Bevan, Adam (2015) Effective Management of the Wheel-Rail Interface on Light-rail Networks. In: 1st Annual WRI EU Conference, 21st - 23rd October 2015, Derby, UK. (Unpublished)

The paper will describe the application of various techniques to improve the management of the wheel-rail interface for light rail systems. The authors show how simulation tools, measurement and data analytics can be applied to give significant improvements in asset management. The authors experience ranges from legacy lightrail, through new build to modern metro systems enabling them to provide practical examples of the range of techniques discussed. Previous work, conducted on-behalf of ORR, UKTram and EU research projects, has demonstrated the variation in wheel-rail profiles, rail steel grades and maintenance limits (e.g. wheel-rail wear) adopted by UK and International light-rail systems.
Optimising the selection of these parameters can provide significant benefits and costs for light-rail systems through; (a) maximising the life of the rail and reduction in premature rail replacement, (b) improved planning of maintenance and renewals, (c) reduction in carbon footprint and (d) reduction in disruption to passenger service. Results from current UKTram ‘low impact light-rail’ project will be summarised along with observations from the completed EU research project PM’n’IDEA. This will include examples of how effective management of the wheel-rail interface and the use of simulation tools can lead to optimal selection rail wear limits and rail steel grade.

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