Group by: Date | Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
3D Scanning A place in the sun Abduction acorns Adequate housing measures advantages air-conditioning air-inlet alternative technology Alternative treatments Anobium punctatum arachnophobia architectural conservation architecture architecture practice arts and crafts bed bugs Benefits BIM bio-predators bioclimatic design biodivesrity Biopredators bird boxes birds Birmingham blades boron Boxes building building conservation Building information modelling buildings Built environment built environment and economic reform Built environment skills needs C&D Capacity building career Career success factors carpentry carpentry traditions case studies CFD chemical treatments Chemical treatments for timber China Cities client climate comfort comfort levels common furniture beetle community capacity building Community engagement community-based Conflicts Connectivity conservation conservation architecture historic buildings architectural education consideration construction construction management construction and demolition debris construction and women Construction industry Construction R\&D process contaminants Contribution controls conversion cooking critical success factors cruck frame cruck frames culture Cyclone Dashboard decay Decision-making dereliction design Design cognition Design theory disaster Disaster management education disaster reduction Disaster resilient cities Disaster risk reduction disaster waste Disasters Distinctive and attractive streets DIY domestic kitchen extraction donors DRR DRR strategies dwellings ecology ecology of buildings economics Edwardian living Energy consumption Energy performance Energy prediction England environmental estate agents estate design extraction hood fabrication Flooding flowline forestry France Garden Suburb garden vilage Gender mainstreaming Geometric feature globalization Good practice Government policies government subsidy great tits green building grounded theory habitats Hanoi healing health healthcare facilities Healthcare infrastructure heatwaves Higher education historic buildings holiday home holidays Hong Kong Hospital housing Housing reconstruction Human behaviour in design human settlements HVAC IAQ implementation Improvisation Incidental Inclusive design Indonesia industrial mills infestation Infrastructure infrastructure and community vulnerability Infrastructure reconstruction INGOs initiatives Innovation insects insulation integration of DRR interior design Internet of Things Interoperability investment irrelevance job generation Knowledge transfer Last Planner leaders leadership styles Lean construction Lepisma saccharina Lifelong learning Liminal limitations line of balance local DRR action Local government Local government capability local history sheffield low energy Making-do malaria management research managing housing needs marketing masonry repair Measurement medicine medieval buildings Metrics Millennium development goals mobile Mobility Moor Pool mosquitoes National and intermediate-organisational policies Natural disasters nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) nesting blue tits Normandy oak Object classification Occupant's behaviour occupants Occupants’ behavior operations management optimal location optimal size organization theory outcomes overheating passive house passivhaus Patient Experience Pedestrian prominence Performance gap Performance measurement permethrin pest control pesticides phase scheduling Pholcus phalangioides Planning and control point cloud poison post conflict housing reconstruction post conflict reconstruction Post disaster post-disaster Post-tsunami Process transparency product design Production design project management property QFD quantitative methods quercus Range cooker Refurbishment renovation repair research and development research methodology restoration rip saw rip saws Risk management risk reduction rivelin valley rural Safety sash saw saw technology saws Scorecard self-­‐built housing Semantic enrichment Shared Space Street sheffield heritage sheffield rivers silverfish Socio-economic development solar photovoltaic South Asia Space layout Spatial relation spiders spring Sri Lanka Standards students successful implementation of policies Supervised Machine Learning Supply Chain Management Surface Design Enterprise Innovation sustainability sustainable design sustainable forests Sustainable transport takt-time planning tax revenue technology technology of buildings temperature variation thermal comfort timber timber conversion timber frame timber frames timber mills timber products timber-frames Tits traditional building construction traditional buildings traditional carpentry skills Transient Transportation sector trees UK urban urban area Urbanisation villages Visual management vulnerability reduction Waste waste management strategies water mills water power watermills weaknesses of policies wellbeing women women managers woodland management woodworm work structuring Yunnan
Number of items at this level: 446.

3D Scanning

Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Ball, Andrew (2016) Interdisciplinary 3d Mobile Scanning Technology Case Studies: Canvasman, Faro, Artec & Structure Sensor For Ipad. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield.

A place in the sun

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213


Kroll, Ehud and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Studying design abduction in the context of novelty. In: DS 87-7 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 7: Design Theory and Research Methodology, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017. ICED . The Design Society, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 61-70. ISBN 9781904670957


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Adequate housing measures

Seneviratne, Krisanthi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Managing Housing Needs of Post Conflict Housing Reconstruction: Sri Lankan Perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (2). pp. 275-288. ISSN 0969-9988


Ophiyandri, Taufika, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Keraminiyage, Kaushal (2016) Advantages and Limitations of Community-based Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Projects. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 (4). pp. 420-431. ISSN 1759-5908


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Impacts of Variations in Air Conditioning System Set-Point Temperature on Room Conditions and Perceived Thermal Comfort. In: Proceedings of the 9th Windsor Conference : Making comfort relevant. NCEUB, pp. 600-611. ISBN 9780992895730


Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.

alternative technology

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

Alternative treatments

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Anobium punctatum

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

architectural conservation

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

architecture practice

Pitts, Adrian (2017) Passive House and Low Energy Buildings: Barriers and Opportunities for Future Development within UK Practice. Sustainability, 9 (2). p. 272. ISSN 2071-1050

arts and crafts

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

bed bugs

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Tezel, Algan and Aziz, Z. U. H. (2017) Benefits of visual management in construction: cases from the transportation sector in England. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 17 (2). pp. 125-157. ISSN 1471-4175


Dave, Bhargav, Kubler, Sylvain, Främling, Kary and Koskela, Lauri (2016) Opportunities for enhanced lean construction management using Internet of Things standards. Automation in Construction, 61. pp. 86-97. ISSN 0926-5805


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

bioclimatic design

Pitts, Adrian (2014) Prevalence and Evaluation of Bioclimatic Design Techniques used to achieve Low Energy Comfort in Architectural Design Proposals. In: Proceedings of The Windsor Conference: Counting the Cost of Comfort. 8th Windsor Conference 10th-13th April 2014 . NCEUB: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, Windsor, UK, pp. 1078-1090. ISBN 9780992895709


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

bird boxes

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

building conservation

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) Silverfish: if they're not fish, they're not really silver, and they look like aliens, what on earth are they? Building Engineer, 92 (6). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

Building information modelling

Ma, Ling, Sacks, Rafael and Kattell, Uri (2017) Building Model Object Classification for Semantic Enrichment Using Geometric Features and Pairwise Spatial Relations. In: 2017 Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

Built environment

Dehe, Benjamin and Bamford, David (2017) Quality Function Deployment and operational design decisions – A healthcare infrastructure development case study. Production Planning & Control, 28 (14). pp. 1177-1192. ISSN 0953-7287

Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Mainstreaming women into disaster reduction decision making in the built environment: Research methodological perspectives. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

built environment and economic reform

Ngo, Kien (2020) A study of the self‐built housing in Hanoi city, Vietnam after the economic reform in 1986. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Built environment skills needs

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562


Karunasena, Gayani and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2016) Capacity Building for Post Disaster Construction and Demolition Waste Management: A Case of Sri Lanka. Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (2). pp. 137-153. ISSN 0965-3562

Capacity building

Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Capacity building of disaster waste management for disaster risk reduction. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Karunasena, Gayani and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2016) Capacity Building for Post Disaster Construction and Demolition Waste Management: A Case of Sri Lanka. Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (2). pp. 137-153. ISSN 0965-3562


Fernando, G., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Career advancement of the professional women in the UK construction industry: Career success factors. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Career success factors

Fernando, G., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Career advancement of the professional women in the UK construction industry: Career success factors. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

carpentry traditions

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

case studies

Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Mainstreaming women into disaster reduction decision making in the built environment: Research methodological perspectives. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)


Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.

chemical treatments

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

Chemical treatments for timber

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

Pitts, Adrian (2014) Prevalence and Evaluation of Bioclimatic Design Techniques used to achieve Low Energy Comfort in Architectural Design Proposals. In: Proceedings of The Windsor Conference: Counting the Cost of Comfort. 8th Windsor Conference 10th-13th April 2014 . NCEUB: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, Windsor, UK, pp. 1078-1090. ISBN 9780992895709

Pitts, Adrian and Gao, Yun (2014) Design of Dwellings and Interior Family Space in China: Understanding the History of Change and Opportunities for Improved Sustainability Practices. Buildings, 4 (4). pp. 823-848. ISSN 2075-5309


Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Creating a disaster resilient built environment in urban cities: The role of local governments in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4 (1). pp. 72-94. ISSN 1759-5908

Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032


Kulatunga, K. J., Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2011) Client's championing characteristics that promote construction innovation. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 11 (4). pp. 380-398. ISSN 1471-4175


Pitts, Adrian (2014) Prevalence and Evaluation of Bioclimatic Design Techniques used to achieve Low Energy Comfort in Architectural Design Proposals. In: Proceedings of The Windsor Conference: Counting the Cost of Comfort. 8th Windsor Conference 10th-13th April 2014 . NCEUB: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, Windsor, UK, pp. 1078-1090. ISBN 9780992895709


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Pitts, Adrian (2014) Prevalence and Evaluation of Bioclimatic Design Techniques used to achieve Low Energy Comfort in Architectural Design Proposals. In: Proceedings of The Windsor Conference: Counting the Cost of Comfort. 8th Windsor Conference 10th-13th April 2014 . NCEUB: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, Windsor, UK, pp. 1078-1090. ISBN 9780992895709

comfort levels

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2010) Dry Lining as a Method for Maintaining Comfort Levels Beneath Pitched Roofs; An Experimental Case Study. Building Engineer, 85 (09). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0969-8213

common furniture beetle

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

community capacity building

Katwikirize, Stuart (2019) Community Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exposing and Challenging Level of Prioritisation in Kenya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Community engagement

Wedawatta, Gayan, Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Parvez, Ahmed (2016) Disaster risk reduction infrastructure requirements for South-Western Bangladesh: Perspectives of local communities. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6 (4). pp. 379-390. ISSN 2044-124X


Ophiyandri, Taufika, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Keraminiyage, Kaushal (2016) Advantages and Limitations of Community-based Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Projects. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 (4). pp. 420-431. ISSN 1759-5908


Seneviratne, K., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Post conflict housing reconstruction: sustainability perspectives of human settlements. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9


Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2010) Dry Lining as a Method for Maintaining Comfort Levels Beneath Pitched Roofs; An Experimental Case Study. Building Engineer, 85 (09). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

conservation architecture historic buildings architectural education

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Conservation Training in Mainstream Construction. In: Institute of Historic Building Conservation IHBC Yearbook. Cathedral Communications Limited, Wiltshire, UK, pp. 20-21. ISBN 978 1 900915 67 0


Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Implementation of critical success factors in construction research and development process. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2 (9). pp. 94-106. ISSN 2141-2820


Elvitigala, Gayani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Haigh, Richard and Shanmugam, M. (2007) Construction and women: comparative analysis. In: 4th International SCRI Symposium, 26-27th March 2007, University of Salford. (Unpublished)

Pitts, Adrian and Gao, Yun (2014) Design of Dwellings and Interior Family Space in China: Understanding the History of Change and Opportunities for Improved Sustainability Practices. Buildings, 4 (4). pp. 823-848. ISSN 2075-5309

construction management

Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193

construction and demolition debris

Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2012) Post-disaster construction & demolition debris management: A Sri Lanka case study. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18 (4). pp. 457-468. ISSN 1392-3730

construction and women

Fernando, G., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Career advancement of the professional women in the UK construction industry: Career success factors. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Construction industry

Kulatunga, K. J., Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2011) Client's championing characteristics that promote construction innovation. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 11 (4). pp. 380-398. ISSN 1471-4175

Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2011) Structured approach to measure performance in construction research and development: performance measurement system development. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60 (3). ISSN 1741-0401

Thayaparan, M, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Contribution of women managers towards the construction industry: Preliminary findings. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Thurairajah, N., Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Meliorating women's representation within leadership positions in the UK construction industry. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Construction R\&D process

Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Implementation of critical success factors in construction research and development process. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2 (9). pp. 94-106. ISSN 2141-2820


Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.


Thayaparan, M, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Contribution of women managers towards the construction industry: Preliminary findings. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Impacts of Variations in Air Conditioning System Set-Point Temperature on Room Conditions and Perceived Thermal Comfort. In: Proceedings of the 9th Windsor Conference : Making comfort relevant. NCEUB, pp. 600-611. ISBN 9780992895730


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400


Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.

critical success factors

Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Implementation of critical success factors in construction research and development process. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2 (9). pp. 94-106. ISSN 2141-2820

Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2011) Structured approach to measure performance in construction research and development: performance measurement system development. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60 (3). ISSN 1741-0401

cruck frame

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

cruck frames

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400


Ngo, Kien (2020) A study of the self‐built housing in Hanoi city, Vietnam after the economic reform in 1986. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Wedawatta, Gayan, Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Parvez, Ahmed (2016) Disaster risk reduction infrastructure requirements for South-Western Bangladesh: Perspectives of local communities. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6 (4). pp. 379-390. ISSN 2044-124X


Bølviken, Trond, Aslesen, Sigmund, Kalsaas, Bo Terje and Koskela, Lauri (2017) A Balanced Dashboard for Production Planning and Control. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Dehe, Benjamin and Bamford, David (2017) Quality Function Deployment and operational design decisions – A healthcare infrastructure development case study. Production Planning & Control, 28 (14). pp. 1177-1192. ISSN 0953-7287


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

Design cognition

Kroll, Ehud and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Studying design abduction in the context of novelty. In: DS 87-7 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 7: Design Theory and Research Methodology, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017. ICED . The Design Society, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 61-70. ISBN 9781904670957

Design theory

Kroll, Ehud and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Studying design abduction in the context of novelty. In: DS 87-7 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 7: Design Theory and Research Methodology, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017. ICED . The Design Society, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 61-70. ISBN 9781904670957


Katwikirize, Stuart (2019) Community Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exposing and Challenging Level of Prioritisation in Kenya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Disaster management education

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

disaster reduction

Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Mainstreaming women into disaster reduction decision making in the built environment: Research methodological perspectives. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Disaster resilient cities

Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Creating a disaster resilient built environment in urban cities: The role of local governments in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4 (1). pp. 72-94. ISSN 1759-5908

Disaster risk reduction

Palliyaguru, R, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Developing an approach to assess the influence of integrating disaster risk reduction practices into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22 (2). pp. 160-171. ISSN 0965-3562,

Palliyaguru, Roshani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Vulnerability reduction of infrastructure reconstruction projects. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 9781842196199

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

Wedawatta, Gayan, Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Parvez, Ahmed (2016) Disaster risk reduction infrastructure requirements for South-Western Bangladesh: Perspectives of local communities. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6 (4). pp. 379-390. ISSN 2044-124X

Yumarni, Tri and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2017) Resource Capability for Local Government in Mainstreaming Gender into Disaster Risk Reduction: Evidence from Bantul Indonesia. Journal of Regional and City Planning, 28 (3). pp. 178-185. ISSN 2502-6429

disaster waste

Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Capacity building of disaster waste management for disaster risk reduction. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2012) Post-disaster construction & demolition debris management: A Sri Lanka case study. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18 (4). pp. 457-468. ISSN 1392-3730

Karunasena, Gayani and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2016) Capacity Building for Post Disaster Construction and Demolition Waste Management: A Case of Sri Lanka. Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (2). pp. 137-153. ISSN 0965-3562


Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Creating a disaster resilient built environment in urban cities: The role of local governments in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4 (1). pp. 72-94. ISSN 1759-5908

Palliyaguru, R, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Developing an approach to assess the influence of integrating disaster risk reduction practices into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22 (2). pp. 160-171. ISSN 0965-3562,

Distinctive and attractive streets

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

domestic kitchen extraction

Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.


Katwikirize, Stuart (2019) Community Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exposing and Challenging Level of Prioritisation in Kenya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Evaluation of existing vulnerabilities and disaster risk reduction practices of infrastructure reconstruction projects. In: International research conference on sustainability in built environment, 18-19th June 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished)

DRR strategies

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Integration of disaster risk reduction into infrastructure reconstruction sector: policy versus practise gaps. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 1 (3). pp. 277-296. ISSN 1759-5908


Pitts, Adrian and Gao, Yun (2014) Design of Dwellings and Interior Family Space in China: Understanding the History of Change and Opportunities for Improved Sustainability Practices. Buildings, 4 (4). pp. 823-848. ISSN 2075-5309


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

ecology of buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) Silverfish: if they're not fish, they're not really silver, and they look like aliens, what on earth are they? Building Engineer, 92 (6). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0969-8213


Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193

Edwardian living

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

Energy consumption

Delzendeh, Elham and Wu, Song (2017) The Influence of Space Layout Design on Occupant’s Energy Behaviour. In: 2017 Lean & Computing in Construction Congress, 4-12 July 2017, Crete, Greece.

Energy performance

Alaaeddine, Rima and Wu, Song (2017) Application of supervised learning methods to better predict building energy performance. In: International Conference on Sustainable Futures 2017, 26th-27th November 2017, Sitra, Bahrain.

Energy prediction

Alaaeddine, Rima and Wu, Song (2017) Application of supervised learning methods to better predict building energy performance. In: International Conference on Sustainable Futures 2017, 26th-27th November 2017, Sitra, Bahrain.


Tezel, Algan and Aziz, Z. U. H. (2017) Benefits of visual management in construction: cases from the transportation sector in England. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 17 (2). pp. 125-157. ISSN 1471-4175


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

estate agents

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

estate design

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

extraction hood

Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.


Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Ball, Andrew (2016) Interdisciplinary 3d Mobile Scanning Technology Case Studies: Canvasman, Faro, Artec & Structure Sensor For Ipad. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield.


Wedawatta, Gayan, Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Parvez, Ahmed (2016) Disaster risk reduction infrastructure requirements for South-Western Bangladesh: Perspectives of local communities. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6 (4). pp. 379-390. ISSN 2044-124X


Biotto, Clarissa, Kagioglou, Mike, Koskela, Lauri and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2017) Comparing Production Design Activities and Location-Based Planning Tools. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

Garden Suburb

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

garden vilage

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

Gender mainstreaming

Yumarni, Tri and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2017) Resource Capability for Local Government in Mainstreaming Gender into Disaster Risk Reduction: Evidence from Bantul Indonesia. Journal of Regional and City Planning, 28 (3). pp. 178-185. ISSN 2502-6429

Geometric feature

Ma, Ling, Sacks, Rafael and Kattell, Uri (2017) Building Model Object Classification for Semantic Enrichment Using Geometric Features and Pairwise Spatial Relations. In: 2017 Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.


Ngo, Kien (2020) A study of the self‐built housing in Hanoi city, Vietnam after the economic reform in 1986. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Good practice

Ingirige, Bingunath, Haigh, Richard, Malalgoda, Chamindi and Palliyaguru, R. S. (2008) Exploring good practice knowledge transfer related to post tsunami housing re-construction in Sri Lanka. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 13 (2). pp. 21-42. ISSN 1823-6499

Government policies

Liyanage, Champika, Dias, Nuwan, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Current Context of Transport Sector in South Asia:Recommendations Towards a Sustainable Transportation System. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. ISSN 2044-124X

government subsidy

Pikas, Ergo, Kurnitski, Jarek, Thalfeldt, Martin and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Cost-benefit analysis of nZEB energy efficiency strategies with on-site photovoltaic generation. Energy, 128. pp. 291-301. ISSN 0360-5442

great tits

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

green building

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

grounded theory

Seneviratne, Krisanthi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Managing Housing Needs of Post Conflict Housing Reconstruction: Sri Lankan Perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (2). pp. 275-288. ISSN 0969-9988


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Ngo, Kien (2020) A study of the self‐built housing in Hanoi city, Vietnam after the economic reform in 1986. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

healthcare facilities

Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

Healthcare infrastructure

Dehe, Benjamin and Bamford, David (2017) Quality Function Deployment and operational design decisions – A healthcare infrastructure development case study. Production Planning & Control, 28 (14). pp. 1177-1192. ISSN 0953-7287


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Higher education

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562

historic buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) Silverfish: if they're not fish, they're not really silver, and they look like aliens, what on earth are they? Building Engineer, 92 (6). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

holiday home

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

Hong Kong

Pitts, Adrian (2016) Impacts of Variations in Air Conditioning System Set-Point Temperature on Room Conditions and Perceived Thermal Comfort. In: Proceedings of the 9th Windsor Conference : Making comfort relevant. NCEUB, pp. 600-611. ISBN 9780992895730


Pigott, Joanne, Hargreaves, Janet and Power, Jess (2016) Liminal Hospital Spaces; Corridors to Well-Being? In: WELL-BEING 2016: Co-Creating Pathways to Well-Being, The Third International Conference Exploring the Multi-Dimensions of Well-Being, 5th-6th September 2016, Birmingham, UK.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

Housing reconstruction

Ingirige, Bingunath, Haigh, Richard, Malalgoda, Chamindi and Palliyaguru, R. S. (2008) Exploring good practice knowledge transfer related to post tsunami housing re-construction in Sri Lanka. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 13 (2). pp. 21-42. ISSN 1823-6499

Ophiyandri, Taufika, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Keraminiyage, Kaushal (2016) Advantages and Limitations of Community-based Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Projects. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 (4). pp. 420-431. ISSN 1759-5908

Human behaviour in design

Kroll, Ehud and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Studying design abduction in the context of novelty. In: DS 87-7 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 7: Design Theory and Research Methodology, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017. ICED . The Design Society, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 61-70. ISBN 9781904670957

human settlements

Seneviratne, K., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Post conflict housing reconstruction: sustainability perspectives of human settlements. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9


Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.


Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.


Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Implementation of critical success factors in construction research and development process. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2 (9). pp. 94-106. ISSN 2141-2820


Formoso, Carlos, Sommer, Lucila, Koskela, Lauri and Isatto, Eduardo L. (2017) The identification and analysis of making-do waste: insights from two Brazilian construction sites. Ambiente Construido (Built Environment), 17 (3). pp. 183-197. ISSN 1678-8621


Pigott, Joanne, Hargreaves, Janet and Power, Jess (2016) Liminal Hospital Spaces; Corridors to Well-Being? In: WELL-BEING 2016: Co-Creating Pathways to Well-Being, The Third International Conference Exploring the Multi-Dimensions of Well-Being, 5th-6th September 2016, Birmingham, UK.

Inclusive design

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X


Ophiyandri, Taufika, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Keraminiyage, Kaushal (2016) Advantages and Limitations of Community-based Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Projects. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 (4). pp. 420-431. ISSN 1759-5908

industrial mills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X


Wedawatta, Gayan, Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Parvez, Ahmed (2016) Disaster risk reduction infrastructure requirements for South-Western Bangladesh: Perspectives of local communities. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6 (4). pp. 379-390. ISSN 2044-124X

infrastructure and community vulnerability

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Evaluation of existing vulnerabilities and disaster risk reduction practices of infrastructure reconstruction projects. In: International research conference on sustainability in built environment, 18-19th June 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished)

Infrastructure reconstruction

Palliyaguru, R, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Developing an approach to assess the influence of integrating disaster risk reduction practices into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22 (2). pp. 160-171. ISSN 0965-3562,

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Evaluation of existing vulnerabilities and disaster risk reduction practices of infrastructure reconstruction projects. In: International research conference on sustainability in built environment, 18-19th June 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished)

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Integration of disaster risk reduction into infrastructure reconstruction sector: policy versus practise gaps. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 1 (3). pp. 277-296. ISSN 1759-5908


Katwikirize, Stuart (2019) Community Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exposing and Challenging Level of Prioritisation in Kenya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Thurairajah, N., Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Meliorating women's representation within leadership positions in the UK construction industry. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)


Kroll, Ehud and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Studying design abduction in the context of novelty. In: DS 87-7 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 7: Design Theory and Research Methodology, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017. ICED . The Design Society, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 61-70. ISBN 9781904670957

Kulatunga, K. J., Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2011) Client's championing characteristics that promote construction innovation. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 11 (4). pp. 380-398. ISSN 1471-4175


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) Silverfish: if they're not fish, they're not really silver, and they look like aliens, what on earth are they? Building Engineer, 92 (6). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2010) Dry Lining as a Method for Maintaining Comfort Levels Beneath Pitched Roofs; An Experimental Case Study. Building Engineer, 85 (09). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0969-8213

integration of DRR

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Integration of disaster risk reduction into infrastructure reconstruction sector: policy versus practise gaps. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 1 (3). pp. 277-296. ISSN 1759-5908

interior design

Pitts, Adrian and Gao, Yun (2014) Design of Dwellings and Interior Family Space in China: Understanding the History of Change and Opportunities for Improved Sustainability Practices. Buildings, 4 (4). pp. 823-848. ISSN 2075-5309

Internet of Things

Dave, Bhargav, Kubler, Sylvain, Främling, Kary and Koskela, Lauri (2016) Opportunities for enhanced lean construction management using Internet of Things standards. Automation in Construction, 61. pp. 86-97. ISSN 0926-5805


Dave, Bhargav, Kubler, Sylvain, Främling, Kary and Koskela, Lauri (2016) Opportunities for enhanced lean construction management using Internet of Things standards. Automation in Construction, 61. pp. 86-97. ISSN 0926-5805


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213


Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193

job generation

Pikas, Ergo, Kurnitski, Jarek, Thalfeldt, Martin and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Cost-benefit analysis of nZEB energy efficiency strategies with on-site photovoltaic generation. Energy, 128. pp. 291-301. ISSN 0360-5442

Knowledge transfer

Ingirige, Bingunath, Haigh, Richard, Malalgoda, Chamindi and Palliyaguru, R. S. (2008) Exploring good practice knowledge transfer related to post tsunami housing re-construction in Sri Lanka. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 13 (2). pp. 21-42. ISSN 1823-6499

Last Planner

Bølviken, Trond, Aslesen, Sigmund, Kalsaas, Bo Terje and Koskela, Lauri (2017) A Balanced Dashboard for Production Planning and Control. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.


Thurairajah, N., Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Meliorating women's representation within leadership positions in the UK construction industry. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

leadership styles

Thayaparan, M, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Contribution of women managers towards the construction industry: Preliminary findings. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Lean construction

Dave, Bhargav, Kubler, Sylvain, Främling, Kary and Koskela, Lauri (2016) Opportunities for enhanced lean construction management using Internet of Things standards. Automation in Construction, 61. pp. 86-97. ISSN 0926-5805

Tezel, Algan and Aziz, Z. U. H. (2017) Benefits of visual management in construction: cases from the transportation sector in England. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 17 (2). pp. 125-157. ISSN 1471-4175

Lepisma saccharina

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) Silverfish: if they're not fish, they're not really silver, and they look like aliens, what on earth are they? Building Engineer, 92 (6). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0969-8213

Lifelong learning

Thayaparan, Menaha, Siriwardena, Mohan, Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Lill, Irene and Kaklauskas, Arturas (2015) Enhancing post-disaster reconstruction capacity through lifelong learning in higher education. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24 (3). pp. 338-354. ISSN 0965-3562


Pigott, Joanne, Hargreaves, Janet and Power, Jess (2016) Liminal Hospital Spaces; Corridors to Well-Being? In: WELL-BEING 2016: Co-Creating Pathways to Well-Being, The Third International Conference Exploring the Multi-Dimensions of Well-Being, 5th-6th September 2016, Birmingham, UK.


Ophiyandri, Taufika, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Keraminiyage, Kaushal (2016) Advantages and Limitations of Community-based Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Projects. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 (4). pp. 420-431. ISSN 1759-5908

line of balance

Biotto, Clarissa, Kagioglou, Mike, Koskela, Lauri and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2017) Comparing Production Design Activities and Location-Based Planning Tools. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

local DRR action

Katwikirize, Stuart (2019) Community Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exposing and Challenging Level of Prioritisation in Kenya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Local government

Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Creating a disaster resilient built environment in urban cities: The role of local governments in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4 (1). pp. 72-94. ISSN 1759-5908

Local government capability

Yumarni, Tri and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2017) Resource Capability for Local Government in Mainstreaming Gender into Disaster Risk Reduction: Evidence from Bantul Indonesia. Journal of Regional and City Planning, 28 (3). pp. 178-185. ISSN 2502-6429

local history sheffield

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

low energy

Pitts, Adrian (2017) Passive House and Low Energy Buildings: Barriers and Opportunities for Future Development within UK Practice. Sustainability, 9 (2). p. 272. ISSN 2071-1050


Formoso, Carlos, Sommer, Lucila, Koskela, Lauri and Isatto, Eduardo L. (2017) The identification and analysis of making-do waste: insights from two Brazilian construction sites. Ambiente Construido (Built Environment), 17 (3). pp. 183-197. ISSN 1678-8621


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

management research

Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193

managing housing needs

Seneviratne, Krisanthi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Managing Housing Needs of Post Conflict Housing Reconstruction: Sri Lankan Perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (2). pp. 275-288. ISSN 0969-9988


Elvitigala, Gayani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Haigh, Richard and Shanmugam, M. (2007) Construction and women: comparative analysis. In: 4th International SCRI Symposium, 26-27th March 2007, University of Salford. (Unpublished)

masonry repair

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870


Bølviken, Trond, Aslesen, Sigmund, Kalsaas, Bo Terje and Koskela, Lauri (2017) A Balanced Dashboard for Production Planning and Control. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Ball, Andrew (2016) Interdisciplinary 3d Mobile Scanning Technology Case Studies: Canvasman, Faro, Artec & Structure Sensor For Ipad. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield.


Elvitigala, Gayani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Haigh, Richard and Shanmugam, M. (2007) Construction and women: comparative analysis. In: 4th International SCRI Symposium, 26-27th March 2007, University of Salford. (Unpublished)

medieval buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400


Bølviken, Trond, Aslesen, Sigmund, Kalsaas, Bo Terje and Koskela, Lauri (2017) A Balanced Dashboard for Production Planning and Control. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

Millennium development goals

Palliyaguru, R, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Developing an approach to assess the influence of integrating disaster risk reduction practices into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22 (2). pp. 160-171. ISSN 0965-3562,


Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Ball, Andrew (2016) Interdisciplinary 3d Mobile Scanning Technology Case Studies: Canvasman, Faro, Artec & Structure Sensor For Ipad. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield.


Liyanage, Champika, Dias, Nuwan, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Current Context of Transport Sector in South Asia:Recommendations Towards a Sustainable Transportation System. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. ISSN 2044-124X

Moor Pool

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

National and intermediate-organisational policies

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Integration of disaster risk reduction into infrastructure reconstruction sector: policy versus practise gaps. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 1 (3). pp. 277-296. ISSN 1759-5908

Natural disasters

Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Creating a disaster resilient built environment in urban cities: The role of local governments in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4 (1). pp. 72-94. ISSN 1759-5908

nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)

Pikas, Ergo, Kurnitski, Jarek, Thalfeldt, Martin and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Cost-benefit analysis of nZEB energy efficiency strategies with on-site photovoltaic generation. Energy, 128. pp. 291-301. ISSN 0360-5442

nesting blue tits

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Object classification

Ma, Ling, Sacks, Rafael and Kattell, Uri (2017) Building Model Object Classification for Semantic Enrichment Using Geometric Features and Pairwise Spatial Relations. In: 2017 Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

Occupant's behaviour

Delzendeh, Elham and Wu, Song (2017) The Influence of Space Layout Design on Occupant’s Energy Behaviour. In: 2017 Lean & Computing in Construction Congress, 4-12 July 2017, Crete, Greece.


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

Occupants’ behavior

Alaaeddine, Rima and Wu, Song (2017) Application of supervised learning methods to better predict building energy performance. In: International Conference on Sustainable Futures 2017, 26th-27th November 2017, Sitra, Bahrain.

operations management

Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193

optimal location

Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.

optimal size

Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.

organization theory

Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218


Pitts, Adrian (2015) How to build a city for 50C heatwaves. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

passive house

Pitts, Adrian (2017) Passive House and Low Energy Buildings: Barriers and Opportunities for Future Development within UK Practice. Sustainability, 9 (2). p. 272. ISSN 2071-1050


Pitts, Adrian (2017) Passive House and Low Energy Buildings: Barriers and Opportunities for Future Development within UK Practice. Sustainability, 9 (2). p. 272. ISSN 2071-1050

Patient Experience

Pigott, Joanne, Hargreaves, Janet and Power, Jess (2016) Liminal Hospital Spaces; Corridors to Well-Being? In: WELL-BEING 2016: Co-Creating Pathways to Well-Being, The Third International Conference Exploring the Multi-Dimensions of Well-Being, 5th-6th September 2016, Birmingham, UK.

Pedestrian prominence

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X

Performance gap

Alaaeddine, Rima and Wu, Song (2017) Application of supervised learning methods to better predict building energy performance. In: International Conference on Sustainable Futures 2017, 26th-27th November 2017, Sitra, Bahrain.

Performance measurement

Formoso, Carlos, Sommer, Lucila, Koskela, Lauri and Isatto, Eduardo L. (2017) The identification and analysis of making-do waste: insights from two Brazilian construction sites. Ambiente Construido (Built Environment), 17 (3). pp. 183-197. ISSN 1678-8621

Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2011) Structured approach to measure performance in construction research and development: performance measurement system development. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60 (3). ISSN 1741-0401


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

pest control

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) Silverfish: if they're not fish, they're not really silver, and they look like aliens, what on earth are they? Building Engineer, 92 (6). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

phase scheduling

Biotto, Clarissa, Kagioglou, Mike, Koskela, Lauri and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2017) Comparing Production Design Activities and Location-Based Planning Tools. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

Pholcus phalangioides

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Planning and control

Formoso, Carlos, Sommer, Lucila, Koskela, Lauri and Isatto, Eduardo L. (2017) The identification and analysis of making-do waste: insights from two Brazilian construction sites. Ambiente Construido (Built Environment), 17 (3). pp. 183-197. ISSN 1678-8621

point cloud

Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Ball, Andrew (2016) Interdisciplinary 3d Mobile Scanning Technology Case Studies: Canvasman, Faro, Artec & Structure Sensor For Ipad. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

post conflict housing reconstruction

Seneviratne, K., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Post conflict housing reconstruction: sustainability perspectives of human settlements. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Seneviratne, Krisanthi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Managing Housing Needs of Post Conflict Housing Reconstruction: Sri Lankan Perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (2). pp. 275-288. ISSN 0969-9988

post conflict reconstruction

Seneviratne, K., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Post conflict housing reconstruction: sustainability perspectives of human settlements. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Post disaster

Karunasena, Gayani and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (2016) Capacity Building for Post Disaster Construction and Demolition Waste Management: A Case of Sri Lanka. Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (2). pp. 137-153. ISSN 0965-3562


Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2012) Post-disaster construction & demolition debris management: A Sri Lanka case study. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18 (4). pp. 457-468. ISSN 1392-3730

Ophiyandri, Taufika, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Keraminiyage, Kaushal (2016) Advantages and Limitations of Community-based Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Projects. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 (4). pp. 420-431. ISSN 1759-5908


Ingirige, Bingunath, Haigh, Richard, Malalgoda, Chamindi and Palliyaguru, R. S. (2008) Exploring good practice knowledge transfer related to post tsunami housing re-construction in Sri Lanka. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 13 (2). pp. 21-42. ISSN 1823-6499

Process transparency

Tezel, Algan and Aziz, Z. U. H. (2017) Benefits of visual management in construction: cases from the transportation sector in England. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 17 (2). pp. 125-157. ISSN 1471-4175

product design

Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Ball, Andrew (2016) Interdisciplinary 3d Mobile Scanning Technology Case Studies: Canvasman, Faro, Artec & Structure Sensor For Ipad. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield.

Production design

Biotto, Clarissa, Kagioglou, Mike, Koskela, Lauri and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2017) Comparing Production Design Activities and Location-Based Planning Tools. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

project management

Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213


Dehe, Benjamin and Bamford, David (2017) Quality Function Deployment and operational design decisions – A healthcare infrastructure development case study. Production Planning & Control, 28 (14). pp. 1177-1192. ISSN 0953-7287

quantitative methods

Koskela, Lauri (2017) Why is management research irrelevant? Construction Management and Economics, 35 (1-2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 0144-6193


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Range cooker

Odunze, N., Mishra, Rakesh and Reed, J. (2007) The CFD analysis of the effects of the size and location of an Air-Inlet in domestic kitchen extraction. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-7.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2010) Dry Lining as a Method for Maintaining Comfort Levels Beneath Pitched Roofs; An Experimental Case Study. Building Engineer, 85 (09). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

research and development

Kulatunga, Udayangani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2011) Structured approach to measure performance in construction research and development: performance measurement system development. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60 (3). ISSN 1741-0401

research methodology

Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Mainstreaming women into disaster reduction decision making in the built environment: Research methodological perspectives. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Why Buying a House in France Still Represents the Best Overseas Property Option. Building Engineer, 89 (5). pp. 26-28. ISSN 0969-8213

rip saw

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

rip saws

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

Risk management

Palliyaguru, R, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Developing an approach to assess the influence of integrating disaster risk reduction practices into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22 (2). pp. 160-171. ISSN 0965-3562,

risk reduction

Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Capacity building of disaster waste management for disaster risk reduction. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

Katwikirize, Stuart (2019) Community Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exposing and Challenging Level of Prioritisation in Kenya. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

rivelin valley

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309


Liyanage, Champika, Dias, Nuwan, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Current Context of Transport Sector in South Asia:Recommendations Towards a Sustainable Transportation System. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. ISSN 2044-124X

sash saw

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

saw technology

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400


Bølviken, Trond, Aslesen, Sigmund, Kalsaas, Bo Terje and Koskela, Lauri (2017) A Balanced Dashboard for Production Planning and Control. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

self-­‐built housing

Ngo, Kien (2020) A study of the self‐built housing in Hanoi city, Vietnam after the economic reform in 1986. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Semantic enrichment

Ma, Ling, Sacks, Rafael and Kattell, Uri (2017) Building Model Object Classification for Semantic Enrichment Using Geometric Features and Pairwise Spatial Relations. In: 2017 Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

Shared Space Street

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X

sheffield heritage

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

sheffield rivers

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) Silverfish: if they're not fish, they're not really silver, and they look like aliens, what on earth are they? Building Engineer, 92 (6). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0969-8213

Socio-economic development

Palliyaguru, R, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Developing an approach to assess the influence of integrating disaster risk reduction practices into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22 (2). pp. 160-171. ISSN 0965-3562,

Palliyaguru, Roshani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Vulnerability reduction of infrastructure reconstruction projects. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 9781842196199

solar photovoltaic

Pikas, Ergo, Kurnitski, Jarek, Thalfeldt, Martin and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Cost-benefit analysis of nZEB energy efficiency strategies with on-site photovoltaic generation. Energy, 128. pp. 291-301. ISSN 0360-5442

South Asia

Liyanage, Champika, Dias, Nuwan, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Current Context of Transport Sector in South Asia:Recommendations Towards a Sustainable Transportation System. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. ISSN 2044-124X

Space layout

Delzendeh, Elham and Wu, Song (2017) The Influence of Space Layout Design on Occupant’s Energy Behaviour. In: 2017 Lean & Computing in Construction Congress, 4-12 July 2017, Crete, Greece.

Spatial relation

Ma, Ling, Sacks, Rafael and Kattell, Uri (2017) Building Model Object Classification for Semantic Enrichment Using Geometric Features and Pairwise Spatial Relations. In: 2017 Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hole In The Wall. Natural History, 123 (3). p. 48. ISSN 0028-0712

Sri Lanka

Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2012) Post-disaster construction & demolition debris management: A Sri Lanka case study. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18 (4). pp. 457-468. ISSN 1392-3730

Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Creating a disaster resilient built environment in urban cities: The role of local governments in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4 (1). pp. 72-94. ISSN 1759-5908

Seneviratne, Krisanthi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Managing Housing Needs of Post Conflict Housing Reconstruction: Sri Lankan Perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (2). pp. 275-288. ISSN 0969-9988


Dave, Bhargav, Kubler, Sylvain, Främling, Kary and Koskela, Lauri (2016) Opportunities for enhanced lean construction management using Internet of Things standards. Automation in Construction, 61. pp. 86-97. ISSN 0926-5805


Pitts, Adrian (2014) Prevalence and Evaluation of Bioclimatic Design Techniques used to achieve Low Energy Comfort in Architectural Design Proposals. In: Proceedings of The Windsor Conference: Counting the Cost of Comfort. 8th Windsor Conference 10th-13th April 2014 . NCEUB: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, Windsor, UK, pp. 1078-1090. ISBN 9780992895709

successful implementation of policies

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Integration of disaster risk reduction into infrastructure reconstruction sector: policy versus practise gaps. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 1 (3). pp. 277-296. ISSN 1759-5908

Supervised Machine Learning

Alaaeddine, Rima and Wu, Song (2017) Application of supervised learning methods to better predict building energy performance. In: International Conference on Sustainable Futures 2017, 26th-27th November 2017, Sitra, Bahrain.

Supply Chain Management

Dave, Bhargav, Kubler, Sylvain, Främling, Kary and Koskela, Lauri (2016) Opportunities for enhanced lean construction management using Internet of Things standards. Automation in Construction, 61. pp. 86-97. ISSN 0926-5805

Surface Design Enterprise Innovation

Harris, J.M. (2014) Exhibition at The International Surface Design Show London 2014. [Show/Exhibition]


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2010) Dry Lining as a Method for Maintaining Comfort Levels Beneath Pitched Roofs; An Experimental Case Study. Building Engineer, 85 (09). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

Seneviratne, K., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Post conflict housing reconstruction: sustainability perspectives of human settlements. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-619-9

sustainable design

Pitts, Adrian and Gao, Yun (2014) Design of Dwellings and Interior Family Space in China: Understanding the History of Change and Opportunities for Improved Sustainability Practices. Buildings, 4 (4). pp. 823-848. ISSN 2075-5309

sustainable forests

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Sustainable transport

Liyanage, Champika, Dias, Nuwan, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2017) Current Context of Transport Sector in South Asia:Recommendations Towards a Sustainable Transportation System. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. ISSN 2044-124X

takt-time planning

Biotto, Clarissa, Kagioglou, Mike, Koskela, Lauri and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2017) Comparing Production Design Activities and Location-Based Planning Tools. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

tax revenue

Pikas, Ergo, Kurnitski, Jarek, Thalfeldt, Martin and Koskela, Lauri (2017) Cost-benefit analysis of nZEB energy efficiency strategies with on-site photovoltaic generation. Energy, 128. pp. 291-301. ISSN 0360-5442


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

technology of buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

temperature variation

Pitts, Adrian (2016) Impacts of Variations in Air Conditioning System Set-Point Temperature on Room Conditions and Perceived Thermal Comfort. In: Proceedings of the 9th Windsor Conference : Making comfort relevant. NCEUB, pp. 600-611. ISBN 9780992895730

thermal comfort

Pitts, Adrian (2016) Impacts of Variations in Air Conditioning System Set-Point Temperature on Room Conditions and Perceived Thermal Comfort. In: Proceedings of the 9th Windsor Conference : Making comfort relevant. NCEUB, pp. 600-611. ISBN 9780992895730


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2011) Spiders Love Woodworm. Green Building, 21 (3). pp. 36-37.

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

timber conversion

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

timber frame

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

timber frames

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

timber mills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

timber products

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) How to build a nestbox in a wall cavity. Birdwatch, 272 (272). p. 78. ISSN 09671870

traditional building construction

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

traditional buildings

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2010) Dry Lining as a Method for Maintaining Comfort Levels Beneath Pitched Roofs; An Experimental Case Study. Building Engineer, 85 (09). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

traditional carpentry skills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)


Pigott, Joanne, Hargreaves, Janet and Power, Jess (2016) Liminal Hospital Spaces; Corridors to Well-Being? In: WELL-BEING 2016: Co-Creating Pathways to Well-Being, The Third International Conference Exploring the Multi-Dimensions of Well-Being, 5th-6th September 2016, Birmingham, UK.

Transportation sector

Tezel, Algan and Aziz, Z. U. H. (2017) Benefits of visual management in construction: cases from the transportation sector in England. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 17 (2). pp. 125-157. ISSN 1471-4175


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213


Pitts, Adrian (2017) Passive House and Low Energy Buildings: Barriers and Opportunities for Future Development within UK Practice. Sustainability, 9 (2). p. 272. ISSN 2071-1050

Thayaparan, M, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Contribution of women managers towards the construction industry: Preliminary findings. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Thurairajah, N., Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Meliorating women's representation within leadership positions in the UK construction industry. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2017) The Moorpool Estate: A Visionary Edwardian Garden Suburb for Birmingham. In: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, 22-23 June 2017, University Of Derby. (Unpublished)

urban area

Ngo, Kien (2020) A study of the self‐built housing in Hanoi city, Vietnam after the economic reform in 1986. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Malalgoda, Chamindi, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2013) Creating a disaster resilient built environment in urban cities: The role of local governments in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 4 (1). pp. 72-94. ISSN 1759-5908


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

Visual management

Tezel, Algan and Aziz, Z. U. H. (2017) Benefits of visual management in construction: cases from the transportation sector in England. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 17 (2). pp. 125-157. ISSN 1471-4175

vulnerability reduction

Palliyaguru, Roshani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Vulnerability reduction of infrastructure reconstruction projects. In: COBRA 2010 The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. RICS. ISBN 9781842196199


Formoso, Carlos, Sommer, Lucila, Koskela, Lauri and Isatto, Eduardo L. (2017) The identification and analysis of making-do waste: insights from two Brazilian construction sites. Ambiente Construido (Built Environment), 17 (3). pp. 183-197. ISSN 1678-8621

waste management strategies

Karunasena, G. I., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2012) Post-disaster construction & demolition debris management: A Sri Lanka case study. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18 (4). pp. 457-468. ISSN 1392-3730

water mills

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

water power

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213

weaknesses of policies

Palliyaguru, R. S., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Integration of disaster risk reduction into infrastructure reconstruction sector: policy versus practise gaps. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 1 (3). pp. 277-296. ISSN 1759-5908


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218


Elvitigala, Gayani, Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Haigh, Richard and Shanmugam, M. (2007) Construction and women: comparative analysis. In: 4th International SCRI Symposium, 26-27th March 2007, University of Salford. (Unpublished)

Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Mainstreaming women into disaster reduction decision making in the built environment: Research methodological perspectives. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

Thurairajah, N., Ginige, K. N., Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Meliorating women's representation within leadership positions in the UK construction industry. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

women managers

Thayaparan, M, Amaratunga, Dilanthi and Haigh, Richard (2010) Contribution of women managers towards the construction industry: Preliminary findings. In: CIB 2010, 10-13th May 2010, University of Salford.. (Unpublished)

woodland management

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Carpentry Traditions and Timber-Frame Buildings. Context, the journal of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (138). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0958-2746

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Hearts Of Oak: Traditional Timber Frames and Timber Conversion. Architectural Technology (113). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2016) Oak Trees and the technology of timber conversion with particular reference to the use of water-power in West and South Yorkshire. In: Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation REUG 2016, 3rd - 5th Feb 2016, Huddersfield University. (Unpublished)

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2014) Oak trees, carpentry traditions and timber conversion. Green Building, 24 (3). pp. 40-44. ISSN 1755-2400

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Oak trees, timber conversion and the structure of traditional timber-frame buildings. Building Engineer, 90 (01). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0969-8213


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2013) Come into my parlour... Architectural Technology (107). p. 11. ISSN 1361-326X

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2015) Traditional buildings as ecosystems with spiders as biocontrol for woodworm. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 46 (4). pp. 40-41.

work structuring

Biotto, Clarissa, Kagioglou, Mike, Koskela, Lauri and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2017) Comparing Production Design Activities and Location-Based Planning Tools. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 9th-12th July 2017, Heraklion, Greece.


Pitts, Adrian (2016) Establishing Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Design in the Rural Villages of Yunnan, China. Buildings, 6 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

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