Emmanouil, Sophia and Bridger, Alexander J. (2015) Trace: Instructions for Mapping Space. In: Community Psychology Festival, 20 November 2015, Bridge 5 Mill, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Alex and Sophia worked in collaboration with members of the health and arts organisations HOOT and OOB. Rebecca Lawthorn became a critical friend and offered invaluable support and advice at different stages of the project.
This presentation , showcases the inspiration and references behind the trace project, introduces the groups that took part and the methodology-instructions followed during the workshops.

Indicative work from the participants is also demonstrated in this document.

The findings of the explorations of the trace participants , were exhibited alongside the art projects of Rob Lycett and Juliet McDonald in Huddersfield Art Gallery, from February till May 2014.

Mancester Community Psychology Festival Presentation.pptx - Submitted Version

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