Abuhabaya, Abdullah and Fieldhouse, John D. (2010) Variation of Engine Performance and Emissions using Ethanol Blends. In: Proceedings of the 36th MATADOR International Conference. Springer, London Dordrecht Heidelberg, New York., Manchester University, pp. 413-416. ISBN 978-1-84996-431-9

The limited fossil fuel resources along with the increased public concerns about pollution levels have increased the need for alternative fuels for use in internal combustion engines. This study is to investigate the variation of the engine performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine. A spark ignition engine running with gasoline and gasoline blended E5, E10 and E20. Effects of engine speeds between 1000 and 3500 rpm with intervals 500 rpm and throttle valve 25%, 50%, 75% and full throttle, on the engine performance and the emission concentrations are investigated. Improved engine performance and reduced emissions are observed with ethanol addition.

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