This Interim Report constitutes Deliverable 3 of the Thematic Network. It is a Summary Report of the 10 national reports that have been produced within Workpackage 2. This first workpackage reviewed relevant academic and analytical literature within each country. This second workpackage reviews relevant statistical information within each country. While both the second workpackage national reports and this summary report need to be read in association with those of the first workpackage, we have sought to make this summary report understandable in its own right. For this reason there is some repetition of key issues introduced in Workpackage 2 summary report. We particularly draw attention to previous discussions in Workpackage 1 in each country on: a) national/societal gender situation, including broad shifts in masculinity formations, and relationship between different masculinities; and b) general or basic texts on men and masculinities, including the growth of studies. Workpackage 1 also summarised recent research texts, many of which also include statistical information on men and are thus relevant throughout. Future workpackages focus on policy and on media within each country.