McDowell, James (2012) Cultivating a viral community of practice to drive institutional enhancement through the promotion of video-enhanced learning, feedback and assessment. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Blended Learning Conference. University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, UK, pp. 64-70.

Building on both the earlier VERiFy project (Video-Enhanced Response in Feedback Loops) and the award-winning VELOCITy strategy (Video-Enhanced Learning Opportunities in Computing and Information Technology), the ReVERiFy project has seen the cultivation of a community of practice on video-enhanced assessment and feedback at the University of Huddersfield. Around the institution, learners studying across diverse disciplines and working in online- and blended-learning contexts now receive video-feedback on their work through a range of mobile, portable and desktop devices; case studies have been developed in a range of subject areas including Art and Design, Psychology, Education, Computing, Modern Languages, Marketing, and Applied Sciences. This paper offers an overview of three of those case studies, highlighting examples of best practice from divergent subject areas, and reporting on both learner evaluations and tutor experience of video-enhancement of the assessment and feedback process.

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