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Acreman, Bev and Stone, Graham (2006) Customer service excellence. In: UKSG 29th UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition, 3-5 April 2006, University of Warwick. (Unpublished)

Acreman, Bev and Stone, Graham (2007) Customer service excellence II. In: UKSG 30th UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition, 16-18 April 2007, University of Warwick. (Unpublished)


Budds, Kirsty, Locke, Abigail and Burr, Vivien (2013) Risky Business: Constructing the ‘choice’ to ‘delay’ motherhood in the British press. Feminist Media Studies, 13 (1). pp. 132-147. ISSN 1468-0777

Burke, Jane and Stone, Graham (2014) Collection Management Workflows: The Cart versus the Horse. In: Electronic Resources & Libraries 2014, 16-19 March 2014, AT&T Conference Center Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)


Collins, Ellen, Milloy, Caren and Stone, Graham (2013) Guide to Creative Commons for Humanities and Social Science monograph authors. Working Paper. Jisc Collections, London.

Crawshaw, Lesley and Stone, Graham (2004) A problem shared – lis-e-journals@UKSG. In: UKSG 27th UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 March 2004, UMIST, Manchester. (Unpublished)


Devenney, Amy (2015) L’ expérience de l’ université d’ Huddersfield utilisant Intota v1. In: ProQuest Day Paris, 12 November 2015, Paris. (Unpublished)


Emery, Jill and Stone, Graham (2013) Coming to TERMS. American Libraries (May). ISSN 0002-9769

Emery, Jill and Stone, Graham (2014) Introducing OAWAL: crowdsourcing best practices for open access workflows in academic libraries. In: Electronic Resources & Libraries 2014, 16-19 March 2014, AT&T Conference Center Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Emery, Jill and Stone, Graham (2015) OAWAL: open access workflows for academic librarians. In: UKSG 38th Annual Conference and Exhibition, 30 March -1 April 2015, SECC, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Emery, Jill and Stone, Graham (2014) Techniques for Electronic Resource Management (TERMS): From Coping to Best Practices. In: 2014 AALL Annual Meeting and Conference, 12-15 July 2014, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio, TX. (Unpublished)

Emery, Jill and Stone, Graham (2013) Techniques for Electronic Resource Management: Crowdsourcing for Best Practices. In: 2013 ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 27 June - 2 July 2013. (Unpublished)

Emery, Jill and Stone, Graham (2013) A Year of Techniques for Electronic Resource Management: The Work of the Marcia Tuttle Award Winner for 2012. NASIG Newsletter, 28 (3). pp. 1-2. ISSN 15423417

Everard, Jayne and Stone, Graham (2002) Newcomers to serials. In: UKSG 25th UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition, 15-17 April 2002, University of Warwick. (Unpublished)


Goodall, Deborah, Pattern, David and Stone, Graham (2010) Making resources work harder. Library and Information Gazette. p. 5. ISSN 1741220X


Hassan, Luna (2013) Assessing the Information Needs of Historians Working with Digitised Primary Sources in the UK: A Sequential Mixed Methods Study. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony and Devenney, Amy (2014) HIKE Project. Planning for the future: investigating new library services platforms. Taking Stock, 22 (2). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0966-6745

Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony (2014) How to keep ‘em spending! Taking Stock, 23 (1). pp. 12-13. ISSN 0966-6745

Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony and Devenney, Amy (2013) HIKE project planning for the future: investigating new library services platforms. In: National Acquisitions Group Conference, 4-5 September 2013, York. (Submitted)

Heyhoe-Pullar, Briony and Devenney, Amy (2013) Planning for the future: working with suppliers to investigate next generation library systems. In: 1st Northern Collaboration Conference Collaboration: the New Academy, 13 September 2013, University of Huddersfield. (Submitted)


Ince, Lindsay (2015) Placing the Past in the Present: Learning and Technology in Heritage Quay. In: TALI Festival 2015, 12/06/2015, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Kaye, Jane (2006) Books, e-books, journals, e-journals, databases, DVDs… Getting the balance right. Taking Stock, 15 (1). pp. 4-5. ISSN 0966-6745

Kirshbaum, Marilyn (2008) Further development of preliminary conceptual framework for targeting knowledge transfer interventions. In: Knowledge Translation 2008: Forum for the Future, 9th - 11th June 2008, Banff, Alberta, Canada. (Unpublished)


Lewis, Nicholas and Stone, Graham (2008) Mandating and the scholarly journal article: attracting interest on deposits? Serials-eNews (183). ISSN 1476-0576


McGuinn, Kate (2015) “A great product sells itself,” or does it? Marketing MyReading at the University of Huddersfield. In: Northern Collaboration Learning Exchange: Strategic Marketing, 23 January 2015, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Murtagh, Fionn (2017) Big Textual Data: Lessons and Challenges for Statistics. In: SIS 2017 Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations. Proceedings of the Conference of the Italian Statistical Society. Firenze University Press, Florence, Italy, pp. 719-730. ISBN 978-88-6453-521-0

Murtagh, Fionn and Contreras, Pedro (2017) Algorithms for Hierarchical Clustering: An Overview, II. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 7 (6). e1219. ISSN 1942-4795


Needham, Paul and Stone, Graham (2012) IRUS-UK: making scholarly statistics count in UK repositories. Insights, 25 (3). pp. 262-266. ISSN 2048-7754


Oakleaf, Megan, Stone, Graham, Pattern, David, Bowles-Terry, Melissa, Peterson, Kate, Nackerud, Shane and Fransen, Jan (2013) Do or Do Not...There is No Try: The Quest for Library Value. In: Association of College & Research Libraries Conference, 10-13 April 2013, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Unpublished)


Parker, Catherine (2018) The Game of Open Access – making mandates more memorable. In: ARGL DARTS6 Conference, 24-25 May 2018, Dartington, Devon. (Unpublished)

Parker, Catherine and Spikin, Mike (2018) The Game of Open Access - poster presented at Repofringe 2018. In: Repofringe, 2-3 July 2018, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Pattern, David (2011) If you want to get laid, go to college... In: Welsh Libraries, Archives and Museums Conference, 12 -13 May 2011, The Metropole, Llandrindod, Wales. (Unpublished)

Pattern, David (2011) If you want to get laid, go to college... In: Welsh Higher Education Library Forum colloquium, 14 June 2011, Gregynog Hall, Wales. (Unpublished)

Pattern, David (2010) Web 2.0: adding value in a period of financial challenge. In: SCONUL Conference 2010, 16-18 June 2010, The Queens, City Square, Leeds. (Unpublished)

Pattern, David and Murray-John, Patrick (2009) Opening up Higer Education, starting with the library. Panlibus (12). pp. 14-15. ISSN 1749-1002

Pattern, David and Stone, Graham (2010) Activity data at Huddersfield. In: Briefing day for Grant 15/10: JISC infrastructure for education and research programme, 11 October 2010, Goodenough College, London. (Unpublished)

Pattern, David, Stone, Graham and Ramsden, Bryony (2011) The coolest thing to do with your data will be thought of by someone else. In: Business Librarians Association Conference. Making an impact: demonstrating value, 13-15 July 2011, Sheffield. (Unpublished)


Sharman, Alison (2014) MyReading: taking students’ degrees to the next level. In: Reading Lists – Challenge or Opportunity?, 4 December 2014, Goodenough College, London. (Unpublished)

Sharman, Alison and McGuinn, Kate (2015) Take your degree to the next level: marketing MyReading at the University of Huddersfield. In: CILIP Publicity and Public Relations Group Annual Conference, 13 November 2015, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2010) 2010: tough times still lie ahead. Serials-eNews (211). ISSN 1476-0576

Stone, Graham (2014) Crowdsourcing open access workflows: Introducing OAWAL. In: Open-Access Advocacy, 25 November 2014, University of Bradford. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2003) E-journals for beginners. In: UKSG 26th UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition, 7-9 April 2003, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2009) Getting mashed in Huddersfield. Serials-eNews (200). ISSN 1476-0576

Stone, Graham (2009) Into 2009: difficult decisions ahead. Serials-eNews (187). ISSN 1476-0576

Stone, Graham (2016) Leveling the playing field: Why we need resource discovery tools. In: Fiesole Collection Development Retreat, 6-8 April 2016, Fiesole (Florence), Italy. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2011) The Library Impact Data Project. In: National Acquisitions Group Conference, 7-8 September 2011, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2013) Library usage of UK undergraduate students: the Library Impact Data Project. In: Library Impact and Assessment, 7 May 2013, Trinity College, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2011) Looking for the link between library usage and student attainment. In: CILIPS Annual Conference, 7 June 2011, University of Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2013) “Looking? Found someone you have, eh?” Practical implications from the Library Data Impact Project. In: Third NAG Collection Development Seminar for Academic Libraries, 12 June 2013, CILIP, London. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2011) Making research visible to a worldwide audience: Open access and Repositories. In: Interlend 2011, 27-28 June 2011, Durham. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2014) Open Access Workflows for Academic Librarians (OAWAL). In: Managing OA: pain points and workflows, 20 May 2014, The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2010) Report on the University Repository Survey, October-November 2010. Research Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2002) Taking the plunge: moving from print to electronic journal. Serials, 15 (3). pp. 233-236. ISSN 0953-0460

Stone, Graham (2009) UKSG invites student perspectives. Serials-eNews (187). ISSN 1476-0576

Stone, Graham (2010) University Repository Survey Data, October-November 2010. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham (2015) The benefits of resource discovery for publishers: a librarian’s view. Learned Publishing, 28 (2). pp. 106-113. ISSN 0260-9428

Stone, Graham and Emery, Jill (2014) Developing Workflow from TERMS: techniques for electronic resource management. In: Electronic Resources & Libraries 2014, 16-19 March 2014, AT&T Conference Center Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Stone, Graham, Pattern, David and Ramsden, Bryony (2012) Library Impact Data Project. Sconul Focus (54). pp. 25-28. ISSN 1745-5782

Stone, Graham, Ramsden, Bryony and Pattern, David (2011) Looking for the link between library usage and student attainment. Ariadne (67). ISSN 1361-3200

Stone, Graham, Sharman, Alison, Dunn, Penelope and Woods, Laura (2015) Increasing the Impact: Building on the Library Impact Data Project. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41 (4). pp. 517-520. ISSN 00991333

Stone, Graham, White, Sue, Robinson, Denise, Pitchford, Ian and Edmunds, Cherry (2012) Huddersfield Open Access Publishing final report. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Su, Yang, Xu, Zhijie and Jiang, Xiang (2009) Real-time VE Signal Extraction and Denoising Using Programmable Graphics Hardware. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 6 (4). pp. 326-334. ISSN 1476-8186

Syed, Jawad and Davies, Julie (2016) Diversity in the authorship of journal articles and REF impact case studies: How are UK business schools shaping up? In: BAM2016 Conference Proceedings. BAM.


Waddington, Jon (2010) Design of an information system to provide home control for the elderly and disabled. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Wade, Steve (2004) An Approach to Integrating Soft Systems Methodology and Object Oriented Software Development. Proceedings of UKAIS 2004.

Wade, Steve and Salahat, Mohammed (2009) A Systems Thinking Approach to Domain- Driven Design. In: UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2009. UK Academy for Information Systems, London, UK.

Walsh, Andrew (2010) Mobile phones in the library at the University of Huddersfield. In: SCONUL Conference 2010, 16-18 June 2010, The Queens, City Square, Leeds. (Unpublished)

White, Sue and Stone, Graham (2010) Measuring library impact on learning at the University of Huddersfield. In: SCONUL Conference 2010, 16-18 June 2010, The Queens, City Square, Leeds. (Unpublished)


Xu, Yuanping, Xu, Zhijie and Jiang, Xiang (2008) Category theory-based object-oriented data management for web-based virtual manufacturing. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services, 1 (2). pp. 136-159. ISSN 1751-6048

Xu, Yuanping, Xu, Zhijie and Jiang, Xiang (2008) Implementation of a Category Theory-Based GPS Knowledge System for Product Design. In: The 14th International conference on Automation & Computing, Saturday, 6th September 2008,, ICAC 2008 Conference.

Xu, Yuanping, Xu, Zhijie and Jiang, Xiang (2007) Machining surface texture knowledge management using a category theory-based object-oriented database. Communications of SIWN (formerly: System and Information Sciences Notes), 1 (1). pp. 83-88. ISSN 1757-4439

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