Group by: Date | Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
3D laser scanning technology 3D virtual environment academic magic access acoustic Actor Training Affect Alexandre Lefebvre animal animation anti-aesthetic anti-character anti-magic applied theatre Archival engagements archives art art education art practice research Artistic Research Artists in Conversation attention Augmented Reality autonomy Avatar Awareness Bakhtin behind the scenes Biggs and Büchler Bizarre Magic bizarre magick Bizarrist blogs body body measurement Bodymind Botanical illustration branding Brass Art Buddhism carnival carnivalesque chimpanzee collaboration Community community project computational drawing Conceptual Blending connotation contemplation Contemplative Studies contemporary art Control craft pedagogies Creative Practice Creative Process Creativity cross-cultural cross-disciplinary danger dark play David Blaine Defamiliarization Deleuze Delezue denotation Derrida Design design fashion accessories research laboratory culture polimoda desire disenchantment disruption drama drawing drawing bodies movement urban environment drawing corporeality movement bodies face materiality Drawing hand manual subjectivity drawing materiality figure knowledge corporeality body digital analogue duration DVD Education elearning electroacoustic emergent cognition enchantment Engage epistemology experience Fabrication fashion fashion communication fashion design fashion discourse Fear feminism Fibres & textiles Textile fabrics Fibers Textile fabrics Film Fine Art First World War florals freak show Freud generative Ghost Gilles Deleuze global GPS Graffiti Group Exhibition Haptics Heritage Higher Education Work placements Placement Journeys Video Resources Employers Students Tutors History Festivals Britain Festival of Britain 1951 Exhibitions History of Performance Magic human rights humanities Illusion of Reality Image of Thought imprint improvisation language independent informal learning Innovation Installation Integration interactive international internet Interview Inverse Method Acting justice kayfabe Keywords: Practice Kinect kinetic language learning disability Leather Liveness magazines magic magician as facilitator make-belief Maskeleyne material mediatization meditation melodic lines Memory mentalism metamentalism metronome mind reading Mindfulness mixed-media morality moving image multimodal mystery entertainment myth neo-tribe Neologism network networks Nicholas Rescher on-line fashion retailing Pedagogy perception performance Performativity performer performing performing arts PhD Exhibition phenomenological philosophy physicality pixar Place making pop-up Population Post-Cartesian post-subculture post-truth mentalism Postmodern Practice practice & sustainability Praxis Presence Process Philosophy Psychoanalysis Psychophysical punk Quasi-Character real magic reception Reid Gallery Relations representation Rescher Research Robert-Houdin Roger Malbert sculpture Second Life semiosis Semiotics sensation sideshow Silicone Social activism somatic reverberations subversion surface pattern Tactile Artworks Tactile Interpretation Tailoring Archiving Promotion Fashion Technical Theatre Authentic learning Self-evaluation Critical thinking Reflection Costume temporal Textiles The Uncanny theatre trace Traditional training Transdisciplinarity trickster uncanny Uncanny Exhibition Unconscious Freud unconscious Vaudeville Video Volunteering weave William Morris wink-eye mentalism Wittgenstein Writing WW1 Drawing Archive Monuments WWI ‘thought-images’
Number of items at this level: 286.

3D laser scanning technology

Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2005) An experimental study to test a 3D laser Scanner for body measurement and 3D virtual garment design in Fashion education. In: Wearable Futures – Hybrid Culture in the Design and Development of Soft Technology. University of Wales, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-1-899274-34-5

3D virtual environment

Taylor, Andrew and Varley, Rosemary (2008) Embodiment in 3D virtual retail environments: exploring perceptions of the virtual shopping experience. In: The body: connections with fashion conference proceedings 2008. IFFTI Conference. ISBN 9781921426186

academic magic

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]


Wilson, Louise K. and Roberts, Spencer (2011) Pane. [Show/Exhibition]

Actor Training

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Roberts, Spencer (2016) (In)Animate Semiotics: Virtuality and the Illusion(s) of Life. In: Deleuze Studies Conference 2016, 11th - 13th July 2016, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of University of Roma Tre. (Unpublished)

Alexandre Lefebvre

Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Alpha. Journal for Artistic Research (5). ISSN 2235-0225

MacDonald, Juliet (2012) The Distinguishing Mark. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

Roberts, Spencer (2016) (In)Animate Semiotics: Virtuality and the Illusion(s) of Life. In: Deleuze Studies Conference 2016, 11th - 13th July 2016, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of University of Roma Tre. (Unpublished)


Calvert, Dave (2010) Loaded Pistols: the interplay of social intervention and anti-aesthetic tradition in learning disabled performance. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15 (4). pp. 513-528. ISSN 1356-9783


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

applied theatre

Calvert, Dave (2010) Loaded Pistols: the interplay of social intervention and anti-aesthetic tradition in learning disabled performance. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15 (4). pp. 513-528. ISSN 1356-9783

Archival engagements

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]


Hollingworth, Hilary (2012) White over fields; White over t'hedgerows: Winter 2010 series. [Artefact] (Unpublished)

art education

Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503

art practice research

MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Alpha. Journal for Artistic Research (5). ISSN 2235-0225

Artistic Research

Roberts, Spencer (2017) Constructing the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida and Artistic Research. In: Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering - 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, 19-21 June 2017, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

Artists in Conversation

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


Sydow Quillici, Cassiano (2017) Proposals for a dialogue between performative arts and contemplative traditions. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Augmented Reality

Onol, Isil (2006) Tactual Explorations: A tactile interpretation of a museum exhibit through tactile artworks and Augmented Reality. In: Touch and the Value of Object Handling. Workshop 2. New technologies for enhancing object interpretation: interactives, haptics and interface technologies, 1 December 2006, University of Central England, Birmingham. (Unpublished)


McCullagh, Joseph Felix and De Freitas, Marcia (2005) Designing an interactive e-learning course, which focuses on the autonomous learner and the multimodal learner within art and design. In: International Conferences on Learning and Teaching with Technology in Art Design & Communication, 14-16th September 2005, University of Arts, London. (Unpublished)


Taylor, Andrew and Varley, Rosemary (2008) Embodiment in 3D virtual retail environments: exploring perceptions of the virtual shopping experience. In: The body: connections with fashion conference proceedings 2008. IFFTI Conference. ISBN 9781921426186


Krueger, Anton (2017) Performing Mindful Creativity: Three South African Case Studies. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503

behind the scenes

McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

Biggs and Büchler

Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.

Bizarre Magic

Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

bizarre magick

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.


Turner, Elizabeth (2016) “I Am Alive in Here”: Liveness, Mediation and the Staged Real of David Blaine’s Body. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

body measurement

Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2005) An experimental study to test a 3D laser Scanner for body measurement and 3D virtual garment design in Fashion education. In: Wearable Futures – Hybrid Culture in the Design and Development of Soft Technology. University of Wales, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-1-899274-34-5


Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Botanical illustration

Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

Brass Art

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


Middleton, Deborah K. (2017) Mapping Mindfulness-based Performance. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Sydow Quillici, Cassiano (2017) Proposals for a dialogue between performative arts and contemplative traditions. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503


Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503


MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Alpha. Journal for Artistic Research (5). ISSN 2235-0225


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Barber, Claire (2016) Crafting the Community. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 2050-7003

community project

Lloyd, Christian and Bristow, Lisa (2012) Slaithwaite Reservoir Bridge Project. [Artefact]

computational drawing

Lycett, Robert (2016) Darrell Viner: materiality, process and the coded object. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Conceptual Blending

Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225


Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.


Sydow Quillici, Cassiano (2017) Proposals for a dialogue between performative arts and contemplative traditions. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Contemplative Studies

Middleton, Deborah K. (2017) Mapping Mindfulness-based Performance. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

contemporary art

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Krueger, Anton (2017) Performing Mindful Creativity: Three South African Case Studies. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

craft pedagogies

Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

Creative Practice

Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225

Creative Process

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Krueger, Anton (2017) Performing Mindful Creativity: Three South African Case Studies. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

McCullagh, Joseph Felix (2007) Riding the seven c’s, developing an international cross-cultural design educational model. In: Icograda World Design and Education Congress 2007, 20-26th October 2007, Havana, Cuba.

Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503


McCullagh, Joseph Felix (2007) Riding the seven c’s, developing an international cross-cultural design educational model. In: Icograda World Design and Education Congress 2007, 20-26th October 2007, Havana, Cuba.

McCullagh, Joseph Felix, Jones, Carol and Watson, Yvonne (2007) Developing sustainable pedagogic strategies for the international and cultural aspects of learning in art and design post-graduate education. In: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education, 8th - 10th January 2007, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. (Unpublished)


McCullagh, Joseph Felix (2007) Riding the seven c’s, developing an international cross-cultural design educational model. In: Icograda World Design and Education Congress 2007, 20-26th October 2007, Havana, Cuba.


Hoedt, Madelon (2016) “The Extraordinary Other”: Todd Robbins in Conversation with Madelon Hoedt. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

dark play

Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

David Blaine

Turner, Elizabeth (2016) “I Am Alive in Here”: Liveness, Mediation and the Staged Real of David Blaine’s Body. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Roberts, Spencer (2017) Constructing the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida and Artistic Research. In: Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering - 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, 19-21 June 2017, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Spencer (2012) Deleuze and the Aesthetics of Relation. In: Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity, 105h-12th February 2012, Goldsmiths College, University of London. (Submitted)


Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.


Roberts, Spencer (2017) Constructing the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida and Artistic Research. In: Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering - 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, 19-21 June 2017, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)


Biró, Eszter, Butler, Jacqueline, Calvo, Mirian, Coelho, Inês Bento, Keehan, Allyson, MacLellan, Fiona Jane, Weir, Catherine M., Worsley, Dawn, Zakari, Hanan Makki, Zioga, Polina and Checchia, Viviana (2016) Whereabouts you are. [Show/Exhibition]

Lindley, Jonathan (2020) Sunbird Records: A Post-Subcultural Design. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

McCullagh, Joseph Felix and De Freitas, Marcia (2005) Designing an interactive e-learning course, which focuses on the autonomous learner and the multimodal learner within art and design. In: International Conferences on Learning and Teaching with Technology in Art Design & Communication, 14-16th September 2005, University of Arts, London. (Unpublished)

Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

design fashion accessories research laboratory culture polimoda

Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2016) Moment 2. In: #Moments: A Research Laboratory on Fashion Culture. SKIRA, Milan, pp. 51-61. ISBN 978-88-572-3176-1


Wilson, Louise K. and Roberts, Spencer (2011) Pane. [Show/Exhibition]


Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Middleton, Deborah K., Chamberlain, Franc and Pla, Daniel (2017) Letter from the Editors. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


MacDonald, Juliet (2014) Alpha. Journal for Artistic Research (5). ISSN 2235-0225

MacDonald, Juliet (2012) The Distinguishing Mark. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)

drawing bodies movement urban environment

MacDonald, Juliet (2014) In Passing. TRACEY. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-3570

drawing corporeality movement bodies face materiality

MacDonald, Juliet (2011) Lines of movement, points of stillness: drawing and the figuration of bodies. In: Bodies in Movement: Intersecting Discourses of Materiality in the Sciences and the Arts, 28-29 May 2011, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Drawing hand manual subjectivity

MacDonald, Juliet (2016) The Artist's Hand. TRACEY. ISSN 1742-3570

drawing materiality figure knowledge corporeality body digital analogue

MacDonald, Juliet (2012) Digits and Figures: a manual drawing practice and its modes of reproduction. In: SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses. SAGE Publications Ltd. ISBN 9780857027399


Wilson, Louise K. and Roberts, Spencer (2011) Pane. [Show/Exhibition]


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7


Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)


McCullagh, Joseph Felix and De Freitas, Marcia (2005) Designing an interactive e-learning course, which focuses on the autonomous learner and the multimodal learner within art and design. In: International Conferences on Learning and Teaching with Technology in Art Design & Communication, 14-16th September 2005, University of Arts, London. (Unpublished)


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

emergent cognition

Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225


Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Barber, Claire (2016) Crafting the Community. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 2050-7003


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda, Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2016) Populating Praxis of Place, Stonehenge: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

fashion communication

Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.

fashion design

Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2005) An experimental study to test a 3D laser Scanner for body measurement and 3D virtual garment design in Fashion education. In: Wearable Futures – Hybrid Culture in the Design and Development of Soft Technology. University of Wales, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-1-899274-34-5

fashion discourse

Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.


Krueger, Anton (2017) Performing Mindful Creativity: Three South African Case Studies. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

Fibres & textiles Textile fabrics Fibers Textile fabrics

Tsui, Wai-Chiu (1982) Aspects of seam strength prediction. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Fine Art

Biró, Eszter, Butler, Jacqueline, Calvo, Mirian, Coelho, Inês Bento, Keehan, Allyson, MacLellan, Fiona Jane, Weir, Catherine M., Worsley, Dawn, Zakari, Hanan Makki, Zioga, Polina and Checchia, Viviana (2016) Whereabouts you are. [Show/Exhibition]

First World War

MacDonald, Juliet (2015) Displaying the Head of Victory. In: Thought Positions in Sculpture. Public Symposium, 12 November 2015, Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

freak show

Hoedt, Madelon (2016) “The Extraordinary Other”: Todd Robbins in Conversation with Madelon Hoedt. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Lycett, Robert (2016) Darrell Viner: materiality, process and the coded object. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

Gilles Deleuze

Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


McCullagh, Joseph Felix, Jones, Carol and Watson, Yvonne (2007) Developing sustainable pedagogic strategies for the international and cultural aspects of learning in art and design post-graduate education. In: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education, 8th - 10th January 2007, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. (Unpublished)


Pettican, Anneké and Roberts, Spencer (2006) INCH, Rhetorical Line, Mine. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)


Pettican, Anneké and Roberts, Spencer (2006) INCH, Rhetorical Line, Mine. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Group Exhibition

Biró, Eszter, Butler, Jacqueline, Calvo, Mirian, Coelho, Inês Bento, Keehan, Allyson, MacLellan, Fiona Jane, Weir, Catherine M., Worsley, Dawn, Zakari, Hanan Makki, Zioga, Polina and Checchia, Viviana (2016) Whereabouts you are. [Show/Exhibition]


Onol, Isil (2006) Tactual Explorations: A tactile interpretation of a museum exhibit through tactile artworks and Augmented Reality. In: Touch and the Value of Object Handling. Workshop 2. New technologies for enhancing object interpretation: interactives, haptics and interface technologies, 1 December 2006, University of Central England, Birmingham. (Unpublished)


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

Higher Education Work placements Placement Journeys Video Resources Employers Students Tutors

Ward, Lisa J. and Gaffikin, Jane A. (2009) Student Placement Journeys - An On-line collection of video resources showcasing the development of students on one year work placements with the views from their employers and placement tutors. In: 18th World Conference for Co-operative Education, 'An International Dialogue in Vancouver', July, 2009, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)

History Festivals Britain Festival of Britain 1951 Exhibitions

Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda (2011) Signposts: The Festival of Britain 1951. History Today. pp. 54-55. ISSN 0018-2753

History of Performance Magic

Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

human rights

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Middleton, Deborah K., Chamberlain, Franc and Pla, Daniel (2017) Letter from the Editors. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Illusion of Reality

Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Image of Thought

Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

improvisation language

Elliott, Hilary (2017) Metronome and Melodic Lines: Confluences of the word and the move in solo studio-based movement improvisatory practice. Choreographic Practices, 8 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 2040-5669


Lindley, Jonathan (2020) Sunbird Records: A Post-Subcultural Design. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

informal learning

Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503


Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


McCullagh, Joseph Felix and De Freitas, Marcia (2005) Designing an interactive e-learning course, which focuses on the autonomous learner and the multimodal learner within art and design. In: International Conferences on Learning and Teaching with Technology in Art Design & Communication, 14-16th September 2005, University of Arts, London. (Unpublished)


McCullagh, Joseph Felix (2007) Riding the seven c’s, developing an international cross-cultural design educational model. In: Icograda World Design and Education Congress 2007, 20-26th October 2007, Havana, Cuba.


Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.


Hoedt, Madelon (2016) “The Extraordinary Other”: Todd Robbins in Conversation with Madelon Hoedt. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Inverse Method Acting

Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Keywords: Practice

Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Wilson, Louise K. and Roberts, Spencer (2011) Pane. [Show/Exhibition]


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

learning disability

Calvert, Dave (2010) Loaded Pistols: the interplay of social intervention and anti-aesthetic tradition in learning disabled performance. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15 (4). pp. 513-528. ISSN 1356-9783


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.


Turner, Elizabeth (2016) “I Am Alive in Here”: Liveness, Mediation and the Staged Real of David Blaine’s Body. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.


Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Hoedt, Madelon (2016) “The Extraordinary Other”: Todd Robbins in Conversation with Madelon Hoedt. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Turner, Elizabeth (2016) “I Am Alive in Here”: Liveness, Mediation and the Staged Real of David Blaine’s Body. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

magician as facilitator

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Lycett, Robert (2016) Darrell Viner: materiality, process and the coded object. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Turner, Elizabeth (2016) “I Am Alive in Here”: Liveness, Mediation and the Staged Real of David Blaine’s Body. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Middleton, Deborah K. (2017) Mapping Mindfulness-based Performance. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

melodic lines

Elliott, Hilary (2017) Metronome and Melodic Lines: Confluences of the word and the move in solo studio-based movement improvisatory practice. Choreographic Practices, 8 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 2040-5669


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Elliott, Hilary (2017) Metronome and Melodic Lines: Confluences of the word and the move in solo studio-based movement improvisatory practice. Choreographic Practices, 8 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 2040-5669

mind reading

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Krueger, Anton (2017) Performing Mindful Creativity: Three South African Case Studies. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Middleton, Deborah K., Chamberlain, Franc and Pla, Daniel (2017) Letter from the Editors. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Middleton, Deborah K. (2017) Mapping Mindfulness-based Performance. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


Hollingworth, Hilary (2012) White over fields; White over t'hedgerows: Winter 2010 series. [Artefact] (Unpublished)


Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

moving image

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


McCullagh, Joseph Felix and De Freitas, Marcia (2005) Designing an interactive e-learning course, which focuses on the autonomous learner and the multimodal learner within art and design. In: International Conferences on Learning and Teaching with Technology in Art Design & Communication, 14-16th September 2005, University of Arts, London. (Unpublished)

mystery entertainment

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.


Lindley, Jonathan (2020) Sunbird Records: A Post-Subcultural Design. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Roberts, Spencer (2017) Constructing the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida and Artistic Research. In: Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering - 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, 19-21 June 2017, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)


Lindley, Jonathan (2020) Sunbird Records: A Post-Subcultural Design. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Allen, Claire (2009) Style Surfing changing parameters of fashion communication – where have they gone? In: 1st Global conference: Fashion exploring critical issues, 25-27 September 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford.

Nicholas Rescher

Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

on-line fashion retailing

Taylor, Andrew and Varley, Rosemary (2008) Embodiment in 3D virtual retail environments: exploring perceptions of the virtual shopping experience. In: The body: connections with fashion conference proceedings 2008. IFFTI Conference. ISBN 9781921426186


Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda, Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2016) Populating Praxis of Place, Stonehenge: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

McCullagh, Joseph Felix, Jones, Carol and Watson, Yvonne (2007) Developing sustainable pedagogic strategies for the international and cultural aspects of learning in art and design post-graduate education. In: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education, 8th - 10th January 2007, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. (Unpublished)


Hoedt, Madelon (2016) “The Extraordinary Other”: Todd Robbins in Conversation with Madelon Hoedt. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Sydow Quillici, Cassiano (2017) Proposals for a dialogue between performative arts and contemplative traditions. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Middleton, Deborah K., Chamberlain, Franc and Pla, Daniel (2017) Letter from the Editors. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Middleton, Deborah K. (2017) Mapping Mindfulness-based Performance. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Turner, Elizabeth (2016) “I Am Alive in Here”: Liveness, Mediation and the Staged Real of David Blaine’s Body. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Sydow Quillici, Cassiano (2017) Proposals for a dialogue between performative arts and contemplative traditions. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


Middleton, Deborah K., Chamberlain, Franc and Pla, Daniel (2017) Letter from the Editors. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

performing arts

Chamberlain, Franc (2018) Editorial for JPM Issue 5. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

PhD Exhibition

Biró, Eszter, Butler, Jacqueline, Calvo, Mirian, Coelho, Inês Bento, Keehan, Allyson, MacLellan, Fiona Jane, Weir, Catherine M., Worsley, Dawn, Zakari, Hanan Makki, Zioga, Polina and Checchia, Viviana (2016) Whereabouts you are. [Show/Exhibition]


Elliott, Hilary (2017) Metronome and Melodic Lines: Confluences of the word and the move in solo studio-based movement improvisatory practice. Choreographic Practices, 8 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 2040-5669


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

Landman, Todd (2018) Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Hoedt, Madelon (2016) “The Extraordinary Other”: Todd Robbins in Conversation with Madelon Hoedt. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

Place making

Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda, Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2016) Populating Praxis of Place, Stonehenge: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503


Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda, Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2016) Populating Praxis of Place, Stonehenge: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Lindley, Jonathan (2020) Sunbird Records: A Post-Subcultural Design. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

post-truth mentalism

Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Barber, Claire (2016) Crafting the Community. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 2050-7003

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

practice & sustainability

McCullagh, Joseph Felix, Jones, Carol and Watson, Yvonne (2007) Developing sustainable pedagogic strategies for the international and cultural aspects of learning in art and design post-graduate education. In: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education, 8th - 10th January 2007, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. (Unpublished)


Benincasa-Sharman, Caterina Amanda, Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2016) Populating Praxis of Place, Stonehenge: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Krueger, Anton (2017) Performing Mindful Creativity: Three South African Case Studies. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566

Process Philosophy

Roberts, Spencer (2017) Constructing the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida and Artistic Research. In: Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering - 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, 19-21 June 2017, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Moss, Tim (2015) Alpha and beta: how to be both. In: Psychoanalysis & Education Conference, 22nd to 24th October 2015, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Calvert, Dave (2010) Loaded Pistols: the interplay of social intervention and anti-aesthetic tradition in learning disabled performance. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15 (4). pp. 513-528. ISSN 1356-9783


Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

real magic

Taylor, Nik (2018) Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


McCulloch, Richard (2015) Whistle While You Work: Branding, Critical Reception and Pixar’s Production Culture. In: Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 174-189. ISBN 978-1-349-48192-7

Reid Gallery

Biró, Eszter, Butler, Jacqueline, Calvo, Mirian, Coelho, Inês Bento, Keehan, Allyson, MacLellan, Fiona Jane, Weir, Catherine M., Worsley, Dawn, Zakari, Hanan Makki, Zioga, Polina and Checchia, Viviana (2016) Whereabouts you are. [Show/Exhibition]


Roberts, Spencer (2012) Deleuze and the Aesthetics of Relation. In: Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity, 105h-12th February 2012, Goldsmiths College, University of London. (Submitted)


MacDonald, Juliet (2012) The Distinguishing Mark. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Roberts, Spencer (2012) Deleuze and the Aesthetics of Relation. In: Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity, 105h-12th February 2012, Goldsmiths College, University of London. (Submitted)


Biró, Eszter, Butler, Jacqueline, Calvo, Mirian, Coelho, Inês Bento, Keehan, Allyson, MacLellan, Fiona Jane, Weir, Catherine M., Worsley, Dawn, Zakari, Hanan Makki, Zioga, Polina and Checchia, Viviana (2016) Whereabouts you are. [Show/Exhibition]

Roberts, Spencer (2011) Rhythm, Relation, Concept and Practice: A Process Relational View. In: Doctoral Education in Design Conference 2011, 23-25th May, 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Roger Malbert

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Thought Positions in Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]

Lycett, Robert (2016) Darrell Viner: materiality, process and the coded object. In: School of Art, Design & Architecture Research Conference 2016, 14th January 2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Second Life

Taylor, Andrew and Varley, Rosemary (2008) Embodiment in 3D virtual retail environments: exploring perceptions of the virtual shopping experience. In: The body: connections with fashion conference proceedings 2008. IFFTI Conference. ISBN 9781921426186


Wilson, Louise K. and Roberts, Spencer (2011) Pane. [Show/Exhibition]


Roberts, Spencer (2016) (In)Animate Semiotics: Virtuality and the Illusion(s) of Life. In: Deleuze Studies Conference 2016, 11th - 13th July 2016, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of University of Roma Tre. (Unpublished)


Elliott, Hilary (2017) Metronome and Melodic Lines: Confluences of the word and the move in solo studio-based movement improvisatory practice. Choreographic Practices, 8 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 2040-5669


Hoedt, Madelon (2016) “The Extraordinary Other”: Todd Robbins in Conversation with Madelon Hoedt. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.

Social activism

Barber, Claire (2016) Crafting the Community. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 2050-7003

somatic reverberations

Elliott, Hilary (2017) Metronome and Melodic Lines: Confluences of the word and the move in solo studio-based movement improvisatory practice. Choreographic Practices, 8 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 2040-5669


Williamson, Sarah (2017) Pop-Up Art Schools and the ‘Carnivalesque’. In: Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536122503

surface pattern

Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

Tactile Artworks

Onol, Isil (2006) Tactual Explorations: A tactile interpretation of a museum exhibit through tactile artworks and Augmented Reality. In: Touch and the Value of Object Handling. Workshop 2. New technologies for enhancing object interpretation: interactives, haptics and interface technologies, 1 December 2006, University of Central England, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Tactile Interpretation

Onol, Isil (2006) Tactual Explorations: A tactile interpretation of a museum exhibit through tactile artworks and Augmented Reality. In: Touch and the Value of Object Handling. Workshop 2. New technologies for enhancing object interpretation: interactives, haptics and interface technologies, 1 December 2006, University of Central England, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Tailoring Archiving Promotion Fashion

Goldthorpe, Charlotte, Evans, Claire and Wigley, Stephen M. (2013) Snibston Discovery Museum 'Acceptable in the 80s' Exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]

Technical Theatre Authentic learning Self-evaluation Critical thinking Reflection Costume

Malik, Nadia (2016) The Wear Project: identity and clothing in relation to costume design and education. In: Futurescan 3: Intersecting Identities. Creative and Print Services, Loughborough University. ISBN 978-1911217084


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Barber, Claire (2016) Crafting the Community. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 2050-7003

Hollingworth, Hilary (2012) White over fields; White over t'hedgerows: Winter 2010 series. [Artefact] (Unpublished)

The Uncanny

Moss, Tim (2016) Uncanny Actor Training – working with entfremdung (estrangement; depersonalisation; derealisation.). In: Inspire Conference 2016, 21/06/2016, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)


Calvert, Dave (2010) Loaded Pistols: the interplay of social intervention and anti-aesthetic tradition in learning disabled performance. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15 (4). pp. 513-528. ISSN 1356-9783

Middleton, Deborah K. and Moss, Tim (2015) 'Beware the Danger of Merging': Conceptual Blending and Cognitive Dissonance in the work of IOU Theatre. Journal for Artistic Research (8). ISSN 2235-0225

Sydow Quillici, Cassiano (2017) Proposals for a dialogue between performative arts and contemplative traditions. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


MacDonald, Juliet (2012) The Distinguishing Mark. In: Minding Animals Conference 2012, 4 to 6 July 2012, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)


Goldthorpe, Charlotte (2015) Installation of ‘Absence’ at the IFFTI 2015 multidisciplinary conference in Florence Italy. In: IFFTI 2015 Conference Exhibition - Santa Croce, 12th - 16th May 2015, Florence, Italy.


Sydow Quillici, Cassiano (2017) Proposals for a dialogue between performative arts and contemplative traditions. Performance and Mindfulness, 1 (1). ISSN 2398-3566


Roberts, Spencer (2012) Deleuze and the Aesthetics of Relation. In: Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity, 105h-12th February 2012, Goldsmiths College, University of London. (Submitted)


Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037

Dean, Edward (2016) (Re)Discovering the Body in Mentalism. Journal of performance magic, 4 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Uncanny Exhibition Unconscious Freud

Pettican, Anneké, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Lewis, Chara (2015) The Festival of the Unconscious: The Unconscious Revisited at the Freud Museum, London. [Show/Exhibition]


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]


Corrigan, Brian Jay (2018) “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara and Mojsiewicz, Kristin (2015) Brass Art in Conversation with Roger Malbert. In: In Conversation / Brass Art with Roger Malbert, 29th October 2015, The International 3, Salford, UK. (Unpublished)

Pettican, Anneké, Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Adkins, Monty (2015) Freud's House The Double Mirror. [Show/Exhibition]

Wilson, Louise K. and Roberts, Spencer (2011) Pane. [Show/Exhibition]


Barber, Claire (2016) Crafting the Community. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 2050-7003


Hollingworth, Hilary (2012) White over fields; White over t'hedgerows: Winter 2010 series. [Artefact] (Unpublished)

William Morris

Morgan, Bethany (2018) How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design? Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research, 4 (1). ISSN 2057-0163

wink-eye mentalism

Dean, Edward (2018) The End of Mindreading. Journal of performance magic, 5 (1). ISSN 2051-6037


Roberts, Spencer (2015) For (and Against) Biggs and Büchler. In: The Dark Precursor: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, 9th - 11th November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.


Roberts, Spencer (2017) Constructing the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida and Artistic Research. In: Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering - 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, 19-21 June 2017, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

WW1 Drawing Archive Monuments WWI

MacDonald, Juliet (2015) Standing for the Fallen. [Artefact]


Bailey, Rowan (2015) Crafting Stories in the Domestic Archive. Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1749-6772

This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 19:10:17 2025 UTC.