Group by: Date | Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
3D 3D data reconstruction 3D modelling 3D panoramic imaging 3D reconstruction 3D scene A* Abnormality detection Abstract argumentation Active Contours Activity Recognition ADL advice ai artificial intelligence planning scheduling systems plangraph framework temporal Algorithms anal canal cancer and metrology and Security Anomaly detection anomaly detection technique Anti-phishing Artificial Neural Networks aspect Aspect composition Aspect- Oriented Modeling Aspect-Oriented Design Aspect-Oriented Design Language Aspect-oriented model aspect-oriented programming Aspect-Oriented Software Development Aspects Association Rule Associative Classification associative classification mining data association rule discovery technique classifiers CBA CPAR CMAR MCAR MMAC astronomy Attitudes audience participation Autism Diagnosis Automated Automated Feedback Automated Planning Automated testing Automatic configuration automotive data automotive security autonomic nervous system autonomic systems Awareness of implementation policy Biometrics Brain-Computer Interface Branding Business Data processing C++ CAD calm technology Causal CBT Chebyshev series - Laurent series - Laurent–Padé approximant - Chebyshev–Padé approximant - Clenshaw–Lord approximant - end-point singularities Chemical education Chemistry Classification Cloud Cloud computing Clustering colour correction panoramic imaging combined retrieval Competitive strategy component Computer assisted learning Computer games Computer Safety Computer simulation Computer Vision computers consumption gender politics popular culture product design social construction of technology content based image retrieval content management content-based image retrieval Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) content-based retrieval Controls Conventional Colour Histogram Correspondence CRIME Crime proofing Crowd abnormality Crowd analysis Crowd behaviour Crowd dynamics Crowd pattern analysis curricula development Cyber Security cyber strategy Data Mining Data modelling data processing Data structures Data types Database management systems (DBMS) DBSCAN decision support systems Dental education DESIGN design education Design Language design semantics Digest value Diversification Domain Driven Design (DDD) Domain model DSL DWT Education Educational institutions Educational methods elasticity ELCAT: e-learning content adaptation toolkit Electric engineering ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS electronic products and services Embedded Training Ergonomics Human engineering Computer software Event Driven Architectures evolutionary design extensible query language Face detection Fault Diagnosis feature vectors features extraction Finance Fine-grained security Formal specification full 3D virtual environments Fusion of colour and Shape fusion processing Fuzzy Colour histogram Fuzzy neural network Gabor filtering genetic algorithm GIPO Globalisation GPU GPU CUDA GPU cluster Parallelisation Hardware hierarchical crossover Higher Education and IT Cloud Higher Education Policy Homography HPC HTC Vive HTCondor human-computer interaction ICT use image analysis Image features Image mosaic Image Processing image reconstruction image retrieval Image understanding Image-based rendering improved result quality Indoor Localisation Information entropy Information Management Information Retrieval Information Security infrared thermal imaging Innovation innovative potential 3D software applications fashion textile design innovaton design MoIST soft systems science hard information Instrumentation Intelligent Systems interaction design Interest points International trade Internet internet child sexual abuse exploitation Internet Computer software Education Computer software Education Intranet Itemset join point Keystroke pattern Knowledge engineering Knowledge extraction Knowledge management Knowledge Representation Laser Scanning Level Sets live brain-computer cinema performance Load balancing Machine Learning Management Management and business studies management report web analytics undergraduate projects enterprise Manual testing Manufacturing processes Maxillofacial surgery measurement Merkle hash tree methods Microservices mixed-media mobile platforms Model predictive control multi-brain interaction Multi-Feature Vectore Flow Multi-GPU Multi-Modal Sensing multiple stereo vision systems Neural Network New product development Object Detection Oculus Rift OMCOKE one-shot camera system ontology OpenCL Operating systems operators Optical flow Orthognathics OWL Parallel computing Partial observability Path planning Pattern recognition Pedagogy Perception Phenomenology Phishing phishing websites photorealistic images Planning and Scheduling Point-Of-Sales pointcut Pointcut Design Pointcut Modelling Portfolios methods for argumentation predicitive models Predictive Models Principle Component Analysis Private Cloud prophylactic inguinal irradiation Protégé Pseudo Zernike Moments QoS query image Query languages radiochemotherapy Ramifications Real-Time Object Detection Real-Time Segmentation realistic images Reciprocating Compressor region-of-interest reconstruction Reliability retrieval framework Reverse Engineering risk assessment RISK-ASSESSMENT MECHANISM roughness Rule Rule Pruning Scene Understanding Scientific data/documents search engine search enginesInternet Security security awareness SECURITYTHEFT Segmentation semantic hierarchy Semantic Web sensitive data and vulnerability Service composition Service design Service discovery Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) SIOF Skin detection Smart Home Smishing Snakes Social Media social media monitoring socially intelligent machines Software engineering Software modularity Software testing Solvers for argumentation problems Spatial data analysis Spatial data-mining Spatio-Temporal Texture Spatio-Temporal Volume Speckle imaging spectral methods - collocation - differentiation matrices - boundary value problems - solid mechanics Speed limit constraints SQL standard standards stereo image processing stereo panoramic images stereo panoramic imaging system Stereo vision Strategy game structured light projection system STT Signature Support Vector Machine Surface measurements Surge Computing Surgery SVG Synthetic data generation Taxation Technology adoption Technology and Education Teleworking Temporal data-mining texture Texture model theft Theta* Threats Tracking Training Phase Trajectory planning transient response testing linear analogue circuit BIST Transport Design Twitter unsupervised machine learning Urban traffic control user experience user interface design variable-length chromosome Verification Video Processing Virtual environment virtual reality visualisations VR VULNERABILITY Web Services Web Threat Website features XML XML data integrity XML infrastructure XML signature XMLSchema XPath XSLT
Number of items at this level: 401.


Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360

3D data reconstruction

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

3D modelling

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2003) Panoramic imaging - a review. Computers and Graphics, 27 (3). pp. 435-445. ISSN 0097-8493

3D panoramic imaging

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2003) Panoramic imaging - a review. Computers and Graphics, 27 (3). pp. 435-445. ISSN 0097-8493

3D reconstruction

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

3D scene

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770


Chrpa, Lukáš and Osborne, Hugh (2014) Towards a Trajectory Planning Concept: Augmenting Path Planning Methods by Considering Speed Limit Constraints. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 75 (2). pp. 243-270. ISSN 0921-0296

Abnormality detection

Wang, Jing and Xu, Zhijie (2014) Texture-based Homogeneity Analysis for Crowd Scene Modelling and Abnormality Detection. In: 20th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’14), 12-13 September 2014, Cranfield University. (Submitted)

Abstract argumentation

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X

Active Contours

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Active Contours: From Representation To Evolution. Springer-Verlag. (Submitted)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2010) Modelling Multi-Feature Active Contours. In: WILLOW - INRIA, October 2010, ENS Paris. (Unpublished)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Visual Tracking with Active Contours. In: Computer Vision Journal Club, 16th February 2011, University of Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle and McCluskey, Thomas L. (2011) Ontology-Coupled Active Contours for Dynamic Video Scene Understanding. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES),. IEEE, Poprad, High Tatras, Slovakia, pp. 369-374. ISBN 978-1-4244-8954-1

Activity Recognition

Baryannis, George, Woznowski, Przemyslaw and Antoniou, Grigoris (2016) Rule-Based Real-Time ADL Recognition in a Smart Home Environment. In: Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9718 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 325-340. ISBN 978-3-319-42018-9


Baryannis, George, Woznowski, Przemyslaw and Antoniou, Grigoris (2016) Rule-Based Real-Time ADL Recognition in a Smart Home Environment. In: Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9718 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 325-340. ISBN 978-3-319-42018-9


Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) A notational Design of Join Points. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 27-30. ISBN 9781862180932

ai artificial intelligence planning scheduling systems plangraph framework temporal

Dinh, Tien Ba (2007) Optimal temporal planning using the plangraph framework. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

anal canal cancer

De Bari, Berardino, Vallati, Mauro, Gatta, Roberto, Lestrade, Laëtitia, Manfrida, Stefania, Carrie, Christian and Valentini, Vincenzo (2017) Development and validation of a machine learning-based predictive model to improve the prediction of inguinal status of anal cancer patients: A preliminary report. Oncotarget, 8 (65). pp. 108509-108521. ISSN 1949-2553

and metrology

Lu, Rong-Sheng, Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Ward, Steve (2006) Grinding surface roughness measurement based on the co-occurrence matrix of speckle pattern texture. Applied Optics, 45 (35). pp. 8839-8847. ISSN 0003-6935

and Security

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015 Delft, The Netherlands, September 23–25, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9337 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24254-5

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security SAFECOMP 2015 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS. ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22, 2015,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9338 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24248-4

Anomaly detection

Lu, Li, He, Jianhua, Xu, Zhijie, Xu, Yuanping, Zhang, Chaolong, Wang, Jing and Adu, Jianhua (2017) Crowd Behavior Understanding through SIOF Feature Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).

anomaly detection technique

Verma, Shrey (2022) Generating Synthetic Automotive Data and Detecting Abnormal Vehicle Behavior Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.

Artificial Neural Networks

Ahmed, Mahmud, Abdusslam, S.A., Baqqar, Mabrouka, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2011) Fault Classification of Reciprocating Compressor Based on Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation & Computing. Chinese Automation and Computing Society, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-098-7


Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) A notational Design of Join Points. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 27-30. ISBN 9781862180932

Aspect composition

Isbal, Saqib, Allen, Gary and Mansur, Abdalla (2017) Modelling of Aspects using Aspect-Oriented Design Language. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (21). pp. 5711-5722. ISSN 1992-8645

Aspect- Oriented Modeling

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) Aspect-Oriented Modelling: Issues and Misconceptions. In: Proceedings of Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), 2010 Fifth International Conference. IEEE, Nice, France, pp. 337-340. ISBN 978-1-4244-7788-3

Aspect-Oriented Design

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) Aspect-Oriented Modelling: Issues and Misconceptions. In: Proceedings of Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), 2010 Fifth International Conference. IEEE, Nice, France, pp. 337-340. ISBN 978-1-4244-7788-3

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2011) Designing Aspects with AODL. International Journal of Software Engineering, 4 (2). pp. 3-18. ISSN 1687-6954

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2012) Pointcut Design with AODL. In: The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), July 1-3, 2012., Redwood City, California, USA.

Aspect-Oriented Design Language

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2012) Pointcut Design with AODL. In: The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), July 1-3, 2012., Redwood City, California, USA.

Aspect-oriented model

Isbal, Saqib, Allen, Gary and Mansur, Abdalla (2017) Modelling of Aspects using Aspect-Oriented Design Language. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (21). pp. 5711-5722. ISSN 1992-8645

aspect-oriented programming

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) A notational Design of Join Points. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 27-30. ISBN 9781862180932

Isbal, Saqib, Allen, Gary and Mansur, Abdalla (2017) Modelling of Aspects using Aspect-Oriented Design Language. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (21). pp. 5711-5722. ISSN 1992-8645

Aspect-Oriented Software Development

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2011) Designing Aspects with AODL. International Journal of Software Engineering, 4 (2). pp. 3-18. ISSN 1687-6954


Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) Aspect-Oriented Modelling: Issues and Misconceptions. In: Proceedings of Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), 2010 Fifth International Conference. IEEE, Nice, France, pp. 337-340. ISBN 978-1-4244-7788-3

Association Rule

Thabtah, Fadi (2006) Pruning techniques in associative classification: Survey and comparison. Journal of Digital Information Management, 4 (3). pp. 197-202. ISSN 0972-7272

Associative Classification

Mahmood, Qazafi, Thabtah, Fadi and McCluskey, T.L. (2007) Looking at the class associative classification training algorithm. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-9.

Thabtah, Fadi (2006) Pruning techniques in associative classification: Survey and comparison. Journal of Digital Information Management, 4 (3). pp. 197-202. ISSN 0972-7272

associative classification mining data association rule discovery technique classifiers CBA CPAR CMAR MCAR MMAC

Thabtah, Fadi (2007) A review of associative classification mining. Knowledge Engineering Review, 22 (1). pp. 37-65. ISSN 0269-8889


Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)


Murazvu, George V (2020) Software Testing: An Analysis of the Impacts of Test Automation on Software’s Cost, Quality and Time. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

audience participation

Zioga, Polina, Chapman, Paul, Ma, Minhua and Pollick, Frank (2016) Enheduanna – A Manifesto of Falling: first demonstration of a live brain-computer cinema performance with multi-brain BCI interaction for one performer and two audience members. Digital Creativity. ISSN 1462-6268

Autism Diagnosis

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165


Khan, Saad and Parkinson, Simon (2017) Causal Connections Mining Within Security Event Logs. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Capture. ACM. ISBN 9781450355537

Automated Feedback

Kureshi, Ibad, Pulley, Carl, Brennan, John, Holmes, Violeta, Bonner, Stephen and James, Yvonne (2013) Advancing Research Infrastructure Using OpenStack. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3 (4). pp. 64-70. ISSN 2158-107X

Automated Planning

Araghi, Amir (2006) Infrastructure for web services that perform automated reasoning. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Jimoh, Falilat, Chrpa, Lukáš and Vallati, Mauro (2013) Autonomic System Architecture: An Automated Planning Perspective. In: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2013. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 412 (121). Springer, Pahpos, Cyprus, pp. 121-130. ISBN 9783642411410

Jimoh, Falilat, McCluskey, T.L. and Simon, Parkinson (2017) A Hybrid Approach to Process Planning: The Urban Traffic Controller Example. Journal of Computer Science, 13 (8). pp. 257-274. ISSN 1549-3636

McCluskey, T.L., Vaquero, Tiago and Vallati, Mauro (2017) Engineering Knowledge for Automated Planning: Towards a Notion of Quality. In: K-CAP 2017, 4-6 December 2017, Austin, Texas.

Automated testing

Murazvu, George V (2020) Software Testing: An Analysis of the Impacts of Test Automation on Software’s Cost, Quality and Time. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Automatic configuration

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X

automotive data

Verma, Shrey (2022) Generating Synthetic Automotive Data and Detecting Abnormal Vehicle Behavior Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

automotive security

Verma, Shrey (2022) Generating Synthetic Automotive Data and Detecting Abnormal Vehicle Behavior Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

autonomic nervous system

Jimoh, Falilat, Chrpa, Lukáš and Vallati, Mauro (2013) Autonomic System Architecture: An Automated Planning Perspective. In: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2013. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 412 (121). Springer, Pahpos, Cyprus, pp. 121-130. ISBN 9783642411410

autonomic systems

Jimoh, Falilat, Chrpa, Lukáš and Vallati, Mauro (2013) Autonomic System Architecture: An Automated Planning Perspective. In: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2013. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 412 (121). Springer, Pahpos, Cyprus, pp. 121-130. ISBN 9783642411410

Awareness of implementation policy

Abod-her, Salem (2013) Impacts of Globalisation and Awareness of Higher Education Policy in Adoption and Use of ICT in Libyan Universities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Yang, Chunlei, Tian, Gui Yun and Ward, Stephen (2006) Multibiometrics authentication in pos application. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Brain-Computer Interface

Zioga, Polina, Chapman, Paul, Ma, Minhua and Pollick, Frank (2016) Enheduanna – A Manifesto of Falling: first demonstration of a live brain-computer cinema performance with multi-brain BCI interaction for one performer and two audience members. Digital Creativity. ISSN 1462-6268


Thompson, John L. (2001) The Sony Playstation 2. Case Study. ECCH.

Business Data processing

Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360

calm technology

Hohl, Michael (2010) The phenomenology of getting used to the new: Some thoughts on memory, perception, numbing and the Zen-view. In: Design and semantics of form and movement. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, pp. 39-47. ISBN 978-3-906413-80-8


Khan, Saad and Parkinson, Simon (2017) Causal Connections Mining Within Security Event Logs. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Capture. ACM. ISBN 9781450355537


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Chebyshev series - Laurent series - Laurent–Padé approximant - Chebyshev–Padé approximant - Clenshaw–Lord approximant - end-point singularities

Mason, John C. and Crampton, Andrew (2005) Laurent-Pade approximants to four kinds of Chebyshev polynomial expansion. Part 2. Clenshaw-Lord type approximants. Journal of Numerical Algorithms, 38 (1). pp. 19-29. ISSN 1572-9265

Chemical education

Bell, Francis Bryan (1997) An evaluation of the multimedia personal computer as an assessment tool. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Bell, Francis Bryan (1997) An evaluation of the multimedia personal computer as an assessment tool. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

Mahmood, Qazafi, Thabtah, Fadi and McCluskey, T.L. (2007) Looking at the class associative classification training algorithm. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-9.

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Thabtah, Fadi (2006) Pruning techniques in associative classification: Survey and comparison. Journal of Digital Information Management, 4 (3). pp. 197-202. ISSN 0972-7272


Kureshi, Ibad, Pulley, Carl, Brennan, John, Holmes, Violeta, Bonner, Stephen and James, Yvonne (2013) Advancing Research Infrastructure Using OpenStack. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3 (4). pp. 64-70. ISSN 2158-107X

Cloud computing

Bonner, Stephen, Pulley, Carl, Kureshi, Ibad, Holmes, Violeta, Brennan, John and James, Yvonne (2013) Using OpenStack to improve student experience in an H.E. environment. In: Proceedings of 2013 Science and Information Conference. SAI 2013 . The Science and Information Organization, London, UK, pp. 888-893. ISBN 9780989319300


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Verma, Shrey (2022) Generating Synthetic Automotive Data and Detecting Abnormal Vehicle Behavior Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

colour correction panoramic imaging

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, D. (2002) Colour correction for panoramic imaging. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation, IV'02. pp. 483-488. ISSN 1093-9547

combined retrieval

Pein, Raoul Pascal and Lu, Joan (2007) A flexible image retrieval framework. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489/2 . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 754-761. ISBN 9783-540725879

Competitive strategy

Thompson, John L. (2001) The Sony Playstation 2. Case Study. ECCH.


Wang, Jing and Xu, Zhijie (2014) Texture-based Homogeneity Analysis for Crowd Scene Modelling and Abnormality Detection. In: 20th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’14), 12-13 September 2014, Cranfield University. (Submitted)

Wang, Jing, Xu, Zhijie, Cao, Yanlong and Xu, Yuanping (2017) Wavelet-based Texture Model for Crowd Dynamic Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).

Computer assisted learning

Bell, Francis Bryan (1997) An evaluation of the multimedia personal computer as an assessment tool. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Computer games

Thompson, John L. (2001) The Sony Playstation 2. Case Study. ECCH.

Computer Safety

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015 Delft, The Netherlands, September 23–25, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9337 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24254-5

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security SAFECOMP 2015 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS. ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22, 2015,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9338 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24248-4

Computer simulation

Pulijala, Yeshwanth, Ma, Minhua, Pears, Matthew, Peebles, David and Ayoub, Ashraf (2017) Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality in surgical training—A randomized control trial. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. ISSN 0278-2391

Computer Vision

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Active Contours: From Representation To Evolution. Springer-Verlag. (Submitted)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Visual Tracking with Active Contours. In: Computer Vision Journal Club, 16th February 2011, University of Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle and McCluskey, Thomas L. (2011) Ontology-Coupled Active Contours for Dynamic Video Scene Understanding. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES),. IEEE, Poprad, High Tatras, Slovakia, pp. 369-374. ISBN 978-1-4244-8954-1

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

computers consumption gender politics popular culture product design social construction of technology

Atkinson, Paul (2005) Man in a briefcase: the social construction of the laptop computer and the emergence of a type form. Journal of design history, 18 (2). pp. 191-205. ISSN 1741-7279

content based image retrieval

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339

content management

Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940

content-based image retrieval

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Stav, John Birger (2009) An Investigation in Image Retrieval for Analysing Welding Defects. In: The 2009 Infoscience, Infoengineering and Infotechnology Forum (Infosci 2009), 23rd-25th March 2009, Leipzig, Germany. (Unpublished)

Content-based image retrieval (CBIR)

Pein, Raoul Pascal and Lu, Joan (2007) A flexible image retrieval framework. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489/2 . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 754-761. ISBN 9783-540725879

content-based retrieval

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339


Price, Mathew (2019) What Impact do VR Controllers Have on the Traditional Strategy Game Genre. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Conventional Colour Histogram

Aboaisha, Hosain, Xu, Zhijie and El-Feghi, Idris (2010) Fuzzy Fusion of Colour and Shape Features for Efficient Image Retrieval. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9781862180932


Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2003) Panoramic imaging - a review. Computers and Graphics, 27 (3). pp. 435-445. ISSN 0097-8493


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Predicting and Preventing The Theft Of Electronic Products. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 12-37. ISSN 1572-9869

Crime proofing

Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Design and Crime: Proofing Electronic Products and Services against Theft. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1572-9869

Crowd abnormality

Hao, Yu, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying, Xu, Zhijie and Fan, Jiulun (2017) Extracting Spatio-temporal Texture Signatures for Crowd Abnormality Detection. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

Crowd analysis

Lu, Li, He, Jianhua, Xu, Zhijie, Xu, Yuanping, Zhang, Chaolong, Wang, Jing and Adu, Jianhua (2017) Crowd Behavior Understanding through SIOF Feature Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).

Crowd behaviour

Wang, Jing and Xu, Zhijie (2014) Texture-based Homogeneity Analysis for Crowd Scene Modelling and Abnormality Detection. In: 20th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’14), 12-13 September 2014, Cranfield University. (Submitted)

Crowd dynamics

Wang, Jing, Xu, Zhijie, Cao, Yanlong and Xu, Yuanping (2017) Wavelet-based Texture Model for Crowd Dynamic Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).

Crowd pattern analysis

Hao, Yu, Xu, Zhijie, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying and Fan, Jiulun (2017) An Effective Video Processing Pipeline for Crowd Pattern Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

curricula development

Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360

Cyber Security

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.

cyber strategy

Mahmood, Sardasht, Amen, Bakhtiar and Nabi, Rebwar M. (2016) Mobile Application Security Platforms Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications, 133 (2). pp. 40-46. ISSN 0975-8887

Data Mining

Mahmood, Qazafi, Thabtah, Fadi and McCluskey, T.L. (2007) Looking at the class associative classification training algorithm. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-9.

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2013) Predicting Phishing Websites using Neural Network trained with Back-Propagation. In: Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP 2013 . World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 682-686. ISBN 1601322461

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2015) Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods. Computer Science Review, 17. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1574-0137

Thabtah, Fadi (2006) Pruning techniques in associative classification: Survey and comparison. Journal of Digital Information Management, 4 (3). pp. 197-202. ISSN 0972-7272

Data modelling

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

data processing

Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

Data structures

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Data types

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Database management systems (DBMS)

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

decision support systems

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

Dental education

Pulijala, Yeshwanth, Ma, Minhua, Pears, Matthew, Peebles, David and Ayoub, Ashraf (2017) Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality in surgical training—A randomized control trial. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. ISSN 0278-2391


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Predicting and Preventing The Theft Of Electronic Products. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 12-37. ISSN 1572-9869

design education

Unver, Ertu (2006) Strategies for the transition to CAD based 3D design education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 323-330. ISSN 1686-4360

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360

Design Language

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2011) Designing Aspects with AODL. International Journal of Software Engineering, 4 (2). pp. 3-18. ISSN 1687-6954

design semantics

Hohl, Michael (2010) The phenomenology of getting used to the new: Some thoughts on memory, perception, numbing and the Zen-view. In: Design and semantics of form and movement. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, pp. 39-47. ISBN 978-3-906413-80-8

Digest value

Liu, Baolong, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2009) XML Data Integrity Based on Concatenated Hash Function. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 1 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 1947-5500


Thompson, John L. (1998) Thorn EMI. Case Study. ECCH.

Domain Driven Design (DDD)

Shadija, Dharmendra, Rezai, Mo and Hill, Richard (2017) Towards an Understanding of Microservices. In: 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'17), 7th-8th September 2017, University of Huddersfield, UK.

Domain model

McCluskey, T.L., Vaquero, Tiago and Vallati, Mauro (2017) Engineering Knowledge for Automated Planning: Towards a Notion of Quality. In: K-CAP 2017, 4-6 December 2017, Austin, Texas.

Richardson, Nona Elizabeth (2006) Towards inducing hierarchical task network domain models for AI planning from examples. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-5.


Kureshi, Ibad, Pulley, Carl, Brennan, John, Holmes, Violeta, Bonner, Stephen and James, Yvonne (2013) Advancing Research Infrastructure Using OpenStack. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3 (4). pp. 64-70. ISSN 2158-107X


Zhang, Chaolong, Xu, Yuanping, Zhou, Jiliu, Xu, Zhijie, Lu, Li and Lu, Jun (2017) Dynamic Load Balancing on Multi-GPUs System for Big Data Processing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702618


Bell, Francis Bryan (1997) An evaluation of the multimedia personal computer as an assessment tool. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Educational institutions

Bonner, Stephen, Pulley, Carl, Kureshi, Ibad, Holmes, Violeta, Brennan, John and James, Yvonne (2013) Using OpenStack to improve student experience in an H.E. environment. In: Proceedings of 2013 Science and Information Conference. SAI 2013 . The Science and Information Organization, London, UK, pp. 888-893. ISBN 9780989319300

Educational methods

Pulijala, Yeshwanth, Ma, Minhua, Pears, Matthew, Peebles, David and Ayoub, Ashraf (2017) Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality in surgical training—A randomized control trial. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. ISSN 0278-2391


Talbot, Chris J. and Crampton, Andrew (2005) Application of the pseudo-spectral method to 2D eigenvalue problems in elasticity. Journal of Numerical Algorithms 38 Special Issue: Chebyshev Polynomials, 38. pp. 95-110. ISSN 1017-139

ELCAT: e-learning content adaptation toolkit

Clements, Iain and Xu, Zhijie (2005) ELCAT: an e-learning content adaptation toolkit. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 22 (2). pp. 108-122. ISSN 1065-0741

Electric engineering

Bell, Francis Bryan (1997) An evaluation of the multimedia personal computer as an assessment tool. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Predicting and Preventing The Theft Of Electronic Products. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 12-37. ISSN 1572-9869

electronic products and services

Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Design and Crime: Proofing Electronic Products and Services against Theft. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1572-9869

Embedded Training

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.

Ergonomics Human engineering Computer software

Booth, Paul Andrew (1989) Human-computer interaction: from classifying users to classifying users' misunderstandings. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Event Driven Architectures

Baryannis, George, Woznowski, Przemyslaw and Antoniou, Grigoris (2016) Rule-Based Real-Time ADL Recognition in a Smart Home Environment. In: Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9718 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 325-340. ISBN 978-3-319-42018-9

evolutionary design

Bentley, Peter J. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (1996) Hierarchical Crossover in Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 1st On-line Workshop on Soft Computing (WSC1), 19-30 August 1996, Nagoya University, Japan.

Bentley, Peter J. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (1996) Overview of a Generic Evolutionary Design System. In: Proceedings of the 2nd On-line Workshop on Evolutionary Computation (WEC2), 4-22 March 1996, Nagoya University, Japan.

extensible query language

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339

Face detection

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Fault Diagnosis

Ahmed, Mahmud, Abdusslam, S.A., Baqqar, Mabrouka, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2011) Fault Classification of Reciprocating Compressor Based on Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation & Computing. Chinese Automation and Computing Society, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-098-7

feature vectors

Pein, Raoul Pascal and Lu, Joan (2007) A flexible image retrieval framework. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489/2 . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 754-761. ISBN 9783-540725879

features extraction

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2012) An Assessment of Features Related to Phishing Websites using an Automated Technique. In: International Conferece For Internet Technology And Secured Transactions. ICITST 2012 . IEEE, London, UK, pp. 492-497. ISBN 978-1-4673-5325-0


Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Fine-grained security

Liu, Baolong, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2009) XML Data Integrity Based on Concatenated Hash Function. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 1 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 1947-5500

Formal specification

Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

full 3D virtual environments

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

Fusion of colour and Shape

Aboaisha, Hosain, Xu, Zhijie and El-Feghi, Idris (2010) Fuzzy Fusion of Colour and Shape Features for Efficient Image Retrieval. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9781862180932

fusion processing

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

Fuzzy Colour histogram

Aboaisha, Hosain, Xu, Zhijie and El-Feghi, Idris (2010) Fuzzy Fusion of Colour and Shape Features for Efficient Image Retrieval. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9781862180932

Fuzzy neural network

Zhang, Chaolong, Xu, Yuanping, Zhou, Jiliu, Xu, Zhijie, Lu, Li and Lu, Jun (2017) Dynamic Load Balancing on Multi-GPUs System for Big Data Processing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702618

Gabor filtering

Hao, Yu, Xu, Zhijie, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying and Fan, Jiulun (2017) An Effective Video Processing Pipeline for Crowd Pattern Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

genetic algorithm

Bentley, Peter J. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (1996) Hierarchical Crossover in Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 1st On-line Workshop on Soft Computing (WSC1), 19-30 August 1996, Nagoya University, Japan.

Bentley, Peter J. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (1996) Overview of a Generic Evolutionary Design System. In: Proceedings of the 2nd On-line Workshop on Evolutionary Computation (WEC2), 4-22 March 1996, Nagoya University, Japan.


Richardson, Nona Elizabeth (2006) Towards inducing hierarchical task network domain models for AI planning from examples. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-5.


Abod-her, Salem (2013) Impacts of Globalisation and Awareness of Higher Education Policy in Adoption and Use of ICT in Libyan Universities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Dafinoiu, A.A., Higgins, Joshua and Holmes, Violeta (2016) Accelerating High-Throughput Computing through OpenCL. In: Proceedings of the EMerging Technology (EMiT) Conference 2016. The Emerging Technology (EMiT) Conference, Manchester, pp. 46-49. ISBN 978-0-9933426-3-9

GPU CUDA GPU cluster Parallelisation

Newall, Matthew, Holmes, Violeta, Venters, Colin and Lunn, Paul (2015) Delivering Faster Results Through Parallelisation and GPU Acceleration. In: Intelligent Systems in Science and Information 2014. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 519 . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 309-320. ISBN 978-3-319-14654-6


Bonner, Stephen, Pulley, Carl, Kureshi, Ibad, Holmes, Violeta, Brennan, John and James, Yvonne (2013) Using OpenStack to improve student experience in an H.E. environment. In: Proceedings of 2013 Science and Information Conference. SAI 2013 . The Science and Information Organization, London, UK, pp. 888-893. ISBN 9780989319300

hierarchical crossover

Bentley, Peter J. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (1996) Hierarchical Crossover in Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 1st On-line Workshop on Soft Computing (WSC1), 19-30 August 1996, Nagoya University, Japan.

Higher Education and IT Cloud

Kureshi, Ibad, Pulley, Carl, Brennan, John, Holmes, Violeta, Bonner, Stephen and James, Yvonne (2013) Advancing Research Infrastructure Using OpenStack. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3 (4). pp. 64-70. ISSN 2158-107X

Higher Education Policy

Abod-her, Salem (2013) Impacts of Globalisation and Awareness of Higher Education Policy in Adoption and Use of ICT in Libyan Universities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655


Dafinoiu, A.A., Higgins, Joshua and Holmes, Violeta (2016) Accelerating High-Throughput Computing through OpenCL. In: Proceedings of the EMerging Technology (EMiT) Conference 2016. The Emerging Technology (EMiT) Conference, Manchester, pp. 46-49. ISBN 978-0-9933426-3-9

HTC Vive

Price, Mathew (2019) What Impact do VR Controllers Have on the Traditional Strategy Game Genre. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Dafinoiu, A.A., Higgins, Joshua and Holmes, Violeta (2016) Accelerating High-Throughput Computing through OpenCL. In: Proceedings of the EMerging Technology (EMiT) Conference 2016. The Emerging Technology (EMiT) Conference, Manchester, pp. 46-49. ISBN 978-0-9933426-3-9

human-computer interaction

Khan, Masood Mehmood (2008) Cluster-analytic classification of facial expressions using infrared measurements of facial thermal features. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

ICT use

Abod-her, Salem (2013) Impacts of Globalisation and Awareness of Higher Education Policy in Adoption and Use of ICT in Libyan Universities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

image analysis

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Stav, John Birger (2009) An Investigation in Image Retrieval for Analysing Welding Defects. In: The 2009 Infoscience, Infoengineering and Infotechnology Forum (Infosci 2009), 23rd-25th March 2009, Leipzig, Germany. (Unpublished)

Image features

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

Image mosaic

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

Image Processing

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Visual Tracking with Active Contours. In: Computer Vision Journal Club, 16th February 2011, University of Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

image reconstruction

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

image retrieval

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339

Image understanding

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

Image-based rendering

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2003) Panoramic imaging - a review. Computers and Graphics, 27 (3). pp. 435-445. ISSN 0097-8493

improved result quality

Pein, Raoul Pascal and Lu, Joan (2007) A flexible image retrieval framework. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489/2 . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 754-761. ISBN 9783-540725879

Indoor Localisation

Baryannis, George, Woznowski, Przemyslaw and Antoniou, Grigoris (2016) Rule-Based Real-Time ADL Recognition in a Smart Home Environment. In: Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9718 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 325-340. ISBN 978-3-319-42018-9

Information entropy

Hao, Yu, Xu, Zhijie, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying and Fan, Jiulun (2017) An Effective Video Processing Pipeline for Crowd Pattern Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

Information Management

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle, Simpson, Ron and McCluskey, T.L. (2011) Appendix A: ePrOnto: OWL-Based Ontology for Research Information Management. In: JISC final Report: BRIM project Version: 1.0. JISC, pp. 24-31. (Unpublished)

Information Retrieval

Rashid, Baydaa T., Alwan, Raad F., Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Recent development in XML-IR. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2008: CEARC’08. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 106-109. ISBN 978-1-86218-067-3

Information Security

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2013) Predicting Phishing Websites using Neural Network trained with Back-Propagation. In: Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP 2013 . World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 682-686. ISBN 1601322461

infrared thermal imaging

Khan, Masood Mehmood, Ingleby, Michael and Ward, Robert D. (2006) Automated facial expression classification and affect interpretation using infrared measurement of facial skin temperature. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 1 (1). pp. 91-113. ISSN 1556-4665


Thompson, John L. (2001) The Sony Playstation 2. Case Study. ECCH.

innovative potential 3D software applications fashion textile design

Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Worth, Graham (2003) Innovative potential of 3D software applications in fashion and textile design. Digital Creativity, 14 (4). pp. 211-218. ISSN 1462-6268

innovaton design MoIST soft systems science hard information

Nwako, Judith (2007) Innovation of a design method (MoIST) that incorporates non-traditional 'soft' systems science into traditional 'hard' information systems design. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Lu, Rong-Sheng, Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Ward, Steve (2006) Grinding surface roughness measurement based on the co-occurrence matrix of speckle pattern texture. Applied Optics, 45 (35). pp. 8839-8847. ISSN 0003-6935

Intelligent Systems

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle and McCluskey, Thomas L. (2011) Ontology-Coupled Active Contours for Dynamic Video Scene Understanding. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES),. IEEE, Poprad, High Tatras, Slovakia, pp. 369-374. ISBN 978-1-4244-8954-1

interaction design

Hohl, Michael (2010) The phenomenology of getting used to the new: Some thoughts on memory, perception, numbing and the Zen-view. In: Design and semantics of form and movement. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, pp. 39-47. ISBN 978-3-906413-80-8

Interest points

Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Taylor, David (2003) Comprehensive interest point based imaging mosaic. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (9). pp. 1171-1179. ISSN 0167-8655

International trade

Hurreeram, Dinesh Kumar (2003) Development of a manufacturing strategy for apparel manufacture in Mauritius using a systems modelling approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339

internet child sexual abuse exploitation

Gallagher, Bernard, Fraser, Claire, Christmann, Kris and Hodgson, Beth (2006) International and internet child sexual abuse and exploitation. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK.

Internet Computer software Education Computer software Education

Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Mahmood, Qazafi, Thabtah, Fadi and McCluskey, T.L. (2007) Looking at the class associative classification training algorithm. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-9.

join point

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) A notational Design of Join Points. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 27-30. ISBN 9781862180932

Keystroke pattern

Yang, Chunlei, Tian, Gui Yun and Ward, Stephen (2006) Multibiometrics authentication in pos application. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Knowledge engineering

McCluskey, T.L., Vaquero, Tiago and Vallati, Mauro (2017) Engineering Knowledge for Automated Planning: Towards a Notion of Quality. In: K-CAP 2017, 4-6 December 2017, Austin, Texas.

Knowledge extraction

Khan, Saad and Parkinson, Simon (2017) Causal Connections Mining Within Security Event Logs. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Capture. ACM. ISBN 9781450355537

Knowledge management

Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Knowledge Representation

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle, Simpson, Ron and McCluskey, T.L. (2011) Appendix A: ePrOnto: OWL-Based Ontology for Research Information Management. In: JISC final Report: BRIM project Version: 1.0. JISC, pp. 24-31. (Unpublished)

Laser Scanning

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360

Level Sets

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Active Contours: From Representation To Evolution. Springer-Verlag. (Submitted)

live brain-computer cinema performance

Zioga, Polina, Chapman, Paul, Ma, Minhua and Pollick, Frank (2016) Enheduanna – A Manifesto of Falling: first demonstration of a live brain-computer cinema performance with multi-brain BCI interaction for one performer and two audience members. Digital Creativity. ISSN 1462-6268

Load balancing

Zhang, Chaolong, Xu, Yuanping, Zhou, Jiliu, Xu, Zhijie, Lu, Li and Lu, Jun (2017) Dynamic Load Balancing on Multi-GPUs System for Big Data Processing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702618

Machine Learning

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

De Bari, Berardino, Vallati, Mauro, Gatta, Roberto, Lestrade, Laëtitia, Manfrida, Stefania, Carrie, Christian and Valentini, Vincenzo (2017) Development and validation of a machine learning-based predictive model to improve the prediction of inguinal status of anal cancer patients: A preliminary report. Oncotarget, 8 (65). pp. 108509-108521. ISSN 1949-2553

McCluskey, T.L., Cresswell, S.N., Richardson, N.E. and West, Margaret M. (2010) Action Knowledge Acquisition with Opmaker2. In: Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 67 . Springer, pp. 137-150. ISBN 978-3-642-11818-0

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2015) Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods. Computer Science Review, 17. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1574-0137

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Hurreeram, Dinesh Kumar (2003) Development of a manufacturing strategy for apparel manufacture in Mauritius using a systems modelling approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Management and business studies

Hurreeram, Dinesh Kumar (2003) Development of a manufacturing strategy for apparel manufacture in Mauritius using a systems modelling approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

management report web analytics undergraduate projects enterprise

Newman, Christopher D, Sturdy, Paula and Wilson, David R (2010) FormWatch Project: Management Summary Report. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK.

Manual testing

Murazvu, George V (2020) Software Testing: An Analysis of the Impacts of Test Automation on Software’s Cost, Quality and Time. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Manufacturing processes

Hurreeram, Dinesh Kumar (2003) Development of a manufacturing strategy for apparel manufacture in Mauritius using a systems modelling approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Maxillofacial surgery

Pulijala, Yeshwanth, Ma, Minhua, Pears, Matthew, Peebles, David and Ayoub, Ashraf (2017) Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality in surgical training—A randomized control trial. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. ISSN 0278-2391


Lu, Rong-Sheng, Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Ward, Steve (2006) Grinding surface roughness measurement based on the co-occurrence matrix of speckle pattern texture. Applied Optics, 45 (35). pp. 8839-8847. ISSN 0003-6935

Merkle hash tree

Liu, Baolong, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2009) XML Data Integrity Based on Concatenated Hash Function. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 1 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 1947-5500


Richardson, Nona Elizabeth (2006) Towards inducing hierarchical task network domain models for AI planning from examples. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-5.


Shadija, Dharmendra, Rezai, Mo and Hill, Richard (2017) Towards an Understanding of Microservices. In: 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'17), 7th-8th September 2017, University of Huddersfield, UK.


Zioga, Polina, Chapman, Paul, Ma, Minhua and Pollick, Frank (2016) Enheduanna – A Manifesto of Falling: first demonstration of a live brain-computer cinema performance with multi-brain BCI interaction for one performer and two audience members. Digital Creativity. ISSN 1462-6268

mobile platforms

Mahmood, Sardasht, Amen, Bakhtiar and Nabi, Rebwar M. (2016) Mobile Application Security Platforms Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications, 133 (2). pp. 40-46. ISSN 0975-8887

Model predictive control

Jimoh, Falilat, McCluskey, T.L. and Simon, Parkinson (2017) A Hybrid Approach to Process Planning: The Urban Traffic Controller Example. Journal of Computer Science, 13 (8). pp. 257-274. ISSN 1549-3636

multi-brain interaction

Zioga, Polina, Chapman, Paul, Ma, Minhua and Pollick, Frank (2016) Enheduanna – A Manifesto of Falling: first demonstration of a live brain-computer cinema performance with multi-brain BCI interaction for one performer and two audience members. Digital Creativity. ISSN 1462-6268

Multi-Feature Vectore Flow

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2010) Modelling Multi-Feature Active Contours. In: WILLOW - INRIA, October 2010, ENS Paris. (Unpublished)


Zhang, Chaolong, Xu, Yuanping, Zhou, Jiliu, Xu, Zhijie, Lu, Li and Lu, Jun (2017) Dynamic Load Balancing on Multi-GPUs System for Big Data Processing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702618

Multi-Modal Sensing

Baryannis, George, Woznowski, Przemyslaw and Antoniou, Grigoris (2016) Rule-Based Real-Time ADL Recognition in a Smart Home Environment. In: Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9718 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 325-340. ISBN 978-3-319-42018-9

multiple stereo vision systems

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

Neural Network

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2013) Predicting Phishing Websites using Neural Network trained with Back-Propagation. In: Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP 2013 . World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 682-686. ISBN 1601322461

New product development

Thompson, John L. (2001) The Sony Playstation 2. Case Study. ECCH.

Object Detection

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Active Contours: From Representation To Evolution. Springer-Verlag. (Submitted)

Oculus Rift

Price, Mathew (2019) What Impact do VR Controllers Have on the Traditional Strategy Game Genre. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

one-shot camera system

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770


Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle and McCluskey, Thomas L. (2011) Ontology-Coupled Active Contours for Dynamic Video Scene Understanding. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES),. IEEE, Poprad, High Tatras, Slovakia, pp. 369-374. ISBN 978-1-4244-8954-1

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle, Simpson, Ron and McCluskey, T.L. (2011) Appendix A: ePrOnto: OWL-Based Ontology for Research Information Management. In: JISC final Report: BRIM project Version: 1.0. JISC, pp. 24-31. (Unpublished)


Dafinoiu, A.A., Higgins, Joshua and Holmes, Violeta (2016) Accelerating High-Throughput Computing through OpenCL. In: Proceedings of the EMerging Technology (EMiT) Conference 2016. The Emerging Technology (EMiT) Conference, Manchester, pp. 46-49. ISBN 978-0-9933426-3-9

Operating systems

Bonner, Stephen, Pulley, Carl, Kureshi, Ibad, Holmes, Violeta, Brennan, John and James, Yvonne (2013) Using OpenStack to improve student experience in an H.E. environment. In: Proceedings of 2013 Science and Information Conference. SAI 2013 . The Science and Information Organization, London, UK, pp. 888-893. ISBN 9780989319300


Richardson, Nona Elizabeth (2006) Towards inducing hierarchical task network domain models for AI planning from examples. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-5.

Optical flow

Lu, Li, He, Jianhua, Xu, Zhijie, Xu, Yuanping, Zhang, Chaolong, Wang, Jing and Adu, Jianhua (2017) Crowd Behavior Understanding through SIOF Feature Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).


Pulijala, Yeshwanth, Ma, Minhua, Pears, Matthew, Peebles, David and Ayoub, Ashraf (2017) Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality in surgical training—A randomized control trial. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. ISSN 0278-2391


Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle, Simpson, Ron and McCluskey, T.L. (2011) Appendix A: ePrOnto: OWL-Based Ontology for Research Information Management. In: JISC final Report: BRIM project Version: 1.0. JISC, pp. 24-31. (Unpublished)

Parallel computing

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Partial observability

Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

Path planning

Chrpa, Lukáš and Osborne, Hugh (2014) Towards a Trajectory Planning Concept: Augmenting Path Planning Methods by Considering Speed Limit Constraints. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 75 (2). pp. 243-270. ISSN 0921-0296

Pattern recognition

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Baadel, Said, Majeed, Asim and Kabene, Stefane (2017) Technology Adoption and Diffusion in the Gulf: Some Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E'17). ACM, New York, pp. 16-18. ISBN 9781450348218


Hohl, Michael (2010) The phenomenology of getting used to the new: Some thoughts on memory, perception, numbing and the Zen-view. In: Design and semantics of form and movement. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, pp. 39-47. ISBN 978-3-906413-80-8


Hohl, Michael (2010) The phenomenology of getting used to the new: Some thoughts on memory, perception, numbing and the Zen-view. In: Design and semantics of form and movement. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, pp. 39-47. ISBN 978-3-906413-80-8


Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2012) An Assessment of Features Related to Phishing Websites using an Automated Technique. In: International Conferece For Internet Technology And Secured Transactions. ICITST 2012 . IEEE, London, UK, pp. 492-497. ISBN 978-1-4673-5325-0

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2013) Predicting Phishing Websites using Neural Network trained with Back-Propagation. In: Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP 2013 . World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 682-686. ISBN 1601322461

phishing websites

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2015) Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods. Computer Science Review, 17. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1574-0137

photorealistic images

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

Planning and Scheduling

McCluskey, T.L., Cresswell, S.N., Richardson, N.E. and West, Margaret M. (2010) Action Knowledge Acquisition with Opmaker2. In: Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 67 . Springer, pp. 137-150. ISBN 978-3-642-11818-0


Yang, Chunlei, Tian, Gui Yun and Ward, Stephen (2006) Multibiometrics authentication in pos application. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.


Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) A notational Design of Join Points. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 27-30. ISBN 9781862180932

Pointcut Design

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2012) Pointcut Design with AODL. In: The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), July 1-3, 2012., Redwood City, California, USA.

Pointcut Modelling

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2012) Pointcut Design with AODL. In: The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), July 1-3, 2012., Redwood City, California, USA.

Isbal, Saqib, Allen, Gary and Mansur, Abdalla (2017) Modelling of Aspects using Aspect-Oriented Design Language. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (21). pp. 5711-5722. ISSN 1992-8645

Portfolios methods for argumentation

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X

predicitive models

De Bari, Berardino, Vallati, Mauro, Gatta, Roberto, Lestrade, Laëtitia, Manfrida, Stefania, Carrie, Christian and Valentini, Vincenzo (2017) Development and validation of a machine learning-based predictive model to improve the prediction of inguinal status of anal cancer patients: A preliminary report. Oncotarget, 8 (65). pp. 108509-108521. ISSN 1949-2553

Predictive Models

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Lu, Joan (2019) A Clustering Approach for Autism based Autistic Trait Classification. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45 (3). pp. 309-326. ISSN 1753-8165

Principle Component Analysis

Murazvu, George V (2020) Software Testing: An Analysis of the Impacts of Test Automation on Software’s Cost, Quality and Time. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Private Cloud

Kureshi, Ibad, Pulley, Carl, Brennan, John, Holmes, Violeta, Bonner, Stephen and James, Yvonne (2013) Advancing Research Infrastructure Using OpenStack. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3 (4). pp. 64-70. ISSN 2158-107X

prophylactic inguinal irradiation

De Bari, Berardino, Vallati, Mauro, Gatta, Roberto, Lestrade, Laëtitia, Manfrida, Stefania, Carrie, Christian and Valentini, Vincenzo (2017) Development and validation of a machine learning-based predictive model to improve the prediction of inguinal status of anal cancer patients: A preliminary report. Oncotarget, 8 (65). pp. 108509-108521. ISSN 1949-2553


Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle, Simpson, Ron and McCluskey, T.L. (2011) Appendix A: ePrOnto: OWL-Based Ontology for Research Information Management. In: JISC final Report: BRIM project Version: 1.0. JISC, pp. 24-31. (Unpublished)

Pseudo Zernike Moments

Aboaisha, Hosain, Xu, Zhijie and El-Feghi, Idris (2010) Fuzzy Fusion of Colour and Shape Features for Efficient Image Retrieval. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9781862180932


Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

query image

Pein, Raoul Pascal and Lu, Joan (2007) A flexible image retrieval framework. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489/2 . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 754-761. ISBN 9783-540725879

Query languages

Rashid, Baydaa T., Alwan, Raad F., Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Recent development in XML-IR. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2008: CEARC’08. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 106-109. ISBN 978-1-86218-067-3


De Bari, Berardino, Vallati, Mauro, Gatta, Roberto, Lestrade, Laëtitia, Manfrida, Stefania, Carrie, Christian and Valentini, Vincenzo (2017) Development and validation of a machine learning-based predictive model to improve the prediction of inguinal status of anal cancer patients: A preliminary report. Oncotarget, 8 (65). pp. 108509-108521. ISSN 1949-2553


Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

Real-Time Object Detection

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Visual Tracking with Active Contours. In: Computer Vision Journal Club, 16th February 2011, University of Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Real-Time Segmentation

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2010) Modelling Multi-Feature Active Contours. In: WILLOW - INRIA, October 2010, ENS Paris. (Unpublished)

realistic images

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

Reciprocating Compressor

Ahmed, Mahmud, Abdusslam, S.A., Baqqar, Mabrouka, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2011) Fault Classification of Reciprocating Compressor Based on Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation & Computing. Chinese Automation and Computing Society, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-098-7

region-of-interest reconstruction

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770


Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015 Delft, The Netherlands, September 23–25, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9337 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24254-5

Koornneef, Floor and Van Gulijk, Coen (2015) Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security SAFECOMP 2015 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS. ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22, 2015,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9338 . Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-24248-4

retrieval framework

Pein, Raoul Pascal and Lu, Joan (2007) A flexible image retrieval framework. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489/2 . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 754-761. ISBN 9783-540725879

Reverse Engineering

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360

risk assessment

Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Design and Crime: Proofing Electronic Products and Services against Theft. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1572-9869


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Predicting and Preventing The Theft Of Electronic Products. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 12-37. ISSN 1572-9869


Lu, Rong-Sheng, Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Ward, Steve (2006) Grinding surface roughness measurement based on the co-occurrence matrix of speckle pattern texture. Applied Optics, 45 (35). pp. 8839-8847. ISSN 0003-6935


Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2012) An Assessment of Features Related to Phishing Websites using an Automated Technique. In: International Conferece For Internet Technology And Secured Transactions. ICITST 2012 . IEEE, London, UK, pp. 492-497. ISBN 978-1-4673-5325-0

Rule Pruning

Thabtah, Fadi (2006) Pruning techniques in associative classification: Survey and comparison. Journal of Digital Information Management, 4 (3). pp. 197-202. ISSN 0972-7272

Scene Understanding

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle and McCluskey, Thomas L. (2011) Ontology-Coupled Active Contours for Dynamic Video Scene Understanding. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES),. IEEE, Poprad, High Tatras, Slovakia, pp. 369-374. ISBN 978-1-4244-8954-1

Scientific data/documents

Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940

search engine

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339

search enginesInternet

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339


Bonner, Stephen, Pulley, Carl, Kureshi, Ibad, Holmes, Violeta, Brennan, John and James, Yvonne (2013) Using OpenStack to improve student experience in an H.E. environment. In: Proceedings of 2013 Science and Information Conference. SAI 2013 . The Science and Information Organization, London, UK, pp. 888-893. ISBN 9780989319300

Mahmood, Sardasht, Amen, Bakhtiar and Nabi, Rebwar M. (2016) Mobile Application Security Platforms Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications, 133 (2). pp. 40-46. ISSN 0975-8887

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2012) An Assessment of Features Related to Phishing Websites using an Automated Technique. In: International Conferece For Internet Technology And Secured Transactions. ICITST 2012 . IEEE, London, UK, pp. 492-497. ISBN 978-1-4673-5325-0

Yang, Chunlei, Tian, Gui Yun and Ward, Stephen (2006) Multibiometrics authentication in pos application. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

security awareness

Mahmood, Sardasht, Amen, Bakhtiar and Nabi, Rebwar M. (2016) Mobile Application Security Platforms Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications, 133 (2). pp. 40-46. ISSN 0975-8887


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Predicting and Preventing The Theft Of Electronic Products. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 12-37. ISSN 1572-9869


Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Active Contours: From Representation To Evolution. Springer-Verlag. (Submitted)

semantic hierarchy

Bentley, Peter J. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (1996) Hierarchical Crossover in Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 1st On-line Workshop on Soft Computing (WSC1), 19-30 August 1996, Nagoya University, Japan.

Semantic Web

Araghi, Amir (2006) Infrastructure for web services that perform automated reasoning. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

sensitive data and vulnerability

Mahmood, Sardasht, Amen, Bakhtiar and Nabi, Rebwar M. (2016) Mobile Application Security Platforms Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications, 133 (2). pp. 40-46. ISSN 0975-8887

Service composition

Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

Service design

Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

Service discovery

Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Shadija, Dharmendra, Rezai, Mo and Hill, Richard (2017) Towards an Understanding of Microservices. In: 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'17), 7th-8th September 2017, University of Huddersfield, UK.


Lu, Li, He, Jianhua, Xu, Zhijie, Xu, Yuanping, Zhang, Chaolong, Wang, Jing and Adu, Jianhua (2017) Crowd Behavior Understanding through SIOF Feature Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).

Skin detection

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Smart Home

Baryannis, George, Woznowski, Przemyslaw and Antoniou, Grigoris (2016) Rule-Based Real-Time ADL Recognition in a Smart Home Environment. In: Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9718 . Springer International Publishing, pp. 325-340. ISBN 978-3-319-42018-9


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.


Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Active Contours: From Representation To Evolution. Springer-Verlag. (Submitted)

Social Media

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

social media monitoring

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

socially intelligent machines

Khan, Masood Mehmood, Ingleby, Michael and Ward, Robert D. (2006) Automated facial expression classification and affect interpretation using infrared measurement of facial skin temperature. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 1 (1). pp. 91-113. ISSN 1556-4665

Software engineering

Shadija, Dharmendra, Rezai, Mo and Hill, Richard (2017) Towards an Understanding of Microservices. In: 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'17), 7th-8th September 2017, University of Huddersfield, UK.

Software modularity

Iqbal, Saqib and Allen, Gary (2010) Aspect-Oriented Modelling: Issues and Misconceptions. In: Proceedings of Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), 2010 Fifth International Conference. IEEE, Nice, France, pp. 337-340. ISBN 978-1-4244-7788-3

Software testing

Murazvu, George V (2020) Software Testing: An Analysis of the Impacts of Test Automation on Software’s Cost, Quality and Time. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Solvers for argumentation problems

Cerutti, Federico, Vallati, Mauro and Giacomin, Massimiliano (2017) On the Impact of Configuration on Abstract Argumentation Automated Reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92. pp. 120-138. ISSN 0888-613X

Spatial data analysis

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Spatial data-mining

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Spatio-Temporal Texture

Hao, Yu, Xu, Zhijie, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying and Fan, Jiulun (2017) An Effective Video Processing Pipeline for Crowd Pattern Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

Spatio-Temporal Volume

Hao, Yu, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying, Xu, Zhijie and Fan, Jiulun (2017) Extracting Spatio-temporal Texture Signatures for Crowd Abnormality Detection. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

Hao, Yu, Xu, Zhijie, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying and Fan, Jiulun (2017) An Effective Video Processing Pipeline for Crowd Pattern Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

Wang, Jing, Xu, Zhijie, Cao, Yanlong and Xu, Yuanping (2017) Wavelet-based Texture Model for Crowd Dynamic Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).

Speckle imaging

Lu, Rong-Sheng, Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Ward, Steve (2006) Grinding surface roughness measurement based on the co-occurrence matrix of speckle pattern texture. Applied Optics, 45 (35). pp. 8839-8847. ISSN 0003-6935

spectral methods - collocation - differentiation matrices - boundary value problems - solid mechanics

Talbot, Chris J. and Crampton, Andrew (2005) Application of the pseudo-spectral method to 2D eigenvalue problems in elasticity. Journal of Numerical Algorithms 38 Special Issue: Chebyshev Polynomials, 38. pp. 95-110. ISSN 1017-139

Speed limit constraints

Chrpa, Lukáš and Osborne, Hugh (2014) Towards a Trajectory Planning Concept: Augmenting Path Planning Methods by Considering Speed Limit Constraints. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 75 (2). pp. 243-270. ISSN 0921-0296


Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339

Pein, Raoul Pascal, Lu, Joan and Renz, Wolfgang (2008) An Extensible Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3 (17). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1874-1339


Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Design and Crime: Proofing Electronic Products and Services against Theft. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1572-9869

stereo image processing

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

stereo panoramic images

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

stereo panoramic imaging system

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

Stereo vision

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2003) Panoramic imaging - a review. Computers and Graphics, 27 (3). pp. 435-445. ISSN 0097-8493

Strategy game

Price, Mathew (2019) What Impact do VR Controllers Have on the Traditional Strategy Game Genre. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

structured light projection system

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

STT Signature

Hao, Yu, Wang, Jing, Liu, Ying, Xu, Zhijie and Fan, Jiulun (2017) Extracting Spatio-temporal Texture Signatures for Crowd Abnormality Detection. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017). ISSN 9780701702601

Support Vector Machine

Ahmed, Mahmud, Abdusslam, S.A., Baqqar, Mabrouka, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2011) Fault Classification of Reciprocating Compressor Based on Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation & Computing. Chinese Automation and Computing Society, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-098-7

Lu, Li, He, Jianhua, Xu, Zhijie, Xu, Yuanping, Zhang, Chaolong, Wang, Jing and Adu, Jianhua (2017) Crowd Behavior Understanding through SIOF Feature Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).

Surface measurements

Lu, Rong-Sheng, Tian, Gui Yun, Gledhill, Duke and Ward, Steve (2006) Grinding surface roughness measurement based on the co-occurrence matrix of speckle pattern texture. Applied Optics, 45 (35). pp. 8839-8847. ISSN 0003-6935

Surge Computing

Kureshi, Ibad, Pulley, Carl, Brennan, John, Holmes, Violeta, Bonner, Stephen and James, Yvonne (2013) Advancing Research Infrastructure Using OpenStack. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3 (4). pp. 64-70. ISSN 2158-107X


Pulijala, Yeshwanth, Ma, Minhua, Pears, Matthew, Peebles, David and Ayoub, Ashraf (2017) Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality in surgical training—A randomized control trial. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. ISSN 0278-2391


Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940

Synthetic data generation

Verma, Shrey (2022) Generating Synthetic Automotive Data and Detecting Abnormal Vehicle Behavior Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Technology adoption

Baadel, Said, Majeed, Asim and Kabene, Stefane (2017) Technology Adoption and Diffusion in the Gulf: Some Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E'17). ACM, New York, pp. 16-18. ISBN 9781450348218

Technology and Education

Baadel, Said, Majeed, Asim and Kabene, Stefane (2017) Technology Adoption and Diffusion in the Gulf: Some Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E'17). ACM, New York, pp. 16-18. ISBN 9781450348218


Watson, Jason (1999) Monitoring computer-based training over computer networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Temporal data-mining

Samson, Grace (2020) An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Wang, Jing and Xu, Zhijie (2014) Texture-based Homogeneity Analysis for Crowd Scene Modelling and Abnormality Detection. In: 20th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’14), 12-13 September 2014, Cranfield University. (Submitted)

Texture model

Wang, Jing, Xu, Zhijie, Cao, Yanlong and Xu, Yuanping (2017) Wavelet-based Texture Model for Crowd Dynamic Analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing, (University of Huddersfield, 7-8 September 2017).


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Design and Crime: Proofing Electronic Products and Services against Theft. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1572-9869


Chrpa, Lukáš and Osborne, Hugh (2014) Towards a Trajectory Planning Concept: Augmenting Path Planning Methods by Considering Speed Limit Constraints. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 75 (2). pp. 243-270. ISSN 0921-0296


Mahmood, Sardasht, Amen, Bakhtiar and Nabi, Rebwar M. (2016) Mobile Application Security Platforms Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications, 133 (2). pp. 40-46. ISSN 0975-8887


Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Active Contours: From Representation To Evolution. Springer-Verlag. (Submitted)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2010) Modelling Multi-Feature Active Contours. In: WILLOW - INRIA, October 2010, ENS Paris. (Unpublished)

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Visual Tracking with Active Contours. In: Computer Vision Journal Club, 16th February 2011, University of Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Training Phase

Mahmood, Qazafi, Thabtah, Fadi and McCluskey, T.L. (2007) Looking at the class associative classification training algorithm. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2007: CEARC’07. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-9.

Trajectory planning

Chrpa, Lukáš and Osborne, Hugh (2014) Towards a Trajectory Planning Concept: Augmenting Path Planning Methods by Considering Speed Limit Constraints. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 75 (2). pp. 243-270. ISSN 0921-0296

transient response testing linear analogue circuit BIST

Axelos, N., Watson, J., Taylor, D. and Platts, A. (2002) Built-in-self-test of analogue circuits using optimised fault sets and transient response testing. On-Line Testing Workshop, 2002. Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International. pp. 135-139. ISSN 0-7695-1641-6

Transport Design

Unver, Ertu, Atkinson, Paul and Tancock, Dave (2006) Applying 3D scanning and modeling in transport design education. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3 (1-4). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1686-4360


Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

unsupervised machine learning

Verma, Shrey (2022) Generating Synthetic Automotive Data and Detecting Abnormal Vehicle Behavior Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Urban traffic control

Jimoh, Falilat, McCluskey, T.L. and Simon, Parkinson (2017) A Hybrid Approach to Process Planning: The Urban Traffic Controller Example. Journal of Computer Science, 13 (8). pp. 257-274. ISSN 1549-3636

user experience

Hohl, Michael (2010) The phenomenology of getting used to the new: Some thoughts on memory, perception, numbing and the Zen-view. In: Design and semantics of form and movement. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, pp. 39-47. ISBN 978-3-906413-80-8

user interface design

Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6

variable-length chromosome

Bentley, Peter J. and Wakefield, Jonathan P. (1996) Hierarchical Crossover in Genetic Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 1st On-line Workshop on Soft Computing (WSC1), 19-30 August 1996, Nagoya University, Japan.


Baryannis, George, Kritikos, Kyriakos and Plexousakis, Dimitris (2017) A specification-based QoS-aware design framework for service-based applications. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. ISSN 1863-2386

Video Processing

Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle (2011) Visual Tracking with Active Contours. In: Computer Vision Journal Club, 16th February 2011, University of Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Virtual environment

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2003) Panoramic imaging - a review. Computers and Graphics, 27 (3). pp. 435-445. ISSN 0097-8493

virtual reality

Gledhill, Duke, Tian, Gui Yun, Taylor, D. and Clarke, David (2004) 3D reconstruction of a region of interest using structured light and stereo panoramic images. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'04). IEEE, London, UK, 1007 -1012. ISBN 0769521770

Price, Mathew (2019) What Impact do VR Controllers Have on the Traditional Strategy Game Genre. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Sykora, Martin, Jackson, Thomas W., von Lunen, Alexander, Elayan, Suzanne and O'Brien, Ann (2015) The Role of Visualisations in Social Media Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 437-444. ISBN 978-1-910810-31-6


Price, Mathew (2019) What Impact do VR Controllers Have on the Traditional Strategy Game Genre. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Armitage, Rachel and Pease, Ken (2007) Predicting and Preventing The Theft Of Electronic Products. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14 (1). pp. 12-37. ISSN 1572-9869

Web Services

Araghi, Amir (2006) Infrastructure for web services that perform automated reasoning. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2006: CEARC’06. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-6.

Web Threat

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2013) Predicting Phishing Websites using Neural Network trained with Back-Propagation. In: Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP 2013 . World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 682-686. ISBN 1601322461

Website features

Mohammad, Rami, McCluskey, T.L. and Thabtah, Fadi (2012) An Assessment of Features Related to Phishing Websites using an Automated Technique. In: International Conferece For Internet Technology And Secured Transactions. ICITST 2012 . IEEE, London, UK, pp. 492-497. ISBN 978-1-4673-5325-0


Rashid, Baydaa T., Alwan, Raad F., Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Recent development in XML-IR. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2008: CEARC’08. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 106-109. ISBN 978-1-86218-067-3

XML data integrity

Liu, Baolong, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2009) XML Data Integrity Based on Concatenated Hash Function. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 1 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 1947-5500

XML infrastructure

Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940

XML signature

Liu, Baolong, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2009) XML Data Integrity Based on Concatenated Hash Function. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 1 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 1947-5500


Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)


Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940


Lu, Joan (2005) A survey of XML applications on science and technology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0218-1940

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