We report the results of a search for Z(4430)- decay to J/ψπ- or ψ(2S)π- in B-,0→J/ψπ-K0,+ and B-,0→ψ(2S)π-K0,+ decays. The data were collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e- collider operating at center-of-mass energy 10.58 GeV, and the sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 413 fb-1. Each Kπ- mass distribution exhibits clear K*(892) and K2*(1430) signals, and the efficiency-corrected spectrum is well described by a superposition of the associated Breit-Wigner intensity distributions, together with an S-wave contribution obtained from the LASS I=1/2 Kπ- scattering amplitude measurements. Each Kπ- angular distribution varies significantly in structure with Kπ- mass, and is represented in terms of low-order Legendre polynomial moments. We find that each J/ψπ- or ψ(2S)π- mass distribution is well described by the reflection of the measured Kπ- mass and angular distribution structures. We see no significant evidence for a Z(4430)- signal for any of the processes investigated, neither in the total J/ψπ- or ψ(2S)π- mass distribution, nor in the corresponding distributions for the regions of Kπ- mass for which observation of the Z(4430)- signal was reported. We obtain branching-fraction upper limits B(B-→Z-K̅ 0,Z-→J/ψπ-)<1.5×10-5, B(B0→Z-K+,Z-→J/ψπ-)<0.4×10-5, B(B-→Z-K̅ 0,Z-→ψ(2S)π-)<4.7×10-5, and B(B0→Z-K+,Z-→ψ(2S)π-)<3.1×10-5 at 95% confidence level, where the Z(4430)- mass and width have been fixed to the reported central values.