Wade, Steve (2004) An Approach to Integrating Soft Systems Methodology and Object Oriented Software Development. Proceedings of UKAIS 2004.

The key aim of the research discussed in this paper has been to investigate ways of integrating
techniques from SSM (Soft Systems Methodology) into the requirements elicitation stage of an
agile system development method based on the UML (Unified Modelling Language). We argue
that used alone UML models can encourage early design decisions before opportunities for
improvement have been agreed and that SSM lacks the detailed information required by
programmers. This leads to the conclusion that there could be some advantage in using the
techniques together.
In developing an integrated method we have been influenced by the recent trend towards agile
systems development. This represents a move away from seeing software development methods
as codified practices focusing on specific artefacts within a prescribed lifecycle. Instead emphasis
is placed on the provision of a framework of development activities, products and workflows
together with guidance for applying these to a particular application area.
The design of the research is as follows:
1. An Information Systems Development (ISD) project is being carried out using SSM and
UML techniques to make recommendations about the design of our School’s intranet.
This is being written up as a case study.
2. The case study is being used to reflect upon and develop a hybrid method (or
development framework) and a supporting CASE (Computer Assisted Software
Engineering) tool.
The discussion of how the proposed framework emerged from our practical experience is
punctuated with UML and other types of model that relate to the design of the supporting CASE

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