McDowell, James (2012) VELOCITy: Video Enhanced Learning Opportunities in Computing and Information Technology. In: Second Conference on Active and Interactive Learning, 30th March 2012, University of Bradford, UK.

Pedagogical research exploring video-enhancement of assessment and feedback has previously focused on the benefits of using instructional tutorial videos to scaffold the learning experience. While emerging pockets of work have begun to explore video as a medium through which to present learners with generic feedback in response to summative assessment, integrated strategies to video-enhanced assessment and feedback with the potential to inform the development of new approaches to teaching, learning, assessment and feedback remain under-developed. The VELOCITy strategy interweaves three strands of video-based activity to form a coordinated, holistic approach to the integration of video technologies, combining (i) instructional tutorial videos, (ii) a learner-tutor video-feedback loop, and (iii) learner-generated reflective self-assessment.

This presentation explores how these asynchronous video technologies are leveraged to enhance learner engagement on an undergraduate course in computer games technology, examining how key elements of these video-enhanced learning opportunities facilitate opportunities for reflexivity, and afford greater inclusivity for learners affected by dyslexia and/or Asperger’s Syndrome.

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