Gentili, Pier Luigi, Heron, B. Mark, Rightler, Amanda L. and Gabbutt, Christopher D. (2016) Discriminating between the UV-A, UV-B and UV-C regions by novel Biologically Inspired Photochromic Fuzzy Logic (BIPFUL) systems: a detailed comparative study. Dyes and Pigments, 135. pp. 169-176. ISSN 0143-7208

This work presents the analysis of the deterministic part of human colour perception at the computational,
algorithmic and implementation levels. At the computational and algorithmic levels, we invoke
the theory of Fuzzy sets. At the implementation level, we present Biologically Inspired Photochromic
Fuzzy Logic (BIPFUL) systems that are useful to discriminate between the three regions of the UV
spectrum (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C). Such BIPFUL systems have been devised by imitation of the human
photosensitive system on retina. After transforming the absorption spectra, originated by the BIPFUL
systems under UV-A, UV-B and UV-C, in chromaticity coordinates and vectors in CIE L*a*b* spaces, we
have compared their performances through the determination of two parameters: The Colourability and
the Eucledian distance. Finally, the guiding principles for the design of new BIPFUL systems are outlined.

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