Jump to: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1997 | 1991 | 1985
Number of items at this level: 158.


Attard, Joseph (2019) Perceptions of Palestinian Shaheeds: Personality Characteristics, Religiosity and Family Relationships. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Bullett, Maggie (2019) Collective lay support for late-Reformation preaching in the South Pennines. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History. ISSN 1469-7637

Piggott, Robert (2019) A Place for Worship? Heritage and Religiosity in England. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Ryan, Saskia Xanthe (2019) An Investigation of Resilience Constructs Alongside the Role of the Community, Religiosity and Attitudes of Intolerance: Implications for Countering Extremism. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Asswae, May (2018) Politeness in Libyan Arabic: A Third-Wave Perspective. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Lever, John and Fischer, Johan (2018) Religion, Regulation, Consumption: Globalising Kosher and Halal Markets. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. ISBN 9781526103642


Ali, Gulnar (2017) Multiple Case Studies Exploring Integration of Spirituality in Undergraduate Nursing Education in England. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Brown, Ruth (2017) An Exploration of Mental Health Nurses' Understanding of the Spiritual Needs of Service Users. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Lever, John (2017) Recognizing the other: Jewish–Muslim relations in the global food industry. Religion and the Public Sphere Blog.

Nesteruk, Sara (2017) Manchester Buddhist Centre: Design and artwork for installation of interior window panel. [Artefact]

Ngurah, Anom R. I. G. (2017) The civic realm in Bali: a case study of ritual traditions in the Littoral regions. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Siddiqui, Kalim (2017) Hindutva, Neoliberalism and the Reinventing of India. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 4 (2). pp. 142-186. ISSN 2149-0422

Snowden, Michael and Ali, G. (2017) How can spirituality be integrated in undergraduate and postgraduate education? In: Spiritually Competent Practice in Health Care. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK. ISBN 9781138739116

Wattis, John, Curran, Stephen and Rogers, Melanie (2017) Spiritually Competent Practice in Health Care. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK. ISBN 9781138739116

Wattis, John, Curran, Stephen and Rogers, Melanie (2017) What does spirituality mean for patients, practitioners and health care organisations? In: Spiritually Competent Practice in Health Care. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781138739116


Canavan, Brendan (2016) Catholicism’s multi-billion dollar brand is struggling despite Pope Francis. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Haloub, Radi, Samawi, Jamil Nazih, Refai, Deema and Beddewela, Eshani (2016) Attitudes Toward Business Ethics in Different Contexts: a Cross-Cultural Comparison between professionals in Jordan and UK. In: 19th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, 4th - 5th July 2016, Barcelona, Spain.

Khorshid, Amir Mahdi (2016) Development, Validation and Testing of an Islamic Work Ethic Scale. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Rajendra, Anom and Temple, Nicholas (2016) Religious ceremonies in Balinese society: a case study of a cremation ritual in Tabanan. International Journal of Indonesian Studies, Spring. ISSN 2203-4692

Rogers, Melanie (2016) Utilizing Availability and Vulnerability to Operationalize Spirituality. In: Practising Spirituality : Reflections on Mean-Making in Personal and Professional Contexts. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 145-164. ISBN 978-1137556844

Siddiqui, Kalim (2016) A Critical Study of ‘Hindu Nationalism’ in India. Journal of Business and Economic Policy, 3 (2). pp. 9-28. ISSN 2375-0766

Siddiqui, Kalim (2016) The Political Economy of Religion and Politics in India. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3 (1). pp. 79-100. ISSN 2149-0422

Wattis, John and Curran, Stephen (2016) The importance of spirituality in caring for patients. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 77 (9). pp. 500-501. ISSN 1750-8460


Agazue, Chima Damian and Gavin, Helen (2015) Evil and Superstition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Religious Infanticide and Filicide. In: Perceiving Evil: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-005-4

Ali, Gulnar, Wattis, John and Snowden, Michael (2015) Why are Spiritual Aspects of Care so hard to Address in Nursing Education?’ A Literature Review (1993-2015). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 2 (1). pp. 7-31. ISSN 2059-4976

Allen, Chris (2015) Britishness and Muslim-ness: differentiation, demarcation and discrimination in political discourse. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 1 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2058-6205

Attar, Maryam, Lohi, Khalil and Lever, John (2015) Remembering the spirit of halal: an Iranian perspective. In: Halal Matters: Islam, politics and markets in global perspective. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 55-71. ISBN 9781138812758

Baadel, Said (2015) Back to Basics: Where Is Allah? - A Survey of Generation Z Youth at the Canadian University of Dubai. International Journal of Social, Education, Economics and Management Engineering, 9 (2).

Bergeaud-Blackler, Florence, Fischer, Johan and Lever, John (2015) Halal Matters: Islam, politics and markets in global perspective. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781138812758

Bergeaud-Blackler, Florence, Fischer, Johan and Lever, John (2015) Introduction: Studying the politics of global halal markets. In: Halal Matters: Islam, politics and markets in global perspective. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781138812758

Brown, Ruth, Brooks, Joanna, Chirema, Kathleen Dympna and Wattis, John (2015) Nursing spiritually: what do we know? How do we know? In: QMiP Conference, 2nd-4th September 2015, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Brown, Ruth, Brooks, Joanna, Chirema, Kathleen Dympna and Wattis, John (2015) Nursing spiritually; what do we know? How do we know? In: NET2015 Conference, 8th-10th September 2015, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Cooper, Martin and Macaulay, Kirsty (2015) Contemporary Christian radio in Britain: A new genre on the national dial. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 13 (1-2). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1476-4504

Gavin, Helen (2015) Violent crime as old as the Bible: Boko Haram uses rape as a weapon of war. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Lever, John (2015) Reimagining Malaysia – a postliberal halal strategy? In: Halal Matters: Islam, politics and markets in global perspective. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 19-37. ISBN 9781138812758

Lever, John and Anil, Haluk (2015) From an implicit to an explicit understanding; new definitions of Halal in Turkey. In: Halal Matters: Islam, politics and markets in global perspective. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 38-54. ISBN 9781138812758

Saeed, Amir (2015) Racism and Islamophobia: A Personal Perspective. Identity papers: A journal of British and Irish studies, 1 (1). pp. 15-31. ISSN 2058-6205


Ali, M. and Hadwen, Diane (2014) Don't rain on my parade. [Teaching Resource]

Bibi, Rashida (2014) Mussafirs of the 21st Century: British South Asian Muslim women, higher education and the changing notions of ‘Britishness’. Masters thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Chalcraft, Ben and Hadwen, Diane (2014) Choices : then and now. [Teaching Resource]

Halsall, Jamie (2014) Foreword. West European Muslims Post 9/11: Joint South Asian Cultural Studies & Global Built Environment Review special edition. p. 1. ISSN 1749-6764

Hanley, Pam (2014) Can schools find way through creationism-meets-science minefield in the classroom? The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

Hanley, Pam, Bennett, Judith and Ratcliffe, Mary (2014) The Inter-relationship of Science and Religion: A typology of engagement. International Journal of Science Education, 36 (7). pp. 1210-1229. ISSN 0950-0693

Prentis, Sharon, Rogers, Melanie, Wattis, John, Jones, Janice and Stephenson, John (2014) Healthcare lecturers’ perceptions of spirituality in education. Nursing Standard, 29 (3). pp. 44-52. ISSN 0029-6570

Rajendra, Anom, Temple, Nicholas and Nicholls, Richard (2014) Renegotiating Boundaries on Bali Coastal Tourist Resorts. In: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technology Development ICSTD, 30th-31st October 2014, Bali, Indonesia. (Submitted)


Ali, I., Locke, Abigail and McMahon, Gráinne (2013) Experiences of life in Britain: Young British Muslim women negotiating their identities. In: Psychology of Women Section Annual Conference 2013, 10th - 12th July 2013, Windsor, UK. (Unpublished)

Ali, I., Locke, Abigail and McMahon, Gráinne (2013) “I try my best at… two different lives!” Young British Muslim women negotiating their identities: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of experiences of life in Britain. In: Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section Conference 2013, 4th - 6th September 2013, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Bastow, Sarah L. (2013) Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York 1577-88, ‘Stiff-Necked, Wilful And Obstinate’. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 50 (2). pp. 239-256. ISSN 0078-172X

Bullock, Katherine and Nesbitt-Larking, Paul (2013) Becoming “Holistically Indigenous”: Young Muslims and Political Participation in Canada. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 33 (2). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1360-2004

Lever, John (2013) The postliberal politics of halal: new directions in the civilizing process? Human Figurations, 2 (3). ISSN 2166-6644

Lever, John and Hardaker, Glenn (2013) Re-imagining Malaysia; nationalism, ethnocracy and the postliberal politics of halal (a postliberal halal stratergy). [Audio] (Unpublished)

Locke, Abigail (2013) Parenting, gender and the British press: A media analysis. In: Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section Conference 2013, 4th - 6th September 2013, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Malay, Jessica L. (2013) Positioning Patronage: Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judæorum and the Countess of Cumberland in Time and Place. The Seventeenth Century, 28 (3). pp. 251-274. ISSN 0268-117X

Miah, Shamim (2013) Muslim Group Solidarity and Schooling. In: The new Muslims. Runneymede Trust, pp. 23-25. ISBN 9781909546004

Stansbie, Lisa and Borlescu, Ana Maria (2013) Reflections on Narrative: Interdisciplinary Storytelling. Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford. ISBN 978-1-84888-245-4

Syed, Jawad and Ali, Faiza (2013) Contextual emotional labor: an exploratory study of Muslim female employees in Pakistan. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28 (4). pp. 228-246. ISSN 1754-2413


Bastow, Sarah L. (2012) An Abortive Attempt to Defend an Episcopal Reputation: The Case of Archbishop Edwin Sandys and the Innkeeper's Wife. History, 97 (327). pp. 380-401. ISSN 0018-2648

Busher, Joel (2012) From ethnic nationalisms to clashing civilisations: (Un)civil religion in an era of globalization. Religion Compass, 6 (9). pp. 414-425. ISSN 1749-8171

Christmann, Kris (2012) Preventing Religious Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: A Systematic Review of the Research Evidence. Research Report. Youth Justice Board.

Lever, John and Miele, Mara (2012) The growth of Halal meat markets in Europe: an exploration of the supply side theory of religion. Journal of Rural Studies, 28 (4). pp. 528-537. ISSN 0743-0167

Pasura, Dominic (2012) Religious Transnationalism: The case of Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain. Journal of Religion in Africa, 42 (1). pp. 26-53. ISSN 0022-4200

Pio, Edwina, Waddock, Sandra, Mangaliso, Mzamo, McIntosh, Malcolm, Spiller, Chellie, Takeda, Hiroshi, Gladstone, Joe, Ho, Marcus and Syed, Jawad (2012) Pipeline to the Future: Seeking Wisdom in Indigenous, Eastern, and Western Traditions. In: Handbook of Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace: Emerging Research and Practice. Springer, pp. 195-219. ISBN 978-1-4614-5233-1

Till, Rupert (2012) Metal and the Beast: The adoption of apocalyptic imagery in heavy metal music. In: Anthems of Apocalypse: Popular Music and Apocalyptic Thought. Bible in the Modern World (42). Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield. ISBN 978-1-907534-34-8


Bullett, Margaret (2011) The Reception of the Elizabethan Religious Settlement in Three Yorkshire Parishes, 1559 - 1572. Northern history: a review of the history of the North of England., 48 (2). pp. 225-252. ISSN 0078-172X

Bullock, Katherine and Nesbitt-Larking, Paul (2011) Canadian Muslim Youth and Political Participation: A Willingness to Engage. Technical Report. The Tessellate Institute.

Elliott, Ruth (2011) Spirituality, mental health nursing & assessment. Journal of Community Nursing, 25 (3). ISSN 0140-0908

Kinnvall, Catarina and Nesbitt-Larking, Paul (2011) Global insecurity and citizenship strategies: Young Muslims in the West. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 12 (3). pp. 271-290. ISSN 1600-910X

Kinnvall, Catarina and Nesbitt-Larking, Paul (2011) The Political Psychology of Globalization: Muslims in the West. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199747542

Macklin, Graham (2011) ‘A Fascist “Jihad”: Captain Robert Gordon-Canning, British fascist anti-Semitism and Islam. In: Fascism and the Jews: Italy and Britain. Vallentine-Mitchell Publishers. ISBN 9780853038641

McAuley, James W. and Tonge, Jon (2011) One Day in July: Blood, Thunder and Street Politics in Belfast. In: Understanding the Social World Conference 2011, 13th - 15th July 2011, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Salter, Emma (2011) Purusha Sukta: creating the cosmos and mapping the methods. In: Teaching Religions of South Asian Origin, 13th January 2011, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Till, Rupert (2011) 21st Century Trance Cult: Electronic Dance Music Culture as a Form of Possession Trance, and its Role in Replacing the Traditional Roles of Religions Within Western European Popular Youth Culture. In: Religion and Popular Music in Europe: New Expressions of Sacred and Secular Identity. I. B. Tauris Library of Modern Religion (18). I. B. Tauris, London/New York, pp. 145-162. ISBN 9781848858091


Halstead, J. Mark (2010) Teaching about religion. In: Encyclopedia of cross cultural school psychology. Springer. ISBN 9780387717982

Jones, Janice (2010) Exploring spirituality in occupational therapy practice. In: College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, 2010, 2010, Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)

Jones, Janice and Rogers, Melanie (2010) Spirituality in Healthcare – An Interdisciplinary approach to education. In: First International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality, Spirituality in a Changing World, 4th - 6th May 2010, Windsor, UK. (Unpublished)

Lever, John (2010) Halal and kosher supply chain development. In: Dialrel Final Workshop, 15-16th March 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Lever, John and Puig de la Bellacasa, Maria (2010) The development of halal and kosher meat markets in the UK. Other. Cardiff University.

Lever, John, Puig della Bellacasa, Maria, Miele, Mara and Higgin, Marc (2010) From the slaughterhouse to the consumer: transparency and information in the distribution of Halal and Kosher meat. Project Report. Cardiff University, Cardiff.

Pasura, Dominic (2010) Religious transnationalism : the case of Zimbabwean catholics in Britain. In: Migration : a world in motion. APPAM conference, 18-20th February 2010, University of Maastricht, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Pasura, Dominic (2010) Religious transnationalism : the case of Zimbabwean catholics in Britain. In: The Changing Face of Christianity in the 21st Century, 6th-8th April 2010, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Pasura, Dominic (2010) Zimbabwean Christians confront British modernity. In: African Christianity in Britain: Citizenship and the Migrant Subject, 7th June 2010, University of Sussex, Department of Anthropology, School of Global Studies. (Unpublished)

Salter, Emma (2010) Welcome to my Church: Ministerial Representations of Christianity in Secular Education. In: British Sociological Association Religion Study Group: The Changing Face of Christianity in the 21st Century, 6th-8th April 2010, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Till, Rupert (2010) The Personality Cult of Prince: Purple Rain, Sex and the Sacred, and the Implicit Religion Surrounding a Popular Icon. Implicit Religion: Journal of the Centre for the Study of Implicit Religion and Contemporary Spirituality, 13 (2). pp. 151-160. ISSN 1463 9955

Till, Rupert (2010) Pop Cult: Religion in Popular Music. Continuum Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9780826432360

Till, Rupert (2010) Pop stars and idolatry: an investigation of the worship of popular music icons, and the music and cult of Prince. Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education, 31 (1). pp. 69-80. ISSN 1361-7672

Tonge, Jonathan, Evans, Jocelyn, Jeffery, Robert and McAuley, James W. (2010) New Order: Political Change and the Protestant Orange Tradition in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. no. ISSN 13691481


Bastow, Sarah L. (2009) The life of Edwin Sandys. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Halstead, J. Mark (2009) Foreword: To My Shaikh, with love. In: To My Shaikh, with love. Dar-ul-Ehsan Publications. ISBN 9780905773902

Halstead, J. Mark (2009) Religious Education and Citizenship. In: Growing Citizens: an interdisciplinary reflection on Citizenship education. St. Andrew Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780715208724

Kinnvall, Catarina and Nesbitt-Larking, Paul (2009) Security, subjectivity and space in postcolonial Europe: Muslims in the diaspora. European Security, 18 (3). pp. 305-325. ISSN 0966-2839

Macklin, Graham (2009) A Fascist ‘Jihad’: Captain Robert Gordon-Canning, British Fascist Antisemitism and Islam. Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, 15 (1). pp. 78-100. ISSN 1750-4902

Morris, Gareth and McAdie, Tina M. (2009) Are personality, well-being and death anxiety related to religious affiliation? Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 12 (2). pp. 115-120. ISSN 1367-4676

O'Keefe, Dennis (2009) What was the Significance of Church Cricket in Calderdale, 1860 – c.1920. In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Siddiqui, Kalim (2009) Politics and Religion in Modern India. ZNet.

Till, Rupert (2009) Popular Music as Religion: from trance dancing to worshipping popular music icons. In: Faith is. Searching for Faith and Religion. Lars Muller Publishers. ISBN 9783037781449

Till, Rupert (2009) Possession Trance Ritual in Electronic Dance Music Culture: A Popular Ritual Technology for Reenchantment, Addressing the Crisis of the Homeless Self, and Reinserting the Individual into the Community. In: Exploring Religion and the Sacred in a Media Age. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 169-188. ISBN 978-0-7546-6527-4


Cullum, Pat (2008) Medieval colleges and charity. In: The Late Medieval English College and its context. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 140-153. ISBN 9781903153222

Jarvis, Christine (2008) Becoming a Woman Through Wicca: Witches and Wiccans in Contemporary Teen Fiction. Children's Literature in Education, 39 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 00456713

Macklin, Graham (2008) The two lives of John Hooper Harvey. Patterns of Prejudice, 42 (2). pp. 167-190. ISSN 0031-322X

Rudrum, David (2008) Slouching towards Bethlehem: Yeats, Eliot and the Modernist Apocalypse. In: Ecstasy and understanding: Religious Awareness in English Poetry from the Late Victorian to the Modern Period. Continuum Literary Studies . Continuum, pp. 58-70. ISBN 9780826498649


Bastow, Sarah L. (2007) Book review of 'Religious women in the Golden Age Spain: the permeable cloister', Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt. Women's history review, 16 (2). pp. 271-272. ISSN 0961-2025

Cullum, Pat (2007) 'Virginitas' and 'virilitas' in the life and cult of Richard Scrope. In: Richard Scrope: archbishop, rebel, martyr. Shaun Tyas Publishing, Donington, pp. 86-99. ISBN 9781900289849

Hadwen, Diane (2007) Embracing diversity. Child Education. ISSN 0009-3947

Halstead, J. Mark (2007) Muslims in The UK: policies for engaged citizens: education. Project Report. EUMAP.

Halstead, J. Mark (2007) Raising the attainment of Muslim pupils in London schools. In: Raising the attainment of Muslim pupils in London Schools, 27 June 2007, City Hall, London. (Unpublished)

Halstead, J. Mark (2007) Teaching about Islam in the UK. In: International symposium on Religious Education in the Muslim World and Teaching Islam in Schools in Europe, 16-18 November 2007, Centre for Values Education, Istanbul. (Unpublished)

Oliver, Paul (2007) World faiths (3rd edition). Teach Yourself . Hodder Education. ISBN 9780340939284

Salter, Emma (2007) Jainisms Relationship to Hinduism. In: Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Routledge. ISBN 9780700712670


Hadwen, Diane (2006) Sacred spaces. REsource, 28. ISSN 0143-2710

Halstead, J. Mark (2006) Book review : All American Yemeni girls, being muslim in a public school. Journal of Islamic studies, 17 (1). pp. 121-123. ISSN 0955-2340

Halstead, J. Mark (2006) Obituary : Professor Terence H. McLaughlin. Journal of Moral Education, 35 (3). pp. 433-435. ISSN 0305-7240

Salter, Emma (2006) Rethinking religious authority : a perspective on the follower of Shrimad Rajachandra. In: Studies in Jaina history and culture. Routledge. ISBN 9780415360999

Wattis, John and Curran, Stephen (2006) Spirituality and mental well being in old age. Geriatric Medicine, 36 (12). pp. 13-17. ISSN 0268-201X


Colton, Lisa (2005) Choral Music in York, 1400-1540. In: Mass and Parish in Late Medieval England: The Use of York. Spire Books, Reading, pp. 41-56. ISBN 1904965024

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Alchemy. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Awe and wonder. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) The Gaia hypothesis. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) George Herbert. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Henry Vaughan. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) How metaphors structure our spiritual understanding. In: Spiritual education: literary, empirical and pedagogical approaches. Spirituality in Religious Education series, 3 . Sussex Academic Press. ISBN 9781845190170

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) John Bunyan. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) John Donne. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Religion, culture and schooling. In: Comprehensive handbook of multicultural school psychology. Wiley, pp. 394-424. ISBN 9780471266150

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Review of A. A. Hamid (Ed) Moral teachings of Islam: prophetic traditions from al-Adab al-Mufrad. Journal of Moral Education, 34 (1). pp. 113-131. ISSN 0305-7240

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Richard Crashaw. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Rosicrucianism. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) Spirituality in Islamic art. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark (2005) The language of spirituality. In: Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development. The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science . Sage. ISBN 9780761928836

Halstead, J. Mark and McLaughlin, Terence (2005) Are Faith Schools Divisive? In: Faith Schools: Consensus or Conflict? Routledge, pp. 61-73. ISBN 978-0-415-33526-3

Oliver, Paul and McNeill, William Hardy (2005) Sikhism. In: Berkshire encyclopedia of world history. Berkshire Publishing Group. ISBN 9780974309101

Pierson, John and Gill, Santokh Singh (2005) Believing and Belonging: Faith Institutions and Social Capital. In: Proceedings from the Community, Work and Family Conference 2005. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester. ISBN 1-900139-91-X


Halstead, J. Mark (2004) Awe, tragedy and the human condition. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 9 (2). pp. 163-175. ISSN 1364-436X

Halstead, J. Mark (2004) Religious education. In: Encyclopedia of religion (2nd edition). Macmillan, New York. ISBN 9780028657332

Salter, Emma (2004) Book Review: Jains in the World: Religious Values and Ideology in India. Author John E Cort. The Journal of Religion, 84 (1). pp. 154-155. ISSN 0022-4189

Temple, Nicholas (2004) Baptism and sacrifice: cosmogony as private ontology. Architectural Research Quarterly, 8 (1). pp. 47-60. ISSN 1359-1355


Bastow, Sarah L. (2003) Yorkshire nunneries on the eve of the Dissolution. In: From History to Her Story Colloquium, 5 April 2003, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Oliver, Paul (2003) World Faiths (2nd edition). Teach Yourself . Hodder & Stoughton, London. ISBN 978-0340859780

Salter, Emma (2003) Phenomenological Approaches to Identifying Scripture in Modern Jainism. In: British Sociological Association Religion Study Group: Text and Religious Contexts, 9th - 12th April 2003, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)


Bastow, Sarah L. (2002) Aspects of the history of the Catholic gentry of Yorkshire from the Pilgrimage of Grace to the First Civil War. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Cullum, Pat (2002) Gendering Charity in late Medieval Hagiography. In: Gender and holiness : men, women and saints in late medieval Eu. Routledge, London, pp. 135-151. ISBN 0415258219

Halstead, J. Mark (2002) State schools and muslim schools : reviewing the arguments. In: AMSS conference on muslim education in Europe, 27th-29 September 2002, Bonn, Germany. (Unpublished)

Lewis, Katherine J. (2002) Becoming a Virgin King: Richard II and Edward the Confessor. In: Gender and holiness: men, women and saints in late medieval Europe. Routledge studies in medieval religion and culture . Routledge, London, pp. 86-100. ISBN 0415258219

Salter, Emma (2002) Raj Bhakta Marg: the path of devotion to Srimad Rajcandra. A Jain community in the twenty first century. Doctoral thesis, University of Wales.


Bastow, Sarah L. (2001) "Worth nothing but very wilful": Catholic Recusant women of Yorkshire, 1536-1642. Recusant history, 25. p. 591. ISSN 0034-1932

Halstead, J. Mark (2001) Editorial : sexuality and spirituality. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 6 (2). pp. 141-145. ISSN 1364-436X

Halstead, J. Mark and Waite, Susan (2001) Nurturing the Spiritual in Children's Sexual Development. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 6 (2). pp. 185-206. ISSN 1364-436X

Oliver, Paul (2001) Teach yourself : 101 key ideas in world religions. Fair press. ISBN 9780658015748

Oliver, Paul (2001) World Faiths. Teach Yourself . Hodder Headline. ISBN 0340790601


Lewis, Katherine J. (2000) "Lete me suffre": reading the torture of Margaret of Antioch in later medieval England. In: Medieval women - texts and contexts in late medieval Britain, essays in honour of Felicity Riddy. Brepols, pp. 69-82. ISBN 9782503509792

Salter, Emma (2000) From householder to religious icon: The origins and development of the Srimad Rajacandra movement. In: 3rd Jaina Studies Workshop: The Life And Work Of Srimad Rajacandra, 11th November 2000, University of London. (Unpublished)


Lewis, Katherine J. (1999) Pilgrimage and the Cult of St Katherine of Alexandria in Late Medieval England. In: Pilgrimage explored. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 145-160. ISBN 9780952973430

Terry, James Gordan (1999) The causes and effects of the divisions within Methodism in Bradford, 1796-1857. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.

Thornton, Tim (1999) Opposition drama and the resolution of disputes in Early Tudor England: Cardinal Wolsey and the Abbot of Chester. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 81 (1). pp. 25-48. ISSN 0301-102X


Brodin, Emma Victoria (1997) Sex discrimination in employment within the Church of England. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.


Hargreaves, John A. (1991) Religion and society in the parish of Halifax, c. 1740-1914. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.

Oliver, Paul (1991) Hindu students in a further education college : an ethographic enquiry. Doctoral thesis, Huddersfield Polytechnic.


Siddiqui, Kalim (1985) Mer enn religion bak uroen [Religious violence in India]. Bergens Tidende.

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