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Ali, Gulnar, Snowden, Michael, Wattis, John and Rogers, Melanie (2018) Spirituality in nursing education: knowledge and practice gaps. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 5 (1-3). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2059-4976


Bailey, Rowan (2016) Brain Imaging and Sculptural Plasticity. In: 7th International Conference on New Materialism: Performing Situated Knowledges: Space, Time, Vulnerablity, 21st - 23rd September 2016, Warsaw. (Unpublished)

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Concrete Thinking for Sculpture. Parallax, 21 (3). pp. 241-258. ISSN 1353-4645

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

Bailey, Rowan (2014) Re-writing the Archive - Writing-PAD workshop event. In: Re-writing the Archive - Writing-PAD event, 22 October 2014, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Submitted)

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Rowan Bailey in conversation with Sheila Gaffney -in the exhibition Class Forms @ Leeds College of Art Gallery. In: Rowan Bailey in conversation with Sheila Gaffney in the exhibition Class Forms, 16 January 2015, Leeds College of Art, Leeds, UK. (Submitted)

Bailey, Rowan (2016) Sculptural Plasticity and the Brain. In: Approaching the 3s: The spatial, the social, and the sensorium, 2nd - 7th October 2016, University of the Applied Arts, Vienna. (Unpublished)

Bailey, Rowan (2017) Sculptural Plasticity and the Brainbody. In: The Power of Plasticity, 7-9 April 2017, Loughborough University. (Unpublished)

Bailey, Rowan and Reeve, Hester (2014) Sculptural Substance - An Interview with Hester Reeve. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 7 (3). pp. 545-556. ISSN 1753-5190

Baraklianou, Stella (2013) Pasearse. Duration and the act of photographing. In: Bergson and the art of immanence. Painting, photography, film, performance. University of Edinburgh Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748670222

Baraklianou, Stella (2012) Affect and digital technologies. In: SEP/FEP in association with London Graduate School, September 7th - 9th 2012, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Baraklianou, Stella (2012) Figures of the Neutral: Intensities and Suspensions Within Art Practice. In: Invited seminar paper, 2 February 2012, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Baraklianou, Stella (2011) Pasearse. Duration and the act of photographing. In: Bergson and his post-modern legacies, Courtauld Institute of Art, February 25th - 26th 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Baraklianou, Stella (2011) The photograph as pulsating event. In: Symposium Rhythm and Event, London Graduate School and Kingston, London, October 29th 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Barnes, Andrew James (2013) A modular architecture for systematic text categorisation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bent, Jacquelyn, Porter, Theresa and Gavin, Helen (2011) Sugar and Spice, but Not Very Nice: Depictions of Evil Little Girls in Cartoons and Comics. In: The Evil Body. At the Interface: cutting edge research . Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 152-160. ISBN 978-1-84888-074-0

Bernier, Nicolas (2013) Five object-based sound compositions. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Brigati, Roberto and Crocetti, Daniela (2016) A State of Flux: On Bleeding. Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 10 (3). ISSN 1757-6458


Canavan, Brendan (2017) Existentialism, Consumption and Sustainability: Backpackers Fleeing and Finding Themselves. In: 2017 Summer American Marketing Association Conference, 04/08/17 - 06/08/17, San Francisco. (Unpublished)

Canavan, Brendan (2017) A bit of existentialism for what ails you. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Cowton, Christopher J. (2008) On Setting the Agenda for Business Ethics Research. In: Trends in Business and Economic Ethics. Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy . Springer, London, pp. 11-30. ISBN 978-3-540-79471-4

Cowton, Christopher J. (2012) Time for an ethics stimulus package? Philosopher's magazine (59). pp. 19-20. ISSN 1354-814X

Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Heated debates and cool analysis: thinking well about financial ethics. In: The Philosophy, politics and economics of finance in the 21st century: From hubris to disgrace. Economics as Social Theory . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 439-452. ISBN 978-0-415-85901-1

Crisp, Roger and Cowton, Christopher J. Hypocrisy and Moral Seriousness. American Philosophical Quarterly, 31 (4). pp. 343-349. ISSN 0003-0481


Deakin, Ria (2014) A framework for exploring the feasibility and fairness of using mediation to address bullying and harassment in UK workplaces. Doctoral thesis, University of Manchester.

Dennis, Alex (2003) Skepticist philosophy as ethnomethodology. Philosophy of the social sciences, 33 (2). pp. 151-173. ISSN 0048-3931

Devlin, Liam (2016) Myth, Montage and Magic Realsim. In: Society of Photographic Education 2017 National Conference, 9th - 12th March 2017, Orlando, Florida. (Submitted)

Dyer, James (2015) Accessing the Body: Self-Affectivity and Failing. In: The Failed Individual, 12-14th November 2015, Mannheim University. (Unpublished)

Dyer, James (2015) Bastard​ ​Design​ ​Practices:​ ​An​ ​Archaeological​ ​Perspective. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 2 (2). pp. 252-254. ISSN 2051-3429

Dyer, James (2015) A Genealogy of Quantifying Devices. In: Neoliberation: The Self in the Era of New Media, London, Goldsmiths. (Unpublished)

Dyer, James (2016) Quantified Bodies – A Design Practice. Digital Culture & Society, 2 (1). ISSN 2364-2114

Dyer, James (2018) Self-tracking: An Everyday Creativity. In: Creativity and Agency MeCCSA 2018, 10-12 January 2018, School of Arts & Creative Industries, London South Bank University. (Unpublished)


Elliott, Hilary (2014) Experienced Space. In: Galway Dance Days/CORP_REAL symposium, 28/3/14 - 30/3/14, NUI Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Elliott, Hilary (2015) The Philosopher and The Dancer. In: The Twenty-first Century Body: Annual Gathering of the Merleau-Ponty Circle, 1st - 3rd October 2015, Massachusetts, USA.


Fetocacis, Sophie (2022) A HANDBOOK OF SITUATED MAKING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Gavin, Helen (2014) Evil or Insane? The Female Serial Killer and Her Doubly Deviant Femininity. In: Transgressive Womanhood. Inter-disciplinary press, Oxford, pp. 49-60. ISBN 978-1-84888-283-6

Gavin, Helen (2011) Deadlier Than the Male? An Examination of Female Aggression as Evil. In: The Evil Body. At the Interface: cutting edge research . Inter-Disciplnary Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 261-270. ISBN 978-1-84888-074-0

Gavin, Helen and Bent, Jacqi (2010) Sexual Deviancy and the Sex Police: An Examination of the Religious, Cultural and Psycho-Legal Antecedents of Perceived Perversion. In: Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll:Psychological, Legal and Cultural examinations of sex and sexuality. Critical Issues . Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, Uk, pp. 3-11. ISBN 978-1-84888-031-3

Gibbs, Graham R. (1999) Learning how to learn using a virtual learning environment for philosophy. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 15 (3). pp. 221-231. ISSN 02664909

Gibbs, Stephen P. (2011) Co-produced autoethnography in leadership research. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 28 March 2011, 28th March 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Gibbs, Stephen P. (2011) Co-produced autoethnography in leadership research - methods at the margins. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 28 March 2011, 28th March 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Gibbs, Stephen P. (2010) Leadership and Existentialism: Building a Groundwork. In: University of Cumbria Doctoral Colloquium, 14 July 2010, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus. (Unpublished)

Gibbs, Stephen P. (2011) Leadership and self in modern and contemporary literature: Should leadership thought re-conceive self through literature discourse and representations? In: British Academy of Management BAM 2011, 13-15 September 2011, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)

Gibbs, Stephen P. (2012) Resistant Self in Leadership: A Hermeneutical Conundrum. In: Northern Leadership Academy Conference 2012, 19th June 2012, Durham Business School. (Unpublished)

Glover, Richard and Harrison, Bryn (2013) Phenomenology and temporality in the composition of experimental minimal music. In: Philosophy and Music Conference: Time Theories and Music, 27-29 April 2012, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece.

Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2016) Creating artefacts from memories of lost love. In: Love Letters -, 2nd - 4th July 2016, Mansfield College, Oxford University. (Unpublished)


Hales, Derek (2009) The spatiality of disruptive networks: spaces, knowledge and innovation. In: Networks of Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Conference of the Design History Society (UK). Universal-Publishers, Boca Raton, Fl. USA, pp. 63-67. ISBN 9781599429069

Halstead, J. Mark (2004) Editorial : Philosophy, education and comparative education. Comparative Education, 40 (4). pp. 467-470. ISSN 0305-0068

Halstead, J. Mark (2007) Foreword. In: Values education and lifelong learning. Lifelong Learning Book Series, 10 . Springer. ISBN 9781402061837

Halstead, J. Mark (2007) In Place of a Conclusion: The Common School and the Melting Pot. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 41 (4). pp. 829-842. ISSN 0309-8249

Halstead, J. Mark (2003) Metaphor, cognition and spiritual reality. In: Spirituality, Philosophy and Education. RoutledgeFalmer, London, pp. 83-96. ISBN 9780415296694

Halstead, J. Mark (2006) Professor Terence H. McLaughlin. Journal of Moral Education, 35 (3). pp. 433-435. ISSN 0305-7240

Halstead, J. Mark (2006) Schooling and cultural maintenance for religious minorities in the liberal state. In: Citizenships and education in liberal-democratic societies: teaching for cosmopolitan values and collective identities. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 273-295. ISBN 9780199283996

Halstead, J. Mark and McLaughlin, Terence (2004) Editorial: Philosophy, education and comparative education. Comparative Education, 40 (4). pp. 467-470. ISSN 0305-0068

Hargreaves, John A. (1991) Religion and society in the parish of Halifax, c. 1740-1914. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.

Hayton, Richard (2007) Book Review: "A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism" by Roger Scruton, Continuum, London, 2006. Political Studies Review, 5 (3). p. 409. ISSN 1478-9299

Higgins, David and Refai, Deema (2017) Creating Meaningful Entrepreneurial Practice: crafting pedagogical awareness. In: Entrepreneurship Education: New perspectives on research, policy & practice. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research . Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 171-195. ISBN 9781787142817


Iredale, Alison (2011) Pursuing excellence: risk, safety and practical wisdom for trainee teachers in the lifelong learning sect. In: 2011 International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) World Assembly, July 11-14 2011, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. (Unpublished)

Iredale, Alison (2012) Risk-taking in thought and in deed: towards a new conception of the development of professional knowledge and practice. In: The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity: Reconciling 'The Three narratives' Art, Science, and Philosophy, July 2 – 6, 2012, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Unpublished)


Koskela, Lauri, Codinhoto, Ricardo, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2014) The Aristotelian Proto-Theory of Design. In: An Anthology of Theories and Models of Design: Philosophy, Approaches and Empirical Explorations. Springer, pp. 285-304. ISBN 9781447163374

Koskela, Lauri, Pikas, Ergo, Niiranen, Jarkko, Ferrantelli, Andrea and Dave, Bhargav (2017) On Epistemology of Construction Engineering and Management. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.


Malay, Jessica L. (2008) Review: What is literature, by Arthur Gibson. Philosophy in Review, 28 (5). pp. 331-333. ISSN 1206-5269

Marinkova, Milena (2011) Michael Ondaatje: Haptic Aesthetics and Micropolitical Writing. Bloomsbury Academic, New York, USA. ISBN 9781441194398

Matthews, Jodie (2015) Book Review: Nancy Now edited by Verena Andermatt Conley and Irving Goh. LSE Review of Books.

Matthews, Jodie (2014) Book review: The Most Sublime Hysteric: Hegel with Lacan by Slavoj Žižek. [Web page]

McAra, Catriona, Powell, Anna and Swindells, Steve (2014) ROTOЯ Review. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-119-9

Mee, Erin (2013) Hearing the Music of the Hemispheres. TDR: The Drama Review, 57 (3). pp. 148-150. ISSN 1054-2043

Micklethwaite, Paul Hilton (2002) What is design? : an empirical investigation into conceptions of design in the community of design stakeholders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Nesteruk, Sara (2017) A Day and a Night - Alternative Art Education: Islington Mill Art Academy MIF Project. [Show/Exhibition]

Nesteruk, Sara (2017) Manchester Buddhist Centre: Design and artwork for installation of interior window panel. [Artefact]

Nesteruk, Sara (2017) Recipes for Baking Bread. [Show/Exhibition]


Oliver, Paul (2001) Teach Yourself : 101 key ideas in philosophy. Fair Press. ISBN 9780658012044

Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (2007) Architectures of justice: legal theory and the idea of institutional design. Applied Legal Philosophy . Ashgate Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9780754672340

Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (2016) In search of a science of law. Retfaerd, 39 (4). pp. 22-37. ISSN 0105-1121

Olsen, Henrik Palmer and Toddington, Stuart (1999) Legal Idealism and the Autonomy of Law. Ratio Juris, 12 (3). pp. 286-310. ISSN 0952-1917

Orr, Kevin (2008) Memory, Knowledge and Resistance: the impact of the Algerian War on French thought. In: Discourse, Power and Resistance 7: cultures in resistance, 18th – 20th March 2008, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2016) Brass Art, ISEA 2016, Cultural R>evolution, Hong Kong. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2016) Brass Art, R<connecting Senses, Artists-in-Labs, Hong Kong. Artists in Labs, Switzerland - Hong Kong.

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Lewis, Chara (2015) The Festival of the Unconscious: The Unconscious Revisited at the Freud Museum, London. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Lewis, Chara (2015) Folds in Time: Artists' Responses to the Temporal and the Uncanny. An international conference, convened by Brass Art in association with the Freud Museum London, as part of the Festival of the Unconscious 2015. In: Folds in Time: Artists' Responses to the Temporal and the Uncanny, 4th July 2015, Freud Museum London.

Pettican, Anneké, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Lewis, Chara (2013) Time for Light. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké and Roberts, Spencer (2008) Rhetorical Line. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké and Roberts, Spencer (2008) Tie Me in a Dream. [Show/Exhibition]

Pocknee, David Antony (2017) How to Compose a PhD Thesis in Music Composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Refai, Deema and Higgins, David (2017) A Mystagogical View to ‘withness’ in Enterprise Education. Industry and Higher Education, 31 (2). pp. 113-121. ISSN 0950-4222

Roberts, Spencer (2007) The Beckett Machine: Something Mechanical Encrusted Upon the Living. In: Repeat:Repeat, 19th - 20th April 2007, University of Chester, UK. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Spencer (2017) Constructing the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida and Artistic Research. In: Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering - 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, 19-21 June 2017, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Spencer (2012) Deleuze and the Aesthetics of Relation. In: Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity, 105h-12th February 2012, Goldsmiths College, University of London. (Submitted)

Roberts, Spencer (2016) (In)Animate Semiotics: Virtuality and the Illusion(s) of Life. In: Deleuze Studies Conference 2016, 11th - 13th July 2016, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of University of Roma Tre. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Spencer (2006) Process:Processed. In: Wandering with Spinoza, 13th - 15th September 2006, The Centre for Ideas, Victorian College of the Arts – Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Roberts, Spencer and Pettican, Anneké (2009) The Typewritten Gesture. In: Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield, UK.. (Unpublished)

Rowley, Alison Jane (2016) Between Fiction and Documentary: The 'Scandalous property'of 'realness' in Chantal Akerman's filmmaking. In: After Chantal: An International Conference, 4-6 November 2016, University of Westminster, UK. (Unpublished)

Rudrum, David (2010) Alltaegliche Tragoedien: Cavell, Beckett, und die Bedeutung der Bedeutungslosigkeit. In: Happy Days: Lebenswissen nach Cavell. Wilhelm Fink, Munich, Germany. ISBN 978-3-7705-4725-8

Rudrum, David (2007) Da Certeza e Doublethink: Orwell e Wittgenstein. Caleidoscopio: Revista de Communicacao e Cultura, 8 (1). pp. 167-175. ISSN 1645-2585

Rudrum, David (2006) Ethics, Justice, Translation: Lyotard on Wittgenstein. In: Translating Identity and the Identity of Translation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 132-140. ISBN 9781847180438

Rudrum, David (2007) Everyday Tragedies: Cavell, Beckett, and the meaning of meaninglessness. In: Happy days: self, time and knowledge in the work of Stanley Cavell International Conference, 5th - 7th July 2007, University of Potsdam. (Unpublished)

Rudrum, David (2009) From The Sublime to the Ordinary: Stanley Cavell's Beckett. Textual Practice, 23 (4). pp. 543-558. ISSN 0950-236X

Rudrum, David (2012) How To Do Things With Wordsworth. In: Stanley Cavell: Philosophy, Literature and Criticism. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK, pp. 166-180. ISBN 978-0-7190-8431-7

Rudrum, David (2010) Just an Ordinary American Tragedy: Towards a Cavellian Reading of Death of a Salesman. In: International American Drama Conference, 29th-30th October 2010, Kean University, New Jersey. (Unpublished)

Rudrum, David (2005) Silent dialogue: philosophising with Jan Svankmajer. In: Film as Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK, pp. 114-132. ISBN 9781403949004

Rudrum, David (2010) The Time of Tragedy: Thinking the Contemporary with Cavell and Agamben. In: The Time of Tragedy: Thinking the Contemporary with Cavell and Agamben, 22nd October 2010, University of California, Irvine. (Unpublished)

Rudrum, David (2014) “To Act, To Do, and To Perform”: Cavell, Derrida, and the Performance of Performativity in Hamlet. In: Théâtre, Performance, Philosophie Colloque 2014 Croisements et transferts dans la pensée anglo-américaine contemporaine., 26-28th June 2014, Sorbonne, Paris. (Unpublished)

Rudrum, David and Stavris, Nicholas (2015) Supplanting the Postmodern: An Anthology of Writings on the Arts and Culture of the Early 21st Century. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781501306884

Rushton, Ian (2012) The Trainee now standing: notions of individual “otherness” in a performative place. In: International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ESSEI) Conference, 2-5 July 2012., University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Unpublished)


Sabki, Aishah and Hardaker, Glenn (2012) The Madrasah Concept of Islamic Pedagogy. Educational Review, 65 (3). pp. 342-356. ISSN 1465-3397

Scott, Becky Louise (2020) A Foucauldian and Marxist Analysis of Representations and Service User Narratives of People with Mental Health Difficulties Who Claim Benefits. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Sheridan, Jayne (2013) Resisting the myths: dodging the bullets. In: Barthes’ "Mythologies" Today Readings of Contemporary Culture. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies . Routledge, pp. 122-125. ISBN 9780415821223

Shokirhonovna, Munira F. (2017) Ethical ideas in the philosophy of Abuhamid Muhammad al-Ghazali. Research Report. Munira F. Shokirhonovna. (Unpublished)

Smith, Vicki J, Leeming, Dawn and Burr, Vivien (2016) Philosophy and Identity: The Relationship Between Choice of Existential Orientation and Therapists’ Sense of Self. Existential Analysis, 27 (2). pp. 287-302. ISSN 1752-5616

Spatz, Ben (2017) Colors like Knives: Embodied Research and Phenomenotechnique in *Rite of the Butcher*. Contemporary Theatre Review, 27 (2). pp. 195-215. ISSN 1048-6801

Spatz, Ben (2016) Embodied Research: An Epistemic Context for Martial Arts Practice. [Video]

Spatz, Ben (2017) Embodiment as First Affordance: Tinkering, Tuning, Tracking. Performance Philosophy, 2 (2). pp. 257-271. ISSN 2057-7176

Spatz, Ben (2015) Out from the Egg of Silence: For a Topology of Song. In: T H E D A R K P R E C U R S O R International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9-11 November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.

Spatz, Ben (2015) “Sequence of Four Exercise-Actions” (physical training led by Ben Spatz). [Video]

Spatz, Ben (2016) Touching Landscape: Intersections of Embodied and Ecological Pedagogy. In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21st June 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Spatz, Ben (2015) What a Body Can Do: Technique as Knowledge, Practice as Research. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 978-1-13-885410-9

Stafford, William (2002) A short introduction of five works of John Stuart Mill. British Heritage Database, Cultural Resources, Penzance, Cornwall. ISBN 1903807158

Stansbie, Lisa (2014) Exploring Bodies in Time and Space: The Performance of the Channel Swimmer: Time-Based Rituals and Technology. In: Exploring Bodies in Time and Space. Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 263-272. ISBN 978-1-84888-246-1

Stansbie, Lisa (2014) The Performance of the Channel Swimmer: Time-Based Rituals and Technology (Extended). In: Body Tensions: Beyond Corporeality in Time and Space. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, U.K. ISBN 978-1-84888-286-7


Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda (2012) Hyper naturalism and simulacra in Stonehenge art. In: 4th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2012), Cyprus, 29 October - 3 November 2012.

Temple, Nicholas (2013) The Watchman in the Vineyard: Historical Traces of Judicial and Punitive Practices in Lincoln. In: Architecture and Justice: Judicial Matters in the Public Realm. Ashgate, London, pp. 51-70. ISBN 9781409431732

Terry, James Gordan (1999) The causes and effects of the divisions within Methodism in Bradford, 1796-1857. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Toddington, Stuart (2013) Agency, Authority and the Logic of Mutual Recognition. Ratio Juris, 28 (1). pp. 89-109. ISSN 0952-1917

Toddington, Stuart (1995) How to read Hobbes? The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, III. pp. 357-361. ISSN 0841-8209

Toddington, Stuart (1999) Idealism for pragmatists. Archiv fur Rechts und Sozialphilosophie, 85. ISSN 0001-2343

Toddington, Stuart (2012) Law, self and society. Ashgate Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9780754679547

Toddington, Stuart (1993) Rationality, social action and moral judgement. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748604326

Toddington, Stuart (1994) Skills, ‘quality’ and the ideologies of Managerialism. The Law Teacher, 28 (3). pp. 243-257. ISSN 03039400

Toddington, Stuart (2002) The dialect of constitutionalism. In: Erkjennelse og engasjement: minneseminar for David Roland Doublet (1954-2000). Fagbokforlaget, Norway, pp. 29-43. ISBN 9788276748901

Toddington, Stuart (2005) The idea of public law. Kings Law Journal, 16 (1). pp. 209-228. ISSN 0961-5768

Toddington, Stuart (2006) The moral truth about discourse theory. Ratio Juris, 19 (2). pp. 217-230. ISSN 0952-1917

Toddington, Stuart and Beyleveld, Deryck (2006) Human Nature, Social Theory and the Problem of Institutional Design. Studies in Social and Political Thought (12). pp. 2-30.

Travis, Charles and von Lunen, Alexander (2016) The Digital Arts and Humanities: Neogeography, Social Media and Big Data Integrations and Applications. Springer Geography . Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-40951-1


von Lunen, Alexander (2016) Beuys Don't Cry: From Social Sculptures to Social Media. In: The Digital Arts and Humanities: Neogeography, Social Media and Big Data Integrations and Applications. Springer Geography . Springer, pp. 23-45. ISBN 978-3319409511

von Lunen, Alexander (2016) So long, and thanks for the GIS: Digital Spatial History. In: Spatial Cultures: Towards a New Social Morphology of Cities Past and Present. Design and the Built Environment Series . Routledge, London, pp. 193-202. ISBN 9781472450296

von Lunen, Alexander (2006) Who needs scientific instruments? Philosophers! Physiology and Philosophy in the fin de siecle. In: Who needs Scientific Instruments. Conference on scientific instruments and their users. Oct 20-22, 2005. Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, pp. 29-36. ISBN 9062921582


Walker, Katharine Aynge (2004) Seventeenth century northern noble widows : a comparative study. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Wattis, John, Rogers, Melanie, Curran, Stephen and Ali, Gulnar (2021) Restoring the Balance: Wisdom and the Spirit of the Age. In: Shaping Wise Futures: A Shared Responsibility. Practice Futures (5). Brill, Leiden/Boston, pp. 97-116. ISBN 978-90-04-50552-0

Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Woodcock, Pete (2012) Bravery, technological literacy and political philosophy: replacing oral presentations with student­-created video presentations. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences ELiSS, 422 (2). ISSN 1756-848X

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