McNulty, Ann, Richardson, Diane and Monro, Surya (2010) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Equalities and Local Governance Research report for practitioners and policy makers. Research Report. ESRC.

This report has been written for practitioners and policy makers. The research findings will be presented and written about in more detail in various places. For details see:
The research project explored local authority sexualities and trans1 equalities initiatives in Northern Ireland, Wales and England. While each of these different parts of the UK has a particular system of governance, the research focused on factors identified as drivers of, and forms of resistance to, the LGBT equalities agenda across geographical and political boundaries. To protect the confidentiality of research participants we refer to the geographical location of people who are quoted only when relevant, for example when what they said related to a particular place.
The research looked at sexualities and trans equalities work in local authority settings. However, as Local Strategic Partnerships2 / Local Strategy Partnerships3 (Northern Ireland) bring local authorities together with other parts of the public sector and with the private, business, community and voluntary sectors, the report includes examples of work shared by a range of organisations, and a list of resources4 that can be used across provider boundaries.

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