Rodriguez, Alison (2014) Dementia facebook app to raise awareness of the illness. [Web page]

“With over 800,000 people living in the UK with dementia and this figure expected to rise to one million by 2025, dementia is a health and social care priority. With more responsibility for care being given to families and lay carers, it is important that we increase public awareness of the condition. The new dementia facebook app is focused upon the memory loss and memory disruption aspects of the condition. We build up a personal history with its mix of emotions on our facebook sites, as we also do in our minds. Our sense of who we are is linked to our autobiographical memory. The message behind this dementia app is that if we lose this mental history and recollection ability, then we lose something of ourselves. We cannot function so well if our memories are lost, unclear or scrambled and this will hopefully be felt to some degree, by those trying out the new app.


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