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(TCP 3D 3D surface analysis techniques matt finish femoral stems hip replacement 3T3 Cells Abstract argumentation acceleration Accelerator Driven acetylenecarboxylate ketoxime addn Action Potentials Activity based costing Management Plant engineering Cost effectiveness Computer integrated manufacturing systems Management Plant engineering Computer integrated manufacturing systems activity based learning additive models adsorbates ADSR Agitation agitation rate ai artificial intelligence planning scheduling systems plangraph framework temporal airway Alicona infinite microscope alkyne oxime regioselective intermol addn nucleophilic catalysis allyl amide halogenated prepn multifaceted platinum catalyst allylic alc activated alkyne nucleophilic catalysis addn Claisen rearrangement Alternative treatments Ambient Ionisation Ambystoma mexicanum aminophenol halogenated nitrile methanol cyclocondensation animal ANN networks Annealing Anobium punctatum Anti-phishing anti-sense oligonucleotide synthesis antifungal Antigens Anxiety apatite applied cognition APS arachnophobia Arterial compliance Arterial stiffness article 58 artificial neural networks - budesonide - microemulsion - nanoemulsion - particle size - stability ATR-FTIR audio authentication Autism Diagnosis autoclave Automated planning Automatic configuration automotive Axolotl bacterial cellulose Barkhausen noise beclometasone dipropionate benzoxazole prepn big data classification Biglycan deamidation bio-predators biodissolution Bioengineering &biomedical engineering Biomedical engineering Biochemical engineering Chemical engineering blowflies blue on blue Body Fluid Identification Bone proteomics boron Brexit Building Conservation C++ CAD cadmium calcium ion chitosan homogalacturonan nanoparticle pectin rhamnogalacturonan unclassified drug chemical analysis complex formation drug delivery system drug structure esterification mucoadhesion nanopharmaceutics physical chemistry review Calliphoridae Capillary Electrophoresis Carbamazepine carbonic anhydrase Category membership Cathodoluminescence CBT CCU cell culture cell therapy Chebyshev series - Laurent series - Laurent–Padé approximant - Chebyshev–Padé approximant - Clenshaw–Lord approximant - end-point singularities Chemical treatments for timber Chimpanzee chlorhexidine chloride absorption chloride channel cimetidine CJEU Classical probability theory Classification clay matrices Cloud Computing Clustering co-amorphous co-processing CO2 Utilisation Directive cognition cognitive psychology Cognitive workload Cogrinding common furniture beetle Compaction behaviour compensatory responses composite films conductivity probes Confidence conformation conformation iron porphyrin meso substituent effect Conjunction effect continuous manufacturing controlled delivery copper catalyst coupling lactam chlorovinyl bromovinyl iodide Creep crystal growth crystal mol structure methyl tosyl tosylethylidene indoline crystal structure iron chloro porphyrin Crystallisation curricula development cyber Cyber Security cystic fibrosis D-glucosamine HCl D-glucosamine HCl DART-MS data analysis data management data mining decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement furanylethyl tosylacetate decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement hydroxyalkyl indole acetate Decision making Deleuze& Guattari Demonstrations density dependence density-dependent and density-independent components density–toxicant interaction Depression design education Diabetes mellitus dienone Digital TV digitonin Diptera direct compression Disability Disjunction effect Diskus dry powder inhaler Dissolution enhancement Dissolution rate dm+d DNA methylation Dose emission drawing Driving Dromiceus novaehollandiae drug detection drug release dry powder inhaler DSC DSC hydration DVB-T DVB-T2 Dynamics ecotoxicology EDX effect of food effects on population Electron microscopy electron transfer Electrostatics Electrostatics DEM Distinct Element Modelling Segregation Triboelectrification elemental impurities Embedded Training Emu Environment enzyme sources urinary oxalate measurements epi-illumination epithelial transport EPO Ergonomics Human engineering Computer software Erosion ethylidenetosylmethyldihydrofuran prepn stereoselective reaction electrophile EU policies Evidence-based practice Excavated textiles excipient Exercise training Explanation factors Fault detection Feedback femoral stem Fetal malnutrition Fetal programming fillers fingerprints First-run effect fluconazole foetal Forensic Forensic Entomology Forensic proteomics forensic science formoterol inhalation UV detection technique formyl allylacetate prepn protection redn fratricide Frequency judgments Friendly fire full face erosion magnetrons Fullerenes furan ethylidenetosylmethyldihydro prepn stereoselective reaction electrophile Fuzzy logic systems GANT garlic powder Gas network gel generalized additive model (GAM) generalized additive modelling glass transition temperature Glucokinase gluconeogenesis Glucosamine HCI Glucosamine HCl glucose palladium nanoparticle catalyst Suzuki Miyaura cross coupling Gluten Grademark Graduate education/research granules Great Repeal Bill green building greenbottle blowfly Grewia gum Grewia mollis Guidelines H.264 LED halo enamide prepn halogenated nitrile allyl alc nucleophilic addn sigmatropic rearrangement mechanism Hands-on learning/manipulatives HCO3– secretion Healthcare collaborative Heart rate modulation Heart rate variability hepatic gluconeogenesis glycemia glucose diabetes hepatic intracellular pH hepatic intralobular heterogeneity hepatocyte nuclear factor High school/introductory chemistry high temperature nanomechanics TiAlN home Homography Hot spot mitigation Hot spot protection Hot-Stage HPMC HPMC K4M HPMC K4ML Native sesamum gum HSM Huddersfield Human factors human-computer interaction hyaluronic acid Hydro-alcoholic Hydroalcoholic hydrogels hydrophilic matrices hydroxypropylmethylcellulose hyperglycaemia Hyphenated techniques IAPT Ibuprofen ICP-MS ICP-OES image analysis Image features Image mosaic Image understanding in-vitro dose emission indirectly positive effects Indomethacin innovaton design MoIST soft systems science hard information Insects interconnection Interest points Interference effects Internet Computer software Education Computer software Education Interval Intranet Intrinsic dissolution rate Ion sputtering Ionic concentration strength ionic strength Iron iron mono substituted porphyrinate reaction hydrogen peroxide iron porphyrin substituent effect structure electronic state Judgment kappa opioid receptor Kerameikos ketone hydroxyamine hydrochloride diastereoselective condensation kinetics mechanics Kinetics of drug release larval competition laser printing Laser Scanning Lattice solitons lead Lead in tap water pyromorphite hydroxylpyromorphite plumbosolvency Lead water pipes Crystal growth x-ray diffraction apatite learning Learning To Learn Low inhalation flow Lucilia sericata Ly/*genetics Machine Learning macrocognition magnesium aluminium silicate Magnetic force Magnetic sensor Magnetically actuated micromirror magneto-acoustic emission magnetron sputtering malaria marine teleost Mass Spectrometry Material strength Mathematics Matrix tablet Matrix tablets Mechanical properties medication adherence medicine melting point MEMS Mental representation mesenchymal stem cells Meta Learning Meta –Rules metabolites metal targets metallo β-lactamases metered dose inhalers methamphetamine methyl orange microcarriers microencapsulation microRNA Microscopy military psychology mixed-valence Mixing inlet mobile application mobile assessment Mobile learning Model Model predictive control Molecular evolution molecular switches Motivation Motor control Motor decoupling motor response mp3 MPEG MS mucoadhesive hydrogel MultiCast) Protocols multiphase flows Multiple Sclerosis Music & psychoanalysis Musical genetics N-methylpiperidin-4-one Nano-fretting Nanomechanics Nanomusic nanoparticles Nanosciences nanosponges Nanostructures Nanotribology Naturalistic NDE NDT netless network neutral sugars Neutrino Factory NHS non-parametric modelling nonlinearities nonparametric regression odour masking Offset PPM Okra biopolymer OMCOKE open access Operations Management Organic solvents osmoregulation Outcome feedback oxime stereoselective prepn oxophlorinate iron isomer complex prepn palladium nanoparticle supported cellulose nanocrystal paper Particle size particle size distribution pattern recognition Perioperative inadvertent hypothermia permethrin Personal pesticides Petromyzon marinus pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Electrostatics Tribo-electrification Flurbiprofen pharmaceutical manufacturing distribution supply chain techniques pharmaceutical patents Pharmaceutics pharmacy phasic negative intrathoracic pressures vascular responses stimulation pulmonary arterial baroreceptors closed-chest anaesthetized dogs Phishing Dataset Pholcus phalangioides phosphates photocatalytic coatings photoelectron diffraction Photovoltaic (PV) hot spotting analysis Photovoltaic faults Photovoltaic system Physical physical chemical properties plasma membrane H+- ATPase PMI poison pollution polydrug Polymer chemistry Polymorphism Polysaccharide polysaccharides population dynamics population model Poroelastic Portfolios methods for argumentation Post-mortem interval powder targets Predictive Models Prenatal programming Prilling Prills progestogen contraception Libyan women publishing pulmonary arterial distension vagal afferent nerve anaesthetized dogs pulsed excitation Purification Purple dye from molluscs PVA Pyromorphite pyrrole prepn quadruple bonds Quantum probability theory questioned documents Quodons Radiation-induced annealing Raman raman microscopy Raman spectroscopy Rationality Reasoning Recommendations relapse relative lung bioavailability release profile Renin–angiotensin system Requirements capture • Formal specification • Knowledge representation Research Lifecycle Resource efficiency Response inhibition response technology resurfacing Reverse Engineering review gold catalyst MFC cascade tandem reaction Rheology rotating probe SART scholarly communications science Sea lamprey security Security Classification segregation electrostatics pharmaceutical self-care Self-efficacy self-management Similarity factor Similarity ratings simulation single crystal surfaces size Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) Smartphone technology Smectite Smishing SNOMED CT Social Media Social Support Socio-Ecological Solar cells solid acids ammonia adsorption microcalorimetry Solid dispersion Solid dispersions Solid state Solid state analysis Solubility solvent evaporation Solvers for argumentation problems spacers SPCs speed-accuracy trade-off spiders sport SRS/WRS stage-specific density dependence stainless steel sheet starch statistics STEM Stepped care Strength stress Stress relaxation structure - function relationships structure analysis students Subjective state subjective workload substituted pyrrole prepn gold multifaceted catalysis mechanism Supervised Learning surface characterisation Surface dissolution imaging Surface energy Surface roughness sustain relese sustainability Sustained attention Swelling Symbicort Turbuhaler formoterol ta-C tablet tablets Tantalum Target lifetime Task-related thought Task-unrelated thought taste masking Teleworking Temporal-sequence patters Terminology Ternary carbides TGA TGA HSM Theophylline Thermal Analysis Thermal imaging Thermal shock Thermomicroscopy Thorium Three dimensional measurement Timber Time nanoprocesses time series analysis Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) time-series analysis topical drug delivery toxicant trace Traffic congestion transport Transport Design Transversality Tribo electrification Triboelectrification Tribology trichloroamidine prepn amine trichloroacetonitrile platinum catalyst Tungsten twin-screw granulation Type 2 UDP university Unsupervised Learning UPCA Urban mining Urban traffic control Urea urinary excretion uronic acids USP III Vasopressor effect in eel Veegum velocity components Vinyl oxime prepn rearrangement gold catalyst vinyl oxime thermal rearrangement microwave irradn VLC Void ordering water treatment WDX analysis Wear Wi-Fi wound management XML XML Architecture XML Security XPS XRD XRD analysis
Number of items at this level: 673.


Rabadi, Y.E. and Lu, Joan (2009) Building secured XML real-time interactive data exchange architecture - a comparison test between TCP vs. UDP protocols performance/. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 178-183. ISBN 9781862180857


Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360

3D surface analysis techniques matt finish femoral stems hip replacement

Brown, Leigh (2006) The use of 3D surface analysis techniques to investigate the wear of matt surface finish femoral stems in total hip replacement. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

3T3 Cells

Eckl, K.M., Weindl, G., Ackermann, K., Küchler, S., Casper, R., Radowski, M.R., Haag, R., Hennies, Hans C. and Schäfer-Korting, M. (2014) Increased cutaneous absorption reflects impaired barrier function of reconstructed skin models mimicking keratinisation disorders. Experimental dermatology, 23 (4). pp. 286-288. ISSN 1600-0625

Abstract argumentation

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X


De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356

Accelerator Driven

Kim, HungGeun and Lee, Sangcheol (2013) Thorium is an ultimate source of energy. The Science Times.

acetylenecarboxylate ketoxime addn

Ngwerume, Simbarashe and Camp, Jason (2011) Gold-catalyzed rearrangement of O-vinyl oximes for the synthesis of highly substituted pyrroles. Chemical Communications, 47 (6). pp. 1857-1859. ISSN 1359-7345

Action Potentials

Fatima, A., Xu, G., Shao, K., Papadopoulos, S., Lehmann, M., Arnaiz-Cot, J.J., Rosa, A.O., Nguemo, F., Matzkies, M., Dittmann, S., Stone, S.L., Linke, M., Zechner, U., Beyer, V., Hennies, Hans C., Rosenkranz, S., Klauke, B., Parwani, A.S., Haverkamp, W., Pfitzer, G., Farr, M., Cleemann, L., Morad, M., Milting, H., Hescheler, J. and Saric, T. (2011) In vitro modeling of ryanodine receptor 2 dysfunction using human induced pluripotent stem cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 28 (4). pp. 579-592. ISSN 1015-8987

Activity based costing Management Plant engineering Cost effectiveness Computer integrated manufacturing systems Management Plant engineering Computer integrated manufacturing systems

Kelly, Philip Fred (1995) A model for the use of cost information in AMT environments. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

activity based learning

Lu, Joan (2011) Student Response System (SRS)/Wireless Response System (WRS) – a Next-Generation Student Response System for Academia and Industry. [Artefact]

additive models

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658


Nisbet, Gareth (2007) Structure analysis of adsorbates on single crystal surfaces using photoelectron diffraction. Doctoral thesis, The University of Huddersfield in collaboration with the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.


Kim, HungGeun and Lee, Sangcheol (2013) Thorium is an ultimate source of energy. The Science Times.


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

agitation rate

Nokhodchi, Ali and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2014) Drug release from matrix tablets: physiological parameters and the effect of food. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11 (9). pp. 1401-1418. ISSN 1742-5247

ai artificial intelligence planning scheduling systems plangraph framework temporal

Dinh, Tien Ba (2007) Optimal temporal planning using the plangraph framework. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Mummery, Jennifer L., Killey, Jennifer and Linsdell, Paul (2005) Expression of the chloride channel CLC-K in human airway epithelial cells. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 83 (12). p. 1123. ISSN 00084212

Alicona infinite microscope

Ward, Adam, Walton, Karl, Box, Karl, Østergaard, Jesper, Gillie, Lisa J., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2017) Variable-focus microscopy and UV surface dissolution imaging as complementary techniques in intrinsic dissolution rate determination. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 530 (1-2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 03785173

alkyne oxime regioselective intermol addn nucleophilic catalysis

Ngwerume, Simbarashe and Camp, Jason (2010) Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyrroles via Nucleophilic Catalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75 (18). pp. 6271-6274. ISSN 0022-3263

allyl amide halogenated prepn multifaceted platinum catalyst

Lester, Roy P., Dunsford, Jay J. and Camp, Jason (2013) Multifaceted catalysis approach to nitrile activation: direct synthesis of halogenated allyl amides from allylic alcohols. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 11 (43). pp. 7472-7476. ISSN 1477-0520

allylic alc activated alkyne nucleophilic catalysis addn Claisen rearrangement

Chung, William, Lindovska, Petra and Camp, Jason (2011) A one-pot synthesis of α-formyl-α-allylacetates via nucleophilic catalysis. Tetrahedron Letters, 52 (50). pp. 6785-6787. ISSN 0040-4039

Alternative treatments

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Ambient Ionisation

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ambystoma mexicanum

Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480

aminophenol halogenated nitrile methanol cyclocondensation

Lester, Roy P. and Camp, Jason (2013) Methods for the Direct Synthesis of Benzoxazoles from Halogenated Nitriles in Alcoholic Solvents. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 1 (5). pp. 545-548. ISSN 2168-0485


MacDonald, Juliet (2012) Alpha: the figure in the cage. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)

ANN networks

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481


Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Crisan, O., Dobrosz, P. and Colligon, John (2014) Ion sputter-deposition and in-air crystallisation of Cr2AlC films. Vacuum, 100. pp. 61-65. ISSN 0042-207X

Anobium punctatum

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.

anti-sense oligonucleotide synthesis

Russell, Mark A. (2007) Kinetics and mechanisms of steps in anti-sense oligonucleotide synthesis. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356


Nellen, R.G., Steijlen, P.M., Hennies, Hans C., Fischer, J., Munro, C.S., Jonkman, M.F., van Steensel, M.A. and van Geel, M. (2013) Haplotype analysis in western European patients with mal de Meleda: founder effect for the W15R mutation in the SLURP1 gene. British Journal of Dermatology, 168 (6). pp. 1372-1374. ISSN 0007-0963


Delgadillo, Jaime, Overend, Karen, Lucock, Mike, Groom, Martin, Kirby, Naomi, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Lutz, Wolfgang, Rubel, Julian A. and de Jong, Kim (2017) Improving the Efficiency of Psychological Treatment using Outcome Feedback Technology. Behaviour Research and Therapy. ISSN 0005-7967

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Lo, Laura (2017) Method development for the synthesis of large crystals of pyromorphite. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

applied cognition

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S. and Wiggins, Mark W. (2013) Cognitive Engineering. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 4 (1). pp. 17-31.


Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Arterial compliance

Rakobowchuk, Mark, Harris, Emma, Taylor, Annabelle, Cubbon, Richard M. and Birch, Karen M. (2012) Moderate and heavy metabolic stress interval training improve arterial stiffness and heart rate dynamics in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (4). pp. 839-849. ISSN 1439-6327

Arterial stiffness

Rakobowchuk, Mark, Harris, Emma, Taylor, Annabelle, Cubbon, Richard M. and Birch, Karen M. (2012) Moderate and heavy metabolic stress interval training improve arterial stiffness and heart rate dynamics in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (4). pp. 839-849. ISSN 1439-6327

article 58

De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356

artificial neural networks - budesonide - microemulsion - nanoemulsion - particle size - stability

Amani, Amir, York, Peter, Chrystyn, Henry and Clark, Brian J. (2010) Factors Affecting the Stability of Nanoemulsions—Use of Artificial Neural Networks. Pharmaceutical Research, 27 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 0724-8741


Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356


Allan, Robert and Bentley, Steve (2012) Feedback mechanisms: efficient and effective use of technology or a waste of time and effort? In: STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College, London.


Lu, Joan (2011) Mobile Assessment System – MES. [Artefact]

Autism Diagnosis

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165


Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356

Automated planning

Jimoh, Falilat, McCluskey, T.L. and Simon, Parkinson (2017) A Hybrid Approach to Process Planning: The Urban Traffic Controller Example. Journal of Computer Science, 13 (8). pp. 257-274. ISSN 1549-3636

Automatic configuration

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.


Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480

bacterial cellulose

Gupta, Abhishek, Low, Wan Li, Britland, Stephen, Radecka, Iza and Martin, Claire (2017) Physicochemical characterisation of biosynthetic bacterial cellulose as a potential wound dressing material. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 37-38. ISSN 2058-8356

Barkhausen noise

Wilson, J. and Tian, Gui Yun (2006) Pulsed magneto-acoustic emission sensor array for stress measurement and material.’characterisation. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

beclometasone dipropionate

Said, Amira (2011) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

benzoxazole prepn

Lester, Roy P. and Camp, Jason (2013) Methods for the Direct Synthesis of Benzoxazoles from Halogenated Nitriles in Alcoholic Solvents. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 1 (5). pp. 545-548. ISSN 2168-0485

big data classification

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

Biglycan deamidation

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Nokhodchi, Ali and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2014) Drug release from matrix tablets: physiological parameters and the effect of food. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11 (9). pp. 1401-1418. ISSN 1742-5247

Bioengineering &biomedical engineering Biomedical engineering Biochemical engineering Chemical engineering

Brennan, Mark (1995) The whole cell catalysed hydrolysis of acrylamide to ammonium acrylate using an immobilised cell bioreactor. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

blue on blue

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Body Fluid Identification

van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.

Bone proteomics

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Building Conservation

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360


Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

calcium ion chitosan homogalacturonan nanoparticle pectin rhamnogalacturonan unclassified drug chemical analysis complex formation drug delivery system drug structure esterification mucoadhesion nanopharmaceutics physical chemistry review

Morris, Gordon, Kok, M. S., Harding, S. E. and Adams, G. G. (2010) Polysaccharide drug delivery systems based on pectin and chitosan. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 27. pp. 257-283. ISSN 0264-8725


Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

Capillary Electrophoresis

van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.


Adebisi, Adeola O., Kaialy, Waseem, Hussain, Tariq, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Nokhodchi, Ali, Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2016) An assessment of triboelectrification effects on co-ground solid dispersions of carbamazepine. Powder Technology, 292. pp. 342-350. ISSN 00325910

carbonic anhydrase

Grosell, M., Wood, C.M., Wilson, R.W., Bury, N.R., Hogstrand, C., Rankin, J. Cliff and Jensen, Frank .B. (2005) Bicarbonate secretion plays a role in chloride and water absorption of the European flounder intestine. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 288. R936-R946. ISSN 0363-6119

Category membership

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X


Margariti, Christina, Protopapas, Stavros, Allen, Norman and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Identification of purple dye from molluscs on an excavated textile by non-destructive analytical techniques. Dyes and Pigments, 96 (3). pp. 774-780. ISSN 0143-7208


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Castillo-Castillo, Arturo and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Policy analysis and recommendations for EU CO2 utilisation policies. In: CEST2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2017, Rhodes, Greece.

cell culture

Odeleye, Akinlolu Oyekunle Oluseun, Castillo-Avila, Sara, Boon, Mathew, Martin, Haydn and Coopman, Karen (2017) Development of an optical system for the non-invasive tracking of stem cell growth on microcarriers. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114 (9). pp. 2032-2042. ISSN 0006-3592

cell therapy

Odeleye, Akinlolu Oyekunle Oluseun, Castillo-Avila, Sara, Boon, Mathew, Martin, Haydn and Coopman, Karen (2017) Development of an optical system for the non-invasive tracking of stem cell growth on microcarriers. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114 (9). pp. 2032-2042. ISSN 0006-3592

Chebyshev series - Laurent series - Laurent–Padé approximant - Chebyshev–Padé approximant - Clenshaw–Lord approximant - end-point singularities

Mason, John C. and Crampton, Andrew (2005) Laurent-Pade approximants to four kinds of Chebyshev polynomial expansion. Part 2. Clenshaw-Lord type approximants. Journal of Numerical Algorithms, 38 (1). pp. 19-29. ISSN 1572-9265

Chemical treatments for timber

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


MacDonald, Juliet (2012) Alpha: the figure in the cage. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)


De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356

chloride absorption

Grosell, M., Wood, C.M., Wilson, R.W., Bury, N.R., Hogstrand, C., Rankin, J. Cliff and Jensen, Frank .B. (2005) Bicarbonate secretion plays a role in chloride and water absorption of the European flounder intestine. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 288. R936-R946. ISSN 0363-6119

chloride channel

Mummery, Jennifer L., Killey, Jennifer and Linsdell, Paul (2005) Expression of the chloride channel CLC-K in human airway epithelial cells. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 83 (12). p. 1123. ISSN 00084212


Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2010) Polysaccharide gum matrix tablets for oral controlled delivery of Cimetidine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2 (11). pp. 708-716. ISSN 0975-1459


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Classical probability theory

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

clay matrices

Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711

Cloud Computing

Rabadi, Y.E. and Lu, Joan (2009) Building secured XML real-time interactive data exchange architecture - a comparison test between TCP vs. UDP protocols performance/. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 178-183. ISBN 9781862180857


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356

D'Angelo, Alessandra, Reading, Mike and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) Micro-photogrammetry as a tool for characterisation of dissolution behaviour of pharmaceutical dosage forms. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 26-28. ISSN 2058-8356

Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

CO2 Utilisation Directive

Castillo-Castillo, Arturo and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Policy analysis and recommendations for EU CO2 utilisation policies. In: CEST2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2017, Rhodes, Greece.


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

cognitive psychology

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Cognitive workload

Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.


Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Asare-Addo, Kofi, Desai, Sandip, Kitson, Mike and Nokhodchi, Ali (2014) The dissolution and solid-state behaviours of coground ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0363-9045

common furniture beetle

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Compaction behaviour

Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317

compensatory responses

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

composite films

Tighsazzadeh, M.A. and Boateng, J.S. (2017) Erodible Film Formulation for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 29-30. ISSN 2058-8356

conductivity probes

Panayotopoulos, Nikolaos, Lucas, Gary and Pradhan, Suman (2006) Simulation of a four sensor probe using a rotating dual sensor probe. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Morris, Gordon, Adams, G. G. and Harding, S. E. (2014) On hydrodynamic methods for the analysis of the sizes and shapes of polysaccharides in dilute solution: a short review. Food Hydrocolloids, 42 (3). pp. 318-334. ISSN 0268005X

conformation iron porphyrin meso substituent effect

Kalish, Heather, Camp, Jason, Stepien, Marcin, Latos-Grazynski, Lechoslaw, Olmstead, Marilyn M. and Balch, Alan L. (2002) meso Substituent Effects on the Geometric and Electronic Structures of High-Spin and Low-Spin Iron(III) Complexes of Mono-meso-Substituted Octaethylporphyrins. Inorganic Chemistry, 41 (4, Cop). pp. 989-997. ISSN 0020-1669

Conjunction effect

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X

continuous manufacturing

Richter, Margarethe, Kaialy, Waseem and Bello, Hussaini (2017) Twin-screw granulation – a systematic analysis of process parameters. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 35-36. ISSN 2058-8356

controlled delivery

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2011) Grewia polysaccharide as a pharmaceutical excipient in matrix tablets. Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 2 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 2150-2668

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2010) Polysaccharide gum matrix tablets for oral controlled delivery of Cimetidine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2 (11). pp. 708-716. ISSN 0975-1459

copper catalyst coupling lactam chlorovinyl bromovinyl iodide

Sun, Cuixiang, Camp, Jason and Weinreb, Steven M. (2006) Construction of β-Haloenamides via Direct Copper-Promoted Coupling of Lactams with 2-Chloro and 2-Bromo Vinyliodides. Organic Letters, 8 (9). pp. 1779-1781. ISSN 1523-7060


Kontogiorgos, Vassilis (2017) Linear viscoelasticity of gluten: decoupling of relaxation mechanisms. Journal of Cereal Science, 75. pp. 286-295. ISSN 0733-5210

crystal growth

Lo, Laura (2017) Method development for the synthesis of large crystals of pyromorphite. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

crystal mol structure methyl tosyl tosylethylidene indoline

Camp, Jason, Craig, Donald, Funai, Kiyohiko and White, Andrew J. P. (2011) Decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement reactions: synthesis and reactivity of alkylidene-substituted indolines. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 9 (22). pp. 7904-7912. ISSN 1477-0520

crystal structure iron chloro porphyrin

Kalish, Heather, Camp, Jason, Stepien, Marcin, Latos-Grazynski, Lechoslaw, Olmstead, Marilyn M. and Balch, Alan L. (2002) meso Substituent Effects on the Geometric and Electronic Structures of High-Spin and Low-Spin Iron(III) Complexes of Mono-meso-Substituted Octaethylporphyrins. Inorganic Chemistry, 41 (4, Cop). pp. 989-997. ISSN 0020-1669


Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Crisan, O., Dobrosz, P. and Colligon, John (2014) Ion sputter-deposition and in-air crystallisation of Cr2AlC films. Vacuum, 100. pp. 61-65. ISSN 0042-207X

curricula development

Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360


Oyvind, Josok, Knox, Benjamin J., Helkala, Kirsi, Wilson, Kyle M., Sutterlin, Stefan, Lugo, Ricardo G. and Odegaard, T. (2017) Macrocognition applied to the hybrid space: team environment, functions and processes in cyber operations. In: Ac 2017 Augmented Cognition, Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, pp. 486-500. ISBN 9783319586243

Cyber Security

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.

cystic fibrosis

Mummery, Jennifer L., Killey, Jennifer and Linsdell, Paul (2005) Expression of the chloride channel CLC-K in human airway epithelial cells. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 83 (12). p. 1123. ISSN 00084212

D-glucosamine HCl

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

D-glucosamine HCl

Adebisi, Adeola O., Kaialy, Waseem, Hussain, Tariq, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Nokhodchi, Ali, Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2016) An assessment of triboelectrification effects on co-ground solid dispersions of carbamazepine. Powder Technology, 292. pp. 342-350. ISSN 00325910


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

data analysis

Murtagh, Fionn (2017) Data Science Foundations: Geometry and Topology of Complex Hierarchic Systems and Big Data Analytics. Computer Science and Data Analysis Series . CRC Press, Chapman & Hall, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. ISBN 9781498763936

data management

Lu, Joan (2011) Mobile Assessment System – MES. [Artefact]

Lu, Joan (2011) Student Response System (SRS)/Wireless Response System (WRS) – a Next-Generation Student Response System for Academia and Industry. [Artefact]

data mining

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement furanylethyl tosylacetate

Camp, Jason and Craig, Donald. (2009) Reactivity of dearomatised furans synthesized via the decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement. Tetrahedron Letters, 50 (26). pp. 3503-3508. ISSN 0040-4039

decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement hydroxyalkyl indole acetate

Camp, Jason, Craig, Donald, Funai, Kiyohiko and White, Andrew J. P. (2011) Decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement reactions: synthesis and reactivity of alkylidene-substituted indolines. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 9 (22). pp. 7904-7912. ISSN 1477-0520

Decision making

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X

Deleuze& Guattari

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584

density dependence

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

density-dependent and density-independent components

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

density–toxicant interaction

Moe, S. Jannicke, Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2005) From patterns to processes and back: analysing density-dependent responses to an abiotic stressor by statistical and mechanistic modelling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Part B Biological Sciences, 272 (1577). pp. 2133-2142. ISSN 0962-8452


Delgadillo, Jaime, Overend, Karen, Lucock, Mike, Groom, Martin, Kirby, Naomi, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Lutz, Wolfgang, Rubel, Julian A. and de Jong, Kim (2017) Improving the Efficiency of Psychological Treatment using Outcome Feedback Technology. Behaviour Research and Therapy. ISSN 0005-7967

design education

Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360

Diabetes mellitus

Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Bogdarina, Irina, Murphy, Helena C., Burns, Shamus P. and Clark, Adrian J.L. (2004) Investigation of the role of epigenetic modification of the rat glucokinase gene in fetal programming. Life Science, 74 (11). pp. 1407-1415. ISSN 0024-3205


Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356

Digital TV

Amsdon, Timothy J., Sibley, Martin J. N. and Mather, Peter J. (2017) Distribution of SDTV and HDTV using VLC Techniques for Domestic Applications. In: WiSATS 2016, 19th-20th September, 2016, Cardiff, UK.


Burns, Shamus P., Murphy, Helena C., Iles, Richard A. and Cohen, Robert D. (2001) Lactate supply as a determinant of the distribution of intracellular pH within the hepatic lobule. Biochemical Journal, 3. pp. 569-571. ISSN 0264-6021


Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

direct compression

Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Disjunction effect

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X

Diskus dry powder inhaler

Chrystyn, Henry (2007) The Diskus (TM): a review of its position among dry powder inhaler devices. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 61 (6). pp. 1022-1036. ISSN 13685031

Dissolution enhancement

Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Asare-Addo, Kofi, Desai, Sandip, Kitson, Mike and Nokhodchi, Ali (2014) The dissolution and solid-state behaviours of coground ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0363-9045

Dissolution rate

Nokhodchi, Ali, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Adebisi, Adeola O., Asare-Addo, Kofi and Maniruzzaman, Mohammed (2017) The use of various organic solvents to tailor the properties of ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl solid dispersions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117. pp. 509-519. ISSN 02638762


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

DNA methylation

Bogdarina, Irina, Murphy, Helena C., Burns, Shamus P. and Clark, Adrian J.L. (2004) Investigation of the role of epigenetic modification of the rat glucokinase gene in fetal programming. Life Science, 74 (11). pp. 1407-1415. ISSN 0024-3205

Dose emission

Nadarassan, Dinesh Kumar, Assi, Khaled H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2010) Aerodynamic characteristics of a dry powder inhaler at low inhalation flows using a mixing inlet with an Andersen Cascade Impactor. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 39 (5). pp. 348-354. ISSN 0928-0987


MacDonald, Juliet (2012) Alpha: the figure in the cage. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.

Dromiceus novaehollandiae

Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480

drug detection

Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

drug release

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2011) Grewia polysaccharide as a pharmaceutical excipient in matrix tablets. Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 2 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 2150-2668

Nokhodchi, Ali and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2014) Drug release from matrix tablets: physiological parameters and the effect of food. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11 (9). pp. 1401-1418. ISSN 1742-5247

dry powder inhaler

Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Closer to an 'Ideal Inhaler' with the Easyhaler: an innovative dry powder inhaler. Clinical Drug Investigation, 26 (4). pp. 175-183. ISSN 11732563

Nadarassan, Dinesh Kumar, Assi, Khaled H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2010) Aerodynamic characteristics of a dry powder inhaler at low inhalation flows using a mixing inlet with an Andersen Cascade Impactor. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 39 (5). pp. 348-354. ISSN 0928-0987


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356

D'Angelo, Alessandra, Reading, Mike and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) Micro-photogrammetry as a tool for characterisation of dissolution behaviour of pharmaceutical dosage forms. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 26-28. ISSN 2058-8356

Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356

DSC hydration

Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711


Amsdon, Timothy J., Sibley, Martin J. N. and Mather, Peter J. (2017) Distribution of SDTV and HDTV using VLC Techniques for Domestic Applications. In: WiSATS 2016, 19th-20th September, 2016, Cardiff, UK.


Amsdon, Timothy J., Sibley, Martin J. N. and Mather, Peter J. (2017) Distribution of SDTV and HDTV using VLC Techniques for Domestic Applications. In: WiSATS 2016, 19th-20th September, 2016, Cardiff, UK.


Kontogiorgos, Vassilis (2017) Linear viscoelasticity of gluten: decoupling of relaxation mechanisms. Journal of Cereal Science, 75. pp. 286-295. ISSN 0733-5210


Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658


Margariti, Christina, Protopapas, Stavros, Allen, Norman and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Identification of purple dye from molluscs on an excavated textile by non-destructive analytical techniques. Dyes and Pigments, 96 (3). pp. 774-780. ISSN 0143-7208

effect of food

Nokhodchi, Ali and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2014) Drug release from matrix tablets: physiological parameters and the effect of food. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11 (9). pp. 1401-1418. ISSN 1742-5247

effects on population

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

Electron microscopy

Colaux, J.L., Louette, P., Colomer, J.-F., Edmondson, P.D., Donnelly, S. E. and Terwagne, G. (2011) Study of carbon nitride compounds synthesised by co-implantation of 13C and 14N in copper at different temperatures. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126 (1-2). pp. 337-343. ISSN 0254-0584

electron transfer

Chisholm, Malcolm H. and Patmore, Nathan J. (2005) Electronically-coupled MM quadruply-bonded complexes of molybdenum and tungsten. The Chemical Record, 5 (5). pp. 308-320. ISSN 1527-8999


Adebisi, Adeola O., Kaialy, Waseem, Hussain, Tariq, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Nokhodchi, Ali, Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2016) An assessment of triboelectrification effects on co-ground solid dispersions of carbamazepine. Powder Technology, 292. pp. 342-350. ISSN 00325910

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

Electrostatics DEM Distinct Element Modelling Segregation Triboelectrification

Šupuk, Enes, Hassanpour, Ali, Ahmadian, Hossein, Ghadiri, Mojtaba and Matsuyama, Tatsushi (2011) Tribo-Electrification and Associated Segregation of Pharmaceutical Bulk Powders. KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 29. pp. 208-223. ISSN 0288-4534

elemental impurities

Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

Embedded Training

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.


Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

enzyme sources urinary oxalate measurements

Rahim, Rukhsana (2007) Enzyme sources for urinary oxalate measurements. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Odeleye, Akinlolu Oyekunle Oluseun, Castillo-Avila, Sara, Boon, Mathew, Martin, Haydn and Coopman, Karen (2017) Development of an optical system for the non-invasive tracking of stem cell growth on microcarriers. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114 (9). pp. 2032-2042. ISSN 0006-3592

epithelial transport

Mummery, Jennifer L., Killey, Jennifer and Linsdell, Paul (2005) Expression of the chloride channel CLC-K in human airway epithelial cells. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 83 (12). p. 1123. ISSN 00084212


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Ergonomics Human engineering Computer software

Booth, Paul Andrew (1989) Human-computer interaction: from classifying users to classifying users' misunderstandings. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Ghori, Muhammad U., Mohammad, Mohammad Amin, Rudrangi, Shashi Ravi Suman, Fleming, Leigh T., Merchant, Hamid A., Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Impact of purification on physicochemical, surface and functional properties of okra biopolymer. Food Hydrocolloids, 71. pp. 311-320. ISSN 0268-005X

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2011) Grewia polysaccharide as a pharmaceutical excipient in matrix tablets. Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 2 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 2150-2668

ethylidenetosylmethyldihydrofuran prepn stereoselective reaction electrophile

Camp, Jason and Craig, Donald. (2009) Reactivity of dearomatised furans synthesized via the decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement. Tetrahedron Letters, 50 (26). pp. 3503-3508. ISSN 0040-4039

EU policies

Castillo-Castillo, Arturo and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Policy analysis and recommendations for EU CO2 utilisation policies. In: CEST2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2017, Rhodes, Greece.

Evidence-based practice

Duff, Jed, Walker, Kim, Edward, Karen-Leigh, Ralph, Nicholas, Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Alexander, Kimberley, Gow, Jeffrey and Stephenson, John (2018) Effect of a thermal care bundle on the prevention, detection and treatment of perioperative inadvertent hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 0962-1067

Excavated textiles

Margariti, Christina, Protopapas, Stavros, Allen, Norman and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Identification of purple dye from molluscs on an excavated textile by non-destructive analytical techniques. Dyes and Pigments, 96 (3). pp. 774-780. ISSN 0143-7208


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Exercise training

Rakobowchuk, Mark, Harris, Emma, Taylor, Annabelle, Cubbon, Richard M. and Birch, Karen M. (2012) Moderate and heavy metabolic stress interval training improve arterial stiffness and heart rate dynamics in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (4). pp. 839-849. ISSN 1439-6327


Heussen, Daniel, Aldrovandi, Silvio, Kusev, Petko and Hampton, James A. (2009) Explanations of comparative facts: A shift in focus. In: 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 29 July - 1 August 2009, Vrije Universiteit.


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Fault detection

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481


Allan, Robert and Bentley, Steve (2012) Feedback mechanisms: efficient and effective use of technology or a waste of time and effort? In: STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College, London.

femoral stem

Brown, L., Zhang, H. and Blunt, Liam (2009) Investigation of a possible wear mechanism at the cement head interface in hip resurfacing arthroplasty. In: International Conference on Bioengineering and Biomaterials, 18 - 20 March 2009, ENSAM, Meknes, Morocco. (Submitted)

Fetal malnutrition

Bogdarina, Irina, Murphy, Helena C., Burns, Shamus P. and Clark, Adrian J.L. (2004) Investigation of the role of epigenetic modification of the rat glucokinase gene in fetal programming. Life Science, 74 (11). pp. 1407-1415. ISSN 0024-3205

Fetal programming

Bogdarina, Irina, Murphy, Helena C., Burns, Shamus P. and Clark, Adrian J.L. (2004) Investigation of the role of epigenetic modification of the rat glucokinase gene in fetal programming. Life Science, 74 (11). pp. 1407-1415. ISSN 0024-3205


Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711


Attard Montalto, Nicola, Ojeda, Jesus J and Jones, Benjamin (2013) Determining the order of deposition of natural latent fingerprints and laser printed ink using chemical mapping with secondary ion mass spectrometry. Science & Justice, 53 (1). pp. 2-7. ISSN 13550306

First-run effect

Kusev, Petko, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira, van Schaik, Paul and Chater, Nick (2012) Modelling judgement of sequentially presented categories using weighting and sampling without replacement. Behavior Research Methods, 44 (4). pp. 1129-1134. ISSN 1554-3528


Abbas, Nasir, Hussain, Amjad, Ahsan Hafiz, Muhuammad and Perveen, Kausar (2017) Formulation and evaluation of fluconazole loaded nanospongies for improved topical drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 41-42. ISSN 2058-8356


Burns, Shamus P. and Cohen, Robert D. (2006) Comment on: Nyirenda MJ, Dean S, Lyons V, Chapman KE, Seckl JR (2006) Prenatal programming of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a in the rat: a key mechanism in the ‘foetal origins of hyperglycaemia’? Diabetologia, 49 (11). pp. 2809-2810. ISSN 0012-186X


van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.

Forensic Entomology

Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Forensic proteomics

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919

forensic science

Attard Montalto, Nicola, Ojeda, Jesus J and Jones, Benjamin (2013) Determining the order of deposition of natural latent fingerprints and laser printed ink using chemical mapping with secondary ion mass spectrometry. Science & Justice, 53 (1). pp. 2-7. ISSN 13550306

formoterol inhalation UV detection technique

Nadarassan, D.K., Chrystyn, Henry, Clark, Brian J. and Assi, K.H. (2007) Validation of high-performance liquid chromatography assay for quantification of formoterol in urine samples after inhalation using UV detection technique. Journal of Chromatography B, 850 (1-2). pp. 31-37. ISSN 15700232

formyl allylacetate prepn protection redn

Chung, William, Lindovska, Petra and Camp, Jason (2011) A one-pot synthesis of α-formyl-α-allylacetates via nucleophilic catalysis. Tetrahedron Letters, 52 (50). pp. 6785-6787. ISSN 0040-4039


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Frequency judgments

Kusev, Petko, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira, van Schaik, Paul and Chater, Nick (2012) Modelling judgement of sequentially presented categories using weighting and sampling without replacement. Behavior Research Methods, 44 (4). pp. 1129-1134. ISSN 1554-3528

Friendly fire

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

full face erosion magnetrons

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Photocatalytic Activity of Reactively Sputtered Titania Coatings Deposited Using a Full Face Erosion Magnetron. Coatings, 3 (4). pp. 177-193. ISSN 2079-6412


Colaux, J.L., Louette, P., Colomer, J.-F., Edmondson, P.D., Donnelly, S. E. and Terwagne, G. (2011) Study of carbon nitride compounds synthesised by co-implantation of 13C and 14N in copper at different temperatures. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126 (1-2). pp. 337-343. ISSN 0254-0584

furan ethylidenetosylmethyldihydro prepn stereoselective reaction electrophile

Camp, Jason and Craig, Donald. (2009) Reactivity of dearomatised furans synthesized via the decarboxylative Claisen rearrangement. Tetrahedron Letters, 50 (26). pp. 3503-3508. ISSN 0040-4039

Fuzzy logic systems

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481


Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356

garlic powder

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356

Gas network

Holland, Joe and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Assessing the Urban Mining Potential in the City of Huddersfield, UK. In: CEST 2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science And Technology, 31 August - 2 September 2017, Rhodes, Greece.


De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356

generalized additive model (GAM)

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

generalized additive modelling

Moe, S. Jannicke, Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2005) From patterns to processes and back: analysing density-dependent responses to an abiotic stressor by statistical and mechanistic modelling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Part B Biological Sciences, 272 (1577). pp. 2133-2142. ISSN 0962-8452

glass transition temperature

Barnes, Philip A., Charsley, Edward L. and Parkes, Gareth M.B (2006) Recent developments in advanced thermal analysis: sample controlled thermal analysis. European Pharmaceutical Review, 11 (4). pp. 83-98. ISSN 1360-8606


Bogdarina, Irina, Murphy, Helena C., Burns, Shamus P. and Clark, Adrian J.L. (2004) Investigation of the role of epigenetic modification of the rat glucokinase gene in fetal programming. Life Science, 74 (11). pp. 1407-1415. ISSN 0024-3205


Burns, Shamus P., Murphy, Helena C., Iles, Richard A. and Cohen, Robert D. (2001) Lactate supply as a determinant of the distribution of intracellular pH within the hepatic lobule. Biochemical Journal, 3. pp. 569-571. ISSN 0264-6021

Glucosamine HCI

Nokhodchi, Ali, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Adebisi, Adeola O., Asare-Addo, Kofi and Maniruzzaman, Mohammed (2017) The use of various organic solvents to tailor the properties of ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl solid dispersions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117. pp. 509-519. ISSN 02638762

Glucosamine HCl

Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Asare-Addo, Kofi, Desai, Sandip, Kitson, Mike and Nokhodchi, Ali (2014) The dissolution and solid-state behaviours of coground ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0363-9045

glucose palladium nanoparticle catalyst Suzuki Miyaura cross coupling

Camp, Jason, Dunsford, Jay J., Cannons, Edward P., Restorick, William J., Gadzhieva, Anastasia, Fay, Michael W. and Smith, Robert J. (2014) Glucose-Derived Palladium(0) Nanoparticles as in Situ-Formed Catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions in Isopropanol. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2 (3, Cop). pp. 500-505. ISSN 2168-0485


Kontogiorgos, Vassilis (2017) Linear viscoelasticity of gluten: decoupling of relaxation mechanisms. Journal of Cereal Science, 75. pp. 286-295. ISSN 0733-5210


Allan, Robert and Bentley, Steve (2012) Feedback mechanisms: efficient and effective use of technology or a waste of time and effort? In: STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College, London.

Graduate education/research

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584


Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356

Rahmanian, Nejat, Naderi, Sina, Šupuk, Enes, Abbas, Rafid and Hassanpour, Ali (2014) Urea Finishing Process: Prilling versus Granulation. Procedia Engineering: The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7) - Elsevier, 102. pp. 174-181. ISSN 1877-7058

Great Repeal Bill

Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

green building

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

greenbottle blowfly

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

Grewia gum

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2010) Polysaccharide gum matrix tablets for oral controlled delivery of Cimetidine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2 (11). pp. 708-716. ISSN 0975-1459

Grewia mollis

Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

H.264 LED

Amsdon, Timothy J., Sibley, Martin J. N. and Mather, Peter J. (2017) Distribution of SDTV and HDTV using VLC Techniques for Domestic Applications. In: WiSATS 2016, 19th-20th September, 2016, Cardiff, UK.

halo enamide prepn

Sun, Cuixiang, Camp, Jason and Weinreb, Steven M. (2006) Construction of β-Haloenamides via Direct Copper-Promoted Coupling of Lactams with 2-Chloro and 2-Bromo Vinyliodides. Organic Letters, 8 (9). pp. 1779-1781. ISSN 1523-7060

halogenated nitrile allyl alc nucleophilic addn sigmatropic rearrangement mechanism

Lester, Roy P., Dunsford, Jay J. and Camp, Jason (2013) Multifaceted catalysis approach to nitrile activation: direct synthesis of halogenated allyl amides from allylic alcohols. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 11 (43). pp. 7472-7476. ISSN 1477-0520

Hands-on learning/manipulatives

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584

HCO3– secretion

Grosell, M., Wood, C.M., Wilson, R.W., Bury, N.R., Hogstrand, C., Rankin, J. Cliff and Jensen, Frank .B. (2005) Bicarbonate secretion plays a role in chloride and water absorption of the European flounder intestine. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 288. R936-R946. ISSN 0363-6119

Healthcare collaborative

Duff, Jed, Walker, Kim, Edward, Karen-Leigh, Ralph, Nicholas, Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Alexander, Kimberley, Gow, Jeffrey and Stephenson, John (2018) Effect of a thermal care bundle on the prevention, detection and treatment of perioperative inadvertent hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 0962-1067

Heart rate modulation

Rakobowchuk, Mark, Harris, Emma, Taylor, Annabelle, Cubbon, Richard M. and Birch, Karen M. (2012) Moderate and heavy metabolic stress interval training improve arterial stiffness and heart rate dynamics in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (4). pp. 839-849. ISSN 1439-6327

Heart rate variability

Rakobowchuk, Mark, Harris, Emma, Taylor, Annabelle, Cubbon, Richard M. and Birch, Karen M. (2012) Moderate and heavy metabolic stress interval training improve arterial stiffness and heart rate dynamics in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (4). pp. 839-849. ISSN 1439-6327

hepatic gluconeogenesis glycemia glucose diabetes

Murphy, Helena C., Regan, Gemma, Bogdarina, Irina G., Clark, Adrian J.L., Iles, Richard A., Cohen, Robert D., Hitman, Graham A., Berry, Colin L., Coade, Zoe, Petry, Clive J. and Burns, Shamus P. (2003) Fetal programming of perivenous glucose uptake reveals a regulatory mechanism governing hepatic glucose output during refeeding. Diabetes, 52 (6). pp. 1326-1332. ISSN 0012-1797

hepatic intracellular pH

Burns, Shamus P., Murphy, Helena C., Iles, Richard A. and Cohen, Robert D. (2001) Lactate supply as a determinant of the distribution of intracellular pH within the hepatic lobule. Biochemical Journal, 3. pp. 569-571. ISSN 0264-6021

hepatic intralobular heterogeneity

Burns, Shamus P., Murphy, Helena C., Iles, Richard A. and Cohen, Robert D. (2001) Lactate supply as a determinant of the distribution of intracellular pH within the hepatic lobule. Biochemical Journal, 3. pp. 569-571. ISSN 0264-6021

hepatocyte nuclear factor

Burns, Shamus P. and Cohen, Robert D. (2006) Comment on: Nyirenda MJ, Dean S, Lyons V, Chapman KE, Seckl JR (2006) Prenatal programming of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a in the rat: a key mechanism in the ‘foetal origins of hyperglycaemia’? Diabetologia, 49 (11). pp. 2809-2810. ISSN 0012-186X

High school/introductory chemistry

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584

high temperature nanomechanics TiAlN

Beake, B. D., Harris, Adrian L., Fox-Rabinovich, German, Rauh, Gerhard, Davies, M. I., Armstrong, David and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2016) Nanomechanical testing of thin films to 950 °C. In: 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering PSE 2016, 12-16th September 2016, Germany. (Submitted)


Ntampiza, Kalina and Zioga, Polina (2014) The Interconnected Object: Are You at Home in a Network? In: Proceedings of 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 936-943. ISBN 978-86-7924-114-6


Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

Hot spot mitigation

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2017) Output Power Enhancement for Hot Spotted Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Cells. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. ISSN 1558-2574

Hot spot protection

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765


Nep, E.I., Mahdi, M.H., Adebisi, A.O., Dawson, C., Walton, K., Bills, P., Conway, B.R., Smith, A.M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) The influence of hydroalcoholic media on the performance of Grewia polysaccharide in sustained release tablets. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 532 (1). pp. 352-364. ISSN 03785173

HPMC K4ML Native sesamum gum

Nep, E. I., Mahdi, M. H., Adebisi, A. O., Ngwuluka, N. C., Conway, B. R., Smith, A. M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) Hydro-alcoholic media effects on theophylline release from sesamum polysaccharide gum matrices. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. ISSN 0363-9045


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356


Holland, Joe and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Assessing the Urban Mining Potential in the City of Huddersfield, UK. In: CEST 2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science And Technology, 31 August - 2 September 2017, Rhodes, Greece.

Human factors

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S. and Wiggins, Mark W. (2013) Cognitive Engineering. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 4 (1). pp. 17-31.

human-computer interaction

Khan, Masood Mehmood (2008) Cluster-analytic classification of facial expressions using infrared measurements of facial thermal features. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

hyaluronic acid

Tighsazzadeh, M.A. and Boateng, J.S. (2017) Erodible Film Formulation for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 29-30. ISSN 2058-8356


Nep, E. I., Mahdi, M. H., Adebisi, A. O., Ngwuluka, N. C., Conway, B. R., Smith, A. M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) Hydro-alcoholic media effects on theophylline release from sesamum polysaccharide gum matrices. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. ISSN 0363-9045


Nep, E.I., Mahdi, M.H., Adebisi, A.O., Dawson, C., Walton, K., Bills, P., Conway, B.R., Smith, A.M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) The influence of hydroalcoholic media on the performance of Grewia polysaccharide in sustained release tablets. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 532 (1). pp. 352-364. ISSN 03785173


Gupta, Abhishek, Low, Wan Li, Britland, Stephen, Radecka, Iza and Martin, Claire (2017) Physicochemical characterisation of biosynthetic bacterial cellulose as a potential wound dressing material. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 37-38. ISSN 2058-8356

hydrophilic matrices

Nokhodchi, Ali and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2014) Drug release from matrix tablets: physiological parameters and the effect of food. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11 (9). pp. 1401-1418. ISSN 1742-5247


Tighsazzadeh, M.A. and Boateng, J.S. (2017) Erodible Film Formulation for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 29-30. ISSN 2058-8356


Burns, Shamus P. and Cohen, Robert D. (2006) Comment on: Nyirenda MJ, Dean S, Lyons V, Chapman KE, Seckl JR (2006) Prenatal programming of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a in the rat: a key mechanism in the ‘foetal origins of hyperglycaemia’? Diabetologia, 49 (11). pp. 2809-2810. ISSN 0012-186X

Hyphenated techniques

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Delgadillo, Jaime, Overend, Karen, Lucock, Mike, Groom, Martin, Kirby, Naomi, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Lutz, Wolfgang, Rubel, Julian A. and de Jong, Kim (2017) Improving the Efficiency of Psychological Treatment using Outcome Feedback Technology. Behaviour Research and Therapy. ISSN 0005-7967


Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2011) Grewia polysaccharide as a pharmaceutical excipient in matrix tablets. Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 2 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 2150-2668

Nokhodchi, Ali, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Adebisi, Adeola O., Asare-Addo, Kofi and Maniruzzaman, Mohammed (2017) The use of various organic solvents to tailor the properties of ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl solid dispersions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117. pp. 509-519. ISSN 02638762

Ward, Adam, Walton, Karl, Box, Karl, Østergaard, Jesper, Gillie, Lisa J., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2017) Variable-focus microscopy and UV surface dissolution imaging as complementary techniques in intrinsic dissolution rate determination. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 530 (1-2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 03785173


Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

image analysis

Odeleye, Akinlolu Oyekunle Oluseun, Castillo-Avila, Sara, Boon, Mathew, Martin, Haydn and Coopman, Karen (2017) Development of an optical system for the non-invasive tracking of stem cell growth on microcarriers. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114 (9). pp. 2032-2042. ISSN 0006-3592

Image features

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

Image mosaic

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

Image understanding

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

in-vitro dose emission

Said, Amira (2011) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

indirectly positive effects

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

innovaton design MoIST soft systems science hard information

Nwako, Judith (2007) Innovation of a design method (MoIST) that incorporates non-traditional 'soft' systems science into traditional 'hard' information systems design. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Ntampiza, Kalina and Zioga, Polina (2014) The Interconnected Object: Are You at Home in a Network? In: Proceedings of 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 936-943. ISBN 978-86-7924-114-6

Interest points

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

Interference effects

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X

Internet Computer software Education Computer software Education

Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Rakobowchuk, Mark, Harris, Emma, Taylor, Annabelle, Cubbon, Richard M. and Birch, Karen M. (2012) Moderate and heavy metabolic stress interval training improve arterial stiffness and heart rate dynamics in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (4). pp. 839-849. ISSN 1439-6327


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Intrinsic dissolution rate

Ward, Adam, Walton, Karl, Box, Karl, Østergaard, Jesper, Gillie, Lisa J., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2017) Variable-focus microscopy and UV surface dissolution imaging as complementary techniques in intrinsic dissolution rate determination. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 530 (1-2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 03785173

Ion sputtering

Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Crisan, O., Dobrosz, P. and Colligon, John (2014) Ion sputter-deposition and in-air crystallisation of Cr2AlC films. Vacuum, 100. pp. 61-65. ISSN 0042-207X

Ionic concentration strength

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

ionic strength

Nokhodchi, Ali and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2014) Drug release from matrix tablets: physiological parameters and the effect of food. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11 (9). pp. 1401-1418. ISSN 1742-5247


Holland, Joe and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Assessing the Urban Mining Potential in the City of Huddersfield, UK. In: CEST 2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science And Technology, 31 August - 2 September 2017, Rhodes, Greece.

iron mono substituted porphyrinate reaction hydrogen peroxide

Kalish, Heather, Camp, Jason, Stepien, Marcin, Latos-Grazynski, Lechoslaw and Balch, Alan L. (2001) Reactivity of Mono-Meso-Substituted Iron(II) Octaethylporphyrin Complexes with Hydrogen Peroxide in the Absence of Dioxygen. Evidence for Nucleophilic Attack on the Heme. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123 (47, Co). pp. 11719-11727. ISSN 0002-7863

iron porphyrin substituent effect structure electronic state

Kalish, Heather, Camp, Jason, Stepien, Marcin, Latos-Grazynski, Lechoslaw, Olmstead, Marilyn M. and Balch, Alan L. (2002) meso Substituent Effects on the Geometric and Electronic Structures of High-Spin and Low-Spin Iron(III) Complexes of Mono-meso-Substituted Octaethylporphyrins. Inorganic Chemistry, 41 (4, Cop). pp. 989-997. ISSN 0020-1669


Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X

kappa opioid receptor

Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356


Margariti, Christina, Protopapas, Stavros, Allen, Norman and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Identification of purple dye from molluscs on an excavated textile by non-destructive analytical techniques. Dyes and Pigments, 96 (3). pp. 774-780. ISSN 0143-7208

ketone hydroxyamine hydrochloride diastereoselective condensation

Ngwerume, Simbarashe and Camp, Jason (2010) Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyrroles via Nucleophilic Catalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75 (18). pp. 6271-6274. ISSN 0022-3263

kinetics mechanics

Russell, Mark A. (2007) Kinetics and mechanisms of steps in anti-sense oligonucleotide synthesis. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Kinetics of drug release

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

larval competition

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

laser printing

Attard Montalto, Nicola, Ojeda, Jesus J and Jones, Benjamin (2013) Determining the order of deposition of natural latent fingerprints and laser printed ink using chemical mapping with secondary ion mass spectrometry. Science & Justice, 53 (1). pp. 2-7. ISSN 13550306

Laser Scanning

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360

Lattice solitons

Dubinko, V.I., Guglya, A.G. and Donnelly, S. E. (2011) Radiation-induced formation, annealing and ordering of voids in crystals: Theory and experiment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269 (14). pp. 1634-1639. ISSN 0168-583X


Lo, Laura (2017) Method development for the synthesis of large crystals of pyromorphite. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Lead in tap water pyromorphite hydroxylpyromorphite plumbosolvency Lead water pipes Crystal growth x-ray diffraction apatite

Hopwood, Jeremy D., Derrick, Glyn R., Brown, David .R., Newman, Christopher D, Haley, John, Kershaw, Richard and Collinge, Mike (2016) The Identification and Synthesis of Lead Apatite Minerals Formed in Lead Water Pipes. Journal of Chemistry, 2016 (907406). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2090-906


Allan, Robert and Bentley, Steve (2012) Feedback mechanisms: efficient and effective use of technology or a waste of time and effort? In: STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College, London.

Learning To Learn

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

Low inhalation flow

Nadarassan, Dinesh Kumar, Assi, Khaled H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2010) Aerodynamic characteristics of a dry powder inhaler at low inhalation flows using a mixing inlet with an Andersen Cascade Impactor. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 39 (5). pp. 348-354. ISSN 0928-0987

Lucilia sericata

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658


Nellen, R.G., Steijlen, P.M., Hennies, Hans C., Fischer, J., Munro, C.S., Jonkman, M.F., van Steensel, M.A. and van Geel, M. (2013) Haplotype analysis in western European patients with mal de Meleda: founder effect for the W15R mutation in the SLURP1 gene. British Journal of Dermatology, 168 (6). pp. 1372-1374. ISSN 0007-0963

Machine Learning

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

Murtagh, Fionn (2017) Data Science Foundations: Geometry and Topology of Complex Hierarchic Systems and Big Data Analytics. Computer Science and Data Analysis Series . CRC Press, Chapman & Hall, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. ISBN 9781498763936


Oyvind, Josok, Knox, Benjamin J., Helkala, Kirsi, Wilson, Kyle M., Sutterlin, Stefan, Lugo, Ricardo G. and Odegaard, T. (2017) Macrocognition applied to the hybrid space: team environment, functions and processes in cyber operations. In: Ac 2017 Augmented Cognition, Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, pp. 486-500. ISBN 9783319586243

magnesium aluminium silicate

Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711

Magnetic force

Li, Y., Tian, Gui Yun and Cui, Z. (2006) Theoretical and experimental study on magnetically-actuated micromirrors for electromagnetic NDE. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Magnetic sensor

Li, Y., Tian, Gui Yun and Cui, Z. (2006) Theoretical and experimental study on magnetically-actuated micromirrors for electromagnetic NDE. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Magnetically actuated micromirror

Li, Y., Tian, Gui Yun and Cui, Z. (2006) Theoretical and experimental study on magnetically-actuated micromirrors for electromagnetic NDE. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

magneto-acoustic emission

Wilson, J. and Tian, Gui Yun (2006) Pulsed magneto-acoustic emission sensor array for stress measurement and material.’characterisation. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

magnetron sputtering

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Photocatalytic Activity of Reactively Sputtered Titania Coatings Deposited Using a Full Face Erosion Magnetron. Coatings, 3 (4). pp. 177-193. ISSN 2079-6412

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Ratova, Marina, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) An Investigation into W or Nb or ZnFe2O4 Doped Titania Nanocomposites Deposited from Blended Powder Targets for UV/Visible Photocatalysis. Coatings, 3 (3). pp. 153-165. ISSN 2079-6412


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

marine teleost

Grosell, M., Wood, C.M., Wilson, R.W., Bury, N.R., Hogstrand, C., Rankin, J. Cliff and Jensen, Frank .B. (2005) Bicarbonate secretion plays a role in chloride and water absorption of the European flounder intestine. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 288. R936-R946. ISSN 0363-6119

Mass Spectrometry

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Material strength

Bennett, J.R.J., Škoro, G.P., Back, John, Brooks, S.J., Edgecock, R., Gray, S.A., McFarland, A.J., Rodgers, K.J. and Booth, C.N. (2011) Lifetime and strength tests of tantalum and tungsten under thermal shock for a Neutrino Factory target. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 646 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0168-9002


Murtagh, Fionn (2017) Data Science Foundations: Geometry and Topology of Complex Hierarchic Systems and Big Data Analytics. Computer Science and Data Analysis Series . CRC Press, Chapman & Hall, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. ISBN 9781498763936

Matrix tablet

Ghori, Muhammad U., Mohammad, Mohammad Amin, Rudrangi, Shashi Ravi Suman, Fleming, Leigh T., Merchant, Hamid A., Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Impact of purification on physicochemical, surface and functional properties of okra biopolymer. Food Hydrocolloids, 71. pp. 311-320. ISSN 0268-005X

Matrix tablets

Nep, E. I., Mahdi, M. H., Adebisi, A. O., Ngwuluka, N. C., Conway, B. R., Smith, A. M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) Hydro-alcoholic media effects on theophylline release from sesamum polysaccharide gum matrices. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. ISSN 0363-9045

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2010) Polysaccharide gum matrix tablets for oral controlled delivery of Cimetidine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2 (11). pp. 708-716. ISSN 0975-1459

Nep, E.I., Mahdi, M.H., Adebisi, A.O., Dawson, C., Walton, K., Bills, P., Conway, B.R., Smith, A.M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) The influence of hydroalcoholic media on the performance of Grewia polysaccharide in sustained release tablets. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 532 (1). pp. 352-364. ISSN 03785173

Mechanical properties

Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317

medication adherence

Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

melting point

Barnes, Philip A., Charsley, Edward L. and Parkes, Gareth M.B (2006) Recent developments in advanced thermal analysis: sample controlled thermal analysis. European Pharmaceutical Review, 11 (4). pp. 83-98. ISSN 1360-8606


Beake, B. D., Davies, M. I., Liskiewicz, T.W., Vishnyakov, Vladimir and Goodes, S. R. (2013) Nano-scratch, nanoindentation and fretting tests of 5–80nm ta-C films on Si(100). Wear, 301 (1-2). pp. 575-582. ISSN 0043-1648

Li, Y., Tian, Gui Yun and Cui, Z. (2006) Theoretical and experimental study on magnetically-actuated micromirrors for electromagnetic NDE. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Mental representation

Heussen, Daniel, Aldrovandi, Silvio, Kusev, Petko and Hampton, James A. (2009) Explanations of comparative facts: A shift in focus. In: 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 29 July - 1 August 2009, Vrije Universiteit.

mesenchymal stem cells

Odeleye, Akinlolu Oyekunle Oluseun, Castillo-Avila, Sara, Boon, Mathew, Martin, Haydn and Coopman, Karen (2017) Development of an optical system for the non-invasive tracking of stem cell growth on microcarriers. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114 (9). pp. 2032-2042. ISSN 0006-3592

Meta Learning

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

Meta –Rules

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0


Said, Amira (2011) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

metal targets

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Photocatalytic Activity of Reactively Sputtered Titania Coatings Deposited Using a Full Face Erosion Magnetron. Coatings, 3 (4). pp. 177-193. ISSN 2079-6412

metallo β-lactamases

Page, Michael I. (2002) Understanding metallo β-lactamases. American Society for Microbiology News, 68 (5). pp. 217-221.

metered dose inhalers

Said, Amira (2011) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356

methyl orange

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Photocatalytic Activity of Reactively Sputtered Titania Coatings Deposited Using a Full Face Erosion Magnetron. Coatings, 3 (4). pp. 177-193. ISSN 2079-6412

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Ratova, Marina, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) An Investigation into W or Nb or ZnFe2O4 Doped Titania Nanocomposites Deposited from Blended Powder Targets for UV/Visible Photocatalysis. Coatings, 3 (3). pp. 153-165. ISSN 2079-6412


Odeleye, Akinlolu Oyekunle Oluseun, Castillo-Avila, Sara, Boon, Mathew, Martin, Haydn and Coopman, Karen (2017) Development of an optical system for the non-invasive tracking of stem cell growth on microcarriers. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114 (9). pp. 2032-2042. ISSN 0006-3592


Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356


van der Meer, Dieudonne J. and Williams, Graham (2015) On combining microRNA analysis with DNA profiling in a single stream process. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 16th - 21st February 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

military psychology

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181


Chisholm, Malcolm H. and Patmore, Nathan J. (2005) Electronically-coupled MM quadruply-bonded complexes of molybdenum and tungsten. The Chemical Record, 5 (5). pp. 308-320. ISSN 1527-8999

Mixing inlet

Nadarassan, Dinesh Kumar, Assi, Khaled H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2010) Aerodynamic characteristics of a dry powder inhaler at low inhalation flows using a mixing inlet with an Andersen Cascade Impactor. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 39 (5). pp. 348-354. ISSN 0928-0987

mobile application

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

mobile assessment

Lu, Joan (2011) Mobile Assessment System – MES. [Artefact]

Mobile learning

Lu, Joan (2011) Mobile Assessment System – MES. [Artefact]

Lu, Joan (2011) Student Response System (SRS)/Wireless Response System (WRS) – a Next-Generation Student Response System for Academia and Industry. [Artefact]


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Model predictive control

Jimoh, Falilat, McCluskey, T.L. and Simon, Parkinson (2017) A Hybrid Approach to Process Planning: The Urban Traffic Controller Example. Journal of Computer Science, 13 (8). pp. 257-274. ISSN 1549-3636

Molecular evolution

Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480

molecular switches

Chisholm, Malcolm H. and Patmore, Nathan J. (2005) Electronically-coupled MM quadruply-bonded complexes of molybdenum and tungsten. The Chemical Record, 5 (5). pp. 308-320. ISSN 1527-8999


Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Motor control

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Motor decoupling

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

motor response

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181


Allan, Robert and Bentley, Steve (2012) Feedback mechanisms: efficient and effective use of technology or a waste of time and effort? In: STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College, London.


Amsdon, Timothy J., Sibley, Martin J. N. and Mather, Peter J. (2017) Distribution of SDTV and HDTV using VLC Techniques for Domestic Applications. In: WiSATS 2016, 19th-20th September, 2016, Cardiff, UK.


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

mucoadhesive hydrogel

Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356

MultiCast) Protocols

Rabadi, Y.E. and Lu, Joan (2009) Building secured XML real-time interactive data exchange architecture - a comparison test between TCP vs. UDP protocols performance/. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 178-183. ISBN 9781862180857

multiphase flows

Panayotopoulos, Nikolaos, Lucas, Gary and Pradhan, Suman (2006) Simulation of a four sensor probe using a rotating dual sensor probe. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Multiple Sclerosis

Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Music & psychoanalysis

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Musical genetics

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356


Beake, B. D., Davies, M. I., Liskiewicz, T.W., Vishnyakov, Vladimir and Goodes, S. R. (2013) Nano-scratch, nanoindentation and fretting tests of 5–80nm ta-C films on Si(100). Wear, 301 (1-2). pp. 575-582. ISSN 0043-1648


Beake, B. D., Davies, M. I., Liskiewicz, T.W., Vishnyakov, Vladimir and Goodes, S. R. (2013) Nano-scratch, nanoindentation and fretting tests of 5–80nm ta-C films on Si(100). Wear, 301 (1-2). pp. 575-582. ISSN 0043-1648


Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Eckl, K.M., Weindl, G., Ackermann, K., Küchler, S., Casper, R., Radowski, M.R., Haag, R., Hennies, Hans C. and Schäfer-Korting, M. (2014) Increased cutaneous absorption reflects impaired barrier function of reconstructed skin models mimicking keratinisation disorders. Experimental dermatology, 23 (4). pp. 286-288. ISSN 1600-0625


Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Abbas, Nasir, Hussain, Amjad, Ahsan Hafiz, Muhuammad and Perveen, Kausar (2017) Formulation and evaluation of fluconazole loaded nanospongies for improved topical drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 41-42. ISSN 2058-8356


Colaux, J.L., Louette, P., Colomer, J.-F., Edmondson, P.D., Donnelly, S. E. and Terwagne, G. (2011) Study of carbon nitride compounds synthesised by co-implantation of 13C and 14N in copper at different temperatures. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126 (1-2). pp. 337-343. ISSN 0254-0584


Beake, B. D., Davies, M. I., Liskiewicz, T.W., Vishnyakov, Vladimir and Goodes, S. R. (2013) Nano-scratch, nanoindentation and fretting tests of 5–80nm ta-C films on Si(100). Wear, 301 (1-2). pp. 575-582. ISSN 0043-1648


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.


Li, Y., Tian, Gui Yun and Cui, Z. (2006) Theoretical and experimental study on magnetically-actuated micromirrors for electromagnetic NDE. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Wilson, J. and Tian, Gui Yun (2006) Pulsed magneto-acoustic emission sensor array for stress measurement and material.’characterisation. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.


Wilson, J. and Tian, Gui Yun (2006) Pulsed magneto-acoustic emission sensor array for stress measurement and material.’characterisation. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.


Ntampiza, Kalina and Zioga, Polina (2014) The Interconnected Object: Are You at Home in a Network? In: Proceedings of 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 936-943. ISBN 978-86-7924-114-6


Ntampiza, Kalina and Zioga, Polina (2014) The Interconnected Object: Are You at Home in a Network? In: Proceedings of 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 936-943. ISBN 978-86-7924-114-6

neutral sugars

Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X

Neutrino Factory

Bennett, J.R.J., Škoro, G.P., Back, John, Brooks, S.J., Edgecock, R., Gray, S.A., McFarland, A.J., Rodgers, K.J. and Booth, C.N. (2011) Lifetime and strength tests of tantalum and tungsten under thermal shock for a Neutrino Factory target. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 646 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0168-9002


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

non-parametric modelling

Moe, S. Jannicke, Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2005) From patterns to processes and back: analysing density-dependent responses to an abiotic stressor by statistical and mechanistic modelling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Part B Biological Sciences, 272 (1577). pp. 2133-2142. ISSN 0962-8452


Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

nonparametric regression

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

odour masking

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356

Offset PPM

Amsdon, Timothy J., Sibley, Martin J. N. and Mather, Peter J. (2017) Distribution of SDTV and HDTV using VLC Techniques for Domestic Applications. In: WiSATS 2016, 19th-20th September, 2016, Cardiff, UK.

Okra biopolymer

Ghori, Muhammad U., Mohammad, Mohammad Amin, Rudrangi, Shashi Ravi Suman, Fleming, Leigh T., Merchant, Hamid A., Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Impact of purification on physicochemical, surface and functional properties of okra biopolymer. Food Hydrocolloids, 71. pp. 311-320. ISSN 0268-005X


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

open access

Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Operations Management

Papalexi, Marina, Cheng, Siu Yee, Dehe, Benjamin and Bamford, David (2014) The use of social media and its potential in the research lifecycle. In: European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) conference, 20-25 June 2014, Palermo, Italy.

Organic solvents

Nokhodchi, Ali, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Adebisi, Adeola O., Asare-Addo, Kofi and Maniruzzaman, Mohammed (2017) The use of various organic solvents to tailor the properties of ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl solid dispersions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117. pp. 509-519. ISSN 02638762


Grosell, M., Wood, C.M., Wilson, R.W., Bury, N.R., Hogstrand, C., Rankin, J. Cliff and Jensen, Frank .B. (2005) Bicarbonate secretion plays a role in chloride and water absorption of the European flounder intestine. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 288. R936-R946. ISSN 0363-6119

Outcome feedback

Delgadillo, Jaime, Overend, Karen, Lucock, Mike, Groom, Martin, Kirby, Naomi, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Lutz, Wolfgang, Rubel, Julian A. and de Jong, Kim (2017) Improving the Efficiency of Psychological Treatment using Outcome Feedback Technology. Behaviour Research and Therapy. ISSN 0005-7967

oxime stereoselective prepn

Ngwerume, Simbarashe and Camp, Jason (2010) Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyrroles via Nucleophilic Catalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75 (18). pp. 6271-6274. ISSN 0022-3263

oxophlorinate iron isomer complex prepn

Kalish, Heather, Camp, Jason, Stepien, Marcin, Latos-Grazynski, Lechoslaw and Balch, Alan L. (2001) Reactivity of Mono-Meso-Substituted Iron(II) Octaethylporphyrin Complexes with Hydrogen Peroxide in the Absence of Dioxygen. Evidence for Nucleophilic Attack on the Heme. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123 (47, Co). pp. 11719-11727. ISSN 0002-7863

palladium nanoparticle supported cellulose nanocrystal

Rezayat, Marzieh, Blundell, Rebecca K., Camp, Jason, Walsh, Darren A. and Thielemans, Wim. (2014) Green One-Step Synthesis of Catalytically Active Palladium Nanoparticles Supported on Cellulose Nanocrystals. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2 (5). pp. 1241-1250. ISSN 2168-0485


Attard Montalto, Nicola, Ojeda, Jesus J and Jones, Benjamin (2013) Determining the order of deposition of natural latent fingerprints and laser printed ink using chemical mapping with secondary ion mass spectrometry. Science & Justice, 53 (1). pp. 2-7. ISSN 13550306

Particle size

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

particle size distribution

Richter, Margarethe, Kaialy, Waseem and Bello, Hussaini (2017) Twin-screw granulation – a systematic analysis of process parameters. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 35-36. ISSN 2058-8356

pattern recognition

Murtagh, Fionn (2017) Data Science Foundations: Geometry and Topology of Complex Hierarchic Systems and Big Data Analytics. Computer Science and Data Analysis Series . CRC Press, Chapman & Hall, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. ISBN 9781498763936

Perioperative inadvertent hypothermia

Duff, Jed, Walker, Kim, Edward, Karen-Leigh, Ralph, Nicholas, Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Alexander, Kimberley, Gow, Jeffrey and Stephenson, John (2018) Effect of a thermal care bundle on the prevention, detection and treatment of perioperative inadvertent hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 0962-1067


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Petromyzon marinus

Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480


Barnes, Philip A., Charsley, Edward L. and Parkes, Gareth M.B (2006) Recent developments in advanced thermal analysis: sample controlled thermal analysis. European Pharmaceutical Review, 11 (4). pp. 83-98. ISSN 1360-8606

Pharmaceutical Electrostatics Tribo-electrification Flurbiprofen

Šupuk, Enes, Ghori, Muhammad U., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Laity, Peter R., Panchmatia, Pooja M. and Conway, Barbara R (2013) The influence of salt formation on electrostatic and compression properties of flurbiprofen salts. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 458 (1). pp. 118-127. ISSN 0378-5173

pharmaceutical manufacturing distribution supply chain techniques

Savage, Christopher J., Roberts, Kevin J. and Wang, Xue Z. (2006) A holistic analysis of pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution: Are conventional supply chain techniques appropriate? Pharmaceutical Engineering, 26 (4). ISSN 0273-8139

pharmaceutical patents

Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

phasic negative intrathoracic pressures vascular responses stimulation pulmonary arterial baroreceptors closed-chest anaesthetized dogs

Moore, Jonathan P., Hainsworth, Roger and Drinkhill, Mark J. (2004) Phasic negative intrathoracic pressures enhance the vascular responses to stimulation of pulmonary arterial baroreceptors in closed chest anaesthetized dogs. Journal of Physiology, 555 (3). pp. 815-824. ISSN 0022-3751

Phishing Dataset

Mohammad, Rami, Thabtah, Fadi and McCluskey, T.L. (2015) Phishing Websites Dataset. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Pholcus phalangioides

Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Lo, Laura (2017) Method development for the synthesis of large crystals of pyromorphite. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

photocatalytic coatings

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Photocatalytic Activity of Reactively Sputtered Titania Coatings Deposited Using a Full Face Erosion Magnetron. Coatings, 3 (4). pp. 177-193. ISSN 2079-6412

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Ratova, Marina, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) An Investigation into W or Nb or ZnFe2O4 Doped Titania Nanocomposites Deposited from Blended Powder Targets for UV/Visible Photocatalysis. Coatings, 3 (3). pp. 153-165. ISSN 2079-6412

photoelectron diffraction

Nisbet, Gareth (2007) Structure analysis of adsorbates on single crystal surfaces using photoelectron diffraction. Doctoral thesis, The University of Huddersfield in collaboration with the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

Photovoltaic (PV) hot spotting analysis

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2017) Output Power Enhancement for Hot Spotted Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Cells. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. ISSN 1558-2574

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796

Photovoltaic faults

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481

Photovoltaic system

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

physical chemical properties

Barnes, Philip A., Charsley, Edward L. and Parkes, Gareth M.B (2006) Recent developments in advanced thermal analysis: sample controlled thermal analysis. European Pharmaceutical Review, 11 (4). pp. 83-98. ISSN 1360-8606

plasma membrane H+- ATPase

Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356


Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658


Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356

Polymer chemistry

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584


Adebisi, Adeola O., Kaialy, Waseem, Hussain, Tariq, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Nokhodchi, Ali, Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2016) An assessment of triboelectrification effects on co-ground solid dispersions of carbamazepine. Powder Technology, 292. pp. 342-350. ISSN 00325910

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

Ward, Adam, Walton, Karl, Box, Karl, Østergaard, Jesper, Gillie, Lisa J., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2017) Variable-focus microscopy and UV surface dissolution imaging as complementary techniques in intrinsic dissolution rate determination. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 530 (1-2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 03785173


Nep, E.I., Mahdi, M.H., Adebisi, A.O., Dawson, C., Walton, K., Bills, P., Conway, B.R., Smith, A.M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) The influence of hydroalcoholic media on the performance of Grewia polysaccharide in sustained release tablets. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 532 (1). pp. 352-364. ISSN 03785173


Morris, Gordon, Adams, G. G. and Harding, S. E. (2014) On hydrodynamic methods for the analysis of the sizes and shapes of polysaccharides in dilute solution: a short review. Food Hydrocolloids, 42 (3). pp. 318-334. ISSN 0268005X

Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X

population dynamics

Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658

population model

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658


Kontogiorgos, Vassilis (2017) Linear viscoelasticity of gluten: decoupling of relaxation mechanisms. Journal of Cereal Science, 75. pp. 286-295. ISSN 0733-5210

Portfolios methods for argumentation

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X

Post-mortem interval

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919

powder targets

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Ratova, Marina, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) An Investigation into W or Nb or ZnFe2O4 Doped Titania Nanocomposites Deposited from Blended Powder Targets for UV/Visible Photocatalysis. Coatings, 3 (3). pp. 153-165. ISSN 2079-6412

Predictive Models

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

Prenatal programming

Burns, Shamus P. and Cohen, Robert D. (2006) Comment on: Nyirenda MJ, Dean S, Lyons V, Chapman KE, Seckl JR (2006) Prenatal programming of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a in the rat: a key mechanism in the ‘foetal origins of hyperglycaemia’? Diabetologia, 49 (11). pp. 2809-2810. ISSN 0012-186X


Rahmanian, Nejat, Naderi, Sina, Šupuk, Enes, Abbas, Rafid and Hassanpour, Ali (2014) Urea Finishing Process: Prilling versus Granulation. Procedia Engineering: The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7) - Elsevier, 102. pp. 174-181. ISSN 1877-7058


Rahmanian, Nejat, Naderi, Sina, Šupuk, Enes, Abbas, Rafid and Hassanpour, Ali (2014) Urea Finishing Process: Prilling versus Granulation. Procedia Engineering: The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7) - Elsevier, 102. pp. 174-181. ISSN 1877-7058

progestogen contraception Libyan women

Chrystyn, Henry, Elfituri, H., Sherif, F.M. and Elmahaishai, M.S. (2006) 18-month progestogen-only contraception during breast-feeding in Libyan women. Pan Arab Medical Journal (5). pp. 28-32.


Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

pulmonary arterial distension vagal afferent nerve anaesthetized dogs

Moore, Jonathan P., Hainsworth, Roger and Drinkhill, Mark J. (2004) Pulmonary arterial distension and vagal afferent nerve activity in anaesthetized dogs. Journal of Physiology, 555 (3). pp. 805-814. ISSN 1469-7793

pulsed excitation

Wilson, J. and Tian, Gui Yun (2006) Pulsed magneto-acoustic emission sensor array for stress measurement and material.’characterisation. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.


Ghori, Muhammad U., Mohammad, Mohammad Amin, Rudrangi, Shashi Ravi Suman, Fleming, Leigh T., Merchant, Hamid A., Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Impact of purification on physicochemical, surface and functional properties of okra biopolymer. Food Hydrocolloids, 71. pp. 311-320. ISSN 0268-005X

Purple dye from molluscs

Margariti, Christina, Protopapas, Stavros, Allen, Norman and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Identification of purple dye from molluscs on an excavated textile by non-destructive analytical techniques. Dyes and Pigments, 96 (3). pp. 774-780. ISSN 0143-7208


Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356


Lo, Laura (2017) Method development for the synthesis of large crystals of pyromorphite. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

pyrrole prepn

Ngwerume, Simbarashe and Camp, Jason (2010) Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyrroles via Nucleophilic Catalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75 (18). pp. 6271-6274. ISSN 0022-3263

quadruple bonds

Chisholm, Malcolm H. and Patmore, Nathan J. (2005) Electronically-coupled MM quadruply-bonded complexes of molybdenum and tungsten. The Chemical Record, 5 (5). pp. 308-320. ISSN 1527-8999

Quantum probability theory

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X

questioned documents

Attard Montalto, Nicola, Ojeda, Jesus J and Jones, Benjamin (2013) Determining the order of deposition of natural latent fingerprints and laser printed ink using chemical mapping with secondary ion mass spectrometry. Science & Justice, 53 (1). pp. 2-7. ISSN 13550306


Dubinko, V.I., Guglya, A.G. and Donnelly, S. E. (2011) Radiation-induced formation, annealing and ordering of voids in crystals: Theory and experiment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269 (14). pp. 1634-1639. ISSN 0168-583X

Radiation-induced annealing

Dubinko, V.I., Guglya, A.G. and Donnelly, S. E. (2011) Radiation-induced formation, annealing and ordering of voids in crystals: Theory and experiment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269 (14). pp. 1634-1639. ISSN 0168-583X


Margariti, Christina, Protopapas, Stavros, Allen, Norman and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Identification of purple dye from molluscs on an excavated textile by non-destructive analytical techniques. Dyes and Pigments, 96 (3). pp. 774-780. ISSN 0143-7208

raman microscopy

Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356

Raman spectroscopy

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) Photocatalytic Activity of Reactively Sputtered Titania Coatings Deposited Using a Full Face Erosion Magnetron. Coatings, 3 (4). pp. 177-193. ISSN 2079-6412

Farahani, Nick, Kelly, Peter, West, Glen, Ratova, Marina, Hill, Claire and Vishnyakov, Vladimir (2013) An Investigation into W or Nb or ZnFe2O4 Doped Titania Nanocomposites Deposited from Blended Powder Targets for UV/Visible Photocatalysis. Coatings, 3 (3). pp. 153-165. ISSN 2079-6412

Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Crisan, O., Dobrosz, P. and Colligon, John (2014) Ion sputter-deposition and in-air crystallisation of Cr2AlC films. Vacuum, 100. pp. 61-65. ISSN 0042-207X


Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X


Heussen, Daniel, Aldrovandi, Silvio, Kusev, Petko and Hampton, James A. (2009) Explanations of comparative facts: A shift in focus. In: 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 29 July - 1 August 2009, Vrije Universiteit.


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356

relative lung bioavailability

Said, Amira (2011) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

release profile

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2011) Grewia polysaccharide as a pharmaceutical excipient in matrix tablets. Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 2 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 2150-2668

Renin–angiotensin system

Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480

Requirements capture • Formal specification • Knowledge representation

McCluskey, T.L., Porteous, J.M., Naik, Y., Taylor, C. N. and Jones, S. (1995) A requirements capture method and its use in an air traffic control application. Software: Practice and Experience, 25 (1). pp. 47-71. ISSN 0038-0644

Research Lifecycle

Papalexi, Marina, Cheng, Siu Yee, Dehe, Benjamin and Bamford, David (2014) The use of social media and its potential in the research lifecycle. In: European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) conference, 20-25 June 2014, Palermo, Italy.

Resource efficiency

Castillo-Castillo, Arturo and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Policy analysis and recommendations for EU CO2 utilisation policies. In: CEST2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2017, Rhodes, Greece.

Response inhibition

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

response technology

Lu, Joan (2011) Student Response System (SRS)/Wireless Response System (WRS) – a Next-Generation Student Response System for Academia and Industry. [Artefact]


Brown, L., Zhang, H. and Blunt, Liam (2009) Investigation of a possible wear mechanism at the cement head interface in hip resurfacing arthroplasty. In: International Conference on Bioengineering and Biomaterials, 18 - 20 March 2009, ENSAM, Meknes, Morocco. (Submitted)

Reverse Engineering

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360

review gold catalyst MFC cascade tandem reaction

Britton, Joshua and Camp, Jason (2012) Synthesis of heterocycles via gold multifaceted catalysis. Chimica Oggi, 30 (3, Sup). pp. 6-8. ISSN 0392-839X


Nep, E. I., Mahdi, M. H., Adebisi, A. O., Ngwuluka, N. C., Conway, B. R., Smith, A. M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) Hydro-alcoholic media effects on theophylline release from sesamum polysaccharide gum matrices. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. ISSN 0363-9045

rotating probe

Panayotopoulos, Nikolaos, Lucas, Gary and Pradhan, Suman (2006) Simulation of a four sensor probe using a rotating dual sensor probe. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

scholarly communications

Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Sea lamprey

Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480


Lu, Joan (2011) Mobile Assessment System – MES. [Artefact]

Security Classification

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

segregation electrostatics pharmaceutical

Šupuk, Enes, Hassanpour, Ali and Ghadiri, Mojtaba (2010) Segregation of Formulated Bulk Powders due to Electrostatic Effects. In: World Congress on Particle Technology WCPT6, 26 April - 29 April 2010, Nuremberg, Germany.


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Similarity factor

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

Similarity ratings

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: The probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 294-295. ISSN 0140-525X


Brown, L., Zhang, H. and Blunt, Liam (2009) Investigation of a possible wear mechanism at the cement head interface in hip resurfacing arthroplasty. In: International Conference on Bioengineering and Biomaterials, 18 - 20 March 2009, ENSAM, Meknes, Morocco. (Submitted)

single crystal surfaces

Nisbet, Gareth (2007) Structure analysis of adsorbates on single crystal surfaces using photoelectron diffraction. Doctoral thesis, The University of Huddersfield in collaboration with the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.


Morris, Gordon, Adams, G. G. and Harding, S. E. (2014) On hydrodynamic methods for the analysis of the sizes and shapes of polysaccharides in dilute solution: a short review. Food Hydrocolloids, 42 (3). pp. 318-334. ISSN 0268005X

Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)

Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317

Smartphone technology

Lu, Joan (2011) Student Response System (SRS)/Wireless Response System (WRS) – a Next-Generation Student Response System for Academia and Industry. [Artefact]


Laity, Peter R., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Sweeney, Francis, Šupuk, Enes and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Using small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the compaction behaviour of a granulated clay. Applied Clay Science, 108. pp. 149-164. ISSN 01691317


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Social Media

Papalexi, Marina, Cheng, Siu Yee, Dehe, Benjamin and Bamford, David (2014) The use of social media and its potential in the research lifecycle. In: European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) conference, 20-25 June 2014, Palermo, Italy.

Social Support

Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Wilks, Christina (2016) Exploring the factors which effect participation in exercise and physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Solar cells

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2017) Output Power Enhancement for Hot Spotted Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Cells. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. ISSN 1558-2574

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796

solid acids ammonia adsorption microcalorimetry

Savill-Jowitt, Claire (2007) Catalytic and adsorbent properties of solid acid catalysts studied by ammonia adsorption microcalorimetry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Solid dispersion

Nokhodchi, Ali, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Adebisi, Adeola O., Asare-Addo, Kofi and Maniruzzaman, Mohammed (2017) The use of various organic solvents to tailor the properties of ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl solid dispersions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117. pp. 509-519. ISSN 02638762

Solid dispersions

Adebisi, Adeola O., Kaialy, Waseem, Hussain, Tariq, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Nokhodchi, Ali, Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2016) An assessment of triboelectrification effects on co-ground solid dispersions of carbamazepine. Powder Technology, 292. pp. 342-350. ISSN 00325910

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173

Solid state

Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Asare-Addo, Kofi, Desai, Sandip, Kitson, Mike and Nokhodchi, Ali (2014) The dissolution and solid-state behaviours of coground ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0363-9045

Solid state analysis

Nokhodchi, Ali, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Adebisi, Adeola O., Asare-Addo, Kofi and Maniruzzaman, Mohammed (2017) The use of various organic solvents to tailor the properties of ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl solid dispersions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117. pp. 509-519. ISSN 02638762


Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Asare-Addo, Kofi, Desai, Sandip, Kitson, Mike and Nokhodchi, Ali (2014) The dissolution and solid-state behaviours of coground ibuprofen–glucosamine HCl. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0363-9045

solvent evaporation

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356

Solvers for argumentation problems

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X


Said, Amira (2011) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

speed-accuracy trade-off

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213


Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)


Lu, Joan (2011) Student Response System (SRS)/Wireless Response System (WRS) – a Next-Generation Student Response System for Academia and Industry. [Artefact]

stage-specific density dependence

Moe, S. Jannicke, Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2005) From patterns to processes and back: analysing density-dependent responses to an abiotic stressor by statistical and mechanistic modelling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Part B Biological Sciences, 272 (1577). pp. 2133-2142. ISSN 0962-8452

stainless steel sheet

Waterworth, Adelle (2006) Quantitative characterisation of surface finishes on stainless steel sheet using 3D surface topography analysis. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X


Murtagh, Fionn (2017) Data Science Foundations: Geometry and Topology of Complex Hierarchic Systems and Big Data Analytics. Computer Science and Data Analysis Series . CRC Press, Chapman & Hall, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. ISBN 9781498763936


Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Stepped care

Delgadillo, Jaime, Overend, Karen, Lucock, Mike, Groom, Martin, Kirby, Naomi, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Lutz, Wolfgang, Rubel, Julian A. and de Jong, Kim (2017) Improving the Efficiency of Psychological Treatment using Outcome Feedback Technology. Behaviour Research and Therapy. ISSN 0005-7967


Rahmanian, Nejat, Naderi, Sina, Šupuk, Enes, Abbas, Rafid and Hassanpour, Ali (2014) Urea Finishing Process: Prilling versus Granulation. Procedia Engineering: The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7) - Elsevier, 102. pp. 174-181. ISSN 1877-7058


Wilson, J. and Tian, Gui Yun (2006) Pulsed magneto-acoustic emission sensor array for stress measurement and material.’characterisation. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Stress relaxation

Kontogiorgos, Vassilis (2017) Linear viscoelasticity of gluten: decoupling of relaxation mechanisms. Journal of Cereal Science, 75. pp. 286-295. ISSN 0733-5210

structure - function relationships

Morris, Gordon, Adams, G. G. and Harding, S. E. (2014) On hydrodynamic methods for the analysis of the sizes and shapes of polysaccharides in dilute solution: a short review. Food Hydrocolloids, 42 (3). pp. 318-334. ISSN 0268005X

structure analysis

Nisbet, Gareth (2007) Structure analysis of adsorbates on single crystal surfaces using photoelectron diffraction. Doctoral thesis, The University of Huddersfield in collaboration with the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Subjective state

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

subjective workload

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

substituted pyrrole prepn gold multifaceted catalysis mechanism

Ngwerume, Simbarashe, Lewis, William and Camp, Jason (2013) Development of a Gold-Multifaceted Catalysis Approach to the Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyrroles: Mechanistic Insights via Huisgen Cycloaddition Studies. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 78 (3). pp. 920-934. ISSN 0022-3263

Supervised Learning

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0

surface characterisation

Waterworth, Adelle (2006) Quantitative characterisation of surface finishes on stainless steel sheet using 3D surface topography analysis. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Surface dissolution imaging

Ward, Adam, Walton, Karl, Box, Karl, Østergaard, Jesper, Gillie, Lisa J., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2017) Variable-focus microscopy and UV surface dissolution imaging as complementary techniques in intrinsic dissolution rate determination. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 530 (1-2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 03785173

Surface energy

Ghori, Muhammad U., Mohammad, Mohammad Amin, Rudrangi, Shashi Ravi Suman, Fleming, Leigh T., Merchant, Hamid A., Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Impact of purification on physicochemical, surface and functional properties of okra biopolymer. Food Hydrocolloids, 71. pp. 311-320. ISSN 0268-005X

Surface roughness

Ward, Adam, Walton, Karl, Box, Karl, Østergaard, Jesper, Gillie, Lisa J., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2017) Variable-focus microscopy and UV surface dissolution imaging as complementary techniques in intrinsic dissolution rate determination. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 530 (1-2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 03785173

sustain relese

Abbas, Nasir, Hussain, Amjad, Ahsan Hafiz, Muhuammad and Perveen, Kausar (2017) Formulation and evaluation of fluconazole loaded nanospongies for improved topical drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 41-42. ISSN 2058-8356


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Sustained attention

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Ghori, Muhammad U., Mohammad, Mohammad Amin, Rudrangi, Shashi Ravi Suman, Fleming, Leigh T., Merchant, Hamid A., Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Impact of purification on physicochemical, surface and functional properties of okra biopolymer. Food Hydrocolloids, 71. pp. 311-320. ISSN 0268-005X

Nep, E.I. and Conway, Barbara R (2011) Grewia polysaccharide as a pharmaceutical excipient in matrix tablets. Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 2 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 2150-2668

Symbicort Turbuhaler formoterol

Assi, K.H., Tarsin, W. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) High performance liquid chromatography assay method for simultaneous quantitation of formoterol and budesonide in Symbicort Turbuhaler. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 41 (1). pp. 325-328. ISSN 07317085


Beake, B. D., Davies, M. I., Liskiewicz, T.W., Vishnyakov, Vladimir and Goodes, S. R. (2013) Nano-scratch, nanoindentation and fretting tests of 5–80nm ta-C films on Si(100). Wear, 301 (1-2). pp. 575-582. ISSN 0043-1648


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356


Bennett, J.R.J., Škoro, G.P., Back, John, Brooks, S.J., Edgecock, R., Gray, S.A., McFarland, A.J., Rodgers, K.J. and Booth, C.N. (2011) Lifetime and strength tests of tantalum and tungsten under thermal shock for a Neutrino Factory target. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 646 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0168-9002

Target lifetime

Bennett, J.R.J., Škoro, G.P., Back, John, Brooks, S.J., Edgecock, R., Gray, S.A., McFarland, A.J., Rodgers, K.J. and Booth, C.N. (2011) Lifetime and strength tests of tantalum and tungsten under thermal shock for a Neutrino Factory target. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 646 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0168-9002

Task-related thought

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Task-unrelated thought

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

taste masking

Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Temporal-sequence patters

Kusev, Petko, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira, van Schaik, Paul and Chater, Nick (2012) Modelling judgement of sequentially presented categories using weighting and sampling without replacement. Behavior Research Methods, 44 (4). pp. 1129-1134. ISSN 1554-3528


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Ternary carbides

Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Crisan, O., Dobrosz, P. and Colligon, John (2014) Ion sputter-deposition and in-air crystallisation of Cr2AlC films. Vacuum, 100. pp. 61-65. ISSN 0042-207X


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356

Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Reading, Mike and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) Micro-photogrammetry as a tool for characterisation of dissolution behaviour of pharmaceutical dosage forms. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 26-28. ISSN 2058-8356


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

Nep, E. I., Mahdi, M. H., Adebisi, A. O., Ngwuluka, N. C., Conway, B. R., Smith, A. M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) Hydro-alcoholic media effects on theophylline release from sesamum polysaccharide gum matrices. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. ISSN 0363-9045

Nep, E.I., Mahdi, M.H., Adebisi, A.O., Dawson, C., Walton, K., Bills, P., Conway, B.R., Smith, A.M. and Asare-Addo, K. (2017) The influence of hydroalcoholic media on the performance of Grewia polysaccharide in sustained release tablets. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 532 (1). pp. 352-364. ISSN 03785173

Thermal Analysis

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Barnes, Philip A., Charsley, Edward L. and Parkes, Gareth M.B (2006) Recent developments in advanced thermal analysis: sample controlled thermal analysis. European Pharmaceutical Review, 11 (4). pp. 83-98. ISSN 1360-8606

Thermal imaging

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2017) Output Power Enhancement for Hot Spotted Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Cells. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. ISSN 1558-2574

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796

Thermal shock

Bennett, J.R.J., Škoro, G.P., Back, John, Brooks, S.J., Edgecock, R., Gray, S.A., McFarland, A.J., Rodgers, K.J. and Booth, C.N. (2011) Lifetime and strength tests of tantalum and tungsten under thermal shock for a Neutrino Factory target. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 646 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0168-9002


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Kim, HungGeun and Lee, Sangcheol (2013) Thorium is an ultimate source of energy. The Science Times.

Three dimensional measurement

Waterworth, Adelle (2006) Quantitative characterisation of surface finishes on stainless steel sheet using 3D surface topography analysis. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Hippisley-Cox, Charles (2012) Spiders as Potential Bio-Predators for Controlling Woodworm Infestation. Building Engineer, 87 (04). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0969-8213

Time nanoprocesses

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

time series analysis

Lingjaerde, Ole C., Stenseth, Nils Chr., Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H., Moe, Jannicke, Read, Jonathan M., Daniels, Susan and Simkiss, Ken (2001) Exploring the density-dependent structure of blowfly populations by nonparametric additive modeling. Ecology, 82 (9). pp. 2645-2658. ISSN 0012-9658

Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS)

Attard Montalto, Nicola, Ojeda, Jesus J and Jones, Benjamin (2013) Determining the order of deposition of natural latent fingerprints and laser printed ink using chemical mapping with secondary ion mass spectrometry. Science & Justice, 53 (1). pp. 2-7. ISSN 13550306

time-series analysis

Moe, S. Jannicke, Kristoffersen, Anja B., Smith, Robert H. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2005) From patterns to processes and back: analysing density-dependent responses to an abiotic stressor by statistical and mechanistic modelling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Part B Biological Sciences, 272 (1577). pp. 2133-2142. ISSN 0962-8452

topical drug delivery

Abbas, Nasir, Hussain, Amjad, Ahsan Hafiz, Muhuammad and Perveen, Kausar (2017) Formulation and evaluation of fluconazole loaded nanospongies for improved topical drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 41-42. ISSN 2058-8356


Moe, S. Jannicke, Stenseth, Nils Chr. and Smith, Robert H. (2002) Density-dependent compensations in experimental blowfly populations give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant. Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1597-1603. ISSN 0012-9658


MacDonald, Juliet (2012) Alpha: the figure in the cage. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Traffic congestion

Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.

Transport Design

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360


Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Tribo electrification

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Šupuk, Enes, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Owusu-Ware, Samuel, Nokhodchi, Ali and Conway, Barbara R (2015) Triboelectrification and dissolution property enhancements of solid dispersions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485 (1/2). pp. 306-316. ISSN 03785173


Adebisi, Adeola O., Kaialy, Waseem, Hussain, Tariq, Al-Hamidi, Hiba, Nokhodchi, Ali, Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2016) An assessment of triboelectrification effects on co-ground solid dispersions of carbamazepine. Powder Technology, 292. pp. 342-350. ISSN 00325910

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765


Colaux, J.L., Louette, P., Colomer, J.-F., Edmondson, P.D., Donnelly, S. E. and Terwagne, G. (2011) Study of carbon nitride compounds synthesised by co-implantation of 13C and 14N in copper at different temperatures. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126 (1-2). pp. 337-343. ISSN 0254-0584

trichloroamidine prepn amine trichloroacetonitrile platinum catalyst

Dunsford, Jay J. and Camp, Jason (2013) Platinum-catalyzed synthesis of trichloroamidines. Tetrahedron Letters, 54 (34, Co). pp. 4522-4523. ISSN 0040-4039


Bennett, J.R.J., Škoro, G.P., Back, John, Brooks, S.J., Edgecock, R., Gray, S.A., McFarland, A.J., Rodgers, K.J. and Booth, C.N. (2011) Lifetime and strength tests of tantalum and tungsten under thermal shock for a Neutrino Factory target. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 646 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0168-9002

twin-screw granulation

Richter, Margarethe, Kaialy, Waseem and Bello, Hussaini (2017) Twin-screw granulation – a systematic analysis of process parameters. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 35-36. ISSN 2058-8356

Type 2

Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Rabadi, Y.E. and Lu, Joan (2009) Building secured XML real-time interactive data exchange architecture - a comparison test between TCP vs. UDP protocols performance/. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 178-183. ISBN 9781862180857


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Unsupervised Learning

Ighoroje, Lamogha, Lu, Joan and Xu, Qiang (2016) Hybrid classification system design using a decision learning approach and three layered structure - A meta learning paradigm in Data Mining. In: ISD 2016 Proceedings. ISD. ISBN 978-83-7875-307-0


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Urban mining

Holland, Joe and Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios (2017) Assessing the Urban Mining Potential in the City of Huddersfield, UK. In: CEST 2017 - 15th International Conference on Environmental Science And Technology, 31 August - 2 September 2017, Rhodes, Greece.

Urban traffic control

Jimoh, Falilat, McCluskey, T.L. and Simon, Parkinson (2017) A Hybrid Approach to Process Planning: The Urban Traffic Controller Example. Journal of Computer Science, 13 (8). pp. 257-274. ISSN 1549-3636


Rahmanian, Nejat, Naderi, Sina, Šupuk, Enes, Abbas, Rafid and Hassanpour, Ali (2014) Urea Finishing Process: Prilling versus Granulation. Procedia Engineering: The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7) - Elsevier, 102. pp. 174-181. ISSN 1877-7058

urinary excretion

Said, Amira (2011) Urinary Pharmacokinetic Methodology to Determine the Relative Lung Bioavailability of Inhaled Beclometasone. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

uronic acids

Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

Vasopressor effect in eel

Takei, Yoshio, Joss, Jean M.P., Kloas, Werner and Rankin, J. Cliff (2004) Identification of angiotensin I in several vertebrate species: its structural and functional evolution. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 135 (3). pp. 286-292. ISSN 0016-6480


Adebisi, Adeola O., Conway, Barbara R. and Asare-Addo, Kofi (2015) The influence of fillers on theophylline release from clay matrices. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 120-125. ISSN 2327-6711

velocity components

Panayotopoulos, Nikolaos, Lucas, Gary and Pradhan, Suman (2006) Simulation of a four sensor probe using a rotating dual sensor probe. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Vinyl oxime prepn rearrangement gold catalyst

Ngwerume, Simbarashe and Camp, Jason (2011) Gold-catalyzed rearrangement of O-vinyl oximes for the synthesis of highly substituted pyrroles. Chemical Communications, 47 (6). pp. 1857-1859. ISSN 1359-7345

vinyl oxime thermal rearrangement microwave irradn

Ngwerume, Simbarashe and Camp, Jason (2010) Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyrroles via Nucleophilic Catalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75 (18). pp. 6271-6274. ISSN 0022-3263


Amsdon, Timothy J., Sibley, Martin J. N. and Mather, Peter J. (2017) Distribution of SDTV and HDTV using VLC Techniques for Domestic Applications. In: WiSATS 2016, 19th-20th September, 2016, Cardiff, UK.

Void ordering

Dubinko, V.I., Guglya, A.G. and Donnelly, S. E. (2011) Radiation-induced formation, annealing and ordering of voids in crystals: Theory and experiment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269 (14). pp. 1634-1639. ISSN 0168-583X

water treatment

Lo, Laura (2017) Method development for the synthesis of large crystals of pyromorphite. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

WDX analysis

Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Crisan, O., Dobrosz, P. and Colligon, John (2014) Ion sputter-deposition and in-air crystallisation of Cr2AlC films. Vacuum, 100. pp. 61-65. ISSN 0042-207X


Brown, L., Zhang, H. and Blunt, Liam (2009) Investigation of a possible wear mechanism at the cement head interface in hip resurfacing arthroplasty. In: International Conference on Bioengineering and Biomaterials, 18 - 20 March 2009, ENSAM, Meknes, Morocco. (Submitted)


Ntampiza, Kalina and Zioga, Polina (2014) The Interconnected Object: Are You at Home in a Network? In: Proceedings of 1st International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 936-943. ISBN 978-86-7924-114-6

wound management

Gupta, Abhishek, Low, Wan Li, Britland, Stephen, Radecka, Iza and Martin, Claire (2017) Physicochemical characterisation of biosynthetic bacterial cellulose as a potential wound dressing material. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 37-38. ISSN 2058-8356


Lu, Joan (2011) Mobile Assessment System – MES. [Artefact]

Lu, Joan (2011) Student Response System (SRS)/Wireless Response System (WRS) – a Next-Generation Student Response System for Academia and Industry. [Artefact]

XML Architecture

Rabadi, Y.E. and Lu, Joan (2009) Building secured XML real-time interactive data exchange architecture - a comparison test between TCP vs. UDP protocols performance/. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 178-183. ISBN 9781862180857

XML Security

Rabadi, Y.E. and Lu, Joan (2009) Building secured XML real-time interactive data exchange architecture - a comparison test between TCP vs. UDP protocols performance/. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 178-183. ISBN 9781862180857


Colaux, J.L., Louette, P., Colomer, J.-F., Edmondson, P.D., Donnelly, S. E. and Terwagne, G. (2011) Study of carbon nitride compounds synthesised by co-implantation of 13C and 14N in copper at different temperatures. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126 (1-2). pp. 337-343. ISSN 0254-0584


Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356

XRD analysis

Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Crisan, O., Dobrosz, P. and Colligon, John (2014) Ion sputter-deposition and in-air crystallisation of Cr2AlC films. Vacuum, 100. pp. 61-65. ISSN 0042-207X

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