Hearn, Jeff and Parkin, Wendy (1983) Gender and Organizations: A Selective Review and a Critique of a Neglected Area. Organization Studies, 4 (3). pp. 219-242. ISSN 01708406
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This paper has two linked tasks: one strategic, the other tactical. The first is to provide a critical review of the state of knowledge within organization theory of the topic of gender and organizations. This is seen as a necessary project both because of the relative neglect of the topic and the scatter and variety of relevant literature. A second task, that is tactical in nature, is the reapplication of the typology of organizational analyses developed by Burrell and Morgan. The topic is reviewed in terms of functionalist, interpretive, radical structuralist, and radical humanist paradigms, together with the consideration of feminist critiques. Specific discussion is given to the questions of work and the division of labour, power and authority, and sexuality. The paper is concluded with a brief analysis of the implications of this literature for the general development of organization theory, and the specific implications for women and men researchers.

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