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Physiological response

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244


von Lunen, Alexander (2015) Book Review: "Tanja Klemm, Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance, 2013". British Journal for the History of Science, 48 (3). pp. 507-508. ISSN 0007-0874

Piano Quintet

Milsom, David (2015) Ferdinand David Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet (Clive Brown and Ilias Devetzoglou, violins, David Milsom, viola, Tom Collingwood, cello, Miaoyin Qu, piano). In: Leeds University, LUCHIP, Historical Performance, 03/05/2016, Leeds University. (Unpublished)

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

piano trio

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio' at the 'HIP Happening in Huddersfield' festival, 2015. In: The Romantic Piano Trio, 24 April 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield.

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: 'The Romantic Piano Trio'; trios by Gade, Mendelssohn, Schubert (David Milsom, violin; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, piano). In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Pin-on-disc Test

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7


Shoukat, Kamran, Pilling, Sally, Rout, Simon, Bradbury, Jane and Humphreys, Paul (2015) A Systematic Comparison of Antimicrobial Wound Dressings using a Planktonic Cell and an Immobilised Cell Model. Kamran. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119 (6). pp. 1552-1560. ISSN 1364-5072


Hughes, Braham C. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (2015) An Investigation Into Plausibility In the Mixing of Foley Sounds In Film And Television. In: 138th International Audio Engineering Society Convention 2015, 7th - 10th May 2015, Warsaw, Poland.


Walsh, Andrew (2015) Innovative pedagogies series: Game based learning and IT literacy. Case Study. Higher Education Academy, York.

Walsh, Andrew (2015) Playful Information Literacy: Play and information Literacy in Higher Education. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 7 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 1890-5900


Conlon, Jo (2015) Embedding Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) in Higher Education: A Case Study in Fashion Business. In: The future of professions, professionalism and professional learning – a conversation, 13th - 14th July 2015, University of Huddersfield, School of Education and Professional Development. (Unpublished)


Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.

Politics of Resonances

Palme, Pia (2015) The Politics of Resonance. Divergence Press (4). ISSN 20523467


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

Polyvinyl alcohol

Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282

Positive psychological climate

Yeadon-Lee, Annie (2015) Psychological climates in action learning sets: A manager’s perspective. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 12 (3). pp. 261-275. ISSN 1476-7333

Posner test

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244


Taylor, Andrew (2015) HYBRID: TRANSDISCIPLINARY: TRANSFORMATIVE: An instance of travelling in practice-led research: Talk in 5 minutes. In: PhD By Design Satellite Session Leeds - PhD by Design - ‘Making knowledge travel: exploring modes of dissemination for practice-based design research’, Thursday the 14th May 2015, Leeds College of Art , Leeds, UK.

Prefrontal cortex

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244

primary science

Hanley, Pam and Wilson, Helen (2015) How to get primary school children into science? Enthuse their teachers. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Probabilistic risk model

Xiao, Fangliang, ligteringen, Han, Van Gulijk, Coen and Ale, Ben (2015) Comparison study on AIS data of ship traffic behavior. Ocean Engineering, 95. pp. 84-93. ISSN 0029-8018 (Submitted)

Problem behaviour

St Clair-Thompson, Helen, Bugler, Myfanwy, Robinson, Jamey, Clough, Peter J., McGeown, Sarah P. and Perry, John (2015) Mental toughness in education: exploring relationships with attainment, attendance, behaviour and peer relationships. Educational Psychology, 35 (7). pp. 886-907. ISSN 0144-3410

Process innovation

Leung, Vincent K. K., Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Zhang, Zhe and Gu, Flora F. (2015) Explorative versus Exploitative Alliances: Evidence from the Glass Industry in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13 (2). pp. 127-146. ISSN 1476-5284


Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4


Klontzas, Michael (2015) Public service objectives: Contestability and Renegotiation. International Journal of Digital Television, 6 (2). pp. 97-101. ISSN 2040-4182


Klontzas, Michael (2015) Public service objectives: Contestability and Renegotiation. International Journal of Digital Television, 6 (2). pp. 97-101. ISSN 2040-4182


Fazenda, Bruno M., Stephenson, Matthew and Goldberg, Andrew (2015) Perceptual thresholds for the effects of room modes as a function of modal decay. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137 (3). pp. 1088-1098. ISSN 0001-4966


Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)


Bridger, Alexander J. (2015) Psychogeographical counter-tour guiding: Theory and practice. In: IRFGT 2015. Abstracts & Selected Papers eBook. 4th International Research Forum on Guided Tours Estoril, Portugal 18th-21st March, 2015. Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, pp. 48-54. ISBN 978-989-20-6070-5

psychological facets

Yeadon-Lee, Annie (2015) Psychological climates in action learning sets: A manager’s perspective. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 12 (3). pp. 261-275. ISSN 1476-7333


Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X

Public relations

McKie, David and Willis, Paul (2015) Advancing tendencies? PR leadership, general leadership, and leadership pedagogy. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 628-635. ISSN 0363-8111

Willis, Paul (2015) Preach wine and serve vinegar: Public relations, relationships and doublethink. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 681-688. ISSN 0363-8111

public service broadcasting

Klontzas, Michael (2015) Public service objectives: Contestability and Renegotiation. International Journal of Digital Television, 6 (2). pp. 97-101. ISSN 2040-4182

public service media

Klontzas, Michael (2015) Public service objectives: Contestability and Renegotiation. International Journal of Digital Television, 6 (2). pp. 97-101. ISSN 2040-4182


Garside, Joanne, Bailey, Rowan, Tyas, Moira, Topping, Annie, Stone, Graham, Ormrod, Graham and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2015) Developing a Culture of Publication: a joint enterprise writing retreat. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 429-442. ISSN 2050-7003


Stone, Graham (2015) The benefits of resource discovery for publishers: a librarian’s view. Learned Publishing, 28 (2). pp. 106-113. ISSN 0260-9428


Milsom, David (2015) Four’s Company: Sonatas and Trios including sonatas by Henry Purcell (David Milsom and Amanda Babington, baroque violins; John Bryan, bass viol; Graham Cummings, organ/harpsichord). In: Four's Company, 15 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

radio genres

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504

radio history

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504

radio programming formats

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504

railway risk analysis

Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Visualising Close Call in railways: a step towards Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Fifth International Rail Human Factors Conference, 14-17th September 2015, London. (Unpublished)

Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) The role of data visualization in Railway Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015. CRC Press / Balkema, pp. 2877-2882. ISBN 9781138028791

Random walks and martingales

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219

randomised control trial

Hanley, Pam and Wilson, Helen (2015) How to get primary school children into science? Enthuse their teachers. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

randomised controlled trials

Hanley, Pam and Blower, Sarah (2015) Trials: minimising failure,maximising success. Better: Evidence-based education, 7 (2). pp. 10-11. ISSN 2041-9236

Ranks and signs

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219


Clark, Alistair, Moule, Pam, Topping, Annie and Serpell, Martin (2015) Re-scheduling nursing shifts: scoping the challenge and examining the potential of mathematical model based tools. Journal of Nursing Management, 23 (4). pp. 411-420. ISSN 0966-0429


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7


Shah, Karen (2015) From Skip to Catwalk: An Investigation into Viable Pattern Cutting Techniques for Recycled Clothing. In: The Second International Conference for Creative Pattern Cutting, 24th - 25th February 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Taylor, Andrew (2015) HYBRID: TRANSDISCIPLINARY: TRANSFORMATIVE: An instance of travelling in practice-led research: Talk in 5 minutes. In: PhD By Design Satellite Session Leeds - PhD by Design - ‘Making knowledge travel: exploring modes of dissemination for practice-based design research’, Thursday the 14th May 2015, Leeds College of Art , Leeds, UK.

related and unrelated varieties

Ercole, Roberto (2015) The Impact of Agglomeration Externalities on Manufacturing Growth within Indonesian Locations. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015 Delft, The Netherlands, September 23–25, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9337 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24254-5

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security SAFECOMP 2015 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS. ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22, 2015,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9338 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24248-4

religious radio

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

repeated measures

King, Ceridwyn, Chen, Nan and Funk, Daniel C. (2015) Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists' Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 3-31. ISSN 1096-3480


Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Clark, Alistair, Moule, Pam, Topping, Annie and Serpell, Martin (2015) Re-scheduling nursing shifts: scoping the challenge and examining the potential of mathematical model based tools. Journal of Nursing Management, 23 (4). pp. 411-420. ISSN 0966-0429

research methodology

Hanley, Pam and Blower, Sarah (2015) Trials: minimising failure,maximising success. Better: Evidence-based education, 7 (2). pp. 10-11. ISSN 2041-9236

Resource Discovery

Stone, Graham (2015) The benefits of resource discovery for publishers: a librarian’s view. Learned Publishing, 28 (2). pp. 106-113. ISSN 0260-9428

Response inhibition

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870


Garside, Joanne, Prescott, Stephen and Shaw, Susan Angela (2015) Intraosseous vascular access in critically ill adults-a review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care. ISSN 13621017


Chaves, Fernanda, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia, Formoso, Carlos and Shigaki, Jeferson Shin-Iti (2015) Using 4D BIM in the Retrofit Process of Social Housing. In: ZEMCH conference (Zero Energy Mass Custom Home), 22nd - 25th September 2015, Lecce, Italy. (Unpublished)

Comlay, Julie and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2015) Building Information Modelling [BIM] for energy efficiency in housing refurbishments. In: EURO-ELECS 2015 - Latin American and European Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Communities, 21st - 23rd July 2015, Guimaraes, Portugal.


Morris, Sara M., King, Claire, Turner, Mary and Payne, Sheila (2015) Family carers providing support to a person dying in the home setting: a narrative literature review. Palliative Medicine, 29 (6). pp. 487-495. ISSN 1477-030X

von Lunen, Alexander (2015) Book Review: "Tanja Klemm, Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance, 2013". British Journal for the History of Science, 48 (3). pp. 507-508. ISSN 0007-0874

rip saw

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

rip saws

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Millard, Luke and Hargreaves, Janet (2015) Creatively employing funding to support innovation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3). pp. 335-344. ISSN 1470-3297

Risk analysis

Xiao, Fangliang, ligteringen, Han, Van Gulijk, Coen and Ale, Ben (2015) Comparison study on AIS data of ship traffic behavior. Ocean Engineering, 95. pp. 84-93. ISSN 0029-8018 (Submitted)


Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614

rivelin valley

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.

Roger Malbert

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


Clark, Alistair, Moule, Pam, Topping, Annie and Serpell, Martin (2015) Re-scheduling nursing shifts: scoping the challenge and examining the potential of mathematical model based tools. Journal of Nursing Management, 23 (4). pp. 411-420. ISSN 0966-0429


Hubert, C., Kubiak, Krzysztof, Bigerelle, M., Dubois, A. and Dubar, L. (2015) Identification of lubrication regime on textured surfaces by multi-scale decomposition. Tribology International, 82 (B). pp. 375-386. ISSN 0301-679X

Sarah Lucas

Rowley, Alison (2015) Four Portraits of Sarah Lucas as an Artist. In: Shifting Subjects: Contemporary Women and Self Portraiture, 20th October 2015, Leeds City Art Gallery. (Unpublished)


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

sash saw

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

saw technology

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X


Clark, Alistair, Moule, Pam, Topping, Annie and Serpell, Martin (2015) Re-scheduling nursing shifts: scoping the challenge and examining the potential of mathematical model based tools. Journal of Nursing Management, 23 (4). pp. 411-420. ISSN 0966-0429

Scheduling and timetabling

Johnes, Jill (2015) Operational Research in Education. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3). pp. 683-696. ISSN 0377-2217

Science & Technology

Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.


Redmore, Nicola (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Rowley, Alison (2015) Paul Neagu and Touch. In: Paul Neagu: Palpable Sculpture exhibition, 21 October 2015, The Henry Moore Institute. (Unpublished)


Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.


Haniza, Mohd Z.H., Adams, Sally, Jones, Eleanor P., MacNicoll, Alan, Mallon, Eamonn B., Smith, Robert H. and Lambert, Mark S. (2015) Large-scale structure of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) populations in England: effects on rodenticide resistance. PeerJ, 3. e1458. ISSN 2167-8359

self portraiture

Rowley, Alison (2015) Four Portraits of Sarah Lucas as an Artist. In: Shifting Subjects: Contemporary Women and Self Portraiture, 20th October 2015, Leeds City Art Gallery. (Unpublished)


McKie, David and Willis, Paul (2015) Advancing tendencies? PR leadership, general leadership, and leadership pedagogy. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 628-635. ISSN 0363-8111

Sensorless VSD

Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Smith, Ann, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2015) The Detection of Shaft Misalignments using Motor Current Signals from a Sensorless Variable Speed Drive. In: Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery. Mechanisms and Machine Science (23). Springer, London, pp. 173-183. ISBN 978-3-319-09918-7

service improvement programme

Marshall, Joyce, Spiby, Helen and McCormick, Felicia (2015) Evaluating the ‘Focus on Normal Birth and Reducing Caesarean section Rates Rapid Improvement Programme’: A mixed method study in England. Midwifery, 31 (2). pp. 332-340. ISSN 02666138

Shadow economy

Onnis, Luisanna and Tirelli, Patrizio (2015) Shadow Economy: Does it Matter for Money Velocity? Empirical Economics, 49 (3). pp. 839-858. ISSN 0377-7332

sheffield heritage

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

sheffield rivers

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Ship traffic

Xiao, Fangliang, ligteringen, Han, Van Gulijk, Coen and Ale, Ben (2015) Comparison study on AIS data of ship traffic behavior. Ocean Engineering, 95. pp. 84-93. ISSN 0029-8018 (Submitted)


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.


Papananias, M., Sztendel, S. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Development of a Novel MultiBody Mechatronic Model for Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 379-389. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5

Sztendel, S., Papananias, M. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Improving the Dynamic Performance of Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool by using the Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) Platform. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 170-180. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5


Smith, Kelly and Jensen, Kathrine (2015) Evaluating use of the SimVenture computer-based business simulation. In: ISBE Conference 2015, 10th - 12th November 2015, Glasgow.

Small- and medium-sized enterprises

Leung, Vincent K. K., Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Zhang, Zhe and Gu, Flora F. (2015) Explorative versus Exploitative Alliances: Evidence from the Glass Industry in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13 (2). pp. 127-146. ISSN 1476-5284

Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)

Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317


Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317


Muhammad, Noor, Day, John, Ali, Ijaz and Sabir, Muhammad (2015) Entrepreneurial orientation in a conflict environment: An analysis of high and low entrepreneurial SMEs. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and sustainability, XI (3). pp. 54-96. ISSN 1176-8592


Walker, D.D., Dunn, C., Yu, G., Bibby, M., Zheng, X., Wu, H.Y., Li, H. and Lu, C. (2015) The role of robotics in computer controlled polishing of large and small optics. In: Optical Manufacturing and Testing XI, August, 2015, San Diego, CA.

social enterprise

Mswaka, Walter and Aluko, Olu (2015) Corporate governance practices and outcomes in social enterprises in the UK: a case study of South Yorkshire. International journal of public sector management, 28 (1). pp. 57-71. ISSN 0951-3558

social housing

Chaves, Fernanda, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia, Formoso, Carlos and Shigaki, Jeferson Shin-Iti (2015) Using 4D BIM in the Retrofit Process of Social Housing. In: ZEMCH conference (Zero Energy Mass Custom Home), 22nd - 25th September 2015, Lecce, Italy. (Unpublished)

Social Media

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

Willis, Paul (2015) Preach wine and serve vinegar: Public relations, relationships and doublethink. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 681-688. ISSN 0363-8111

social media monitoring

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

socio-political context

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117

sociocultural theory

Dobson, E.D. and Littleton, K.S. (2015) Digital technologies and the mediation of undergraduate students’ collaborative music compositional practices. Learning, Media and Technology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1743-9884


Sztendel, S., Papananias, M. and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Improving the Dynamic Performance of Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool by using the Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) Platform. In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. EUSPEN, Huddersfield, UK, pp. 170-180. ISBN 978-0-9566790-5-5

Solid dispersions

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

Sonic Objects

Palme, Pia (2015) The Politics of Resonance. Divergence Press (4). ISSN 20523467

southern Africa

Savage, Christopher J., Jenkins, Andrew Kevin and Fransman, Logan (2015) Understanding the effect of skilled labour resource shortages on supply chain sustainability: a review of the logistics skills gap in southern Africa. In: The 20th LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop 2015, 9th to 11th September 2015, University of Derby (UK. (Unpublished)

Spacer fabric

Maktabi, Mohamad, Carnie, Bruce, Mao, N. and Goswami, Parikshit (2015) Enhancement of the Aesthetics Appearance and Softness of Knitted Spacer Fabric. In: 5th Smartex - 2015 Egypt (World Textiles Conference), 23-25 November 2015, Karf El-Shaikh, Egypt.

speed-accuracy trade-off

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Spencer Dyke Quartet

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Spiritual needs

Ali, Gulnar, Wattis, John and Snowden, Michael (2015) Why are Spiritual Aspects of Care so hard to Address in Nursing Education?’ A Literature Review (1993-2015). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 2 (1). pp. 7-31. ISSN 2059-4976


Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614

sport tourism

King, Ceridwyn, Chen, Nan and Funk, Daniel C. (2015) Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists' Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 3-31. ISSN 1096-3480

Sports economics

Fung, Ka Wai Terence, Demir, Ender, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chan, Kwok Ho (2015) Reexamining Sports-Sentiment Hypothesis: Microeconomic Evidences from Borsa Istanbul. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 34. pp. 337-355. ISSN 1042-4431


Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Barrans, Simon, Eyre, Gareth and Goddard, Michael (2015) Bespoke Part Library for an SME for Enhanced Design Efficiency. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 500-504. ISSN 1662-7482

Start Scheme

Lewis, Kiara and MacKenzie, Abi (2015) Should strategies to tackle childhood obesity also focus on mental health? British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (9). pp. 434-438. ISSN 1752-2803

stem taper

Racasan, Radu, Bills, Paul J., Blunt, Liam, Hart, Alister and Skinner, John (2015) Method for Characterization of Material Loss from Modular Head-Stem Taper Surfaces of Hip Replacement Devices. In: Modularity and Tapers in Total Joint Replacement Devices. Selected technical papers (STP159). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, pp. 132-146. ISBN 978-0-8031-7627-0

Stochastic frontier analysis

Johnes, Jill (2015) Operational Research in Education. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3). pp. 683-696. ISSN 0377-2217

Stratton Quartet

Milsom, David (2015) Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet Op.84 (David Milsom and Bianca Blezard, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; George Kennaway, cello; Jonathan Gooing, 1897 Broadwood grand). In: Meiningen Ensemble: Elgar Piano Quintet, 29 Oct 2015, St Paul's Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

String Quartet

Milsom, David (2015) Classical trios and string quartets, including Beethoven Quartet op. 18/4 (David Milsom and Lara James, violins; Jeremy Perkins, viola; Tom Collingwood, cello). Pre-concert talk by David Milsom. In: 'Laus Deo': an Evening of Haydn and Beethoven, 30 Oct 2015, Christ Church, Litton, Derbyshire. (Unpublished)

Strongly coupled plasma

Rossall, A. K. and Tallents, G. J. (2015) Generation of Warm Dense Matter using an Argon based Capillary Discharge Laser. High Energy Density Physics, 15. pp. 67-70. ISSN 1574-1818

Stroop test

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244

Structural breaks

Apergis, Nicholas and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2015) Structural Breaks and Electricity Prices: Further Evidence on the Role of Climate Policy Uncertainties in the Australian Electricity Market. Energy Economics, 52 (A). pp. 176-182. ISSN 1873-6181

Structural equation modeling

Leung, Vincent K. K., Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Zhang, Zhe and Gu, Flora F. (2015) Explorative versus Exploitative Alliances: Evidence from the Glass Industry in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13 (2). pp. 127-146. ISSN 1476-5284

Student engagement

Jensen, Kathrine and Bagnall, Dawn (2015) Student Teaching and Learning Consultants: developing conversations about teaching and learning. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 1 (1). ISSN 2055-4990

Students as Partners

Millard, Luke and Hargreaves, Janet (2015) Creatively employing funding to support innovation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52 (3). pp. 335-344. ISSN 1470-3297


Orr, Kevin and Gao, Yun (2015) The enduring influence of the studio: how architects and architectural organizations in England are learning. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 7 to 11 September 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Subject Librarian

Osborne, Antony (2015) Circles of Context: Broadening the information landscapes of visual learners. In: Inspire Conference, 14 January 2015, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Submitted)

Subjective state

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Stone, Graham (2015) The benefits of resource discovery for publishers: a librarian’s view. Learned Publishing, 28 (2). pp. 106-113. ISSN 0260-9428

Supply chain sustainability

Savage, Christopher J., Jenkins, Andrew Kevin and Fransman, Logan (2015) Understanding the effect of skilled labour resource shortages on supply chain sustainability: a review of the logistics skills gap in southern Africa. In: The 20th LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop 2015, 9th to 11th September 2015, University of Derby (UK. (Unpublished)

Surface Brillouin scattering

Naidoo, Mervin, Motochi, Isaac, Mathe, Mbekimusa, Erasmus, Rudolph, Aradi, Emily and Derry, Trevor Edward (2015) Surface Brillouin scattering on annealed ion-implanted CVD diamond. Diamond and Related Materials, 56. pp. 6-12. ISSN 0925-9635

surface metrology

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Mswaka, Walter and Aluko, Olu (2015) Corporate governance practices and outcomes in social enterprises in the UK: a case study of South Yorkshire. International journal of public sector management, 28 (1). pp. 57-71. ISSN 0951-3558

sustainable forests

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Sustained attention

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

SWOT analysis

Kenan, Thuraya, Elzawi, Abdussalam, Pislaru, Crinela and Restoum, Maysoun (2015) A Study on the Impact of ICT on Collaborative Learning Processes in Libyan Higher Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10 (1). pp. 172-190. ISSN 1694-2116

Synovial Fluid

Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Taylor, Nik (2015) Impersonating Spirits: The Paranormal Entertainer and the Dramaturgy of the Gothic Séance. In: New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass. Routledge, pp. 163-174. ISBN 1138810614


Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

taper measurement

Racasan, Radu, Bills, Paul J., Blunt, Liam, Hart, Alister and Skinner, John (2015) Method for Characterization of Material Loss from Modular Head-Stem Taper Surfaces of Hip Replacement Devices. In: Modularity and Tapers in Total Joint Replacement Devices. Selected technical papers (STP159). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, pp. 132-146. ISBN 978-0-8031-7627-0

Task load

Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Task motivation

Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Task-related thought

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Task-unrelated thought

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

technology of buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Technology transfer

Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Yang, Fu Steve, Zhang, Zhe and Leung, Vincent K. K. (2015) Determinants of Innovative Activities: Evidence from Europe and Central Asia Region. The Singapore Economic Review, 60 (1). ISSN 1793-6837

teenage girls

Jarvis, Christine (2015) How to be a woman. Models of masochism and sacrifice in young adult fiction. In: Popular Culture as Pedagogy: Research in the Field of Adult Education. Transgressions: cultural studies and education (112). Sense, Rotterdam, Boston, Tapei, pp. 135-150. ISBN 978-94-6300-272-1


Bracken, C., O'Sulllvan, C., Donohoe, A., Murphy, A., Savini, G., Juanola-Parramon, R., Baccichet, N., Guisseau, A., Ade, P., Pascale, E., Spencer, L., Walker, I., Dohlen, K., Lightfoot, J., Holland, W., Jones, M., Walker, D.D. and McMillan, A. (2015) Optical and Quasi-Optical Analysis of System Components for a Far-Infrared Space Interferometer. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

terminal care

Morris, Sara M., King, Claire, Turner, Mary and Payne, Sheila (2015) Family carers providing support to a person dying in the home setting: a narrative literature review. Palliative Medicine, 29 (6). pp. 487-495. ISSN 1477-030X

The Uncanny

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225

theoretical application

Mswaka, Walter and Aluko, Olu (2015) Corporate governance practices and outcomes in social enterprises in the UK: a case study of South Yorkshire. International journal of public sector management, 28 (1). pp. 57-71. ISSN 0951-3558


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

timber conversion

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

timber frame

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

timber frames

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

timber mills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

torsional load capacity

Sahboun, Salahaddin and Barrans, Simon (2015) Simulating Torsional Slip in V-band Clamp Joints. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 53-58. ISSN 1662-7482


Rowley, Alison (2015) Paul Neagu and Touch. In: Paul Neagu: Palpable Sculpture exhibition, 21 October 2015, The Henry Moore Institute. (Unpublished)


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

traditional building construction

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

traditional buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

traditional carpentry skills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Traffic simulation

Xiao, Fangliang, ligteringen, Han, Van Gulijk, Coen and Ale, Ben (2015) Comparison study on AIS data of ship traffic behavior. Ocean Engineering, 95. pp. 84-93. ISSN 0029-8018 (Submitted)


Taylor, Andrew (2015) HYBRID: TRANSDISCIPLINARY: TRANSFORMATIVE: An instance of travelling in practice-led research: Talk in 5 minutes. In: PhD By Design Satellite Session Leeds - PhD by Design - ‘Making knowledge travel: exploring modes of dissemination for practice-based design research’, Thursday the 14th May 2015, Leeds College of Art , Leeds, UK.


Palme, Pia (2015) The Politics of Resonance. Divergence Press (4). ISSN 20523467


Taylor, Andrew (2015) HYBRID: TRANSDISCIPLINARY: TRANSFORMATIVE: An instance of travelling in practice-led research: Talk in 5 minutes. In: PhD By Design Satellite Session Leeds - PhD by Design - ‘Making knowledge travel: exploring modes of dissemination for practice-based design research’, Thursday the 14th May 2015, Leeds College of Art , Leeds, UK.

transition economy

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Tribo electrification

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173


Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.


Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Uncanny Exhibition Unconscious Freud

Pettican, Anneké, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Lewis, Chara (2015) The Festival of the Unconscious: The Unconscious Revisited at the Freud Museum, London. [Show/Exhibition]


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

user interface design

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

V-band clamp

Sahboun, Salahaddin and Barrans, Simon (2015) Simulating Torsional Slip in V-band Clamp Joints. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 798. pp. 53-58. ISSN 1662-7482


Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219

Vascular Access

Garside, Joanne, Prescott, Stephen and Shaw, Susan Angela (2015) Intraosseous vascular access in critically ill adults-a review of the literature. Nursing in Critical Care. ISSN 13621017


Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711


Abusaad, Samieh, Benghozzi, Ahmed, Smith, Ann, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2015) The Detection of Shaft Misalignments using Motor Current Signals from a Sensorless Variable Speed Drive. In: Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery. Mechanisms and Machine Science (23). Springer, London, pp. 173-183. ISBN 978-3-319-09918-7


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Viola d'amore

Palme, Pia (2015) The Politics of Resonance. Divergence Press (4). ISSN 20523467

violin concerto

Lim, Liza (2015) Speak, be Silent (18') violin concerto, Ricordi Berlin Sy4433/01. [Composition]

visual analytics

Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Visualising Close Call in railways: a step towards Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Fifth International Rail Human Factors Conference, 14-17th September 2015, London. (Unpublished)

Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) The role of data visualization in Railway Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015. CRC Press / Balkema, pp. 2877-2882. ISBN 9781138028791

Visual Bias

Hughes, Braham C. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (2015) An Investigation Into Plausibility In the Mixing of Foley Sounds In Film And Television. In: 138th International Audio Engineering Society Convention 2015, 7th - 10th May 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

visual history

von Lunen, Alexander (2015) Book Review: "Tanja Klemm, Bildphysiologie: Wahrnehmung und Körper in Mittelalter und Renaissance, 2013". British Journal for the History of Science, 48 (3). pp. 507-508. ISSN 0007-0874

visual learners

Osborne, Antony (2015) Circles of Context: Broadening the information landscapes of visual learners. In: Inspire Conference, 14 January 2015, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Submitted)


Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6


Figueres-Esteban, Miguel, Hughes, Peter and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) The role of data visualization in Railway Big Data Risk Analysis. In: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015. CRC Press / Balkema, pp. 2877-2882. ISBN 9781138028791


Haniza, Mohd Z.H., Adams, Sally, Jones, Eleanor P., MacNicoll, Alan, Mallon, Eamonn B., Smith, Robert H. and Lambert, Mark S. (2015) Large-scale structure of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) populations in England: effects on rodenticide resistance. PeerJ, 3. e1458. ISSN 2167-8359

volume loss

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.


Bridger, Alexander J. (2015) Psychogeographical counter-tour guiding: Theory and practice. In: IRFGT 2015. Abstracts & Selected Papers eBook. 4th International Research Forum on Guided Tours Estoril, Portugal 18th-21st March, 2015. Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, pp. 48-54. ISBN 978-989-20-6070-5


Shah, Karen (2015) From Skip to Catwalk: An Investigation into Viable Pattern Cutting Techniques for Recycled Clothing. In: The Second International Conference for Creative Pattern Cutting, 24th - 25th February 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

water mills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

water power

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Weak-form efficiency

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219

Wear models

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

wear prediction

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

wear scar

Shebani, Amer and Pislaru, Crinela (2015) Wear Measuring and Wear Modelling Based on Archard, ASTM, and Neural Network Models. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 177-182.

wear test

Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Redmore, Nicola (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]


Stamp, Elizabeth, Crust, Lee, Swann, Christian, Perry, John, Clough, Peter J. and Marchant, David (2015) Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 75. pp. 170-174. ISSN 0191-8869

Wine Consumption

Anchor, J.R and Lacinová, Tereza (2015) Czech wine consumers: maturing with age? E+M Ekonomie a Management, 18 (1). pp. 169-182. ISSN 12123609


Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.

women in the visual arts

Rowley, Alison (2015) Four Portraits of Sarah Lucas as an Artist. In: Shifting Subjects: Contemporary Women and Self Portraiture, 20th October 2015, Leeds City Art Gallery. (Unpublished)

woodland management

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Shoukat, Kamran, Pilling, Sally, Rout, Simon, Bradbury, Jane and Humphreys, Paul (2015) A Systematic Comparison of Antimicrobial Wound Dressings using a Planktonic Cell and an Immobilised Cell Model. Kamran. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119 (6). pp. 1552-1560. ISSN 1364-5072

Wound dressing

Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282

Writing retreat

Garside, Joanne, Bailey, Rowan, Tyas, Moira, Topping, Annie, Stone, Graham, Ormrod, Graham and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2015) Developing a Culture of Publication: a joint enterprise writing retreat. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 429-442. ISSN 2050-7003

Writing skills

Garside, Joanne, Bailey, Rowan, Tyas, Moira, Topping, Annie, Stone, Graham, Ormrod, Graham and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2015) Developing a Culture of Publication: a joint enterprise writing retreat. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 429-442. ISSN 2050-7003

WW1 Drawing Archive Monuments WWI

MacDonald, Juliet (2015) Standing for the Fallen. [Artefact]

young adult fiction

Jarvis, Christine (2015) How to be a woman. Models of masochism and sacrifice in young adult fiction. In: Popular Culture as Pedagogy: Research in the Field of Adult Education. Transgressions: cultural studies and education (112). Sense, Rotterdam, Boston, Tapei, pp. 135-150. ISBN 978-94-6300-272-1

µ-opioid receptor

Paterson, Louise M., Flechais, Remy S. A., Murphy, Anna, Reed, Laurence J., Abbott, Sanja, Boyapati, Venkataramana, Elliott, Rebecca, Erritzoe, David, Ersche, Karen D., Faluyi, Yetunde, Faravelli, Luca, Fernandez-Egea, Emilio, Kalk, Nicola J., Kuchibatla, Shankar S., McGonigle, John, Metastasio, Antonio, Mick, Inge, Nestor, Liam, Orban, Csaba, Passetti, Filippo, Rabiner, Eugenii A., Smith, Dana G., Suckling, John, Tait, Roger, Taylor, Eleanor M., Waldman, Adam D., Robbins, Trevor W., Deakin, J. F. William, Nutt, David J. and Lingford-Hughes, Anne R. (2015) The Imperial College Cambridge Manchester (ICCAM) platform study: An experimental medicine platform for evaluating new drugs relapse prevention in addiction. Part A: Study description. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29 (9). pp. 943-960. ISSN 0269-8811


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 23:45:02 2025 UTC.