Group by: Date | Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
2SLS ABS transactions Accruals-Based Activity Earnings Management Africa Agency theory annual reports Arranger banks Arranger reputation Asian-Pacific currencies Asset-backed securities Assets placement Asymmetric basis effect Asymmetric information among lenders audit committee audit meetings Bank lending Bank risk taking banking Banks Bilateral lending Board independence Board meetings Board size Board strcuture Board structure Bolivia Brazil BTEC Business analysis Business Continuity Management Business Data processing Business Ethics Capital adequacy Capital controls Capital investment Capital liberalisation Capital structure Case Study cash dividends Cash holdings CEO pay slice CEO power Change management China Chinese banking citizenship enterprises. Key words plus Organizational psychology Commercial banks Commodities common good company charitable giving practice disclosure Competition Computerised Content Analysis Consultancy Consumer credit Content analysis Content analysis methods Control Corporate bonds corporate governance Corporate governance index corporate governance mechanisms corporate governance ratings corporate governance social responsibility Corporate ownership corporate performance Corporate social reporting corporate social responsibility corporations Corruption Cost efficiency Credit Crunch credit ratings Credit risk Crowdfunding Crowdsourcing Debt choice Decision Decision making decision-makers default risk Delphi Demand for schooling demi-quadrilemma Depth of outreach determinants Developing countries Development Directors disasters and crises Disclosure quality Dividend policy Dividends Dynamic hedging strategy Dynamic Panel Threshold Analysis Earnings expectations eco-efficiency Education efficiency emerging market economies emerging markets employees endogeneity enterprise psychology Entrepreneurialism Entrepreneurs Ethical ethical bank ethical banking European market Exchange rate conversion executive pay executive stock options Export-led-growth External financing needs External governance Falsationism FDI Finance Financial crisis financial distress Financial economics Financial exclusion Financial intermediation Financial management Financial research Financial system financial transactions Financialisation firm characteristics Firm performance firm-specific characteristics foreign ownership Forward-Looking Information Future-oriented information Futures market Fuzzy fuzzy logic fuzzy XML Games Gaming Generalized Moment Method system Global gold markets Governance mechanism Government ownership growth rates and economic crisis guarantee guarantees History Human capital hypothesis independent auditors index India Industrial policy Informal financial institutions Information Asymmetry Initial public offering innovation Instability institutional environment Institutional investors Institutional ownership Institutional Theory Institutions Internal governance Intertemporal hedging Investment horizon Investors ISO14001 Japanese economy joint determinants Jordan Key words authors Business ethics Kickstarter Knowledge management Leadership Lerner index leverage Libya Literature review location advantages Logit modelling M4 Macroeconomic variables Management market value Marketing management Medium-sized enterprises MENA mergers and acquisitions Microfinance mix moral hazard Mortgage Mutual funds Narrative disclosure Narrative reporting national governance quality negative equity neo-institutional theory neo-liberalism Neural network non stakeholders non-executive directors Opaque borrowers Operational research ordinal logit regressions Organizational risk Ownership panel data paradigm small business marketing entrepreneurship partial adjustment model Participant banks participation Payment Policy Initiative Potential appraisal pre-Financial crisis Pricing product costing practice Europe accounting systems pricing Productivity Profitability Propensity score matching QSR Nvivo 8 R&D Racial origin radical affinity index Random walks and martingales ranking Ranks and signs Rate of return Real-Based Activity Earnings Management reduced form equations Regulatory measures Religion Repeat lending Research Return and volatility spillover indices Reward-Based risk Risk diversification Risk-taking behaviour Rosca Russia Securitization Securitization market signalling single equation Small enterprises Small to medium-sized enterprises SMEs social efficiency social value socio-political context South Africa Speed of adjustment Stagnation stakeholder stakeholders stakeholders theory stock market development Stock market volatility Strategic asset allocation Strategic management Stress Structural breaks Structural changes Suppliers Syndicated loans target Taxation The Euro area The UK Three-stage least square Tourism growth Trade Credit Traditional assets transition economy transparency Turkey UK Uncertainty underpricing United Kingdom Variance-ratios Volatility Voluntary organizations Weak-form efficiency XML XML encryption XML security zombie
Number of items at this level: 378.


Al-Najjar, Basil (2014) Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries. Tourism Management, 42. pp. 342-351. ISSN 0261-5177

ABS transactions

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274

Accruals-Based Activity Earnings Management

Attia, Eman Fathi Ahmed (2020) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and External Audit on Earnings Management: Empirical Study of Companies listed in the Egyptian Stock Market. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Tunyi, Abongeh A. and Ntim, Collins G. (2016) Location Advantages, Governance Quality, Stock Market Development and Firm Characteristics as Antecedents of African M&As. Journal of International Management, 22 (2). pp. 147-167. ISSN 1075-4253

Agency theory

Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) The Determinants of Audit Committee Independence and Activity: Evidence from the UK. International Journal of Auditing, 15 (2). pp. 191-203. ISSN 10906738

annual reports

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117

Hussainey, Khaled and Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) Future‐oriented narrative reporting: determinants and use. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 12 (2). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0967-5426

Arranger banks

Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) Why do banks join loan syndications? The case of participant banks. The Service Industries Journal, 31 (7). pp. 1063-1074. ISSN 0264-2069

Arranger reputation

Gadanecz, Blaise, Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2012) Asymmetric information among lending syndicate members and the value of repeat lending. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 22 (4). pp. 913-935. ISSN 1042-4431

Asian-Pacific currencies

Bilgin, Mehmet Hüseyin, Su, Yongyang and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2011) Do structural breaks in exchange rate volatility matter? Evidence from Asia-Pacific currencies. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 26 (304). ISSN 1300-610X

Asset-backed securities

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274

Assets placement

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez, Jorge (2009) Ethical banks: an Alternative in the Financial Crisis. In: 22nd EBEN Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge (2011) Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index. Journal of business ethics, 100 (1). pp. 151-173. ISSN 1573-0697

Asymmetric basis effect

Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Hedging with Chinese Aluminum Futures: International Evidence with Return and Volatility Spillover Indices Under Structural Breaks. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49 (Sup 1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1540-496X

Asymmetric information among lenders

Gadanecz, Blaise, Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2012) Asymmetric information among lending syndicate members and the value of repeat lending. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 22 (4). pp. 913-935. ISSN 1042-4431

audit committee

Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) The Determinants of Audit Committee Independence and Activity: Evidence from the UK. International Journal of Auditing, 15 (2). pp. 191-203. ISSN 10906738

Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, Suzan (2014) The association between disclosure of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29 (7). pp. 578-595. ISSN 0268-6902

Al-Najjar, Basil and Belghitar, Yacine (2014) Do corporate governance mechanisms affect cash dividends? An empirical investigation of UK firms. International Review of Applied Economics, 28 (4). pp. 524-538. ISSN 0269-2171

audit meetings

Al-Najjar, Basil and Belghitar, Yacine (2014) Do corporate governance mechanisms affect cash dividends? An empirical investigation of UK firms. International Review of Applied Economics, 28 (4). pp. 524-538. ISSN 0269-2171

Bank lending

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274

Bank risk taking

Kara, Alper, Ozkan, Aydin and Altunbas, Yener (2016) Securitisation and banking risk: what do we know so far? Review of Behavioural Finance, 8 (1). pp. 2-16. ISSN 1940-5979


Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) Why do banks join loan syndications? The case of participant banks. The Service Industries Journal, 31 (7). pp. 1063-1074. ISSN 0264-2069

Sawalha, Ihab Hanna, Anchor, J.R and Meaton, Julia (2011) Business Continuity Management in Jordanian Banks: Sectoral and National Influences. Working Paper. The University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Bilateral lending

Howcroft, Barry, Kara, Alper and Marques-Ibanez, David (2014) Determinants of syndicated lending in European banks and the impact of the financial crisis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 32. pp. 473-490. ISSN 1042-4431

Board independence

Al-Najjar, Basil (2014) Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries. Tourism Management, 42. pp. 342-351. ISSN 0261-5177

Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, Suzan (2014) The association between disclosure of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29 (7). pp. 578-595. ISSN 0268-6902

Al-Najjar, Basil and Clark, Ephraim (2017) Corporate governance and cash holdings in MENA: Evidence from internal and external governance practices. Research in International Business and Finance, 39 (A). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0275-5319

Board meetings

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Jallow, Kumba (2012) The determinants of board meetings: evidence from categorical analysis. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 13 (2). pp. 178-190. ISSN 0967-5426

Board size

Al-Najjar, Basil (2014) Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries. Tourism Management, 42. pp. 342-351. ISSN 0261-5177

Al-Najjar, Basil and Clark, Ephraim (2017) Corporate governance and cash holdings in MENA: Evidence from internal and external governance practices. Research in International Business and Finance, 39 (A). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0275-5319

Chen, Catherine Huirong and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) The determinants of board size and independence: Evidence from China. International Business Review, 21 (5). pp. 831-846. ISSN 09695931

Board strcuture

Chen, Catherine Huirong and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) The determinants of board size and independence: Evidence from China. International Business Review, 21 (5). pp. 831-846. ISSN 09695931

Board structure

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Jallow, Kumba (2012) The determinants of board meetings: evidence from categorical analysis. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 13 (2). pp. 178-190. ISSN 0967-5426


Donoso, Sebastian Baixeras, Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) The Rationale Behind Informal Finance: Evidence from Roscas in Bolivia. The Journal of Developing Areas, 45 (1). pp. 191-208. ISSN 1548-2278


Al-Najjar, Basil (2013) The financial determinants of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from some emerging markets. International Business Review, 22 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 0969-5931


Fisher, Roy (1999) The vocational curriculum in England 1974-1994 : a socio-historical study of the Business and Technology Education Council's National Diploma in Business and Finance. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Business analysis

Reynolds, Paul Lewis, Day, John and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2001) Moving towards a control technique to help small firms monitor and control key marketing parameters: a survival aid. Management decision, 39 (2). pp. 113-120. ISSN 0025-1747

Business Continuity Management

Sawalha, Ihab Hanna, Anchor, J.R and Meaton, Julia (2011) Business Continuity Management in Jordanian Banks: Sectoral and National Influences. Working Paper. The University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Business Data processing

Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Business Ethics

Retolaza, Jose Luis and San-Jose, Leire (2017) Single case research methodology: a tool for moral imagination in business ethics. Management Research Review, 40 (8). pp. 890-906. ISSN 2040-8269

San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Is the Delphi method valid for business ethics? A survey analysis. European Journal of Futures Research, 4 (19). ISSN 2195-4194

Capital adequacy

Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) Why do banks join loan syndications? The case of participant banks. The Service Industries Journal, 31 (7). pp. 1063-1074. ISSN 0264-2069

Capital controls

Siddiqui, Kalim and Armstrong, Phil (2017) Capital Control Reconsidered: Financialisation and Economic Policy. International Review of Applied Economics. ISSN 0269-2171

Capital investment

Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963

Capital liberalisation

Siddiqui, Kalim and Armstrong, Phil (2017) Capital Control Reconsidered: Financialisation and Economic Policy. International Review of Applied Economics. ISSN 0269-2171

Capital structure

Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) Empirical Modelling of Capital Structure. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 10 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0972-6527

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) The inter‐relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data. International Review of Applied Economics, 25 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 0269-2171

Al‐Najjar, Basil, El‐Masry, Ahmed and Taylor, Peter (2008) The relationship between capital structure and ownership structure: New evidence from Jordanian panel data. Managerial Finance, 34 (12). pp. 919-933. ISSN 0307-4358

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Hussainey, Khaled (2011) Revisiting the capital‐structure puzzle: UK evidence. The Journal of Risk Finance, 12 (4). pp. 329-338. ISSN 1526-5943

Case Study

Retolaza, Jose Luis and San-Jose, Leire (2017) Single case research methodology: a tool for moral imagination in business ethics. Management Research Review, 40 (8). pp. 890-906. ISSN 2040-8269

cash dividends

Al-Najjar, Basil and Belghitar, Yacine (2014) Do corporate governance mechanisms affect cash dividends? An empirical investigation of UK firms. International Review of Applied Economics, 28 (4). pp. 524-538. ISSN 0269-2171

Cash holdings

Al-Najjar, Basil (2013) The financial determinants of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from some emerging markets. International Business Review, 22 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 0969-5931

Al-Najjar, Basil and Clark, Ephraim (2017) Corporate governance and cash holdings in MENA: Evidence from internal and external governance practices. Research in International Business and Finance, 39 (A). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0275-5319

CEO pay slice

Al-Najjar, Basil, Ding, Rong and Hussainey, Khaled (2016) Determinants and value relevance of UK CEO pay slice. International Review of Applied Economics, 30 (3). pp. 403-421. ISSN 0269-2171

CEO power

Ntim, Collins G., Lindop, Sarah, Thomas, Dennis A., Opong, Kwaku K. and Abdou, Hussein (2017) Executive pay and performance: The moderating effect of CEO power and governance structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192

Change management

Thompson, John L. (2004) Innovation through people. Management decision, 42 (9). pp. 1082-1094. ISSN 0025-1747


Al-Najjar, Basil (2013) The financial determinants of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from some emerging markets. International Business Review, 22 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 0969-5931

Chen, Catherine Huirong and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) The determinants of board size and independence: Evidence from China. International Business Review, 21 (5). pp. 831-846. ISSN 09695931

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 1948-5433

Chinese banking

Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2019) Risk, competition and cost efficiency in the Chinese banking industry. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 10 (2). pp. 144-161. ISSN 1755-3830

Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283

Tan, Aaron Yong, Floros, Christos and Anchor, J.R (2017) The Profitability of Chinese banks: impacts of risk, competition and efficiency. Review of Accounting and Finance, 16 (1). pp. 86-105. ISSN 1475-7702

citizenship enterprises. Key words plus Organizational psychology

San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267

Commercial banks

Day, John, Reynolds, Paul Lewis and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2006) Entrepreneurship and the small to medium sized enterprise: a divergent / convergent paradox in thinking patterns between advisers and SME owner managers. Management decision, 44 (5). pp. 581-597. ISSN 0025-1747


Su, Yongyang, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chau, Frankie (2013) Commodity Futures and Strategic Asset Allocation. In: Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks, and Strategies. Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance . Wiley, pp. 399-418. ISBN 9781118241127

common good

Retolaza, Jose Luis, San-Jose, Leire and Aguado, Ricardo (2016) The role of shapeholders as a link between a firm and non-stakeholders: the pursuit of an economy for the common good based on stakeholder theory. In: Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, 10 . Emerald, Bingley, UK, pp. 31-48. ISBN 978-1-78635-626-0

company charitable giving practice disclosure

Cowton, Christopher J. (1981) Company charitable giving: Practice and disclosure. Charity Statistics. pp. 54-55.


Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2019) Risk, competition and cost efficiency in the Chinese banking industry. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 10 (2). pp. 144-161. ISSN 1755-3830

Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283

Computerised Content Analysis

Abed, Suzan and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Determinants of the Extent of Forward Looking Information: Evidence from UK before Financial Crisis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 13 (3). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1727-9232


Reynolds, Paul Lewis, Day, John and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2001) Moving towards a control technique to help small firms monitor and control key marketing parameters: a survival aid. Management decision, 39 (2). pp. 113-120. ISSN 0025-1747

Consumer credit

Deku, Solomon Y., Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2016) Access to consumer credit in the UK. The European Journal of Finance, 22 (10). pp. 941-964. ISSN 1351-847X

Content analysis

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117

Hussainey, Khaled and Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) Future‐oriented narrative reporting: determinants and use. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 12 (2). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0967-5426

Content analysis methods

Abed, Suzan, Al-Najjar, Basil and Roberts, Clare (2016) Measuring annual report narratives disclosure: Empirical evidence from forward-looking information in the UK prior the financial crisis. Managerial Auditing Journal, 31 (4/5). pp. 338-361. ISSN 0268-6902


Reynolds, Paul Lewis, Day, John and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2001) Moving towards a control technique to help small firms monitor and control key marketing parameters: a survival aid. Management decision, 39 (2). pp. 113-120. ISSN 0025-1747

Corporate bonds

Altunbaş, Yener, Kara, Alper and Marques-Ibanez, David (2010) Large debt financing: syndicated loans versus corporate bonds. The European Journal of Finance, 16 (5). pp. 437-458. ISSN 1351-847X

corporate governance

Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) The Determinants of Audit Committee Independence and Activity: Evidence from the UK. International Journal of Auditing, 15 (2). pp. 191-203. ISSN 10906738

Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, Suzan (2014) The association between disclosure of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29 (7). pp. 578-595. ISSN 0268-6902

Allcock, Deborah, Filatotchev, Igor and Chahine, Salim (2010) Executive share ownership, experience and basic salaries: the influence on IPO share option schemes and performance. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2010) Corporate governance and institutional ownership: evidence from Jordan. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 10 (2). pp. 176-190. ISSN 1472-0701

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Hussainey, Khaled (2011) Revisiting the capital‐structure puzzle: UK evidence. The Journal of Risk Finance, 12 (4). pp. 329-338. ISSN 1526-5943

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Jallow, Kumba (2012) The determinants of board meetings: evidence from categorical analysis. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 13 (2). pp. 178-190. ISSN 0967-5426

Chen, Catherine Huirong and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) The determinants of board size and independence: Evidence from China. International Business Review, 21 (5). pp. 831-846. ISSN 09695931

Ntim, Collins G., Lindop, Sarah, Thomas, Dennis A., Opong, Kwaku K. and Abdou, Hussein (2017) Executive pay and performance: The moderating effect of CEO power and governance structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192

San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267

Corporate governance index

Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2017) The impact of external financing on firm value and a corporate governance index: SME evidence. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24 (2). pp. 411-423. ISSN 1462-6004

corporate governance mechanisms

Al-Najjar, Basil, Ding, Rong and Hussainey, Khaled (2016) Determinants and value relevance of UK CEO pay slice. International Review of Applied Economics, 30 (3). pp. 403-421. ISSN 0269-2171

Attia, Eman Fathi Ahmed (2020) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and External Audit on Earnings Management: Empirical Study of Companies listed in the Egyptian Stock Market. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Hussainey, Khaled and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) Understanding the Determinants of RiskMetrics/ISS Ratings of the Quality of UK Companies' Corporate Governance Practice. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 29 (4). pp. 366-377. ISSN 08250383

corporate governance ratings

Al-Najjar, Basil, Ding, Rong and Hussainey, Khaled (2016) Determinants and value relevance of UK CEO pay slice. International Review of Applied Economics, 30 (3). pp. 403-421. ISSN 0269-2171

Hussainey, Khaled and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) Understanding the Determinants of RiskMetrics/ISS Ratings of the Quality of UK Companies' Corporate Governance Practice. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 29 (4). pp. 366-377. ISSN 08250383

corporate governance social responsibility

Low, Christopher (2006) A framework for the governance of social enterprise. International journal of social economics, 33 (5/6). pp. 376-385. ISSN 0306-8293

Corporate ownership

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2010) Corporate governance and institutional ownership: evidence from Jordan. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 10 (2). pp. 176-190. ISSN 1472-0701

Al‐Najjar, Basil, El‐Masry, Ahmed and Taylor, Peter (2008) The relationship between capital structure and ownership structure: New evidence from Jordanian panel data. Managerial Finance, 34 (12). pp. 919-933. ISSN 0307-4358

corporate performance

Ntim, Collins G., Lindop, Sarah, Thomas, Dennis A., Opong, Kwaku K. and Abdou, Hussein (2017) Executive pay and performance: The moderating effect of CEO power and governance structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192

Corporate social reporting

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117

corporate social responsibility

San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267


San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267


Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Demir, Ender and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Experience-based corporate corruption and stock market volatility: Evidence from emerging markets. Emerging Markets Review, 17. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1566-0141

Cost efficiency

Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2019) Risk, competition and cost efficiency in the Chinese banking industry. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 10 (2). pp. 144-161. ISSN 1755-3830

Credit Crunch

San-Jose, Leire and Cowton, Christopher J. (2009) El Crédito Comercial y la Crisis Crediticia: un Análisis Descriptivo en Europa; Reino Unido y España / The Trade Credit and Credit Crunch: a Descriptive Analysis in Europe, UK and Spain. In: Administrando en entornos inciertos. ESIC, p. 217. ISBN 9788473566094

credit ratings

Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2014) Developing a multi stage predicting system for corporate credit rating in emerging markets : Jordanian case. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. ISSN 1741-0398

Al-Najjar, Basil and Elgammal, Mohammed M. (2013) Innovation and credit ratings, does it matter? UK evidence. Applied Economics Letters, 20 (5). pp. 428-431. ISSN 1350-4851

Credit risk

Kara, Alper, Marques-Ibanez, David and Ongena, Steven (2018) Securitization and Credit Quality in the European Market. European Financial Management. ISSN 1468-036X

Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2019) Risk, competition and cost efficiency in the Chinese banking industry. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 10 (2). pp. 144-161. ISSN 1755-3830


Smith, Martin and Smith, Kelly (2016) “All Out War” on Kickstarter: Reward-Based Crowdfunding in Tabletop Games. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2016, 27th to the 28th October 2016, Novotel Tour Eiffel, Paris, France. (Unpublished)


Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

Debt choice

Altunbaş, Yener, Kara, Alper and Marques-Ibanez, David (2010) Large debt financing: syndicated loans versus corporate bonds. The European Journal of Finance, 16 (5). pp. 437-458. ISSN 1351-847X


San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Is the Delphi method valid for business ethics? A survey analysis. European Journal of Futures Research, 4 (19). ISSN 2195-4194

Decision making

Thompson, John L. (2004) Innovation through people. Management decision, 42 (9). pp. 1082-1094. ISSN 0025-1747


Retolaza, Jose Luis and San-Jose, Leire (2017) Single case research methodology: a tool for moral imagination in business ethics. Management Research Review, 40 (8). pp. 890-906. ISSN 2040-8269

default risk

Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2014) Developing a multi stage predicting system for corporate credit rating in emerging markets : Jordanian case. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. ISSN 1741-0398


San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Is the Delphi method valid for business ethics? A survey analysis. European Journal of Futures Research, 4 (19). ISSN 2195-4194

Demand for schooling

Anchor, J.R and Fišerová, Jana (2010) Student Perceptions of the Financial Returns to Higher Education in the Czech Republic and England: Evidence from Business Schools. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Anchor, J.R and Fišerová, Jana (2010) Student Perceptions of the Financial Returns to Higher Education in the Czech Republic, Poland and England: Evidence from Business Schools. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Siddiqui, Kalim and Armstrong, Phil (2017) Capital Control Reconsidered: Financialisation and Economic Policy. International Review of Applied Economics. ISSN 0269-2171

Depth of outreach

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) Empirical Modelling of Capital Structure. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 10 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0972-6527

Developing countries

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2009) Dividend behaviour and smoothing new evidence from Jordanian panel data. Studies in Economics and Finance, 26 (3). pp. 182-197. ISSN 1086-7376


Altunbaş, Yener, Gadanecz, Blaise and Kara, Alper (2006) Syndicated Loans: A Hybrid of Relationship Lending and Publicly Traded Debt. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781349545674


Al‐Najjar, Basil and Hussainey, Khaled (2009) The association between dividend payout and outside directorships. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 10 (1). pp. 4-19. ISSN 0967-5426

disasters and crises

Sawalha, Ihab Hanna, Anchor, J.R and Meaton, Julia (2011) Business Continuity Management in Jordanian Banks: Sectoral and National Influences. Working Paper. The University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Disclosure quality

Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, Suzan (2014) The association between disclosure of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29 (7). pp. 578-595. ISSN 0268-6902

Dividend policy

Al-Najjar, Basil and Kilincarslan, Erhan (2017) Corporate dividend decisions and dividend smoothing: New evidence from an empirical study of Turkish firms. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 13 (3). pp. 304-331. ISSN 1743-9132

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) The inter‐relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data. International Review of Applied Economics, 25 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 0269-2171

Hussainey, Khaled and Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) Future‐oriented narrative reporting: determinants and use. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 12 (2). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0967-5426

Kilincarslan, Erhan and Ozdemir, Ozgur (2017) Institutional investment horizon and dividend policy: An empirical study of UK firms. Finance Research Letters. ISSN 1544-6123


Al‐Najjar, Basil (2009) Dividend behaviour and smoothing new evidence from Jordanian panel data. Studies in Economics and Finance, 26 (3). pp. 182-197. ISSN 1086-7376

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Hussainey, Khaled (2009) The association between dividend payout and outside directorships. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 10 (1). pp. 4-19. ISSN 0967-5426

Dynamic hedging strategy

Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Hedging with Chinese Aluminum Futures: International Evidence with Return and Volatility Spillover Indices Under Structural Breaks. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49 (Sup 1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1540-496X

Dynamic Panel Threshold Analysis

Attia, Eman Fathi Ahmed (2020) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and External Audit on Earnings Management: Empirical Study of Companies listed in the Egyptian Stock Market. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Earnings expectations

Anchor, J.R and Fišerová, Jana (2010) Student Perceptions of the Financial Returns to Higher Education in the Czech Republic, Poland and England: Evidence from Business Schools. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Al-Najjar, Basil and Anfimiadou, Aspioni (2012) Environmental Policies and Firm Value. Business Strategy and the Environment, 21 (1). pp. 49-59. ISSN 09644733


Fisher, Roy (1999) The vocational curriculum in England 1974-1994 : a socio-historical study of the Business and Technology Education Council's National Diploma in Business and Finance. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283

emerging market economies

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 1948-5433

emerging markets

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) The inter‐relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data. International Review of Applied Economics, 25 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 0269-2171

Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Demir, Ender and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Experience-based corporate corruption and stock market volatility: Evidence from emerging markets. Emerging Markets Review, 17. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1566-0141


Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Social Efficiency in Microfinance Institutions: Identifying How to Improve It. Journal of International Development. ISSN 0954-1748


Ntim, Collins G., Lindop, Sarah, Thomas, Dennis A., Opong, Kwaku K. and Abdou, Hussein (2017) Executive pay and performance: The moderating effect of CEO power and governance structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192

enterprise psychology

San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267


Thompson, John L. (2004) The FACETS of the entrepreneur: identifying entrepreneurial potential. Management decision, 42 (2). pp. 243-258. ISSN 0025-1747

Thompson, John L. (2004) Innovation through people. Management decision, 42 (9). pp. 1082-1094. ISSN 0025-1747

Thompson, John L. (2002) The world of the social entrepreneur. International journal of public sector management, 15 (2). pp. 412-431. ISSN 0951-3558


Day, John, Reynolds, Paul Lewis and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2006) Entrepreneurship and the small to medium sized enterprise: a divergent / convergent paradox in thinking patterns between advisers and SME owner managers. Management decision, 44 (5). pp. 581-597. ISSN 0025-1747

Thompson, John L. (2004) The FACETS of the entrepreneur: identifying entrepreneurial potential. Management decision, 42 (2). pp. 243-258. ISSN 0025-1747


San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Is the Delphi method valid for business ethics? A survey analysis. European Journal of Futures Research, 4 (19). ISSN 2195-4194

ethical bank

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez, Jorge (2009) Ethical banks: an Alternative in the Financial Crisis. In: 22nd EBEN Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

ethical banking

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge (2011) Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index. Journal of business ethics, 100 (1). pp. 151-173. ISSN 1573-0697

European market

Kara, Alper, Marques-Ibanez, David and Ongena, Steven (2018) Securitization and Credit Quality in the European Market. European Financial Management. ISSN 1468-036X

Exchange rate conversion

Bilgin, Mehmet Hüseyin, Su, Yongyang and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2011) Do structural breaks in exchange rate volatility matter? Evidence from Asia-Pacific currencies. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 26 (304). ISSN 1300-610X

executive pay

Ntim, Collins G., Lindop, Sarah, Thomas, Dennis A., Opong, Kwaku K. and Abdou, Hussein (2017) Executive pay and performance: The moderating effect of CEO power and governance structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192

executive stock options

Allcock, Deborah, Filatotchev, Igor and Chahine, Salim (2010) Executive share ownership, experience and basic salaries: the influence on IPO share option schemes and performance. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Japan’s Economic Recession. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1948-5433

External financing needs

Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2017) The impact of external financing on firm value and a corporate governance index: SME evidence. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24 (2). pp. 411-423. ISSN 1462-6004

External governance

Al-Najjar, Basil and Clark, Ephraim (2017) Corporate governance and cash holdings in MENA: Evidence from internal and external governance practices. Research in International Business and Finance, 39 (A). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0275-5319


Retolaza, Jose Luis and San-Jose, Leire (2017) Single case research methodology: a tool for moral imagination in business ethics. Management Research Review, 40 (8). pp. 890-906. ISSN 2040-8269


Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 1948-5433

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Japan’s Economic Recession. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1948-5433


Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Altunbaş, Yener, Gadanecz, Blaise and Kara, Alper (2006) Syndicated Loans: A Hybrid of Relationship Lending and Publicly Traded Debt. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781349545674

Financial crisis

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963

Howcroft, Barry, Kara, Alper and Marques-Ibanez, David (2014) Determinants of syndicated lending in European banks and the impact of the financial crisis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 32. pp. 473-490. ISSN 1042-4431

Kara, Alper, Ozkan, Aydin and Altunbas, Yener (2016) Securitisation and banking risk: what do we know so far? Review of Behavioural Finance, 8 (1). pp. 2-16. ISSN 1940-5979

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 1948-5433

financial distress

Hussainey, Khaled and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) Understanding the Determinants of RiskMetrics/ISS Ratings of the Quality of UK Companies' Corporate Governance Practice. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 29 (4). pp. 366-377. ISSN 08250383

Financial economics

Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

Financial exclusion

Deku, Solomon Y., Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2016) Access to consumer credit in the UK. The European Journal of Finance, 22 (10). pp. 941-964. ISSN 1351-847X

Donoso, Sebastian Baixeras, Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) The Rationale Behind Informal Finance: Evidence from Roscas in Bolivia. The Journal of Developing Areas, 45 (1). pp. 191-208. ISSN 1548-2278

Financial intermediation

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274

Financial management

Al-Najjar, Basil and Kilincarslan, Erhan (2016) The effect of ownership structure on dividend policy: evidence from Turkey. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 16 (1). pp. 135-161. ISSN 1472-0701

Financial research

Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

Financial system

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274

financial transactions

Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Siddiqui, Kalim and Armstrong, Phil (2017) Capital Control Reconsidered: Financialisation and Economic Policy. International Review of Applied Economics. ISSN 0269-2171

firm characteristics

Tunyi, Abongeh A. and Ntim, Collins G. (2016) Location Advantages, Governance Quality, Stock Market Development and Firm Characteristics as Antecedents of African M&As. Journal of International Management, 22 (2). pp. 147-167. ISSN 1075-4253

Firm performance

Al-Najjar, Basil (2014) Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries. Tourism Management, 42. pp. 342-351. ISSN 0261-5177

Al-Najjar, Basil, Ding, Rong and Hussainey, Khaled (2016) Determinants and value relevance of UK CEO pay slice. International Review of Applied Economics, 30 (3). pp. 403-421. ISSN 0269-2171

firm-specific characteristics

Hussainey, Khaled and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) Understanding the Determinants of RiskMetrics/ISS Ratings of the Quality of UK Companies' Corporate Governance Practice. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 29 (4). pp. 366-377. ISSN 08250383

foreign ownership

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

Forward-Looking Information

Abed, Suzan and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Determinants of the Extent of Forward Looking Information: Evidence from UK before Financial Crisis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 13 (3). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1727-9232

Abed, Suzan, Al-Najjar, Basil and Roberts, Clare (2016) Measuring annual report narratives disclosure: Empirical evidence from forward-looking information in the UK prior the financial crisis. Managerial Auditing Journal, 31 (4/5). pp. 338-361. ISSN 0268-6902

Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, Suzan (2014) The association between disclosure of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29 (7). pp. 578-595. ISSN 0268-6902

Future-oriented information

Hussainey, Khaled and Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) Future‐oriented narrative reporting: determinants and use. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 12 (2). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0967-5426

Futures market

Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Hedging with Chinese Aluminum Futures: International Evidence with Return and Volatility Spillover Indices Under Structural Breaks. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49 (Sup 1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1540-496X


San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Is the Delphi method valid for business ethics? A survey analysis. European Journal of Futures Research, 4 (19). ISSN 2195-4194

fuzzy logic

Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

fuzzy XML

Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Smith, Martin and Smith, Kelly (2016) “All Out War” on Kickstarter: Reward-Based Crowdfunding in Tabletop Games. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2016, 27th to the 28th October 2016, Novotel Tour Eiffel, Paris, France. (Unpublished)


Smith, Martin and Smith, Kelly (2016) “All Out War” on Kickstarter: Reward-Based Crowdfunding in Tabletop Games. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2016, 27th to the 28th October 2016, Novotel Tour Eiffel, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

Generalized Moment Method system

Attia, Eman Fathi Ahmed (2020) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and External Audit on Earnings Management: Empirical Study of Companies listed in the Egyptian Stock Market. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Global gold markets

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219

Governance mechanism

Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, Suzan (2014) The association between disclosure of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29 (7). pp. 578-595. ISSN 0268-6902

Government ownership

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

growth rates and economic crisis

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 1948-5433


San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez, Jorge (2009) Ethical banks: an Alternative in the Financial Crisis. In: 22nd EBEN Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)


San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge (2011) Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index. Journal of business ethics, 100 (1). pp. 151-173. ISSN 1573-0697


Fisher, Roy (1999) The vocational curriculum in England 1974-1994 : a socio-historical study of the Business and Technology Education Council's National Diploma in Business and Finance. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Human capital

Anchor, J.R and Fišerová, Jana (2010) Student Perceptions of the Financial Returns to Higher Education in the Czech Republic and England: Evidence from Business Schools. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Anchor, J.R and Fišerová, Jana (2010) Student Perceptions of the Financial Returns to Higher Education in the Czech Republic, Poland and England: Evidence from Business Schools. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Retolaza, Jose Luis and San-Jose, Leire (2017) Single case research methodology: a tool for moral imagination in business ethics. Management Research Review, 40 (8). pp. 890-906. ISSN 2040-8269

independent auditors

Al-Najjar, Basil and Belghitar, Yacine (2014) Do corporate governance mechanisms affect cash dividends? An empirical investigation of UK firms. International Review of Applied Economics, 28 (4). pp. 524-538. ISSN 0269-2171


Urionabarrenetxea, Sara, Garcia-Merino, Jose Domingo, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2017) Living with zombie companies: do we know where the threat lies? European Management Journal. ISSN 0263-2373


Al-Najjar, Basil (2013) The financial determinants of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from some emerging markets. International Business Review, 22 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 0969-5931

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 1948-5433

Industrial policy

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Japan’s Economic Recession. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1948-5433

Informal financial institutions

Donoso, Sebastian Baixeras, Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) The Rationale Behind Informal Finance: Evidence from Roscas in Bolivia. The Journal of Developing Areas, 45 (1). pp. 191-208. ISSN 1548-2278

Information Asymmetry

Abed, Suzan and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Determinants of the Extent of Forward Looking Information: Evidence from UK before Financial Crisis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 13 (3). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1727-9232

Initial public offering

Allcock, Deborah, Filatotchev, Igor and Chahine, Salim (2010) Executive share ownership, experience and basic salaries: the influence on IPO share option schemes and performance. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)


Al-Najjar, Basil and Elgammal, Mohammed M. (2013) Innovation and credit ratings, does it matter? UK evidence. Applied Economics Letters, 20 (5). pp. 428-431. ISSN 1350-4851

Thompson, John L. (2004) Innovation through people. Management decision, 42 (9). pp. 1082-1094. ISSN 0025-1747


Siddiqui, Kalim and Armstrong, Phil (2017) Capital Control Reconsidered: Financialisation and Economic Policy. International Review of Applied Economics. ISSN 0269-2171

institutional environment

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Institutional investors

Kilincarslan, Erhan and Ozdemir, Ozgur (2017) Institutional investment horizon and dividend policy: An empirical study of UK firms. Finance Research Letters. ISSN 1544-6123

Institutional ownership

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

Al-Najjar, Basil and Belghitar, Yacine (2014) Do corporate governance mechanisms affect cash dividends? An empirical investigation of UK firms. International Review of Applied Economics, 28 (4). pp. 524-538. ISSN 0269-2171

Al-Najjar, Basil and Clark, Ephraim (2017) Corporate governance and cash holdings in MENA: Evidence from internal and external governance practices. Research in International Business and Finance, 39 (A). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0275-5319

Institutional Theory

Abed, Suzan and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Determinants of the Extent of Forward Looking Information: Evidence from UK before Financial Crisis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 13 (3). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1727-9232


Altunbaş, Yener, Gadanecz, Blaise and Kara, Alper (2006) Syndicated Loans: A Hybrid of Relationship Lending and Publicly Traded Debt. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781349545674

Internal governance

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Jallow, Kumba (2012) The determinants of board meetings: evidence from categorical analysis. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 13 (2). pp. 178-190. ISSN 0967-5426

Intertemporal hedging

Su, Yongyang, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chau, Frankie (2013) Commodity Futures and Strategic Asset Allocation. In: Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks, and Strategies. Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance . Wiley, pp. 399-418. ISBN 9781118241127

Investment horizon

Kilincarslan, Erhan and Ozdemir, Ozgur (2017) Institutional investment horizon and dividend policy: An empirical study of UK firms. Finance Research Letters. ISSN 1544-6123


Al‐Najjar, Basil (2010) Corporate governance and institutional ownership: evidence from Jordan. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 10 (2). pp. 176-190. ISSN 1472-0701


Al-Najjar, Basil and Anfimiadou, Aspioni (2012) Environmental Policies and Firm Value. Business Strategy and the Environment, 21 (1). pp. 49-59. ISSN 09644733

Japanese economy

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Japan’s Economic Recession. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1948-5433

joint determinants

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) The inter‐relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data. International Review of Applied Economics, 25 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 0269-2171


Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2014) Developing a multi stage predicting system for corporate credit rating in emerging markets : Jordanian case. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. ISSN 1741-0398

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2010) Corporate governance and institutional ownership: evidence from Jordan. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 10 (2). pp. 176-190. ISSN 1472-0701

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2009) Dividend behaviour and smoothing new evidence from Jordanian panel data. Studies in Economics and Finance, 26 (3). pp. 182-197. ISSN 1086-7376

Al‐Najjar, Basil, El‐Masry, Ahmed and Taylor, Peter (2008) The relationship between capital structure and ownership structure: New evidence from Jordanian panel data. Managerial Finance, 34 (12). pp. 919-933. ISSN 0307-4358

Sawalha, Ihab Hanna, Anchor, J.R and Meaton, Julia (2011) Business Continuity Management in Jordanian Banks: Sectoral and National Influences. Working Paper. The University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Key words authors Business ethics

San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267


Smith, Martin and Smith, Kelly (2016) “All Out War” on Kickstarter: Reward-Based Crowdfunding in Tabletop Games. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2016, 27th to the 28th October 2016, Novotel Tour Eiffel, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

Knowledge management

Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Abed, Suzan and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Determinants of the Extent of Forward Looking Information: Evidence from UK before Financial Crisis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 13 (3). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1727-9232

Thompson, John L. (2002) The world of the social entrepreneur. International journal of public sector management, 15 (2). pp. 412-431. ISSN 0951-3558

Lerner index

Tan, Aaron Yong, Floros, Christos and Anchor, J.R (2017) The Profitability of Chinese banks: impacts of risk, competition and efficiency. Review of Accounting and Finance, 16 (1). pp. 86-105. ISSN 1475-7702


Al-Najjar, Basil and Elgammal, Mohammed M. (2013) Innovation and credit ratings, does it matter? UK evidence. Applied Economics Letters, 20 (5). pp. 428-431. ISSN 1350-4851

Urionabarrenetxea, Sara, Garcia-Merino, Jose Domingo, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2017) Living with zombie companies: do we know where the threat lies? European Management Journal. ISSN 0263-2373


Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117

Literature review

Lucey, Brian M., Vigne, Samuel A., Ballester, Laura, Barbopoulos, Leonidas, Brzeszczynski, Janusz, Carchano, Oscar, Dimic, Nebojsa, Fernandez, Viviana, Gogolin, Fabian, Gonzalez-Urteaga, Ana, Goodell, John W., Helbing, Pia, Ichev, Riste, Kearney, Fearghal, Laing, Elaine, Larkin, Charles J., Lindblad, Annika, Loncarski, Igor, Ly, Kim Cuong, Marinc, Matej, McGee, Richard J., McGroarty, Frank, Neville, Conor, O'Hagan-Luff, Martha, Piljak, Vanja, Sevic, Aleksandar, Sheng, Xin, Stafylas, Dimitrios, Urquhart, Andrew, Versteeg, Roald, Vu, Anh N., Wolfe, Simon, Yarovaya, Larisa and Zaghini, Andrea (2018) Future directions in international financial integration research - A crowdsourced perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 55. pp. 35-49. ISSN 1057-5219

location advantages

Tunyi, Abongeh A. and Ntim, Collins G. (2016) Location Advantages, Governance Quality, Stock Market Development and Firm Characteristics as Antecedents of African M&As. Journal of International Management, 22 (2). pp. 147-167. ISSN 1075-4253

Logit modelling

Al-Najjar, Basil (2014) Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries. Tourism Management, 42. pp. 342-351. ISSN 0261-5177


Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, Suzan (2014) The association between disclosure of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29 (7). pp. 578-595. ISSN 0268-6902

Macroeconomic variables

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219


Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

market value

Al-Najjar, Basil and Anfimiadou, Aspioni (2012) Environmental Policies and Firm Value. Business Strategy and the Environment, 21 (1). pp. 49-59. ISSN 09644733

Marketing management

Reynolds, Paul Lewis, Day, John and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2001) Moving towards a control technique to help small firms monitor and control key marketing parameters: a survival aid. Management decision, 39 (2). pp. 113-120. ISSN 0025-1747

Medium-sized enterprises

Day, John, Reynolds, Paul Lewis and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2006) Entrepreneurship and the small to medium sized enterprise: a divergent / convergent paradox in thinking patterns between advisers and SME owner managers. Management decision, 44 (5). pp. 581-597. ISSN 0025-1747


Al-Najjar, Basil and Clark, Ephraim (2017) Corporate governance and cash holdings in MENA: Evidence from internal and external governance practices. Research in International Business and Finance, 39 (A). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0275-5319

mergers and acquisitions

Tunyi, Abongeh A. and Ntim, Collins G. (2016) Location Advantages, Governance Quality, Stock Market Development and Firm Characteristics as Antecedents of African M&As. Journal of International Management, 22 (2). pp. 147-167. ISSN 1075-4253


Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Social Efficiency in Microfinance Institutions: Identifying How to Improve It. Journal of International Development. ISSN 0954-1748


Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Social Efficiency in Microfinance Institutions: Identifying How to Improve It. Journal of International Development. ISSN 0954-1748

moral hazard

Urionabarrenetxea, Sara, Garcia-Merino, Jose Domingo, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2017) Living with zombie companies: do we know where the threat lies? European Management Journal. ISSN 0263-2373


Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2017) Household Access to Mortgages in the UK. Journal of Financial Services Research, 52 (3). pp. 253-275. ISSN 0920-8550

Mutual funds

Al-Najjar, Basil (2015) Does ownership matter in publicly listed tourism firms? Evidence from Jordan. Tourism Management, 49. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0261-5177

Narrative disclosure

Abed, Suzan, Al-Najjar, Basil and Roberts, Clare (2016) Measuring annual report narratives disclosure: Empirical evidence from forward-looking information in the UK prior the financial crisis. Managerial Auditing Journal, 31 (4/5). pp. 338-361. ISSN 0268-6902

Narrative reporting

Hussainey, Khaled and Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) Future‐oriented narrative reporting: determinants and use. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 12 (2). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0967-5426

national governance quality

Tunyi, Abongeh A. and Ntim, Collins G. (2016) Location Advantages, Governance Quality, Stock Market Development and Firm Characteristics as Antecedents of African M&As. Journal of International Management, 22 (2). pp. 147-167. ISSN 1075-4253

negative equity

Urionabarrenetxea, Sara, Garcia-Merino, Jose Domingo, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2017) Living with zombie companies: do we know where the threat lies? European Management Journal. ISSN 0263-2373

neo-institutional theory

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economies of China and India. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 1948-5433

Neural network

Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2014) Developing a multi stage predicting system for corporate credit rating in emerging markets : Jordanian case. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. ISSN 1741-0398

non stakeholders

Retolaza, Jose Luis, San-Jose, Leire and Aguado, Ricardo (2016) The role of shapeholders as a link between a firm and non-stakeholders: the pursuit of an economy for the common good based on stakeholder theory. In: Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, 10 . Emerald, Bingley, UK, pp. 31-48. ISBN 978-1-78635-626-0

non-executive directors

Al-Najjar, Basil and Belghitar, Yacine (2014) Do corporate governance mechanisms affect cash dividends? An empirical investigation of UK firms. International Review of Applied Economics, 28 (4). pp. 524-538. ISSN 0269-2171

Opaque borrowers

Gadanecz, Blaise, Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2012) Asymmetric information among lending syndicate members and the value of repeat lending. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 22 (4). pp. 913-935. ISSN 1042-4431

Operational research

Thompson, John L. (2004) The FACETS of the entrepreneur: identifying entrepreneurial potential. Management decision, 42 (2). pp. 243-258. ISSN 0025-1747

ordinal logit regressions

Akomas, George Chiagozie (2018) Effects of Geographical Location on MFI Lending Behaviour in Developing Countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Organizational risk

Sawalha, Ihab Hanna, Anchor, J.R and Meaton, Julia (2011) Business Continuity Management in Jordanian Banks: Sectoral and National Influences. Working Paper. The University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)


Al-Najjar, Basil and Kilincarslan, Erhan (2016) The effect of ownership structure on dividend policy: evidence from Turkey. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 16 (1). pp. 135-161. ISSN 1472-0701

panel data

Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) Empirical Modelling of Capital Structure. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 10 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0972-6527

Al-Najjar, Basil and Elgammal, Mohammed M. (2013) Innovation and credit ratings, does it matter? UK evidence. Applied Economics Letters, 20 (5). pp. 428-431. ISSN 1350-4851

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) The inter‐relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data. International Review of Applied Economics, 25 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 0269-2171

paradigm small business marketing entrepreneurship

Reynolds, Paul Lewis (2002) The need for a new paradigm for small business marketing? - What's wrong with the Old One? Journal of research in marketing and entrepreneurship, 4 (3). pp. 191-205. ISSN 1471-5201

partial adjustment model

Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) Empirical Modelling of Capital Structure. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 10 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0972-6527

Participant banks

Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) Why do banks join loan syndications? The case of participant banks. The Service Industries Journal, 31 (7). pp. 1063-1074. ISSN 0264-2069


San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez, Jorge (2009) Ethical banks: an Alternative in the Financial Crisis. In: 22nd EBEN Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge (2011) Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index. Journal of business ethics, 100 (1). pp. 151-173. ISSN 1573-0697

Payment Policy Initiative

San-Jose, Leire and Cowton, Christopher J. (2009) El Crédito Comercial y la Crisis Crediticia: un Análisis Descriptivo en Europa; Reino Unido y España / The Trade Credit and Credit Crunch: a Descriptive Analysis in Europe, UK and Spain. In: Administrando en entornos inciertos. ESIC, p. 217. ISBN 9788473566094

Potential appraisal

Thompson, John L. (2004) The FACETS of the entrepreneur: identifying entrepreneurial potential. Management decision, 42 (2). pp. 243-258. ISSN 0025-1747

pre-Financial crisis

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274


Altunbaş, Yener, Gadanecz, Blaise and Kara, Alper (2006) Syndicated Loans: A Hybrid of Relationship Lending and Publicly Traded Debt. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781349545674

product costing practice Europe accounting systems pricing

Brierley, John A., Cowton, Christopher J. and Drury, Colin (2001) Research into product costing practice: a European perspective. European Accounting Review, 10 (2). pp. 215-256. ISSN 0963-8180


Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Japan’s Economic Recession. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1948-5433


Tan, Aaron Yong, Floros, Christos and Anchor, J.R (2017) The Profitability of Chinese banks: impacts of risk, competition and efficiency. Review of Accounting and Finance, 16 (1). pp. 86-105. ISSN 1475-7702

Propensity score matching

Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2017) Household Access to Mortgages in the UK. Journal of Financial Services Research, 52 (3). pp. 253-275. ISSN 0920-8550

QSR Nvivo 8

Abed, Suzan and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Determinants of the Extent of Forward Looking Information: Evidence from UK before Financial Crisis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 13 (3). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1727-9232


Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963

Racial origin

Deku, Solomon Y., Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2016) Access to consumer credit in the UK. The European Journal of Finance, 22 (10). pp. 941-964. ISSN 1351-847X

Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2017) Household Access to Mortgages in the UK. Journal of Financial Services Research, 52 (3). pp. 253-275. ISSN 0920-8550

radical affinity index

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez, Jorge (2009) Ethical banks: an Alternative in the Financial Crisis. In: 22nd EBEN Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge (2011) Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index. Journal of business ethics, 100 (1). pp. 151-173. ISSN 1573-0697

Random walks and martingales

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219


San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez, Jorge (2009) Ethical banks: an Alternative in the Financial Crisis. In: 22nd EBEN Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge (2011) Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index. Journal of business ethics, 100 (1). pp. 151-173. ISSN 1573-0697

Ranks and signs

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219

Rate of return

Anchor, J.R and Fišerová, Jana (2010) Student Perceptions of the Financial Returns to Higher Education in the Czech Republic and England: Evidence from Business Schools. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Anchor, J.R and Fišerová, Jana (2010) Student Perceptions of the Financial Returns to Higher Education in the Czech Republic, Poland and England: Evidence from Business Schools. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Real-Based Activity Earnings Management

Attia, Eman Fathi Ahmed (2020) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and External Audit on Earnings Management: Empirical Study of Companies listed in the Egyptian Stock Market. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

reduced form equations

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) The inter‐relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data. International Review of Applied Economics, 25 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 0269-2171

Regulatory measures

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274


Retolaza, Jose Luis and San-Jose, Leire (2017) Single case research methodology: a tool for moral imagination in business ethics. Management Research Review, 40 (8). pp. 890-906. ISSN 2040-8269

Repeat lending

Gadanecz, Blaise, Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2012) Asymmetric information among lending syndicate members and the value of repeat lending. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 22 (4). pp. 913-935. ISSN 1042-4431


Altunbaş, Yener, Gadanecz, Blaise and Kara, Alper (2006) Syndicated Loans: A Hybrid of Relationship Lending and Publicly Traded Debt. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781349545674

Return and volatility spillover indices

Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Hedging with Chinese Aluminum Futures: International Evidence with Return and Volatility Spillover Indices Under Structural Breaks. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49 (Sup 1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1540-496X


Smith, Martin and Smith, Kelly (2016) “All Out War” on Kickstarter: Reward-Based Crowdfunding in Tabletop Games. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2016, 27th to the 28th October 2016, Novotel Tour Eiffel, Paris, France. (Unpublished)


Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2018) Risk, competition, and efficiency in banking: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 35. pp. 223-236. ISSN 1044-0283

Risk diversification

Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) Why do banks join loan syndications? The case of participant banks. The Service Industries Journal, 31 (7). pp. 1063-1074. ISSN 0264-2069

Risk-taking behaviour

Tan, Aaron Yong, Floros, Christos and Anchor, J.R (2017) The Profitability of Chinese banks: impacts of risk, competition and efficiency. Review of Accounting and Finance, 16 (1). pp. 86-105. ISSN 1475-7702


Donoso, Sebastian Baixeras, Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) The Rationale Behind Informal Finance: Evidence from Roscas in Bolivia. The Journal of Developing Areas, 45 (1). pp. 191-208. ISSN 1548-2278


Al-Najjar, Basil (2013) The financial determinants of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from some emerging markets. International Business Review, 22 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 0969-5931


Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274

Kara, Alper, Marques-Ibanez, David and Ongena, Steven (2018) Securitization and Credit Quality in the European Market. European Financial Management. ISSN 1468-036X

Kara, Alper, Ozkan, Aydin and Altunbas, Yener (2016) Securitisation and banking risk: what do we know so far? Review of Behavioural Finance, 8 (1). pp. 2-16. ISSN 1940-5979

Securitization market

Deku, Solomon Y. and Kara, Alper (2017) Securitization: Past, Present and Future. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783319601274


Allcock, Deborah, Filatotchev, Igor and Chahine, Salim (2010) Executive share ownership, experience and basic salaries: the influence on IPO share option schemes and performance. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

single equation

Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) The inter‐relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data. International Review of Applied Economics, 25 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 0269-2171

Small enterprises

Day, John, Reynolds, Paul Lewis and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2006) Entrepreneurship and the small to medium sized enterprise: a divergent / convergent paradox in thinking patterns between advisers and SME owner managers. Management decision, 44 (5). pp. 581-597. ISSN 0025-1747

Small to medium-sized enterprises

Reynolds, Paul Lewis, Day, John and Lancaster, Geoffrey A. (2001) Moving towards a control technique to help small firms monitor and control key marketing parameters: a survival aid. Management decision, 39 (2). pp. 113-120. ISSN 0025-1747


Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2017) The impact of external financing on firm value and a corporate governance index: SME evidence. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24 (2). pp. 411-423. ISSN 1462-6004

social efficiency

Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Social Efficiency in Microfinance Institutions: Identifying How to Improve It. Journal of International Development. ISSN 0954-1748

social value

Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Social Efficiency in Microfinance Institutions: Identifying How to Improve It. Journal of International Development. ISSN 0954-1748

Retolaza, Jose Luis, San-Jose, Leire and Aguado, Ricardo (2016) The role of shapeholders as a link between a firm and non-stakeholders: the pursuit of an economy for the common good based on stakeholder theory. In: Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, 10 . Emerald, Bingley, UK, pp. 31-48. ISBN 978-1-78635-626-0

socio-political context

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117

South Africa

Ntim, Collins G., Lindop, Sarah, Thomas, Dennis A., Opong, Kwaku K. and Abdou, Hussein (2017) Executive pay and performance: The moderating effect of CEO power and governance structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192

Speed of adjustment

Coldbeck, Beata and Ozkan, Aydin (2018) Comparison of adjustment speeds in target research and development and capital investment: What did the financial crisis of 2007 change? Journal of Business Research, 84. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0148-2963


Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Japan’s Economic Recession. Research in Applied Economics, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1948-5433


Retolaza, Jose Luis, San-Jose, Leire and Aguado, Ricardo (2016) The role of shapeholders as a link between a firm and non-stakeholders: the pursuit of an economy for the common good based on stakeholder theory. In: Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, 10 . Emerald, Bingley, UK, pp. 31-48. ISBN 978-1-78635-626-0


Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2016) Social Efficiency in Microfinance Institutions: Identifying How to Improve It. Journal of International Development. ISSN 0954-1748

stakeholders theory

San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, J.L. (2012) Participation of stakeholders in corporate governance: foundation ontological and methodological proposal. Universitas Psychologica, 11 (2). pp. 619-628. ISSN 1657-9267

stock market development

Tunyi, Abongeh A. and Ntim, Collins G. (2016) Location Advantages, Governance Quality, Stock Market Development and Firm Characteristics as Antecedents of African M&As. Journal of International Management, 22 (2). pp. 147-167. ISSN 1075-4253

Stock market volatility

Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Demir, Ender and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Experience-based corporate corruption and stock market volatility: Evidence from emerging markets. Emerging Markets Review, 17. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1566-0141

Strategic asset allocation

Su, Yongyang, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chau, Frankie (2013) Commodity Futures and Strategic Asset Allocation. In: Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks, and Strategies. Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance . Wiley, pp. 399-418. ISBN 9781118241127

Strategic management

Thompson, John L. (2004) The FACETS of the entrepreneur: identifying entrepreneurial potential. Management decision, 42 (2). pp. 243-258. ISSN 0025-1747


Altunbaş, Yener, Gadanecz, Blaise and Kara, Alper (2006) Syndicated Loans: A Hybrid of Relationship Lending and Publicly Traded Debt. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781349545674

Structural breaks

Bilgin, Mehmet Hüseyin, Su, Yongyang and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2011) Do structural breaks in exchange rate volatility matter? Evidence from Asia-Pacific currencies. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 26 (304). ISSN 1300-610X

Structural changes

Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Hedging with Chinese Aluminum Futures: International Evidence with Return and Volatility Spillover Indices Under Structural Breaks. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49 (Sup 1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1540-496X


San-Jose, Leire and Cowton, Christopher J. (2009) El Crédito Comercial y la Crisis Crediticia: un Análisis Descriptivo en Europa; Reino Unido y España / The Trade Credit and Credit Crunch: a Descriptive Analysis in Europe, UK and Spain. In: Administrando en entornos inciertos. ESIC, p. 217. ISBN 9788473566094

Syndicated loans

Altunbaş, Yener and Kara, Alper (2011) Why do banks join loan syndications? The case of participant banks. The Service Industries Journal, 31 (7). pp. 1063-1074. ISSN 0264-2069

Altunbaş, Yener, Kara, Alper and Marques-Ibanez, David (2010) Large debt financing: syndicated loans versus corporate bonds. The European Journal of Finance, 16 (5). pp. 437-458. ISSN 1351-847X

Gadanecz, Blaise, Kara, Alper and Molyneux, Philip (2012) Asymmetric information among lending syndicate members and the value of repeat lending. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 22 (4). pp. 913-935. ISSN 1042-4431

Howcroft, Barry, Kara, Alper and Marques-Ibanez, David (2014) Determinants of syndicated lending in European banks and the impact of the financial crisis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 32. pp. 473-490. ISSN 1042-4431


Al-Najjar, Basil (2011) Empirical Modelling of Capital Structure. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 10 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0972-6527


Alkhaldi, Firas Mohammad Khalaf (2003) An integration of information technology, culture of knowledge transfer and innovative work environment in support of organisationsal knowledge creation activities. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

The Euro area

Altunbaş, Yener, Kara, Alper and Marques-Ibanez, David (2010) Large debt financing: syndicated loans versus corporate bonds. The European Journal of Finance, 16 (5). pp. 437-458. ISSN 1351-847X

The UK

Kilincarslan, Erhan and Ozdemir, Ozgur (2017) Institutional investment horizon and dividend policy: An empirical study of UK firms. Finance Research Letters. ISSN 1544-6123

Three-stage least square

Tan, Aaron Yong and Floros, Christos (2019) Risk, competition and cost efficiency in the Chinese banking industry. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 10 (2). pp. 144-161. ISSN 1755-3830

Tourism growth

Al-Najjar, Basil (2014) Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries. Tourism Management, 42. pp. 342-351. ISSN 0261-5177

Trade Credit

San-Jose, Leire and Cowton, Christopher J. (2009) El Crédito Comercial y la Crisis Crediticia: un Análisis Descriptivo en Europa; Reino Unido y España / The Trade Credit and Credit Crunch: a Descriptive Analysis in Europe, UK and Spain. In: Administrando en entornos inciertos. ESIC, p. 217. ISBN 9788473566094

Traditional assets

Su, Yongyang, Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Chau, Frankie (2013) Commodity Futures and Strategic Asset Allocation. In: Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks, and Strategies. Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance . Wiley, pp. 399-418. ISBN 9781118241127

transition economy

Elmogla, Mahmoud, Cowton, Christopher J. and Downs, Yvonne (2015) Corporate Social Reporting in Libya: A Research Note. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (4). pp. 923-932. ISSN 1747-1117


San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez, Jorge (2009) Ethical banks: an Alternative in the Financial Crisis. In: 22nd EBEN Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

San-Jose, Leire, Retolaza, Jose Luis and Gutierrez-Goiria, Jorge (2011) Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index. Journal of business ethics, 100 (1). pp. 151-173. ISSN 1573-0697


Al-Najjar, Basil and Kilincarslan, Erhan (2017) Corporate dividend decisions and dividend smoothing: New evidence from an empirical study of Turkish firms. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 13 (3). pp. 304-331. ISSN 1743-9132


Al-Najjar, Basil and Al-Najjar, Dana (2017) The impact of external financing on firm value and a corporate governance index: SME evidence. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24 (2). pp. 411-423. ISSN 1462-6004

Al-Najjar, Basil and Anfimiadou, Aspioni (2012) Environmental Policies and Firm Value. Business Strategy and the Environment, 21 (1). pp. 49-59. ISSN 09644733

Hussainey, Khaled and Al-Najjar, Basil (2012) Understanding the Determinants of RiskMetrics/ISS Ratings of the Quality of UK Companies' Corporate Governance Practice. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 29 (4). pp. 366-377. ISSN 08250383


Lau, Marco Chi Keung, Demir, Ender and Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin (2013) Experience-based corporate corruption and stock market volatility: Evidence from emerging markets. Emerging Markets Review, 17. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1566-0141


Allcock, Deborah, Filatotchev, Igor and Chahine, Salim (2010) Executive share ownership, experience and basic salaries: the influence on IPO share option schemes and performance. Working Paper. Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

United Kingdom

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Hussainey, Khaled (2011) Revisiting the capital‐structure puzzle: UK evidence. The Journal of Risk Finance, 12 (4). pp. 329-338. ISSN 1526-5943

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Hussainey, Khaled (2009) The association between dividend payout and outside directorships. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 10 (1). pp. 4-19. ISSN 0967-5426

Al‐Najjar, Basil and Jallow, Kumba (2012) The determinants of board meetings: evidence from categorical analysis. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 13 (2). pp. 178-190. ISSN 0967-5426

Hussainey, Khaled and Al‐Najjar, Basil (2011) Future‐oriented narrative reporting: determinants and use. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 12 (2). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0967-5426


Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219


Bilgin, Mehmet Hüseyin, Su, Yongyang and Lau, Marco Chi Keung (2011) Do structural breaks in exchange rate volatility matter? Evidence from Asia-Pacific currencies. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 26 (304). ISSN 1300-610X

Voluntary organizations

Thompson, John L. (2002) The world of the social entrepreneur. International journal of public sector management, 15 (2). pp. 412-431. ISSN 0951-3558

Weak-form efficiency

Ntim, Collins G., English, John, Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Wang, Yan (2015) On the efficiency of the global gold markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41. pp. 218-236. ISSN 1057-5219


Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

XML encryption

Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

XML security

Ammari, Faisal Tawfiq (2013) Securing Financial XML Transactions Using Intelligent Fuzzy Classification Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Urionabarrenetxea, Sara, Garcia-Merino, Jose Domingo, San-Jose, Leire and Retolaza, Jose Luis (2017) Living with zombie companies: do we know where the threat lies? European Management Journal. ISSN 0263-2373

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