This research aims to identify the currently used techniques in evaluating
credit risk in Egypt’s banking sector, then to evaluate these techniques and
to develop model(s) to evaluate credit risk in Egyptian banks. In a pilot
study, the researcher conducted informal interviews with key personnel in
three of the Egyptian banks, in order to evaluate credit risk policies.
The pilot study showed that these banks do not use any of the statistical techniques in the evaluation process. So, the researcher expects that there
will be differences between the existing techniques and the proposed
techniques in terms of the results of the evaluation process, which will be
reflected in the prediction ability in the future, after the implementation of
the proposed techniques. At the final stage of the research an investigation
will be conducted, by means of a questionnaire survey of Egyptian banks,
into attitudinal aspects of implementation of sophisticated techniques. Logistic regression will be run in order to attempt to establish any significant
link between the degree of predisposition to implementation and other
banks characteristics, for example, size and number of branches.
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