Freeman, M.S., Gillibrand, Warren P., Newton, Veronica, Holdich, Phil and Oldroyd, J. (2012) Engaging in a new culture of innovative collaboration for diabetes service redesign. Diabetic Medicine, 29 (S1). p. 123. ISSN 0742-3071

Aims: In a challenging financial environment, the aim of the
redesigned diabetes service was to deliver high quality levels of care
closer to patients’ homes promoting patient self-management and selfcare.
This was to be achieved by enhancing primary care training with
seamless specialist care support. It involved collaboration with local
stakeholders, NHS Diabetes and the commercial sector.
Methods: The service design was developed following a diabetes care
review, stakeholder consultation and training needs analysis, delivery
being aided by novelworkingwith the local university and a number of
pharmaceutical companies: (1) a university developed and delivered
bespoke work-based learning programme covering key aspects of
diabetes care; (2) a mentorship programme delivered by the specialist
teams; (3) an e-consultation process between primary and secondary
care; (4) a Year of Care based patient Self Care Handbook; (5) a local
enhanced care financial scheme for accredited practices (LES); (6)
annual diabetes e-participation by all service providers.
Results: 90 per cent of practices have signed up to the new model.
There is full involvement fromthe specialist teams, and 74 practitioners
have attended university programmes. Mentorship is ongoing and
positively evaluated 20 practices’ access to e-consultation. Six practices
are accredited with thediabetesLESpilotingof the SelfCareHandbook.
Patient service needs were identified using care planning data. Tailored
healthcare professional ongoing support requirements were identified.
Summary: The new service has been well received by both primary
and secondary care resulting in closer collaborative working patterns.
New working patterns have developed between the NHS and the
private sector. The introduction of e-consultation has facilitated
the installation of a clinical record system into secondary care
allowing the sharing of patient information.

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