Dr Gallagher is involved in a long-running
project to produce a register containing
abstracts or summaries of all the child
protection-related research carried out in the
UK since 1990.
Data gathering for this project has comprised
two main phases so far; the first in the late
1990s and a second in the early 2000s. In
each of these phases, questionnaires were
posted or emailed to the representatives of all
of the following organisations throughout the
UK: departments in higher education
institutions, statutory agencies (education
departments, health authorities, police,
probation and social services departments)
and major voluntary bodies. In addition,
questionnaires were posted to all the
members of the British Association for the
Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and
Neglect (BASPCAN). This work has identified
approximately 250 studies of child protection
in the UK.
The presentation will provide an overview of
these studies and highlight some of the key
themes within this data set.
The presentation will also explore some of
the broader issues that have been uncovered
by this work, including the practical difficulties
of constructing a research register, the
inaccessibility of research and the need to
facilitate greater exploitation of existing
The presentation will close with a description
of current developments surrounding this
project; namely, the production of a hard
copy of the register along with an associated
website, a comprehensive literature search to
identify further research and a more thorough
analysis of the data collected thus far.