Evans, Adrian (2016) The museum as a deep map : the need for narrative, wonder, mystery and discovery. In: Heritage Theory and Practice Conference, 5th November 2016, Leeds City Museum. (Unpublished)
Evans, Adrian (2015) The Bothy Museum of Landscape Stories. In: Network Ecologies: Exploring Relations Between Environmental Art, Science & Activism, 4th-6th June 2015, Hull, UK. (Unpublished)
Evans, Adrian and Malkin, Alex (2014) Kick the keyboard. In: The Bartlett Future Pedagogy Conference 2014: MOOCs E-learning and Beyond, 1st July 2014, London, UK.
Evans, Adrian (2013) The Imperative of the Metastudio. In: AAE Association of Architectural Educators Conference 2013, 3rd-5th April 2013, Nottingham, UK.
Evans, Adrian (2005) The Ecology Building Society headquarters employs a range of materials and devices to achieve an eco-friendly design. Ecotech Magazine.
Evans, Adrian (2004) Ecology Building Society headquarters. UNSPECIFIED.
Evans, Adrian (2004) Under threat? Huddersfield Market Hall. Where I live: Bradford and West Yorkshire.