Background: There has been a decade of MMR vaccine uptake which is below the threshold for
herd immunity for measles and large numbers of children are unprotected. The
number of measles cases in England is now rising (DH, 2008). The Department of
Health has issued a letter about the urgent action needed to reduce the risk of a
measles epidemic. PCTs are following DH guidance in conducting MMR catch up
programmes to increase uptake to 95% to gain herd immunity for the population, as
well as increasing the overall immunisation coverage.
Objectives: We carried out a rapid review of published studies to assess the evidence of the
effectiveness of interventions to promote uptake of immunisation, with a particular
emphasis on MMR. We also included studies which assessed healthcare
professionals’ issues relating to immunisation and studies which examined parents’
concerns and issues that influenced decision making associated with vaccination.
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