Boothroyd, Andrew, Gledhill, Duke and De Luca, Damian (2012) Mesh cutting algorithm for use in an orthopaedic surgery simulator. In: IADIS International Conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing, 21-23 July 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.

In order to develop a podiatric orthopaedic training simulator the obstacle of simulating podiatric bone surgery must be overcome. In order to simulate this surgery appropriately, it is necessary to be able to cut through a virtual representation of a patient’s foot on-screen in real-time. We investigate several methods of cutting through simulated objects in general, and evaluate their usefulness in simulating real-time interactive bone surgery. We determine that none of these conventional methods are fully suitable and instead propose, develop and test a method using planar slicing of polyhedral mesh geometry.

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