To understand and adapt national healthcare language in Europe to evaluate quality of service provided in wound care.
Methods: A systematic review identifying and exploring relevant United Kingdom (UK) documents relating to quality; aligning to the domains of quality – patient safety, effectiveness and patient experience; tissue viability and its associated services can raise the awareness of the care provided. By giving true and accurate metrics to the domains of quality, tissue viability would be better positioned to ensure future resources and funding for their service.
Results: Patients will be put at the heart of the National Health Service (NHS) through having greater choice and more control of the service provided to them; shared decision making will become the norm, no decision about me without me (DH, 2010). Empowering patients to be involved in the choice of treatment through integrated care can be seen to aid the patient to achieve greater control and self-efficacy over their environment (Wilson, 2010).
Conclusions: The NHS vision for the next 5 years is to achieve “Equity and Excellence” in healthcare (DH, 2010). The UK Government will enable patients to rate hospitals and clinical departments according to the quality of care they receive. There will be a focus on personalised care reflecting individuals‟ health and care needs, supporting carers and encouraging strong local partnerships. Although this ethos is projected in the UK health care arena, its underpinning philosophy is relevant to the international health care market.