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Number of items: 96.


Ferguson, Neil, McDaid, Shaun and McAuley, James W. (2018) Social movements, structural violence and conflict transformation in Northern Ireland: The role of Loyalist paramilitaries. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 24 (1). pp. 19-26. ISSN 1078-1919


Nesbitt-Larking, Paul and McAuley, James W. (2017) Securitization through re-enchantment: The strategic uses of myth and memory. Postcolonial Studies. ISSN 1368-8790


McAuley, James W. and Ferguson, Neil (2016) ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: Ulster Loyalist Perspectives on the IRA and Irish Republicanism. Terrorism and Political Violence, 28 (3). pp. 561-575. ISSN 0954-6553

McAuley, James W. (2016) Memory and Belonging in Ulster Loyalist Identity. Irish Political Studies, 31 (1). pp. 122-138. ISSN 0790-7184


McAuley, James W. (2015) Very British Rebels?: The Culture and Politics of Ulster Loyalism. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781441109033


McAuley, James W. (2014) "Do terrorists have goatee beards?": Contemporary understandings of terrorism. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology. Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 165-186. ISBN 9781137291172

Tonge, Jonathan, Braniff, Maire, Hennessey, Thomas, McAuley, James W. and Whiting, Sophie (2014) The Democratic Unionist Party: From Protest to Power. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0198705772

McDaid, Shaun, Mycock, Andrew, McGlynn, Catherine, McAuley, James W. and Gormley-Heenan, Cathy (2014) The Northern Ireland ‘Culture Wars’ Symposium Report: November 2013. Research Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield.

McAuley, James W. (2014) Divergent Memories: Remembering and Forgetting the Great War in Loyalist and Nationalist Ireland. In: Nation, Memory and Great War Commemoration Mobilizing the Past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Cultural Memories (2). Peter Lang, pp. 119-132. ISBN 978-3-0343-0937-0


McGlynn, Catherine, Tonge, Jonathan and McAuley, James W. (2012) The Party Politics of Post-devolution Identity in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. ISSN 1369-1481

Shirlow, Peter, Tonge, Jonathan and McAuley, James W. (2012) Continuity and change in the discourse of republican former prisoners. In: Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution: Debating Peace in Northern Ireland. Routledge, pp. 126-142. ISBN 9780415642033

Ochen, Eric Awich, Jones, Adele and McAuley, James W. (2012) Formerly Abducted Child Mothers in Northern Uganda: A Critique of Modern Structures for Child Protection and Reintegration. Journal of Community Practice, 20 (1-2). pp. 89-111. ISSN 1070-5422


McAuley, James W., Ward, Paul, Thomas, Paul, Mycock, Andrew, Matthews, Jodie, McGlynn, Catherine, Hayton, Richard and Webster, Wendy (2011) Academy for British and Irish Studies, 2011. In: Academy for British and Irish Studies (relaunch), December 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W., Mycock, Andrew and Tonge, Jonathan (2011) Loyal to the Core? Orangeism and Britishness in Northern Ireland. Irish Academic Press, Sallins Co. Kildare. ISBN 9780716530886

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jon (2011) One Day in July: Blood, Thunder and Street Politics in Belfast. In: Understanding the Social World Conference 2011, 13th - 15th July 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2011) ‘Not Like in the Past’: Irish Republican Dissidents and the Ulster Loyalist Response. In: Dissident Irish Republicanism. Continuum. ISBN 9781441154675

McGlynn, Catherine and McAuley, James W. (2011) New Labour and Northern Ireland: delivering peace, prosperity and social justice? In: Redefining social justice: New Labour, rhetoric and reality. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK, pp. 159-177. ISBN 9780719082207

Tonge, Jonathan, Shirlow, Peter and McAuley, James W. (2011) So Why Did the Guns Fall Silent? How Interplay, not Stalemate, Explains the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Irish Political Studies, 26 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0790-7184

McAuley, James W. and McGlynn, Catherine (2011) Women within Loyalism. In: Ulster Loyalism after the Good Friday agreement: politics, processes and futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. ISBN 9780230228856

McAuley, James W. and Spencer, Graham (2011) The political and social futures of Loyalism. In: Ulster Loyalism after the Good Friday agreement: politics, processes and futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. ISBN 9780230228856

McAuley, James W. and McGlynn, Catherine (2011) Auxiliaries in the Cause? Loyalist Women in Conflict and Post Conflict. In: Ulster Loyalism after the Good Friday. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 132-146. ISBN 9780230228856

McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and Mycock, Andrew (2011) Loyalism, Orangeism and Britishness: Contemporary Synergies and Tensions. In: Ulster Loyalism after the Good Friday agreement: politics, processes and futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. ISBN 9780230228856

McAuley, James W. and Spencer, Graham (2011) Politics, Identity and Change in Contemporary Loyalism;. In: Ulster Loyalism after the Good Friday. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9780230228856


McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and Mycock, Andrew (2010) Personal and Public Lives: Orangeism and political identities in Northern Ireland. In: The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, 6th-9th December 2010, Macquarie University Sydney Australia. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2010) New Order: Contemporary Political Alignments of the Protestant Orange Tradition in Northern Ireland. In: Political Studies Association of Ireland Conference, 8th-10th October 2010, Dublin Institute of Technology. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2010) The old order changeth - or not? Modern discourses within the Orange order in Northern Ireland. In: Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution. Taylor & Francis, pp. 109-125. ISBN 9780415566285

McAuley, James W. (2010) Five years on, shockwaves still spread from the bombs that changed Britain. Yorkshire Post.

McAuley, James W. (2010) Loyal to the Core: Orangeism and Political Identity in Northern Ireland. In: International Society of Political Psychology 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting, 7th-10th July 2010, San Francisco USA. (Unpublished)

Tonge, Jonathan, Evans, Jocelyn, Jeffery, Robert and McAuley, James W. (2010) New Order: Political Change and the Protestant Orange Tradition in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. no. ISSN 13691481

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2010) Britishness (and Irishness) in Northern Ireland since the Good Friday Agreement. Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (2). pp. 266-285. ISSN 1460-2482

McAuley, James W. (2010) Ulster's last stand?: (Re) constructing Ulster Unionism after the peace process. Irish Academic Press, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 9780716530329

McAuley, James W. (2010) Irish peace is lesson for world – and you can shake on it. Yorkshire Post.

Shirlow, Peter, Tonge, Jon, McAuley, James W. and McGlynn, Catherine (2010) Abandoning historical conflict? Former paramilitary prisoners and political reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719080111

McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and Shirlow, Peter (2010) Conflict, Transformation, and Former Loyalist Paramilitary Prisoners in Northern Ireland. Terrorism and Political Violence, 22 (1). pp. 22-40. ISSN 0954-6553


McAuley, James W. (2009) Britishness in Northern Ireland after the Good Friday agreement. In: Australian political studies association conference, 27th-30th September 2009, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2009) Ulster violence does not mark a return to the bloody past. Yorkshire Post.

Tonge, Jonathan, McAuley, James W. and Shirlow, Peter (2009) New Pluralism or Old Ideological Certainties? Examining the Extent of Ideological Change among Republican and Loyalist Former Prisoners in Northern Ireland. In: Political Ideology in Ireland. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, pp. 283-298. ISBN 9781443805285

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2009) ‘Still Marching After All These Years’: Orange Ideology and the Culture War in Northern Ireland. In: Political Ideology in Ireland. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastel Upon Tyne, UK, pp. 299-316. ISBN 9781443805285

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2009) Britishness in Northern Ireland after the Good Friday Agreement. In: Political Studies Association Conference 2009, 7-9 April 2009, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W., McGlynn, Catherine and Tonge, Jonathan (2009) The Settlement of Asymmetric Conflicts through Symmetric Interests in Peace. In: An Irish Model for Peace? Interdisciplinary debate, International lessons Political Studies Association of Ireland Specialist Group in Peace and Conflict Conference, 22nd-23rd May 2009, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)


Tonge, Jonathan and McAuley, James W. (2008) So why did the guns fall silent? The inadequacies of existing conflict resolution theories in explaining the peace process in Northern Ireland. In: Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2008, 17-19 October 2008, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Tonge, Jonathan and McAuley, James W. (2008) The contemporary Orange Order in Northern Ireland. In: Irish Protestant identities. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK, pp. 289-303. ISBN 9780719077456

McGlynn, Catherine and McAuley, James W. (2008) Abandoning historical conflict? Former prisoners and conflict transformation in Norther Ireland. In: British Society of Criminology, 9-11 July 2008, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Shirlow, Peter, McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and McGlynn, Catherine (2008) Action Before Ideology': Understanding the role of age and knowledge in the 'Troubles in Northern Ireland/Ireland’. In: Youth Radicalisation And The Role Of Secular And Religious Ideologies In Legitimising Politically Motivated Violence, 25-27 June 2008, London, UK. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2008) ‘Faith, Crown and State: Contemporary Discourses within the Orange Order in Northern Ireland’, in Political discourse as an instrument of conflict and peace: Lessons from Northern Ireland. Peace and Conflict Studies, 15 (1). pp. 156-176. ISSN 1082-7307

McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and Shirlow, Peter (2008) The maintenance of Republican Ideology and Tactics in the Discourses of IRA Former Prisoners’, in Political discourse as an instrument of conflict and peace: Lessons from Northern Ireland. Peace and Conflict Studies, 15 (1). pp. 136-155. ISSN 1082-7307

McAuley, James W., McGlynn, Catherine and Tonge, Jonathan (2008) Conflict resolution in asymmetric and symmetric situations: Northern Ireland as a case study. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 1 (1). pp. 88-102. ISSN 1746-7594

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2008) The Social and Political Bases of the Orange Order in Northern Ireland: Full Research Report ESRC End of Award Report, RES-000-23-1614. Other. ESRC, Swindon. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Gilzean, Noel (2008) Being Irish: Reconstructing Politics and Identity in the Diaspora. In: Nations, Diasporas, Identities Conference 2008, 27-30 March 2008, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2008) Devolution and home rule across the United Kingdom. In: Espace, territoire et unité nationale : la « devolution » au Royaume-Uni, 17th January 2008, Poitiers, France. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2008) Constructing Unionist and Loyalist identities. In: Transforming the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Irish Academic Press, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 15-27. ISBN 9780716529569


McAuley, James W. (2007) Contemporary Political Discourses within the Orange Order in Northern Ireland ”. In: L'ideologie politique en Irlande: du siecle des lumieres a nos jours, 22-24 November 2007, Faculte Victor-Segalen Brest, France. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2007) Reconstructing Loyalism after the peace. In: Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2007, 19-21 October 2007, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Todd, Jennifer and McAuley, James W. (2007) Two traditions in unionist political culture : a commentary. In: Irish political studies reader: key contributions. Taylor & Francis, pp. 105-135. ISBN 9780415446471

McAuley, James W., Shirlow, Peter and Tonge, Jon (2007) Former combatants and civil society in Northern Ireland. In: Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, 4-7 July 2007, Chinese Garden, Portland, Oregon USA. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2007) Contemporary political discourses within the Orange Order in Northern Ireland. In: Peace Lines: Political Discourse on Northern Ireland since the Troubles, Friday 1st June 2007, University College Dublin. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2007) For God and the Crown: contemporary political and social attitudes among Orange Order members in Northern Ireland. Political Psychology, 28 (1). pp. 33-52. ISSN 0162-895X

Tonge, Jonathan, McAuley, James W. and Shirlow, Peter (2007) New pluralism or old ideological certainties? Examining the extent of political change among republican and loyalist prisoners. In: Reviewing the Good Friday agreement: effects, impact and prospects, 27-28 June 2007, University of Wolverhampton. (Unpublished)


McAuley, James W. (2006) Ulster's political future: written in stone? Yorkshire Post. ISSN 0963-1496

McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and Shirlow, Peter (2006) 'Nothing but the Same Old Story? - political perspectives of former combatants in Northern Ireland'. In: Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2006, 20-22 October 2006, University College Cork. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W., Tonge, Jonathan and Shirlow, Peter (2006) Still the Same Old Story? The views of former combatants in Northern Ireland. In: International Society of Political Psychology 2006 Scientific Meeting, July 12-15, 2006, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2006) Devolution and Unionist electoral realignment in Northern Ireland. In: Political Studies Association: British and Comparative Territorial Politics Specialist Group Biennial Conference 2006, 11-13 January 2006, Belfast, Ireland. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2006) 'Nothing but the Same Old Story? - political perspectives of former combatants in Northern Ireland'. In: Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2006, 20-22 October 2006, University College Cork. (Unpublished)


McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2005) The contemporary Orange Order in Northern Ireland. In: European Studies Research Institute Conference: Irish Protestant Identities, 16-18 September 2005, University of Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2005) Whither new loyalism? Changing loyalist politics after the Belfast agreement. Irish Political Studies, 20 (3). pp. 323-340. ISSN 0790-7184

Tonge, Jonathan and McAuley, James W. (2005) The realignment of unionism: the shift in Orange Order support from the Ulster Unionist Party to the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland. Technical Report. ESRC.

McAuley, James W. (2005) Identities in Conflict. In: International Society of Political Psychology 2005 Scientific Meeting: Political Psychology: Facing the Real World, July 3-6, 2005, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W., Stom, Kevin J. and Irvin, Cynthia (2005) Street gangs, paramilitaries, “terrorists" and politicized violence. In: International Society of Political Psychology 2005 Scientific Meeting: Political Psychology: Facing the Real World, July 3-6, 2005, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)


McAuley, James W. (2004) Northern Ireland after the Belfast Agreement: Ulster Unionism's last stand. In: International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meeting, 15th-18th July 2004, Lund, Sweden. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2004) Fantasy Politics? Restructuring Unionism after the Good Friday Agreement. Eire/Ireland: a journal of Irish studies, 39 (1-2). pp. 189-214. ISSN 0013-2683

McAuley, James W. (2004) Just fighting to survive: loyalist paramilitary politics and the Progressive Unionist Party. Terrorism and Political Violence, 16 (3). pp. 522-543. ISSN 0954-6553

McAuley, James W. (2004) Peace and progress? Political and social change among young loyalists in Northern Ireland. Journal of Social Issues, 60 (3). pp. 541-562. ISSN 0022-4537


Dennis, Alex and McAuley, James W. (2003) What about which workers? Social movements and social organisations in the contemporary United Kingdom. In: 6th ESA Conference, 23-26 September 2003, Murcia, Spain. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2003) Unionism’s Last Stand? Contemporary Unionist Politics and Identity in Northern Ireland. Global review of Ethnopolitics, 3 (1). pp. 60-76. ISSN 1744-9065

Gilzean, Noel and McAuley, James W. (2003) Being’ Irish: Politics in the Diaspora. In: International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meeting, 6th-9th July 2003, Boston, USA. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. (2003) An introduction to politics, state and society. Sage. ISBN 9780803979314


McAuley, James W. (2002) The emergence of new loyalism. In: Changing Shades of Orange and Green: Redefining the Union and the Nation. UCD Press, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 106-122. ISBN 9781900621830

McAuley, James W. and Hogan, Susan (2002) New Loyalism: Changing Discourse, Changing Politics? In: International Society of Political Psychology Twenty-Fifth Annual Scientific Meeting Language of Politics, Language of Citizenship, Language of Culture, 16-19 July 2002, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2002) In the Party but off message. Fortnight (405). pp. 12-13. ISSN 0141-7762

McAuley, James W. (2002) Editor’s Introduction: Sociological Perspectives of the Irish Diaspora. Irish Journal of Sociology, 11 (2). pp. 3-7. ISSN 0791-6035

Gilzean, Noel and McAuley, James W. (2002) Strangers in a strange land?: (Re) constructing "Irishness" in a Northern English town. Irish Journal of Sociology, 11 (2). pp. 54-76. ISSN 0791-6035

McAuley, James W. (2002) Ulster Unionism after the peace. In: Peace at last? The impact of the Good Friday agreements in Northern Ireland. Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK, pp. 76-93. ISBN 978-1-57181-518-7


Ervine, David and McAuley, James W. (2001) Redefining loyalism. Working Paper. IBIS.

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jonathan (2001) The role of extra-constitutional parties in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Project Report. ESRC, Swindon, UK. (Unpublished)

Ervine, David and McAuley, James W. (2001) Redefining loyalism: a political perspective, an academic perspective. Working Papers in British-Irish Studies (4). pp. 1-31. ISSN 1649-0304


McAuley, James W. (2000) Mobilising Ulster Unionism: new directions or old? Capital and Class, 70. pp. 37-64. ISSN 0309-8168


McAuley, James W. (1999) 'Very British Rebels': Politics and Discourse within Contemporary Ulster Unionism. In: Transforming Politics: Power and Resistance. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK, pp. 106-125. ISBN 9780312222314

McAuley, James W. (1999) Still no surrender? New Loyalism and the Peace Process in Ireland. In: Politics and Performance in Contemporary Northern Ireland. University of Massachusetts Press, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 41-56. ISBN 1-55849-196-1


McAuley, James W. (1998) A Process of Surrender? Loyalist Perceptions of a Settlement. In: Dis/agreeing Ireland; Contexts, Obstacles, Hopes. Pluto Press, pp. 193-210. ISBN 9780745312750


McAuley, James W. (1997) Divided Loyalists, divided loyalties: conflicts and continuities in contemporary Unionist ideology. In: Peace or War? Understanding the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Ashgate, Surrey, UK, pp. 37-53. ISBN 978-1-85972-519-1

McAuley, James W. (1997) Flying the one winged bird: Unionism and peace. In: Who are the People? Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. Pluto Press, London, UK, pp. 158-175. ISBN 9780745312132


McAuley, James W. (1996) Under an Orange banner: reflections on the northern Protestant experiences of emigration. In: Religion and Identity. Irish worldwide, 5 . Leicester University Press, pp. 43-69. ISBN 9780718502331


McAuley, James W. (1995) Not a game of cowboys and indians: loyalist paramilitary groups in the 1990s. In: Terrorism's Laboratory: Northern Ireland. Dartmouth Press, Aldershot, UK, pp. 137-158. ISBN 9781855214576


McAuley, James W. (1994) The politics of identity: a loyalist community in Belfast. Avebury, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9781856285377


McAuley, James W. (1991) The ideology and politics of the Ulster Defence Association. In: Culture and Politics in Northern Ireland. Open University Press, pp. 44-68. ISBN 9780335097128

McAuley, James W. and McCormack, P. J. (1991) The Protestant working class and the State since 1930. In: Ireland's Histories. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 114-128. ISBN 9780415053358

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