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Bashir, Abid and Denton, Paul (2010) The Identification of Enterprise System Limitations within Manufacturing Supply Chains. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 110-115. ISBN 9781862180932


Denton, Paul, Brown, R. S. A. and Morgan, E. (2012) The Development of a Sustainable Approach to Learner-Employer Engagament. In: National HE STEM Programme Conference, 4-6 September 2012, Birmingham, UK.

Denton, Paul (2012) Succeeding in Tomorrow’s Engineering World of Work: case study. Case Study. National HE STEM Programme, Birmingham.

Denton, Paul, Hajjaji, Mufeed and Bashir, Abid (2010) Internal Supply Chain Management within SMEs: When ERPII Is Not Enough? In: The 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, 25-31 July 2010, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China.

Denton, Paul, Tan, Kim H., Hajjaji, Mufeed and Bashir, Abid (2010) Chemical Industry Supply Chain Innovation: A Case Study of e-Enablement Practice. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Congress Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 1-5 March 2010. [Unkown], pp. 135-146.

Denton, Paul and McKinna, Alastair (2009) Open Innovation in Global Manufacturing Supply Chains. In: Institute of Engineering and Technology, Invited Prestige Lecture, 25 March 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Denton, Paul, Tan, Kim H., Little, David and Bonner, John V.H. (2007) A Three R Approach for Supply Chain Business Intelligence. In: Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Production Research ICPR19, Valparaiso, Chile, 29th July - 2nd August 2007. ICPR. ISBN 978 956 310 7517

Denton, Paul and Tan, Kim H. (2007) Revisiting the Value Proposition of E-Marketplace Connectivity. In: Developing Sustainable Collaborative Supply Chains, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Logistics, Budapest, Hungary, 8-9 July 2007. Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, pp. 383-389.

Denton, Paul, Tan, Kim H. and Yoshie, O. (2007) Open Innovation in Global Manufacturing Supply Chains: Opportunities for the Future. Project Report. Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation. (Submitted)

Denton, Paul, Little, David, Weston, R.H and Guerrero, A. (2007) An enterprise engineering approach for supply chain systems design and implementation. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 3 (2). pp. 131-151. ISSN 1744-2370

Denton, Paul (2006) Promoting Digital Business Growth. Yorkshire Business Insider, 4 (2).

Denton, Paul (2005) Business Strategy Driven Information Technology Systems. In: Proceedings of the 18th ICPR: The Networked Enterprise, July 31-August 4 2005, Fisciano, Italy.

Denton, Paul (2005) An Enterprise Engineering Approach for Supply Chain Systems Design and Implementation. In: Proceedings of SCMIS2005: 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, 6th - 8th July 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Denton, Paul and Short, C. (2004) Rapid Product Development Evaluation Report. Project Report. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Consortium.

Denton, Paul (2002) Business Strategy Driven IT Systems For Engineer-To-Order and Make-To-Order Manufacturing Enterprises. Doctoral thesis, Loughborough University.

Denton, Paul and Hodgson, A. (1999) Can SMEs Afford MRP? In: ICPR-15 Manufacturing for a global market. Dept. of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 735-738. ISBN 9781874653561

Denton, Paul, Hodgson, A. and Hreczuk-Hirst, I. A. (1999) Implementing Intranet Support for BPR in a Small Manufacturing Company. In: ICPR-15 Manufacturing for a global market. Dept. of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 739-742. ISBN 9781874653561

Denton, Paul and Hodgson, A. (1997) Implementing Strategy-Led BPR in a Small Manufacturing Company. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Factory 2000, 2nd - 4th April 1997, Cambridge, UK.

Denton, Paul and Hodgson, A. (1997) Systems Development for Global Manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Factory 2000, 2nd - 4th April 1997, Cambridge, UK.


Hua Tan, K., Denton, Paul, Rae, R. and Chung, L. (2013) Managing Lean Capabilities through Flexible Workforce Development: A Process and Framework. Production Planning and Control, 24 (12). pp. 1066-1076. ISSN 09537287

Hajjaji, Mufeed and Denton, Paul (2011) The Integration of Risk Management into Maintenance Project Approaches for SMEs. In: Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Production Research ICPR21 July 31 - August 4, 2011. ICPR, Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8396-0293-5

Hajjaji, Mufeed and Denton, Paul (2011) A Case Study of Risk Management Tools Adoption Within Engineering SMEs. In: Palisade Risk Conference 2011: Risk Analysis, Applications & Training, 29th - 30th March 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Submitted)

Hajjaji, Mufeed, Denton, Paul and Jackson, Steve (2010) The effectiveness of using project management tools and techniques for delivering projects. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 124-129. ISBN 9781862180932


Maatgi, Musbah and Denton, Paul (2013) The successful implementation of ISO9000 through work environment analysis : a UK case study perspective. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 67-72. ISBN 9781862181212

Maatgi, Musbah and Denton, Paul (2011) Understanding the Determinants of SME ISO 9000 Success: Towards a Classification of Work Environment. In: Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Production Research ICPR21 July 31 - August 4, 2011. ICPR, Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8396-0293-5

Maatgi, Musbah and Denton, Paul (2011) The Role of Work Environment in the Successful Implementation of ISO 9000 in SMEs. In: Fourth Scientific Symposium for Libyan Students in the UK, 15 January 2011, Cardiff, UK. (Unpublished)

Maatgi, Musbah and Denton, Paul (2010) Achieving ISO 9000 Success in SMEs: The Development of a Work Environment Framework. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 37-42. ISBN 9781862180932


Renshaw, Tony, Stevens, Richard and Denton, Paul (2009) Towards understanding engagement in games: an eye-tracking study. On the Horizon, 17 (4). pp. 408-420. ISSN 1074-8121

Renshaw, Tony, Stevens, Richard and Denton, Paul (2008) Understanding Games Interaction Through Eye-tracking: From User Learning to New Business Model Development. In: 38th SAGSET Conference: Teaching and Learning through Gaming and Simulation, 17-18 July 2008, Nottingham University Business School.


Shagluf, Abubaker, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon, Denton, Paul and Myers, Alan (2013) The importance of assessing downtime cost related factors towards an optimised machine tool calibration schedule. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 182-187. ISBN 9781862181212

Shagluf, Abubaker, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon and Denton, Paul (2013) Towards a Downtime Cost Function to Optimise Machine Tool Calibration Schedules. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Technologies. NEWTECH 2013 . KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 231-240. ISBN 9789175018935

Shagluf, Abubaker, Longstaff, Andrew P., Fletcher, Simon, Denton, Paul and Myers, Alan (2013) Predictive Calibration-Based Tolerance Boundaries For Arresting Deterioration of Machine Tool Accuracy. In: 2nd Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference, 17-18 September 2013, Cranfield University, UK.

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