Group by: Date | Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
abuser Academic performance acting active assisted living Active-Ageing Actor Training actor-network theory actors Adolescents from Barbados and Grenada Advertising After-effects ageing Alzheimer's disease ambient assisted living Anger control animal Anxiety applied cognition Art authenticity automotive BAI Ballroom Dancing BDI Behavioral Sciences Behaviourism Bifactor modelling blue on blue Bootstrapping brain abnormalities Buffy the Vampire Slayer Capek's novel cardiovascular disease challenging behaviour Character child sexual abuse childhood clinical trial co-creativity cognition cognitive bias Cognitive performance cognitive psychology Cognitive Science Cognitive workload cold case Cold War collaboration Communism community arts Conditional process analysis Confidence configural superiority effect Conformity Conjunction fallacy constructionism contact abuse Contract killers Coping coping methods CORE-OM correlational analysis counter-tour guiding Creative Process creativity Crime crime scene behaviors criminal differentiation Criminal Narrative Experience Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE) Criminal Narratives Criminal social identity Cutoff values cyber Czechoslovakia 1948-1968 damsel in distress Dark triad Deception Deception detection Deep sleep Definitions Deleuze& Guattari Depression DES desistance Destination image decay detecting deception diagnosis diagram disclosure Displaced aggression domestic abuse Domestic homicide double standard Driving dérive Early to mid-adolescence Eating disorders Education education through fiction Educational performance Effort Electronic Games Embodied perception Emotion Emotional abuse emotional and experiential learning Emotional Metamorphosis Emotional Reactions Emotional Robustness Emotions Emotions During a Criminal Offence Emotions Felt During a Criminal Offence Employability Psychological Outcomes Placements Work Integrated Learning WIL Engagement Engagement with feedback England existential Externalizing problems Extraneous Focus of Attention Eyetracking Eyewitness Eyewitness confidence Eyewitness suggestibility eyewitness testimony Factor analysis Fairy tales family Fatigue female political prisoners Fine-motor performance FIRO-B floor effect Flynn effect Focal account fratricide Friendly fire frontal cortex functional analysis functional near-infrared spectroscopy gender gender history Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions General beliefs about violence Genetics of mental toughness grief grounded theory Group polarisation Group size Groupthink Guilt Handgun Shooting Harmful sexual behaviour Health controls Health-care professionals Helicobacter pylori - absorption - replacement therap Heuristical bias Higher education Higher education assessment homicide HRV Human factors Human services ICU identity IIP-32 illness experiences Illness onset illness perceptions Implementation science Implicit cognition incest Independence Individual differences information and communication technology intellectual disabilities intended retirement age interhemispheric interactions Internalizing problems Interpersonal characteristics Interpersonal confidence interview Interviewing intrafamilial sexual abuse investigative psychology IPA IQ Job Satisfaction judgment of handwriting Jury juvenile sex offender Labelling Labor Learning learning disabilities Learning Disability lie detection Life control Literature Live-fire Long-term Longitudinal panel study low IQ macrocognition Management Marksmanship decision accuracy masculinities men psychological social political Mass media material culture maze Measurement mediation Medical care memory mental retardation Mental Health mental illness Mental toughess Mental toughness Mentally Disordered Offenders mild cognitive disorder mild cognitive impairment military psychology Misinformation effect Mixed-FI schedules mobile application modifiable risk Modification indices Moral behavior Moral Emotions Morality Morbidly obese women obesity Motivation Motivation of salespeople motivational interviewing Motor control Motor decoupling motor response MTQ48 multidimensional structure Multiple sclerosis Music & psychoanalysis Music education music technology Musical genetics Nanomusic Nanosciences narrative identity Narrative Roles Narrative Roles Questionnaire Narrative voices narratives NASA-Task Load Index Natural environment Naturalistic Nature relatedness neurobiological studies neurocognitive illness Non-cognitive Non-suicidal self-injury Non-verbal behaviour offender profiling offending patterns Older Adults Older workers Operant conditioning oral history Organisational learning Origins Outcome monitoring Pakistan Paranormal belief passive acceptance of evil Perception of feedback Perception of randomness performance Performance art Performance Culture Performing arts persecution personal constructs personal development Personality phenomenology Philosophy Physical activity physical attractiveness Physiological response Pictor reflective practice reflection collaborative working midwifery nursing Pleasure Police Culture Police investigators Police Officers Police training Posner test practice Practice research network practice-based evidence Predictors of satisfaction Prefrontal cortex Prevalence prevention prison narratives prison culture Prison population Pro-social behavior Probability of reinforcement Problem behaviour professional intervention protection provocation Psychoanalysis Psychodynamic Psychogeography Psychological Assessment Psychological connection with destination Psychological functioning psychological therapies Psychological trauma Psychological well-being psychology Psychology Europe UK politics EU referendum Brexit Psychometrics psychopathy Public attitudes qualitative research queationnaire rat RCT realist evaluation Realist review Reality testing reality TV recovery relatedness relational features relationships relaxation Religion research ethics Resilience Response inhibition Response inhibition intervention retirement attitude Risk assessment Risk factors safe SART Schizophrenia Schizophrenic Offenders Schizotypy Self-determination theory self-esteem Self-harm self-monitoring semi-structured interviews Serial killing serious mental illness service planning Services Sex Sexual violence Shame siblings Situationists Skill-Focused Attention Sleep Sleep disturbances Sleep efficiency Sleep electroencephalogram Smallest Space Analysis Social influence social network analysis social psychology Sociocultural Theory Sociology sociometer Soldiers speed-accuracy trade-off sport Sport tourist Sportsmanship stability stereotypes strong structuration theory Stroop test Structural equation modeling Student learning student/ tutor relationship Subjective state subjective workload Suicidal Ideation Suicide attempt Suicide ideation survey Sustained attention Task load Task motivation Task-related thought Task-unrelated thought television viewers Temporal control temporo-limbic areas The Measure of Criminal Social Identity – Revised The Uncanny Thematic analysis theory theory-based evaluation therapeutic relationship time based lag sequential analysis Time nanoprocesses Tinnitus tipping point Traffic congestion transformative learning transport Transversality trauma Trauma Exposure Trauma Impact Traumatic Experience Traumatic Experiences Tripartite structure Unconscious Underground culture Urban legends vigilance Violence exposure and victimization Visual search WAIS-111 WAIS-III walking Well-being Wellbeing WISC-III WISC-IV women offenders women’s history women’s political repression Young adults youth gangs Youth offenders
Number of items at this level: 534.


Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Academic performance

St Clair-Thompson, Helen, Bugler, Myfanwy, Robinson, Jamey, Clough, Peter J., McGeown, Sarah P. and Perry, John (2015) Mental toughness in education: exploring relationships with attainment, attendance, behaviour and peer relationships. Educational Psychology, 35 (7). pp. 886-907. ISSN 0144-3410


Hetzler, Eric (2012) Actor Self vs. Character Self An Empirical Exploration. Journal for Artistic Research, 2012 (2). ISSN 2235-0225

active assisted living

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890



Actor Training

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

actor-network theory

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890


Hetzler, Eric (2012) Actor Self vs. Character Self An Empirical Exploration. Journal for Artistic Research, 2012 (2). ISSN 2235-0225

Adolescents from Barbados and Grenada

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Jones, Adele, Willmott, Dominic and Sherretts, Nicole (2017) Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605


Renshaw, Tony, Stevens, Richard and Denton, Paul (2009) Towards understanding engagement in games: an eye-tracking study. On the Horizon, 17 (4). pp. 408-420. ISSN 1074-8121


Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239


Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

Alzheimer's disease

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244

ambient assisted living

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890

Anger control

Whitaker, Simon (2001) Anger control for people with learning disabilities: a critical review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29 (3). pp. 277-293. ISSN 1352-4658


MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Running the maze: animal sentience as a variable in the psychology of early maze experiments. In: Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) Inaugural Conference and Launch: Animals: ethics, sustainability, sentience, 25 October 2014, Edge Hill University, UK. (Unpublished)

MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Spuren im Labyrinth. Tierstudien (6). pp. 28-40. ISSN 2193-8504


Jackson, James G., Coyne, Iain J. and Clough, Peter J. (2014) A preliminary investigation of potential cognitive performance decrements in non-help-seeking tinnitus sufferers. International Journal of Audiology, 53 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1499-2027

Lawton, Emma, Brymer, Eric, Clough, Peter J. and Denovan, Andrew (2017) The Relationship between the Physical Activity Environment, Nature Relatedness, Anxiety, and the Psychological Well-being Benefits of Regular Exercisers. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

applied cognition

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S. and Wiggins, Mark W. (2013) Cognitive Engineering. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 4 (1). pp. 17-31.


Persson, Roland S. (1993) The subjectivity of musical performance : an exploratory music-psychological real world enquiry into the determinants and education of musical reality. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Smith, Vicki J (2010) The power of relational work in existential therapy. In: BACP's 20th Annual Research Conference: "Researching the Special Relationship", 16th-17th May 2014, London, UK.


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.


Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Iveson, Steve and Noble, Rachael (2004) Evaluating psychological therapies services: A review of outcome measures and their utility. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 1 (1). pp. 53-66. ISSN 1743-6885

Ballroom Dancing



Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Iveson, Steve and Noble, Rachael (2004) Evaluating psychological therapies services: A review of outcome measures and their utility. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 1 (1). pp. 53-66. ISSN 1743-6885

Behavioral Sciences

Skea, Derek (2010) Caring, Quality of Life and Service Provision: a new perspective. In: International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2-5 August 2010, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. (Unpublished)


Willmott, Dominic, Boduszek, Daniel and Robinson, Rebecca (2017) A Psychodynamic-Behaviourist Investigation of Russian Sexual Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Bifactor modelling

Boduszek, Daniel and Debowska, Agata (2017) Further insights into the construct of criminal social identity: validation of a revised measure in a prison population. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

blue on blue

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181


Diekfuss, Jed A., Ward, Paul and Raisbeck, Louisa D. (2016) Attention, workload, and performance: A dual-task simulated shooting study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1612-197X

brain abnormalities

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Hyland, Philip and Goodson, Simon (2014) Biological correlates of psychopathy: A brief review. Mental Health Review Journal, 19 (2). pp. 110-123. ISSN 1361-9322

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Jarvis, Christine and Burr, Vivien (2011) The transformative potential of popular television: the case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Journal of Transformative Education, 9 (3). pp. 165-182. ISSN 1541-3446

Capek's novel

Chrz, Vladimir and Cermák, Ivo (2008) "Ordinary Life"; as a Polyphonic Composition. In: Narrative and Fiction: an Interdisciplinary Approach. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-8.

cardiovascular disease

Mifsud, Justin (2019) Effectiveness of primary preventive programmes using motivational interviewing to support cardiovascular risk factor modification in individuals at increased risk; a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

challenging behaviour

Whitaker, Simon (2001) Anger control for people with learning disabilities: a critical review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29 (3). pp. 277-293. ISSN 1352-4658

Whitaker, Simon, Walker, Tammi and McNally, Carolyn (2004) The use of time base lag sequential analysis to look at the relationship between environmental events and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32 (1). pp. 67-76. ISSN 1352-4658


McGeown, Sarah P., St Clair-Thompson, Helen and Clough, Peter J. (2016) The study of non-cognitive attributes in education: proposing the mental toughness framework. Educational Review, 68 (1). pp. 96-113. ISSN 0013-1911

child sexual abuse

Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

clinical trial

Mifsud, Justin (2019) Effectiveness of primary preventive programmes using motivational interviewing to support cardiovascular risk factor modification in individuals at increased risk; a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

cognitive bias

Roach, Jason (2017) The Retrospective Detective. Cognitive Bias and the Cold Case Homicide Investigator. Papers from the British Criminology Conference, 17. ISSN 1759‐0043

Cognitive performance

Jackson, James G., Coyne, Iain J. and Clough, Peter J. (2014) A preliminary investigation of potential cognitive performance decrements in non-help-seeking tinnitus sufferers. International Journal of Audiology, 53 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1499-2027

cognitive psychology

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Cognitive Science

Skea, Derek (2010) Caring, Quality of Life and Service Provision: a new perspective. In: International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2-5 August 2010, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Cognitive workload

Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.

cold case

Roach, Jason (2017) The Retrospective Detective. Cognitive Bias and the Cold Case Homicide Investigator. Papers from the British Criminology Conference, 17. ISSN 1759‐0043

Cold War

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.


Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

community arts

Peters, Louisa Anne (2022) How do community-based arts activities enable the identity change recovery process from serious mental illness: A protocol for a realist review. University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Conditional process analysis

Davies, Eleanor M.M., Van der Heijden, Beatrice and Flynn, Matt (2017) Job satisfaction, retirement attitude and intended retirement age: a conditional process analysis across workers’ level of household income. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078


McGeown, Sarah P., St Clair-Thompson, Helen and Clough, Peter J. (2016) The study of non-cognitive attributes in education: proposing the mental toughness framework. Educational Review, 68 (1). pp. 96-113. ISSN 0013-1911

configural superiority effect

de Joux, Neil R., Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2017) A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study of the effects of configural properties on sustained attention. Neuropsychologia, 94. pp. 106-117. ISSN 0028-3932


Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2017) Personality Correlates of Co-witness Suggestibility. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. ISSN 1522-8932

Conjunction fallacy

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2016) Toward a Better Understanding of the Relationship between Belief in the Paranormal and Statistical Bias: The Potential Role of Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078


Butt, Trevor and Parton, Nigel (2005) Constructivist social work and personal construct theory: the case of psychological trauma. British Journal of Social Work, 35 (6). pp. 793-806. ISSN 1468-263X

contact abuse

Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Contract killers

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311


Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Naz, Sajida and Gavin, Helen (2016) A Cross National Study Using Anecdotal Accounts of Trauma Reaction in Police Officers. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 8 (2). pp. 43-55. ISSN 2074-2738

coping methods

Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Iveson, Steve and Noble, Rachael (2004) Evaluating psychological therapies services: A review of outcome measures and their utility. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 1 (1). pp. 53-66. ISSN 1743-6885

correlational analysis

Whitaker, Simon, Walker, Tammi and McNally, Carolyn (2004) The use of time base lag sequential analysis to look at the relationship between environmental events and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32 (1). pp. 67-76. ISSN 1352-4658

counter-tour guiding

Bridger, Alexander J. (2015) Psychogeographical counter-tour guiding: Theory and practice. In: IRFGT 2015. Abstracts & Selected Papers eBook. 4th International Research Forum on Guided Tours Estoril, Portugal 18th-21st March, 2015. Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, pp. 48-54. ISBN 978-989-20-6070-5

Creative Process

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)


Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

crime scene behaviors

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311

criminal differentiation

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311

Criminal Narrative Experience

Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE)

Ciesla, Kayley (2019) Women Offenders’ Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE): Agentic Actor or Survivor? Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Criminal Narratives

Spruin, Elizabeth (2012) The Criminal Experience of Mentally Disordered Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Criminal social identity

Boduszek, Daniel and Debowska, Agata (2017) Further insights into the construct of criminal social identity: validation of a revised measure in a prison population. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Cutoff values

Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X


Oyvind, Josok, Knox, Benjamin J., Helkala, Kirsi, Wilson, Kyle M., Sutterlin, Stefan, Lugo, Ricardo G. and Odegaard, T. (2017) Macrocognition applied to the hybrid space: team environment, functions and processes in cyber operations. In: Ac 2017 Augmented Cognition, Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, pp. 486-500. ISBN 9783319586243

Czechoslovakia 1948-1968

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

damsel in distress

Gavin, Helen (2012) The damsel in distress: not as sweet as she is painted? In: 4th Global Conference on Evil, Women and the Feminine, 6-8 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)

Dark triad

Brand, Serge, Sabouri, Sarah, Gerber, Markus, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Kalak, Nadeem, Shamsi, Mahin and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2016) Examining Dark Triad traits in relation to mental toughness and physical activity in young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 229-235. ISSN 1178-2021


Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2017) Commentary: Can ordinary people detect deception after all? Frontiers in Cognitive Science.

Deception detection

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2016) Can the unconscious boost lie detection accuracy? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25 (4). pp. 246-250. ISSN 0963-7214

Deep sleep

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Kirov, Roumen, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2014) Adolescents With Greater Mental Toughness Show Higher Sleep Efficiency, More Deep Sleep and Fewer Awakenings After Sleep Onset. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (1). pp. 109-113. ISSN 1054-139X


Whitaker, Simon (2006) What’s in a name? Alternatives to “learning disability”. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 3 (2). pp. 177-191. ISSN 1743-6885

Deleuze& Guattari

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Iveson, Steve and Noble, Rachael (2004) Evaluating psychological therapies services: A review of outcome measures and their utility. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 1 (1). pp. 53-66. ISSN 1743-6885


Ashton, Sally-Ann, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Offending patterns of youth gang members and leavers. Journal of Gang Research, 25 (2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 1079-3062

Destination image decay

Chen, Nan, Ji, Shaojun and Funk, Daniel C. (2014) An extended study on destination image decay of sports tourists over time. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 2 (4). pp. 241-252. ISSN 2212-571X

detecting deception

Canter, David V. and Youngs, Donna E. (2009) Investigative Psychology: Offender Profiling and the Analysis of Criminal Action. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK. ISBN 9780470023969

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2017) Commentary: Can ordinary people detect deception after all? Frontiers in Cognitive Science.


Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X


MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Running the maze: animal sentience as a variable in the psychology of early maze experiments. In: Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) Inaugural Conference and Launch: Animals: ethics, sustainability, sentience, 25 October 2014, Edge Hill University, UK. (Unpublished)

MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Spuren im Labyrinth. Tierstudien (6). pp. 28-40. ISSN 2193-8504


Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Displaced aggression

Willmott, Dominic, Boduszek, Daniel and Robinson, Rebecca (2017) A Psychodynamic-Behaviourist Investigation of Russian Sexual Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

domestic abuse

Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4

Domestic homicide

Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4

double standard

Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.


Bridger, Alexander J. (2016) Psychogeography and Ground Zero. In: Landscapes of Monstrosity. Interdisciplinary Books. ISBN 978-1-84888-370-3

Early to mid-adolescence

Brand, Serge, Kalak, Nadeem, Gerber, Markus, Clough, Peter J., Lemola, Sakari, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2017) During early to mid adolescence, moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with restoring sleep, psychological functioning, mental toughness and male gender. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 (5). pp. 426-434. ISSN 0264-0414

Eating disorders

Newton, Claira and Bale, Christopher (2012) A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Self-Harm in Members of the General Public. Journal of Public Mental Health, 11 (3). pp. 106-116. ISSN 1746-5729


Cox, Graham (2003) Communities of practice : learning in progressive ensembles. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.

Leach, Harold Anthony (2002) Learning and psychological contracting within the small, but growing business : an investigation into the changing individual-organisation learning relationship. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Persson, Roland S. (1993) The subjectivity of musical performance : an exploratory music-psychological real world enquiry into the determinants and education of musical reality. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

education through fiction

Jarvis, Christine and Burr, Vivien (2011) The transformative potential of popular television: the case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Journal of Transformative Education, 9 (3). pp. 165-182. ISSN 1541-3446

Educational performance

Lin, Ying, Mutz, Julian, Clough, Peter J. and Papageorgiou, Kostas A. (2017) Mental Toughness and Individual Differences in Learning, Educational and Work Performance, Psychological Well-being, and Personality: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078


Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Electronic Games

Renshaw, Tony, Stevens, Richard and Denton, Paul (2009) Towards understanding engagement in games: an eye-tracking study. On the Horizon, 17 (4). pp. 408-420. ISSN 1074-8121

Embodied perception

Street, Chris N. H., Bischof, Walter F. and Kingstone, Alan (2017) Perspective taking and theory of mind in hide and seek. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. ISSN 1943-393X


Hetzler, Eric (2012) Actor Self vs. Character Self An Empirical Exploration. Journal for Artistic Research, 2012 (2). ISSN 2235-0225

Emotional abuse

Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

emotional and experiential learning

Smith, Carole (2020) An exploration of the retrospective experiences of counsellors and psychotherapists in their personal development groups during their training and to understand how they use these experiences in their client and training work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Emotional Metamorphosis

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Emotional Reactions

Naz, Sajida and Gavin, Helen (2016) A Cross National Study Using Anecdotal Accounts of Trauma Reaction in Police Officers. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 8 (2). pp. 43-55. ISSN 2074-2738

Emotional Robustness

Naz, Sajida and Gavin, Helen (2016) A Cross National Study Using Anecdotal Accounts of Trauma Reaction in Police Officers. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 8 (2). pp. 43-55. ISSN 2074-2738


Ciesla, Kayley (2019) Women Offenders’ Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE): Agentic Actor or Survivor? Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Emotions During a Criminal Offence

Spruin, Elizabeth (2012) The Criminal Experience of Mentally Disordered Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Emotions Felt During a Criminal Offence

Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Employability Psychological Outcomes Placements Work Integrated Learning WIL

Purdie, Fiona, Ward, Lisa J., McAdie, Tina M. and King, Nigel (2011) Does work integrated learning better psychologically prepare British students for life and work. In: Association for Sandwich Education and Training (ASET) Annual Conference 2011, September, 2011, Leeds Metropolitan University. (Submitted)


Renshaw, Tony, Stevens, Richard and Denton, Paul (2009) Towards understanding engagement in games: an eye-tracking study. On the Horizon, 17 (4). pp. 408-420. ISSN 1074-8121

Engagement with feedback

Ali, Nadia, Ahmed, Lubna and Rose, Sarah (2017) Identifying predictors of students' perception of and engagement with assessment feedback. Active Learning in Higher Education, None. ISSN 1469-7874


Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Smith, Vicki J (2010) The power of relational work in existential therapy. In: BACP's 20th Annual Research Conference: "Researching the Special Relationship", 16th-17th May 2014, London, UK.

Externalizing problems

Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Hatzinger, Martin, Gerber, Markus, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Perren, Sonja, von Klitzing, Kay, von Wyl, Agnes, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Brand, Serge (2016) The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Extraneous Focus of Attention

Diekfuss, Jed A., Ward, Paul and Raisbeck, Louisa D. (2016) Attention, workload, and performance: A dual-task simulated shooting study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1612-197X


Renshaw, Tony, Stevens, Richard and Denton, Paul (2009) Towards understanding engagement in games: an eye-tracking study. On the Horizon, 17 (4). pp. 408-420. ISSN 1074-8121


Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Eyewitness confidence

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Eyewitness suggestibility

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2017) Personality Correlates of Co-witness Suggestibility. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. ISSN 1522-8932

eyewitness testimony

Canter, David V. and Youngs, Donna E. (2009) Investigative Psychology: Offender Profiling and the Analysis of Criminal Action. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK. ISBN 9780470023969

Factor analysis

Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367

Siesmaa, Belinda Rae (2020) Exploring the Structure and Internal Consistency of the 33-Item Narrative Roles Questionnaire (NRQ) Administered to Adult Male Mentally Disordered Offenders When Compared to Adult Male Incarcerated Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Fairy tales

Gavin, Helen (2012) The damsel in distress: not as sweet as she is painted? In: 4th Global Conference on Evil, Women and the Feminine, 6-8 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)


Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

female political prisoners

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Fine-motor performance

Head, James, Tenan, Matthew S., Tweedell, Andrew J., LaFiandra, Michael E., Morelli, Frank, Wilson, Kyle M., Ortega, Samson V. and Helton, William S. (2017) Prior Mental Fatigue Impairs Marksmanship Decision Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (680). ISSN 1664-1078


Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2017) Personality Correlates of Co-witness Suggestibility. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. ISSN 1522-8932

floor effect

Whitaker, Simon (2010) Error in the estimation of intellectual ability in the low range using the WISC-IV and WAIS-III. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 01918869

Whitaker, Simon and Wood, Christopher (2007) The distribution of scaled scores and possible floor effects on the WISC-III and WAIS-III. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21 (2). pp. 136-141. ISSN 1360-2322

Flynn effect

Whitaker, Simon (2010) Error in the estimation of intellectual ability in the low range using the WISC-IV and WAIS-III. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 01918869

Focal account

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2016) Can the unconscious boost lie detection accuracy? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25 (4). pp. 246-250. ISSN 0963-7214


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Friendly fire

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

frontal cortex

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Hyland, Philip and Goodson, Simon (2014) Biological correlates of psychopathy: A brief review. Mental Health Review Journal, 19 (2). pp. 110-123. ISSN 1361-9322

functional analysis

Whitaker, Simon, Walker, Tammi and McNally, Carolyn (2004) The use of time base lag sequential analysis to look at the relationship between environmental events and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32 (1). pp. 67-76. ISSN 1352-4658

functional near-infrared spectroscopy

de Joux, Neil R., Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2017) A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study of the effects of configural properties on sustained attention. Neuropsychologia, 94. pp. 106-117. ISSN 0028-3932


Burr, Vivien (2002) Judging gender from samples of adult handwriting: accuracy and use of cues. The Journal of Social Psychology, 142 (6). pp. 691-700. ISSN 0022-4545

gender history

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Jones, Adele, Willmott, Dominic and Sherretts, Nicole (2017) Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605

General beliefs about violence

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Jones, Adele, Willmott, Dominic and Sherretts, Nicole (2017) Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605

Genetics of mental toughness

Lin, Ying, Mutz, Julian, Clough, Peter J. and Papageorgiou, Kostas A. (2017) Mental Toughness and Individual Differences in Learning, Educational and Work Performance, Psychological Well-being, and Personality: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078


Butt, Trevor and Parton, Nigel (2005) Constructivist social work and personal construct theory: the case of psychological trauma. British Journal of Social Work, 35 (6). pp. 793-806. ISSN 1468-263X

grounded theory

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

Group polarisation

Kelly, Nancy (2000) Decision making in child protection practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Group size

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949


Kelly, Nancy (2000) Decision making in child protection practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Handgun Shooting

Diekfuss, Jed A., Ward, Paul and Raisbeck, Louisa D. (2016) Attention, workload, and performance: A dual-task simulated shooting study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1612-197X

Harmful sexual behaviour

Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Health controls

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Calabrese, Pasquale, Shaygannejad, Vahid, Pühse, Uwe, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena (2016) Mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy adolescents and young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 1571-1579. ISSN 1178-2021

Health-care professionals

Newton, Claira and Bale, Christopher (2012) A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Self-Harm in Members of the General Public. Journal of Public Mental Health, 11 (3). pp. 106-116. ISSN 1746-5729

Helicobacter pylori - absorption - replacement therap

Fiorini, Giulia, Bland, John Martin, Hughes, Elizabeth, Castelli, Valentina and Vaira, Dino (2015) A systematic review on drugs absorption modifications after eradication in Helicobacter pylori positive patients undergoing replacement therapy. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, 24 (1). pp. 95-100. ISSN 18418724

Heuristical bias

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2016) Toward a Better Understanding of the Relationship between Belief in the Paranormal and Statistical Bias: The Potential Role of Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Higher education

Stamp, Elizabeth, Crust, Lee, Swann, Christian, Perry, John, Clough, Peter J. and Marchant, David (2015) Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 75. pp. 170-174. ISSN 0191-8869

Higher education assessment

Ali, Nadia, Ahmed, Lubna and Rose, Sarah (2017) Identifying predictors of students' perception of and engagement with assessment feedback. Active Learning in Higher Education, None. ISSN 1469-7874


Roach, Jason (2017) The Retrospective Detective. Cognitive Bias and the Cold Case Homicide Investigator. Papers from the British Criminology Conference, 17. ISSN 1759‐0043


Head, James, Tenan, Matthew S., Tweedell, Andrew J., LaFiandra, Michael E., Morelli, Frank, Wilson, Kyle M., Ortega, Samson V. and Helton, William S. (2017) Prior Mental Fatigue Impairs Marksmanship Decision Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (680). ISSN 1664-1078

Human factors

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S. and Wiggins, Mark W. (2013) Cognitive Engineering. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 4 (1). pp. 17-31.

Human services

Cox, Graham (2003) Communities of practice : learning in progressive ensembles. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Horrocks, Christine (1999) Assessing outcomes : a social psychological interpretation of life course trajectories for young people leaving care. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Kelly, Nancy (2000) Decision making in child protection practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Maclean, Joan (2000) Assessment and prediction of long term psychological outcome after intensive care. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Peters, Louisa Anne (2022) How do community-based arts activities enable the identity change recovery process from serious mental illness: A protocol for a realist review. University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Iveson, Steve and Noble, Rachael (2004) Evaluating psychological therapies services: A review of outcome measures and their utility. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 1 (1). pp. 53-66. ISSN 1743-6885

illness experiences

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

Illness onset

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Calabrese, Pasquale, Shaygannejad, Vahid, Pühse, Uwe, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena (2016) Mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy adolescents and young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 1571-1579. ISSN 1178-2021

illness perceptions

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

Implementation science

Lucock, Mike, Barkham, Michael, Donohoe, Gillian, Kellett, Stephen, McMillan, Dean, Mullaney, Sarah, Sainty, Andrew, Saxon, David, Thwaites, Richard and Delgadillo, Jaime (2017) The Role of Practice Research Networks (PRN) in the Development and Implementation of Evidence: The Northern Improving Access to Psychological Therapies PRN Case Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44 (6). pp. 919-931. ISSN 0894-587X

Implicit cognition

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2016) Can the unconscious boost lie detection accuracy? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25 (4). pp. 246-250. ISSN 0963-7214


Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Crust, Lee, Earle, Keith, Perry, John, Earle, Fiona, Clough, Angela and Clough, Peter J. (2014) Mental toughness in higher education: Relationships with achievement and progression in first-year university sports students. Personality and Individual Differences, 69. pp. 87-91. ISSN 0191-8869

Individual differences

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2017) Personality Correlates of Co-witness Suggestibility. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. ISSN 1522-8932

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

information and communication technology

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890

intellectual disabilities

Whitaker, Simon and Wood, Christopher (2007) The distribution of scaled scores and possible floor effects on the WISC-III and WAIS-III. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21 (2). pp. 136-141. ISSN 1360-2322

intended retirement age

Davies, Eleanor M.M., Van der Heijden, Beatrice and Flynn, Matt (2017) Job satisfaction, retirement attitude and intended retirement age: a conditional process analysis across workers’ level of household income. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

interhemispheric interactions

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Hyland, Philip and Goodson, Simon (2014) Biological correlates of psychopathy: A brief review. Mental Health Review Journal, 19 (2). pp. 110-123. ISSN 1361-9322

Internalizing problems

Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Hatzinger, Martin, Gerber, Markus, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Perren, Sonja, von Klitzing, Kay, von Wyl, Agnes, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Brand, Serge (2016) The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Interpersonal characteristics

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2017) Personality Correlates of Co-witness Suggestibility. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. ISSN 1522-8932

Interpersonal confidence

Crust, Lee, Earle, Keith, Perry, John, Earle, Fiona, Clough, Angela and Clough, Peter J. (2014) Mental toughness in higher education: Relationships with achievement and progression in first-year university sports students. Personality and Individual Differences, 69. pp. 87-91. ISSN 0191-8869


Hetzler, Eric (2012) Actor Self vs. Character Self An Empirical Exploration. Journal for Artistic Research, 2012 (2). ISSN 2235-0225


Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

intrafamilial sexual abuse

Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

investigative psychology

Canter, David V. and Youngs, Donna E. (2009) Investigative Psychology: Offender Profiling and the Analysis of Criminal Action. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK. ISBN 9780470023969

Spruin, Elizabeth (2012) The Criminal Experience of Mentally Disordered Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311


Smith, Carole (2020) An exploration of the retrospective experiences of counsellors and psychotherapists in their personal development groups during their training and to understand how they use these experiences in their client and training work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Whitaker, Simon (2010) Error in the estimation of intellectual ability in the low range using the WISC-IV and WAIS-III. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 01918869

Job Satisfaction

Davies, Eleanor M.M., Van der Heijden, Beatrice and Flynn, Matt (2017) Job satisfaction, retirement attitude and intended retirement age: a conditional process analysis across workers’ level of household income. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

judgment of handwriting

Burr, Vivien (2002) Judging gender from samples of adult handwriting: accuracy and use of cues. The Journal of Social Psychology, 142 (6). pp. 691-700. ISSN 0022-4545


Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

juvenile sex offender

Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Whitaker, Simon (2006) What’s in a name? Alternatives to “learning disability”. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 3 (2). pp. 177-191. ISSN 1743-6885


Simintiras, Antonis Constantinou (1990) The relationship between job related expectations of salespeople and the use by sales management of a fulfilment approach. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.


Renshaw, Tony, Stevens, Richard and Denton, Paul (2009) Towards understanding engagement in games: an eye-tracking study. On the Horizon, 17 (4). pp. 408-420. ISSN 1074-8121

Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: Health, Wellness and Society Inaugural International Conference, 20-22 January 2011, University of California at Berkeley, San Francisco, USA.. (Unpublished)

Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: 17th Annual BACP Research Conference, 6-7 May 2011, Liverpool Marriott Hotel City Centre. (Unpublished)

learning disabilities

Whitaker, Simon (2001) Anger control for people with learning disabilities: a critical review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29 (3). pp. 277-293. ISSN 1352-4658

Learning Disability

Whitaker, Simon (2006) What’s in a name? Alternatives to “learning disability”. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 3 (2). pp. 177-191. ISSN 1743-6885

Whitaker, Simon and Read, Stephen (2006) The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among people with intellectual disabilities: an analysis of the literature. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 19 (4). pp. 330-345. ISSN 13602322

lie detection

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2017) Commentary: Can ordinary people detect deception after all? Frontiers in Cognitive Science.

Life control

Crust, Lee, Earle, Keith, Perry, John, Earle, Fiona, Clough, Angela and Clough, Peter J. (2014) Mental toughness in higher education: Relationships with achievement and progression in first-year university sports students. Personality and Individual Differences, 69. pp. 87-91. ISSN 0191-8869


Cox, Graham (2003) Communities of practice : learning in progressive ensembles. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Head, James, Tenan, Matthew S., Tweedell, Andrew J., LaFiandra, Michael E., Morelli, Frank, Wilson, Kyle M., Ortega, Samson V. and Helton, William S. (2017) Prior Mental Fatigue Impairs Marksmanship Decision Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (680). ISSN 1664-1078


Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Hatzinger, Martin, Gerber, Markus, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Perren, Sonja, von Klitzing, Kay, von Wyl, Agnes, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Brand, Serge (2016) The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Longitudinal panel study

Chen, Nan, Ji, Shaojun and Funk, Daniel C. (2014) An extended study on destination image decay of sports tourists over time. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 2 (4). pp. 241-252. ISSN 2212-571X

low IQ

Whitaker, Simon (2008) WISC-IV and low IQ: review and comparison with the WAIS-III. Educational Psychology in Practice, 24 (2). pp. 129-137. ISSN 0266-7363


Oyvind, Josok, Knox, Benjamin J., Helkala, Kirsi, Wilson, Kyle M., Sutterlin, Stefan, Lugo, Ricardo G. and Odegaard, T. (2017) Macrocognition applied to the hybrid space: team environment, functions and processes in cyber operations. In: Ac 2017 Augmented Cognition, Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, pp. 486-500. ISBN 9783319586243


Kelly, Nancy (2000) Decision making in child protection practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Leach, Harold Anthony (2002) Learning and psychological contracting within the small, but growing business : an investigation into the changing individual-organisation learning relationship. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Simintiras, Antonis Constantinou (1990) The relationship between job related expectations of salespeople and the use by sales management of a fulfilment approach. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.

Marksmanship decision accuracy

Head, James, Tenan, Matthew S., Tweedell, Andrew J., LaFiandra, Michael E., Morelli, Frank, Wilson, Kyle M., Ortega, Samson V. and Helton, William S. (2017) Prior Mental Fatigue Impairs Marksmanship Decision Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (680). ISSN 1664-1078

masculinities men psychological social political

Hearn, Jeff (2006) From masculinities back to men: tracing diverse psychological, social and political threads. The Psychology of Women Section Review, 8 (1). pp. 38-52. ISSN 1466 – 3724

Mass media

Cox, Graham (2003) Communities of practice : learning in progressive ensembles. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

material culture

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Running the maze: animal sentience as a variable in the psychology of early maze experiments. In: Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) Inaugural Conference and Launch: Animals: ethics, sustainability, sentience, 25 October 2014, Edge Hill University, UK. (Unpublished)

MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Spuren im Labyrinth. Tierstudien (6). pp. 28-40. ISSN 2193-8504


Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X


Bale, Christopher and Archer, John (2013) Self-Perceived Attractiveness, Romantic Desirability and Self-Esteem: A Mating Sociometer Perspective. Evolutionary Psychology, 11 (1). pp. 68-84. ISSN 1474-7049

Medical care

Maclean, Joan (2000) Assessment and prediction of long term psychological outcome after intensive care. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

mental retardation

Whitaker, Simon and Read, Stephen (2006) The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among people with intellectual disabilities: an analysis of the literature. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 19 (4). pp. 330-345. ISSN 13602322

Mental Health

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

mental illness

Whitaker, Simon and Read, Stephen (2006) The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among people with intellectual disabilities: an analysis of the literature. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 19 (4). pp. 330-345. ISSN 13602322

Mental toughess

McGeown, Sarah P., St Clair-Thompson, Helen and Clough, Peter J. (2016) The study of non-cognitive attributes in education: proposing the mental toughness framework. Educational Review, 68 (1). pp. 96-113. ISSN 0013-1911

Mental toughness

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Kirov, Roumen, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2014) Adolescents With Greater Mental Toughness Show Higher Sleep Efficiency, More Deep Sleep and Fewer Awakenings After Sleep Onset. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (1). pp. 109-113. ISSN 1054-139X

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Calabrese, Pasquale, Shaygannejad, Vahid, Pühse, Uwe, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena (2016) Mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy adolescents and young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 1571-1579. ISSN 1178-2021

Brand, Serge, Kalak, Nadeem, Gerber, Markus, Clough, Peter J., Lemola, Sakari, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2017) During early to mid adolescence, moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with restoring sleep, psychological functioning, mental toughness and male gender. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 (5). pp. 426-434. ISSN 0264-0414

Brand, Serge, Sabouri, Sarah, Gerber, Markus, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Kalak, Nadeem, Shamsi, Mahin and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2016) Examining Dark Triad traits in relation to mental toughness and physical activity in young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 229-235. ISSN 1178-2021

Lin, Ying, Mutz, Julian, Clough, Peter J. and Papageorgiou, Kostas A. (2017) Mental Toughness and Individual Differences in Learning, Educational and Work Performance, Psychological Well-being, and Personality: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Hatzinger, Martin, Gerber, Markus, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Perren, Sonja, von Klitzing, Kay, von Wyl, Agnes, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Brand, Serge (2016) The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Stamp, Elizabeth, Crust, Lee, Swann, Christian, Perry, John, Clough, Peter J. and Marchant, David (2015) Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 75. pp. 170-174. ISSN 0191-8869

Mentally Disordered Offenders

Siesmaa, Belinda Rae (2020) Exploring the Structure and Internal Consistency of the 33-Item Narrative Roles Questionnaire (NRQ) Administered to Adult Male Mentally Disordered Offenders When Compared to Adult Male Incarcerated Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Spruin, Elizabeth (2012) The Criminal Experience of Mentally Disordered Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

mild cognitive disorder

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

mild cognitive impairment

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

military psychology

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Misinformation effect

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2017) Personality Correlates of Co-witness Suggestibility. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. ISSN 1522-8932

Mixed-FI schedules

Whitaker, Simon, Lowe, Furgus and Wearden, John (2008) When to respond? And how much? Temporal control and response output on mixed-fixed-interval schedules with unequally probable components. Behavioural Processes, 77 (1). pp. 33-42. ISSN 0376-6357

mobile application

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

modifiable risk

Mifsud, Justin (2019) Effectiveness of primary preventive programmes using motivational interviewing to support cardiovascular risk factor modification in individuals at increased risk; a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Modification indices

Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X

Moral behavior

Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367

Moral Emotions

Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367

Morbidly obese women obesity

Borkoles, Erika, Carroll, Sean, Clough, Peter J. and Polman, Remco C.J. (2016) Effect of a non-dieting lifestyle randomised control trial on psychological well-being and weight management in morbidly obese pre-menopausal women. Maturitas, 83. pp. 51-58. ISSN 0378-5122


McGeown, Sarah P., St Clair-Thompson, Helen and Clough, Peter J. (2016) The study of non-cognitive attributes in education: proposing the mental toughness framework. Educational Review, 68 (1). pp. 96-113. ISSN 0013-1911

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Motivation of salespeople

Simintiras, Antonis Constantinou (1990) The relationship between job related expectations of salespeople and the use by sales management of a fulfilment approach. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.

motivational interviewing

Mifsud, Justin (2019) Effectiveness of primary preventive programmes using motivational interviewing to support cardiovascular risk factor modification in individuals at increased risk; a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Motor control

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Motor decoupling

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

motor response

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181


Crust, Lee, Earle, Keith, Perry, John, Earle, Fiona, Clough, Angela and Clough, Peter J. (2014) Mental toughness in higher education: Relationships with achievement and progression in first-year university sports students. Personality and Individual Differences, 69. pp. 87-91. ISSN 0191-8869

multidimensional structure

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311

Multiple sclerosis

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Calabrese, Pasquale, Shaygannejad, Vahid, Pühse, Uwe, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena (2016) Mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy adolescents and young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 1571-1579. ISSN 1178-2021

Music & psychoanalysis

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Music education

Cox, Graham (2003) Communities of practice : learning in progressive ensembles. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

music technology

Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.

Musical genetics

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

narrative identity

Chrz, Vladimir and Cermák, Ivo (2008) "Ordinary Life"; as a Polyphonic Composition. In: Narrative and Fiction: an Interdisciplinary Approach. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-8.

Robinson, David, Gilzean, Noel, Fisher, Pamela, Lee, Tracey, Robinson, Sarah-Jane and Woodcock, Pete (2008) Narratives and fiction: an interdisciplinary approach. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-8.

Narrative Roles

Siesmaa, Belinda Rae (2020) Exploring the Structure and Internal Consistency of the 33-Item Narrative Roles Questionnaire (NRQ) Administered to Adult Male Mentally Disordered Offenders When Compared to Adult Male Incarcerated Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Spruin, Elizabeth (2012) The Criminal Experience of Mentally Disordered Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Narrative Roles Questionnaire

Siesmaa, Belinda Rae (2020) Exploring the Structure and Internal Consistency of the 33-Item Narrative Roles Questionnaire (NRQ) Administered to Adult Male Mentally Disordered Offenders When Compared to Adult Male Incarcerated Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Narrative voices

Chrz, Vladimir and Cermák, Ivo (2008) "Ordinary Life"; as a Polyphonic Composition. In: Narrative and Fiction: an Interdisciplinary Approach. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-8.

Robinson, David, Gilzean, Noel, Fisher, Pamela, Lee, Tracey, Robinson, Sarah-Jane and Woodcock, Pete (2008) Narratives and fiction: an interdisciplinary approach. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 1-8.


Ciesla, Kayley (2019) Women Offenders’ Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE): Agentic Actor or Survivor? Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

NASA-Task Load Index

Diekfuss, Jed A., Ward, Paul and Raisbeck, Louisa D. (2016) Attention, workload, and performance: A dual-task simulated shooting study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1612-197X

Natural environment

Lawton, Emma, Brymer, Eric, Clough, Peter J. and Denovan, Andrew (2017) The Relationship between the Physical Activity Environment, Nature Relatedness, Anxiety, and the Psychological Well-being Benefits of Regular Exercisers. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.

Nature relatedness

Lawton, Emma, Brymer, Eric, Clough, Peter J. and Denovan, Andrew (2017) The Relationship between the Physical Activity Environment, Nature Relatedness, Anxiety, and the Psychological Well-being Benefits of Regular Exercisers. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

neurobiological studies

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Hyland, Philip and Goodson, Simon (2014) Biological correlates of psychopathy: A brief review. Mental Health Review Journal, 19 (2). pp. 110-123. ISSN 1361-9322

neurocognitive illness

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X


McGeown, Sarah P., St Clair-Thompson, Helen and Clough, Peter J. (2016) The study of non-cognitive attributes in education: proposing the mental toughness framework. Educational Review, 68 (1). pp. 96-113. ISSN 0013-1911

Non-suicidal self-injury

Spink, Alisa, Dhingra, Katie, Debowska, Agata and Boduszek, Daniel (2017) Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt: prevalence and predictors in a sample of youth offenders in the UK. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 16 (3). pp. 249-260. ISSN 1499-9013

Non-verbal behaviour

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

offender profiling

Canter, David V. and Youngs, Donna E. (2009) Investigative Psychology: Offender Profiling and the Analysis of Criminal Action. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK. ISBN 9780470023969

offending patterns

Ashton, Sally-Ann, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Offending patterns of youth gang members and leavers. Journal of Gang Research, 25 (2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 1079-3062

Older Adults


Older workers

Davies, Eleanor M.M., Van der Heijden, Beatrice and Flynn, Matt (2017) Job satisfaction, retirement attitude and intended retirement age: a conditional process analysis across workers’ level of household income. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

Operant conditioning

Willmott, Dominic, Boduszek, Daniel and Robinson, Rebecca (2017) A Psychodynamic-Behaviourist Investigation of Russian Sexual Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

oral history

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Organisational learning

Leach, Harold Anthony (2002) Learning and psychological contracting within the small, but growing business : an investigation into the changing individual-organisation learning relationship. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Hatzinger, Martin, Gerber, Markus, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Perren, Sonja, von Klitzing, Kay, von Wyl, Agnes, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Brand, Serge (2016) The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Outcome monitoring

Lucock, Mike, Barkham, Michael, Donohoe, Gillian, Kellett, Stephen, McMillan, Dean, Mullaney, Sarah, Sainty, Andrew, Saxon, David, Thwaites, Richard and Delgadillo, Jaime (2017) The Role of Practice Research Networks (PRN) in the Development and Implementation of Evidence: The Northern Improving Access to Psychological Therapies PRN Case Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44 (6). pp. 919-931. ISSN 0894-587X


Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Paranormal belief

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2016) Toward a Better Understanding of the Relationship between Belief in the Paranormal and Statistical Bias: The Potential Role of Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2017) Urban Legends and Paranormal Beliefs: The Role of Reality Testing and Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

passive acceptance of evil

Gavin, Helen (2012) The damsel in distress: not as sweet as she is painted? In: 4th Global Conference on Evil, Women and the Feminine, 6-8 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)

Perception of feedback

Ali, Nadia, Ahmed, Lubna and Rose, Sarah (2017) Identifying predictors of students' perception of and engagement with assessment feedback. Active Learning in Higher Education, None. ISSN 1469-7874

Perception of randomness

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2016) Toward a Better Understanding of the Relationship between Belief in the Paranormal and Statistical Bias: The Potential Role of Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078


Hetzler, Eric (2012) Actor Self vs. Character Self An Empirical Exploration. Journal for Artistic Research, 2012 (2). ISSN 2235-0225

Performance art

Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Performance Culture

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Performing arts

Cox, Graham (2003) Communities of practice : learning in progressive ensembles. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.

Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

personal constructs

Butt, Trevor and Parton, Nigel (2005) Constructivist social work and personal construct theory: the case of psychological trauma. British Journal of Social Work, 35 (6). pp. 793-806. ISSN 1468-263X

personal development

Smith, Carole (2020) An exploration of the retrospective experiences of counsellors and psychotherapists in their personal development groups during their training and to understand how they use these experiences in their client and training work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Lin, Ying, Mutz, Julian, Clough, Peter J. and Papageorgiou, Kostas A. (2017) Mental Toughness and Individual Differences in Learning, Educational and Work Performance, Psychological Well-being, and Personality: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

St Clair-Thompson, Helen, Bugler, Myfanwy, Robinson, Jamey, Clough, Peter J., McGeown, Sarah P. and Perry, John (2015) Mental toughness in education: exploring relationships with attainment, attendance, behaviour and peer relationships. Educational Psychology, 35 (7). pp. 886-907. ISSN 0144-3410


Smith, Carole (2020) An exploration of the retrospective experiences of counsellors and psychotherapists in their personal development groups during their training and to understand how they use these experiences in their client and training work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Physical activity

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Calabrese, Pasquale, Shaygannejad, Vahid, Pühse, Uwe, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena (2016) Mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy adolescents and young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 1571-1579. ISSN 1178-2021

Brand, Serge, Kalak, Nadeem, Gerber, Markus, Clough, Peter J., Lemola, Sakari, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2017) During early to mid adolescence, moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with restoring sleep, psychological functioning, mental toughness and male gender. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 (5). pp. 426-434. ISSN 0264-0414

Brand, Serge, Sabouri, Sarah, Gerber, Markus, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Kalak, Nadeem, Shamsi, Mahin and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2016) Examining Dark Triad traits in relation to mental toughness and physical activity in young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 229-235. ISSN 1178-2021

Lawton, Emma, Brymer, Eric, Clough, Peter J. and Denovan, Andrew (2017) The Relationship between the Physical Activity Environment, Nature Relatedness, Anxiety, and the Psychological Well-being Benefits of Regular Exercisers. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

physical attractiveness

Bale, Christopher and Archer, John (2013) Self-Perceived Attractiveness, Romantic Desirability and Self-Esteem: A Mating Sociometer Perspective. Evolutionary Psychology, 11 (1). pp. 68-84. ISSN 1474-7049

Physiological response

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244

Pictor reflective practice reflection collaborative working midwifery nursing

Bravington, Alison (2011) Using the Pictor technique to reflect on collaborative working in undergraduate nursing and midwifery placements. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.



Police Culture

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Police investigators

Roach, Jason (2017) The Retrospective Detective. Cognitive Bias and the Cold Case Homicide Investigator. Papers from the British Criminology Conference, 17. ISSN 1759‐0043

Police Officers

Naz, Sajida and Gavin, Helen (2016) A Cross National Study Using Anecdotal Accounts of Trauma Reaction in Police Officers. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 8 (2). pp. 43-55. ISSN 2074-2738

Police training

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

Posner test

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244


Butt, Trevor and Parton, Nigel (2005) Constructivist social work and personal construct theory: the case of psychological trauma. British Journal of Social Work, 35 (6). pp. 793-806. ISSN 1468-263X

Smith, Vicki J (2010) The power of relational work in existential therapy. In: BACP's 20th Annual Research Conference: "Researching the Special Relationship", 16th-17th May 2014, London, UK.

Practice research network

Lucock, Mike, Barkham, Michael, Donohoe, Gillian, Kellett, Stephen, McMillan, Dean, Mullaney, Sarah, Sainty, Andrew, Saxon, David, Thwaites, Richard and Delgadillo, Jaime (2017) The Role of Practice Research Networks (PRN) in the Development and Implementation of Evidence: The Northern Improving Access to Psychological Therapies PRN Case Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44 (6). pp. 919-931. ISSN 0894-587X

practice-based evidence

Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Iveson, Steve and Noble, Rachael (2004) Evaluating psychological therapies services: A review of outcome measures and their utility. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 1 (1). pp. 53-66. ISSN 1743-6885

Predictors of satisfaction

Ali, Nadia, Ahmed, Lubna and Rose, Sarah (2017) Identifying predictors of students' perception of and engagement with assessment feedback. Active Learning in Higher Education, None. ISSN 1469-7874

Prefrontal cortex

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244


Whitaker, Simon (2004) Hidden learning disability. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32 (3). pp. 139-143. ISSN 13544187

Whitaker, Simon and Read, Stephen (2006) The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among people with intellectual disabilities: an analysis of the literature. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 19 (4). pp. 330-345. ISSN 13602322


Mifsud, Justin (2019) Effectiveness of primary preventive programmes using motivational interviewing to support cardiovascular risk factor modification in individuals at increased risk; a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

prison narratives

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

prison culture

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Prison population

Boduszek, Daniel and Debowska, Agata (2017) Further insights into the construct of criminal social identity: validation of a revised measure in a prison population. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Pro-social behavior

Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Hatzinger, Martin, Gerber, Markus, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Perren, Sonja, von Klitzing, Kay, von Wyl, Agnes, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Brand, Serge (2016) The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Probability of reinforcement

Whitaker, Simon, Lowe, Furgus and Wearden, John (2008) When to respond? And how much? Temporal control and response output on mixed-fixed-interval schedules with unequally probable components. Behavioural Processes, 77 (1). pp. 33-42. ISSN 0376-6357

Problem behaviour

St Clair-Thompson, Helen, Bugler, Myfanwy, Robinson, Jamey, Clough, Peter J., McGeown, Sarah P. and Perry, John (2015) Mental toughness in education: exploring relationships with attainment, attendance, behaviour and peer relationships. Educational Psychology, 35 (7). pp. 886-907. ISSN 0144-3410

professional intervention

Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Gavin, Helen (2015) Jealous Men but Evil Women: The Double Standard in Cases of Domestic Homicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4


Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Willmott, Dominic, Boduszek, Daniel and Robinson, Rebecca (2017) A Psychodynamic-Behaviourist Investigation of Russian Sexual Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949


Bridger, Alexander J. (2016) Psychogeography and Ground Zero. In: Landscapes of Monstrosity. Interdisciplinary Books. ISBN 978-1-84888-370-3

Bridger, Alexander J. (2015) Psychogeographical counter-tour guiding: Theory and practice. In: IRFGT 2015. Abstracts & Selected Papers eBook. 4th International Research Forum on Guided Tours Estoril, Portugal 18th-21st March, 2015. Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, pp. 48-54. ISBN 978-989-20-6070-5

Psychological Assessment

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Naz, Sajida and Gavin, Helen (2016) A Cross National Study Using Anecdotal Accounts of Trauma Reaction in Police Officers. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 8 (2). pp. 43-55. ISSN 2074-2738

Psychological connection with destination

Chen, Nan, Ji, Shaojun and Funk, Daniel C. (2014) An extended study on destination image decay of sports tourists over time. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 2 (4). pp. 241-252. ISSN 2212-571X

Psychological functioning

Brand, Serge, Kalak, Nadeem, Gerber, Markus, Clough, Peter J., Lemola, Sakari, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2017) During early to mid adolescence, moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with restoring sleep, psychological functioning, mental toughness and male gender. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 (5). pp. 426-434. ISSN 0264-0414

psychological therapies

Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Iveson, Steve and Noble, Rachael (2004) Evaluating psychological therapies services: A review of outcome measures and their utility. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 1 (1). pp. 53-66. ISSN 1743-6885

Lucock, Mike, Barkham, Michael, Donohoe, Gillian, Kellett, Stephen, McMillan, Dean, Mullaney, Sarah, Sainty, Andrew, Saxon, David, Thwaites, Richard and Delgadillo, Jaime (2017) The Role of Practice Research Networks (PRN) in the Development and Implementation of Evidence: The Northern Improving Access to Psychological Therapies PRN Case Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44 (6). pp. 919-931. ISSN 0894-587X

Psychological trauma

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Psychological well-being

Lin, Ying, Mutz, Julian, Clough, Peter J. and Papageorgiou, Kostas A. (2017) Mental Toughness and Individual Differences in Learning, Educational and Work Performance, Psychological Well-being, and Personality: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078


Bridger, Alexander J. (2016) Psychogeography and Ground Zero. In: Landscapes of Monstrosity. Interdisciplinary Books. ISBN 978-1-84888-370-3

Burr, Vivien and King, Nigel (2011) Teaching research ethics through reality TV. In: Paper presentations of the 2010 University of Huddersfield Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 4-8.

Horrocks, Christine (1999) Assessing outcomes : a social psychological interpretation of life course trajectories for young people leaving care. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Kelly, Nancy (2000) Decision making in child protection practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Leach, Harold Anthony (2002) Learning and psychological contracting within the small, but growing business : an investigation into the changing individual-organisation learning relationship. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Maclean, Joan (2000) Assessment and prediction of long term psychological outcome after intensive care. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Persson, Roland S. (1993) The subjectivity of musical performance : an exploratory music-psychological real world enquiry into the determinants and education of musical reality. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Simintiras, Antonis Constantinou (1990) The relationship between job related expectations of salespeople and the use by sales management of a fulfilment approach. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.

Simintiras, Antonis Constantinou (1990) The relationship between job related expectations of salespeople and the use by sales management of a fulfilment approach. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.

Skea, Derek (2010) Caring, Quality of Life and Service Provision: a new perspective. In: International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2-5 August 2010, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Psychology Europe UK politics EU referendum Brexit

Schofield, Keith (2016) Down about the EU referendum result? Here’s how to cope. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Schofield, Keith (2016) How to talk about the EU referendum at work – without getting into a fight. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032


Perry, John L., Nicholls, Adam R., Clough, Peter J. and Crust, Lee (2015) Assessing Model Fit: Caveats and Recommendations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1091-367X


Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Hyland, Philip and Goodson, Simon (2014) Biological correlates of psychopathy: A brief review. Mental Health Review Journal, 19 (2). pp. 110-123. ISSN 1361-9322

Public attitudes

Newton, Claira and Bale, Christopher (2012) A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Self-Harm in Members of the General Public. Journal of Public Mental Health, 11 (3). pp. 106-116. ISSN 1746-5729

qualitative research

Bridger, Alexander J. (2016) Psychogeography and Ground Zero. In: Landscapes of Monstrosity. Interdisciplinary Books. ISBN 978-1-84888-370-3

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X


Hetzler, Eric (2012) Actor Self vs. Character Self An Empirical Exploration. Journal for Artistic Research, 2012 (2). ISSN 2235-0225


MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Running the maze: animal sentience as a variable in the psychology of early maze experiments. In: Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) Inaugural Conference and Launch: Animals: ethics, sustainability, sentience, 25 October 2014, Edge Hill University, UK. (Unpublished)

MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Spuren im Labyrinth. Tierstudien (6). pp. 28-40. ISSN 2193-8504


Borkoles, Erika, Carroll, Sean, Clough, Peter J. and Polman, Remco C.J. (2016) Effect of a non-dieting lifestyle randomised control trial on psychological well-being and weight management in morbidly obese pre-menopausal women. Maturitas, 83. pp. 51-58. ISSN 0378-5122

realist evaluation

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890

Realist review

Peters, Louisa Anne (2022) How do community-based arts activities enable the identity change recovery process from serious mental illness: A protocol for a realist review. University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Reality testing

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2017) Urban Legends and Paranormal Beliefs: The Role of Reality Testing and Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

reality TV

Burr, Vivien and King, Nigel (2011) Teaching research ethics through reality TV. In: Paper presentations of the 2010 University of Huddersfield Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 4-8.


Peters, Louisa Anne (2022) How do community-based arts activities enable the identity change recovery process from serious mental illness: A protocol for a realist review. University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Smith, Vicki J (2010) The power of relational work in existential therapy. In: BACP's 20th Annual Research Conference: "Researching the Special Relationship", 16th-17th May 2014, London, UK.

relational features

Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: Health, Wellness and Society Inaugural International Conference, 20-22 January 2011, University of California at Berkeley, San Francisco, USA.. (Unpublished)

Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: 17th Annual BACP Research Conference, 6-7 May 2011, Liverpool Marriott Hotel City Centre. (Unpublished)


Bale, Christopher and Archer, John (2013) Self-Perceived Attractiveness, Romantic Desirability and Self-Esteem: A Mating Sociometer Perspective. Evolutionary Psychology, 11 (1). pp. 68-84. ISSN 1474-7049

Newton, Claira (2021) Childhood Emotional Abuse: Exploration of abuse factors that contribute to the long-term impact on childhood victims. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Whitaker, Simon (2001) Anger control for people with learning disabilities: a critical review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29 (3). pp. 277-293. ISSN 1352-4658


Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

research ethics

Burr, Vivien and King, Nigel (2011) Teaching research ethics through reality TV. In: Paper presentations of the 2010 University of Huddersfield Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 4-8.



McGeown, Sarah P., St Clair-Thompson, Helen and Clough, Peter J. (2016) The study of non-cognitive attributes in education: proposing the mental toughness framework. Educational Review, 68 (1). pp. 96-113. ISSN 0013-1911

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Response inhibition

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Response inhibition intervention

Head, James, Tenan, Matthew S., Tweedell, Andrew J., LaFiandra, Michael E., Morelli, Frank, Wilson, Kyle M., Ortega, Samson V. and Helton, William S. (2017) Prior Mental Fatigue Impairs Marksmanship Decision Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (680). ISSN 1664-1078

retirement attitude

Davies, Eleanor M.M., Van der Heijden, Beatrice and Flynn, Matt (2017) Job satisfaction, retirement attitude and intended retirement age: a conditional process analysis across workers’ level of household income. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

Risk assessment

Kelly, Nancy (2000) Decision making in child protection practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Risk factors

Spink, Alisa, Dhingra, Katie, Debowska, Agata and Boduszek, Daniel (2017) Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt: prevalence and predictors in a sample of youth offenders in the UK. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 16 (3). pp. 249-260. ISSN 1499-9013


Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: Health, Wellness and Society Inaugural International Conference, 20-22 January 2011, University of California at Berkeley, San Francisco, USA.. (Unpublished)

Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: 17th Annual BACP Research Conference, 6-7 May 2011, Liverpool Marriott Hotel City Centre. (Unpublished)


Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Schizophrenic Offenders

Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2016) Toward a Better Understanding of the Relationship between Belief in the Paranormal and Statistical Bias: The Potential Role of Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2017) Urban Legends and Paranormal Beliefs: The Role of Reality Testing and Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

Self-determination theory

Borkoles, Erika, Carroll, Sean, Clough, Peter J. and Polman, Remco C.J. (2016) Effect of a non-dieting lifestyle randomised control trial on psychological well-being and weight management in morbidly obese pre-menopausal women. Maturitas, 83. pp. 51-58. ISSN 0378-5122


Bale, Christopher and Archer, John (2013) Self-Perceived Attractiveness, Romantic Desirability and Self-Esteem: A Mating Sociometer Perspective. Evolutionary Psychology, 11 (1). pp. 68-84. ISSN 1474-7049


Newton, Claira and Bale, Christopher (2012) A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Self-Harm in Members of the General Public. Journal of Public Mental Health, 11 (3). pp. 106-116. ISSN 1746-5729


Whitaker, Simon (2001) Anger control for people with learning disabilities: a critical review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29 (3). pp. 277-293. ISSN 1352-4658

semi-structured interviews

Gomersall, Tim, Smith, Sarah Kate, Blewett, Charlotte and Astell, Arlene (2017) ‘It's definitely not Alzheimer's’: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of a mild cognitive impairment diagnosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (4). pp. 786-804. ISSN 1359-107X

Serial killing

Willmott, Dominic, Boduszek, Daniel and Robinson, Rebecca (2017) A Psychodynamic-Behaviourist Investigation of Russian Sexual Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

serious mental illness

Peters, Louisa Anne (2022) How do community-based arts activities enable the identity change recovery process from serious mental illness: A protocol for a realist review. University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

service planning

Whitaker, Simon (2004) Hidden learning disability. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32 (3). pp. 139-143. ISSN 13544187


Horrocks, Christine (1999) Assessing outcomes : a social psychological interpretation of life course trajectories for young people leaving care. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Brand, Serge, Sabouri, Sarah, Gerber, Markus, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Kalak, Nadeem, Shamsi, Mahin and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2016) Examining Dark Triad traits in relation to mental toughness and physical activity in young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 229-235. ISSN 1178-2021

Sexual violence

Willmott, Dominic, Boduszek, Daniel and Robinson, Rebecca (2017) A Psychodynamic-Behaviourist Investigation of Russian Sexual Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949


Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Bailey, Spencer (2021) Family and professional responses to children who have displayed sibling harmful sexual behaviours: A systematic review. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Bridger, Alexander J. (2016) Psychogeography and Ground Zero. In: Landscapes of Monstrosity. Interdisciplinary Books. ISBN 978-1-84888-370-3

Skill-Focused Attention

Diekfuss, Jed A., Ward, Paul and Raisbeck, Louisa D. (2016) Attention, workload, and performance: A dual-task simulated shooting study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1612-197X


Brand, Serge, Kalak, Nadeem, Gerber, Markus, Clough, Peter J., Lemola, Sakari, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2017) During early to mid adolescence, moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with restoring sleep, psychological functioning, mental toughness and male gender. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 (5). pp. 426-434. ISSN 0264-0414

Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Hatzinger, Martin, Gerber, Markus, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Perren, Sonja, von Klitzing, Kay, von Wyl, Agnes, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Brand, Serge (2016) The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. ISSN 1664-1078

Sleep disturbances

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Calabrese, Pasquale, Shaygannejad, Vahid, Pühse, Uwe, Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena (2016) Mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy adolescents and young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 1571-1579. ISSN 1178-2021

Sleep efficiency

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Kirov, Roumen, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2014) Adolescents With Greater Mental Toughness Show Higher Sleep Efficiency, More Deep Sleep and Fewer Awakenings After Sleep Onset. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (1). pp. 109-113. ISSN 1054-139X

Sleep electroencephalogram

Brand, Serge, Gerber, Markus, Kalak, Nadeem, Kirov, Roumen, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Pühse, Uwe and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2014) Adolescents With Greater Mental Toughness Show Higher Sleep Efficiency, More Deep Sleep and Fewer Awakenings After Sleep Onset. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (1). pp. 109-113. ISSN 1054-139X

Smallest Space Analysis

Siesmaa, Belinda Rae (2020) Exploring the Structure and Internal Consistency of the 33-Item Narrative Roles Questionnaire (NRQ) Administered to Adult Male Mentally Disordered Offenders When Compared to Adult Male Incarcerated Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Social influence

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

social network analysis

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890

social psychology

Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.

Sociocultural Theory

Dobson, Elizabeth (2012) An investigation of the processes of interdisciplinary creative collaboration: the case of music technology students working within the performing arts. Doctoral thesis, Open University.


Cox, Graham (2003) Communities of practice : learning in progressive ensembles. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Horrocks, Christine (1999) Assessing outcomes : a social psychological interpretation of life course trajectories for young people leaving care. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Kelly, Nancy (2000) Decision making in child protection practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Bale, Christopher and Archer, John (2013) Self-Perceived Attractiveness, Romantic Desirability and Self-Esteem: A Mating Sociometer Perspective. Evolutionary Psychology, 11 (1). pp. 68-84. ISSN 1474-7049


Head, James, Tenan, Matthew S., Tweedell, Andrew J., LaFiandra, Michael E., Morelli, Frank, Wilson, Kyle M., Ortega, Samson V. and Helton, William S. (2017) Prior Mental Fatigue Impairs Marksmanship Decision Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (680). ISSN 1664-1078

speed-accuracy trade-off

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100


Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Sport tourist

Chen, Nan, Ji, Shaojun and Funk, Daniel C. (2014) An extended study on destination image decay of sports tourists over time. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 2 (4). pp. 241-252. ISSN 2212-571X


Perry, John L., Clough, Peter J., Crust, Lee, Nabb, Sam L. and Nicholls, Adam R. (2015) Development and Validation of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0270-1367


Whitaker, Simon (2010) Error in the estimation of intellectual ability in the low range using the WISC-IV and WAIS-III. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 01918869


Burr, Vivien (2002) Judging gender from samples of adult handwriting: accuracy and use of cues. The Journal of Social Psychology, 142 (6). pp. 691-700. ISSN 0022-4545

strong structuration theory

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890

Stroop test

De Marco, Matteo, Clough, Peter J., Dyer, Charlotte E., Vince, Rebecca V., Waby, Jennifer S., Midgley, Adrian W. and Venneri, Annalena (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Allele Modulates the Immediate Impact of Acute Exercise on Prefrontal Function. Behavior Genetics, 45 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 0001-8244

Structural equation modeling

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Jones, Adele, Willmott, Dominic and Sherretts, Nicole (2017) Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605

Student learning

Ali, Nadia, Ahmed, Lubna and Rose, Sarah (2017) Identifying predictors of students' perception of and engagement with assessment feedback. Active Learning in Higher Education, None. ISSN 1469-7874

student/ tutor relationship

Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: Health, Wellness and Society Inaugural International Conference, 20-22 January 2011, University of California at Berkeley, San Francisco, USA.. (Unpublished)

Smith, Vicki J (2011) It's the relationship that matters: a qualitative analysis of the role of the student/tutor relationship in counselling training. In: 17th Annual BACP Research Conference, 6-7 May 2011, Liverpool Marriott Hotel City Centre. (Unpublished)

Subjective state

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

subjective workload

Wilson, Kyle M., Helton, William S., de Joux, Neil R., Head, James and Weakley, Jonathon (2017) Real-time quantitative performance feedback during strength exercise improves motivation, competitiveness, mood, and performance. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, October 9th -13th 2017, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)

Suicidal Ideation

Simitsi, Christina (2020) Criminal Narrative Experience and Emotional State of Schizophrenic Offenders. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Suicide attempt

Spink, Alisa, Dhingra, Katie, Debowska, Agata and Boduszek, Daniel (2017) Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt: prevalence and predictors in a sample of youth offenders in the UK. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 16 (3). pp. 249-260. ISSN 1499-9013

Suicide ideation

Spink, Alisa, Dhingra, Katie, Debowska, Agata and Boduszek, Daniel (2017) Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt: prevalence and predictors in a sample of youth offenders in the UK. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 16 (3). pp. 249-260. ISSN 1499-9013


Hetzler, Eric (2012) Actor Self vs. Character Self An Empirical Exploration. Journal for Artistic Research, 2012 (2). ISSN 2235-0225

Sustained attention

Wilson, Kyle M., Head, James, de Joux, Neil R., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2015) Friendly Fire and the Sustained Attention to Response Task. Human Factors, 57 (7). pp. 1219-1234. ISSN 1547-8181

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

de Joux, Neil R., Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2017) A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study of the effects of configural properties on sustained attention. Neuropsychologia, 94. pp. 106-117. ISSN 0028-3932

Task load

Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Task motivation

Earle, Fiona, Hockey, Bob, Earle, Keith and Clough, Peter J. (2015) Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and Emotion, 39 (4). pp. 467-476. ISSN 0146-7239

Task-related thought

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

Task-unrelated thought

Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N. and Helton, William S. (2015) Spider Stimuli Improve Response Inhibition. Consciousness and Cognition, 33. pp. 406-413. ISSN 1053-8100

television viewers

Jarvis, Christine and Burr, Vivien (2011) The transformative potential of popular television: the case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Journal of Transformative Education, 9 (3). pp. 165-182. ISSN 1541-3446

Temporal control

Whitaker, Simon, Lowe, Furgus and Wearden, John (2008) When to respond? And how much? Temporal control and response output on mixed-fixed-interval schedules with unequally probable components. Behavioural Processes, 77 (1). pp. 33-42. ISSN 0376-6357

temporo-limbic areas

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Hyland, Philip and Goodson, Simon (2014) Biological correlates of psychopathy: A brief review. Mental Health Review Journal, 19 (2). pp. 110-123. ISSN 1361-9322

The Measure of Criminal Social Identity – Revised

Boduszek, Daniel and Debowska, Agata (2017) Further insights into the construct of criminal social identity: validation of a revised measure in a prison population. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

The Uncanny

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Thematic analysis

Newton, Claira and Bale, Christopher (2012) A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Self-Harm in Members of the General Public. Journal of Public Mental Health, 11 (3). pp. 106-116. ISSN 1746-5729


Butt, Trevor and Parton, Nigel (2005) Constructivist social work and personal construct theory: the case of psychological trauma. British Journal of Social Work, 35 (6). pp. 793-806. ISSN 1468-263X

theory-based evaluation

Gomersall, Tim, Nygård, Louise, Mihailidis, Alex, Sixsmith, Andrew, Hwang, Amy S., Hedman, Annicka and Astell, Arlene (2017) Network-based approaches for evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies. Evaluation, 23 (2). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1356-3890

therapeutic relationship

Smith, Vicki J (2010) The power of relational work in existential therapy. In: BACP's 20th Annual Research Conference: "Researching the Special Relationship", 16th-17th May 2014, London, UK.

time based lag sequential analysis

Whitaker, Simon, Walker, Tammi and McNally, Carolyn (2004) The use of time base lag sequential analysis to look at the relationship between environmental events and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32 (1). pp. 67-76. ISSN 1352-4658

Time nanoprocesses

Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Jackson, James G., Coyne, Iain J. and Clough, Peter J. (2014) A preliminary investigation of potential cognitive performance decrements in non-help-seeking tinnitus sufferers. International Journal of Audiology, 53 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1499-2027

tipping point

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2017) Commentary: Can ordinary people detect deception after all? Frontiers in Cognitive Science.

Traffic congestion

Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.

transformative learning

Jarvis, Christine and Burr, Vivien (2011) The transformative potential of popular television: the case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Journal of Transformative Education, 9 (3). pp. 165-182. ISSN 1541-3446


Wilson, Kyle M., Bridges, Karl, Ward, Paul, Parkinson, Simon, Louw, Tyron and Cooney, Ryan (2017) Driver Interaction with a Traffic Light Assistant App: A Naturalistic Investigation. In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors. CIEHF, Daventry, UK, pp. 143-150.


Maida, Clara (2016) For a "nanomusic" - Sound nanomachines and elastic space-time: A transversal approach to music composition. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Butt, Trevor and Parton, Nigel (2005) Constructivist social work and personal construct theory: the case of psychological trauma. British Journal of Social Work, 35 (6). pp. 793-806. ISSN 1468-263X

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Trauma Exposure

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Trauma Impact

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Traumatic Experience

Naz, Sajida (2012) Police and Psychological Trauma: A Cross-Cultural, Mixed Methodological Study of How Police Cope With the Psychological Consequences of Their Work. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Traumatic Experiences

Naz, Sajida and Gavin, Helen (2016) A Cross National Study Using Anecdotal Accounts of Trauma Reaction in Police Officers. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 8 (2). pp. 43-55. ISSN 2074-2738

Tripartite structure

Chen, Nan, Ji, Shaojun and Funk, Daniel C. (2014) An extended study on destination image decay of sports tourists over time. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 2 (4). pp. 241-252. ISSN 2212-571X


Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2016) Can the unconscious boost lie detection accuracy? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25 (4). pp. 246-250. ISSN 0963-7214

Street, Chris N. H. and Vadillo, Miguel A. (2017) Commentary: Can ordinary people detect deception after all? Frontiers in Cognitive Science.

Underground culture

Wilson, Julie (1997) An investigation into the philosophical and psychological basis of the work of Hermann Nitsch and Genesis P-Orridge. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Urban legends

Dagnall, Neil, Denovan, Andrew, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Parker, Andrew and Clough, Peter J. (2017) Urban Legends and Paranormal Beliefs: The Role of Reality Testing and Schizotypy. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078


de Joux, Neil R., Wilson, Kyle M., Russell, Paul N., Finkbeiner, Kristin M. and Helton, William S. (2017) A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study of the effects of configural properties on sustained attention. Neuropsychologia, 94. pp. 106-117. ISSN 0028-3932

Violence exposure and victimization

Debowska, Agata, Boduszek, Daniel, Jones, Adele, Willmott, Dominic and Sherretts, Nicole (2017) Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605

Visual search

Street, Chris N. H., Bischof, Walter F. and Kingstone, Alan (2017) Perspective taking and theory of mind in hide and seek. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. ISSN 1943-393X


Whitaker, Simon (2008) WISC-IV and low IQ: review and comparison with the WAIS-III. Educational Psychology in Practice, 24 (2). pp. 129-137. ISSN 0266-7363


Whitaker, Simon (2010) Error in the estimation of intellectual ability in the low range using the WISC-IV and WAIS-III. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 01918869

Whitaker, Simon and Wood, Christopher (2007) The distribution of scaled scores and possible floor effects on the WISC-III and WAIS-III. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21 (2). pp. 136-141. ISSN 1360-2322


Bridger, Alexander J. (2015) Psychogeographical counter-tour guiding: Theory and practice. In: IRFGT 2015. Abstracts & Selected Papers eBook. 4th International Research Forum on Guided Tours Estoril, Portugal 18th-21st March, 2015. Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, pp. 48-54. ISBN 978-989-20-6070-5



Lawton, Emma, Brymer, Eric, Clough, Peter J. and Denovan, Andrew (2017) The Relationship between the Physical Activity Environment, Nature Relatedness, Anxiety, and the Psychological Well-being Benefits of Regular Exercisers. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078


Stamp, Elizabeth, Crust, Lee, Swann, Christian, Perry, John, Clough, Peter J. and Marchant, David (2015) Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 75. pp. 170-174. ISSN 0191-8869


Whitaker, Simon (2010) Error in the estimation of intellectual ability in the low range using the WISC-IV and WAIS-III. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 01918869

Whitaker, Simon and Wood, Christopher (2007) The distribution of scaled scores and possible floor effects on the WISC-III and WAIS-III. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21 (2). pp. 136-141. ISSN 1360-2322


Whitaker, Simon (2010) Error in the estimation of intellectual ability in the low range using the WISC-IV and WAIS-III. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 01918869

Whitaker, Simon (2008) WISC-IV and low IQ: review and comparison with the WAIS-III. Educational Psychology in Practice, 24 (2). pp. 129-137. ISSN 0266-7363

women offenders

Ciesla, Kayley (2019) Women Offenders’ Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE): Agentic Actor or Survivor? Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

women’s history

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

women’s political repression

Mrvová, Marie (2019) Women Political Prisoners and Prison Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1968. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Young adults

Brand, Serge, Sabouri, Sarah, Gerber, Markus, Sadeghi Bahmani, Dena, Lemola, Sakari, Clough, Peter J., Kalak, Nadeem, Shamsi, Mahin and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith (2016) Examining Dark Triad traits in relation to mental toughness and physical activity in young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12. pp. 229-235. ISSN 1178-2021

youth gangs

Ashton, Sally-Ann, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Offending patterns of youth gang members and leavers. Journal of Gang Research, 25 (2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 1079-3062

Youth offenders

Spink, Alisa, Dhingra, Katie, Debowska, Agata and Boduszek, Daniel (2017) Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt: prevalence and predictors in a sample of youth offenders in the UK. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 16 (3). pp. 249-260. ISSN 1499-9013

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