Jump to: 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
Number of items at this level: 133.


Baker, Karen (2020) Third Stage of Labour Management Approaches in Midwife-led Units. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Southern, Tom (2019) Surgical Site Infection following Emergency Caesarean Section – incidence and associated risk factors. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Crawshaw, M.A., Blyth, Eric and Feast, Julia (2017) Can the UK’s birth registration system better serve the interests of those born following collaborative assisted reproduction? Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online, 4. pp. 1-4. ISSN 24056618

Karmacharya, Manju, Jasienska, Grazyna, Bissell, Paul, Wasti, Sharada P. and Bajracharya, Lata (2017) Factors influencing the utilization of health facilities for childbirth in a disadvantaged community of Lalitpur, Nepal. Journal of Gynecology, 1 (1). pp. 1-27.

Samples, Jayne (2017) The pregnancy experiences of women aged 40 years and over. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Blyth, Eric and Crawshaw, Marilyn (2016) Retrospective removal of donor anonymity: respectful, fair, grateful and moral? An evidence-based argument. Bio News (844).

Hudson, Nicky, Culley, Lorraine, Blyth, Eric, Norton, Wendy, Pacey, Allan and Rapport, Frances (2016) Cross-border-assisted reproduction: a qualitative account of UK travellers’ experiences. Human Fertility, 19 (2). pp. 102-110. ISSN 1464-7273

Hughes, Laura Jane (2016) Birth after emergency caesarean section: Women’s perspectives on the factors influencing their decision making. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 2 (1). e17. ISSN 2057-0163

Kola-Palmer, Susanna, Walsh, Jane C. and Rogers, Melanie (2016) Patients’ perceptions of colposcopy pain. European Journal of Cancer Care, 25 (1). pp. 49-56. ISSN 0961-5423

Marshall, Joyce and Jones, Pat (2016) Developing Midwife-led Care in Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust: The MYBBC study. Research Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Parkin, Julie (2016) Clinical leadership on the labour ward. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Rogers, Melanie and Fawcett, Emma (2016) Checking the Threads of an IUCD. ClinicalSkills.net.

Rogers, Melanie and Fawcett, Emma (2016) Giving a contraceptive injection. ClinicalSkills.net.

Rogers, Melanie and Fawcett, Emma (2016) Oral Contraception Review. ClinicalSkills.net.

Rogers, Melanie and Fawcett, Emma (2016) Taking female genital swabs. ClinicalSkills.net.


Blyth, Eric (2015) From need ‘for a father’ to need ‘for supportive parenting’: Changing conceptualisations of the welfare of the child following assisted reproductive technology in the United Kingdom. In: Revisiting the Regulation of Human Fertilisation and Embryology. Biomedical Law and Ethics Library . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 12-30. ISBN 978-1-13-802189-1

Lui, Steve (2015) Infertility Patients' Motivation for, Experiences of, Cross-Border Reproductive Services (CBRS): An Asynchronous Online Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Lui, Steve (2015) Routine psychosocial care in infertility and medically assisted reproduction – A guide for fertility staff: Summary. Project Report. ESHRE, Grimbergen, Belgium.

Marshall, Joyce and Jones, Pat (2015) Developing midwife-led care to support normal birth: an action research study. In: Normal Labour & Birth, 15th - 17th June 2015, Grange Over Sands, Lake District. (Unpublished)

Marshall, Joyce, Spiby, Helen and McCormick, Felicia (2015) Evaluating the ‘Focus on Normal Birth and Reducing Caesarean section Rates Rapid Improvement Programme’: A mixed method study in England. Midwifery, 31 (2). pp. 332-340. ISSN 02666138

Phillips, Mari and Marshall, Joyce (2015) Mentor update and support: what do mentors need from an update? The Practising Midwife, 18 (4). pp. 40-43. ISSN 1461-3123

Rogers, Melanie and Fawcett, E. (2015) Taking a cervical smear. ClinicalSkills.net.

Sansby, Luke (2015) Implications of Intermittent Fasting on Placental Function. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Terplan, Mishka, Ramanadhan, Shaalini, Locke, Abigail, Longinaker, Nyaradzo and Lui, Steve (2015) Psychosocial interventions for pregnant women in outpatient illicit drug treatment programs compared to other interventions. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. ISSN 1464-780X

Thorn, Petra and Blyth, Eric (2015) Cross Border Reproductive Services. In: Fertility Counseling: Clinical Guide and Case Studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781107643116

Walker, Emma and Marshall, Joyce (2015) How mentorship affects the transition from student to qualified midwife. The Practising Midwife, 18 (5). pp. 42-45. ISSN 1461-3123


Budds, Kirsty, Locke, Abigail and Burr, Vivien (2014) Combining forms of discourse analysis: A critical discursive psychological approach to the study of ‘older’ motherhood. Sage Open. ISSN 2158-2440 (Submitted)

Golding, Berenice (2014) Reproductive donation practice, policy and bioethics. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 32 (2). pp. 212-213. ISSN 0264-6838

Phillips, Mari and Bharj, Kuldip (2014) Midwifery education and practice in England : facing the challenges. In: ICM Prague 2014, 1-5th June 2014, Prague. (Unpublished)

Rogers, Melanie, Ludkin, Helen and Jones, Siân (2014) Treating Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Independent Nurse. ISSN 1747-9800

Saunders, Douglas, Thorn, Petra, Savova, Vanya, Baor, Liora, Hershberger, Patricia, Laruelle, Chantalle, Fang, Ma, Maher, Bonnie, Benyamini, Yael, ter Haar, Lies, Indrielle, Tereza, Linkeviciute, Alma, Visser, Marja and Lui, Steve (2014) Routine psychosocial care in infertility and medically assisted reproduction - a guide for fertility staff: External Review Report. Project Report. ESHRE, Grimbergen, Belgium.


Blyth, Eric (2013) Below population replacement fertility rates: Can assisted reproductive technology (ART) help reverse the trend? Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 2 (2). pp. 151-158. ISSN 23050500

Blyth, Eric (2013) Donor conception: a private family matter? In: The Times Cheltenham Science Festival, 4th - 9th June 2013, Cheltenham, UK. (Unpublished)

Blyth, Eric (2013) Little for donor-conceived people in the Nuffield Council's report. BioNews (702).

Blyth, Eric (2013) TV Review: Coronation Street - Surrogacy in Weatherfield. BioNews (725).

Blyth, Eric (2013) The numbers don’t add up” - what is going on with surrogacy arrangements in the UK? In: Motherhood: All Change conference, 9th September 2013, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Blyth, Eric and Frith, Lucy (2013) International policy trends surrounding donor anonymity and disclosure of donor-conceived status. In: Donor conception: lessons for clinicians, families, policy makers and researchers, 20th - 21st June 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)

Blyth, Eric and Lee, Geok Ling (2013) Commentary: Can Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Impact Singapore’s Low Fertility Rate? Asian Population Studies, 9 (3). pp. 241-243. ISSN 1744-1730

Blyth, Eric, Lee, Geok Ling and Yee, Samantha (2013) Freezing the Biological Clock: A Viable Fertility Preservation Option for Young Singaporean Women? Annals, Academy of Medicine Singapore, 42 (9). pp. 472-477. ISSN 0304-4602

Culley, Lorraine, Hudson, Nicky, Blyth, Eric, Norton, Wendy, Pacey, Allan and Rapport, Frances (2013) ‘What are you going to do, confiscate their passports?’ Professional perspectives on cross-border reproductive travel. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 31 (1). pp. 46-57. ISSN 0264-6838

Frith, Lucy and Blyth, Eric (2013) They Can't Have My Embryo: The Ethics of Conditional Embryo Donation. Bioethics, 27 (6). pp. 317-324. ISSN 02699702

Kola, Susanna, Walsh, Jane C., Hughes, Brian M. and Howard, Siobhan (2013) Matching intra-procedural information with coping style reduces psychophysiological arousal in women undergoing colposcopy. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 36 (4). pp. 401-412. ISSN 0160-7715

Leeming, Dawn, Williamson, I., Johnson, S. and Lyttle, S. (2013) Making use of expertise: A qualitative analysis of the experience of breastfeeding support for first time mothers. Maternal & Child Nutrition. ISSN 1740-8709

Locke, Abigail and Budds, Kirsty (2013) ‘We thought if it’s going to take two years then we need to start that now’: Age, infertility risk and the timing of pregnancy in older first-time mothers. Health, Risk and Society, 15 (6/7). pp. 525-542. ISSN 1369-8575

Walsh, Jane C., Leonard, Sinead, Kola, Susanna and Birrane, John (2013) Efficacy of an online intervention to promote uptake of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in women. In: 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 16th - 20th July 2013, Bordeaux, France. (Unpublished)


Adamou, Marios, Russel, A. and Sanghera, P. (2012) Obstetric Complications in Adults with ADHD: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 24 (1). pp. 53-64. ISSN 1056-263X

Golding, Berenice (2012) Book Review: IVF - An Emotional Companion (2011), Brigid Moss, HarperCollins, 9780007414338. BioNews (654).

Johnson, S., Leeming, Dawn, Lyttle, S. and Williamson, I. (2012) Empowerment or regulation? Exploring the implications of women’s perspectives on pumping breast milk. In: Beyond Health, Beyond Choice: Breastfeeding Constraints and Realities. Critical Issues in Health and Medicine . Rutgers University Press. ISBN 9780813553030

Johnson, Sally, Leeming, Dawn, Williamson, Iain and Lyttle, Steven (2012) Maintaining the 'good maternal body': Expressing milk as a way of negotiating the demands and dilemmas of early infant feeding. Journal of Advanced Nursing. ISSN 0309-2402

Kola, Susanna and Walsh, Jane C. (2012) Determinants of pre-procedural state anxiety and negative affect in first-time colposcopy patients: Implications for interventions. European Journal of Cancer Care, 21 (4). pp. 469-476. ISSN 0961-5423

Kola, Susanna and Walsh, Jane C. (2012) Dysplasia severity, but not experiences during colposcopy, predicts adherence to follow-up colposcopy. Psycho-Oncology, 21 (3). pp. 291-296. ISSN 1057-9249

Locke, Abigail (2012) Tensions, expectations and realistic advice in early breastfeeding. In: Invited research seminar, 29th June and 4th July 2012, Massey University, New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Marshall, Joyce, Green, Josephine and Spiby, Helen (2012) Parents’ views on how health professionals should work with them now to get the best for their child in the future. Health Expectations. ISSN 1369-6513

Phillips, Mari (2012) 'Woman centred care' the language of practice, policy and professional regulation. In: RCM Annual Conference, 13-14th November 2012, Brighton Centre. (Unpublished)

Rogers, Melanie, Jones, S., Ludkin, H., Connolly, A., Carpenter, K., Bramfitt, A. and Dagg, P. (2012) Challenges in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. [Teaching Resource]

Stephenson, John, Blyth, Eric, Kramer, Wendy and Schneider, Jennifer (2012) Donor type and parental disclosure following oocyte donation. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 1 (1). pp. 39-45.


Blyth, Eric (2011) Gamete consultation. The Guardian Newspaper. ISSN 0261-3077

Bravington, Alison (2011) Using the Pictor technique to reflect on collaborative working in undergraduate nursing and midwifery placements. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Leeming, Dawn, Williamson, Iain, Johnson, Sally and Lyttle, Steven (2011) Becoming a breastfeeding mother: An interactionist perspective. In: Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives, 8-10 June 2011, Lancashire, UK. (Unpublished)

Locke, Abigail (2011) Breastfeeding: A rough guide. In: Breastfeeding in Kirklees - Part of Everyday Life, 14th October 2011, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Lui, Steve and Blyth, Eric (2011) Infertility Patients’ Motivations for and Experiences of Cross-Border Reproductive Services (CBRS): An Asynchronous Online Investigation. In: ESHRE 2011 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology, 3-6 July 2011, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Marshall, Joyce (2011) Motherhood, breastfeeding and identity. Practising Midwife, 14 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 1461-3123

Moorcroft, Kate E., Marshall, Joyce and McCormick, Felicia M. (2011) Association between timing of introducing solid foods and obesity in infancy and childhood: A systematic review. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 7 (1). pp. 3-26. ISSN 1740-8695

Rogers, Melanie (2011) Implants as a safe contraceptive option. Independent Nurse. ISSN 1747-9800

Rogers, Melanie, Bhatoy, Elizabeth, Jones, Sian, Carpenter, K and Bramfitt, A. (2011) A Gynaecological History Taking and Examination Training CD-ROM for Primary Care. [Teaching Resource]


Bryson, Valerie and Deery, Ruth (2010) Public policy, ‘men's time’ and power: The work of community midwives in the British National Health Service. Women's Studies International Forum, 33 (2). pp. 91-98. ISSN 0277-5395

Deery, Ruth and Fisher, Pamela (2010) 'Switching and swapping faces': performativity and emotion in midwifery. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 3 (3). pp. 270-286. ISSN 1740-8938

Deery, Ruth, Hughes, Deborah and Kirkham, Mavis (2010) Tensions and Barriers to Improving Maternity Care: the story of a birth centre. Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford. ISBN 9781846194252

Deery, Ruth and Hunter, Billie (2010) Emotion work and relationships in midwifery. In: Midwife-Mother Relationship. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9780230577367

Hodson, Ann (2010) ‘I’m planning to take your baby’: Pre-birth assessments and serious child protection concerns. In: Personal and Public Lives: Exploring Relationships, Roles, and Responsibilities: An international and interdisciplinary conference, 7th - 9th September 2010, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Jarvis, Yvonne (2010) Exploring relationships within a midwife-led unit in the North of England. In: Personal and Public Lives: Exploring Relationships, Roles, and Responsibilities: An international and interdisciplinary conference, 7th - 9th September 2010, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Kola, Susanna and Walsh, Jane C. (2010) Trait anxiety and pain-related expectancy predict pre-procedural state anxiety and negative affect in first-time colposcopy patients. In: STAR 2010: 31st World Conference on Stress and Anxiety Research, 4th - 6th August 2010, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Kola, Susanna, Walsh, Jane C., Hughes, Brian M. and Howard, Siobhan (2010) Attention focus, trait anxiety and pain perception in patients undergoing colposcopy. In: STAR 2010: 31st World Conference on Stress and Anxiety Research, 4th - 6th August 2010, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Paul, Marilyn S., Berger, Roni, Blyth, Eric and Frith, Lucy (2010) Relinquishing frozen embryos for conception by infertile couples. Families, Systems, & Health, 28 (3). pp. 258-273. ISSN 1091-7527

Phillips, Mari (2010) 'Woman centred care'? An exploration of professional care in midwifery prctice. In: 16th Qualitative Health Research Conference, 3-5th October 2010, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)

Phillips, Mari (2010) ‘Woman-centred care’ and the negotiation of the trajectory of maternity care. In: Personal and Public Lives: Exploring Relationships, Roles, and Responsibilities: An international and interdisciplinary conference, 7th - 9th September 2010, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Terplan, Mishka, Palisoul, Meg, Lui, Steve and Friedman, Catherine (2010) Gender, Pregnancy, and Treatment Completion by Criminal Justice Referral Status. In: College on Problems of Drug Dependence. 72nd Annual Meeting, 12-17 June, 2010, The Fairmont Scottsdale, Scottsdale, Arizona. (Unpublished)


Deery, Ruth (2009) Re-birth for home birth: social enterprise innovation bringing more choice to maternity services. [Video]

Deery, Ruth and Wray, Sharon (2009) 'The hardest leap': acceptance of diverse body size in midwifery. Practising Midwife, 12 (10). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1461-3123

Golding, Berenice (2009) Egg sharing: from the donors’ perspective. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Heyman, Bob (2009) Reflecting on a meta-synthesis of qualitative papers concerned with pregnant women's decision-making about prenatal screening for Down syndrome: A commentary on Reid, Sinclair, Barr, Dobbs and Crealey. Social Science and Medicine, 69 (11). pp. 1574-1576. ISSN 0277-9536

Johnson, Sally, Williamson, Iain, Lyttle, Steven and Leeming, Dawn (2009) Expressing yourself: A feminist analysis of talk around expressing breast milk. Social Science and Medicine, 69 (6). pp. 900-907. ISSN 0277-9536

Kola, Susanna (2009) Patient’s psychological reactions to colposcopy. In: Invited presentation on behalf of the Nurses In Colposcopy Clinics In Ireland Association (NICCIA), 16th October 2009, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast. (Unpublished)

Kola, Susanna and Walsh, Jane C. (2009) Patients’ psychological reactions to colposcopy and LLETZ treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 146 (1). pp. 96-99. ISSN 0301-2115

Kola, Susanna and Walsh, Jane C. (2009) Reducing Anxiety in Colposcopy Patients: The Effects of Matching Level of Information and Preferred Coping Style. In: 30th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society 2009, 16th - 18th July 2009, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Locke, Abigail (2009) Constructing choice and risk in infant feeding: Views from an antenatal class. In: BPS division of health psychology conference, 9th - 11th Spetember 2009, Aston University. (Unpublished)

McCauley-Elsom, Kay, Cross, Wendy and Kulkarni, Javashri (2009) Best Practice when Working with Women with Serious Mental Illness in Pregnancy. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 6 (2). pp. 185-203. ISSN 1743-6885

Terplan, Mishka, Smith, Erica J. and Lui, Steve (2009) How useful is what we have? Limitations of Cochrane Reviews, the case of substance treatment in pregnancy. In: College on Problems of Drugs Dependence: 71st Annual Meeting, 20-25 June 2009, Reno/Sparks Nevada. (Unpublished)


Golding, Berenice (2008) Can women consent to share their eggs? In: BA Festival of Science, 6-11 September 2008, University of Liverpool.

Golding, Berenice (2008) Can women consent to share their eggs? In: 2008 poster and networking competition, 7 March 2008, University of York. (Submitted)

Kola, Susanna and Walsh, Jane C. (2008) Patients’ Reactions to Further Evaluation of Abnormal Cytological Smear Tests. In: 39th Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, 20th – 23rd November 2008, Tullow, Co. Carlow. (Unpublished)

Kola, Susanna and Walsh, Jane C. (2008) The effect of pain on postoperative adjustment in patients undergoing colposcopy. In: Centre for Pain Research Annual Research Day, November 2008, Galway. (Unpublished)

Kola, Susanna, Walsh, Jane C. and Mylotte, Michael (2008) The effect of experienced pain on intra – and postoperative adjustment in women undergoing a diagnostic medical procedure. In: 5th Annual Conference of the Division of Health Psychology, Psychology, Health and Medicine, 19th March 2008, Ulster. (Unpublished)

Locke, Abigail (2008) Managing accountability in breastfeeding discourse. In: British Psychological Society 2008 Annual Conference, 2nd - 4th April 2008, Dublin, Ireland.

Lui, Steve, Terplan, Mishka and Smith, Erica J. (2008) Psychosocial interventions for women enrolled in alcohol treatment during pregnancy. In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Reviews. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

Martin, Nina Marie (2008) Negotiating relationships: exploring the psychosocial experience of egg donation using a known donor. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Smith, Erica J., Terplan, Mishka and Lui, Steve (2008) Pharmacologic Interventions for Pregnant Women Enrolled in Alcohol Treatment. In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Reviews. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

Terplan, Mishka and Lui, Steve (2008) Psychosocial interventions for pregnant women in outpatient illicit drug treatment programs compared to other interventions. In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Reviews. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.


Bogdarina, Irina, Welham, Simon, King, Peter J., Burns, Shamus P. and Clark, Adrian J.L. (2007) Epigenetic modification of the renin-angiotensin system in the fetal programming of hypertension. Circulation Research, 100. pp. 520-526. ISSN 0009-7330

Deery, Ruth, Hughes, Deborah and Kirkham, Mavis (2007) Making it better for mother and baby: a strategy or a sop? Midwifery Matters (113). pp. 2-3. ISSN 0961-1479

Deery, Ruth, Jones, Pat and Phillips, Mari (2007) Women in the driving seat: birth centre insights. Practising Midwife, 10 (5). pp. 23-27. ISSN 1461-3123

Fisher, Pamela and Goodley, Dan (2007) The linear medical model of disability: mothers of disabled babies resist with counter-narratives. Sociology of Health and Illness, 29 (1). pp. 66-81. ISSN 0141-9889

Kola, Susanna, Walsh, Jane C., Mylotte, Michael and Molloy, Maura (2007) Impact of pain on postoperative adjustment in patients undergoing an invasive medical procedure. In: Irish Pain Society Annual Conference 2007, October 2007, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Phillips, Mari (2007) Women caring for women: an exploration of professional care in midwifery practice. In: Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Huddersfield 2007, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Deery, Ruth (2006) How could I help midwives to clarify their support needs and plan for change? In: All You Need To Know About Action Research. Sage, London, UK, pp. 175-178. ISBN 9781412908054


Blyth, Eric and Farrand, Abigail (2005) Reproductive tourism - a price worth paying for reproductive autonomy? Critical Social Policy, 25 (1). pp. 91-114. ISSN 0261-0183

Deery, Ruth (2005) An action research study exploring midwives' support needs and the effect of group clinical supervision. Midwifery, 21 (2). pp. 161-176. ISSN 0266-6138

Hunter, Billie and Deery, Ruth (2005) Building our knowledge about emotion work in midwifery: combining and comparing findings from two different research studies. Evidence based midwifery, 3 (1). pp. 10-15. ISSN 1479-4489

Rogers, Melanie (2005) Gynaecological training for nurse practitioners. Independent Nurse. ISSN 1747-9800


Battersby, S. and Deery, Ruth (2004) Midwifery and research: Comparable skills in listening and the use of language. In: Midwifery: best practice 2. Books for Midwives, London, pp. 195-197. ISBN 075068805X

Blyth, Eric (2004) Patient experiences of an "egg sharing" programme. Human Fertility, 7 (3). pp. 157-162. ISSN 1464-7273

Blyth, Eric, Daniels, Ken and Crawshaw, Marilyn (2004) Policy formation in gamete donation and egg sharing in the UK—a critical appraisal. Social Science and Medicine, 59 (12). pp. 2617-2626. ISSN 0277-9536

Blyth, Eric and Farrand, Abigail (2004) Anonymity in donor-assisted conception and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 12 (2). pp. 89-104. ISSN 0927-5568

Deery, Ruth and Hughes, Deborah (2004) Supporting midwife-led care through action research: A tale of mess, muddle and birth balls. Evidence based midwifery, 2 (2). pp. 52-58. ISSN 1479-4489

Jones, Pat, Phillips, Mari, Deery, Ruth and Ashby, Jo (2004) The impact and outcomes of the implementation of the Wakefield Birth Centre. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Samwill, Lisa and Deery, Ruth (2004) A Study using action research to help midwives influence and change maternity services. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Blyth, Eric (2003) Foreword. In: Experiences of donor conception: parents, offspring, and donors through the years. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 11-12. ISBN 9781843101222

Deery, Ruth (2003) Engaging with clinical supervision in a community midwifery setting: an action research study. Doctoral thesis, University of Sheffield.


Blyth, Eric (2002) Information on genetic origins in donor-assisted conception: Is knowing who you are a human rights issue? Human Fertility, 5 (4). pp. 185-192. ISSN 1464-7273

Blyth, Eric (2002) Subsidized IVF: the development of 'egg sharing' in the UK. Human Reproduction, 17 (12). pp. 3254-3259. ISSN 0268-1161

Hughes, Deborah and Deery, Ruth (2002) Where's the midwifery in midwife-led care? Practising Midwife, 5 (7). pp. 18-19. ISSN 1461-3123

Hughes, Deborah, Deery, Ruth and Lovatt, Alison (2002) A critical ethnographic approach to facilitating cultural shift in midwifery. Midwifery, 18 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0266-6138


Battersby, S. and Deery, Ruth (2001) Midwifery and research: comparable skills in listening and the use of language. Practising Midwife, 4 (9). pp. 24-25. ISSN 1461-3123

Bell, Dennise and Hughes, Deborah (2001) Midwife-led care in Calderdale: Report on transfers of care for 2000. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Heyman, Bob and Henrikson, Mette (2001) Risk, age and pregnancy: a case study of prenatal genetic screening and testing. Palgrave. ISBN 9780333739402


Deery, Ruth and Kirkham, Mavis (2000) Moving from hierarchy to collaboration: the birth of an action research project. Practising Midwife, 3 (8). pp. 25-28. ISSN 1461-3123


Deery, Ruth, Hughes, Deborah, Lovatt, Alison and Topping, Annie (1999) "Hearing midwives' views": focus groups on maternity care in Calderdale NHS Trust. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Fielding, Dorothy, Handley, Sarah, Duqueno, Lindsay, Weaver, Sue and Lui, Steve (1998) Motivation, attitudes and experience of donation: a follow-up of women donating eggs in assisted conception treatment. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 8 (4). pp. 273-287. ISSN 10529284

Heyman, Bob (1998) Probabilities and health risks: a qualitative approach. Social Science and Medicine, 47 (9). pp. 1295-1306. ISSN 0277-9536

Salha, O., Nugent, D., Dada, T., Kaufmann, S., Levett, S., Jenner, L., Lui, Steve and Sharma, V. (1998) The relationship between follicular fluid aspirate volume and oocyte maturity in in-vitro fertilization cycles. Human Reproduction, 13 (7). pp. 1901-1906. ISSN 02681161


Deery, Ruth and Corby, Debi (1997) A case for clinical supervision in midwifery. In: Supervision of Midwives. Books for Midwives Press, Cheshire, UK, p. 203. ISBN 1898507147


Lui, Steve and Weaver, Sue (1996) Ethics and Society: Attitudes and motives of semen donors and non-donors. Human Reproduction, 11 (9). pp. 2061-2066. ISSN 02681161


Lui, Steve, Weaver, Sue, Robinson, J., Debono, M., Nieland, M., Killick, S.R. and Hay, D.M. (1995) A survey of semen donor attitudes. Human Reproduction, 10 (1). pp. 234-238. ISSN 02681161

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