Group by: Date | Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
2ToneTrainer 4-hydroxybenzoic acid acceleration adult patients adverse drug reactions aerodynamic dose emission characteristics aged care Agedcare facilities Aging Agitation Alginate Amorphous antibacterial antifungal Antimicrobial antipsychotics Appropriateness APS Artemether article 58 Asthma asthma control asthma quality of life • metered dose inhaler • slow inhalation rate • 2Tone trainer ATR-FTIR atrial fibrillation Attitudes autoclave B16F10 bacterial cellulose Bicarbonate buffers Bioavailability biopolymer biorelevant dissolution Brexit bronchoprovocation buffer capacity Capsules care home chlorhexidine chronic diseases CJEU Clinical governance clinical practice co-amorphous Co-grinding co-processing Combination therapy Community pharmacists compaction composite films contact angle continuous manufacturing Controlled release convergence cooperation Crocin Crocus sativus decontamination delayed-release deprescribing diabetes risk dienone dietary herbs diffusion direct compression Diskus® Dissolution dm+d Dose drug delivery Drug use Drug utilization pattern Drug-eluting stents drug-loading DSC education elderly Electronic Lung™ Electrostatics DEM Distinct Element Modelling Segregation Triboelectrification elemental impurities EMA Enteric enteric coatings Enteric polymers Enterprise education Enterprise skills EPO Ethyl cellulose excipient Experiential learning Extended pharmacy services Facility-specific indicators fatty liver disease Fibres Fluticasone propionate frailty GANT garlic powder Gastro resistant coatings Gastrointestinal tract gel Gellan gum Geriatrics granules Great Repeal Bill Grewia mollis Health economics Hospitalized HPMC HSM hyaluronic acid Hydrogels Hydrophilic matrices Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose hydroxypropylmethylcellulose hyperinsulinemia Hypromellose Hypromellose phthalate ICP-MS ICP-OES implants in-vitro in-vivo correlations Income level indacaterol Independent prescribing for nurses and pharmacists inhalation methods inhalation flow rate inhalation technique inhalation volume Institutional dimension insulin resistance intensive lifestyle change program interprofessional education pharmacy nursing intervention intrinsic dissolution rate Ionic concentration strength IR/ER dosage forms kappa opioid receptor Kinetics of drug release laquer Level-A IVIVC Lyophilisation Manuka honey Martix erosion mass spectrometry mathematical modelling Matrix swelling Matrix tablet maximum inhalation flow medical Medical prescribers medication appropriateness medication review Medications medicine Melanoma Mesoporous silica methamphetamine Methylcellulose Methylglyoxal MHRA microencapsulation microenvironmental pH Microsponges modified release mucoadhesive hydrogel multidisciplinary team N-methylpiperidin-4-one NAFLD nail nano-roughness NASH neutral sugars NHS non-medical prescribing nonwoven Nurse prescribers nutaceuticals nutritional supplements ocular odour masking Onbrez Breezhaler® open access oral anticoagulants Paediatrics Pakistan paraben parameter estimation Particle size particle size distribution pathogen patient safety Patient-care indicators patient/ service user information Perception Personalised medicine pH responsive polymers Pharmaceutical Electrostatics Tribo-electrification Flurbiprofen pharmaceutical manufacturing distribution supply chain techniques pharmaceutical patents Pharmacist Pharmacoeconomics Pharmacology pharmacy Pharmacy education phenylbutazone pKa plasma plasma membrane H+- ATPase Poly-pharmacy polydrug polymer Polymer dissolution rate Polypharmacy polysaccharides Polyvinyl alcohol porosity prescribing for children and young people Prescribing indicators publishing PVA Qualitative study quality of life raman microscopy Rational drug use regulation relapse salbutamol Salmeterol salt selection Schizophrenia scholarly communications science segregation electrostatics pharmaceutical Similarity factor Sirius InForm skin metabolism SNOMED CT Solid dispersion solubility solvent evaporation SPCs Specialist addiction service spectroscopy starch STEM STOPP/START surface dissolution imaging surface energy Surfactants swelling Syloid® Synergy Synovial Fluid tablet tablets taste masking Terminology TGA TGA HSM Theophylline therapeutics Triboelectrification Turbuhaler® twin-screw granulation United Kingdom UPCA urinary excretion uronic acids USP III verbal counseling wear test World Bank regions Wound dressing wound management XRD Zeta potential
Number of items at this level: 310.


Ammari, Wesam G. and Chrystyn, Henry (2013) Optimizing the Inhalation Flow and Technique Through Metered Dose Inhalers of Asthmatic Adults and Children Attending a Community Pharmacy. Journal of Asthma. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0277-0903

4-hydroxybenzoic acid

Hatami, Aida, Carr, Kevin, Whiteley, Paul, Wilkinson, Simon and Dodou, Kalliopi (2017) Ex vivo studies for the passive transdermal permeation and extent of metabolism of methyl and butyl paraben from a cream. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356

adult patients

Alewairdhi, Huda, Umaru, Nkiruka and Aslanpour, Zoe (2017) Systematic Review of Medicine-Related Problems in Adult Patients with Atrial Fibrillation on Direct Oral Anticoagulants. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

adverse drug reactions

Kerr, Lauren (2017) An evaluation of polypharmacy medication reviews in GP practices. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

aerodynamic dose emission characteristics

Abadelah, Mohamad, Chrystyn, Henry, Bagherisadeghi, Golshan, Abdalla, Gaballa and Larhrib, Hassan (2017) Study of the Emitted Dose After Two Separate Inhalations at Different Inhalation Flow Rates and Volumes and an Assessment of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Indacaterol Onbrez Breezhaler® 150 and 300 μg. AAPS PharmSciTech. ISSN 1530-9932

aged care

Hasan, Syed Shahzad, Kow, Chia Siang, Verma, Rohit Kumar, Ahmed, Syed Imran, Mittal, Piyush and Chong, David W.K. (2017) An evaluation of medication appropriateness and frailty among residents of aged care homes in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study. Medicine, 96 (35). e7929. ISSN 0025-7974

Agedcare facilities

Hassan, Syed Shahzad, Thiruchelvam, Kaeshaelya, Kow, Chia Siang, Ghori, Muhammad Usman and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Economic evaluation of pharmacist-led medication reviews in residential aged care facilities. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 17 (5). pp. 431-439. ISSN 1473-7167


Merchant, Hamid A., Liu, Fang, Orlu Gul, Mine and Basit, Abdul W. (2016) Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 512 (2). pp. 382-395. ISSN 0378-5173


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765


Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Tronci, Giuseppe, Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Antibacterial Properties of Nonwoven Wound Dressings Coated with Manuka Honey or Methylglyoxal. Materials, 10 (8). ISSN 1996-1944


Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282


Haygarth, Lynn and Hemingway, Steve (2018) Schizophrenia: Practical prescribing of antipsychotics. Nurse Prescribing, 16 (2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 1479-9189


Oluyase, Adejoke Obirenjeyi, Raistrick, Duncan, Hughes, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Charlie (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medications in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39 (6). pp. 1248-1255. ISSN 2210-7703


Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

article 58

De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356


Tarsin, W.Y., Pearson, S.B., Assi, K.H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Emitted dose estimates from Seretide, Diskus and Symbicort Turbuhaler following inhalation by severe asthmatics. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 316. pp. 131-137. ISSN 0378-5173

asthma control

Ammari, Wesam G. and Chrystyn, Henry (2013) Optimizing the Inhalation Flow and Technique Through Metered Dose Inhalers of Asthmatic Adults and Children Attending a Community Pharmacy. Journal of Asthma. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0277-0903

asthma quality of life • metered dose inhaler • slow inhalation rate • 2Tone trainer

Al-Showair, R.A.M., Pearson, S.B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2007) The potential of a 2Tone trainer to help patients use their metered dose inhalers. Chest, 131. pp. 1776-1782. ISSN 0012-3692


Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356

atrial fibrillation

Alewairdhi, Huda, Umaru, Nkiruka and Aslanpour, Zoe (2017) Systematic Review of Medicine-Related Problems in Adult Patients with Atrial Fibrillation on Direct Oral Anticoagulants. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Hashmi, Furqan K., Hassali, Mohamed Azmi, Khalid, Adnan, Saleem, Fahad, Aljadhey, Hisham, Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din and Bashaar, Mohammad (2017) A qualitative study exploring perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists about extended pharmacy services in Lahore, Pakistan. BMC Health Services Research, 17. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1472-6963


Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356


Bakshi, Hamid A., Hakim, Faruck, Sam, Smitha and Javid, Farideh (2017) Role of Dietary Crocin in In Vivo Melanoma Tumor Remission. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 18 (3). pp. 841-846. ISSN 1513-7368

bacterial cellulose

Gupta, Abhishek, Low, Wan Li, Britland, Stephen, Radecka, Iza and Martin, Claire (2017) Physicochemical characterisation of biosynthetic bacterial cellulose as a potential wound dressing material. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 37-38. ISSN 2058-8356

Bicarbonate buffers

Varum, F.J., Merchant, Hamid A., Goyanes, A., Zboranová, V. and Basit, A.W. (2014) Accelerating the dissolution of enteric coatings in the upper small intestine: Evolution of a novel pH 5.6 bicarbonate buffer system to assess drug release. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 468 (1-2). pp. 172-177. ISSN 03785173


Merchant, Hamid A., Liu, Fang, Orlu Gul, Mine and Basit, Abdul W. (2016) Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 512 (2). pp. 382-395. ISSN 0378-5173


Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442

biorelevant dissolution

Box, Karl, O'Dwyer, Patrick and Watson, Hayley (2017) Biorelevant drug release of Metformin dosage forms using complementary in vitro tools. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

Varum, F.J., Merchant, Hamid A., Goyanes, A., Zboranová, V. and Basit, A.W. (2014) Accelerating the dissolution of enteric coatings in the upper small intestine: Evolution of a novel pH 5.6 bicarbonate buffer system to assess drug release. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 468 (1-2). pp. 172-177. ISSN 03785173


Acha, Virginia (2017) Breaking up the band: European regulatory cooperation in a post-Brexit world. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2058-8356

Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Tomlinson, H.S., Corlett, S.A., Allen, M.B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2005) Assessment of different methods of inhalation from salbutamol metered dose inhalers by urinary drug excretion and methacholine challenge. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 60 (6). pp. 605-610. ISSN 1365-2125

buffer capacity

Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

care home

Nichols, Gemma (2017) ‘Quest for Quality’: an evaluation of the impact on elderly care. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356

chronic diseases

Hasan, Syed Shahzad, Kow, Chia Siang, Verma, Rohit Kumar, Ahmed, Syed Imran, Mittal, Piyush and Chong, David W.K. (2017) An evaluation of medication appropriateness and frailty among residents of aged care homes in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study. Medicine, 96 (35). e7929. ISSN 0025-7974


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Clinical governance

Mills, Val (2008) Clinical Governing Non-Medical Prescribing in an NHS Trust: Issues for Consideration in Mental Health and Learning Disability. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 5 (1). pp. 77-99. ISSN 1743-6885

clinical practice

Alewairdhi, Huda, Umaru, Nkiruka and Aslanpour, Zoe (2017) Systematic Review of Medicine-Related Problems in Adult Patients with Atrial Fibrillation on Direct Oral Anticoagulants. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356

D'Angelo, Alessandra, Reading, Mike and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) Micro-photogrammetry as a tool for characterisation of dissolution behaviour of pharmaceutical dosage forms. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 26-28. ISSN 2058-8356

Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Combination therapy

Theophilus, A., Moore, A., Prime, D., Rossomanno, S., Whitcher, B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Co-deposition of salmeterol and fluticasone propionate by a combination inhaler. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 313. pp. 14-22. ISSN 0378-5173

Community pharmacists

Hashmi, Furqan K., Hassali, Mohamed Azmi, Khalid, Adnan, Saleem, Fahad, Aljadhey, Hisham, Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din and Bashaar, Mohammad (2017) A qualitative study exploring perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists about extended pharmacy services in Lahore, Pakistan. BMC Health Services Research, 17. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1472-6963


Asim, Muhammad S, Ghori, Muhammad U. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Probing the Impact of Porosity on Swelling Kinetics of Hydrophilic Matrices. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

composite films

Tighsazzadeh, M.A. and Boateng, J.S. (2017) Erodible Film Formulation for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 29-30. ISSN 2058-8356

contact angle

Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

continuous manufacturing

Richter, Margarethe, Kaialy, Waseem and Bello, Hussaini (2017) Twin-screw granulation – a systematic analysis of process parameters. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 35-36. ISSN 2058-8356

Controlled release

Shahzad, Yasser, Saeed, Sidra, Ghori, Muhammad U., Mahmood, Tariq, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Jamshaid, Muhammad, Skeikh, Rizwan and Rizvi, Syed A. A. (2017) Influence of polymer ratio and surfactants on controlled drug release from cellulosic microsponges. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. ISSN 0141-8130


Acha, Virginia (2017) Breaking up the band: European regulatory cooperation in a post-Brexit world. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2058-8356


Acha, Virginia (2017) Breaking up the band: European regulatory cooperation in a post-Brexit world. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2058-8356


Bakshi, Hamid A., Hakim, Faruck, Sam, Smitha and Javid, Farideh (2017) Role of Dietary Crocin in In Vivo Melanoma Tumor Remission. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 18 (3). pp. 841-846. ISSN 1513-7368

Crocus sativus

Bakshi, Hamid A., Hakim, Faruck, Sam, Smitha and Javid, Farideh (2017) Role of Dietary Crocin in In Vivo Melanoma Tumor Remission. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 18 (3). pp. 841-846. ISSN 1513-7368


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Connell, Simon D., Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris M., Wilcox, Mark H. and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Role of Surface Energy and Nano-Roughness in the Removal Efficiency of Bacterial Contamination by Nonwoven Wipes from Frequently Touched Surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1468-6996


Barbosa, Joao A.C., Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Going Natural: Using polymers from nature for gastroresistant applications. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Nichols, Gemma (2017) ‘Quest for Quality’: an evaluation of the impact on elderly care. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

diabetes risk

Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (9). ISSN 2077-0383


Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356

dietary herbs

Bakshi, Hamid A., Hakim, Faruck, Sam, Smitha and Javid, Farideh (2017) Role of Dietary Crocin in In Vivo Melanoma Tumor Remission. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 18 (3). pp. 841-846. ISSN 1513-7368


Vo, Tuoi, Lee, William, Peddle, Adam and Meere, Martin (2017) Modelling chemistry and biology after implantation of a drug-eluting stent. Part I: Drug transport. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 491-509. ISSN 1551-0018

direct compression

Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Tarsin, W.Y., Pearson, S.B., Assi, K.H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Emitted dose estimates from Seretide, Diskus and Symbicort Turbuhaler following inhalation by severe asthmatics. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 316. pp. 131-137. ISSN 0378-5173


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Tarsin, W.Y., Pearson, S.B., Assi, K.H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Emitted dose estimates from Seretide, Diskus and Symbicort Turbuhaler following inhalation by severe asthmatics. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 316. pp. 131-137. ISSN 0378-5173

drug delivery

Al-Shohani, Athmar, Awwad, Sahar, Tee Khaw, Peng and Brocchini, Steve (2017) The preparation of HEMA-MPC films for ocular drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2058-8356

Vo, Tuoi, Lee, William, Peddle, Adam and Meere, Martin (2017) Modelling chemistry and biology after implantation of a drug-eluting stent. Part I: Drug transport. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 491-509. ISSN 1551-0018

Drug use

Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan, Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Saqib, Anum, Qamar-uz-Zaman, Muhammad and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns among elderly hospitalized patients on poly-pharmacy in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 10 (1). ISSN 2052-3211

Drug utilization pattern

Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan, Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Saqib, Anum, Qamar-uz-Zaman, Muhammad and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns among elderly hospitalized patients on poly-pharmacy in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 10 (1). ISSN 2052-3211

Drug-eluting stents

Vo, Tuoi, Lee, William, Peddle, Adam and Meere, Martin (2017) Modelling chemistry and biology after implantation of a drug-eluting stent. Part I: Drug transport. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 491-509. ISSN 1551-0018


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356

D'Angelo, Alessandra, Reading, Mike and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) Micro-photogrammetry as a tool for characterisation of dissolution behaviour of pharmaceutical dosage forms. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 26-28. ISSN 2058-8356

Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356


Bain, Amie (2017) Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Derek G. Waller and Anthony P. Sampson. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Hasan, Syed Shahzad, Kow, Chia Siang, Verma, Rohit Kumar, Ahmed, Syed Imran, Mittal, Piyush and Chong, David W.K. (2017) An evaluation of medication appropriateness and frailty among residents of aged care homes in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study. Medicine, 96 (35). e7929. ISSN 0025-7974

Kerr, Lauren (2017) An evaluation of polypharmacy medication reviews in GP practices. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan, Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Saqib, Anum, Qamar-uz-Zaman, Muhammad and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns among elderly hospitalized patients on poly-pharmacy in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 10 (1). ISSN 2052-3211

Electronic Lung™

Tarsin, W.Y., Pearson, S.B., Assi, K.H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Emitted dose estimates from Seretide, Diskus and Symbicort Turbuhaler following inhalation by severe asthmatics. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 316. pp. 131-137. ISSN 0378-5173

Electrostatics DEM Distinct Element Modelling Segregation Triboelectrification

Šupuk, Enes, Hassanpour, Ali, Ahmadian, Hossein, Ghadiri, Mojtaba and Matsuyama, Tatsushi (2011) Tribo-Electrification and Associated Segregation of Pharmaceutical Bulk Powders. KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 29. pp. 208-223. ISSN 0288-4534

elemental impurities

Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Acha, Virginia (2017) Breaking up the band: European regulatory cooperation in a post-Brexit world. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2058-8356


Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

enteric coatings

Barbosa, Joao A.C., Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Going Natural: Using polymers from nature for gastroresistant applications. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Enteric polymers

Varum, F.J., Merchant, Hamid A., Goyanes, A., Zboranová, V. and Basit, A.W. (2014) Accelerating the dissolution of enteric coatings in the upper small intestine: Evolution of a novel pH 5.6 bicarbonate buffer system to assess drug release. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 468 (1-2). pp. 172-177. ISSN 03785173

Enterprise education

Refai, Deema and Klapper, Rita (2016) Enterprise Education in Pharmacy Schools: Experiential Learning in Institutionally Constrained Contexts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22 (4). pp. 485-509. ISSN 1355-2554

Enterprise skills

Refai, Deema and Klapper, Rita (2016) Enterprise Education in Pharmacy Schools: Experiential Learning in Institutionally Constrained Contexts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22 (4). pp. 485-509. ISSN 1355-2554


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Ethyl cellulose

Shahzad, Yasser, Saeed, Sidra, Ghori, Muhammad U., Mahmood, Tariq, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Jamshaid, Muhammad, Skeikh, Rizwan and Rizvi, Syed A. A. (2017) Influence of polymer ratio and surfactants on controlled drug release from cellulosic microsponges. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. ISSN 0141-8130


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Experiential learning

Refai, Deema and Klapper, Rita (2016) Enterprise Education in Pharmacy Schools: Experiential Learning in Institutionally Constrained Contexts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22 (4). pp. 485-509. ISSN 1355-2554

Extended pharmacy services

Hashmi, Furqan K., Hassali, Mohamed Azmi, Khalid, Adnan, Saleem, Fahad, Aljadhey, Hisham, Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din and Bashaar, Mohammad (2017) A qualitative study exploring perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists about extended pharmacy services in Lahore, Pakistan. BMC Health Services Research, 17. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1472-6963

Facility-specific indicators

Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Azeem, Muhammad, Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns in the global context: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN 2211-8837

fatty liver disease

Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (9). ISSN 2077-0383


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282

Fluticasone propionate

Theophilus, A., Moore, A., Prime, D., Rossomanno, S., Whitcher, B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Co-deposition of salmeterol and fluticasone propionate by a combination inhaler. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 313. pp. 14-22. ISSN 0378-5173


Hasan, Syed Shahzad, Kow, Chia Siang, Verma, Rohit Kumar, Ahmed, Syed Imran, Mittal, Piyush and Chong, David W.K. (2017) An evaluation of medication appropriateness and frailty among residents of aged care homes in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study. Medicine, 96 (35). e7929. ISSN 0025-7974


Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356

garlic powder

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356

Gastro resistant coatings

Varum, F.J., Merchant, Hamid A., Goyanes, A., Zboranová, V. and Basit, A.W. (2014) Accelerating the dissolution of enteric coatings in the upper small intestine: Evolution of a novel pH 5.6 bicarbonate buffer system to assess drug release. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 468 (1-2). pp. 172-177. ISSN 03785173

Gastrointestinal tract

Merchant, Hamid A., Liu, Fang, Orlu Gul, Mine and Basit, Abdul W. (2016) Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 512 (2). pp. 382-395. ISSN 0378-5173


De Angelis, Elena, Immins, L, Jibry, N, Hunt, D, Cheng, K, Chowdhury, P, Patel, C, Wilhelm, S and Williams, P (2017) Enabling an Accelerated Development Path for Chlorhexidine Digluconate Gel 7.1% w/w for the Prevention of Omphalitis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 45-46. ISSN 2058-8356

Gellan gum

Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Merchant, Hamid A., Liu, Fang, Orlu Gul, Mine and Basit, Abdul W. (2016) Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 512 (2). pp. 382-395. ISSN 0378-5173


Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356

Great Repeal Bill

Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Grewia mollis

Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X

Health economics

Hassan, Syed Shahzad, Thiruchelvam, Kaeshaelya, Kow, Chia Siang, Ghori, Muhammad Usman and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Economic evaluation of pharmacist-led medication reviews in residential aged care facilities. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 17 (5). pp. 431-439. ISSN 1473-7167


Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan, Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Saqib, Anum, Qamar-uz-Zaman, Muhammad and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns among elderly hospitalized patients on poly-pharmacy in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 10 (1). ISSN 2052-3211


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356

hyaluronic acid

Tighsazzadeh, M.A. and Boateng, J.S. (2017) Erodible Film Formulation for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 29-30. ISSN 2058-8356


Al-Shohani, Athmar, Awwad, Sahar, Tee Khaw, Peng and Brocchini, Steve (2017) The preparation of HEMA-MPC films for ocular drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2058-8356

Gupta, Abhishek, Low, Wan Li, Britland, Stephen, Radecka, Iza and Martin, Claire (2017) Physicochemical characterisation of biosynthetic bacterial cellulose as a potential wound dressing material. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 37-38. ISSN 2058-8356

Hydrophilic matrices

Ghori, Muhammad U., Grover, Liam M., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Evaluating the Swelling, Erosion and Compaction Properties of Cellulose Ethers. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. ISSN 1083-7450

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

Shahzad, Yasser, Saeed, Sidra, Ghori, Muhammad U., Mahmood, Tariq, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Jamshaid, Muhammad, Skeikh, Rizwan and Rizvi, Syed A. A. (2017) Influence of polymer ratio and surfactants on controlled drug release from cellulosic microsponges. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. ISSN 0141-8130


Tighsazzadeh, M.A. and Boateng, J.S. (2017) Erodible Film Formulation for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 29-30. ISSN 2058-8356


Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (9). ISSN 2077-0383


Ghori, Muhammad U., Grover, Liam M., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Evaluating the Swelling, Erosion and Compaction Properties of Cellulose Ethers. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. ISSN 1083-7450

Hypromellose phthalate

Varum, F.J., Merchant, Hamid A., Goyanes, A., Zboranová, V. and Basit, A.W. (2014) Accelerating the dissolution of enteric coatings in the upper small intestine: Evolution of a novel pH 5.6 bicarbonate buffer system to assess drug release. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 468 (1-2). pp. 172-177. ISSN 03785173


Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442

in-vitro in-vivo correlations

Murdan, Sudaxshina, Bari, Amani, Ahmed, Suleman, Hossin, Basma and Kerai, Laxmi (2017) Nail lacquer films’ surface energies and in vitro water-resistance and adhesion do not predict their in vivo residence. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2058-8356

Income level

Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Azeem, Muhammad, Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns in the global context: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN 2211-8837


Abadelah, Mohamad, Chrystyn, Henry, Bagherisadeghi, Golshan, Abdalla, Gaballa and Larhrib, Hassan (2017) Study of the Emitted Dose After Two Separate Inhalations at Different Inhalation Flow Rates and Volumes and an Assessment of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Indacaterol Onbrez Breezhaler® 150 and 300 μg. AAPS PharmSciTech. ISSN 1530-9932

Independent prescribing for nurses and pharmacists

Mills, Val (2008) Clinical Governing Non-Medical Prescribing in an NHS Trust: Issues for Consideration in Mental Health and Learning Disability. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 5 (1). pp. 77-99. ISSN 1743-6885

inhalation methods

Tomlinson, H.S., Corlett, S.A., Allen, M.B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2005) Assessment of different methods of inhalation from salbutamol metered dose inhalers by urinary drug excretion and methacholine challenge. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 60 (6). pp. 605-610. ISSN 1365-2125

inhalation flow rate

Ammari, Wesam G. and Chrystyn, Henry (2013) Optimizing the Inhalation Flow and Technique Through Metered Dose Inhalers of Asthmatic Adults and Children Attending a Community Pharmacy. Journal of Asthma. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0277-0903

inhalation technique

Ammari, Wesam G. and Chrystyn, Henry (2013) Optimizing the Inhalation Flow and Technique Through Metered Dose Inhalers of Asthmatic Adults and Children Attending a Community Pharmacy. Journal of Asthma. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0277-0903

inhalation volume

Abadelah, Mohamad, Chrystyn, Henry, Bagherisadeghi, Golshan, Abdalla, Gaballa and Larhrib, Hassan (2017) Study of the Emitted Dose After Two Separate Inhalations at Different Inhalation Flow Rates and Volumes and an Assessment of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Indacaterol Onbrez Breezhaler® 150 and 300 μg. AAPS PharmSciTech. ISSN 1530-9932

Institutional dimension

Refai, Deema and Klapper, Rita (2016) Enterprise Education in Pharmacy Schools: Experiential Learning in Institutionally Constrained Contexts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22 (4). pp. 485-509. ISSN 1355-2554

insulin resistance

Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (9). ISSN 2077-0383

intensive lifestyle change program

Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (9). ISSN 2077-0383

interprofessional education pharmacy nursing

Bain, Amie, Batt, Sarah, Darvill, Angela and Greenwood, Katie (2016) The design and evaluation of an inter-professional education (IPE) intervention for pharmacy and nursing students using clinical scenarios. In: Interprofessional Education and Practice conference, 12th September 2016, Cardiff University. (Unpublished)


Nichols, Gemma (2017) ‘Quest for Quality’: an evaluation of the impact on elderly care. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

intrinsic dissolution rate

Box, Karl, Ruiz, Rebeca, Outhwaite, Breeze and Lee, Sam (2017) Study of the impact of different salts on the intrinsic dissolution rate of pharmaceutical compounds. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

Ionic concentration strength

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

IR/ER dosage forms

Box, Karl, O'Dwyer, Patrick and Watson, Hayley (2017) Biorelevant drug release of Metformin dosage forms using complementary in vitro tools. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

kappa opioid receptor

Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356

Kinetics of drug release

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765


Murdan, Sudaxshina, Bari, Amani, Ahmed, Suleman, Hossin, Basma and Kerai, Laxmi (2017) Nail lacquer films’ surface energies and in vitro water-resistance and adhesion do not predict their in vivo residence. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2058-8356


Box, Karl, O'Dwyer, Patrick and Watson, Hayley (2017) Biorelevant drug release of Metformin dosage forms using complementary in vitro tools. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987

Manuka honey

Bulman, Sophie E. L., Tronci, Giuseppe, Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Antibacterial Properties of Nonwoven Wound Dressings Coated with Manuka Honey or Methylglyoxal. Materials, 10 (8). ISSN 1996-1944

Martix erosion

Ghori, Muhammad U., Grover, Liam M., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Evaluating the Swelling, Erosion and Compaction Properties of Cellulose Ethers. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. ISSN 1083-7450

mass spectrometry

Hatami, Aida, Carr, Kevin, Whiteley, Paul, Wilkinson, Simon and Dodou, Kalliopi (2017) Ex vivo studies for the passive transdermal permeation and extent of metabolism of methyl and butyl paraben from a cream. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

mathematical modelling

Vo, Tuoi, Lee, William, Peddle, Adam and Meere, Martin (2017) Modelling chemistry and biology after implantation of a drug-eluting stent. Part I: Drug transport. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 491-509. ISSN 1551-0018

Matrix swelling

Ghori, Muhammad U., Grover, Liam M., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Evaluating the Swelling, Erosion and Compaction Properties of Cellulose Ethers. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. ISSN 1083-7450

Matrix tablet

Asim, Muhammad S, Ghori, Muhammad U. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Probing the Impact of Porosity on Swelling Kinetics of Hydrophilic Matrices. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

maximum inhalation flow

Abadelah, Mohamad, Chrystyn, Henry, Bagherisadeghi, Golshan, Abdalla, Gaballa and Larhrib, Hassan (2017) Study of the Emitted Dose After Two Separate Inhalations at Different Inhalation Flow Rates and Volumes and an Assessment of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Indacaterol Onbrez Breezhaler® 150 and 300 μg. AAPS PharmSciTech. ISSN 1530-9932


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Connell, Simon D., Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris M., Wilcox, Mark H. and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Role of Surface Energy and Nano-Roughness in the Removal Efficiency of Bacterial Contamination by Nonwoven Wipes from Frequently Touched Surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1468-6996

Medical prescribers

Oluyase, Adejoke Obirenjeyi, Raistrick, Duncan, Hughes, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Charlie (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medications in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39 (6). pp. 1248-1255. ISSN 2210-7703

medication appropriateness

Hasan, Syed Shahzad, Kow, Chia Siang, Verma, Rohit Kumar, Ahmed, Syed Imran, Mittal, Piyush and Chong, David W.K. (2017) An evaluation of medication appropriateness and frailty among residents of aged care homes in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study. Medicine, 96 (35). e7929. ISSN 0025-7974

medication review

Kerr, Lauren (2017) An evaluation of polypharmacy medication reviews in GP practices. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Oluyase, Adejoke Obirenjeyi, Raistrick, Duncan, Hughes, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Charlie (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medications in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39 (6). pp. 1248-1255. ISSN 2210-7703


Alewairdhi, Huda, Umaru, Nkiruka and Aslanpour, Zoe (2017) Systematic Review of Medicine-Related Problems in Adult Patients with Atrial Fibrillation on Direct Oral Anticoagulants. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Bain, Amie (2017) Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Derek G. Waller and Anthony P. Sampson. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Box, Karl, O'Dwyer, Patrick and Watson, Hayley (2017) Biorelevant drug release of Metformin dosage forms using complementary in vitro tools. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Bakshi, Hamid A., Hakim, Faruck, Sam, Smitha and Javid, Farideh (2017) Role of Dietary Crocin in In Vivo Melanoma Tumor Remission. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 18 (3). pp. 841-846. ISSN 1513-7368

Mesoporous silica

Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987


Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356


Ghori, Muhammad U., Grover, Liam M., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Smith, Alan M. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Evaluating the Swelling, Erosion and Compaction Properties of Cellulose Ethers. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. ISSN 1083-7450


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282

Bulman, Sophie E. L., Tronci, Giuseppe, Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Antibacterial Properties of Nonwoven Wound Dressings Coated with Manuka Honey or Methylglyoxal. Materials, 10 (8). ISSN 1996-1944


Acha, Virginia (2017) Breaking up the band: European regulatory cooperation in a post-Brexit world. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2058-8356


Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356

microenvironmental pH

Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Shahzad, Yasser, Saeed, Sidra, Ghori, Muhammad U., Mahmood, Tariq, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Jamshaid, Muhammad, Skeikh, Rizwan and Rizvi, Syed A. A. (2017) Influence of polymer ratio and surfactants on controlled drug release from cellulosic microsponges. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. ISSN 0141-8130

modified release

Barbosa, Joao A.C., Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Going Natural: Using polymers from nature for gastroresistant applications. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

mucoadhesive hydrogel

Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356

multidisciplinary team

Nichols, Gemma (2017) ‘Quest for Quality’: an evaluation of the impact on elderly care. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356


Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (9). ISSN 2077-0383


Murdan, Sudaxshina, Bari, Amani, Ahmed, Suleman, Hossin, Basma and Kerai, Laxmi (2017) Nail lacquer films’ surface energies and in vitro water-resistance and adhesion do not predict their in vivo residence. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2058-8356


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Connell, Simon D., Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris M., Wilcox, Mark H. and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Role of Surface Energy and Nano-Roughness in the Removal Efficiency of Bacterial Contamination by Nonwoven Wipes from Frequently Touched Surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1468-6996


Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (9). ISSN 2077-0383

neutral sugars

Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

non-medical prescribing

Haygarth, Lynn and Hemingway, Steve (2018) Schizophrenia: Practical prescribing of antipsychotics. Nurse Prescribing, 16 (2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 1479-9189

Mills, Val (2008) Clinical Governing Non-Medical Prescribing in an NHS Trust: Issues for Consideration in Mental Health and Learning Disability. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 5 (1). pp. 77-99. ISSN 1743-6885


Bulman, Sophie E. L., Tronci, Giuseppe, Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Antibacterial Properties of Nonwoven Wound Dressings Coated with Manuka Honey or Methylglyoxal. Materials, 10 (8). ISSN 1996-1944

Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Connell, Simon D., Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris M., Wilcox, Mark H. and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Role of Surface Energy and Nano-Roughness in the Removal Efficiency of Bacterial Contamination by Nonwoven Wipes from Frequently Touched Surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1468-6996

Nurse prescribers

Oluyase, Adejoke Obirenjeyi, Raistrick, Duncan, Hughes, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Charlie (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medications in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39 (6). pp. 1248-1255. ISSN 2210-7703


Barbosa, Joao A.C., Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Going Natural: Using polymers from nature for gastroresistant applications. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

nutritional supplements

Barbosa, Joao A.C., Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Going Natural: Using polymers from nature for gastroresistant applications. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Al-Shohani, Athmar, Awwad, Sahar, Tee Khaw, Peng and Brocchini, Steve (2017) The preparation of HEMA-MPC films for ocular drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2058-8356

odour masking

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356

Onbrez Breezhaler®

Abadelah, Mohamad, Chrystyn, Henry, Bagherisadeghi, Golshan, Abdalla, Gaballa and Larhrib, Hassan (2017) Study of the Emitted Dose After Two Separate Inhalations at Different Inhalation Flow Rates and Volumes and an Assessment of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Indacaterol Onbrez Breezhaler® 150 and 300 μg. AAPS PharmSciTech. ISSN 1530-9932

open access

Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

oral anticoagulants

Alewairdhi, Huda, Umaru, Nkiruka and Aslanpour, Zoe (2017) Systematic Review of Medicine-Related Problems in Adult Patients with Atrial Fibrillation on Direct Oral Anticoagulants. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Merchant, Hamid A., Liu, Fang, Orlu Gul, Mine and Basit, Abdul W. (2016) Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 512 (2). pp. 382-395. ISSN 0378-5173


Hashmi, Furqan K., Hassali, Mohamed Azmi, Khalid, Adnan, Saleem, Fahad, Aljadhey, Hisham, Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din and Bashaar, Mohammad (2017) A qualitative study exploring perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists about extended pharmacy services in Lahore, Pakistan. BMC Health Services Research, 17. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1472-6963


Hatami, Aida, Carr, Kevin, Whiteley, Paul, Wilkinson, Simon and Dodou, Kalliopi (2017) Ex vivo studies for the passive transdermal permeation and extent of metabolism of methyl and butyl paraben from a cream. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

parameter estimation

Vo, Tuoi, Lee, William, Peddle, Adam and Meere, Martin (2017) Modelling chemistry and biology after implantation of a drug-eluting stent. Part I: Drug transport. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 491-509. ISSN 1551-0018

Particle size

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

particle size distribution

Richter, Margarethe, Kaialy, Waseem and Bello, Hussaini (2017) Twin-screw granulation – a systematic analysis of process parameters. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 35-36. ISSN 2058-8356


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Connell, Simon D., Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris M., Wilcox, Mark H. and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Role of Surface Energy and Nano-Roughness in the Removal Efficiency of Bacterial Contamination by Nonwoven Wipes from Frequently Touched Surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1468-6996

patient safety

Kerr, Lauren (2017) An evaluation of polypharmacy medication reviews in GP practices. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Patient-care indicators

Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Azeem, Muhammad, Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns in the global context: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN 2211-8837

patient/ service user information

Mills, Val (2008) Clinical Governing Non-Medical Prescribing in an NHS Trust: Issues for Consideration in Mental Health and Learning Disability. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 5 (1). pp. 77-99. ISSN 1743-6885


Hashmi, Furqan K., Hassali, Mohamed Azmi, Khalid, Adnan, Saleem, Fahad, Aljadhey, Hisham, Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din and Bashaar, Mohammad (2017) A qualitative study exploring perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists about extended pharmacy services in Lahore, Pakistan. BMC Health Services Research, 17. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1472-6963

Personalised medicine

Merchant, Hamid A., Liu, Fang, Orlu Gul, Mine and Basit, Abdul W. (2016) Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 512 (2). pp. 382-395. ISSN 0378-5173

pH responsive polymers

Varum, F.J., Merchant, Hamid A., Goyanes, A., Zboranová, V. and Basit, A.W. (2014) Accelerating the dissolution of enteric coatings in the upper small intestine: Evolution of a novel pH 5.6 bicarbonate buffer system to assess drug release. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 468 (1-2). pp. 172-177. ISSN 03785173

Pharmaceutical Electrostatics Tribo-electrification Flurbiprofen

Šupuk, Enes, Ghori, Muhammad U., Asare-Addo, Kofi, Laity, Peter R., Panchmatia, Pooja M. and Conway, Barbara R (2013) The influence of salt formation on electrostatic and compression properties of flurbiprofen salts. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 458 (1). pp. 118-127. ISSN 0378-5173

pharmaceutical manufacturing distribution supply chain techniques

Savage, Christopher J., Roberts, Kevin J. and Wang, Xue Z. (2006) A holistic analysis of pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution: Are conventional supply chain techniques appropriate? Pharmaceutical Engineering, 26 (4). ISSN 0273-8139

pharmaceutical patents

Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Hassan, Syed Shahzad, Thiruchelvam, Kaeshaelya, Kow, Chia Siang, Ghori, Muhammad Usman and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Economic evaluation of pharmacist-led medication reviews in residential aged care facilities. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 17 (5). pp. 431-439. ISSN 1473-7167


Hassan, Syed Shahzad, Thiruchelvam, Kaeshaelya, Kow, Chia Siang, Ghori, Muhammad Usman and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Economic evaluation of pharmacist-led medication reviews in residential aged care facilities. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 17 (5). pp. 431-439. ISSN 1473-7167


Bain, Amie (2017) Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Derek G. Waller and Anthony P. Sampson. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Bain, Amie (2017) Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Derek G. Waller and Anthony P. Sampson. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Box, Karl, O'Dwyer, Patrick and Watson, Hayley (2017) Biorelevant drug release of Metformin dosage forms using complementary in vitro tools. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Hassan, Syed Shahzad, Thiruchelvam, Kaeshaelya, Kow, Chia Siang, Ghori, Muhammad Usman and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Economic evaluation of pharmacist-led medication reviews in residential aged care facilities. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 17 (5). pp. 431-439. ISSN 1473-7167

Thiab, Samar, Wainwright, Mark and Riby, Philip (2017) The development of analytical procedures using ICP-OES and ICP-MS for the analysis of trace metals in pharmaceutical formulations. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

Pharmacy education

Refai, Deema and Klapper, Rita (2016) Enterprise Education in Pharmacy Schools: Experiential Learning in Institutionally Constrained Contexts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22 (4). pp. 485-509. ISSN 1355-2554


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779


Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Connell, Simon D., Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris M., Wilcox, Mark H. and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Role of Surface Energy and Nano-Roughness in the Removal Efficiency of Bacterial Contamination by Nonwoven Wipes from Frequently Touched Surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1468-6996

plasma membrane H+- ATPase

Patel, Dhruvnesh V, Bassin, J Paul and Griffiths, David G (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of novel antifungal agents targeted to the plasma membrane H[+]-ATPase. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 39-40. ISSN 2058-8356


Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan, Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Saqib, Anum, Qamar-uz-Zaman, Muhammad and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns among elderly hospitalized patients on poly-pharmacy in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 10 (1). ISSN 2052-3211


Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356


Al-Shohani, Athmar, Awwad, Sahar, Tee Khaw, Peng and Brocchini, Steve (2017) The preparation of HEMA-MPC films for ocular drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2058-8356

Polymer dissolution rate

Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Kerr, Lauren (2017) An evaluation of polypharmacy medication reviews in GP practices. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Nichols, Gemma (2017) ‘Quest for Quality’: an evaluation of the impact on elderly care. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X

Polyvinyl alcohol

Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282


Asim, Muhammad S, Ghori, Muhammad U. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Probing the Impact of Porosity on Swelling Kinetics of Hydrophilic Matrices. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

Shahzad, Yasser, Saeed, Sidra, Ghori, Muhammad U., Mahmood, Tariq, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Jamshaid, Muhammad, Skeikh, Rizwan and Rizvi, Syed A. A. (2017) Influence of polymer ratio and surfactants on controlled drug release from cellulosic microsponges. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. ISSN 0141-8130

prescribing for children and young people

Mills, Val (2008) Clinical Governing Non-Medical Prescribing in an NHS Trust: Issues for Consideration in Mental Health and Learning Disability. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 5 (1). pp. 77-99. ISSN 1743-6885

Prescribing indicators

Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Azeem, Muhammad, Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns in the global context: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN 2211-8837


Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Malek, Nazneen, Ermonlina, Irina, Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V and Hackl, Ellen V (2017) Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of PVA-GANT Mucoadhesive Hydrogels. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2058-8356

Qualitative study

Hashmi, Furqan K., Hassali, Mohamed Azmi, Khalid, Adnan, Saleem, Fahad, Aljadhey, Hisham, Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din and Bashaar, Mohammad (2017) A qualitative study exploring perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists about extended pharmacy services in Lahore, Pakistan. BMC Health Services Research, 17. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1472-6963

quality of life

Ammari, Wesam G. and Chrystyn, Henry (2013) Optimizing the Inhalation Flow and Technique Through Metered Dose Inhalers of Asthmatic Adults and Children Attending a Community Pharmacy. Journal of Asthma. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0277-0903

raman microscopy

Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356

Rational drug use

Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Azeem, Muhammad, Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns in the global context: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN 2211-8837


Acha, Virginia (2017) Breaking up the band: European regulatory cooperation in a post-Brexit world. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2058-8356


Ridzwan, Irna Elina, Suhaimi, Maryam Saadah, Wasli, Nur Syafinaz, Kasmuri, Abdul Razak, Azzubaidi, Marwan Saad, Hashim, Ridzwan, Ahmed, Qamar Uddin, Ming, Long Chiau, Mohamed, Nornisah and Syhami, Syed Mohd (2017) The distinct role of kappa opioid receptor in attenuating relapse to morphine/methamphetamine (polydrug) dependence in mice. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2058-8356


Tomlinson, H.S., Corlett, S.A., Allen, M.B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2005) Assessment of different methods of inhalation from salbutamol metered dose inhalers by urinary drug excretion and methacholine challenge. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 60 (6). pp. 605-610. ISSN 1365-2125


Theophilus, A., Moore, A., Prime, D., Rossomanno, S., Whitcher, B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Co-deposition of salmeterol and fluticasone propionate by a combination inhaler. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 313. pp. 14-22. ISSN 0378-5173

salt selection

Box, Karl, Ruiz, Rebeca, Outhwaite, Breeze and Lee, Sam (2017) Study of the impact of different salts on the intrinsic dissolution rate of pharmaceutical compounds. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Haygarth, Lynn and Hemingway, Steve (2018) Schizophrenia: Practical prescribing of antipsychotics. Nurse Prescribing, 16 (2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 1479-9189

scholarly communications

Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

segregation electrostatics pharmaceutical

Šupuk, Enes, Hassanpour, Ali and Ghadiri, Mojtaba (2010) Segregation of Formulated Bulk Powders due to Electrostatic Effects. In: World Congress on Particle Technology WCPT6, 26 April - 29 April 2010, Nuremberg, Germany.

Similarity factor

Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

Sirius InForm

Box, Karl, Ruiz, Rebeca, Outhwaite, Breeze and Lee, Sam (2017) Study of the impact of different salts on the intrinsic dissolution rate of pharmaceutical compounds. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

skin metabolism

Hatami, Aida, Carr, Kevin, Whiteley, Paul, Wilkinson, Simon and Dodou, Kalliopi (2017) Ex vivo studies for the passive transdermal permeation and extent of metabolism of methyl and butyl paraben from a cream. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Solid dispersion

Tahir, Hira, Shahzad, Yasser, Waters, Laura J., Hussain, Talib, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Mahmood, Tariq and Sheikh, Rizwan (2018) Impact of processing methods on the dissolution of artemether from two non-ordered mesoporous silicas. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 112. pp. 139-145. ISSN 0928-0987


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779

solvent evaporation

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

Specialist addiction service

Oluyase, Adejoke Obirenjeyi, Raistrick, Duncan, Hughes, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Charlie (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medications in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39 (6). pp. 1248-1255. ISSN 2210-7703


Box, Karl, Ruiz, Rebeca, Outhwaite, Breeze and Lee, Sam (2017) Study of the impact of different salts on the intrinsic dissolution rate of pharmaceutical compounds. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X


Conway, Barbara R and Merchant, Hamid A. (2017) Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to authors. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Kerr, Lauren (2017) An evaluation of polypharmacy medication reviews in GP practices. Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 3 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

surface dissolution imaging

Box, Karl, O'Dwyer, Patrick and Watson, Hayley (2017) Biorelevant drug release of Metformin dosage forms using complementary in vitro tools. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356

surface energy

Edwards, Nicholas W. M., Best, Emma L., Connell, Simon D., Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris M., Wilcox, Mark H. and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Role of Surface Energy and Nano-Roughness in the Removal Efficiency of Bacterial Contamination by Nonwoven Wipes from Frequently Touched Surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1468-6996


Shahzad, Yasser, Saeed, Sidra, Ghori, Muhammad U., Mahmood, Tariq, Yousaf, Abid Mehmood, Jamshaid, Muhammad, Skeikh, Rizwan and Rizvi, Syed A. A. (2017) Influence of polymer ratio and surfactants on controlled drug release from cellulosic microsponges. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. ISSN 0141-8130


Asim, Muhammad S, Ghori, Muhammad U. and Conway, Barbara R (2017) Probing the Impact of Porosity on Swelling Kinetics of Hydrophilic Matrices. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). ISSN 2058-8356


Waters, Laura J., Hanrahan, John P., Tobin, Joseph M., Finch, Catherine V., Parkes, Gareth M.B, Ahmad, Shamsuddeen A., Mohammad, Faraj and Saleem, Maria (2018) Enhancing the dissolution of phenylbutazone using Syloid® based mesoporous silicas for oral equine applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. ISSN 2095-1779


Theophilus, A., Moore, A., Prime, D., Rossomanno, S., Whitcher, B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Co-deposition of salmeterol and fluticasone propionate by a combination inhaler. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 313. pp. 14-22. ISSN 0378-5173

Synovial Fluid

Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442


Apeji, Yonni, Aluga, David, Olayemi, Olubunmi, Oparaeche, Chinyere, Anyebe, Sophie, Gamlen, Michael and Oyi, Avosuahi (2017) Comparative analysis of co-processed starches prepared by three different methods. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356

taste masking

Farias, Smirna (2017) Aspirin loaded xerogels for buccal and oral GIT delivery for patients with dysphagia to target deep vein thrombosis. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2058-8356

Ghimire, Manish (2017) Understanding the Integrity of Coating for Taste-Masked Granules – Before and After Tablet Compression. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2058-8356

Gondal, Sonia Ashfaq, Abbas, Nasir and Hussain, Amjad (2017) Microencapsulation: A taste and odour masking approach for garlic (Allium sativum) powder. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 19-20. ISSN 2058-8356


Spiers, Ian, Goulding, Jo and Arrowsmith, Ian (2017) Clinical Terminologies in the NHS: SNOMED CT and dm+d. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Edgar, Benjamin and Antonijevic, Milan (2017) The Utilisation Of Thermal Methods For The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 2058-8356

Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356


D'Angelo, Alessandra, Reading, Mike and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) Micro-photogrammetry as a tool for characterisation of dissolution behaviour of pharmaceutical dosage forms. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 26-28. ISSN 2058-8356


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765


Bain, Amie (2017) Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Derek G. Waller and Anthony P. Sampson. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765


Tarsin, W.Y., Pearson, S.B., Assi, K.H. and Chrystyn, Henry (2006) Emitted dose estimates from Seretide, Diskus and Symbicort Turbuhaler following inhalation by severe asthmatics. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 316. pp. 131-137. ISSN 0378-5173

twin-screw granulation

Richter, Margarethe, Kaialy, Waseem and Bello, Hussaini (2017) Twin-screw granulation – a systematic analysis of process parameters. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 35-36. ISSN 2058-8356

United Kingdom

Oluyase, Adejoke Obirenjeyi, Raistrick, Duncan, Hughes, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Charlie (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medications in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39 (6). pp. 1248-1255. ISSN 2210-7703


Fraser, Jamie and Stone, James (2017) Brexit – What are the potential consequences for pharma patents and SPCs? British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (1). ISSN 2058-8356

urinary excretion

Tomlinson, H.S., Corlett, S.A., Allen, M.B. and Chrystyn, Henry (2005) Assessment of different methods of inhalation from salbutamol metered dose inhalers by urinary drug excretion and methacholine challenge. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 60 (6). pp. 605-610. ISSN 1365-2125

uronic acids

Nep, Elijah I, Sims, I. M., Kontogiorgos, Vassilis, Morris, Gordon and Smith, Alan M. (2016) Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 53. pp. 134-140. ISSN 0268-005X


Asare-Addo, Kofi, Kaialy, Waseem, Levina, Marina, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali R., Ghori, Muhammad U., Šupuk, Enes, Laity, Peter R., Conway, Barbara R and Nokhodchi, Ali (2013) The Influence of Agitation Sequence and Ionic Strength on in-vitro Drug Release from Hypromellose (E4 M and K4 M) ER Matrices - The use of the USP III Apparatus. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 104. pp. 54-60. ISSN 0927-7765

verbal counseling

Ammari, Wesam G. and Chrystyn, Henry (2013) Optimizing the Inhalation Flow and Technique Through Metered Dose Inhalers of Asthmatic Adults and Children Attending a Community Pharmacy. Journal of Asthma. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0277-0903

wear test

Thompson, Martin, Hunt, Ben, Smith, Alan M. and Joyce, Thomas (2015) Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants, 3 (2). pp. 80-90. ISSN 2075-4442

World Bank regions

Atif, Muhammad, Scahill, Shane, Azeem, Muhammad, Sarwar, Muhammad Rehan and Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2017) Drug utilization patterns in the global context: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN 2211-8837

Wound dressing

Bulman, Sophie E. L., Goswami, Parikshit, Tronci, Giuseppe, Russell, Stephen J. and Carr, Chris (2015) Investigation into the Potential Use of Poly(vinyl Alcohol)/Methylglyoxal Fibres as Antibacterial Wound Dressing Components. Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 29 (8). pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0885-3282

Bulman, Sophie E. L., Tronci, Giuseppe, Goswami, Parikshit, Carr, Chris and Russell, Stephen J. (2017) Antibacterial Properties of Nonwoven Wound Dressings Coated with Manuka Honey or Methylglyoxal. Materials, 10 (8). ISSN 1996-1944

wound management

Gupta, Abhishek, Low, Wan Li, Britland, Stephen, Radecka, Iza and Martin, Claire (2017) Physicochemical characterisation of biosynthetic bacterial cellulose as a potential wound dressing material. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 37-38. ISSN 2058-8356


Edgar, Benjamin, D'Angelo, Alessandra and Antonjievic, Milan D (2017) The Use Of XRPD And ATR-FTIR In The Screening Of Three Component Co-amorphous Systems Created Via A Melt-Quench Method. British Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (2). pp. 31-32. ISSN 2058-8356

Zeta potential

Barbosa, Joao.A.C (2020) Novel Formulations and Mechanistic Insights into Gastroresistant Dosage Forms. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

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