Amaratunga, Dilanthi, Haigh, Richard and Baldry, D. (2004) Customer related facilities management processes: understanding the needs of the customer. In: CIB W070 Facilities Management and Maintenance Symposium, 27-29th September 2004, Michigan State University, Michigan, United States. (Unpublished)

In the past, organisations could concentrate on their internal capabilities, emphasising product
performance and technology innovation. Organisations that did not understand their customers’ needs eventually found that competitors could make inroads by offering products or services better aligned to their customers’ preferences. Many Facilities Management organisations today have a mission focused on the customer, and how the organisation is performing its customers’ perspective has become a priority for the organisational management. How the FM organisation is performing through the eyes of its customers has therefore become a priority issue for facilities managers. This captures the ability of the organisation to provide quality goods and services, the effectiveness of their delivery, and overall customer service and satisfaction. It places importance on the organisation’s ability to achieve its vision, and how it wants to be seen by its customers. This paper will discuss some of the important FM customer related processes and mechanisms associated with its measurement identified through a series of case studies carried out as part of a major research study


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