New Pluralism or Old Ideological Certainties? Examining the Extent
of Ideological Change among Republican and Loyalist Former
Prisoners in Northern Ireland
Tonge, Jonathan, McAuley, James W. and Shirlow, Peter
New Pluralism or Old Ideological Certainties? Examining the Extent
of Ideological Change among Republican and Loyalist Former
Prisoners in Northern Ireland.
Political Ideology in Ireland.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, pp. 283-298.
ISBN 9781443805285
New Pluralism or Old Ideological Certainties? Examining the Extent
of Ideological Change among Republican and Loyalist Former
Prisoners in Northern Ireland
Tonge, Jonathan, McAuley, James W. and Shirlow, Peter
Coquellin, Olivier, Galliou, Patrick and Robin, Thierry