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Number of items: 73.


Bartys, Serena, Fredericksen, Pernille, Burton, A. Kim and Bendix, Tom (2017) Work disability due to low back pain can be explained by the 'social' aspect of the biopsychosocial model? An evidence synthesis. In: The International Back and Neck Pain Research Forum 2017, 12th -15th September 2017, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)

Bartys, Serena, Fredericksen, Pernille, Bendix, Tom and Burton, A. Kim (2017) System influences on work disability due to low back pain: an international evidence synthesis. Health Policy. ISSN 0168-8510


Bartys, Serena, Fredericksen, Pernille, Burton, A. Kim and Bendix, Tom (2016) Making Every Contact Count: social assets in tackling work disability due to low back pain. In: Work Disability Prevention and Integration International Conference, 25th - 28th September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Kirshbaum, Marilyn, Stead, Maxine and Bartys, Serena (2016) An exploratory study of Reiki experiences in women who have cancer. In: Multinational Association for Supportive Cancer Care, 23rd - 25th June 2016, Adelaide, Australia. (Unpublished)

Bartys, Serena, de Vries, Haitze, Reneman, Michiel, Brooks, Joanna and Brouwer, Sandra (2016) "It's a family affair: a UK-Dutch study examining how 'significant others' support working with pain”. In: International Back and Neck Pain Forum, 31st May - 3rd June 2016, Buxton, UK. (Unpublished)

Bartys, Serena, Reneman, Michiel, de Vries, Haitze, Burton, A. Kim, Main, Chris J. and Shaw, William (2016) "Working with pain: is harnessing social support a new tool for the biopsychosocial box?". In: International Back and Neck Pain Forum, 31st May - 3rd June 2016, Buxton, UK. (Unpublished)

Kirshbaum, Marilyn, Stead, Maxine and Bartys, Serena (2016) An exploratory study of Reiki experiences in women who have cancer. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 22 (4). pp. 166-172. ISSN 1357-6321

Bartys, Serena and de Vries, Haitze (2016) ‘I think positivity breeds positivity’: a qualitative exploration of the role of family members in supporting those with chronic musculoskeletal pain to stay at work. In: Britspine Annual Conference, 6th - 8th April 2016, Nottingham, UK. (Unpublished)

Bartys, Serena, de Vries, Haitze and Reneman, Michiel (2016) ‘I think positivity breeds positivity’: a qualitative exploration of the role of family members in supporting those with chronic musculoskeletal pain to stay at work. The Spine Journal, 16 (4). S50. ISSN 1529-9430


Kipling, Kevin, McCluskey, Serena, Boduszek, Daniel, Kirshbaum, Marilyn and Garbutt, Gerard (2015) Supervised exercise for older women treated for breast cancer: results from a pilot randomised controlled trial. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33 (1). s85-s93. ISSN 0264-0414

Ross, Denise, McCluskey, Serena and Stephenson, John (2015) An assessment of the measurement properties of the LMPI (Leeds Movement Performance Index): a new tool for neurological physiotherapy. In: Physiotherapy UK 2015, 16-17 September 2015, Liverpool, UK.

McCluskey, Serena (2015) The influence of 'significant others' on work participation. In: Work, Health and Wellbeing Conference, 15 September 2015, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, de Vries, Haitze, Reneman, Michiel, Brooks, Joanna and Brouwer, Sandra (2015) 'I think positivity breeds positivity': a qualitative exploration of the role of family members in supporting those with chronic musculoskeletal pain to stay at work. BMC Family Practice, 16. pp. 85-91. ISSN 1471-2296

Stead, Maxine, Kirshbaum, Marilyn and McCluskey, Serena (2015) An exploratory study of reiki experiences in women living with cancer. In: CAMSTRAND 2015, 10 June 2015, London, UK.

Brooks, Joanna, McCluskey, Serena, Turley, Emma L. and King, Nigel (2015) The Utility of Template Analysis in Qualitative Psychology Research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12 (2). pp. 202-222. ISSN 1478-0887

McCluskey, Serena (2015) The role of 'significant others' in the management of persistent musculoskeletal pain. [Web page]

Kipling, Kevin, McCluskey, Serena, Kirshbaum, Marilyn and Boduszek, Daniel (2015) Supervised exercise for older women treated for breast cancer. Preliminary results from a pilot randomised controlled trial. In: British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, 19-20 March 2015, Leeds, UK. (Submitted)

McCluskey, Serena, de Vries, Haitze, Reneman, Michiel, Brooks, Joanna and Brouwer, Sandra (2015) A UK-Dutch study exploring the role of the family in helping those with persistent musculoskeletal pain to stay at work. Bone and joint journal: Orthopaedic Proceedings, 97-B (Supp 2). p. 20. ISSN 1358-992X

Stead, Maxine, Kirshbaum, Marilyn and McCluskey, Serena (2015) An exploratory study of Reiki experiences in women living with cancer. In: British Psychosocial Oncology Annual Conference, 12 & 13 March 2015, Leeds, UK. (Submitted)

Bartys, Serena (2015) Calderdale’s Vital Signs Report: a guide to local charitable giving. Technical Report. Community Foundations for Calderdale.


McCluskey, Serena (2014) A UK-Dutch study exploring the role of the family in helping those with persistent musculoskeletal pain to stay at work. In: Society for Back Pain Research Annual Conference, 5th - 7th November 2014, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Ross, Denise, McCluskey, Serena, Fletcher-Cook, Phyllis Isobel and Stephenson, John (2014) The reliability of the Leeds Movement Performance Index (LMPI): a new tool for neurological physiotherapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 30 (8). pp. 581-587. ISSN 0959-3985

McCluskey, Serena (2014) Work participation and musculoskeletal pain: the influence of 'significant others' and implications for vocational rehabilitation. In: Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability Webinar Series, 17th September 2014. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena and de Vries, Haitze (2014) Family support in maintaining work participation for those with chronic musculoskeletal pain. In: The British Psychological Society: Division of Health Psychology DHP Annual Conference, 10th-12th September 2014, York, UK. (Unpublished)

de Vries, Haitze and McCluskey, Serena (2014) Maintaining work participation with chronic musculoskeletal pain: how important are significant others? In: Work Disability Prevention and Integration, 28-30 September 2014, Toronto, Canada. (Submitted)

McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2014) Are The Treatment Expectations of ‘Significant Others’ Psychosocial Obstacles to Work Participation for Those with Persistent Low Back Pain? WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 48 (3). pp. 391-398. ISSN 1051-9815

McCluskey, Serena (2014) Telephonic support to facilitate return-to-work: what works, how and when? In: Vocational Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference, 15 May 2014, London, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena (2014) The role of the family on sickness absence. In: Health and Wellbeing at Work 2014, 4-5 March 2014, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)


Burton, A. Kim, Kendall, Nicholas A.S., McCluskey, Serena and Dibben, Pauline (2013) Telephonic support to facilitate return to work: what works, how, and when? (Research report No 853). Research Report. Department for Work and Pensions, London.

McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2013) The influence of 'significant others' on work participation in those with persistent back pain. Orthopaedic Proceedings: a Supplement of the Bone and Joint Journal, 95-B (17). p. 23.

McCluskey, Serena (2013) Do we need to talk to 'significant others'? Annals of Family Medicine, 11 (6). ISSN 1544-1709,

Ross, Denise, McCluskey, Serena and Fletcher-Cook, Phyllis Isobel (2013) The Leeds Movement Performance Index (LMPI): an exploration of the clinical validity of an original tool for specialist neurological physiotherapy. In: Physiotherapy UK 2013, 11-12 October 2013, Birmingham, UK. (Submitted)

McCluskey, Serena (2013) The role of ‘significant others’ in vocational rehabilitation for patients with persistent back pain. In: The British Pain Society Pain Management Programmes Special Interest Group 14th National Conference, 25-27 September 2013, Jersey, UK.

McCluskey, Serena (2013) Workplace intervention can impact health and wellbeing. Employee Benefits Magazine. ISSN 1366-8722

Greenhalgh, Joanne, Abhyankar, Purva, McCluskey, Serena, Takeuchi, Elena and Velikova, Galina (2013) How do doctors refer to patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS) in oncology consultations? Quality of Life Research, 22 (5). pp. 939-950. ISSN 0962-9343

McCluskey, Serena and Ross, Denise (2013) The ‘cognitive apprenticeship’ model and postgraduate research supervision: mind the gap. In: HEA Social Sciences Conference: Teaching research methods, 23-24 May 2013, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2013) “He’s only young and he wants to work but no-one’ll hire him with a bad back, will they?” Findings from an exploratory study of ‘significant others’’ illness perceptions in relation to work disability due to low back pain. Orthopaedic Proceedings: a Supplement of the Bone and Joint Journal, 95-B (4). p. 17.

Reneman, Michiel, Burton, A. Kim, Brouwer, Sandra and McCluskey, Serena (2013) Work participation and chronic musculoskeletal pain. In: 4th UK-Dutch Rehabilitation Meeting, 18th - 19th April 2013, Harrogate, UK. (Submitted)

Brooks, Joanna, McCluskey, Serena, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2013) Illness perceptions in the context of differing work participation outcomes: exploring the influence of significant others in persistent back pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14. ISSN 1471-2474


McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2012) The influence of 'significant others' on persistent back pain and work participation: the role of treatment expectations. In: Society for Back Pain Research Annual Conference, 9-11 November 2012, Isle of Man, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2012) The influence of ‘significant others’ on persistent back pain and work participation: a qualitative study of illness perceptions. In: Work Disability Prevention International Congress, 22-25 October 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Shaw, William, Main, Chris J. and McCluskey, Serena (2012) The organisational and family context for musculoskeletal disability: can communication be improved to address individual-level differences in the social and workplace environment? In: Work Disability Prevention International Congress, 22-25 October 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Brooks, Joanna, McCluskey, Serena, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2012) Exploring potential family factors influencing work participation in persistent back pain: a pilot study of significant others' illness beliefs. In: Division of Health Psychology British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 5 - 7 September 2012, Liverpool. (Unpublished)

Bareham, Alison, Topping, Annie, McCluskey, Serena, Stephenson, John and Butcher, Paul (2012) Healthy Foundations life-stage segmentation model toolkit: an effective tool for public health interventions? In: Festival of Public Health UK, 2 July 2012, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Bareham, Alison, McCluskey, Serena, Stephenson, John and Topping, Annie (2012) Healthy Halifax Lifestyle Survey. Research Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK.

Bareham, Alison, Topping, Annie, McCluskey, Serena, Stephenson, John and Butcher, Paul (2012) Segmentation in communities with the greatest health inequalities: so what for public health interventions? In: Royal College of Nursing Annual International Research Conference, 27th - 28th April 2012, London, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2012) The influence of 'signficant others' on persistent back pain and work participation: a qualitative study of illness perceptions. In: The British Pain Society Annual Conference 2012, 24-27 April 2012, Liverpool, UK.

Brooks, Joanna, McCluskey, Serena, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2012) Beliefs about illness amongst significant others and their influence on work participation outcomes for back pain patients: a pilot study. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2011) “He’s only young and he wants to work but no-one’ll hire him with a bad back, will they?” Findings from an exploratory study of ‘significant others’’ illness perceptions in relation to work disability due to low back pain. In: Society for Back Pain Research Annual Conference, 10-11 November 2011, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2011) The influence of 'significant others' on persistent back pain and work participation: a qualitative exploration of illness perceptions. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12. p. 236. ISSN 14712474

McCluskey, Serena, Topping, Annie, Swift, Harriet and Stephenson, John (2011) My neighbours all look out for me as I try to do. Important ‘community assets' for health: findings from the Healthy Halifax Lifestyle Survey”. In: Assets for Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifecourse International Conference 2011, 26th-27th September 2011, London, UK. (Submitted)

Brooks, Joanna, McCluskey, Serena, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2011) "I get depressed sometimes just looking at him..he's only young and he wants to work but no-one'll hire him with a bad back, will they?": Exploring the illness perceptions of significant others in relation to persistent back pain and work participation”. In: The British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference,, 14-16 September 2011, Southampton, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena and Topping, Annie (2011) Increasing response rates to lifestyle surveys: a pragmatic evidence review. Perspectives in Public Health, 131 (2). pp. 89-93. ISSN 1757-9139

McCluskey, Serena, Brooks, Joanna, King, Nigel and Burton, A. Kim (2011) The influence of 'significant others' on back pain disability and return to work: a qualitative pilot study of illness perceptions. Research Report. University of Huddersfield.

Greenhalgh, Joanne, Abhyankar, Purva, McCluskey, Serena, Takeuchi, Elena and Velikova, Galina (2011) How do doctors integrate HRQoL data into oncology consultations? In: International Society for Quality of Life Research 18th Annual Conference, October 26-29 2011, Denver, Colorado. (Submitted)


McCluskey, Serena, Burton, A. Kim, Brooks, Joanna and King, Nigel (2010) The influence of 'signifcant others' on back pain disability and return-to-work: a qualitative pilot study - preliminary findings. In: Primary Care Musculoskeletal Research Congress, 11-13 October 2010, Rotterdam. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Burton, A. Kim, Brooks, Joanna and King, Nigel (2010) The influence of significant others on back pain disability and return-to-work: a qualitative pilot study of illness perceptions. In: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 29-31 March 2010, Rome, Italy. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Burton, A. Kim, Brooks, Joanna and King, Nigel (2010) The influence of significant others on back pain disability and return-to-work: a qualitative pilot study of illness perceptions. The BackCare Journal. pp. 14-15.


McCluskey, Serena, Williams, Jane, Nyawata, Idah D. and Topping, Annie (2009) A Sexual Health Training Needs Analysis in Kirklees: a mixed-methods design. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Submitted)

McCluskey, Serena and Topping, Annie (2009) Increasing response rates to lifestyle surveys: a review of methodology and 'good practice'. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Morrell, Jane, McCluskey, Serena, Lui, Steve and Topping, Annie (2009) Effectiveness of interventions to improve the uptake of immunisation in primary care, with specific focus on Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR). University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-077-2

Abhyankar, Purva, Greenhalgh, Joanne, McCluskey, Serena, Velikova, G., Takeuchi, E. and Campbell, Lyndsay (2009) Talking about quality of life – the development of a communication training programme for oncologists. In: The British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 1-3 April 2009, Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)


McCluskey, Serena, Greenhalgh, Joanne, Abhyankar, Purva, Takeuchi, Elena, Campbell, Lyndsay and Velikova, Galina (2008) Talking about quality of life - the development of a communication training programme for oncologists. In: British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, 4-5 December 2008, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Greenhalgh, Joanne, Abhyankar, Purva, McCluskey, Serena, Takeuchi, Elena and Velikova, Galina (2008) How do doctors and patients talk about QoL data in consultations? In: 15th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, October 22-25 2008, Montevideo, Uruguay. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Abhyankar, Purva, Greenhalgh, Joanne, Takeuchi, Elena and Velikova, Galina (2008) Doctor-patient communication and quality of life – the development of a training program for oncologists. In: National Cancer Research Institute Conference, Sunday 5 October-Wednesday 8 October 2008, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena (2008) Doctor-patient communication and quality of life - development of a training programme for oncologists. In: 2nd COMPASS Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), June 17th 2008, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished)

Dugdill, L., Brettle, A., Hulme, C., McCluskey, Serena and Long, A.F. (2008) Workplace physical activity interventions: a systematic review. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 1 (1). pp. 20-40. ISSN 17538351


McCluskey, Serena, Baker, Deborah, Percy, D., Lewis, Philip and Middleton, E. (2007) Reductions in cardiovascular risk in association with population screening: a 10-year longitudinal study. Journal of Public Health, 29 (4). p. 379. ISSN 17413842

Baker, Deborah and McCluskey, Serena (2007) Setting standards for preventative services to reduce child health inequalities in Greater Manchester. Research Report. University of Salford, Salford, UK.

Dugdill, L., Brettle, A., Hulme, C., McCluskey, Serena and Long, A.F. (2007) A review of effectiveness of workplace health promotion interventions on physical activity and what works in motivating and changing employees health behaviour. Project Report. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, London, UK.


McCluskey, Serena, Baker, Deborah, Percy, David and Lewis, Philip (2006) Social distribution of coronary heart disease: A 10-year longitudinal study in the United Kingdom. In: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, November 4-8 2006, Boston, USA. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena (2006) The social patterning of coronary heart disease - implications for risk assessment. In: The UK Society for Social Medicine 50th Annual Scientific Meeting, 13th - 15th September 2006, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

McCluskey, Serena, Burton, A. Kim and Main, Chris J. (2006) The implementation of occupational health guidelines principles for reducing sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders. Occupational Medicine, 56 (4). pp. 237-242. ISSN 09627480

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