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Number of items: 62.


Gallagher, Bernard (2017) Child sexual exploitation – A national threat? NOTA News (82). pp. 22-26.

Sharratt, Kathryn, Boduszek, Daniel, Gallagher, Bernard and Jones, Adele (2017) Factor structure and factorial invariance of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire among children of prisoners and their parents. Child Indicators Research. ISSN 1874-897X

Gallagher, Bernard (2016) The Role of Digital Technology in Child Protection: Still Helping and Harming? Child Abuse Review, 25 (5). pp. 327-331. ISSN 0952-9136

Gallagher, Bernard, Berman, Anne H., Bieganski, Justyna, Jones, Adele, Foca, Liliana, Raikes, Ben, Schiratzki, Johanna, Urban, Mirjam and Ullman, Sarah (2015) National Human Research Ethics: A Preliminary Comparative Case Study of Germany, Great Britain, Romania, and Sweden. Ethics & Behavior. ISSN 1050-8422

Sharratt, Kathryn, Boduszek, Daniel, Jones, Adele and Gallagher, Bernard (2014) Construct validity, dimensionality and factorial invariance of the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale: A bifactor modelling approach among children of prisoners. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 2 (4). pp. 228-236. ISSN 2353-4192

Gallagher, Bernard (2014) In Rotherham blame game, media ignores those who did good work. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Gallagher, Bernard (2014) Butler-Sloss stands down, but politicians still fail to face the facts on child sex abuse. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Gallagher, Bernard (2014) Rolf Harris guilty : but what has Operation Yewtree really taught us about child sexual abuse? The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Balfe, Myles, Gallagher, Bernard, Masson, Helen, Balfe, Shane, Brugha, Ruairi and Hackett, Simon (2014) Internet Child Sex Offenders' Concerns about Online Security and their Use of Identity Protection Technologies: A Review. Child Abuse Review. ISSN 0952-9136

Gallagher, Bernard (2013) Why don’t we just …. trust social workers? The Big Issue.

Gallagher, Bernard (2013) Involving children in research : challenges and opportunities. Justice for children of prisoners newsletters : Looking forward.

Gallagher, Bernard and Green, Adam (2013) Outcomes among young adults placed in therapeutic residential care as children. Journal of Children's Services, 8 (1). pp. 31-51. ISSN 1746-6660

Gallagher, Bernard and Green, Adam (2012) In, out and after care: Young adults' views on their lives, as children, in a therapeutic residential establishment. Children and Youth Services Review, 34 (2). pp. 437-450. ISSN 0190-7409

Gallagher, Bernard (2009) Child sexual abuse: informed or in fear? Criminal Justice Matters, 77 (1). pp. 6-7. ISSN 0962-7251

Gallagher, Bernard (2008) Commentary on ‘School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse’. Evidence-Based Child Health A Cochrane Review Journal, 3 (3). pp. 637-639. ISSN 15576272

Gallagher, Bernard (2008) Preventing child deaths. Child Abuse Review, 17 (5). pp. 289-296. ISSN 0952-9136

Gallagher, Bernard (2008) Fear of the unknown. Safer Communities: a journal of practice, opinion, policy and research, 7 (3). pp. 22-25. ISSN 1757-8043

Gallagher, Bernard, Bradford, Michael and Pease, Ken (2008) Attempted and completed incidents of stranger-perpetrated child sexual abuse and abduction. Child Abuse & Neglect, 32 (5). pp. 517-528. ISSN 0145-2134

Gallagher, Bernard (2008) Dangerous worlds? The problems of international and internet child sexual abuse. Community Safety Journal, 7 (2). pp. 8-11. ISSN 1757-8043

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) Don't call us: More support is needed for child telephone helplines. childRIGHT. pp. 12-13. ISSN 0265-1459

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) International and internet child sexual abuse: The typology, extent and nature of known causes, and their implication for policy and practice. childRIGHT. pp. 14-17. ISSN 0265-1459

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) Stranger danger. Jane's Police Review. pp. 24-25. ISSN 0309-1414

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) Internet-initiated incitement and conspiracy to commit child sexual abuse (CSA): The typology, extent and nature of known cases. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 13 (2). pp. 101-119. ISSN 1355-2600

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) Criminal contacts. Jane's Police Review. pp. 24-25. ISSN 0309-1414

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) Dangerous liaisons. Community care (1658). pp. 34-35. ISSN 0307-5508

Gallagher, Bernard (2005) Book reviews: Child Pornography: An Internet Crime. Max Taylor, Ethel Quayle, Brunner-Routledge, Hove, 2003. 236 pp. ISBN 1-58391- 244-4. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 11 (2). pp. 227-228. ISSN 1355-2600

Gallagher, Bernard (2005) New technology: helping or harming children? Child Abuse Review, 14 (6). pp. 367-373. ISSN 0952-9136

Gallagher, Bernard, Brannan, Chris, Jones, Rob and Westwood, Simon (2004) Good practice in the education of children in residential care. British Journal of Social Work, 34 (8). pp. 1133-1160. ISSN 1468-263X

Gallagher, Bernard, Christmann, Kris, Fraser, Claire and Hodgson, Beth (2003) International and internet child sexual abuse and exploitation - issues emerging from research. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 15 (4). pp. 353-371. ISSN 1358-8184

Gallagher, Bernard (2002) Book review: Public inquiries into abuse of children in residential care (by Corby, B., Doig, A. and Roberts, V., 2001). Research, Policy and Planning: The journal of the Social Services Research Group, 20 (1).

Gallagher, Bernard, Bradford, Michael and Pease, Ken (2002) The sexual abuse of children by strangers: its extent, nature and victim characteristics. Children and Society, 16 (5). pp. 346-359. ISSN 0951-0605

Gallagher, Bernard (2001) Assessment and intervention in cases of suspected ritual child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review, 10 (4). pp. 227-242. ISSN 0952-9136

Gallagher, Bernard (2001) Understanding child abuse. Child Abuse Review, 10 (2). pp. 75-80. ISSN 09529136

Gallagher, Bernard (2000) Ritual, and child sexual abuse, but not ritual child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review, 9 (5). pp. 321-327. ISSN 09529136

Gallagher, Bernard (2000) The extent and nature of known cases of institutional child sexual abuse. British Journal of Social Work, 30 (6). pp. 795-817. ISSN 00453102

Gallagher, Bernard (1999) The abuse of children in public care. Child abuse review, 8 (6). pp. 357-365. ISSN 0952-9136

Gallagher, Bernard (1998) 'Forked tails and forked tongues' book review: Speak of the devil, Tales of Satanic Abuse in Contemporary England by Jean La Fontaine (1998). Times Higher Education.

Gallagher, Bernard, Creighton, Susan and Gibbons, Jane (1995) Ethical Dilemmas in Social Research: no easy solutions. British journal of social work, 25 (3). pp. 295-311. ISSN 0045-3102

Farrington, David P., Gallagher, Bernard, Morley, Lynda, St. Ledger, Raymond and West, Donald J. (1986) Unemployment, school leaving and crime. British Journal of Criminology, 26 (4). pp. 335-356. ISSN 0007-0955

Book Chapter

Gallagher, Bernard (1999) Institutional Abuse. In: Child Sexual Abuse: Responding to the Experiences of Children. NSPCC/Wiley Series in Protecting Children . Wiley, pp. 197-210. ISBN 9780471983347

Gallagher, Bernard (1998) The nature and extent of known cases of organised child abuse in England and Wales. In: Organised abuse - the current debate. Ashgate, pp. 215-230. ISBN 9781857422849

Farrington, D.P., Gallagher, Bernard, Morley, Lynda, St. Ledger, Raymond and West, Donald J. (1990) Minimising attrition in longitudinal research: methods in tracing and securing cooperation in a 24-year follow-up study. In: Data Quality in Longitudinal Research. European Network on Longitudinal Studies on Individual Development . Cambridge University Press, pp. 122-147. ISBN 9780521380911

Gallagher, Bernard, Farrington, D.P., Morely, L., St. Ledger, R. and Brown, W. (1988) A 24-year follow-up of men from vulnerable backgrounds. In: The abandonment of delinquent behaviour: promoting the turnaround. Praeger, New York, USA, pp. 335-356. ISBN 9780275929282


Gallagher, Bernard and Jones, Adele (2011) COPING: Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Perspectives of Children, Parents and Carers – Ethical Procedures Report. Research Report. University of Huddersfield.

Gallagher, Bernard, Fraser, Claire, Christmann, Kris and Hodgson, Beth (2006) International and internet child sexual abuse and exploitation. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK.

Gallagher, Bernard (1999) Understanding the attrition of cases of child sexual abuse and neglect in the criminal justice system. Technical Report. ESRC.

Gallagher, Bernard (1993) Family participation in initial child protection case conferences: report on a pilot project for Liverpool Area Child Protection Committee. Project Report. Liverpool Area Child Protection Committee.

Conference or Workshop Item

Gallagher, Bernard (2013) Child Sex Abuse: Have We Learnt Anything? In: University of Huddersfield Public Lecture Series, 11th December 2013, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2009) Attempted and Completed Incidents of Stranger-Perpetrated Child Sexual Abuse and Abduction. In: 7th Annual BASPCAN (British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse) Conference, 13th - 16th September 2009, Swansea, Wales. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2009) International and Internet Child Sexual Abuse: Typologies, Extent, Nature, and Policy and Practice Implications. In: 7th Annual BASPCAN (British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse) Conference, 13th - 16th September 2009, Swansea, Wales. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2009) The UK Register of Child Protection Research - 1990 Onwards. In: 7th Annual BASPCAN (British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse) Conference, 13th - 16th September 2009, Swansea, Wales. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2008) International and internet child sexual abuse. In: British Society of Criminology, 9th - 11th July 2008, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2008) The sexual abuse and abduction of children by strangers. In: British Society of Criminology Conference 2008, 9-11 July 2008, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) How should policy and practice respond to international and internet child sexual abuse? In: NOTA 17th Annual Conference: Challenging sexual abuse - challenging assumptions. Towards best practice, research and theory, 19th - 21st September 2007, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) International and internet child sexual abuse: the typology, extent and nature of known cases. In: NOTA 17th Annual Conference: Challenging sexual abuse - challenging assumptions. Towards best practice, research and theory, 19th - 21st September 2007, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2007) What is international child sexual abuse? In: Safeguarding Children? Current Debates – Future Prospects, 6th - 7th September 2007, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Gallagher, Bernard (2005) Internet child sexual abuse. In: 1st US/European Summit on Missing and Exploited Children, 25th - 27th October 2005, Buonas, Switzerland. (Unpublished)


Jones, Adele, Gallagher, Bernard, Manby, Martin, Robertson, Oliver, Schützwohl, Matthias, Berman, Anne H., Hirschfield, Alexander, Ayre, Liz, Urban, Mirjam, Sharratt, Kathryn and Christmann, Kris (2013) Children of Prisoners: Interventions and mitigations to strengthen mental health. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 9781862181168

Gallagher, Bernard (1998) Grappling with smoke: investigating and managing organised child sexual abuse: a good practice guide. Policy Practice Research Series . NSPCC, London, UK. ISBN 9780902498839

Hughes, Beverley, Parker, Howard and Gallagher, Bernard (1996) Policing child sexual abuse: the view from police practitioners. Home Office.

Gibbons, Jane, Gallagher, Bernard, Bell, Caroline and Gordon, David (1995) Development after physical abuse in early childhood a follow-up study of children on protection registers. Studies in child protection Department of Health . The Stationery Office, London, UK. ISBN 9780113217908

Gibbons, Jane, Gallagher, Bernard, Bell, Caroline and Gordon, David (1995) Development after Physical Abuse in Early Childhood. HMSO.

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