Group by: Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
2D-COS Academic aspects academic magic Accelerometers access Active-Ageing Activity monitoring activity theory Adult economic outcomes adults adverse events AfD African aviation market Agamben Agency ageplay Agricultural Supply Chain Alicona profilometer Ambient Ionisation Amorphous Ancient burial Ankylosing spondylitis ANN networks Anomaly Detection anthropocentrism anti-character anti-magic Anti-phishing antipsychotics Anxiety Archeological context archives Artemether artificial creativity astronomy ATR-FTIR Attitudes Audiovisual Authenticity automated service Autonomy Averaging method Avoidance Back beliefs Back pain Ballroom Dancing Bearing fault detection Benzodiazepines Biglycan deamidation binaries Biological activity Bizarre Magic bizarre magick Bizarrist Bodycoder Bone proteomics Botanical illustration Brecht bubble diameter bubble rise velocity buildings built environment Cadmium Cancer research network Capacity analysis Capital investment Capital structure and performance Care CFD Channel Quality Channel Stability Charities Chatter direction Chatter stability Child maltreatment Child protection Child welfare inequalities Childhood adversity Children's science trade books China and developing countries Chinese banking Chinese traveler Chords clothing Co-grinding Co-worker social support collaboration Colleges of education Community competition Composition computational design concept condition monitoring Conformity Connectivity Consumption context-aware Contract killers counter-terrorism Credit risk crime crime scene behaviors criminal differentiation Cross correlation Crowdsourcing CST simulations culture Curvature cusp depth cusp direction cusp size Cyber Security Dangerousness dark play DART-MS data processing Deception Decision support deconstruction Defamiliarization Demand forecasting Demonstrations Depression Depressive disorders Depth of outreach Derrida design desistance Detecting deception Device comparison Diabetes mellitus Dicode Dihydropyrene dimensions Diptera disability discourses Discrimination disenchantment disruption Dissolution Distinctive and attractive streets Distortion Dithienylethene doctoral education Dominant source market DPPM drag reduction system drama DREAM drug detection drug-loading Drugs of dependence disorders duobinary Ecuador efficiency Electric guitar electrical capacitance tomography Electricity generator electroacoustic music electronic music Embedded Training embedded sensors Embodiment Empirical Study employee ethnic identity employee psychological ownership perception employee voice enchantment energy Envelope analysis Episodic events epistemology ethnic diversity Ethnicity ethnographic ethnography European market Evidence-based practice Evolution Existentialism experience Experiment Eyewitness Eyewitness confidence Facebook factors fashion Fault detection Federal German elections Feed direction Ferrihydrite Financial crisis Financial economics Financial research finite element analysis first peopling of South America First person perspective FirstBus Flexible workpieces florals flute Footwear Forensic Entomology Forensic Podiatry Forensic proteomics Formula SAE FPGA freedom Friction Friendship group Fuzzy logic systems GABAA receptor game based learning gas-solids fluidized beds gearbox monitoring Gender Gender-STEMM stereotypes generative Governance mechanisms Graduate education/research Graph Structure Group decision-making process Group size Group travel decision-making Habermas Hands-on learning/manipulatives haplogroups Harmonic structures harvesting healing health Health professional Healthcare collaborative healthcare facilities Heaviness High school/introductory chemistry Higher Education Historical Fiction History of Performance Magic Hizballah holistic Holly Golightly Hot spot protection Hot-Stage human rights Hyphenated techniques Hyradulic capsule pipeline (HCP) identity idiomatic writing Illusion of Reality immigration Inclusive design Individual differences Information security Inpatient staff Insect colonization Insects institutional anniversaries institutional environment Intelligence Interaction process analysis Interactive music interdisciplinary International strategy international students Internationalisation interpersonal fairness Intersection crashes Interviewing Investigation Investigative Psychology Jury justice Kafka kayfabe Kinaeosonics Kurtogram language Leader-member exchange Leadership Least-cost principle LED Lifting technique Link Quality Estimation Literary Theory Literature Literature in Marketing Literature review literature theory Log Files Log-periodic antenna Logic gates logocentrism Longevity Longitudinal Low intensity CBT LTE band rejection Lyophilisation Machine tool calibration magic magician as facilitator Mainland Chinese tourists Maintenance make-belief Management of fabrication Manual handling Manufacture Marketing Philosophy Maskeleyne Mass Spectrometry material Materials medication adherence Mediterranean Memory Mental disorder mentalism Mesoporous silica Metal metamentalism metaphysics Microfinance Microscopy mind reading Misinformation effect mitochondrial DNA mitochondrial genomes Modesty Modulation signal bispectrum moral morality motivation Multi-stage multidimensional structure Multipath ultrasonic flow-meter Mummified bodies music music theatre Music theory mystery entertainment Naphthoxanzine Native Americans Negative photochromism neo-institutional theory Neural network Never event New psychoactive substances Nietzsche nomothetic and idiographic knowledge non-academic aspects non-medical prescribing Non-verbal behaviour Novel Novel psychoactive substances numerical simulation NURBS nursing curriculum nursing philosophy Observation occupants offending patterns Older Adults Online privacy ontology Open Access Operating department Operating list Optimisation Optimization ordinal logit regressions organisational self-identity outcomes P-hub median Packet Delivery partnership working Patient and public involvement Paulley Pedestrian accidents Pedestrian prominence Peer learning performance Performance Measures performing arts Perioperative inadvertent hypothermia Permission to play personality scores Peru phenylbutazone philosophy Phosphate Photochromism Photovoltaic (PV) hot spotting analysis Photovoltaic faults Photovoltaic system Physical activity play Pleasure PMI Police training Polling research Polymer chemistry Polymyalgia rheumatica popular music positional and figured identities Post-mortem interval post-structuralism post-truth mentalism postgraduate research Postharvest Food Loss Poverty power PPM practice practice-based research Precautionary behaviour prediction Principal components analysis Product and systems engineering Product design programme issues Progression proscription protest public history Push-pull alternator QSAR quantitative study R&D Race Rail wear Rankings Real Life real magic rear wing reasonable adjustments Recall Receiver Recurrence Reference wave regression analysis Relapse relational framework Relative deprivation Replica material reputation research team Resident attitude and mentality Resilience risk Risk perception Robert-Houdin Rural low volume roads Sampling satisfaction Schizophrenia Second Life Securitization security Security Auditing self-care self-management Sense of superiority Service evaluation service providers service quality sexual ageplay Shape factor Shared Space Street SIEM single nucleotide polymorphism Smart phone smartphone Smishing soccer Social Capital Social Cohesion Social identity theory Social influence Social media Social Mobility Social work society Software architecture Software sustainability Solar cells Solid dispersion Solid-liquid flow solubility spatial computing Spatio-temporal Factors Speed of adjustment Spilt Milk spirituality Spirobenzopyran sport standard statistical-based rules Step-count Stigma and discrimination Strategic management process stress distribution structural equation modelling student research students Sulfate Supply Chain Collaboration surface pattern Survey Switches Syloid® Synergistic adsorption Syria System and life-world Systematic review Systems Teacher training Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Technology temperature Terrorism the Middle East Thermal Analysis Thermal imaging Thermoacoustics thermoelectric generator Thermomicroscopy Thioindigoid TIA TNFα Torsional fretting Torsional sliding Training needs transcultural practice transformation Transit-time method Transition economies transmission Transmission Power Control Travel decision-making Travelling-wave trickster Truman Capote Trusted region framework Trustee board diversity Turning Type 2 UK Unconscious bias undergraduate research Universities university urban history Vaudeville Vehicle aerodynamics Video Vietnam war virtual child abuse visible light communication Visible light communication Visual analysis Visualisation voice voting voting intention War-time evacuation Waste heat recovery Wear mechanism Welfare inequalities Well-being wellbeing Wheel wear Wheel/rail wear prediction William Morris wink-eye mentalism Wireless Sensor Network wireless sensor networks Women and ethnic minority trustees Women in STEMM Writing the past Written narratives XMLSchema Young Chinese tourists youth gangs ‘in-betweenness’ ‘wings’
Number of items: 607.


Liu, Jing, Zhu, Runliang, Liang, Xiaoliang, Ma, Lingya, Lin, Xiaoju, Zhu, Jianxi, He, Hongping, Parker, Stephen C. and Molinari, Marco (2018) Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) with sulfate/phosphate on ferrihydrite: An in situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS study. Chemical Geology, 477. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1872-6836

Academic aspects

Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

academic magic

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Chandrasekar, Anish, Hensor, Elizabeth M.A., Mackie, Sarah L., Backhouse, Michael R. and Harris, Emma (2018) Preliminary concurrent validity of the Fitbit-Zip and ActiGraph activity monitors for measuring steps in people with polymyalgia rheumatica. Gait & Posture, 61. pp. 339-345. ISSN 1879-2219


Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.



Activity monitoring

Chandrasekar, Anish, Hensor, Elizabeth M.A., Mackie, Sarah L., Backhouse, Michael R. and Harris, Emma (2018) Preliminary concurrent validity of the Fitbit-Zip and ActiGraph activity monitors for measuring steps in people with polymyalgia rheumatica. Gait & Posture, 61. pp. 339-345. ISSN 1879-2219

activity theory

Meschitti, Viviana (2018) Can peer learning support doctoral education? Evidence from an ethnography of a research team. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079

Adult economic outcomes

Bunting, Lisa, Davidson, Gavin, McCartan, Claire, Hanratty, Jennifer, Bywaters, Paul, Mason, Will and Steils, Nicole (2018) The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Poverty – A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77. pp. 121-133. ISSN 0145-2134


Sarmento, Hugo, Peralta, Miguel, Harper, Liam D. and Marques, Adilson (2018) Achievement goals and self-determination in adult football players: a cluster analysis. Kinesiology. ISSN 1331-1441

adverse events

Tong, Qiang (2018) Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Predicting Susceptibility of Ankylosing Spondylitis and the Response to Anti-TNFα Therapy. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Walker, Jim (2018) The Formation of Voting Behaviour Explained by Voting for Anti-European Parties. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

African aviation market

Adler, Nicole, Tchouamou Njoya, Eric and Volta, Nicola (2018) The multi-airline p-hub median problem applied to the African aviation market. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 107. pp. 187-202. ISSN 0965-8564


Spatz, Ben (2018) The Video Way of Thinking. South African Theatre Journal. ISSN 1013-7548


Miller, Paul and Callender, Christine (2018) Black Leaders Matter: Agency, Progression and the Sustainability of BME School Leadership in England. Journal for Multicultural Education. ISSN 2053-535X


Reeves, Carla (2018) The virtual simulation of child sexual abuse: Online gameworld users’ views, understanding and responses to sexual ageplay. Ethics and Information Technology. ISSN 1572-8439

Agricultural Supply Chain

Despoudi, Stella, Papaioannou, Grammatoula, Saridakis, George and Dani, Samir (2018) Does collaboration pay in agricultural supply chain? An empirical approach. International Journal of Production Research. ISSN 0020-7543

Alicona profilometer

Shebani, Amer and Iwnicki, Simon (2018) Prediction of wheel and rail wear under different contact conditions using artificial neural networks. Wear. ISSN 0043-1648

Ambient Ionisation

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

Ancient burial

Giordani, Giorgia, Tuccia, Fabiola, Floris, Ignazio and Vanin, Stefano (2018) First record of Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from mummies at the Sant’Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo, Sardinia, Italy. PeerJ, 6. ISSN 2167-8359

Ankylosing spondylitis

Tong, Qiang (2018) Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Predicting Susceptibility of Ankylosing Spondylitis and the Response to Anti-TNFα Therapy. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

ANN networks

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481

Anomaly Detection

Parkinson, Simon, Vallati, Mauro, Crampton, Andrew and Sohrabi, Shirin (2018) GraphBAD: A General Technique for Anomaly Detection in Security Information and Event Management. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. ISSN 1532-0626


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.


Haygarth, Lynn and Hemingway, Steve (2018) Schizophrenia: Practical prescribing of antipsychotics. Nurse Prescribing, 16 (2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 1479-9189


Delgadillo, Jaime, Rhodes, Laura, Moreea, Omar, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Lutz, Wolfgang and Ali, Shehzad (2018) Relapse and Recurrence of Common Mental Health Problems after Low Intensity CBT: The WYLOW Longitudinal Cohort Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87 (2). pp. 116-117. ISSN 1423-0348

Archeological context

Giordani, Giorgia, Tuccia, Fabiola, Floris, Ignazio and Vanin, Stefano (2018) First record of Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from mummies at the Sant’Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo, Sardinia, Italy. PeerJ, 6. ISSN 2167-8359


Ince, Lindsay (2018) Breaking down the invisible barrier: Connecting the university estate with the local community. In: Urban History Beyond the Academy, 25/05/2018, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

artificial creativity

Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)


Liu, Jing, Zhu, Runliang, Liang, Xiaoliang, Ma, Lingya, Lin, Xiaoju, Zhu, Jianxi, He, Hongping, Parker, Stephen C. and Molinari, Marco (2018) Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) with sulfate/phosphate on ferrihydrite: An in situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS study. Chemical Geology, 477. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1872-6836


Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Stephenson, John and Edward, Karen-Leigh (2018) General Hospital Health Professionals' Attitudes and Perceived Dangerousness Towards Patients with co-Morbid Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1445-8330


Spatz, Ben (2018) The Video Way of Thinking. South African Theatre Journal. ISSN 1013-7548


Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931

automated service



Abou Hamdan, Omar, Yeadon-Lee, Annie and Rachel, Cockman (2018) Leader-member Exchange within Academic Research Teams: An Exploration of the Relationship between the Research Team Leader and Research Member(s). In: BAM 2018, 3rd-6th September 2018, University of Bristol, UK.

Averaging method

Zhou, Hongliang, Ji, Tao, Wang, Ruichen, Ge, Xiaocheng, Tang, Xiaoyu and Tang, Shizhen (2018) Multipath ultrasonic gas flow-meter based on multiple reference waves. Ultrasonics, 82. pp. 145-152. ISSN 0041-624X


Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931

Back beliefs

Nolan, David, O'Sullivan, Kieran, Stephenson, John, O'Sullivan, Peter and Lucock, Mike (2018) What do physiotherapist and manual handling advisors consider the safest lifting posture, and do back beliefs influence their choice? Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 33. pp. 35-40. ISSN 2468-8630

Back pain

Nolan, David, O'Sullivan, Kieran, Stephenson, John, O'Sullivan, Peter and Lucock, Mike (2018) What do physiotherapist and manual handling advisors consider the safest lifting posture, and do back beliefs influence their choice? Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 33. pp. 35-40. ISSN 2468-8630

Ballroom Dancing


Bearing fault detection

Tian, Xiange, Xi Gu, James, Rehab, Ibrahim, Abdalla, Gaballa M., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2018) A robust detector for rolling element bearing condition monitoring based on the modulation signal bispectrum and its performance evaluation against the Kurtogram. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 167-187. ISSN 0888-3270


Waters, Laura J., Manchester, Kieran R., Maskell, Peter D., Haegeman, Caroline and Haider, Shozeb (2018) The use of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model to predict GABA-A receptor binding of newly emerging benzodiazepines. Science and Justice. ISSN 1355-0306

Biglycan deamidation

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Biological activity

Waters, Laura J., Manchester, Kieran R., Maskell, Peter D., Haegeman, Caroline and Haider, Shozeb (2018) The use of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model to predict GABA-A receptor binding of newly emerging benzodiazepines. Science and Justice. ISSN 1355-0306

Bizarre Magic

Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

bizarre magick

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Bokowiec, Mark (2018) ‘V’Oct(Ritual): the anatomy of an interactive composition' in CYBERNETICS (edited by Lanfranco Aceti). In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Leonardo Books . MIT Press.

Bone proteomics

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919

Botanical illustration

Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Adlington, Robert C. (2018) Politics and the popular in British Music Theatre of the Vietnam era. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 143 (2). pp. 433-471. ISSN 0269-0403

bubble diameter

Li, Xiaoxu, Jaworski, Artur and Mao, Xiaoan (2018) Bubble size and bubble rise velocity estimation by means of electrical capacitance tomography within gas-solids fluidized beds. Measurement, 117. pp. 226-240. ISSN 0263-2241

bubble rise velocity

Li, Xiaoxu, Jaworski, Artur and Mao, Xiaoan (2018) Bubble size and bubble rise velocity estimation by means of electrical capacitance tomography within gas-solids fluidized beds. Measurement, 117. pp. 226-240. ISSN 0263-2241


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

built environment

Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218


Liu, Jing, Zhu, Runliang, Liang, Xiaoliang, Ma, Lingya, Lin, Xiaoju, Zhu, Jianxi, He, Hongping, Parker, Stephen C. and Molinari, Marco (2018) Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) with sulfate/phosphate on ferrihydrite: An in situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS study. Chemical Geology, 477. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1872-6836

Cancer research network

Bissell, Paul, Thompson, Jill and Gibson, Barry (2018) Exploring Difference or Just Watching the Experts at Work? Interrogating Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in a Cancer Research Setting Using the Work of Jurgen Habermas. Sociology. ISSN 0038-0385

Capacity analysis

Adler, Nicole, Tchouamou Njoya, Eric and Volta, Nicola (2018) The multi-airline p-hub median problem applied to the African aviation market. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 107. pp. 187-202. ISSN 0965-8564

Capital investment

Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963

Capital structure and performance

Elmagrhi, Mohamed H., Ntim, Collins G., Malagila, John, Fosu, Samuel and Tunyi, Abongeh A. (2018) Trustee Board Diversity, Governance Mechanisms, Capital Structure and Performance in UK Charities. Corporate Governance. ISSN 1472-0701


Morris, Kate, Mason, Will, Bywaters, Paul, Featherstone, Brid, Daniel, Brigid, Brady, Geraldine, Bunting, Lisa, Hooper, Jade, Mirza, Nughmana, Sourfield, Jonathan and Webb, Calum (2018) Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work. ISSN 1356-7500


Jackson, Frankie. F (2018) Aerodynamic optimisation of Formula student vehicle using computational fluid dynamics. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Channel Quality

Hughes, Jack Bryan (2018) Real-time Link Quality Estimation and Holistic Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Channel Stability

Hughes, Jack Bryan (2018) Real-time Link Quality Estimation and Holistic Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Elmagrhi, Mohamed H., Ntim, Collins G., Malagila, John, Fosu, Samuel and Tunyi, Abongeh A. (2018) Trustee Board Diversity, Governance Mechanisms, Capital Structure and Performance in UK Charities. Corporate Governance. ISSN 1472-0701

Chatter direction

Lu, Kaibo, Lian, Zisheng, Gu, Fengshou and Liu, Hunju (2018) Model-based Chatter Stability Prediction and Detection for the Turning of a Flexible Workpiece. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 814-826. ISSN 0888-3270

Chatter stability

Lu, Kaibo, Lian, Zisheng, Gu, Fengshou and Liu, Hunju (2018) Model-based Chatter Stability Prediction and Detection for the Turning of a Flexible Workpiece. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 814-826. ISSN 0888-3270

Child maltreatment

Bunting, Lisa, Davidson, Gavin, McCartan, Claire, Hanratty, Jennifer, Bywaters, Paul, Mason, Will and Steils, Nicole (2018) The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Poverty – A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77. pp. 121-133. ISSN 0145-2134

Child protection

Morris, Kate, Mason, Will, Bywaters, Paul, Featherstone, Brid, Daniel, Brigid, Brady, Geraldine, Bunting, Lisa, Hooper, Jade, Mirza, Nughmana, Sourfield, Jonathan and Webb, Calum (2018) Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work. ISSN 1356-7500

Child welfare inequalities

Morris, Kate, Mason, Will, Bywaters, Paul, Featherstone, Brid, Daniel, Brigid, Brady, Geraldine, Bunting, Lisa, Hooper, Jade, Mirza, Nughmana, Sourfield, Jonathan and Webb, Calum (2018) Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work. ISSN 1356-7500

Childhood adversity

Bunting, Lisa, Davidson, Gavin, McCartan, Claire, Hanratty, Jennifer, Bywaters, Paul, Mason, Will and Steils, Nicole (2018) The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Poverty – A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77. pp. 121-133. ISSN 0145-2134

Children's science trade books

Caldwell, Elizabeth F. and Wilbraham, Susan (2018) Hairdressing in space: Depiction of gender in science books for children. Journal of Science and Popular Culture. ISSN 2059-9072

China and developing countries

Xie, Xiaoli, Nikitas, Alexandros and Liu, Hongqi (2018) A Study of Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Rural Low Volume Road Intersections in Southwest China. Traffic Injury Prevention. ISSN 1538-9588

Chinese banking

Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283

Chinese traveler

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) Chinese Travelers' Group Decision-Making. Tourism Analysis, 23 (4). pp. 561-565. ISSN 1083-5423


Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005


Kerianoff, Annoushik E. (2018) The effects that the concept of modesty has on the everyday dress of women from religious groups within London neighbourhoods currently. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

Co-worker social support

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Lee, Chie Tsang Isaiah (2018) ‘Inbetweenness’: Transcultural Thinking in My Compositional Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Colleges of education

Fisher, Roy (2018) Teacher education, evacuation and community in war-time Britain : The women of Avery Hill at Huddersfield 1941-46. British Journal of educational studies. ISSN 0007-1005


Fisher, Roy (2018) Teacher education, evacuation and community in war-time Britain : The women of Avery Hill at Huddersfield 1941-46. British Journal of educational studies. ISSN 0007-1005


Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283


Kirk, Joel (2018) Initial Approaches to Idiomatic Contemporary Writing for a Musical Instrument: Discovering Methods of Practice-Based Research. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

computational design

Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

condition monitoring

Elforjani, Badradin A. (2018) THERMAL ENERGY HARVESTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NODES USED FOR CONDITION MONITORING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Tian, Xiange, Xi Gu, James, Rehab, Ibrahim, Abdalla, Gaballa M., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2018) A robust detector for rolling element bearing condition monitoring based on the modulation signal bispectrum and its performance evaluation against the Kurtogram. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 167-187. ISSN 0888-3270


Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949


Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X


Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931



Contract killers

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311


Mendelsohn, James (2018) Closing the loophole: time to clip Hizballah’s ‘wings’. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Credit risk

Kara, Alper, Marques-Ibanez, David and Ongena, Steven (2018) Securitization and Credit Quality in the European Market. European Financial Management. ISSN 1468-036X


Ignatans, Dainis and Roebuck, Timothy (2018) Do more immigrants equal more crime? Drawing a bridge between first generation immigrant concentration and recorded crime rates. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Roach, Jason (2018) Editorial. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

crime scene behaviors

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311

criminal differentiation

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311

Cross correlation

Zhou, Hongliang, Ji, Tao, Wang, Ruichen, Ge, Xiaocheng, Tang, Xiaoyu and Tang, Shizhen (2018) Multipath ultrasonic gas flow-meter based on multiple reference waves. Ultrasonics, 82. pp. 145-152. ISSN 0041-624X


Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

CST simulations

Mistry, Keyur, Lazaridis, Pavlos, Zaharis, Zaharias D., Xenos, Thomas D. and Glover, Ian (2018) Optimization of log-periodic dipole antenna with LTE band rejection. In: LAPC 2017, 13-14 November 2017, Loughborough, UK.


Ignatans, Dainis and Roebuck, Timothy (2018) Do more immigrants equal more crime? Drawing a bridge between first generation immigrant concentration and recorded crime rates. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Pagani, Luca and Scott, Paul J. (2018) Curvature based sampling of curves and surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 59. pp. 32-48. ISSN 0167-8396

cusp depth

Tabriz, Md Shams E. and Barrans, Simon (2018) Effect of cusp size, depth and direction on stress concentration. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 6 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1793-8198

cusp direction

Tabriz, Md Shams E. and Barrans, Simon (2018) Effect of cusp size, depth and direction on stress concentration. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 6 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1793-8198

cusp size

Tabriz, Md Shams E. and Barrans, Simon (2018) Effect of cusp size, depth and direction on stress concentration. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 6 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1793-8198

Cyber Security

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.


Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Stephenson, John and Edward, Karen-Leigh (2018) General Hospital Health Professionals' Attitudes and Perceived Dangerousness Towards Patients with co-Morbid Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1445-8330

dark play

Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

data processing

Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)


Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

Decision support

Shagluf, Abubaker, Parkinson, Simon, Longstaff, Andrew P. and Fletcher, Simon (2018) Adaptive decision support for suggesting a machine tool maintenance strategy: from reactive to preventative. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 24 (3). pp. 376-399. ISSN 1355-2511


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Demand forecasting

Adler, Nicole, Tchouamou Njoya, Eric and Volta, Nicola (2018) The multi-airline p-hub median problem applied to the African aviation market. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 107. pp. 187-202. ISSN 0965-8564


Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584


Delgadillo, Jaime, Rhodes, Laura, Moreea, Omar, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Lutz, Wolfgang and Ali, Shehzad (2018) Relapse and Recurrence of Common Mental Health Problems after Low Intensity CBT: The WYLOW Longitudinal Cohort Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87 (2). pp. 116-117. ISSN 1423-0348

Depressive disorders

Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Stephenson, John and Edward, Karen-Leigh (2018) General Hospital Health Professionals' Attitudes and Perceived Dangerousness Towards Patients with co-Morbid Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1445-8330

Depth of outreach

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Ashton, Sally-Ann, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Offending patterns of youth gang members and leavers. Journal of Gang Research, 25 (2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 1079-3062

Detecting deception

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

Device comparison

Chandrasekar, Anish, Hensor, Elizabeth M.A., Mackie, Sarah L., Backhouse, Michael R. and Harris, Emma (2018) Preliminary concurrent validity of the Fitbit-Zip and ActiGraph activity monitors for measuring steps in people with polymyalgia rheumatica. Gait & Posture, 61. pp. 339-345. ISSN 1879-2219

Diabetes mellitus

Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.


Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208


Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Tett, Lyn (2018) Transforming Learning Identities in Literacy Programmes. Journal of Transformative Education. ISSN 1541-3446


Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779

Distinctive and attractive streets

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X


Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005


Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208

doctoral education

Meschitti, Viviana (2018) Can peer learning support doctoral education? Evidence from an ethnography of a research team. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079

Dominant source market

Chen, Nan, Hsu, Cathy H.C. and Li, Xiang (Robert) (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists. Tourism Management, 66. pp. 94-107. ISSN 0261-5177


Farhat, Zohaib A., Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Mather, Peter and Sibley, Martin J.N. (2018) Practical implementation of duobinary pulse position modulation using FPGA and visible light communication. In: 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). IEEE, pp. 253-256. ISBN 9781538621264

drag reduction system

Jackson, Frankie. F (2018) Aerodynamic optimisation of Formula student vehicle using computational fluid dynamics. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Xie, Xiaoli, Nikitas, Alexandros and Liu, Hongqi (2018) A Study of Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Rural Low Volume Road Intersections in Southwest China. Traffic Injury Prevention. ISSN 1538-9588

drug detection

Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779

Drugs of dependence disorders

Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Stephenson, John and Edward, Karen-Leigh (2018) General Hospital Health Professionals' Attitudes and Perceived Dangerousness Towards Patients with co-Morbid Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1445-8330


Farhat, Zohaib A., Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Mather, Peter and Sibley, Martin J.N. (2018) Practical implementation of duobinary pulse position modulation using FPGA and visible light communication. In: 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). IEEE, pp. 253-256. ISBN 9781538621264


Brandini, Stefania, Bergamaschi, Paola, Cerna, Marco Fernando, Gandini, Francesca, Bastaroli, Francesca, Bertolini, Emilie, Cereda, Cristina, Ferretti, Luca, Gómez-Carballa, Alberto, Battaglia, Vincenza, Salas, Antonio, Semino, Ornella, Achilli, Alessandro, Olivieri, Anna and Torroni, Antonio (2018) The Paleo-Indian Entry into South America According to Mitogenomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (2). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0737-4038


Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283

Electric guitar

Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005

electrical capacitance tomography

Li, Xiaoxu, Jaworski, Artur and Mao, Xiaoan (2018) Bubble size and bubble rise velocity estimation by means of electrical capacitance tomography within gas-solids fluidized beds. Measurement, 117. pp. 226-240. ISSN 0263-2241

Electricity generator

Hamood, Ahmed, Jaworski, Artur, Mao, Xiaoan and Simpson, Kevin (2018) Design and construction of a two-stage thermoacoustic electricity generator with push-pull linear alternator. Energy, 144. pp. 61-72. ISSN 0360-5442

electroacoustic music

Bokowiec, Mark (2018) ‘V’Oct(Ritual): the anatomy of an interactive composition' in CYBERNETICS (edited by Lanfranco Aceti). In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Leonardo Books . MIT Press.

electronic music

Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Embedded Training

Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.

embedded sensors



Spatz, Ben (2018) The Video Way of Thinking. South African Theatre Journal. ISSN 1013-7548

Empirical Study

Despoudi, Stella, Papaioannou, Grammatoula, Saridakis, George and Dani, Samir (2018) Does collaboration pay in agricultural supply chain? An empirical approach. International Journal of Production Research. ISSN 0020-7543

employee ethnic identity

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

employee psychological ownership perception

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

employee voice

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Elforjani, Badradin A. (2018) THERMAL ENERGY HARVESTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NODES USED FOR CONDITION MONITORING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Envelope analysis

Tian, Xiange, Xi Gu, James, Rehab, Ibrahim, Abdalla, Gaballa M., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2018) A robust detector for rolling element bearing condition monitoring based on the modulation signal bispectrum and its performance evaluation against the Kurtogram. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 167-187. ISSN 0888-3270

Episodic events

Bagri, Gurjog and Jones, Gregory V. (2018) The role of first person perspective and imagery in memory for written narratives. Educational Psychology in Practice. ISSN 0266-7363


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Spatz, Ben (2018) The Video Way of Thinking. South African Theatre Journal. ISSN 1013-7548

ethnic diversity

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Miller, Paul and Callender, Christine (2018) Black Leaders Matter: Agency, Progression and the Sustainability of BME School Leadership in England. Journal for Multicultural Education. ISSN 2053-535X


Kerianoff, Annoushik E. (2018) The effects that the concept of modesty has on the everyday dress of women from religious groups within London neighbourhoods currently. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Meschitti, Viviana (2018) Can peer learning support doctoral education? Evidence from an ethnography of a research team. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079

European market

Kara, Alper, Marques-Ibanez, David and Ongena, Steven (2018) Securitization and Credit Quality in the European Market. European Financial Management. ISSN 1468-036X

Evidence-based practice

Duff, Jed, Walker, Kim, Edward, Karen-Leigh, Ralph, Nicholas, Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Alexander, Kimberley, Gow, Jeffrey and Stephenson, John (2018) Effect of a thermal care bundle on the prevention, detection and treatment of perioperative inadvertent hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 0962-1067


Venters, Colin, Capilla, Rafael, Betz, Stefanie, Penzenstadler, Birgit, Crick, Tom, Crouch, Steve, Nakagawa, Elisa Yumi, Becker, Christoph and Carrillo, Carlos (2018) Software Sustainability: Research and Practice from a Software Architecture Viewpoint. Journal of Systems and Software, 138. pp. 174-188. ISSN 0164-1212


Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931


Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005


Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Eyewitness confidence

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949


van Schaik, Paul, Jansen, Jurjen, Onibokun, Joseph, Camp, Jean and Kusev, Petko (2018) Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking: Risk Perceptions and Precautionary Behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 78. pp. 283-297. ISSN 0747-5632


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Fault detection

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481

Federal German elections

Walker, Jim (2018) The Formation of Voting Behaviour Explained by Voting for Anti-European Parties. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Feed direction

Lu, Kaibo, Lian, Zisheng, Gu, Fengshou and Liu, Hunju (2018) Model-based Chatter Stability Prediction and Detection for the Turning of a Flexible Workpiece. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 814-826. ISSN 0888-3270


Liu, Jing, Zhu, Runliang, Liang, Xiaoliang, Ma, Lingya, Lin, Xiaoju, Zhu, Jianxi, He, Hongping, Parker, Stephen C. and Molinari, Marco (2018) Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) with sulfate/phosphate on ferrihydrite: An in situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS study. Chemical Geology, 477. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1872-6836

Financial crisis

Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963

Financial economics

Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

Financial research

Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

finite element analysis

Tabriz, Md Shams E. and Barrans, Simon (2018) Effect of cusp size, depth and direction on stress concentration. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 6 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1793-8198

first peopling of South America

Brandini, Stefania, Bergamaschi, Paola, Cerna, Marco Fernando, Gandini, Francesca, Bastaroli, Francesca, Bertolini, Emilie, Cereda, Cristina, Ferretti, Luca, Gómez-Carballa, Alberto, Battaglia, Vincenza, Salas, Antonio, Semino, Ornella, Achilli, Alessandro, Olivieri, Anna and Torroni, Antonio (2018) The Paleo-Indian Entry into South America According to Mitogenomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (2). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0737-4038

First person perspective

Bagri, Gurjog and Jones, Gregory V. (2018) The role of first person perspective and imagery in memory for written narratives. Educational Psychology in Practice. ISSN 0266-7363


Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Flexible workpieces

Lu, Kaibo, Lian, Zisheng, Gu, Fengshou and Liu, Hunju (2018) Model-based Chatter Stability Prediction and Detection for the Turning of a Flexible Workpiece. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 814-826. ISSN 0888-3270


Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Kirk, Joel (2018) Initial Approaches to Idiomatic Contemporary Writing for a Musical Instrument: Discovering Methods of Practice-Based Research. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Henderson, Julie and Armitage, Rachel (2018) If the Shoe Fits: Proposing a Randomised Control Trial on the effect of a digitised in-custody footwear technology compared to a paper-based footwear method. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Forensic Entomology

Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Forensic Podiatry

Henderson, Julie and Armitage, Rachel (2018) If the Shoe Fits: Proposing a Randomised Control Trial on the effect of a digitised in-custody footwear technology compared to a paper-based footwear method. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Forensic proteomics

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919

Formula SAE

Jackson, Frankie. F (2018) Aerodynamic optimisation of Formula student vehicle using computational fluid dynamics. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.


Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Zhang, Po, Lu, Wenlong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhai, Wenzheng, Zhou, Mingzhuo and Zeng, Wenhan (2018) Torsional fretting and torsional sliding wear behaviors of CuNiAl against 42CrMo4 under dry condition. Tribology International, 118. pp. 11-19. ISSN 0301-679X

Friendship group

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) How do young Chinese friendship groups make travel decisions? A content and interaction process analysis. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. ISSN 1540-7306

Fuzzy logic systems

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481

GABAA receptor

Waters, Laura J., Manchester, Kieran R., Maskell, Peter D., Haegeman, Caroline and Haider, Shozeb (2018) The use of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model to predict GABA-A receptor binding of newly emerging benzodiazepines. Science and Justice. ISSN 1355-0306

game based learning

Walsh, Andrew (2018) Giving Permission to Play in Higher Education. In: 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 329-336. ISBN 9788490486900

gas-solids fluidized beds

Li, Xiaoxu, Jaworski, Artur and Mao, Xiaoan (2018) Bubble size and bubble rise velocity estimation by means of electrical capacitance tomography within gas-solids fluidized beds. Measurement, 117. pp. 226-240. ISSN 0263-2241

gearbox monitoring

Elforjani, Badradin A. (2018) THERMAL ENERGY HARVESTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NODES USED FOR CONDITION MONITORING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Fisher, Roy (2018) Teacher education, evacuation and community in war-time Britain : The women of Avery Hill at Huddersfield 1941-46. British Journal of educational studies. ISSN 0007-1005

Gender-STEMM stereotypes

Caldwell, Elizabeth F. and Wilbraham, Susan (2018) Hairdressing in space: Depiction of gender in science books for children. Journal of Science and Popular Culture. ISSN 2059-9072


Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Governance mechanisms

Elmagrhi, Mohamed H., Ntim, Collins G., Malagila, John, Fosu, Samuel and Tunyi, Abongeh A. (2018) Trustee Board Diversity, Governance Mechanisms, Capital Structure and Performance in UK Charities. Corporate Governance. ISSN 1472-0701

Graduate education/research

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584

Graph Structure

Parkinson, Simon, Vallati, Mauro, Crampton, Andrew and Sohrabi, Shirin (2018) GraphBAD: A General Technique for Anomaly Detection in Security Information and Event Management. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. ISSN 1532-0626

Group decision-making process

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) Chinese Travelers' Group Decision-Making. Tourism Analysis, 23 (4). pp. 561-565. ISSN 1083-5423

Group size

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Group travel decision-making

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) How do young Chinese friendship groups make travel decisions? A content and interaction process analysis. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. ISSN 1540-7306


Bissell, Paul, Thompson, Jill and Gibson, Barry (2018) Exploring Difference or Just Watching the Experts at Work? Interrogating Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in a Cancer Research Setting Using the Work of Jurgen Habermas. Sociology. ISSN 0038-0385

Hands-on learning/manipulatives

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584


Brandini, Stefania, Bergamaschi, Paola, Cerna, Marco Fernando, Gandini, Francesca, Bastaroli, Francesca, Bertolini, Emilie, Cereda, Cristina, Ferretti, Luca, Gómez-Carballa, Alberto, Battaglia, Vincenza, Salas, Antonio, Semino, Ornella, Achilli, Alessandro, Olivieri, Anna and Torroni, Antonio (2018) The Paleo-Indian Entry into South America According to Mitogenomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (2). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0737-4038

Harmonic structures

Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005


Elforjani, Badradin A. (2018) THERMAL ENERGY HARVESTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NODES USED FOR CONDITION MONITORING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

Health professional

Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Stephenson, John and Edward, Karen-Leigh (2018) General Hospital Health Professionals' Attitudes and Perceived Dangerousness Towards Patients with co-Morbid Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1445-8330

Healthcare collaborative

Duff, Jed, Walker, Kim, Edward, Karen-Leigh, Ralph, Nicholas, Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Alexander, Kimberley, Gow, Jeffrey and Stephenson, John (2018) Effect of a thermal care bundle on the prevention, detection and treatment of perioperative inadvertent hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 0962-1067

healthcare facilities

Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218


Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005

High school/introductory chemistry

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584

Higher Education

Abou Hamdan, Omar, Yeadon-Lee, Annie and Rachel, Cockman (2018) Leader-member Exchange within Academic Research Teams: An Exploration of the Relationship between the Research Team Leader and Research Member(s). In: BAM 2018, 3rd-6th September 2018, University of Bristol, UK.

Halsall, Jamie and Caldwell, Elizabeth F. (2018) Social Mobility in the UK's Higher Education Sector: A Critical Review. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 9 (4). ISSN 1941-868X

Johnes, Jill (2018) University rankings: What do they really show? Scientometrics. ISSN 0138-9130

Walsh, Andrew (2018) Giving Permission to Play in Higher Education. In: 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 329-336. ISBN 9788490486900

Historical Fiction

Hodgkinson, Amanda (2018) Spilt Milk: Memory, Real Life, and Knowing the Past in Historical Fiction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

History of Performance Magic

Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Mendelsohn, James (2018) Closing the loophole: time to clip Hizballah’s ‘wings’. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Ali, Gulnar, Snowden, Michael, Wattis, John and Rogers, Melanie (2018) Spirituality in nursing education: knowledge and practice gaps. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 5 (1-3). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2059-4976

Holly Golightly

Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931

Hot spot protection

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

human rights

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Hyphenated techniques

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Hyradulic capsule pipeline (HCP)

Asim, Taimoor, Algadhi, Abdulamagid and Mishra, Rakesh (2018) Effect of Capsule Shape on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Optimal Design of Hydraulic Capsule Pipelines. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 161. pp. 390-408. ISSN 0920-4105


Roach, Jason (2018) Editorial. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

idiomatic writing

Kirk, Joel (2018) Initial Approaches to Idiomatic Contemporary Writing for a Musical Instrument: Discovering Methods of Practice-Based Research. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Illusion of Reality

Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Ignatans, Dainis and Roebuck, Timothy (2018) Do more immigrants equal more crime? Drawing a bridge between first generation immigrant concentration and recorded crime rates. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Inclusive design

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X

Individual differences

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

Information security

van Schaik, Paul, Jansen, Jurjen, Onibokun, Joseph, Camp, Jean and Kusev, Petko (2018) Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking: Risk Perceptions and Precautionary Behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 78. pp. 283-297. ISSN 0747-5632

Inpatient staff

Hughes, Elizabeth, Sharratt, Kathryn, Bressington, Daniel and Gray, Richard (2018) Novel psychoactive substance use by mental health service consumers: an online survey of inpatient health professionals’ views and experiences. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 11 (1). pp. 30-39. ISSN 1757-0972

Insect colonization

Giordani, Giorgia, Tuccia, Fabiola, Floris, Ignazio and Vanin, Stefano (2018) First record of Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from mummies at the Sant’Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo, Sardinia, Italy. PeerJ, 6. ISSN 2167-8359


Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

institutional anniversaries

Ince, Lindsay (2018) Breaking down the invisible barrier: Connecting the university estate with the local community. In: Urban History Beyond the Academy, 25/05/2018, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

institutional environment

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Henderson, Julie and Armitage, Rachel (2018) If the Shoe Fits: Proposing a Randomised Control Trial on the effect of a digitised in-custody footwear technology compared to a paper-based footwear method. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Interaction process analysis

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) Chinese Travelers' Group Decision-Making. Tourism Analysis, 23 (4). pp. 561-565. ISSN 1083-5423

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) How do young Chinese friendship groups make travel decisions? A content and interaction process analysis. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. ISSN 1540-7306

Interactive music

Bokowiec, Mark (2018) ‘V’Oct(Ritual): the anatomy of an interactive composition' in CYBERNETICS (edited by Lanfranco Aceti). In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Leonardo Books . MIT Press.


Ingirige, Bingunath (2018) Editorial for Issue 4 of Fields. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

International strategy

Anchor, J.R (2018) The Strategic Management of Internationalisation in English Universities. In: Huddersfield Business School Research Conference 2018, 10th-12th January 2018, Huddersfield Business School. (Unpublished)

international students

Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Anchor, J.R (2018) The Strategic Management of Internationalisation in English Universities. In: Huddersfield Business School Research Conference 2018, 10th-12th January 2018, Huddersfield Business School. (Unpublished)

interpersonal fairness

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Intersection crashes

Xie, Xiaoli, Nikitas, Alexandros and Liu, Hongqi (2018) A Study of Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Rural Low Volume Road Intersections in Southwest China. Traffic Injury Prevention. ISSN 1538-9588


Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043


Henderson, Julie and Armitage, Rachel (2018) If the Shoe Fits: Proposing a Randomised Control Trial on the effect of a digitised in-custody footwear technology compared to a paper-based footwear method. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Investigative Psychology

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311


Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Bokowiec, Mark (2018) ‘V’Oct(Ritual): the anatomy of an interactive composition' in CYBERNETICS (edited by Lanfranco Aceti). In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Leonardo Books . MIT Press.


Tian, Xiange, Xi Gu, James, Rehab, Ibrahim, Abdalla, Gaballa M., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2018) A robust detector for rolling element bearing condition monitoring based on the modulation signal bispectrum and its performance evaluation against the Kurtogram. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 167-187. ISSN 0888-3270


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Leader-member exchange

Abou Hamdan, Omar, Yeadon-Lee, Annie and Rachel, Cockman (2018) Leader-member Exchange within Academic Research Teams: An Exploration of the Relationship between the Research Team Leader and Research Member(s). In: BAM 2018, 3rd-6th September 2018, University of Bristol, UK.


Abou Hamdan, Omar, Yeadon-Lee, Annie and Rachel, Cockman (2018) Leader-member Exchange within Academic Research Teams: An Exploration of the Relationship between the Research Team Leader and Research Member(s). In: BAM 2018, 3rd-6th September 2018, University of Bristol, UK.

Miller, Paul and Callender, Christine (2018) Black Leaders Matter: Agency, Progression and the Sustainability of BME School Leadership in England. Journal for Multicultural Education. ISSN 2053-535X

Least-cost principle

Asim, Taimoor, Algadhi, Abdulamagid and Mishra, Rakesh (2018) Effect of Capsule Shape on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Optimal Design of Hydraulic Capsule Pipelines. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 161. pp. 390-408. ISSN 0920-4105


Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.

Farhat, Zohaib A., Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Mather, Peter and Sibley, Martin J.N. (2018) Practical implementation of duobinary pulse position modulation using FPGA and visible light communication. In: 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). IEEE, pp. 253-256. ISBN 9781538621264

Lifting technique

Nolan, David, O'Sullivan, Kieran, Stephenson, John, O'Sullivan, Peter and Lucock, Mike (2018) What do physiotherapist and manual handling advisors consider the safest lifting posture, and do back beliefs influence their choice? Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 33. pp. 35-40. ISSN 2468-8630

Link Quality Estimation

Hughes, Jack Bryan (2018) Real-time Link Quality Estimation and Holistic Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Literary Theory

Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931


Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931

Literature in Marketing

Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931

Literature review

Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

literature theory

Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Log Files

Parkinson, Simon, Vallati, Mauro, Crampton, Andrew and Sohrabi, Shirin (2018) GraphBAD: A General Technique for Anomaly Detection in Security Information and Event Management. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. ISSN 1532-0626

Log-periodic antenna

Mistry, Keyur, Lazaridis, Pavlos, Zaharis, Zaharias D., Xenos, Thomas D. and Glover, Ian (2018) Optimization of log-periodic dipole antenna with LTE band rejection. In: LAPC 2017, 13-14 November 2017, Loughborough, UK.

Logic gates

Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Venters, Colin, Capilla, Rafael, Betz, Stefanie, Penzenstadler, Birgit, Crick, Tom, Crouch, Steve, Nakagawa, Elisa Yumi, Becker, Christoph and Carrillo, Carlos (2018) Software Sustainability: Research and Practice from a Software Architecture Viewpoint. Journal of Systems and Software, 138. pp. 174-188. ISSN 0164-1212


Bunting, Lisa, Davidson, Gavin, McCartan, Claire, Hanratty, Jennifer, Bywaters, Paul, Mason, Will and Steils, Nicole (2018) The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Poverty – A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77. pp. 121-133. ISSN 0145-2134

Low intensity CBT

Delgadillo, Jaime, Rhodes, Laura, Moreea, Omar, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Lutz, Wolfgang and Ali, Shehzad (2018) Relapse and Recurrence of Common Mental Health Problems after Low Intensity CBT: The WYLOW Longitudinal Cohort Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87 (2). pp. 116-117. ISSN 1423-0348

LTE band rejection

Mistry, Keyur, Lazaridis, Pavlos, Zaharis, Zaharias D., Xenos, Thomas D. and Glover, Ian (2018) Optimization of log-periodic dipole antenna with LTE band rejection. In: LAPC 2017, 13-14 November 2017, Loughborough, UK.


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

Machine tool calibration

Shagluf, Abubaker, Parkinson, Simon, Longstaff, Andrew P. and Fletcher, Simon (2018) Adaptive decision support for suggesting a machine tool maintenance strategy: from reactive to preventative. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 24 (3). pp. 376-399. ISSN 1355-2511


Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

magician as facilitator

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Mainland Chinese tourists

Chen, Nan, Hsu, Cathy H.C. and Li, Xiang (Robert) (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists. Tourism Management, 66. pp. 94-107. ISSN 0261-5177


Shagluf, Abubaker, Parkinson, Simon, Longstaff, Andrew P. and Fletcher, Simon (2018) Adaptive decision support for suggesting a machine tool maintenance strategy: from reactive to preventative. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 24 (3). pp. 376-399. ISSN 1355-2511


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Management of fabrication

Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Goswami, Parikshit, Wilcox, Mark and Russell, Stephen J. (2018) Factors affecting Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Healthcare Surfaces during Dynamic Wiping. Textile Research Journal. ISSN 0040-5175

Manual handling

Nolan, David, O'Sullivan, Kieran, Stephenson, John, O'Sullivan, Peter and Lucock, Mike (2018) What do physiotherapist and manual handling advisors consider the safest lifting posture, and do back beliefs influence their choice? Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 33. pp. 35-40. ISSN 2468-8630


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Goswami, Parikshit, Wilcox, Mark and Russell, Stephen J. (2018) Factors affecting Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Healthcare Surfaces during Dynamic Wiping. Textile Research Journal. ISSN 0040-5175

Marketing Philosophy

Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Mass Spectrometry

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Goswami, Parikshit, Wilcox, Mark and Russell, Stephen J. (2018) Factors affecting Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Healthcare Surfaces during Dynamic Wiping. Textile Research Journal. ISSN 0040-5175

medication adherence

Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Giordani, Giorgia, Tuccia, Fabiola, Floris, Ignazio and Vanin, Stefano (2018) First record of Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from mummies at the Sant’Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo, Sardinia, Italy. PeerJ, 6. ISSN 2167-8359


Hodgkinson, Amanda (2018) Spilt Milk: Memory, Real Life, and Knowing the Past in Historical Fiction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Mental disorder

Hughes, Elizabeth, Sharratt, Kathryn, Bressington, Daniel and Gray, Richard (2018) Novel psychoactive substance use by mental health service consumers: an online survey of inpatient health professionals’ views and experiences. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 11 (1). pp. 30-39. ISSN 1757-0972


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Mesoporous silica

Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987


Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

mind reading

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Misinformation effect

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

mitochondrial DNA

Brandini, Stefania, Bergamaschi, Paola, Cerna, Marco Fernando, Gandini, Francesca, Bastaroli, Francesca, Bertolini, Emilie, Cereda, Cristina, Ferretti, Luca, Gómez-Carballa, Alberto, Battaglia, Vincenza, Salas, Antonio, Semino, Ornella, Achilli, Alessandro, Olivieri, Anna and Torroni, Antonio (2018) The Paleo-Indian Entry into South America According to Mitogenomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (2). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0737-4038

mitochondrial genomes

Brandini, Stefania, Bergamaschi, Paola, Cerna, Marco Fernando, Gandini, Francesca, Bastaroli, Francesca, Bertolini, Emilie, Cereda, Cristina, Ferretti, Luca, Gómez-Carballa, Alberto, Battaglia, Vincenza, Salas, Antonio, Semino, Ornella, Achilli, Alessandro, Olivieri, Anna and Torroni, Antonio (2018) The Paleo-Indian Entry into South America According to Mitogenomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (2). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0737-4038


Kerianoff, Annoushik E. (2018) The effects that the concept of modesty has on the everyday dress of women from religious groups within London neighbourhoods currently. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Modulation signal bispectrum

Tian, Xiange, Xi Gu, James, Rehab, Ibrahim, Abdalla, Gaballa M., Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2018) A robust detector for rolling element bearing condition monitoring based on the modulation signal bispectrum and its performance evaluation against the Kurtogram. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 167-187. ISSN 0888-3270


Reeves, Carla (2018) The virtual simulation of child sexual abuse: Online gameworld users’ views, understanding and responses to sexual ageplay. Ethics and Information Technology. ISSN 1572-8439


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Sarmento, Hugo, Peralta, Miguel, Harper, Liam D. and Marques, Adilson (2018) Achievement goals and self-determination in adult football players: a cluster analysis. Kinesiology. ISSN 1331-1441


Hamood, Ahmed, Jaworski, Artur, Mao, Xiaoan and Simpson, Kevin (2018) Design and construction of a two-stage thermoacoustic electricity generator with push-pull linear alternator. Energy, 144. pp. 61-72. ISSN 0360-5442

multidimensional structure

Yaneva, Miroslava, Ioannou, Maria, Hammond, Laura and Synnott, John (2018) Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 1468-2311

Multipath ultrasonic flow-meter

Zhou, Hongliang, Ji, Tao, Wang, Ruichen, Ge, Xiaocheng, Tang, Xiaoyu and Tang, Shizhen (2018) Multipath ultrasonic gas flow-meter based on multiple reference waves. Ultrasonics, 82. pp. 145-152. ISSN 0041-624X

Mummified bodies

Giordani, Giorgia, Tuccia, Fabiola, Floris, Ignazio and Vanin, Stefano (2018) First record of Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from mummies at the Sant’Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo, Sardinia, Italy. PeerJ, 6. ISSN 2167-8359


Kirk, Joel (2018) Initial Approaches to Idiomatic Contemporary Writing for a Musical Instrument: Discovering Methods of Practice-Based Research. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

music theatre

Adlington, Robert C. (2018) Politics and the popular in British Music Theatre of the Vietnam era. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 143 (2). pp. 433-471. ISSN 0269-0403

Music theory

Herbst, Jan-Peter (2018) Heaviness and the electric guitar: Considering the interaction between distortion and harmonic structures. Metal Music Studies, 4 (1). pp. 95-113. ISSN 20524005

mystery entertainment

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208

Native Americans

Brandini, Stefania, Bergamaschi, Paola, Cerna, Marco Fernando, Gandini, Francesca, Bastaroli, Francesca, Bertolini, Emilie, Cereda, Cristina, Ferretti, Luca, Gómez-Carballa, Alberto, Battaglia, Vincenza, Salas, Antonio, Semino, Ornella, Achilli, Alessandro, Olivieri, Anna and Torroni, Antonio (2018) The Paleo-Indian Entry into South America According to Mitogenomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (2). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0737-4038

Negative photochromism

Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208

neo-institutional theory

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Neural network

Shebani, Amer and Iwnicki, Simon (2018) Prediction of wheel and rail wear under different contact conditions using artificial neural networks. Wear. ISSN 0043-1648

Never event

Walmsley, T., Schmitgen, G., Carr, S., Mortimer, P., Garside, Joanne and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2018) Changing Operating Lists on the Day of Surgery - a Service Evaluation. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 28 (9). pp. 238-242. ISSN 1750-4589

New psychoactive substances

Waters, Laura J., Manchester, Kieran R., Maskell, Peter D., Haegeman, Caroline and Haider, Shozeb (2018) The use of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model to predict GABA-A receptor binding of newly emerging benzodiazepines. Science and Justice. ISSN 1355-0306


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

nomothetic and idiographic knowledge

Ali, Gulnar, Snowden, Michael, Wattis, John and Rogers, Melanie (2018) Spirituality in nursing education: knowledge and practice gaps. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 5 (1-3). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2059-4976

non-academic aspects

Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

non-medical prescribing

Haygarth, Lynn and Hemingway, Steve (2018) Schizophrenia: Practical prescribing of antipsychotics. Nurse Prescribing, 16 (2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 1479-9189

Non-verbal behaviour

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043


Hodgkinson, Amanda (2018) Spilt Milk: Memory, Real Life, and Knowing the Past in Historical Fiction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Novel psychoactive substances

Hughes, Elizabeth, Sharratt, Kathryn, Bressington, Daniel and Gray, Richard (2018) Novel psychoactive substance use by mental health service consumers: an online survey of inpatient health professionals’ views and experiences. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 11 (1). pp. 30-39. ISSN 1757-0972

numerical simulation

Li, Xiaoxu, Jaworski, Artur and Mao, Xiaoan (2018) Bubble size and bubble rise velocity estimation by means of electrical capacitance tomography within gas-solids fluidized beds. Measurement, 117. pp. 226-240. ISSN 0263-2241


Pagani, Luca and Scott, Paul J. (2018) Curvature based sampling of curves and surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 59. pp. 32-48. ISSN 0167-8396

nursing curriculum

Ali, Gulnar, Snowden, Michael, Wattis, John and Rogers, Melanie (2018) Spirituality in nursing education: knowledge and practice gaps. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 5 (1-3). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2059-4976

nursing philosophy

Ali, Gulnar, Snowden, Michael, Wattis, John and Rogers, Melanie (2018) Spirituality in nursing education: knowledge and practice gaps. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 5 (1-3). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2059-4976


Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) How do young Chinese friendship groups make travel decisions? A content and interaction process analysis. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. ISSN 1540-7306


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

offending patterns

Ashton, Sally-Ann, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Offending patterns of youth gang members and leavers. Journal of Gang Research, 25 (2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 1079-3062

Older Adults


Online privacy

van Schaik, Paul, Jansen, Jurjen, Onibokun, Joseph, Camp, Jean and Kusev, Petko (2018) Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking: Risk Perceptions and Precautionary Behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 78. pp. 283-297. ISSN 0747-5632


Ali, Gulnar, Snowden, Michael, Wattis, John and Rogers, Melanie (2018) Spirituality in nursing education: knowledge and practice gaps. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 5 (1-3). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2059-4976

Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

Open Access

Parker, Catherine and Spikin, Mike (2018) The Game of Open Access - poster presented at Repofringe 2018. In: Repofringe, 2-3 July 2018, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Operating department

Walmsley, T., Schmitgen, G., Carr, S., Mortimer, P., Garside, Joanne and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2018) Changing Operating Lists on the Day of Surgery - a Service Evaluation. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 28 (9). pp. 238-242. ISSN 1750-4589

Operating list

Walmsley, T., Schmitgen, G., Carr, S., Mortimer, P., Garside, Joanne and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2018) Changing Operating Lists on the Day of Surgery - a Service Evaluation. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 28 (9). pp. 238-242. ISSN 1750-4589


Asim, Taimoor, Algadhi, Abdulamagid and Mishra, Rakesh (2018) Effect of Capsule Shape on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Optimal Design of Hydraulic Capsule Pipelines. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 161. pp. 390-408. ISSN 0920-4105


Mistry, Keyur, Lazaridis, Pavlos, Zaharis, Zaharias D., Xenos, Thomas D. and Glover, Ian (2018) Optimization of log-periodic dipole antenna with LTE band rejection. In: LAPC 2017, 13-14 November 2017, Loughborough, UK.

ordinal logit regressions

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

organisational self-identity

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

P-hub median

Adler, Nicole, Tchouamou Njoya, Eric and Volta, Nicola (2018) The multi-airline p-hub median problem applied to the African aviation market. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 107. pp. 187-202. ISSN 0965-8564

Packet Delivery

Hughes, Jack Bryan (2018) Real-time Link Quality Estimation and Holistic Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

partnership working

Ince, Lindsay (2018) Breaking down the invisible barrier: Connecting the university estate with the local community. In: Urban History Beyond the Academy, 25/05/2018, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Patient and public involvement

Bissell, Paul, Thompson, Jill and Gibson, Barry (2018) Exploring Difference or Just Watching the Experts at Work? Interrogating Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in a Cancer Research Setting Using the Work of Jurgen Habermas. Sociology. ISSN 0038-0385


Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Pedestrian accidents

Xie, Xiaoli, Nikitas, Alexandros and Liu, Hongqi (2018) A Study of Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Rural Low Volume Road Intersections in Southwest China. Traffic Injury Prevention. ISSN 1538-9588

Pedestrian prominence

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X

Peer learning

Meschitti, Viviana (2018) Can peer learning support doctoral education? Evidence from an ethnography of a research team. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079


Bokowiec, Mark (2018) ‘V’Oct(Ritual): the anatomy of an interactive composition' in CYBERNETICS (edited by Lanfranco Aceti). In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Leonardo Books . MIT Press.

Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Goswami, Parikshit, Wilcox, Mark and Russell, Stephen J. (2018) Factors affecting Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Healthcare Surfaces during Dynamic Wiping. Textile Research Journal. ISSN 0040-5175

Johnes, Jill (2018) University rankings: What do they really show? Scientometrics. ISSN 0138-9130

Performance Measures

Despoudi, Stella, Papaioannou, Grammatoula, Saridakis, George and Dani, Samir (2018) Does collaboration pay in agricultural supply chain? An empirical approach. International Journal of Production Research. ISSN 0020-7543

performing arts

Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Perioperative inadvertent hypothermia

Duff, Jed, Walker, Kim, Edward, Karen-Leigh, Ralph, Nicholas, Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Alexander, Kimberley, Gow, Jeffrey and Stephenson, John (2018) Effect of a thermal care bundle on the prevention, detection and treatment of perioperative inadvertent hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 0962-1067

Permission to play

Walsh, Andrew (2018) Giving Permission to Play in Higher Education. In: 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 329-336. ISBN 9788490486900

personality scores

Walker, Jim (2018) The Formation of Voting Behaviour Explained by Voting for Anti-European Parties. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Brandini, Stefania, Bergamaschi, Paola, Cerna, Marco Fernando, Gandini, Francesca, Bastaroli, Francesca, Bertolini, Emilie, Cereda, Cristina, Ferretti, Luca, Gómez-Carballa, Alberto, Battaglia, Vincenza, Salas, Antonio, Semino, Ornella, Achilli, Alessandro, Olivieri, Anna and Torroni, Antonio (2018) The Paleo-Indian Entry into South America According to Mitogenomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (2). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0737-4038


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Liu, Jing, Zhu, Runliang, Liang, Xiaoliang, Ma, Lingya, Lin, Xiaoju, Zhu, Jianxi, He, Hongping, Parker, Stephen C. and Molinari, Marco (2018) Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) with sulfate/phosphate on ferrihydrite: An in situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS study. Chemical Geology, 477. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1872-6836


Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208

Photovoltaic (PV) hot spotting analysis

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796

Photovoltaic faults

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481

Photovoltaic system

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce and Dales, Mark (2018) Comparing Mamdani Sugeno fuzzy logic and RBF ANN network for PV fault detection. Renewable Energy, 117. pp. 257-274. ISSN 0960-1481

Physical activity

Chandrasekar, Anish, Hensor, Elizabeth M.A., Mackie, Sarah L., Backhouse, Michael R. and Harris, Emma (2018) Preliminary concurrent validity of the Fitbit-Zip and ActiGraph activity monitors for measuring steps in people with polymyalgia rheumatica. Gait & Posture, 61. pp. 339-345. ISSN 1879-2219


Walsh, Andrew (2018) Giving Permission to Play in Higher Education. In: 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 329-336. ISBN 9788490486900




Vanin, Stefano (2018) Forensic Entomology:an overview. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Police training

Ryan, Saskia, Sherretts, Nicole, Willmott, Dominic, Mojtahedi, Dara and Baughman, Benjamin (2018) The Missing Link in Training to Detect Deception and its Implications for Justice. Safer Communities, 17 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1757-8043

Polling research

Walker, Jim (2018) The Formation of Voting Behaviour Explained by Voting for Anti-European Parties. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Polymer chemistry

Cullen, John and Scott, Fraser J. (2018) Preparation of a Polymeric Foam: An Activity Designed to Increase Teachers’ Awareness of the Utility of Condensation Polymerisation. Journal of Chemical Education. ISSN 0021-9584

Polymyalgia rheumatica

Chandrasekar, Anish, Hensor, Elizabeth M.A., Mackie, Sarah L., Backhouse, Michael R. and Harris, Emma (2018) Preliminary concurrent validity of the Fitbit-Zip and ActiGraph activity monitors for measuring steps in people with polymyalgia rheumatica. Gait & Posture, 61. pp. 339-345. ISSN 1879-2219

popular music

Adlington, Robert C. (2018) Politics and the popular in British Music Theatre of the Vietnam era. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 143 (2). pp. 433-471. ISSN 0269-0403

positional and figured identities

Tett, Lyn (2018) Transforming Learning Identities in Literacy Programmes. Journal of Transformative Education. ISSN 1541-3446

Post-mortem interval

Procopio, Noemi, Williams, Anna, Chamberlain, Andrew T. and Buckley, Michael (2018) Forensic Proteomics for the Evaluation of the post-Mortem Decay in Bones. Journal of Proteomics, 177. pp. 21-30. ISSN 1874-3919


Price, Amelia (2018) An Analysis of Key Ideas of Deconstruction through Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

post-truth mentalism

Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

postgraduate research

Ingirige, Bingunath (2018) Editorial for Issue 4 of Fields. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Postharvest Food Loss

Despoudi, Stella, Papaioannou, Grammatoula, Saridakis, George and Dani, Samir (2018) Does collaboration pay in agricultural supply chain? An empirical approach. International Journal of Production Research. ISSN 0020-7543


Bunting, Lisa, Davidson, Gavin, McCartan, Claire, Hanratty, Jennifer, Bywaters, Paul, Mason, Will and Steils, Nicole (2018) The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Poverty – A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77. pp. 121-133. ISSN 0145-2134

Morris, Kate, Mason, Will, Bywaters, Paul, Featherstone, Brid, Daniel, Brigid, Brady, Geraldine, Bunting, Lisa, Hooper, Jade, Mirza, Nughmana, Sourfield, Jonathan and Webb, Calum (2018) Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work. ISSN 1356-7500


Tett, Lyn (2018) Transforming Learning Identities in Literacy Programmes. Journal of Transformative Education. ISSN 1541-3446


Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.

Farhat, Zohaib A., Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Mather, Peter and Sibley, Martin J.N. (2018) Practical implementation of duobinary pulse position modulation using FPGA and visible light communication. In: 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). IEEE, pp. 253-256. ISBN 9781538621264


Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

practice-based research

Kirk, Joel (2018) Initial Approaches to Idiomatic Contemporary Writing for a Musical Instrument: Discovering Methods of Practice-Based Research. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Precautionary behaviour

van Schaik, Paul, Jansen, Jurjen, Onibokun, Joseph, Camp, Jean and Kusev, Petko (2018) Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking: Risk Perceptions and Precautionary Behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 78. pp. 283-297. ISSN 0747-5632


Tong, Qiang (2018) Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Predicting Susceptibility of Ankylosing Spondylitis and the Response to Anti-TNFα Therapy. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Waters, Laura J., Manchester, Kieran R., Maskell, Peter D., Haegeman, Caroline and Haider, Shozeb (2018) The use of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model to predict GABA-A receptor binding of newly emerging benzodiazepines. Science and Justice. ISSN 1355-0306

Principal components analysis

Johnes, Jill (2018) University rankings: What do they really show? Scientometrics. ISSN 0138-9130

Product and systems engineering

Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Goswami, Parikshit, Wilcox, Mark and Russell, Stephen J. (2018) Factors affecting Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Healthcare Surfaces during Dynamic Wiping. Textile Research Journal. ISSN 0040-5175

Product design

Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Goswami, Parikshit, Wilcox, Mark and Russell, Stephen J. (2018) Factors affecting Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Healthcare Surfaces during Dynamic Wiping. Textile Research Journal. ISSN 0040-5175

programme issues

Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Miller, Paul and Callender, Christine (2018) Black Leaders Matter: Agency, Progression and the Sustainability of BME School Leadership in England. Journal for Multicultural Education. ISSN 2053-535X


Mendelsohn, James (2018) Closing the loophole: time to clip Hizballah’s ‘wings’. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Adlington, Robert C. (2018) Politics and the popular in British Music Theatre of the Vietnam era. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 143 (2). pp. 433-471. ISSN 0269-0403

public history

Ince, Lindsay (2018) Breaking down the invisible barrier: Connecting the university estate with the local community. In: Urban History Beyond the Academy, 25/05/2018, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Push-pull alternator

Hamood, Ahmed, Jaworski, Artur, Mao, Xiaoan and Simpson, Kevin (2018) Design and construction of a two-stage thermoacoustic electricity generator with push-pull linear alternator. Energy, 144. pp. 61-72. ISSN 0360-5442


Waters, Laura J., Manchester, Kieran R., Maskell, Peter D., Haegeman, Caroline and Haider, Shozeb (2018) The use of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model to predict GABA-A receptor binding of newly emerging benzodiazepines. Science and Justice. ISSN 1355-0306

quantitative study

Ignatans, Dainis and Roebuck, Timothy (2018) Do more immigrants equal more crime? Drawing a bridge between first generation immigrant concentration and recorded crime rates. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963


Miller, Paul and Callender, Christine (2018) Black Leaders Matter: Agency, Progression and the Sustainability of BME School Leadership in England. Journal for Multicultural Education. ISSN 2053-535X

Rail wear

Shebani, Amer and Iwnicki, Simon (2018) Prediction of wheel and rail wear under different contact conditions using artificial neural networks. Wear. ISSN 0043-1648


Johnes, Jill (2018) University rankings: What do they really show? Scientometrics. ISSN 0138-9130

Real Life

Hodgkinson, Amanda (2018) Spilt Milk: Memory, Real Life, and Knowing the Past in Historical Fiction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

real magic

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

rear wing

Jackson, Frankie. F (2018) Aerodynamic optimisation of Formula student vehicle using computational fluid dynamics. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

reasonable adjustments

Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Bagri, Gurjog and Jones, Gregory V. (2018) The role of first person perspective and imagery in memory for written narratives. Educational Psychology in Practice. ISSN 0266-7363


Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.


Delgadillo, Jaime, Rhodes, Laura, Moreea, Omar, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Lutz, Wolfgang and Ali, Shehzad (2018) Relapse and Recurrence of Common Mental Health Problems after Low Intensity CBT: The WYLOW Longitudinal Cohort Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87 (2). pp. 116-117. ISSN 1423-0348

Reference wave

Zhou, Hongliang, Ji, Tao, Wang, Ruichen, Ge, Xiaocheng, Tang, Xiaoyu and Tang, Shizhen (2018) Multipath ultrasonic gas flow-meter based on multiple reference waves. Ultrasonics, 82. pp. 145-152. ISSN 0041-624X

regression analysis

Walker, Jim (2018) The Formation of Voting Behaviour Explained by Voting for Anti-European Parties. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Delgadillo, Jaime, Rhodes, Laura, Moreea, Omar, McMillan, Dean, Gilbody, Simon, Leach, Chris, Lucock, Mike, Lutz, Wolfgang and Ali, Shehzad (2018) Relapse and Recurrence of Common Mental Health Problems after Low Intensity CBT: The WYLOW Longitudinal Cohort Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87 (2). pp. 116-117. ISSN 1423-0348

relational framework

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Relative deprivation

Chen, Nan, Hsu, Cathy H.C. and Li, Xiang (Robert) (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists. Tourism Management, 66. pp. 94-107. ISSN 0261-5177

Replica material

Shebani, Amer and Iwnicki, Simon (2018) Prediction of wheel and rail wear under different contact conditions using artificial neural networks. Wear. ISSN 0043-1648


Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

research team

Meschitti, Viviana (2018) Can peer learning support doctoral education? Evidence from an ethnography of a research team. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079

Resident attitude and mentality

Chen, Nan, Hsu, Cathy H.C. and Li, Xiang (Robert) (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists. Tourism Management, 66. pp. 94-107. ISSN 0261-5177




Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283

Risk perception

van Schaik, Paul, Jansen, Jurjen, Onibokun, Joseph, Camp, Jean and Kusev, Petko (2018) Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking: Risk Perceptions and Precautionary Behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 78. pp. 283-297. ISSN 0747-5632


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Rural low volume roads

Xie, Xiaoli, Nikitas, Alexandros and Liu, Hongqi (2018) A Study of Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Rural Low Volume Road Intersections in Southwest China. Traffic Injury Prevention. ISSN 1538-9588


Pagani, Luca and Scott, Paul J. (2018) Curvature based sampling of curves and surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 59. pp. 32-48. ISSN 0167-8396


Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Stephenson, John and Edward, Karen-Leigh (2018) General Hospital Health Professionals' Attitudes and Perceived Dangerousness Towards Patients with co-Morbid Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1445-8330

Haygarth, Lynn and Hemingway, Steve (2018) Schizophrenia: Practical prescribing of antipsychotics. Nurse Prescribing, 16 (2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 1479-9189

Second Life

Reeves, Carla (2018) The virtual simulation of child sexual abuse: Online gameworld users’ views, understanding and responses to sexual ageplay. Ethics and Information Technology. ISSN 1572-8439


Kara, Alper, Marques-Ibanez, David and Ongena, Steven (2018) Securitization and Credit Quality in the European Market. European Financial Management. ISSN 1468-036X


Roach, Jason (2018) Editorial. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Security Auditing

Parkinson, Simon, Vallati, Mauro, Crampton, Andrew and Sohrabi, Shirin (2018) GraphBAD: A General Technique for Anomaly Detection in Security Information and Event Management. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. ISSN 1532-0626


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Sense of superiority

Chen, Nan, Hsu, Cathy H.C. and Li, Xiang (Robert) (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists. Tourism Management, 66. pp. 94-107. ISSN 0261-5177

Service evaluation

Walmsley, T., Schmitgen, G., Carr, S., Mortimer, P., Garside, Joanne and Gillibrand, Warren P. (2018) Changing Operating Lists on the Day of Surgery - a Service Evaluation. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 28 (9). pp. 238-242. ISSN 1750-4589

service providers

Tariq, Akeel (2018) Equality on the Bus: Case Comment on Paulley v FirstGroup Plc. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

service quality

Onwumere, Ijeoma (2018) Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

sexual ageplay

Reeves, Carla (2018) The virtual simulation of child sexual abuse: Online gameworld users’ views, understanding and responses to sexual ageplay. Ethics and Information Technology. ISSN 1572-8439

Shape factor

Asim, Taimoor, Algadhi, Abdulamagid and Mishra, Rakesh (2018) Effect of Capsule Shape on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Optimal Design of Hydraulic Capsule Pipelines. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 161. pp. 390-408. ISSN 0920-4105

Shared Space Street

Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Keraminiyage, Kaushal, Alston, Mark and Dias, Nuwan (2018) Design Factors for a Successful Shared Street Space (SSS) Design. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22 (4). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1648-715X


Parkinson, Simon, Vallati, Mauro, Crampton, Andrew and Sohrabi, Shirin (2018) GraphBAD: A General Technique for Anomaly Detection in Security Information and Event Management. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. ISSN 1532-0626

single nucleotide polymorphism

Tong, Qiang (2018) Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Predicting Susceptibility of Ankylosing Spondylitis and the Response to Anti-TNFα Therapy. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Smart phone





Baadel, Said, Thabtah, Fadi and Majeed, Asim (2018) Avoiding the Phishing Bait: The Need for Conventional Countermeasures for Mobile Users. In: 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 1-3 Nov. 2018, Vancouver.


Sarmento, Hugo, Peralta, Miguel, Harper, Liam D. and Marques, Adilson (2018) Achievement goals and self-determination in adult football players: a cluster analysis. Kinesiology. ISSN 1331-1441

Social Capital

Halsall, Jamie and Caldwell, Elizabeth F. (2018) Social Mobility in the UK's Higher Education Sector: A Critical Review. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 9 (4). ISSN 1941-868X

Social Cohesion

Halsall, Jamie and Caldwell, Elizabeth F. (2018) Social Mobility in the UK's Higher Education Sector: A Critical Review. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 9 (4). ISSN 1941-868X

Social identity theory

Chen, Nan, Hsu, Cathy H.C. and Li, Xiang (Robert) (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists. Tourism Management, 66. pp. 94-107. ISSN 0261-5177

Social influence

Mojtahedi, Dara, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Group size, misinformation and unanimity influences on co-witness judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. ISSN 1478-9949

Social media

van Schaik, Paul, Jansen, Jurjen, Onibokun, Joseph, Camp, Jean and Kusev, Petko (2018) Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking: Risk Perceptions and Precautionary Behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior, 78. pp. 283-297. ISSN 0747-5632

Social Mobility

Halsall, Jamie and Caldwell, Elizabeth F. (2018) Social Mobility in the UK's Higher Education Sector: A Critical Review. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 9 (4). ISSN 1941-868X

Social work

Morris, Kate, Mason, Will, Bywaters, Paul, Featherstone, Brid, Daniel, Brigid, Brady, Geraldine, Bunting, Lisa, Hooper, Jade, Mirza, Nughmana, Sourfield, Jonathan and Webb, Calum (2018) Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work. ISSN 1356-7500


Roach, Jason (2018) Editorial. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

Software architecture

Venters, Colin, Capilla, Rafael, Betz, Stefanie, Penzenstadler, Birgit, Crick, Tom, Crouch, Steve, Nakagawa, Elisa Yumi, Becker, Christoph and Carrillo, Carlos (2018) Software Sustainability: Research and Practice from a Software Architecture Viewpoint. Journal of Systems and Software, 138. pp. 174-188. ISSN 0164-1212

Software sustainability

Venters, Colin, Capilla, Rafael, Betz, Stefanie, Penzenstadler, Birgit, Crick, Tom, Crouch, Steve, Nakagawa, Elisa Yumi, Becker, Christoph and Carrillo, Carlos (2018) Software Sustainability: Research and Practice from a Software Architecture Viewpoint. Journal of Systems and Software, 138. pp. 174-188. ISSN 0164-1212

Solar cells

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796

Solid dispersion

Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

Solid-liquid flow

Asim, Taimoor, Algadhi, Abdulamagid and Mishra, Rakesh (2018) Effect of Capsule Shape on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Optimal Design of Hydraulic Capsule Pipelines. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 161. pp. 390-408. ISSN 0920-4105


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779

spatial computing

Pasquet, Olivier (2018) AUTOMATIC VERSUS AUTOMATIC,MATERIALIZED FICTION AS A CONFRONTATIONAL COMPOSITIONAL PROCESS: A resolved complexity: simplicity. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Spatio-temporal Factors

Hughes, Jack Bryan (2018) Real-time Link Quality Estimation and Holistic Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Speed of adjustment

Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963

Spilt Milk

Hodgkinson, Amanda (2018) Spilt Milk: Memory, Real Life, and Knowing the Past in Historical Fiction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Ali, Gulnar, Snowden, Michael, Wattis, John and Rogers, Melanie (2018) Spirituality in nursing education: knowledge and practice gaps. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 5 (1-3). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2059-4976


Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208


Sarmento, Hugo, Peralta, Miguel, Harper, Liam D. and Marques, Adilson (2018) Achievement goals and self-determination in adult football players: a cluster analysis. Kinesiology. ISSN 1331-1441


Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

statistical-based rules



Chandrasekar, Anish, Hensor, Elizabeth M.A., Mackie, Sarah L., Backhouse, Michael R. and Harris, Emma (2018) Preliminary concurrent validity of the Fitbit-Zip and ActiGraph activity monitors for measuring steps in people with polymyalgia rheumatica. Gait & Posture, 61. pp. 339-345. ISSN 1879-2219

Stigma and discrimination

Giandinoto, Jo-Ann, Stephenson, John and Edward, Karen-Leigh (2018) General Hospital Health Professionals' Attitudes and Perceived Dangerousness Towards Patients with co-Morbid Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1445-8330

Strategic management process

Anchor, J.R (2018) The Strategic Management of Internationalisation in English Universities. In: Huddersfield Business School Research Conference 2018, 10th-12th January 2018, Huddersfield Business School. (Unpublished)

stress distribution

Tabriz, Md Shams E. and Barrans, Simon (2018) Effect of cusp size, depth and direction on stress concentration. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 6 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 1793-8198

structural equation modelling

Pepple, D. G. (2018) Mirror Organisation: An Investigation into Ethnic Identify as a Determinant of Employee Psychological Ownership Perception. A Survey of Public and Private Sector Employees in River State, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

student research

Ingirige, Bingunath (2018) Editorial for Issue 4 of Fields. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Liu, Jing, Zhu, Runliang, Liang, Xiaoliang, Ma, Lingya, Lin, Xiaoju, Zhu, Jianxi, He, Hongping, Parker, Stephen C. and Molinari, Marco (2018) Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) with sulfate/phosphate on ferrihydrite: An in situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS study. Chemical Geology, 477. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1872-6836

Supply Chain Collaboration

Despoudi, Stella, Papaioannou, Grammatoula, Saridakis, George and Dani, Samir (2018) Does collaboration pay in agricultural supply chain? An empirical approach. International Journal of Production Research. ISSN 0020-7543

surface pattern

Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Hughes, Elizabeth, Sharratt, Kathryn, Bressington, Daniel and Gray, Richard (2018) Novel psychoactive substance use by mental health service consumers: an online survey of inpatient health professionals’ views and experiences. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 11 (1). pp. 30-39. ISSN 1757-0972


Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779

Synergistic adsorption

Liu, Jing, Zhu, Runliang, Liang, Xiaoliang, Ma, Lingya, Lin, Xiaoju, Zhu, Jianxi, He, Hongping, Parker, Stephen C. and Molinari, Marco (2018) Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) with sulfate/phosphate on ferrihydrite: An in situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS study. Chemical Geology, 477. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1872-6836


Alajaty, Mahmoud and Anchor, J.R. (2018) Transition Economies in the Middle East: the Syrian Experience. Post-Communist Economies. ISSN 1465-3958

System and life-world

Bissell, Paul, Thompson, Jill and Gibson, Barry (2018) Exploring Difference or Just Watching the Experts at Work? Interrogating Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in a Cancer Research Setting Using the Work of Jurgen Habermas. Sociology. ISSN 0038-0385

Systematic review

Bunting, Lisa, Davidson, Gavin, McCartan, Claire, Hanratty, Jennifer, Bywaters, Paul, Mason, Will and Steils, Nicole (2018) The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Poverty – A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77. pp. 121-133. ISSN 0145-2134


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Goswami, Parikshit, Wilcox, Mark and Russell, Stephen J. (2018) Factors affecting Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Healthcare Surfaces during Dynamic Wiping. Textile Research Journal. ISSN 0040-5175

Teacher training

Fisher, Roy (2018) Teacher education, evacuation and community in war-time Britain : The women of Avery Hill at Huddersfield 1941-46. British Journal of educational studies. ISSN 0007-1005

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

Halsall, Jamie and Caldwell, Elizabeth F. (2018) Social Mobility in the UK's Higher Education Sector: A Critical Review. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 9 (4). ISSN 1941-868X


Henderson, Julie and Armitage, Rachel (2018) If the Shoe Fits: Proposing a Randomised Control Trial on the effect of a digitised in-custody footwear technology compared to a paper-based footwear method. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X


Elforjani, Badradin A. (2018) THERMAL ENERGY HARVESTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NODES USED FOR CONDITION MONITORING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Mendelsohn, James (2018) Closing the loophole: time to clip Hizballah’s ‘wings’. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

the Middle East

Alajaty, Mahmoud and Anchor, J.R. (2018) Transition Economies in the Middle East: the Syrian Experience. Post-Communist Economies. ISSN 1465-3958

Thermal Analysis

Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Thermal imaging

Dhimish, Mahmoud, Holmes, Violeta, Mehrdadi, Bruce, Dales, Mark and Mather, Peter (2018) PV output power enhancement using two mitigation techniques for hot spots and partially shaded solar cells. Electric Power Systems Research, 158. pp. 15-25. ISSN 0378-7796


Hamood, Ahmed, Jaworski, Artur, Mao, Xiaoan and Simpson, Kevin (2018) Design and construction of a two-stage thermoacoustic electricity generator with push-pull linear alternator. Energy, 144. pp. 61-72. ISSN 0360-5442

thermoelectric generator

Elforjani, Badradin A. (2018) THERMAL ENERGY HARVESTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NODES USED FOR CONDITION MONITORING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Ashton, Gage P. (2018) The Development & Evaluation of Hot-stage Microscopy Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Aiken, Stuart, Edgar, Ross, Gabbutt, Christopher D., Heron, B. Mark and Hobson, Peter (2018) Negatively photochromic organic compounds: Exploring the dark side. Dyes and Pigments, 149. pp. 92-121. ISSN 0143-7208


Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.


Tong, Qiang (2018) Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Predicting Susceptibility of Ankylosing Spondylitis and the Response to Anti-TNFα Therapy. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Torsional fretting

Zhang, Po, Lu, Wenlong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhai, Wenzheng, Zhou, Mingzhuo and Zeng, Wenhan (2018) Torsional fretting and torsional sliding wear behaviors of CuNiAl against 42CrMo4 under dry condition. Tribology International, 118. pp. 11-19. ISSN 0301-679X

Torsional sliding

Zhang, Po, Lu, Wenlong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhai, Wenzheng, Zhou, Mingzhuo and Zeng, Wenhan (2018) Torsional fretting and torsional sliding wear behaviors of CuNiAl against 42CrMo4 under dry condition. Tribology International, 118. pp. 11-19. ISSN 0301-679X

Training needs

Hughes, Elizabeth, Sharratt, Kathryn, Bressington, Daniel and Gray, Richard (2018) Novel psychoactive substance use by mental health service consumers: an online survey of inpatient health professionals’ views and experiences. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 11 (1). pp. 30-39. ISSN 1757-0972

transcultural practice

Lee, Chie Tsang Isaiah (2018) ‘Inbetweenness’: Transcultural Thinking in My Compositional Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Lee, Chie Tsang Isaiah (2018) ‘Inbetweenness’: Transcultural Thinking in My Compositional Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Transit-time method

Zhou, Hongliang, Ji, Tao, Wang, Ruichen, Ge, Xiaocheng, Tang, Xiaoyu and Tang, Shizhen (2018) Multipath ultrasonic gas flow-meter based on multiple reference waves. Ultrasonics, 82. pp. 145-152. ISSN 0041-624X

Transition economies

Alajaty, Mahmoud and Anchor, J.R. (2018) Transition Economies in the Middle East: the Syrian Experience. Post-Communist Economies. ISSN 1465-3958


Lee, Chie Tsang Isaiah (2018) ‘Inbetweenness’: Transcultural Thinking in My Compositional Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Transmission Power Control

Hughes, Jack Bryan (2018) Real-time Link Quality Estimation and Holistic Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Travel decision-making

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) Chinese Travelers' Group Decision-Making. Tourism Analysis, 23 (4). pp. 561-565. ISSN 1083-5423


Hamood, Ahmed, Jaworski, Artur, Mao, Xiaoan and Simpson, Kevin (2018) Design and construction of a two-stage thermoacoustic electricity generator with push-pull linear alternator. Energy, 144. pp. 61-72. ISSN 0360-5442


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Truman Capote

Canavan, Brendan (2018) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany’s: Existentialism and Consumption in Capote’s Novella. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931

Trusted region framework

Mistry, Keyur, Lazaridis, Pavlos, Zaharis, Zaharias D., Xenos, Thomas D. and Glover, Ian (2018) Optimization of log-periodic dipole antenna with LTE band rejection. In: LAPC 2017, 13-14 November 2017, Loughborough, UK.

Trustee board diversity

Elmagrhi, Mohamed H., Ntim, Collins G., Malagila, John, Fosu, Samuel and Tunyi, Abongeh A. (2018) Trustee Board Diversity, Governance Mechanisms, Capital Structure and Performance in UK Charities. Corporate Governance. ISSN 1472-0701


Lu, Kaibo, Lian, Zisheng, Gu, Fengshou and Liu, Hunju (2018) Model-based Chatter Stability Prediction and Detection for the Turning of a Flexible Workpiece. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 100. pp. 814-826. ISSN 0888-3270

Type 2

Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Elmagrhi, Mohamed H., Ntim, Collins G., Malagila, John, Fosu, Samuel and Tunyi, Abongeh A. (2018) Trustee Board Diversity, Governance Mechanisms, Capital Structure and Performance in UK Charities. Corporate Governance. ISSN 1472-0701

Unconscious bias

Caldwell, Elizabeth F. and Wilbraham, Susan (2018) Hairdressing in space: Depiction of gender in science books for children. Journal of Science and Popular Culture. ISSN 2059-9072

undergraduate research

Ingirige, Bingunath (2018) Editorial for Issue 4 of Fields. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Anchor, J.R (2018) The Strategic Management of Internationalisation in English Universities. In: Huddersfield Business School Research Conference 2018, 10th-12th January 2018, Huddersfield Business School. (Unpublished)


Antwi, Publa (2018) What factors can affect the management of diabetes with regard to studying at university? A systematic review. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

urban history

Ince, Lindsay (2018) Breaking down the invisible barrier: Connecting the university estate with the local community. In: Urban History Beyond the Academy, 25/05/2018, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Vehicle aerodynamics

Jackson, Frankie. F (2018) Aerodynamic optimisation of Formula student vehicle using computational fluid dynamics. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Spatz, Ben (2018) The Video Way of Thinking. South African Theatre Journal. ISSN 1013-7548

Vietnam war

Adlington, Robert C. (2018) Politics and the popular in British Music Theatre of the Vietnam era. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 143 (2). pp. 433-471. ISSN 0269-0403

virtual child abuse

Reeves, Carla (2018) The virtual simulation of child sexual abuse: Online gameworld users’ views, understanding and responses to sexual ageplay. Ethics and Information Technology. ISSN 1572-8439

visible light communication

Farhat, Zohaib A., Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Mather, Peter and Sibley, Martin J.N. (2018) Practical implementation of duobinary pulse position modulation using FPGA and visible light communication. In: 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). IEEE, pp. 253-256. ISBN 9781538621264

Visible light communication

Ahfayd, Mostafa H., Farhat, Zohaib A., Sibley, Martin J.N., Mather, Peter and Lazaridis, Pavlos (2018) Visible light communication based system using high power LED and dicode pulse position modulation technique. In: 25th Telecommunications Forum: TELFOR 2017, 21-22 November 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.

Visual analysis

Caldwell, Elizabeth F. and Wilbraham, Susan (2018) Hairdressing in space: Depiction of gender in science books for children. Journal of Science and Popular Culture. ISSN 2059-9072


Bagri, Gurjog and Jones, Gregory V. (2018) The role of first person perspective and imagery in memory for written narratives. Educational Psychology in Practice. ISSN 0266-7363


Bokowiec, Mark (2018) ‘V’Oct(Ritual): the anatomy of an interactive composition' in CYBERNETICS (edited by Lanfranco Aceti). In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Leonardo Books . MIT Press.


Walker, Jim (2018) The Formation of Voting Behaviour Explained by Voting for Anti-European Parties. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

voting intention

Walker, Jim (2018) The Formation of Voting Behaviour Explained by Voting for Anti-European Parties. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

War-time evacuation

Fisher, Roy (2018) Teacher education, evacuation and community in war-time Britain : The women of Avery Hill at Huddersfield 1941-46. British Journal of educational studies. ISSN 0007-1005

Waste heat recovery

Hamood, Ahmed, Jaworski, Artur, Mao, Xiaoan and Simpson, Kevin (2018) Design and construction of a two-stage thermoacoustic electricity generator with push-pull linear alternator. Energy, 144. pp. 61-72. ISSN 0360-5442

Wear mechanism

Zhang, Po, Lu, Wenlong, Liu, Xiaojun, Zhai, Wenzheng, Zhou, Mingzhuo and Zeng, Wenhan (2018) Torsional fretting and torsional sliding wear behaviors of CuNiAl against 42CrMo4 under dry condition. Tribology International, 118. pp. 11-19. ISSN 0301-679X

Welfare inequalities

Bunting, Lisa, Davidson, Gavin, McCartan, Claire, Hanratty, Jennifer, Bywaters, Paul, Mason, Will and Steils, Nicole (2018) The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Poverty – A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77. pp. 121-133. ISSN 0145-2134




Zhang, Yufan, Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Kagioglou, Mike (2018) Healing built-environment effects on health outcomes: environment–occupant–health framework. Buliding Research and Information. ISSN 0961-3218

Wheel wear

Shebani, Amer and Iwnicki, Simon (2018) Prediction of wheel and rail wear under different contact conditions using artificial neural networks. Wear. ISSN 0043-1648

Wheel/rail wear prediction

Shebani, Amer and Iwnicki, Simon (2018) Prediction of wheel and rail wear under different contact conditions using artificial neural networks. Wear. ISSN 0043-1648

William Morris

Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

wink-eye mentalism

Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Wireless Sensor Network

Hughes, Jack Bryan (2018) Real-time Link Quality Estimation and Holistic Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

wireless sensor networks

Elforjani, Badradin A. (2018) THERMAL ENERGY HARVESTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NODES USED FOR CONDITION MONITORING. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Women and ethnic minority trustees

Elmagrhi, Mohamed H., Ntim, Collins G., Malagila, John, Fosu, Samuel and Tunyi, Abongeh A. (2018) Trustee Board Diversity, Governance Mechanisms, Capital Structure and Performance in UK Charities. Corporate Governance. ISSN 1472-0701

Women in STEMM

Caldwell, Elizabeth F. and Wilbraham, Susan (2018) Hairdressing in space: Depiction of gender in science books for children. Journal of Science and Popular Culture. ISSN 2059-9072

Writing the past

Hodgkinson, Amanda (2018) Spilt Milk: Memory, Real Life, and Knowing the Past in Historical Fiction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Written narratives

Bagri, Gurjog and Jones, Gregory V. (2018) The role of first person perspective and imagery in memory for written narratives. Educational Psychology in Practice. ISSN 0266-7363


Beech, Guy (2018) Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data. In: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2018), 3rd - 6th April 2018, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

Young Chinese tourists

Song, Hanqun, Wang, Ying and Sparks, Beverley A. (2018) How do young Chinese friendship groups make travel decisions? A content and interaction process analysis. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. ISSN 1540-7306

youth gangs

Ashton, Sally-Ann, Ioannou, Maria and Hammond, Laura (2018) Offending patterns of youth gang members and leavers. Journal of Gang Research, 25 (2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 1079-3062


Lee, Chie Tsang Isaiah (2018) ‘Inbetweenness’: Transcultural Thinking in My Compositional Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Mendelsohn, James (2018) Closing the loophole: time to clip Hizballah’s ‘wings’. Crime, Security and Society, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-130X

This list was generated on Mon Feb 24 00:04:12 2025 UTC.