Moradi, Iman (2008) Seeking perfect imperfection: a personal retrospective on glitch art. Vector (e-zine) (6). ISSN 1646-2009
Pattern, David and Moradi, Iman (2009) Making Library Data Work Harder & Games Serendipity Libraries. In: Mashed Oop North, 23 July 2009, University of Huddersfield.
Cabanzo, Miguel, Yau, Nathan, Sanchez, Monica and Moradi, Iman (2007) Human flows. In: Visualizar workshop, 18th November 2008-4th January 2009, Madrid.
Moradi, Iman, Scott, Ant, Gilmore, Joe and Murphy, Christopher (2009) Glitch: designing imperfection. Mark Batty Publisher. ISBN 0979966663
Lycett, Robert and Moradi, Iman (2011) Angelic Conversations. [Show/Exhibition]
Moradi, Iman Pylon. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Moradi, Iman UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)